Từ đồng nghĩa của narrow minded

Tính từ

Bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced
illiberal intolerant provincial insular parochial petty small-minded conservative reactionary narrow prejudiced biased bigoted short-sighted conventional hidebound blinkered close-minded localist petty-minded small-town ultra-conservative diehard dyed-in-the-wool inward-looking myopic sectarian strait-laced dogmatic entrenched inflexible limited partisan restricted rigid discriminatory moralistic priggish prim prudish puritanical starchy stuffy blimpish chauvinist chauvinistic Lilliputian little nationalistic opinionated parish-pump picayune prissy racialist racist sexist shockable small claustral jerkwater closed-minded pigheaded unenlarged partial one-sided fanatical xenophobic strict Victorian unfair stiff old-fashioned jaundiced formal uncompromising old-maidish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy proper doctrinaire goody-goody warped parti pris mean puritan set Grundyish uncharitable grudging closed distorted square unjust obstinate severe niminy-piminy extreme traditional coloured ungenerous staid blind colored sectional selfish obdurate uptight fuddy-duddy anti-Semitic straitlaced prim and proper extremist stick-in-the-mud homophobic mean-minded of the old school unsophisticated tight-laced inequitable governessy mimsy factional sententious genteel unimaginative Pecksniffian stubborn unadventurous censorious stingy local prepossessed twisted austere jingoistic cliquish resentful zealous authoritarian smug dictatorial disdainful nice-nelly straightlaced bluenosed sceptical lopsided spiteful fundamentalist contemptuous hateful fanatic denominational exclusive suburban disapproving pompous regional despotic slanted stern anti-gay heterosexist tyrannical skeptical confined conforming individualistic buttoned-down stilted arrogant orthodox weighted influenced preferential conformist straight preconceived tendentious magisterial inclined predisposed button-down constricted one-eyed introverted deaf shortsighted unpersuadable resistant shallow hick self-righteous niggling trivial maniacal radical rabid militant borné inexorable circumscribed short-term improvident contracted secluded sequestered separated overscrupulous holier-than-thou sanctimonious single-minded activist ignoble clannish pedantic Pharisaic shabby nationalist schismatic uninformed nasty vulgar base cheap swivel-eyed hypocritical vain self-satisfied complacent upcountry corn-fed set in one's ways homespun outmoded pastoral unfashionable rude unpolished bucolic simple homegrown superpatriotic squeamish old-maid overnice demure overmodest interested jingoist mean-spirited contemptible malicious vindictive unobjective non-objective loaded overexact simpering pretentious scrupulous affected rigorous mincing artificial precise offish fastidious finicky unprogressive ultraconservative racially discriminatory racially prejudiced racially bigoted brassbound ageist disablist conditioned paleoconservative standpat traditionalistic lacking foresight dissident nonconformist splinter religious nonconforming unbalanced archconservative classist leaning fattist presupposing intransigent mossbacked unreasoning conspiratorial devoted overzealous accessory sympathetic adhering unsympathetic unforgiving intractable set in your ways reserved hard-line sedate set in one's opinions sober impersonal old-line old-school die-hard fixed in one's views misleading favorably favourably unrepresentative ascetic fogeyish deadly musty cynical bitter jealous irritable unwilling outraged short-fuse indignant snappy irate averse upset antipathetic unindulgent worked-up waspish unforbearing fractious tilted humourless fusty forbidding pietistic envious old-fogeyish suspicious self-important hot bloated supercilious humorless as dry as dust puffy foetid warm fetid smoky smelly important unenlightened sordid tight bourgeois undemocratic parsimonious alt-right tightfisted totalitarian miserly anti-democratic oppressive repressive hair-shirt spartan correct district disenchanted disillusioned hostile soured pessimistic traditionalist decorous close-fisted draconian fascist stodgy misanthropic invidious green-eyed distrustful disappointed covetous town abstemious moral abstinent assertive Pooterish respectable doctrinal Biedermeier ceremonial ceremonious antiliberal proscriptive greedy penny-pinching emphatic overbearing imperious peremptory civic parish comme il faut straight-laced bien pensant pontifical neighbourhood vernacular geographical legendary territorial divisional bounded neighborhood yellow unenthusiastic tainted jaded unindifferent opprobrious imperative domineering insistent adamant high-handed authoritative arbitrary downright unchallengeable self-opinionated unquestionable categorical unyielding opinionative unbending opinioned fascistic cocksure confident definite stiff-necked egotistical unequivocal tenacious determined dictative wrong-headed bullheaded high and mighty

Tính từ

Not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
unadventurous wary cagey circumspect prudent tentative careful cautious chary hesitant timid unenterprising conventional timorous traditional unexciting unimaginative boring conservative limited restrained safe square stay-at-home straight strait-laced stuffy uncreative shy stick-in-the-mud uptight attentive tedious dead tiring ho-hum routine stale flat wearisome repetitious tiresome insipid mind-numbing unvaried old uninteresting monotonous humdrum dull gingerly considerate calculating heedful leery guarded alert vigilant watchful discreet observant canny mindful politic suspicious on guard on the lookout aware thoughtful reluctant on the qui vive judicious reserved scrupulous apprehensive moderate measured discriminating on the alert on your toes on the watch sly shrewd fastidious delicate diplomatic tactful reticent intelligent unhurried temperate frugal deliberate thrifty sagacious sparing perceptive wise controlled provident noncommittal awake precautious softly-softly with reservations keeping a weather eye on walking on eggs playing safe watching one's step watching out all ears with eyes peeled thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves squeamish dainty protective wide-awake non-committal sage doubting unwasteful saving vague unrevealing wide awake sensible punctilious overcareful overcautious playing one's cards close to one's chest strategic close-lipped judgmatic discerning close-mouthed judgmatical kid-glove having foresight like a clam civil reasonable on lookout worldly-wise not rash cunning designing manipulative devious crafty scheming Machiavellian uneasy prepared ready keeping one's eyes peeled psyched up on the job on one's toes open-eyed wired tentie keeping a weather eye open fast on the draw switched on keeping one's eyes open hip tenty Argus-eyed conscientious regardful loath distrustful sceptical dubious mistrustful doubtful paying attention taking notice afraid nervous averse disinclined mean disingenuous artful conniving slippery slick guileful sharp unscrupulous foxy contriving wily parsimonious stingy iffy inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular subtle premeditating slim suspecting forethoughtful on your guard belt-and-braces hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow

Tính từ

Hating or disliking mankind
misanthropic cynical antisocial unfriendly skeptical sceptical suspicious unsociable jaundiced malevolent distrustful inhospitable inhumane pessimistic reclusive uncongenial unneighbourly disdainful egoistic egotistical eremitic grouchy hating misanthropical reserved sarcastic sardonic selfish solitary standoffish withdrawn aloof distant cold cool uncommunicative retiring reticent offish unforthcoming unapproachable remote frigid introverted uncompanionable stand-offish chilly dry frosty detached taciturn secretive shy quiet unaffable icy self-contained cold-eyed unsocial restrained formal asocial unclubbable undemonstrative haughty unbending standoff close-mouthed demure close cautious diffident modest inhibited prim unresponsive Olympian bashful gentle mild serene soft-spoken peaceful ceremonious noncommittal sedate collected composed placid backward conventional unamiable self-restrained buttoned-up cloistered isolated hostile scoffing unbelieving hermitic disagreeable ascetic antagonistic ironic mocking sneering scornful contemptuous negative lone indifferent derisive silent controlled self-controlled rude uncivil private wry supercilious unneighborly eremetic snobbish retired biting caustic satirical tongue-in-cheek cynic constrained alienated mopey mopish media-shy guarded closemouthed unemotional shrinking timid tight-lipped laconic self-effacing dumb inaccessible nongregarious brooding inapproachable scowling austere hermitlike ironical uppity secluded hermit-like sequestered stuck-up unwilling to mix with other people monastic seclusive recluse snooty superior lonely alone secluse anchoritic hermetic eremitical companionless friendless unaccompanied shut away lonesome unique singular one one-off sole special only hermitical by itself by oneself independent stag separate forsaken sui generis lorn self-sufficient on its own unattended all alone out-of-the-way particular deserted disbelieving doubtful doubting disillusioned incredulous disenchanted hardened hard world-weary hard-bitten black hard-boiled bleak mistrustful mordacious scathing disparaging detracting nonbelieving surly sour inimical unsympathetic unamicable aggressive ill-natured unpleasant unkind unwelcoming quarrelsome stiff severe impersonal nasty stern hard-eyed wintery frozen chill antipathetic menacing mortal antiseptic arctic gelid brittle wintry glacial obnoxious adversary impolite coldish adversarial discourteous uncordial clammy cold-blooded unmannerly ungracious ill-disposed starchy cross uncharitable opposite competitive estranged censorious unpromising combative grudging gruff malicious contrary disaffected against warlike malignant vengeful conflicting hateful acrimonious spiteful opposed not on speaking terms coy dispassionate unassertive unassuming sheepish humble mum mom meek unconcerned timorous discreet mute passionless unfeeling recessive apathetic speechless clammed up emotionless introvert calm self-conscious impassive wooden hesitant uptight phlegmatic sober embarrassed incurious tongue-tied forbidding unconfident close-lipped insecure stolid uninterested apprehensive unexpressive wary muted mousy untalkative buttoned up moderate reluctant unpretentious nervous staid stony temperate careful unobtrusive affectless conservative unenthusiastic tightlipped sententious incommunicable blushing incommunicative fearful poker-faced lukewarm stoical stilted sparing uncommunicable chary laid-back stuffy stoic impassible disinterested numb strait-laced secret casual down-to-earth cagey uninvolved considerate hushed wordless thoughtful circumspect unmoved curt unpresuming seemly prudent proper dark repressed callous unassured inarticulate evasive unspeaking tight-mouthed cool, calm and collected judicious unruffled unflappable chaste unexcitable nice prudish aw-shucks decorous straight rigid heartless subdued imperturbable on the QT simple matter-of-fact reasonable zipped uneasy voiceless abashed dour steady clamlike measured lowly at a loss for words tactful skittish shamefaced self-possessed tentative clinical pompous priggish unostentatious offhand withdrawing contained sensible politic non-communicative dried-up uncurious unrevealing offended impertinent procacious annoyed impudent insolent level-headed unaffected nonchalant square pure alert heedful rabbity hush-hush unpassioned abstract rational gingerly safe hard-hearted deadpan tranquil virginal virtuous laid back watchful vigilant decent mumchance attentive calculating flat cold-hearted balanced serious dummied up introspective unsure disciplined abstracted in check unimpassioned preoccupied mannered not talkative inward-looking cold as ice faint-hearted businesslike strained insular lost for words awkward maidenly unloving unsentimental diplomatic soft enigmatic unpretending proud unwilling deep afraid coquettish under control still uncomfortable kittenish off inconspicuous prissy ungregarious spiritless polite unboastful courteous thick-skinned mim stuck up insensible puritanical niminy-piminy dried up fogeyish putting on airs leery overmodest arrogant affected old-fashioned equable removed plain solemn insouciant correct neutral spacey dumbstruck of few words dumbfounded untroubled expressionless toneless hollow dead blank bland vacant insensitive objective bottled up ill at ease strict unexpansive starched spaced-out playing one's cards close to one's chest prim and proper pococurante impartial keeping people at arm's length out of it discriminating observant precautious nowhere immovable nonemotional self-centred fuddy-duddy with reservations stick-in-the-mud easy even self-centered warm nonvocal struck dumb on the lookout with eyes peeled of the old school levelheaded soundless saying nothing not saying boo unable to get a word out stony-eyed unexcessive bereft of speech not given to excesses stiff-necked unextreme avoidant unaffectionate unnatural forced costive sullen frustrated deliberate tamed restricted limited brusque vestal unsullied undefiled contrived laboured artificial ungenial girlish socially inhibited camera-shy arch flirtatious retreated aseptic insociable kind punctilious genuine natural half-hearted tepid hung up immaculate intact self-doubting uncertain steely flinty unhappy depressing mean-looking stodgy ungainly docile put on airs unconversational unsmiling passive ashamed ingenuous ordinary artless unambitious apologetic respectful indrawn low-pitched low muffled hushful low-keyed simpering short outside repellent lifeless dubious blenching flinching unpoised low-key unaggressive fierce discouraging off-putting contemplative self-interested pensive self-absorbed unenthused unnoticeable low-profile labored not forward exact precise cowering weak-kneed trembling quaking cool-headed hard-headed not forthcoming complacent perfunctory unimposing cold-shoulder withering ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed unagitated inflexible uninquiring zipped one's lips have tight chops lacking courage easily frightened unimpressionable unfazed inscrutable hardhearted official bureaucratic inhuman keeping a low profile stony-hearted disinclined loath hesitating wavering indisposed ladylike respectable unprejudiced uncommitted unbiased cryptic wise strategic obdurate inexpressive listless coldhearted marble uncompassionate blah self-deprecating free from vanity hiding one's light under a bushel wouldn't say boo to a goose innocent pokerfaced wimpish mousey yellow gutless tremulous chicken fainthearted scary fearsome yellow-bellied sissy trepidatious featureless colorless soulless gray colourless grey equal uncolored depersonalised faceless candid depersonalized nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic resigned undercover backstairs covert sly furtive feline mysterious intelligent judgmatical judgmatic discerning stable tolerant regular silentious unheard unimpressible insusceptible goody-goody old-maidish buttoning up clamming up hidden mum's the word tight chops zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip straight arrow by the numbers shocked sagacious softly-softly kid-glove delicate lenient abstinent peaceable straight-faced indurated inexcitable averse astounded under wraps inobtrusive nonaggressive corked up in charge chilled on a leash in control of yourself closed up in private in chambers in privacy earnest aghast dazed thunderstruck amazed awake civil worldly-wise faint cowardly shuddering recreant poor-spirited frightened scared considered not excessive compromising strictly business cold turkey dependable settled reliable in the background in the dark sober-minded benign even-tempered sobersided gobsmacked flabbergasted shell-shocked along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches on lookout having foresight not rash dumbstricken obmutescent playing your cards close to your chest mature anxious troubled knocked for six cool as cucumber astonished aphonic hit for six like a clam poised responsible sound carefree secure restless tense discomposed edgy unsettled unperturbed blithe good full of common sense well balanced calculable serious-minded unswerving having both feet on the ground medium comfortable checked regulated constant curbed relaxed perturbed unrelaxed bothered nervy jittery antsy mindful provident aware unworried deadly musty conformist suspecting scrupulous shrewd forethoughtful unquiet discomforted disquieted discomfited devil-may-care happy-go-lucky humourless fusty unanxious old-fogeyish keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves on your guard belt-and-braces watching one's step watching out walking on eggs on your toes taking it slow playing safe hedging one's bets on the qui vive on guard on the watch with one's eyes peeled genteel narrow magisterial fetid straitlaced important self-important hot bloated humorless puffy foetid Victorian smug smoky smelly careless lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair lacking social skills on edge verecund blushful recoiling lofty nonplussed unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless inattentive lackadaisical blind supine deaf without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss heedless undisturbed negligent undaunted easily embarrassed non-committal on ice as dry as dust cold fish lone wolf vague overcareful canny overcautious

Tính từ

Having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something
rabid wild violent extreme fanatical fervent bigoted extremist frantic frenzied furious intolerant mad maniacal uncompromising crazed diehard over-enthusiastic overzealous passionate biased delirious ferocious feverish fierce frenetic gung-ho illiberal irrational one-sided partisan prejudiced raging raving unreasonable zealous berko berserk infuriated intemperate perfervid swivel-eyed ardent bitten corybantic crazy dedicated deranged diseased enthusiastic flipped ill infected insane intense keen mad-dog militant naked nutty obsessed overboard poisoned sick sizzling smoking ultraist unwell virulent freaked out hysterical excited manic agitated uncontrolled distraught hectic overwrought hyper beside oneself demented fraught panic-stricken worked up out of control flipped out fevered unhinged wired unscrewed in a tizzy keyed up weirded out wigged out hyperactive energetic unrestrained nuts desperate confused turbulent distracted angry weird zonkers unglued unzipped at wits' end spazzed out hot under the collar shook up in a stew hot and bothered overexcited uncontrollable restless tumultuous panic-struck obsessive panicky confusing exciting unbalanced lunatic nervous chaotic neurotic busy distrait convulsive maniac fast and furious hysteric off one's head in a state in a frenzy beside yourself dogmatic sectarian madding radical blinkered single-minded activist chauvinistic inflexible abandoned phrenetic furibund boisterous overcome demonic demoniacal ebullient full-on overwhelming overpowering uninhibited lost it overwhelmed incoherent sectionable in a lather stunned struck incredulous overawed affected gay riotous emotional babbling unrestrainable distressed psychotic up turned out hopped up freaky high overpowered uptight lightheaded hot hallucinating aberrant deviant disturbed light-headed rambling disordered bewildered wandering hallucinatory unsettled disarranged deviate devastated irrepressible fiery in a panic carried away impetuous impassioned maddened vehement driven to distraction rampant blazing tempestuous incensed fuming spasmodic very upset in a fit seething unnerved possessed out of one's wits worried last-minute anxious het up wound up destroyed not knowing what to do with oneself in a flap having kittens in a tizz in a flat spin at your wits' end at the end of your tether in a cold sweat heated out of one's head out of one's skull overactive impatient mental high-strung like one possessed ape amok bananas bonkers spare batty bats barmy barro crook porangi crackers postal on the rampage up the wall off the deep end through the roof off the air off your rocker out to lunch around the bend out of one's mind

Tính từ

Unwilling to compromise or moderate a position
intransigent uncompromising obstinate stubborn unyielding immovable inflexible obdurate unbending stiff-necked tenacious adamant intractable resolute tough unrelenting unaccommodating uncooperative unmalleable unpersuadable unshakeable unwavering bull-headed diehard hardline hard-line iron-willed single-minded adamantine bloody-minded bullheaded determined dogged firm hard hardened hardheaded hard-nosed headstrong implacable inconvincible inexorable inveterate mulish opinionated ossified pat pertinacious perverse pigheaded rigid self-opinionated self-willed unbudgeable wilful willful balky indurate hard and fast one-sided set in stone locked in set-on steadfast relentless refractory fixed recalcitrant persistent strong-willed persevering unshakable contrary staunch unflinching contumacious strong-minded unswerving strict set indefatigable purposeful steely froward incompliant indomitable insistent stalwart unmanageable cussed stiff resolved rebellious insubordinate difficult unreasonable remorseless cantankerous rock-ribbed unfaltering disobedient harsh intent defiant unflagging unbendable grim bound bolshie ungovernable committed undeviating obstreperous stern stubborn as a mule rigorous restive decided brassbound strong hard-core tireless dedicated wayward untoward die-hard dead set on stringent deaf to reason uncompliant unruly earnest dead set assiduous severe dyed-in-the-wool iron unappeasable decisive steady set in one's ways cross-grained unhesitating importunate unsparing recusant mutinous unadaptable exacting solid ruthless spirited pitiless constant extreme unshaken stroppy definite sedulous true immutable untiring contrarious rebel stout-hearted wrong-headed merciless cruel bold unchanging deliberate ornery brave settled plucky pig-headed courageous mettlesome gritty forceful stout unmovable dogmatic gutsy unswayable perseverant spunky fanatical unchangeable awkward cast-iron entrenched unalterable undaunted deep-dyed purposive long-standing irreconcilable mortal bound and determined troublesome do-or-die draconian uncontrollable authoritarian manful bent on hell-bent on hell-bent upon bent upon unforgiving bulldog hostile radical resistant antagonistic oppressive emphatic devoted vigorous faithful strenuous valiant full of determination patient immoderate unpermissive explicit diligent hanging tough sure thrawn fractious feisty persisting serious four-square out heavy-handed not giving an inch unswervable bent meaning business invincible stand pat unconquerable driven disobliging obstructive rooted problematic blinkered deep non-compliant haughty intrenched unsurpassable invulnerable tiresome mule unstoppable contentious invariable challenging confirmed bitter insurgent seditious lionhearted uptight picky iron-fisted deep-rooted bred-in-the-bone deep-seated noncompliant intrepid combative unbreakable sworn deadly austere brick-wall militant savage rugged incurable renitent undefeatable doughty domineering seasoned wholehearted loyal focused argumentative incorrigible assertive obsessive compulsive enduring quarrelsome demanding disputatious positive standing pat opinionative ramrod focussed tough nut to crack standing one's ground hell bent on as stubborn as a mule hard-and-fast tough nut hang tough dug in hard-shell narrow reactionary traditionalist conservative factious estranged alienated disaffected ultra-conservative unprogressive stiffened mullish pushy firmly-based frozen petrified dour immalleable durable hidebound irrational unhelpful indurated rigidified fossilized bony forbidding disciplinary illiberal unbeatable wild unresponsive categorical pervicacious hard-boiled ungiving cohesive unplacatable unmollifiable inescapable iron-handed unpacifiable unfailing undismayed dauntless stony coherent biased annoying vexatious illogical unimpressible energetic impassive blimpish unmoved heady undisciplined cocksure boneheaded unreceptive unrepentant uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional mean fossilised possessive sturdy unforgetful monomaniacal hellbent obsessed ineluctable stony-hearted unimpressionable puritanical convinced game assured stop at nothing delinquent fierce proud aloof locked-in sticky out-and-out crisp doctrinaire unflexible necessary ironclad immobile compulsory unmodifiable quiescent permanent iron-jawed cold fish proof against persuasion unabated pounding hard-headed arbitrary impregnable with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way irreversible exact concrete stuffy in for long haul like bad penny arch brutal static unvarying spartan fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist insoluble thorny unpliable locked knotty indocile clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out set in your ways unmoving changeless no-nonsense stick to guns set in concrete despotic badly-behaved mean business barbarous ferocious fearless bulletproof heroic unassailable insuperable untameable insurmountable whole-hearted do or die hard as nails sticking to one's guns hold the line hold one's ground hold the fort onerous ironhanded prejudiced intolerant with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in no going back disturbed maladjusted intent on in earnest determinate dominant stable certain go-getting hell-bent impassable flinty murderous unfeeling unpitying unmerciful prevailing inexpugnable unqualified set on going consistent like death and taxes determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon obscene pornographic X-rated tricky writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced decided upon never-failing through-and-through at each other's throats unwaivering chronic habitual problem established aggressive perennial lifelong thorough devout truculent proved fervent vehement indelible complete ardent daring provocative resisting audacious fiery torrid irredeemable unreformable ineradicable thoroughgoing zealous impenitent longtime supreme unapologetic unashamed staid ingrained accustomed inured habituated belligerent insolent confrontational anti sicker dissenting bellicose pugnacious long-established grumbly overbearing irritable trying boorish finical vexed unpredictable testy hard to handle invidious choosy fiendish captious snappy sensitive ill-natured hard to please temperamental crotchety uppity touchy chippy unamenable disputative sour oafish discontented tyrannical hypercritical prickly dissatisfied rude querulous bearish crabby huffy negative delicate hard to satisfy irritating fussy overcritical impolite irascible perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial critical ungracious unwilling dissident against opposed subversive through and through well established deep-set red-hot all-consuming firmly established bona fide card-carrying well-established scrappy progressive reforming revolutionary disregardful cheeky insubmissive reckless dareful sassy resistive reformist ready for a fight revisionist progressivist anarchistic extremist hostile to inimical to opposed to opposing averse to spoiling for a fight insurrectionary fanatic revolutionist rabid unflappable dead set against disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unenthusiastic about unwilling to accept far-out loony looney way out ultraist swivel-eyed nihilistic lawless riotous

Từ trái nghĩa của narrow minded

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