Từ đồng nghĩa của wrapped up

Động từ

To have carried out an action to the end
completed finished concluded achieved finalized fulfilled consummated nailed accomplished did effectuated executed performed settled realized capped perfected actualized crowned ended polished terminated carried off carried out complemented did thoroughly finalised finished off got through polished off realised rounded off rounded out sewed up sorted out topped off went through with wound up added the final touch to added the finishing touch to brought to a conclusion brought to an end brought to fruition brought to maturity called it a day made good on made perfect made up put the finishing touches on put the last touches on put to bed ultimated closed put a stop to halted stopped discontinued brought to a close called a halt run down setted the seal on sewn up determined dealt with done shut discharged put the lid on put paid to put a lid on made good buttoned down put into effect put the stopper on ran down put lid on put the tin lid on put an end to put finishing touch on put the finishing touch to pulled off mopped up hit put away put the kibosh on ceased gotten through lapsed disposed of expired passed reached made established engineered implemented brought to a stop quashed brought to a halt quelled subdued seen to saw to suppressed enacted prosecuted closed down negotiated administered stifled nipped in the bud brought to a standstill conducted managed operated gone through with done thoroughly went whole hog went the limit gone whole hog gone the limit handled clinched organized called a day hammered out logged brought about thrashed out closed the door on clocked up folded up taken care of knocked off terminated the account run with the ball racked up chalked up organised wrapped closed out worked out closed the books buttoned up wrapt topped it off notched up liquidated carried through transacted sold out cleaned up carried on brought off took care of did for done for canned done business did business ran with the ball rung up hat rang up hitten

Động từ

Past tense for embalm

Động từ

Past tense for to dress warmly

Động từ

Past tense for to bring to an end
terminated ended concluded finished closed stopped ceased discontinued aborted axed completed wound up broke off broken off expired lapsed closed out dead-ended determined died elapsed went gone halted passed quit quitted rounded off rounded out belayed belaid abolished adjourned annulled broke up broken up brought to an end cancelled canceled cut short desisted dissolved dropped eliminated extinguished left off let up prorogated prorogued recessed scratched scrubbed ultimated winked out wrapped wrapt brought to a close brought to a conclusion cut off laid off lay off put a stop to wound down brought to an untimely end put an end to ran out run out came to an end come to an end pulled the plug on shut down put a period to culminated finished off consummated settled topped off cut out knocked off packed in ended up called a halt to put the lid on suspended finalized called off packed it in packed up closed down finalised called it a day drawn to a close drew to a close sewed up sewn up interrupted crowned resolved come to a close abandoned put paid to shut off clinched cut come to a halt cut loose desisted from rounded up put a lid on knocked something on the head put to bed quit cold cut it out called it quits canned gotten done got done given up gave up come to a stop paused scrapped accomplished discharged relinquished sundered come to a standstill capped killed faded away stopped dead petered out come to rest cleared climaxed cinched shuttered came to a close broke broken brake died away collapsed cooled it reached a standstill died down fizzled out died out stopped in one's tracks ran its course folded winded something up disposed of switched off stood held pulled the plug come to a conclusion withheld disconnected came to a halt carried out nipped something in the bud got shut of nipped in the bud buttoned up buttoned down folded up carried through brought to fruition withdrawn withdrew led up to built up to given over gave over hung up gave something the chop given something the chop setted the seal on avoided renounced resulted eschewed reached a finale surceased brought down curtain kicked over turned out to be come to the end tied up loose ends turned out laid off of liquidated cleaned up come to a head refrained from brought to a halt tied up hung it up finished up kicked the habit came to a stop came to a standstill came to rest drew to a halt drawn to a halt came to a conclusion withholden holden got shot of gotten shot of drawn to close drew to close forwent forgone came to a head did came to the end done done without taken the cure gotten on the wagon did without took the cure forbore from forborne from abstained from got on the wagon dispensed with phased out intermitted ditched kicked rescinded repealed revoked cried off gotten rid of got rid of shunned did away with done away with checked arrested discarded quashed removed nullified binned recalled called brought disunited intervened separated parted dissevered interposed disjoined pulled up shelved forfeited ignored remitted jilted divorced sacrificed stopped midstream forsook forsaken knock it off called a halt skipped resisted precluded steered clear of shirked passed up bypassed kept from got off stayed away from finished with retired from backed off from held off withheld from refused reined in shied from sidestepped pulled out of restrained from averted dodged checked out from resigned from parted from parted with wiped out turned your back on skirted surceased from kiboshed eighty-sixed called it quits on escaped from jacked in skipped out on had done with dusted off dumped blown off bagged it blew off knocking it off shaken shook gotten off withdrawn from withdrew from swore off shrank from broken the habit of gotten out of sworn off shrunk from got out of broke the habit of wrote off thrown up threw up written off broke with forgot about broken with forgotten about

Động từ

Past tense for wrap up, cover, or surround completely
enveloped covered enclosed encompassed surrounded blanketed enfolded enwrapped swathed hid hidden veiled concealed encased encircled engulfed obscured shrouded wrapped wrapt cloaked cocooned embraced sheathed swaddled enshrouded mantled shielded bosomed bowered circumfused embosomed embowered enswathed inclosed invested involved lapped masked muffled screened obnubilated wrapped around contained cooped covered up draped fenced girded girt girdled guarded hemmed overlaid overlayed overlay overspread protected rolled superimposed shut in clad immersed palled clothed infolded folded bundled bound packed clasped clutched cradled squeezed coated gathered circled hugged cuddled paved captivated consumed cladded entwined clinched grabbed prest pressed cinched packaged inwrapped bandaged bounden rolled up bundled up bunched gift-wrapped baled took taken winded wound housed adorned fit padded carpeted plastered smeared ensconced flooded encrusted daubed sheeted eclipsed buried bedaubed decorated spread spread around spread over spread thickly over confined put over fitted submerged boxed encapsulated giftwrapped soundproofed heatproofed lagged caked dressed encaged closeted caged cased veneered embedded cushioned laminated clung clinged faced inlaid surfaced smothered insulated capped topped moulded bedecked overlain camouflaged twined absorbed absorpt sheltered glazed plated ornamented overlapped trussed cosseted besmeared overrun furled crowned made shockproof suffused varnished washed twisted wreathed molded turned stashed shingled imbricated strapped up muffled up extended over taped up washed over drest sunken sunk sank overran

Động từ

Past tense for to give a summary of
boiled down abstracted briefed digested encapsulated epitomised epitomized outlined recapped recapitulated reprised summarised summarized synopsized summed up came down to come down to put in a nutshell cut cut down condensed abridged abbreviated shortened run through reviewed compressed run down read through put down summated capsulized went over ran through gone over restated reiterated repeated sketched telescoped contracted rehashed list trimmed compacted reduced summed pared bad-mouthed evaluated slammed ran down cut back reedited knocked weighed skinned alive examined discussed corrected raved panned made a summary of judged inspected cut to bone trashed assessed cut short ripped studied revised zapped given the main points of gave the main points of given a summary of given the gist of gave a summary of gave the gist of recounted captured described run over expressed recorded delineated inventoried snipped skimmed ciphered reworded pruned enumerated replayed retrograded paraphrased rephrased compiled listed indicated characterized drafted given an abstract of gave a precis of swung at nutshelled skeletoned gave a synopsis of adumbrated touched on curtailed draughted skeletonized given a precis of gave a rundown of told about run through again decreased gave one's opinion swang at made a outline of wrote a critique made an outline of laid out took down given one's opinion taken down written a critique given an outline of given a rundown of gave an outline of characterised given a synopsis of stated again gave an abstract of ran over gotten to the meat got to the meat written a summary of wrote a summary of gave a rough idea given a thumbnail sketch of gave a quick rundown on given a rough idea of gave a thumbnail sketch of gave a rough idea of lay out given a quick rundown on given a rough idea gone over same ground went over again gone over again went the same round ran through again went over same ground gone the same round got to meat gotten to meat given main points gave main points truncated edited clipt clipped chopped shrunk cropped pared down concentrated docked downsized elided syncopated lessened diminished blued pencil capsuled minified shrank shrunken constricted slashed restricted narrowed limited put in nutshell cut out cut to the bone cut off concluded closed totaled estimated totalled consolidated expurgated bowdlerized zipped made shorter bowdlerised sized up dwindled lopped lopt bobbed minimized excerpted retrenched minimised aborted stopped short turned up summarized the evidence made a long story short summarized the argument reviewed the evidence got shorter taken up took up gotten shorter given a digest of gave a digest of taken out took out gotten the measure of given a summing-up gave a summing-up got the measure of

Động từ

Past tense for to achieve, especially by succeeding in a competition or contest

Động từ

Past tense for to finish in a given place or rank, typically in a competition

Tính từ

Unavailable for meetings
busy unavailable engaged occupied tied up preoccupied working at work on duty in a meeting tied down on active service otherwise engaged engrossed in harness already taken have a previous engagement have a prior engagement in conference on assignment taken with a customer employed active bustling industrious hard-pressed on the job on the go hard at work on the hop hard at it involved diligent absorbed assiduous sedulous laborious hopping immersed tied-up busy as a bee on the move overloaded committed snowed up to one's ears have one's hands full at it energetic busy as a beaver lively tireless humming engrossed in at work on preoccupied with absorbed in rushed off one's feet with immersed in interested utilized focused on utilised clocked up on the trot head over heels rushed off your feet too much on plate in use full hired operating signed laboring selected inked reserved in place in collar on board plugging away retained in a job on the payroll labouring being used jobholding contracted dynamic productive vigorous spirited jumping time-poor held booked rushed off one's feet hard-working hardworking in full swing having fish to fry having enough on one's plate efficient having a full plate slaving hustling harried in demand having many irons in the fire participating devoted enthusiastic on the run dedicated keen dutiful spoken for ardent influential fervent devout faithful activist motivated contributing leased populated populous peopled rented forward go-getting go-ahead two-fisted participant operative running associated with affiliated with concerned with connected with participating in taking part in

Tính từ

Denotes a termination of something or an action
through over complete completed concluded ended finished done terminated at an end decided determined done with gone past settled over with up ancient history in the bag wound up buttoned up accomplished finalized consummated sewn up down fulfilled finalised achieved realized executed effectuated effected realised sorted out closed resolved polished off in the can brought about finished off discharged over and done with performed clinched carried out wrapped-up attained compassed established all over full-fledged out of the way dead extinct produced perfected final set made no more worked out brought to pass full bygone discontinued out of hand dispatched handled ceased lapsed entire satisfied taken care of organized organised in the past built exhausted depleted spent rendered prepared effete wrought come to an end knocked off tied up over and done a thing of the past finished with a wrap used up dispensed with decreed ordained designated chosen destined prescribed allotted agreed fated fixed concrete defunct kaputt obsolete expired kaput nailed prearranged predetermined set in stone consummate all-inclusive sweeping all-embracing that's it fini all over but the shouting home free forgotten elapsed actualized bypast gone by dead and buried former departed ancient earlier olden happy ripe vanished content contented pleased nonextant long-ago foregone of old of yore gratified run out comfortable obtained crowned matured out of date at ease brought to a close made good out-of-the-way materialized substantiated caused materialised run invalid perf relaxed unrenewed void dead and gone passed all up left removed voided induced developed elaborate mature previous lost antiquated one-time dissolved dissipated dried up burned up moved on conclusive thorough faultless arranged ago nonexistent quelled outmoded erstwhile extinguished quashed stifled sometime quondam old-fashioned archaic belated late forepassed out-of-date long-gone old-time dated oldfangled serene placid quenched smothered suppressed past recall delighted reached untroubled rewarded in oblivion sunk in oblivion ready down memory lane put into effect at peace in readiness water over the dam water under the bridge all systems go done and dusted good to go

Tính từ

Under the surface of a liquid
immersed absorbed deep engrossed busy rapt buried consumed involved occupied attentive enthralled focused focussed intent mesmerised mesmerized observant spellbound bound-up engaged into preoccupied taken up all ears bound up tied up turned on eat sleep and breathe in a brown study riveted captivated gripped lost caught up intrigued fascinated hooked interested fixed hung up fixated head over heels held really into concentrated hypnotized hypnotised concentrating up to here entranced obsessed fanatical intense preoccupied by submerged single-minded locked in dialed in caught up in steadfast distracted gone enrapt infatuated enchanted intent on focused on heavily into hell-bent up to here in set up to your ears deep in thought hooked on committed determined obsessive resolved firm riveted by captivated by resolute all wound up earnest steady inflexible wrapped studious passionate watchful charmed besotted keen absent-minded abstracted enraptured alert enthusiastic concerned smitten bewitched devoted monomaniacal queer beguiled happy taken over enamored enamoured wound up preoccupied with sunk in single-minded about potty about crazy about engrossed in absorbed in wrapped up in obsessive about passionate about nuts about stuck on dedicated to enthusiastic about interested in gone on dotty about involved in possessed by wild on hung up on devoted to immersed in having a one-track mind bent connected eager steeped insistent transfixed impatient centered settled enticed centred set on deep in enfolded sedulous diligent assiduous monopolized industrious bugged ignorant gripped by engaged with beguiled by monopolised engaged in hypnotized by fixated by fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by absentminded entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait dreamy enthralled by spellbound by taken up with somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us rapturous ecstatic transported rhapsodic giddy delighted elevated thrilled euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady sent intoxicated blissful ravished absent joyful inattentive carried away taken dreaming overwhelmed content blissed out daydreaming employed unconscious oblivious exclusive whole entire undivided all strong-minded persistent dogged dedicated driven intensive motivated entangled affected caught embroiled implicated incriminated enmeshed knee-deep ensnared inculpated up to one's neck in knee-deep in mixed up in mixed up with participating taking part mixed up drawn in embarrassed up to your eyes up to your elbows sunk glued hanging on every word curious ardent fervid fervent feverish crazy excited moved impassioned nuts full prepossessed attracted dotty drawn agog inquisitive enquiring stimulated snoopy beady-eyed nosy responsive inspired lured inspirited predisposed awakened fired roused inquiring touched open sold struck sympathetic impressed burning with curiosity on the case

Từ trái nghĩa của wrapped up

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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