Từ đồng nghĩa của caught up

Tính từ

Mesmerized by someone or something, typically in a positive way
spellbound captivated fascinated beguiled entranced enraptured charmed hypnotised hypnotized awestruck mesmerised mesmerized riveted delighted enthralled rapt attracted dazzled gripped overwhelmed transfixed transported amazed awestricken breathless enticed hooked agape bewitched impressed thrilled bedazzled held starstruck stunned won over open-mouthed under someone's spell engrossed absorbed enchanted intent infatuated preoccupied enamored immersed engaged enamoured wrapped up intoxicated occupied involved focused focussed deep attentive busy smitten enrapt consumed lost taken up hooked on under a spell rapturous ecstatic intrigued rhapsodic giddy elated exhilarated elevated rhapsodical heady euphoric sent ravished aroused abstracted fixed buried tantalized seduced titillated absent-minded oblivious wrapped happy absent concentrated inattentive daydreaming observant tantalised hung up tied up in a brown study obsessed awed trapped snowed affected steeped captive submerged over the moon on cloud nine set centered earnest steady centred mentally enchanted watchful gone intense concentrating enfolded studious steadfast settled enthusiastic alert excited overpowered very interested head over heels locked in set on dialed in deep in really into stuck on fond of sold on very inquisitive in love with extremely curious highly interested extremely interested very curious into bound-up distracted all ears bound up turned on pensive distrait heedless eat sleep and breathe absentminded unaware faraway brooding blissful anxious asleep distant far away airheaded worried thoughtful wrapped-up removed mooning forgetful in a world of your own woolgathering bugged moony elsewhere immersed in thought deep in thought inconscient lost in thought bemused joyful taken employed dreaming content unconscious interested blissed out carried away caught up in overjoyed in seventh heaven joyous in raptures animated jubilant gleeful delirious exultant stoked cock-a-hoop on a high on top of the world high walking on air jumping for joy beside oneself with happiness exalted frenzied on cloud seven delirious with happiness beside oneself with joy in transports of delight floating on air proud cheerful pleased hysterical fervent corybantic flying in high spirits floating turned-on in transports wigged out wild with excitement in heaven tickled pink flying high in a frenzy of delight extremely happy ebullient inspired zestful exhilarative energized delightful rejoicing triumphant bright cheery energised exulting high-spirited in paradise in rhapsodies gladdened flushed filled with joy beatific crowing revelling boastful crank glorying prideful swaggering gloating dizzy stimulated treading on air orgasmic victorious gay triumphalist reveling flipping merry wowed deliriously happy made up overexcited in exaltation athrill upbeat crazy out mad sunny dreamy wild only too happy as pleased as Punch piqued galvanized moved concerned galvanised quickened blown away tickled to death in a frenzy pleased as punch very happy as happy as Larry cheered roused as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy happy as a lark happy as a clam like a child with a new toy ardent beside oneself passionate emotional lyrical extravagant eulogistic puffed up over-the-top hopped up set up looking good fired up

Tính từ

Showing or feeling insecurity or uncertainty
hung up anxious nervous nervy worried aflutter antsy atwitter dithery edgy goosey hinky insecure jittery jumpy perturbed queasy queazy tense troubled uneasy unquiet upset uptight het up ill at ease bothered concerned agitated apprehensive on edge keyed up disturbed twitchy restless fidgety on tenterhooks on pins and needles fearful unsettled disquieted overwrought frightened wired stressy in a tizzy distressed scared flustered discomposed alarmed afraid shaky neurotic in a state fretful stressed hyper worked up strung out strained overstrung restive distraught dismayed unnerved shaken spooky squirrelly windy panicky toey vexed excited in a state of agitation uncertain strung up like a cat on a hot tin roof all of a dither in a sweat uncomfortable disconcerted highly strung unstable hysterical ruffled in a state of nerves spooked irked choked in a stew in a flap like a cat on hot bricks in a cold sweat having kittens all of a lather in a tizz hesitant trembling shaking discombobulated wrought up sensitive terrified overanxious rattled high-strung bundle of nerves tormented irritated annoyed unsure a bundle of nerves shook up in a twit in a twitter self-conscious unrelaxed shy excitable inhibited quaking touchy doubtful skittish flurried shocked discountenanced irritable suspicious beside oneself nervous wreck wound up angsty confused disappointed worried sick adrenalized paranoid oversensitive inconvenienced under stress muddled anguished harassed irrational riled unglued stressed out bricking oneself all of a doodah clutched retiring embarrassed shrinking discomfited fazed hurt brittle fretting grieved irresolute sad fevered febrile unhappy saddened frozen in suspense irascible quivering white-knuckled timorous gutted impatient temperamental testy peevish hassled unrestful crabbed hot-tempered chippy aghast hysteric afflicted mousy solicitous fixated emotional phobic angered fretted beset displeased harried angstful shivery with one's stomach in knots angry put out blue lily-livered shot to pieces up the wall aggravated running scared tortured bugged thrown hot and bothered broken up perplexed with butterflies in one's stomach cut up in a dither a wreck worried stiff with one's heart in one's mouth like a fish out of water miffed obsessed provoked have cold feet plagued twittering indecisive tentative distracted dithering wavering vacillating under pressure swithering fraught all of a flutter shaking in one's shoes under a strain creepy frisky in turmoil palpitant all nerves wrung on the qui vive overemotional falling apart histrionic pressured traumatized traumatised wreck moving moved fluttery white knuckled shot withdrawn strict on the defensive conventional old-fashioned cautious frazzled unconfident awkward compulsive manic obsessive tetchy having stage fright biting nails having butterflies stiff having cold feet trepidatious foreboding having a funny feeling weak mistrustful angst-ridden diffident out of place bashful faltering unnatural gauche crotchety prickly timid short-tempered captious snappy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered erratic unhealthy maladjusted abnormal disoriented aberrant deviant basket case disordered blushing self-doubting unassertive self-effacing frantic offended ill-tempered moody critical meek lacking confidence unforthcoming verklempt come apart psyched out unzipped bummed out wounded at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up low amazed not self-assured lacking self-confidence introverted passive distrustful defensive vague touch and go up in the air Delphic unassured hanging by thread on thin ice questioning unpoised active hurried transient unsteady tossing and turning turbulent unruly wandering intermittent changeable fidgeting itchy inconstant unpeaceful footloose spasmodic roving sleepless fitful nomadic bustling thin-skinned conservative umbrageous easily upset easily affected volatile easily hurt hyper-sensitive hypersensitive easily offended terrorized asea cowed exacerbated puzzled chagrined pained mortified pestered harrowed startled affrighted petrified nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious terror-stricken abashed discontented exasperated horror-struck scary horrified irate disheartened nerves on edge careful disgruntled peeved maddened carrying a chip on your shoulder infuriated unsatisfied unfulfilled frustrated resentful incensed fuming wrathful in a huff discouraged embittered narked cross nettled ill-humoured in a temper dissatisfied piqued huffy inflamed fed up ill-humored enraged unsated ungratified defeated furious chicken-hearted yellow in fear and trepidation numb chicken scared stiff very scared rabbity pushing the panic button in a panic sissy butterflies jellyfish terrorised numb with fear taut watchful having butterflies in the stomach in a spin a basket case dreading in a flat spin sweating bullets frenzied desperate panic-stricken intimidated overexcited daunted scared to death mad cowardly faint-hearted feverish miserable stunned wretched hectic aroused distrait pusillanimous devastated delirious spineless sorrowful hot under the collar flighty terror-struck horror-stricken scared witless fractious heated overactive disconsolate inconsolable wrought-up at the end of your tether weak-kneed heartbroken grief-stricken dolorous desolate fainthearted appalled tremulous broken-hearted overcome sorrowing beleaguered raving cowering despairing overwhelmed afeared crazed frit frightened to death wimpy waiting for the axe to fall in a funk pessimistic demoralized swivel-eyed high brokenhearted in a blue funk waiting with bated breath worked-up haunted crazy affected in a lather carried away beside yourself skittery insane exercised in a frenzy easily frightened dubious wrecked shook not confident ratty hag-ridden agog agonized wary despondent gutless depressed guarded sceptical dejected melancholy wriggly mousey squirmy panic-struck panicked wiggly craven demoralised hyperactive careworn wild doleful bitter doubting skeptical fearsome shot down recreant grieving weeping mournful rueful pigeon-hearted frightened out of one's wits perverse ornery tensed scared out of one's wits preoccupied galled woeful dolesome cynical unbalanced teed off spiritless soft hounded wailing aching bewailing bemoaning suffering lacking courage wimpish unheroic yellow-bellied funky feart feeble berserk sheepish pigeonhearted wet chickenhearted shaking like a leaf consumed poor-spirited stilted frenetic oppressed agonised stupefied submissive unyielding weary bedevilled stressed-out unhinged unscrewed deranged demented dazed dumbfounded out of your mind in pain racked with suffering racked with pain in pieces violent bedeviled flipped out out of one's mind in awe in doubt in a pother burdened in a tiz-woz scunnered fussy easily agitated intense flushed disorderly complaining dragged ripped aquiver disorientated petulant unreluctant emotive stirred up flapping unconsolable reserved afire hyped-up atingle hyperexcited jerky strung-up worrying blanched bewildered curt emotionally charged eagerly hard-pressed strange lost overstretched discomforted mistrusting chary hyperexcitable grumpy ill-natured juiced up zipped up hot avid all agog open-mouthed prim chafed sorry deploring lamentable plaintive lugubrious regretful funeral plangent unmanly goose-bumpy nerveless quivery anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting cranky splenetic grumbling out of sorts whining crabby recalcitrant restlessly moving run scared with bated breath biting one's nails butterflies in stomach circumspect untrusting painful refractory lacking in confidence lacking assurance modest shamefaced pressurized pressurised obstinate stubborn faultfinding mean snappish contrary caviling carping tongue-tied lacking social skills tearing one's hair out tied up in knots mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks abject boneless dastardly tooshie white-livered poltroon sookie keyed-up fired-up stirred unstrung freaked-out wound-up hot-and-bothered strung-out worn tired spent cavilling apprehensive about intimidated by leery paralysed speechless paralyzed raging uncontrolled alarmed at in a fluster champing at the bit throwing a wobbly fiddle-footed sissified milk-livered chicken-livered caitiff base candy-assed fierce maniacal rabid ferocious put upon benumbed transfixed unsure of yourself out of countenance cringey steamed up out of control berko shattered cowhearted backward worthless possessed wakeful immobilized immobilised shell-shocked weird spazzed out last-minute zonkers corybantic weirded out freaked out at your wits' end wigged out at wits' end at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit hot under collar all shook up nonplussed addled nuts gripped at wit's end under the cosh up against it indeterminate unclear equivocal borderline unknown questionable ambiguous dubitable chancy inconclusive gentle Milquetoast capricious bullied browbeaten insomniac on guard all wound up visited by preyed upon heavyhearted broken cheerless morose hopeless on the rack dominated controlled no guts having the willies paper tiger bereaved down heartsick hurting very upset cursed seized unsleeping awake rigid dogged overpowered surrounded mourning crushed insomnolent suicidal devoured held bewitched suspecting alert persecuted taken over under a spell fiendish in the grip of like a chicken with its head cut off flexed tight trustless forlorn downcast vigilant clouded possessive quizzical hard without sleep wide-awake attentive wide awake gloomy dismal woebegone aggrieved hacked off resigned wondering unbelieving solid firm tightened in despair defeatist heavy with grief overcome with sorrow melancholic strabilious bleak sunk no-win long-suffering jealous cheesed off shirty peed off brassed off sore ticked off stretched weighed down can't win close snug tightly drawn inflexible extended in the pits not a prayer at end of one's rope down in the dumps in the soup in the dumps burning with excitement indignant steaming crook bent out of shape boiling ireful snaky having reservations in question

Tính từ

(idiomatic, figuratively) Burdened or weighed down, especially by a mass of something unpleasant
bogged down burdened encumbered mired overloaded beset laden loaded saddled beleaguered besieged flooded inundated lumbered overcome overinvolved overwhelmed plagued swamped weighed down snowed under knee deep weighted down full jammed stuffed crowded filled jam-packed chock-full crammed teeming swarming packed overflowing brimming congested overcrowded chock-a-block brimful overfull thronged bursting bursting at the seams cram-full replete filled to capacity overfilled packed like sardines full to bursting full to the gunwales abounding chockful chockablock fat clogged heaving fraught crammed full full to overflowing like Piccadilly Circus choked bulging at the seams seething charged overpopulated weighted hoatching flush plentiful overburdened running over spilling over like the Black Hole of Calcutta up to the rafters overrun overpeopled stacked solid rife thick awash mobbed stocked profuse alive bountiful abundant supplied glutted superabundant saturated wall-to-wall complete plenteous gorged filled up full to capacity full to the brim up to the hilt full to the gills filled to the brim full to the top oppressed worried troubled overladen taxed bounteous lousy well-provided well-stocked thronging overbuilt well supplied chocker well stocked well provided cramped lined copious hampered permeated suffused padded plethoric covered occupied overfed luxurious lavish full up jammed full topped up loaded down torrential exuberant inundatory scaturient cornucopian inundant blocked plugged obstructed gridlocked impeded blocked-up piled high fully charged thick on the ground stuffed-up packed out massed mucous stopped closed stoppered blocked up jam-full stuffy occluded stopped up snarled up consigned bundled chock compressed wrapped tumid arranged rammed to the roof freighted

Động từ

(catch one up) Past tense for to impart information or knowledge
acquainted advised apprised briefed enlightened cleared familiarised familiarized informed instructed versed hipped told clued in filled in wised up let know put in the picture let in on put in the picture about updated tipped off notified primed kept posted clued in on put wise put on to genned up on instructed in edified revealed warned made aware disclosed apprised of kept up to speed with posted filled in on kept up to date explained schooled trained coached taught educated made familiar guided communicated made conversant habituated accustomed to drilled prepared directed counseled counselled taught in educated in informed of advised of divulged made aware of put wise to schooled in clued up on sent word to kept someone posted let know one got up to date indoctrinated in put someone through their paces clued up about initiated into clued let next to initiated let down hair tutored grounded disciplined ground accustomed announced informed about intimated seasoned indoctrinated upskilled illuminated lessoned acquainted with appraised trained in coached in habituated to inured made known to primed on grounded in related gave the gen about brought out made cognizant led naturalized given the lowdown communicated knowledge opened someone's eyes adapted gave information about gave the low-down on touted dinned something into brought up to date on kept up to speed gave a rundown of leaked to told about fixed up got to know about knocked down become aware of explained to grassed up notified of clued up become adept in given information about engineered cased come out with given a rundown of described the state of affairs to cautioned given the low-down on introed introduced to filled someone in brought up to speed checked out plugged into wonted brought up-to-date brainwashed genned up leaded announced to levelled conditioned brought into use primed in snuck on updated on welled informed about made familiar with leveled come to know brought up to date kept abreast run by explained the circumstances to levelled with steered gained friendship popularized welled up on leaked tattled kept posted one piloted gotten together gave the lowdown imparted to upped to date with reported to tipped popularised communicated to used brought into common use got together adjusted mixt made clear oriented opened up naturalised forewarned made conversant with mixed briefed as to inculcated drummed into made used to explained the situation to given the gen about lectured sent word given notice gave notice came out with ran by gave lessons broke it to given lessons broken it to gave lessons to broke in gave lessons in given lessons in given lessons to broken in gave details to given details to given the word gave information to gave the word given information to gave a pointer blown the whistle on blew the whistle on gave a tip gave the low-down to shown the ropes given two cents given a pointer gave someone to understand given the low-down to showed the ropes gave two cents given a tip given someone to understand got lay of land gotten lowdown on became aware of got lowdown on got with it gotten lay of land came to know got in became adept in broke the ice gotten to know gotten in awakened to gotten with it got to know broken the ice gave the gen given the gen given instructions gave instructions given a rundown given the rundown on shown the lay of the land given rundown gave rundown gave the gen on gave a rundown gave the rundown on showed the lay of the land given the gen on introduced acclimatized orientated acclimated acclimatised attuned alerted familiarized with accommodated imparted waked laid it out passed on learnt about played oneself in put on the line put someone on notice put on guard put wise about put on the alert become accustomed to hardened reported settled converted tuned acculturated haunted visited frequented affected based reconciled aligned altered composed related to indicated devoted made used addicted endured tolerated confirmed harmonized made knowledgeable exposed presented with suggested hung at predicated rested conformed harmonised faced determined turned located made acquainted with reminded hanged hung woke woken brought into contact with updated about pointed out declared to hinted found your feet offered information kept informed made known enlightened as to raised the alarm sounded the alarm signalled described kept up to date with prompted run past signaled grown used to grew used to became accustomed to resorted to gotten into the habit got into the habit took to taken to gave the latest given the latest ran past gave intelligence given intelligence gave the low-down given the low-down given the rundown gave the rundown given a warning to gave fair warning to gave a warning to given fair warning given warning gave the high sign gave warning given the high sign gave fair warning given fair warning to got used to gotten used to given information given the skinny on gave information gave the skinny on

Động từ

Past tense for to meet with someone, usually for purposes of sharing information

Động từ

(caught up) Past tense for to catch in, or as in, a trap
enmeshed ensnared entangled ensnarled entoiled entrapped snared tangled trapped immeshed meshed netted involved embroiled caught implicated hooked mired bogged down embrangled captured bagged landed broiled mixed up seized nabbed grabbed nailed got collared snagged snatched copped glommed corralled snarled nobbled grappled rapped set back snapped up seduced enticed lured deceived tricked gotten gat beguiled allured incriminated inveigled laid for intertwined springed floundered stuck tangled up hung up led on pulled in roped in lassoed sucked in trammelled trammeled muddled engaged clung wired reeled in arrested boxed in benetted troubled setted a trap for decoyed betrapped clinged detained rounded up sticked took captive taken captive gotten hands on sprent gotten hold of got hands on got hold of secured grasped gained laid hands on won taken took achieved acquired laid hold of gripped attained lift clutched wrested obtained earned yanked apprehended reapt reaped scored brought in picked up pulled down procured plucked appropriated ambushed abducted pinched wrenched nicked lifted prehended garnered took hold of taken hold of grabbed hold of clinched annexed bound seized hold of carried off clasped clenched held swiped pulled jagged fettered enchained snapped accomplished drawn drew got a hold of gotten a hold of received commandeered extricated prised kidnapped kidnaped treed cornered realized busted waylayed ambuscaded run to ground waylaid beached taken into custody took into custody grabbed away swung had gone for went for scooped amassed blagged realised picked off caught hold of took a grip of taken a grip of got fingers on clapped hands on clapp hands on gotten fingers on run to earth taken by force took by force clutched at came by hauled in laid a trap for stretched for pounced on come to have knocked down come into felt someone's collar ran to ground took in taken in ran to earth taken prisoner took prisoner took possession taken possession went after gone after came to have came into gotten one's fingers on taken hostage got one's fingers on took hostage

Động từ

(caught up) Past tense for to hold or engage the attention of
absorbed absorpt engrossed enthralled engaged enwrapped fascinated gripped hypnotised hypnotized immersed interested intrigued involved occupied bedazzled bemused enchanted mesmerised mesmerized spellbound arrested busied captivated charmed bewitched riveted rivetted enraptured beguiled entranced held transfixed preoccupied magnetized magnetised attracted diverted grabbed enamored held spellbound caught delighted allured holden enticed pleased employed dazzled thrilled transported enamoured monopolized monopolised tied up captured drawn drew ravished won engulfed amused entertained wiled compelled witched lured distracted killed overwhelmed consumed raptured ensnared excited wowed enslaved subdued invited soaked knocked out bowled over knocked dead tickled pink put under a spell kept busy taken up took up amazed tantalized tempted bewildered astounded buried enveloped infatuated gratified gained seized pulled fixed fixt fixated aroused fired interested greatly piqued animated overpowered provoked kindled tantalised stirred seduced titillated stimulated appealed gladdened intoxicated subjugated got under someone's skin held the attention of got lost in cornered held your attention become lost carried away inspired won over delectated turned on assimilated lost oneself in filled ensorcelled held in awe made a hit with concerned swept off your feet moved confused upped on made happy caught hold of subjected staggered hogged applied hooked swept off feet held attention attended used up slayed owned dumbfounded own slain slew threw yourself into absorbed yourself in thrown yourself into became lost sewed up sewn up cast a spell on tickled swept off one's feet hit the spot satisfied persuaded sent hexed fulfilled wooed overjoyed exhilarated influenced vamped rapped elated contented cheered inveigled bedevilled bedeviled appealed to coaxed pleasured rejoiced tickle to death tickled someone's fancy caught the eye of tranced stunned struck electrified voodooed cajoled stupefied affected humoured humored touched suited warmed arrided gladded whetted the appetite of induced beckoned sucked in took taken cheered up pulled in brought in agreed with made someone feel good floated someone's boat ensorceled spelled overcome impressed cursed possessed controlled decoyed elevated endeared gave a buzz given a buzz gave someone a kick given someone a kick given pleasure to gave pleasure to led on baited betrayed solicited lift solaced indulged regaled tricked blown away blew away put horns on courted hoodooed quickened cast a spell over sent into raptures grooved condemned put the whammy on put under magic spell roped in steered come on pleased greatly obliged bid tickled to death made content bucked up picked up put in a trance put a spell on rooted to the spot set at ease come on to put the mozz on put the evil eye on lit someone's fire put 'em away gone over big went over big warmed the cockles of the heart hit on put off guard stricken haunted awed astonished obsessed misled overcame overawed deluded dominated floored called enthused entrapped besotted befooled maddened roused filled with delight mollified appeased inclined uplifted heartened lifted inflamed blinded had power over dazed converted placated enlivened charged motivated rallied brightened disported recreated turned someone on turned one on petrified paralysed fueled galvanized fuelled agitated conciliated pacified propitiated sweetened had mastery over jubilated scored exulted gloried flushed made hit with assuaged gentled juiced galvanised came on brightened up feasted panicked gassed relaxed exerted influence on exerted a pull on drew one's attention drawn one's attention got obtained secured brought joy to buoyed up stirred up accursed given someone a charge gave someone a charge snared signed indicated asked demanded summoned commanded caught someone's eye immobilized gorgonized halted given joy to gave joy to gave the evil eye given the evil eye prompted made a fool of led leaded keyed up fired up tickled the fancy of swept someone off their feet disarmed brushed sent into transports favoured pointed the bone at patted riveted the attention of freaked out stopped someone in their tracks dragged made someone pleased scratched made a hit vellicated favored coddled trained sat up got one's kicks made someone's mouth water palsied called forth engaged one's attention raced one's motor convinced urged made a hit with someone won the affection of pampered swept you off your feet caught one's eye held one's attention rooted tingled captured one's imagination caressed mattered to made somebody laugh made someone glad knocked one's socks off grabbed the attention of recompensed brought around paralyzed came on to itched pumped up kittled stopped dead aroused one's curiosity knocked 'em dead immobilised fired with enthusiasm brought forth perked up fractured one elicited babied jinxed unarmed stopped in one's tracks prickled whetted one's appetite convulsed made someone content filled the bill stopped one dead requited roped made somebody's day gotten one's kicks irritated forspoken forspoke besotten gave the come-on to given the come-on to fallen in love with fell in love with gotten bade mozzed frozen froze driven mad taken control of taken over drove mad took control of took over argued into gave great pleasure to given great pleasure to drew in drawn in taken someone's breath away took someone's breath away took somebody's breath away taken somebody's breath away broke one up got one's jollies gotten one's jollies broken one up gave someone pleasure gave a lift given someone pleasure given a lift did the trick did one proud gave pleasure done the trick given pleasure done one proud ate someone up eaten someone up

Từ trái nghĩa của caught up

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