Từ đồng nghĩa của crabby

Alternative for crabby

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Tính từ

Disposed to being angry or irritable
cranky cross grumpy irascible irritable sulky testy fiery fractious fretful grouchy peevish petulant ratty surly touchy cantankerous choleric glum huffy impatient moody prickly querulous snappy sullen unsociable whingy bilious bitter brusque chippy crabbed cynical difficult disagreeable dyspeptic harsh misanthropic narky perverse pettish snappish sour splenetic acrimonious captious churlish crotchety crusty curmudgeonly eggy miserable peckish peppery snarky soreheaded tetchy edgy fussy gloomy liverish miffy morose scratchy snaky snippety snippy stuffy tough waspish acid acrid awkward blunt chuffy complaining dour mardy mumpish on edge raspy saturnine sorehead tart trying whingeing bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured ill-natured quick-tempered short-tempered ill-humored nasty-tempered out of sorts out of temper in a bad mood like a bear with a sore head ornery angry stroppy shirty hot-tempered bearish shrewish quarrelsome resentful mean waxy gruff on a short fuse curt cross-grained uptight annoyed bloody-minded discontented contrary disgruntled critical exasperated short-fused spiteful out of humor grumbling thin-skinned argumentative unfriendly piqued temperamental nasty displeased volatile hostile vexed indignant as cross as two sticks irritated truculent short snarling obstinate peeved dissatisfied uncooperative irked in a mood glowering aggrieved whining out of humour cavilling caviling pouting belligerent pouty ungracious hotheaded aggressive frowning sensitive brooding ireful cussed sharp fed up put out passionate sore unhappy tense mopey feisty scowling irate carping malicious fierce vicious malignant offended contentious disapproving tooshie vinegary waspy excitable recalcitrant ugly griping antagonistic malevolent fault-finding abrupt malcontent rude rancorous uncivil in a huff embittered hot-blooded threatening unpleasant pugnacious huffish fretting wrathful scrappy arsey impolite hot under the collar moping vindictive upset furious disobliging humourless humorless aggravated narked unresponsive uncommunicative riled venomous restless miffed whiny unsmiling dark grousing faultfinding grumbly disputatious having got out of bed the wrong side cheesed off hot-headed cheerless hacked off browned off ticked off teed off discourteous not best pleased taciturn bellicose unhelpful unmannerly galled restive refractory vitriolic bolshie disaffected provoked censorious frustrated inhospitable malign bristly boorish froward sourpussed iracund iracundulous angered grudging hypercritical pertinacious sulking discontent jaundiced sarcastic hurt wild ungratified enraged joyless grim malcontented kvetching obstreperous negative ferocious picky brassed off murmuring peed off contumacious easily upset having got out of bed on the wrong side out of joint moaning deploring lamenting confrontational combative bellyaching militant violent defiant warlike stubborn wicked snarly agonistic menacing discordant impulsive tiresome troublesome unreasonable unaccommodating obstructive disappointed mopish assaultive plaintive no-nonsense inflammable crybaby agitated poisonous obdurate headstrong atrabilious unkind choked nettled salty envenomed somber mad unruly catty oversensitive ticklish vehement disquieted intractable pigheaded bull-headed thrawn balky vex impetuous worked up envious hasty forbidding dismal bothered sombre ropeable growling childish begrudging wounded blue hoha disturbed indomitable contrarious overcritical disputative hateful crook hard-nosed snuffy steamed up hate-filled stern foul-tempered hard to please severe sharp-tongued bent out of shape intimidating foaming at the mouth demanding in a temper in a lather cold out-of-sorts finicky objecting destructive protesting inimical loudmouthed adversarial virulent laconic rough bluff abusive uncontrollable terse owllike strigine owlish dissenting repining mourning accusing weeping bewailing regretting charging uneasy vinegarish brief scornful tempersome bad uncongenial spunky acerbic acute offhand lugubrious offensive uncompliant indocile zowerswopped forceful scathing savage ungenerous overwrought distraught worried uncomfortable disrespectful Eeyorish mean-spirited unceremonious unindulgent emotional mighty antipathetic sober pessimistic aloof perversely irritable filthy bad-humored cruel anxious stressed fidgety apt to fly off the handle affronted flustered off offish chagrined hurtful pernicious unlikable withdrawn depressed maddened troubled harried ruffled sharp-tempered eristic boisterous crude infuriated incensed harassed hassled dejected agitable broody like a bear easily offended perturbed ill-mannered with a long face snitty neurotic kittle mopy skittish wrought up ill at ease distressed unsettled fuming unsatisfied unfulfilled litigious bemoaning whimpering wailing crying having short fuse hot under collar down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop scunnered wrath foreboding ominous hard livid apoplectic crabbing uncontent kicking with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the teeth sick and tired fed up to the back teeth sick to death in high dudgeon wound up psyched up angerful frenzied ranting raving convulsed wreck rattled unquiet overstrung twitchy nervous factious warring gladiatorial frightening steamed got up on wrong side of bed serious steely with chip on shoulder hard done by grudge-bearing sardonic irreconcilable with a chip on one's shoulder caustic ill-disposed ignoble contemptible rotten wroth stewed insulted regretful battling dissentious brawly fighting controversial polemical polemic het up easily frightened bad tempered easily agitated high-strung jumpy aerated bickering ructious tempestuous arguesome wrangling disobedient annoying vexatious wayward owly ennuied sniveling put-out unassuaged insatiable fed-up unappeased not satisfied unsated jealous flinty cast-iron boot-faced implacable ungentle mortified unappeasable stark stony solemn impassioned turbulent war brawling huffy irascible snivelling ready for a fight have chip on shoulder hopping mad self-willed capricious wilful mulish in a paddy up in arms on the warpath in a bate fit to be tied outraged evil hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical unpredictable hard to handle unmanageable invidious steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising uppity unamenable resolute immovable oafish tyrannical stiff opinionated stiff-necked delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive hard to satisfy irritating unflinching wrong-headed inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular dictatorial maleficent baleful renitent pervicacious louring malefic black evil-intentioned disparaging deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking criticizing judgemental rejective pass-remarkable pernickety nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty criticising exacting trivial unjust cavillous tricky rabid ballistic rankled inflamed ticked steaming roiled foaming riley enflamed seething raging hot infuriate hopping boiling horn-mad beside oneself incandescent stung in a frenzy going crook beside yourself in a fume blue in the face in a pet pained very angry seeing red off the air injured unsympathetic spare obnoxious distant afflicted unapproachable heated needled burned up grieved boiling mad slighted raging mad with all guns blazing cool unattractive chilly frosty inconsiderate unneighbourly frigid discouraged berserk chafed tormented chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid brittle frozen icy arctic glacial coldish hot and bothered fretted uncharitable roused frantic antagonized hacked bugged insane storming antagonised up the wall bummed out in a rage all steamed up blown a gasket beside yourself with rage gnashing one's teeth pushed too far at boiling point in a filthy temper anguished goaded burning with excitement excited unsavoury reproachful objectionable snubbed good and mad mad as hell foul unlikeable confused disrespected perplexed hypersensitive blazing crazy ready to be tied adverse disheartened crackers p.o.'d viperous out of countenance rousted toey ill flaming dogged scandalized buffaloed defeated perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe highly strung unsavory shocked scandalised blazing mad flaming mad disgusted at daggers drawn dirty unglued raving mad unlovable evil-minded out of control very upset grieving distressing weighty wired up as black as thunder carrying a chip on your shoulder hung up rubbed the wrong way overcome with anger at end of one's rope in a wax in a towering rage bundle of nerves desperate demented energetic corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking manic breakneck irrational concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful unloveable extremely angry long-faced despondent uninviting disconsolate sad downcast disillusioned formidable melancholic forlorn low down saddened sinister lowering fell austere grave unamicable antisocial inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable itching aggers bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent browbeating bullying mordant gray grey supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking against conflicting opposite estranged competitive unpromising vengeful opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms

Tính từ

Sounding sorrowful, mournful or melancholic
plaintive doleful mournful sorrowful woeful disconsolate grief-stricken heartbroken heart-rending melancholy pathetic piteous pitiful rueful sad wistful woebegone dolorous melancholic plangent aching agonised agonized anguished bemoaning bewailing bitter broken-hearted deploring desolate dolesome forlorn funeral grieving grievous lamentable lugubrious regretful sorry unhappy wailing weeping wretched beefing bellyaching cantankerous cranky elegiac grousing grumpy heartrending heartsick lamenting nostalgic saddening out of sorts miserable upset depressed sombre somber glum dejected hurt distressed sullen blue down dispirited pessimistic disheartened demoralized despondent troubled bereaved gloomy heavyhearted sick at heart in doldrums down in dumps pensive low moody low-spirited down in mouth in grief morose in the dumps morbid grieved hapless tearful downcast joyless cheerless listless weepy down-hearted down in the dumps languished languid gray broken emotional black droopy discouraged down in the mouth comfortless heavy-hearted dysphoric disappointed bowed down spiritless aggrieved downhearted sulky saturnine brokenhearted teary negative heartsore fed up in tears demoralised inconsolable languorous crestfallen saddened grey triste tristful cast down dismal dreary depressing hangdog bad despairing drear solemn bleak funereal lonely depressive lonesome dark godforsaken grim sepulchral dire elegiacal cold tenebrous tenebrific heartbreaking darkening plutonian chill dreich in low spirits Cimmerian hopeless murky sunless cloudy hurting crushed abject devastated chap-fallen dismayed in pain dull dour long-faced grave choked lachrymose dragged in the doldrums afflicted sorrowing bummed out oppressed cheesed off distraught mirthless brassed off mourning in the pits chapfallen cut up sick as a parrot distressing dispiriting destroyed subdued gutted defeatist painful disheartening down and out shaken oppressive humorless humourless drab sober remorseful tragic bothered weighed down pitiable pained bleeding suffering daunted in a blue funk tormented cast-down downbeat mopey sobbing apologetic in despair serious all torn up shot down perturbed disconcerted crummy shamefaced unnerved anxious upsetting sapped shook up poignant conscience-stricken dejecting uninviting harrowing maudlin unwelcoming thrown discouraging contrite worried repentant penitent heavy let down weary close to tears singing the blues taken down with a long face as sick as a parrot uptight earnest discomposed disturbed dolent ripped flustered whimpering compunctious traumatized discountenanced sheepish snivelling antsy blubbering sunk in gloom shattered wounded desperate dingy ashamed irked unsettled pining cowed austere on a downer torn up traumatised sniveling uncomfortable guilt-ridden displeased resigned moving touching crying draggy tear-jerking dirge-like moping dirgelike stony-faced tortured solitary agitated down-and-out Eeyorish overwhelmed low in spirits deplorable disquieted discontented sedate unfavorable unfavourable disillusioned bereft ruffled calamitous vexed rattled enervated ruthful abandoned flat self-reproachful drearisome aflutter helpless annoyed forsaken guilty foreboding overwrought brooding destitute angst-ridden broody mopish deflated larmoyant inhospitable stark dim bare cynical low-down troubling uneasy crabbed unsmiling bummed-out yearning overemotional surly attritional bland heavy with grief unenthusiastic in the toilet clinical sunk impersonal daunting mawkish teary-eyed wintry wintery institutional jarring on the verge of tears demoralizing in a tizzy reflective concerned disappointing affecting isolated threnodic longing discombobulated disenchanting disgruntled bugged shook withdrawn defeated down-in-the-mouth dashed undermined stern abashed harrowed apathetic confused unconsolable disenchanted angry friendless in sorrow in mourning ominous sour severe weighty muddled shocked irritated adust peed off ticked off teed off browned off full of sorrow companionless demoralising tense chastened greeting staid deterred inconvenienced frightened alarmed blubbing unsatisfied intimidated unfortunate inauspicious unamused sobersided apprehensive angered nervous atwitter jumpy unglued lorn sourpuss muted blubbery moist wet bawling watery afraid overcome with sorrow damp suicidal bearish frantic poker-faced no-nonsense overcome howling ugly penitential hung up ill at ease racked with suffering racked with pain broken up taciturn po-faced languishing in a funk blue funk given to looking on the black side long-suffering sorry for oneself burned sore contused regretting heartsickening feel-bad threnodial atoning penitentiary funebrial exequial deathlike dirgeful poor worthless misty-eyed unpromising without energy deathly Stygian hollow obscure overcast depressant mortified crushing emo atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging prostrated cross sinister churlish bowed lowered unmanned in distress griefstricken off sluggish excited huffy ill-humoured horrified tear-filled torn-up discontent cringing browbeaten heart-sick lovesick horrible ill-humored dolorific afflictive regrettable unpropitious deserted prostrate with grief taken aback bummed powerless downtrodden mushy syrupy gooey schmaltzy slushy hankering missing longing for home lost luckless forbidding acheronian sorry for yourself have the blahs guilty-looking furtive hysterical irrational histrionic afflicting off-putting sickening sick in anguish forgotten homeless strained adverse disadvantageous distressful unable to be consoled unable to be comforted atrocious uncared-for ailing racked humbled drained let-down not happy embarrassed sneaking frowning glowering portentous unpleasant bad-tempered uncommunicative beside oneself with grief dissatisfied dragging defenseless alone defenceless fruitless devitalized cowering humiliated fraught unresponsive phlegmatic ill-tempered remote derelict sequestered affected homesick doomed fatalistic full of regret shot-down frustrated discomfited falling apart sensitive repining weakened having blue devils having the blahs unmitigable distrustful chagrined miffed hard put off shell-shocked emotionally defeated dreamy misanthropic suspicious gloom-ridden disowned in a state aghast beaten strabilious at the end of your tether no-win can't win not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end full of gloom feeling down doubting in sackcloth and ashes with tears in one's eyes unenthused unconfident contemplative musing dreaming meditative without hope up the creek vanquished baulked worsted objecting balked alarmist easily moved in a bad way doubtful thoughtful down-in-mouth beat beat-down come-apart caved-in harassed wrecked plagued looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny at in floods of tears daydreaming spooked haunted lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart oversentimental with tears in your eyes persecuted desirous wishful with cold feet gone to pieces in blue funk lost momentum strung out sob story in a stew offended insecure nervy edgy dithery queasy queazy fretted in a reverie unquiet jittery hassled verklempt unzipped hinky goosey in disorder put out amazed psyched out come apart outcast at sixes and sevens het up estranged unloved rejected unpopular unwanted lacklustre passive all alone insipid lifeless weak limp unsocial unbefriended uncherished colourless irresolute meek characterless feeble submissive torpid unmoved spineless unimpassioned vapid uninspiring passionless lackadaisical bloodless mopy desiccated anaemic wooden dry uninspired slothful cowardly gutless dopey indecisive unconcerned boring lackluster indifferent drippy tame inanimate blah without friends feeling friendless with no one to turn to without companions by yourself without a friend in the world colorless anemic lacking in vitality wishy-washy flat tire

Từ trái nghĩa của crabby

crabby Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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