Đồng nghĩa của fast and furious

Tính từ

Pertaining to bodily reactions characterised by flushed or dry skin
hectic frenzied feverish frantic heated excited frenetic chaotic wild animated fevered flurrying furious turbulent boisterous flustering riotous tumultuous agitated brisk bustling buzzing hyperactive lively manic overactive overwrought restless rumbustious burning confused crowded disordered exciting fervid hassle jungle madhouse nutsy rip-roaring unsettled vibrant woolly wooly zoolike keyed up very active very busy in a lather hell broke loose like Piccadilly Circus mad fraught rabid uncontrolled violent fierce intense crazy ferocious energetic delirious distraught confusing maniacal swivel-eyed corybantic hysterical crazed panic-struck panic-stricken desperate panicky convulsive nuts overexcited berserk unbalanced fanatical obsessive hyper phrenetic demented wired insane furibund unscrewed distracted weirded out wigged out lost it worked up raging beside oneself raving anxious tempestuous fiery stormy carried away distressed explosive hot deranged unrestrained passionate rough nervous forceful out of control upset in a frenzy disturbed in a tizzy high vehement in a state euphoric elated overjoyed thrilled ecstatic rapturous jubilant transported emotional exultant uncontrollable in raptures distrait over the moon hysteric blissed out worried aroused volcanic jittery unnerved impassioned delighted exhilarated beside yourself fearful perturbed jumpy unhinged angry on cloud nine in seventh heaven cyclonic jumping for joy paroxysmal alarmed walking on air savage stoked hot under the collar hot and bothered antsy flipped out joyous in transports of delight shook up twitchy edgy hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out irrational enraptured blood-and-guts uninhibited on a high windy gleeful intemperate happy intoxicated in a panic rattled impetuous wound up unbridled on cloud seven in a flap unchecked vicious unzipped unglued rampant frightened blustery wild with excitement freaked out startled scared terrified high-strung tense maddened bang-bang shocked fervent joyful dismayed uptight destructive aggressive in a frenzy of delight abandoned bitter unruly stressed flushed overcome berko troubled rapt enthusiastic het up uneasy strong perfervid sent extreme cock-a-hoop wrought-up ardent on edge enthused flying ungovernable volatile unconstrained weird zonkers discomposed squally fearsome gusty in a tizz spazzed out in a stew at wits' end keen bothered harsh howling worked-up out of one's mind roaring flaming beside oneself with happiness in a flat spin delirious with happiness rugged potent blustering apprehensive at the end of your tether spirited storming petrified daunted febrile rampaging aghast horrified afraid nervy neurotic obsessed consumed fidgety terror-stricken full-on ebullient stunned impatient possessed babbling overwhelming adrenalized irrepressible gay frozen funky blissful disquieted elevated passional entranced brutal disconcerted ruffled maniac rhapsodic avid gone powerful overwhelmed scared stiff proud affected in a cold sweat flustered fuming unreasonable unquiet wrapped incoherent scared to death ill at ease bloodthirsty rhapsodical enrapt giddy heady foul immoderate uncurbed flipped enchanted unmanageable floating dirty having kittens devastated concerned harassed very upset inclement acute threatening stressy nasty hotheaded fired up thundery headstrong inflamed blistering uproarious forcible devastating hellacious choppy heavy dreadful almighty excessive turned on torrid menacing flying high intensive concentrated out of your mind like one possessed exquisite ghastly terrible frightful hard knock-down drag-out stormful full-blooded on top of the world heavy-duty not knowing what to do with oneself panicked madding fanciful overcharged independent undisciplined ungoverned unsuppressed unbounded overpowering running amok inspired irresistible cheered roused demonic rejoicing triumphant unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable full-hearted struck overawed incredulous rioting postal exulting shaken fazed unrepressed puffed up unpredictable unrestrainable discombobulated at one's wits' end out of one's wit overpowered bursting indignant wrathful irate acrimonious ireful shattered blind timorous intimidated suspicious trembling cowardly spooked timid discouraged abashed perplexed cowed faint-hearted blanched disheartened in high spirits exalted turned-on angsty stirred up flapping verklempt pained tormented thrown nonplussed addled muddled crowing revelling moved in a dither disorderly swaggering boastful crank glorying prideful gloating gusting at the boiling point hopped up set up looking good in heaven annoyed flurried skittish driven to distraction incensed blazing spasmodic seething rowdy great rainy blowy in a spin all of a dither all of a flutter filthy aquiver on the rampage aflutter victorious content triumphalist flipping reveling merry wowed hallucinating light-headed rambling lunatic wandering disarranged lightheaded aberrant deviant bewildered hallucinatory deviate resounding inordinate profound destroyed excruciating consuming unreluctant flighty rampageous intensified highly strung like a chicken with its head cut off raw bleak in awe run scared eager severe deep sharp unfettered biting emphatic hyped-up dithery afire atingle hyperexcited strung out tooshie in a fit vigorous agonizing urgent strenuous peppery painful enraged ruinous noisy blown away excitable freaked-out wound-up under a strain strung up touchy keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred overstrung weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent storm-wracked murky raining cats and dogs frigid riproaring cold damp coming down coercive gale force agonising dynamic outrageous full of force out of one's wits vociferous lawless have cold feet throwing a wobbly provoked agog steamed up in a twitter off one's head clamorous obstreperous pumped raring desirous vivacious zipped up juiced up out of one's head out of one's skull thunderous bumpy hot under collar all shook up intolerant uncompromising extremist bigoted irregular in turmoil rowdydowdy rambunctious raucous termagant thirsty athirst typhonic swirling over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard geeked hungry juiced voracious solicitous biased prejudiced one-sided zealous partisan illiberal gung-ho bullying potty daft untrammeled untrammelled murderous infuriated narrow-minded terror-struck beatific cruel ruthless very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up gung ho on fire sudden nutty dedicated overboard sick infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased sizzling bitten unwell militant virulent ill callous terrorizing pugnacious ravished horror-struck pitiless barbarous thuggish sadistic merciless barbaric Corybantic in transports horror-stricken heartless homicidal inhuman cataclysmal cataclysmic orgasmic drunk assertive abrupt charged fast athrill upbeat dreamy in exaltation out sunny last-minute demoniac terrorising radge frightened to death frit beside oneself with joy hot-tempered hot-headed tickled pink very happy floating on air at your wits' end cut-throat tickled to death pleased as punch active immediate meteoric dashing electric in a funk in a fluster in a blue funk scared out of your wits frightened out of your wits

Tính từ

At a quick or fast speed
lively fast quick rapid brisk speedy swift snappy nippy smart vigorous breakneck hasty lightning zippy blistering whirlwind galloping fleet nimble rattling flying fleet-footed dizzy hot breathless splitting rapid-fire alacritous hurried expeditious express sprightly energetic spirited agile sharp active fast-moving accelerated high-speed prompt meteoric spry fast-track headlong quick-fire animated vivacious spanking immediate cracking volant expeditive ready precipitate harefooted overnight precipitous whistle-stop pacey PDQ fleet of foot bustling urgent alert adroit summary at speed unhesitating winged on-the-spot rushed quickie timely punctual ultrasonic supersonic speeding lissome early sudden fleeting instantaneous instant mercurial abrupt quickened double time on the double in nothing flat light-footed quick as a wink tantivy going nifty rash cursory direct rathe perfunctory brief unexpected short superficial impulsive impetuous passing split-second unforeseen unanticipated without warning precipitant rushing slapdash turbo short-lived drive-by without delay hurrying velocious automatic reckless flat-out violent overhasty gadarene straightaway helter-skelter pell-mell spur-of-the-moment careless very fast momentary sporty uninterrupted non-stop hypersonic up-tempo unpremeditated dashing zooming peremptory incautious surprising spontaneous transitory hectic desultory imprudent willing pronto on the spot casual thoughtless without notice offhand unthinking snap impromptu unlooked-for double-quick haphazard irresponsible ultrarapid ultrafast successive moving hurtling staccato souped-up efficient forthwith diligent spectacular prevenient excessive arbitrary anticipatory dangerous ephemeral transient effectual effective brilliant flashing dazzling responsive startling hurricane cyclonic tumultuous tornado streaming awful severe excruciating dreadful unbearable terrible intense piercing frightful machine-gun dizzying crash extremely fast dangerously fast fast-paced furious dynamic without formality without hesitation impatient evanescent mushrooming fast-tracked priority fiery hair-trigger dramatic impressive like lightning in a flash unswerving undeviating nonstop screaming speedball barrelling eager promptly given slambang at full tilt now or never not to be delayed without discussion incidental the double spasmodic acute like mad like crazy chop-chop like the wind unfussy hit-or-miss purposeless shaking a leg explosive unusual speeded tearing whizzing sailing hastening whisking running darting barnstorming not bargained for out of the blue swift as an arrow inattentive half-hearted slight mechanical token uninterested routine sketchy uncritical shallow random half-baked sloppy depthless racing temerarious premature hit or miss subitaneous snatched instinctive extemporaneous capricious involuntary whimsical unplanned intuitive uninhibited emotional freakish injudicious unconsidered adventurous daredevil unprompted unrepressed foolhardy daring unguarded unpredictable madcap abandoned unwary unmeditated ad-lib hot-headed jumping the gun ill-thought-out devil-may-care winging it ill-considered brash passionate wild

Phó từ

At a fast pace
rapidly quickly fast like the wind briskly speedily swiftly hastily expeditiously promptly posthaste precipitately apace fleetly presto pronto abruptly quick hurriedly snappily hotfoot in a rush like blazes like crazy like mad like the clappers at speed in haste in short order at full speed at warp speed in a hurry at a rate of knots at the speed of light flat-out in a flash like a shot like lightning very quickly at a gallop lickety-split post-haste at full tilt by leaps and bounds double quick double-quick full tilt at full throttle at the double chop-chop hell-for-leather hell for leather a mile a minute like a bat out of hell like a bomb like a streak like gangbusters like greased lightning like wildfire like a madman like a madwoman with dispatch like nobody's business like the deuce like billy-o like a scalded cat PDQ swift soon hot immediately without delay in double quick time as fast as possible instantaneously on the double instantly at a lick straightaway at breakneck speed at high speed directly unhesitatingly at once straight away without hesitation forthwith now at a fast pace very fast shortly summarily right away early at top speed right now nippily right off at a run straight off as soon as possible headlong helter-skelter hurry-scurry precipitously cursorily with all speed nimbly in no time in a jiffy punctually pell-mell seasonably like an arrow from a bow like a whirlwind with all possible haste like a flash first rashly vigorously straightway within a short time in an instant on time agilely readily by and by suddenly madly hammer and tongs in a trice in no time at all in nothing flat at short notice on the spot in less than no time as fast as one's legs can carry one with great speed in double time on the spur of the moment furiously soon afterward jiffy speed busily sooner fast-paced pretty soon by when express almost immediately any moment now any second now hurried with alacrity with urgency ASAP tantivy meteorically like a bullet out of a gun ventre à terre at full pelt dangerously fast as swift as an arrow without losing time as fast as your legs can carry you chop chop double-time full sail full speed ahead full speed full throttle very soon in high gear in a jiff at maximum speed open throttle full steam ahead in the wink of an eye heedlessly before you can say Jack Robinson before you can say knife subito unpremeditatedly now or never tout de suite with all haste without further ado in a wink without a second thought there and then on the dot this instant like now urgently in the blink of an eye this minute peremptorily arbitrarily instanter without notice without formality without discussion without due process without warning on spur of the moment too quickly presently incontinently right plumb smartly bang momentarily actively efficiently brusquely sharp firmly enthusiastically energetically decisively incisively with little delay by return in a lively manner fastly zippily blisteringly rattlingly flyingly dizzily hotly splittingly breathlessly expressly livelily acceleratedly mercurially spiritedly timelily spryly sharply rushedly wingedly spankingly supersonically velociously hypersonically light-footedly fleetingly briefly animatedly vivaciously transitorily screamingly earlily excessively recklessly dangerously impulsively supply lissomly lithely deftly acrobatically limberly responsively lightly niftily like all get out streamingly dashingly preveniently unexpectedly passingly spontaneously anticipatorily without any delay tumultuously impetuously perfunctorily without more ado cyclonically lightsomely impatiently ultrasonically speedingly lissomely bustlingly fierily adroitly alertly eagerly thoughtlessly excruciatingly dreadfully frightfully severely piercingly unbearably awfully terribly intensely

Trái nghĩa của fast and furious

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