Từ đồng nghĩa của harmonious

Alternative for harmonious

Từ đồng nghĩa: blending, compatible, congenial, in tune, musical,

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Musically or melodically tuneful or melodious
melodious musical euphonious melodic tuneful dulcet mellifluous lyrical symphonious euphonic symphonic mellifluent harmonic harmonising harmonizing canorous consonant sweet silvery congruous rhythmical balanced eurhythmic eurythmic sonorous concordant polyphonic sweet-sounding pleasant-sounding sweet-toned easy on the ear in chorus in concert in unison mellow songful lilting lyric soft smooth pleasant soothing honeyed agreeable pleasing in tune resonant tuned orchestral liquid rhythmic pleasing to the ear clear birdsweet silver-toned bell-like operatic rich choral catchy poetic golden euphonous flowing songlike well-pitched expressive in harmony rhapsodic bardic emotional poeticized poetical blending chiming passionate personal subjective inspired sentimental deeply felt romantic seraphic angelical euphonical poppy foot-tapping easy-listening fluent pure silvery-toned round pretty well-tuned harmonized assonant accordant classical clarion distinct orotund rotund silver-tongued instrumental philharmonic ensemble enjoyable vocal well tuned melting consistent music harmonised matching coloratura ariose chantlike congruent agreeing singsong singing singable complementary coordinating toning chant-like sing-song song-like fluid silky soulful sweet-flowing metrical elegiac epic iambic epical anapestic epodic odic dactylic idyllic dramatic light songly graceful full symbolic creative verse figurative deep Parnassian whistling humming uplifting whimsical in verse ringing imaginative

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Free from disagreement or dissent
congenial amicable friendly cordial agreeable amiable peaceful kindred unanimous cooperative peaceable sympathetic compatible frictionless fraternal simpatico united affable easy good-natured in accord of one mind conflict-free in harmony in tune en rapport in rapport in step in unison free from disagreement on same wavelength seeing eye to eye sociable like-minded companionable genial in agreement civil pleasant comradely neighbourly neighborly on the same wavelength nonviolent concurring kind of the same mind warm hospitable social pacific mellow gracious strife-free on the same page kindly similar disciplined orderly agreeing obliging convivial consistent consonant warmhearted helpful matey collegial considerate good-humoured palsy bonhomous chummy without hostility clubby palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met hail-fellow hearty buddy-buddy good-humored well-disposed easy to get along with non-violent civilized concordant brotherly pacifistic understanding nice civilised congruent parallel moderate non-hostile calm accordant corresponding easy-going gregarious amical well suited intimate cozy cosy well disposed familiar conversable free from strife of like mind coming from the same direction singing the same song together law-abiding with one voice ruly like well behaved akin responsive suited in sympathy nonaggressive controlled bloodless reconcilable outgoing approachable extroverted well matched casual warm-hearted informal extrovert unceremonious clubbable unselfish thoughtful accommodating generous confidential livable couthy pally clubable communal extraverted close supportive decent buddy buddy backslapping tight company-loving uninhibited passive pleasing measured easy to live with placid conciliatory mild sensible tolerant temperate gentle nonbelligerent peace-loving easy to get on with fit adapted personable likeable suitable sympathique well-suited complaisant favourable happy favorable congruous likable jovial unwarlike regular fellow right neighborly at peace on friendly on good terms on friendly terms courteous polite empathic regular right nice square shooting cheerful easygoing good-tempered benevolent affectionate welcoming engaging benign tender charming open sweet unreserved amenable loving compassionate delightful lovable caring cheery receptive urbane kind-hearted relaxed lenient big-hearted accessible winning good kindhearted tender-hearted softhearted liberal good-hearted winsome soft charitable appealing lovely beneficent indulgent goodhearted tenderhearted fond communicative thick humble chivalrous mild-mannered inseparable soft-hearted chirpy benignant bland perky large-hearted boon merciful sweet-tempered happy-go-lucky natural available talkative suave personal unstuffy bountiful sweet-natured gallant bosom near unctuous humane open-handed magnanimous unassuming free and easy attractive fatherly maternal all heart harmless motherly giving well-mannered faithful well meaning respectful carefree attentive dear down-to-earth taking diplomatic noble nonchalant courtly buoyant smiling ingratiating great-hearted heartfelt enthusiastic earnest wholehearted sincere open-minded blithe unpresumptuous prepossessing tactful inward especial bighearted even-tempered eager fun munificent bounteous comforting swell lavish patient paternal unstinting constant cool angelic unoffensive public-spirited as thick as thieves well intentioned forthcoming forbearing downright neighborly modest stately thick as thieves bubbly confident demonstrative loyal amusing confiding hilarious jocose attached entertaining vibrant funny comical jocular guestfriendly folksy assent unconstrained unflappable cliquey humoring facile smooth familial brother's sibling genealogical charismatic enjoyable relishable preferable heroic courageous ladylike decorous gentlemanly good-looking expansive expressive wonderful clannish valiant in favour unaffected undemanding genuine presentable breezy copacetic glad-handering chilled genteel well-bred well mannered mannerly inviting solicitous humouring self-effacing captivating enchanting brave handsome deep amorous empathetic couth door's always open laid-back good company unemotional glowing mushy as nice as pie sensitive reasonable jolly bluff affectious quiet in favor canny nice-looking pretty bonny fresh officious snug fearless honourable intrepid honorable stout-hearted bold dauntless red-carpet merry free-and-easy lively oily debonair at ease meek soft-spoken shy moral non-confrontational laid back lamblike demure sisterly dovelike reverent retiring dove-like forgiving sweetheart aces comely okay white-hat cheering chipper upbeat high enlivening joyous upper up jocund sunny glad fast barley-sugar noble-minded valorous selfless bombastic favourite firm devoted nonmalignant cherished eleemosynary soft touch propitious dutiful bleeding-heart big regardful openhearted feeling deferential wholesome altruistic benefic pitying greathearted princely humanitarian philanthropical fatherlike clement heart in right place philanthropic openhanded freehanded boisterous vivacious nonthreatening sunny side up dearest special favorite knightly free nearest and dearest close-knit witty ungrudging good egg all right spirited waggish sprightly free-handed well-meaning fabulous gassy non-malignant pro encouraging appreciative well-intentioned down encouraging of supporting of in favour of vicarious supportive of approving in favor of approving of responsive to having a heart on the side of friendly to favourably disposed to receptive to well disposed to favorably disposed well-disposed towards favourably disposed towards in sympathy with tuned in

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Consistent, compatible, or in agreement with something else or a whole
consistent compatible congruent consonant congruous accordant concordant coherent correspondent like corresponding nonconflicting matching agreeable coordinated similar adapted attuned suitable symmetrical conformable to correspondent to correspondent with comparable agreeing in agreement harmonizing harmonising of a piece complementary conforming tallying parallel coordinating analogous complementing sympathetic alike akin resembling congenial resemblant identical conformable corroborative corroboratory supportive confirmational correlative corroborating coordinative supporting uniform equivalent same confirmatory duplicate cognate equal ditto connate suchlike such substantiating fitting appropriate confirming proper according fit blending reconcilable in line meet concurring double twin in keeping cooperative in tune in accord commensurate close tantamount related homologous kindred near undifferentiated homogeneous synonymous interchangeable substitutable homogenous unvaried indistinguishable all of a piece much the same coinciding substantiative apt concurrent probative affirmative probatory in compliance compliant becoming in concert verifying vindicating seemly paired toning logical obedient coupled well-suited companionable interoperable together well-matched friendly adaptable equable in harmony corresponding to conforming to in step according to conforming with cotton to having good vibes in sync with in the groove hitting it off getting along with on the same wavelength congeneric carbon copy symphonious congenerous allied allying not unlike equaling approximative selfsame Xerox companion reciprocal kin relating jibing invariant even exact one and the same substitute equalling dead ringer approximating connatural fungible unvarying coextensive like peas in a pod like two peas in a pod proportionate matched agnate twinlike reminiscent analogical coequal undiverse undifferenced coincident much of a muchness cut from the same cloth the same on par of a kind harmonious with in accordance with congruous with compatible with according with consistent with accordant with concordant with in rapport in harmony with at one with in agreement with more or less the same

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Relating to synergetics
synergetic symbiotic collective interdependent combined concerted common collegial united collaborative coordinated shared reciprocal combining synergistic coactive synergic team agreeing coacting coefficient collaborating collusive concurring joining participating uniting coadjuvant in league hand in glove joint communal mutual pooled unified mass public conjunct cross-party multiple allied conjoint interactive unanimous cooperative two-way consolidated joined linked group cumulative aggregate composite collated associated concentrated cohesive amalgamated undivided intermutual related leagued cooperating affiliated give-and-take community integrated grouped incorporated connected corporate bipartite neighbourhood merged assembled mutually beneficial communicating compiled neighborhood confederated fused communistic banded general dual mixed mingled confederate hand in hand in partnership social banded together for all conglomerate mutualistic communalist participative co-operative joined up together one tied in multiparty bidirectional conjoined assisting business house company planned prearranged jointly planned participatory helping agreed upon ensemble team-based assimilated conjugate conjunctive overall concatenated interchangeable returned reciprocated requited correlative community-led noninteractive interprofessional broad socialistic global all-embracing complete blanket gathered coherent homogenized blended meshed homogeneous open interspersed federal federated massed piled heaped hoarded unrestricted in cahoots crowdfunded interactional crowdsourced homogenised mutually dependent included complementary dependent partaken participated bilateral respective interchanged convertible two-sided accessible available free reciprocative community-based without charge free for all open-door not exclusive free to all accessible to all free-for-all not private open to the public given and taken non-interactive community-driven

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Showing good aesthetic judgement or appropriate behaviour
tasteful refined elegant cultured discriminating graceful handsome stylish beautiful charming cultivated fastidious smart artistic exquisite pleasing restrained attractive becoming chic delicate fit fitting polished sensitive classy courtly fine majestic pretty stately aesthetic urbane chaste classical discerning esthetic gratifying in good taste nice plush posh precise pure quiet rich snazzy sophisticated spiffy splendiferous subdued swank unaffected unobtrusive uptown aesthetically pleasing lovely decorative ornamental creative expressive moving emotional imaginative simple symmetrical subtle picturesque ideal musical dramatic grand rhythmical stimulating sublime pictorial austere plain understated well-proportioned balanced Augustan swanky fashionable genteel high-class luxurious civilized distinguished civilised suave gracious fancy couth dignified ritzy gallant opulent sumptuous well-bred comely polite dashing modish upmarket upscale superior courteous formal plushy swish civil exclusive dicty tony high-toned gentlemanly decorous aristocratic debonair flattering accomplished dainty ladylike advanced chivalrous august select well bred well mannered glitzy highbrow intelligent educated experienced with good taste a la mode splashy lavish on fleek deluxe flashy yuppie glamorous swankish fancy-pants poised appealing comfortable well-off discriminative tasty particular critical ceremonious ceremonial royal honourable affable obliging honorable trim streamlined highbred gentle prim proper preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied conventional fetching neat enhancing presentable trendy mod in cool sharp expensive symbolic elevated figurative flowery aerodynamic flowing smooth agreeable accurate evolved pinpoint airy spot-on close developed late higher progressive improved forward mathematical high rigorous cute pleasant punctilious well-mannered in vogue classic perceptive profound deep insightful poetic high-brow high-minded sleek scholarly intellectual enlightened knowledgeable erudite well-chosen choice noble ornate rare ostentatious ornamented affected well-informed full of feeling schmick recherche overdone stylized well-designed well-dressed artistically aware learned well-read appreciative understanding arty well informed liberal tolerant well read versed up-to-date well educated lettered savant blue-stocking mannerly intellectually aware literary informed able distingue well-educated literate traveled travelled au courant

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Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another
complementary reciprocal compatible corresponding harmonising harmonizing interdependent matching companion complementing complemental completing correlative interrelated interrelating supplemental supplementary supporting supportive twin balancing commutual completory conclusive correspondent crowning equivalent fellow filling finishing integral integrative interconnected matched mated opposite paired parallel perfecting comparable analogous congruent consonant consistent like equal resembling resemblant similar coordinating related identical duplicate cognate connate suchlike alike akin congruous same ditto such kindred undifferentiated accordant interchangeable coordinative commensurate uniform synonymous homogeneous conforming homogenous indistinguishable tallying concordant double toning mutual proportionate agreeing in agreement tantamount close near homologous substitutable unvaried undiverse conformable relative the same much the same dependent corroborative corroboratory correlated confirmational corroborating symphonious of a piece twinlike reminiscent analogical undifferenced coequal kin much of a muchness on par cut from the same cloth selfsame of a kind confirmatory standardised standardized substantiating nonconflicting confirming coherent obverse melodious musical cooperative concurring euphonious comparative affinitive tuneful proportional commensurable approximative euphonic conformable to correspondent to correspondent with reciprocatory exchanged give-and-take reciprocative symphonic jibing even exact answering canorous closely related agnate proximate affiliate shared joint common allied substitute equalling equaling congeneric carbon copy relating congenerous invariant one and the same allying dead ringer not unlike approximating connatural congenial fungible unvarying Xerox coextensive alternate on the order of closely linked closely connected concomitant two-way communal coordinate exchangeable convertible changeable relational blending coupled all of a piece like peas in a pod like two peas in a pod associated connected affiliated same difference approximate incident look-alike Tweedledum and Tweedledee on a par like Tweedledum and Tweedledee linked coterminous symmetrical amounting qualified consanguine coincident according contingent on the same wavelength same as tied like-minded in accord of one mind equalized equalised conditional very approaching very same even-steven exactly the same even-stevens spitting image identic to the same degree evenly matched on the same page impossible to tell apart of the same mind conterminous autologous homologized coinciding looking like looking alike unanimous with one voice counterpart carbon copy synonymous with commensurate with connected with allied with cognated associate generic general universal relatable almost identical respective verging on bordering on as good a match concurrent facsimile much the same as attractive likeable likable germane the same as as good as of a piece with the dead spit a dead ringer transposable commutable regular invariable in the same category of that ilk workalike converse swappable interconvertible not a million miles away from harmonised harmonized treadmill of the same kind stack up with on a plane break even on level pegging dual twofold sister co- duplex binary double-edged bipartite double-barreled referring reliant geminate clone drawn copied second duplicating accompanying bifold joined balanced carbon-copy united combined bound married with nothing to choose between them nip and tuck on a level side by side close together level pegging neck and neck all square level in a position of equality amalgamated leagued confederate unified integrated syndicated cooperating by comparison modified aligned wed friendly partnered in league in cahoots allusive metaphorical not absolute reasonable vying contrastive in proportion restricted fair rivalling provisional not positive rivaling in comparison with reservation hand in glove suitable sympathetic in tune coming from the same direction singing the same song harmonious with in accordance with congruous with compatible with according with consistent with accordant with concordant with in rapport in harmony with at one with in agreement with more or less the same

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(of a place or setting) Having a personable or relaxed atmosphere
intimate cosy cozy friendly informal relaxed warm comfortable comfy easy easygoing hospitable relaxing pleasant snug welcoming cushy homely laid back homelike homey familiar cheerful congenial homy restful easeful laid-back homestyle down-home leisurely safe soft gemütlich inviting snug as a bug in a rug mellow secure canny domestic homespun downhome reassuring comforting agreeable snuggly sheltered home-like appealing peaceful calm serene reposeful folksy soothing delightful unhurried tranquil stress-free undisturbed carefree undemanding casual unworried at home at ease satisfied commodious content contented untroubled unexacting open natural breezy cool unpretentious simple unstuffy unconstrained unstudied matey chummy unaffected pally unbuttoned easy-going low-pressure non-formal free-and-easy lazy sedate measured deliberate lax free slow gentle unrushed nonchalant effortless dawdling unhasty leisured lingering steady fun sympathetic careful cautious obliging tractable temperate docile unoppressive unburdensome languid recreational toasty warming hot recognized recognizable indulgent placid calming sluggish snaillike lagging snail-paced pokey tardy poking dilatory dragging poky lackadaisical laggard dallying crawling dillydallying languorous creeping delayed slack slow-moving slackened amusing frivolous entertaining unceremonious unreserved unrestrained recognisable recognised non-job related non-work related enjoyable free and easy patient plush convenient satisfying loitering plodding useful made well slow and steady

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Appropriate, relevant, or significant
happy apposite appropriate apt becoming befitting condign deserved fairy-tale fit good helpful justified related relevant rightful seemly acceptable applicable apropos congruous fitted germane pat suited adequate pertinent qualified to the point well-chosen well-suited in keeping to the purpose fitting proper material admissible important relative suitable significant appurtenant pointed connected linked requisite pertaining to congruent consonant correct ad rem cognate allowable compatible conformant in point applicatory pointful conforming correlated having direct bearing on accordant valid referring salient weighty having to do with on the nose consistent right on the button concerning correspondent felicitous opportune timely meet useful expedient convenient propitious just legit kosher favourable essential vital auspicious favorable belonging key relating crucial worthy choice pertaining right on critical seasonable central well-timed pretty main primary pivotal noteworthy ideal advantageous fundamental perfect carefully selected tailor-made paramount due chief major serviceable decent decorous appertaining on target of use spot on principal remarkable comme il faut allied arresting influential providential operative beneficial notable applicative marked profitable indispensable able associated meaningful capable of interest neat dependent timeous fortuitous functional prepared feasible practical worthwhile adapted deserving ready valuable reasonable employable satisfactory productive beneficent best okay of note just right useable available usable conformable commodious made to order handy that's the ticket equal equitable of service good enough supplementary peripheral auxiliary accessorial supplemental accessory peculiar unique associable contingent relatable rehearsed benign heaven-sent golden intrinsic inspired judicious apropos of about akin lucky ripe fortunate associated with connected with cardinal substantive desirable with respect in regard well chosen analogous just what was ordered well judged telling joyous well put well expressed convincing kindred on-topic of consequence well timed kindly welcome benefic usual benignant friendly exact predictable towardly expected win-win prosperous seasonal optimal salutary outstanding noticeable signal striking prominent pronounced conspicuous indicative appropriate to the time of year good for you normal for the time of year good for one precise sufficient advisable merited presentable interesting swell righteous politic copacetic nice predominant very model consummate absolute prototypical quintessential user friendly fit for purpose up to standard in character up to snuff cut out for right up someone's street in keeping with sensational archetypal on the money ultimate supreme just the job momentous topical prime obvious staple dominant basic equipped exploitable operable practicable preferable exciting serious historic urgent buzzworthy extraordinary front-page consequential great far-reaching constructive invaluable leading moving intrusive projecting protruding famous impressive arrestive jutting focal obtrusive imperative effective instrumental newsworthy -worthy allowed passable tolerable permitted permissible conducive behooveful in demand gainful strategic appreciated necessary respected needed rewarding fruitful meritorious admired exigent out of the ordinary of substance pressing of help hot loved esteemed worth its weight in gold of value of benefit of assistance held dear estimable worth it of the essence affiliated justifiable legitimate interconnected immediate standout foremost supportable tenable licit legal defensible lawful tolerated sensible sound worthful hot property scarce recognized OK sanctioned concomitant importunate definite of concern emphatic coupled accompanying corresponding rational possible logical pukka likely probable warranted fair concedable well founded solid vigorous above board recognised within the law by the book not unlikely not impossible high interdependent mutual tied up incident intertwined incidental knit together interrelated joint reciprocal in touch with complementary enmeshed interwoven

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In conformance to, or in agreement with

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Sensible and emotionally stable
well-balanced graceful level-headed rational reasonable sensible sound stable steady together proportional sane symmetrical well-adjusted well-proportioned all there astute aware cognizant discriminating grounded having all one's marbles informed intelligent judicious knowing logical mentally stable practical prudent sober well-thought-out wise balanced normal happy secure symmetric proportioned in proportion well balanced well-formed reasoned discerning well thought out commonsensical sagacious well-reasoned thoughtful shrewd levelheaded realistic sage well-founded well-advised coherent just valid justified good commonsense commonsensible well advised well-grounded well reasoned insightful perceptive circumspect solid enlightened discreet politic canny clever cogent sapient savvy sharp plausible justifiable deductive analytical analytic firm expedient smart strategic perspicacious lucid credible pragmatic objective careful advisable percipient down-to-earth tactical matter-of-fact tenable intellectual sustainable congruent far-sighted consistent viable legit legitimate accurate well-informed well judged well grounded learned knowledgeable educated workable feasible considered likely reliable desirable effective convincing believable proven confirmed argute acceptable reflective fair compelling defensible hard ratiocinative cerebral thinking probable right supportable maintainable defendable relevant profound judgmatic judgmatical perspicuous pertinent consequent common-sense efficacious cognitive holding water thorough clear-cut full of common sense joined-up cool worldly-wise kosher well informed showing great knowledge with great knowledge diplomatic cautious telling provident vigilant clear substantial powerful strong deliberated healthy acute bona fide persuasive irrefutable arguable true intuitive pawky skilful conclusive weighty authoritative germane determinative straight unemotional dispassionate erudite forceful vindicable tactful experienced articulate skillful sophisticated clear-sighted seemly considerate wary calculating well-judged judicial heads-up keen seasonable long-headed quick-witted uncorrupted able to hold water clear-headed attested tested potent trustworthy well founded cogitative contemplative inferential scholarly foresighted inductive deducible holding together syllogistic full of insight practicable realizable attainable operational achievable suitable possible operable doable manageable serviceable usable applicable philosophic infallible trustable veridical reasoning collected faultless unquestionable certain synthetic veracious equitable responsible useful accomplishable errorless sure sincere impeccable inerrant corroborated colorable meticulous rigorous validated substantiated verified truthful no-nonsense decent serious-minded mature within reach within reason empirical certified open definite calculable explicit exact precise stringent empiric understandable impartial moderate restrained conservative controlled temperate unprejudiced steady-going attentive au courant conversant in right mind dead-on spot-on on-target letter-perfect of use worthwhile thought-out unexcessive fair-minded open to reason evenhanded in one's right mind admissible based on good sense making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme realisable within possibility within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility

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Free from defect or error
seamless perfect flawless impeccable faultless unblemished immaculate ideal irreproachable indefectible absolute coherent consistent logical ordered smooth uniform uninterrupted picture-perfect picture-book letter-perfect spotless stainless pure exemplary model untarnished unsullied without fault squeaky clean innocent guiltless consummate sinless copybook intact whole without blemish unmarred above reproach blameless unimpeachable accurate correct incorrupt precise exact lily-white virtuous unerring sound undamaged pristine squeaky-clean clean unimpaired excellent exquisite clear unflawed beyond reproach unspoiled whiter than white undefiled classic error-free uncontaminated unbroken unmarked unpolluted supreme inculpable mint superlative cleanhanded unspoilt unspotted optimal uncorrupted errorless tip-top just so as sound as a bell as good as new on target as pure as the driven snow unexceptionable superb masterly outstanding entire meritorious exceptional honourable admirable honorable defectless prepared A1 untainted prime optimum spick-and-span finished peak irreprehensible irreprovable meticulous faithful scrupulous archetypal ultimate righteous good unblamable reproachless untouched foolproof quintessential complete idyllic fitting word-perfect snow white bang on spot on crimeless unguilty textbook best prototypical unstained representative modest uninjured decent unhurt chaste classical right on on the mark on the nail on the button pure as the driven snow have-it-all best possible moral upright white ten fleckless beyond criticism right nice aces apple-pie infallible A-okay note-perfect above suspicion virgin unharmed fresh unaffected unsoiled as new in perfect condition unscathed wholesome unchanged virginal fair spic-and-span in mint condition sanitary unmutilated proper in tiptop condition uncorrupt antiseptic definitive paradigmatic very natural requisite shining unassailable shipshape top original brand-new finest new foremost like new choicest typical preserved inviolate archetypical choice unaltered full polished pre-eminent fine gleaming sterile crisp comprehensive best-case sparkling refreshing sterilized without a scratch brand-spanking new total recent integral scatheless unadulterated honest grand taintless plenary unused unmoved compleat solid holy standard span-new just out undisturbed appropriate sterilised snowy brand new characteristic uninfluenced spanking opportune imitable spanking-new vintage regular suitable signature unimpressed unstirred shiny secure stock untried prototypal essential just right sublime in good condition neat on the money cleaned up hygienic brand spanking new spanking new without errors untouchable operational unhindered working on point cleared unquestionable unagitated ethical highly respectable reputable upstanding free unchallengeable trustworthy first-class sacred unprofaned glowing unblackened reliable dependable as good as before disinfected artless fleek burnished bright firsthand beyond question beyond suspicion impeccant well-preserved relevant demure transcendental utopian idealized idealised angelic unassuming uninfected healthful salubrious indifferent mint condition unseasoned untrodden pertinent apt sackless unoffending dry-eyed unconcerned intemerate pasteurised aseptic healthy undebased pasteurized ultra-clean commendable laudable young unstudied unprocessed latest free of not guilty free of sin snow-white snowy-white estimable praiseworthy unviolated health-giving good for you germ-free perfectly clean speckless well-suited made to order tailor-made just the job sterling spick and span freshly laundered clean as a new pin together unsevered punctilious applaudable out of danger worthy bueno very good neato neat and tidy clean and tidy tidy very clean spruce cleaned safe and sound indiscrete imperforate uncut raw infrangible immune inviolable not bad current in one piece batting a thousand not too shabby all in one piece late newfound distinctive usual hot off the fire newborn hot off the press true distinguishing distinct identifying indicative idiosyncratic illustrative dinki-di staple unmistakable symbolic identifiable emblematic particular stereotypical diagnostic discriminating archetypic suggestive diagnostical prototypic stereotyped stereotypic familiar standardized conventional standardised common peculiar patterned typic individual true to form most favorable most excellent most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most typical

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Providing perfect happiness or great joy
blissful joyful joyous ecstatic happy delighted rapturous elated euphoric enchanted enraptured satisfied beatific overjoyed transported chuffed delightful enthusiastic glad gratified pleased pleasing ravished rhapsodic satisfying thankful thrilled tickled cock-a-hoop enjoyable gratifying heavenly in raptures in seventh heaven in transports on cloud nine pleasurable rapt wrapped cool crazy dreamy floating flying gone idyllic mad orgasmic peaceful perfect sent spaced-out turned-on wonderful blissed out in ecstasies beside oneself with happiness beside oneself with joy in ecstasy over the moon in the twilight zone on top of the world jubilant exultant gleeful cheerful content tickled pink exhilarated contented cheery merry stoked animated sunny jovial on cloud seven radiant mirthful gay walking on air elevated bright in high spirits beaming intoxicated exuberant jumping for joy excited sparkling jolly entranced upbeat on a high laughing jocund as pleased as Punch blithesome chirpy light-hearted floating on air genial delirious buoyant made up pleasant peppy giddy as happy as Larry chipper blithe untroubled rhapsodical high as happy as a clam like a child with a new toy exalted grinning smiling carefree unworried up gladsome enrapt heady lighthearted can't complain breezy treading on air airy sprightly jaunty as happy as a sandboy pleased as punch blessed captivated sparky optimistic hopeful smiley happy-go-lucky in good spirits charmed fulfilled flying high triumphant tickled to death roused ebullient bubbly in transports of delight without a care in the world effervescent cheered well pleased like a dog with two tails willing glowing lively rejoicing positive felicitous peart good-humored good-humoured festive winsome looking good comfortable full of beans appeased full of hope at ease of good cheer full of the joys of spring gruntled serene inspired frenzied hilarious cheering aroused convivial perky blest light playful grateful engaged interested heartwarming puffed up frolicsome gladdened appreciative vivacious bright-eyed and bushy-tailed zippy zingy fantastic eupeptic lightsome canty spirited jocular hung up delirious with happiness wild aglow complacent relaxed entertained deliriously happy overwhelmed in heaven smug carried away at peace very happy enchanté sublime glorious stimulated seraphic uplifted poised composed pacific possessed commodious providential sober measured collected bouncy vigorous heartening proud thrilled to bits inspirited saintly psyched pumped high-spirited amused diverted appreciatory blissfully happy easy-going easy hushed unflustered sedate unperturbed unruffled in paradise in rhapsodies jocose debonair assuaged tranquil fervent hysterical frisky insouciant easygoing unthinking amiable placid corybantic good reassured comforted relieved consoled very pleased pleasantly surprised in transports of joy in transports of pleasure full of vim and vigour bright and breezy agreeable pacified like the cat that's got the cream welcome soothed solaced hopped up set up fired up wigged out wild with excitement only too happy extremely happy amusing humorous boisterous jumping boon riotous uproarious larking grooving self-possessed athrill overexcited in exaltation out paradisiacal well rollicking rosy paradisal fun paradisaical paradisaic saturnalian sanguine paradisiac rousing zappy rocking happy as a lark happy as a clam in a frenzy of delight sportive magical turned on Panglossian eager in a good mood in a frenzy spellbound desirous excitable enthused enlivened motivated encouraged great feel-good rip-roaring fun-loving starry-eyed rose-colored fascinated enthralled inclined electrified craving gung ho gripped bewitched avid amenable hungry agog bursting ambitious appetent thirsty restive piqued athirst impatient disposed solicitous awakened longing pining keen geeked hepped up hopped-up hankering greedy covetous moved alive tumultuous mesmerized engrossed held riveted popping flipping preoccupied absorbed intent aflame beside oneself absent dreaming mesmerised absent-minded abstracted daydreaming employed beguiled hypnotised busy occupied enamoured inattentive taken involved hypnotized enamored unconscious oblivious doing handsprings wrapped up caught up in beautiful funny ludic entertaining gamesome crank comic mischievous roguish facetious hearty comical chucklesome celebratory jokey frivolous kittenish snappy exulting impish crowing glorying prideful coltish gloating flippant antic devil-may-care frolic waggish full of life witty diverting festal skittish puckish prankish gladdening droll teasing laughable larkish elvish energetic enlivening full of fun joshing daffy gala swaggering triumphal boastful jesting flushed arch romping game splendid joking unconcerned encouraging triumphalist friendly fabulous slaphappy whimsical alert free and easy elfish larky frolicky fay sportful vibrant noisy risible naughty exciting stirring cheerly bouncing tongue-in-cheek tricksy rascally devilish dizzy uplifting bantering vital good-natured silly perk flip Pickwickian zestful pizazzy jazzy pizzazzy ludicrous exhilarating lots of laughs brash heart-warming as merry as a grig as lively as a grig full of pep sunny side up impassioned spectacular showy celebrating bonny laughter-filled dynamic unconstrained revelling fun-filled irrepressible scintillating bubbling colorful colourful coquettish warming fresh bucked coy victorious reveling wowed vivid loony nutty chaffing jollying flirtatious lusty prizewinning lucky champion dominant roseate pixieish scampish glib pixie sly leprechaunish knavish wicked pixy carnival holiday off-the-wall blown away clever smart cute terrific active mettlesome springy kinetic pleasure-seeking animate pert racy rakish spanking brisk clowning in fun in jest sportsmanlike gentlemanly fair glass half full flakey wacky boffo for grins camp flaky joculous gagged up campy Christmassy zesty confident forward pushy self-assertive presuming shallow superficial cheeky trivial fulfilling soul-stirring frolicking wanton capering espiègle rowdy grand charming engaging excellent comforting empty-headed demure scatterbrained flirty feather-brained rumbustious roisterous back-slapping good-time lovely feeling one's oats full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre robustious rambunctious awesome backslapping considerate sportsmanly decent generous rewarding unruly knockabout hell-raising cavorting swashbuckling raucous unrestrained uninhibited magnificent marvellous marvelous decorated carnivalesque go-go swinging feastly feastful childish expansive resilient super volatile feelgood honest honourable evenhanded just honorable reasonable square rollicksome thumping ripping loud laid-back side-splitting farcical sensational outstanding superb juiced up heartfelt sweet loving inspiring touching killing priceless sporting ridiculous comedic humoristic sidesplitting screaming rib-tickling hysteric promising very funny extremely amusing hysterically funny straight shooting square shooting square dealing scream gut-busting riot cordial warm killingly funny a scream a hoot affable congenial too funny for words companionable sociable comradely hospitable matey approachable chummy hail-fellow-well-met sympathetic kind kindly bluff neighbourly buddy-buddy well disposed outgoing pally bonhomous palsy neighborly company-loving palsy-walsy collegial gracious gregarious amicable warmhearted hail-fellow extroverted extrovert clubby warm-hearted regular easy to get along with favorable favourable upper welcoming

Danh từ

The absence of incompatibility between two things
congruity accord conformity congruence consonance accordance agreement conformance congruency harmony tune coherence compatible concord consistency symmetry correspondence uniformity similarity compatibility unity likeness resemblance similitude sameness concurrence equivalence unison equality analogy identity parallelism compliance identicalness affinity concert correlation alikeness balance parity concordance coincidence oneness closeness consensus equivalency comparability evenness unanimity semblance coordinateness regularity rapport fit support union harmonization conformation proportion homogeneity harmonisation equal terms interoperability adherence equilibrium integrity levelness congruousness nearness coequality form selfsameness order symphony consonancy association relationship conforming interchangeability indistinguishability par orderliness orchestration concinnity chorus chime conformability analogousness alliance agreeing affiliation complying sympathy arrangement adequation concurrency amity homogeneousness assent solidarity smoothness similar nature like-mindedness euphony pitch consilience match equalness functionality suitableness empathy alignment unvariedness standardization duplication concession concurring reconciliation observance keeping settlement congeniality verification accession accommodation compromise approximation abidance observation shapeliness centrality finish proportionality rhythm acceding acknowledging assenting ratifying standardisation draw quits tie obedience deference consent apposition no difference submission connection level pegging relation stability coordination steadiness organization respect wholeness comparableness organisation synchronization singleness undividedness entity mapping comparison blending integration cohesion matching togetherness blend unification attunement fitness suitability synchronisation articulation soleness totality singularity individuality

Từ trái nghĩa của harmonious

harmonious Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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