Đồng nghĩa của unstrung

Alternative for unstrung

unstrung /' n'str /
  • tính từ
    • chùng dây, đ tháo dây
    • (nghĩa bóng) chùng, r o (cân n o, thần kinh...)

Tính từ

Not strung
upset nervous agitated tense distraught distracted frantic excited wired overexcited uptight hysterical desperate frenzied neurotic jumpy anxious on edge distressed fidgety edgy restless worked up jittery panicky beside oneself keyed up wrought-up nervy overactive heated feverish twitchy hyperactive highly strung hectic tooshie swivel-eyed stressy in a state strung out wound up adrenalized high overwrought stressed throwing a wobbly hyper keyed-up worn under a strain affected in a tizzy freaked-out fired-up crazy in a twitter steamed up beside yourself all shook up out of your mind excitable overwhelmed at the end of your tether strung up worked-up hot-and-bothered stirred touchy overstrung flipped out weary emotional spent tired strung-out hot under collar high-strung wound-up het up uneasy worried apprehensive troubled perturbed unquiet antsy disturbed ill at ease bothered dithery frightened in a tizz in a flap fearful queazy toey queasy unsettled scared insecure flustered having kittens fretful concerned discomposed in a stew aflutter all of a dither fraught wild hung up disquieted mad windy strained wrought up atwitter frenetic in a state of agitation spooky delirious shook up alarmed rattled on tenterhooks shaky goosey hinky furious in a state of nerves afraid squirrelly unglued all of a lather on pins and needles panic-stricken like a cat on a hot tin roof shaken spooked in a sweat violent ruffled uncomfortable unnerved in a panic disconcerted dismayed in a twit flurried hot and bothered in a cold sweat fevered raving rabid all of a doodah hysteric intense manic confused febrile in a dither restive a bundle of nerves in a flat spin berserk taut annoyed trembling raging angry bricking oneself deranged shocked unscrewed irritable insane worried sick in suspense corybantic unzipped vexed timorous hot under the collar angsty fierce obsessive uncontrolled wigged out maniacal exciting fervid hurt crazed grieved shaking terrified distrait timid out of control choked muddled harassed tormented irked weirded out in a lather unrelaxed animated like a cat on hot bricks unhappy panic-struck impatient ferocious quaking in a fluster unhinged moved startled sad turbulent saddened irrational demented aghast under stress horrified clutched hassled disappointed discountenanced gutted stressed out weird zonkers thrown discombobulated in a frenzy freaked out spazzed out at wits' end skittish anguished irritated waiting for the axe to fall carried away in a tiz-woz inconvenienced flighty waiting with bated breath careful fractious spasmodic with one's heart in one's mouth fluttery impassioned shivery creepy peevish unrestrained sensitive passionate irascible vehement overcome fanatical energetic wreck fretting lively overanxious fiery inflamed aroused afflicted petrified tempestuous devastated chaotic berko white-knuckled tumultuous unbalanced quivering terror-struck daunted horror-struck angstful solicitous bugged avid disordered terror-stricken horror-stricken shattered unrestful scared to death scared stiff very upset a wreck verklempt in a spin nervous wreck frozen frit pained shot to pieces beset riled angered tortured plagued provoked bundle of nerves blue perplexed in a funk fast and furious worried stiff like a fish out of water out of one's mind in a blue funk with one's stomach in knots put out shaking in one's shoes bummed out broken up with butterflies in one's stomach cut up in a pother madding fanciful overcharged weak roused hesitant fussy fazed flushed aquiver frazzled consumed under pressure frisky unreluctant overemotional unsettling unnerving stirred up flapping hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited disturbing disquieting emotive furibund phrenetic confusing histrionic strung-up hag-ridden charged hairy agog eagerly pressured embarrassed self-conscious discomfited emotionally charged traumatized dispirited moving shot spirited bitter distressful nonplussed nuts addled falling apart all agog open-mouthed lost it all of a flutter suspicious palpitant wrung zipped up hot juiced up agitating cross complaining uncontrollable at fever pitch white knuckled anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting asea with bated breath compulsive petulant crushed heartbroken in turmoil all nerves up the wall at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit rigid worrisome exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed on the qui vive tearing one's hair out unrestrainable testy miserable querulous stressful stormy intimidated fixated unstable oversensitive phobic distressing offended fretted crabbed captious crotchety tetchy maniac traumatised cowardly concerning full-hearted like a chicken with its head cut off low unhealthy abnormal paranoid convulsive nerve-racking nail-biting nerve-wracking wounded cowering shell-shocked emotionally defeated broken-hearted grumpy short-tempered ill-natured bad-tempered last-minute maladjusted enthusiastic perfervid passional terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed irrepressible impetuous maddened driven to distraction incensed fuming possessed rampant blazing seething chicken afeared come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed yellow feart stunned terrorised scared out of one's wits in awe alarmed at running scared apprehensive about intimidated by shaking like a leaf frightened out of one's wits having cold feet faint-hearted scared witless inhibited erratic disoriented aberrant deviant obsessed cranky splenetic out of sorts ill-tempered whining crabby grumbling ratty fervent indignant wrathful irate acrimonious ireful ardent frightened to death funky zealous at your wits' end shy watchful trepidatious snappish perverse contrary ornery caviling faultfinding carping huffy critical mean in a fit injured damaged dreading basket case out of one's wits skittery cavilling a basket case sweating bullets brittle impaired busy scared out of your wits frightened out of your wits having butterflies in the stomach ecstatic mousy flurrying like one possessed flustering boisterous riotous easily frightened easily agitated rumbustious buzzing brisk bustling thrilled elated rip-roaring nutsy madhouse burning vibrant wooly zoolike jungle hassle crowded transported euphoric very busy woolly very active overjoyed rapturous jubilant exultant in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose drunk delighted enthused wild with excitement on cloud seven in a frenzy of delight in raptures over the moon blissed out in transports of delight walking on air on a high jumping for joy intoxicated

Động từ


Trái nghĩa của unstrung

unstrung Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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