Từ đồng nghĩa của lachrymose

Alternative for lachrymose

Từ đồng nghĩa: dolorous, dolourous, tearful, weeping,

Tính từ

Tearful or given to weeping
tearful crying teary weeping sad weepy woeful mournful sobbing depressed emotional gloomy melancholy sniveling snivelling unhappy whimpering close to tears despondent disconsolate doleful downcast glum joyless low low-spirited lugubrious morose sorrowful blubbering blue dolorous down forlorn grief-stricken maudlin miserable larmoyant on the verge of tears down in the mouth easily moved in tears in floods of tears with tears in your eyes dismal sorry wretched melancholic depressing wailing moist distressing dejected downhearted woebegone pitiful dreary lamentable crestfallen watery pitiable heartbroken painful dispirited heartbreaking heart-rending despairing funereal heartsick heartsore heavy-hearted saddening bawling rueful howling down in the dumps pathetic blubbing heartrending sombre desolate somber cheerless saddened inconsolable heavyhearted brokenhearted droopy hangdog upset piteous cast down disheartening distressed dispiriting blubbery lamenting discouraging bleak upsetting poignant regrettable drear tragic distressful dejecting regretful harrowing rheumy teary-eyed grim disappointing mirthless down and out greeting tear-filled wet traumatic hopeless demoralizing bitter dire unfortunate dolesome moving comfortless pensive demoralising grievous bad afflicted dolent agonizing discomposing downbeat terrible plangent oppressive morbid broken-hearted tear-jerking agonising unpleasant dragged pessimistic long-faced destroyed heart-wrenching out of sorts fed up in the dumps misty-eyed dewy-eyed sorrowing mourning misty mawkish sensitive poor depressive dirgeful moody black drab dreadful difficult unfocused blurry blurred wistful discouraged excruciating shocking troublesome crushing defeatist daunting with tears in one's eyes in low spirits torn up sunk in gloom in the doldrums vexatious uncomfortable cold abject helpless lost dingy horrific appalling horrifying derisible mortifying dark frightful lonesome forsaken forgotten abandoned lonely homeless hurtful touching friendless destitute uncared-for bereft cloudy disenchanting unfavorable unfavourable grave oppressed dragging cynical defenceless fruitless solitary defenseless alone weighed down troubled grumpy hurting bleeding in a blue funk in pain bummed out let-down not happy anguished funeral grieving aching deploring agonized plaintive bewailing bemoaning calamitous ruthful deplorable afflictive dolorific agonised disheartened sullen solemn disappointed saturnine elegiac elegiacal sepulchral godforsaken gray grey tenebrous tenebrific dreich plutonian Cimmerian darkening chap-fallen chill dour dull spiritless choked sunless dismayed devastated murky demoralized cut up hurt demoralised distraught chapfallen crushed grieved cheesed off in the pits brassed off awful humourless humorless gutted tormented uninviting austere sick as a parrot bothered perturbed unwelcoming all torn up tristful down-hearted crummy sober mopey horrible anxious cast-down harsh subdued ripped shot down pining disturbing uptight bereaved dim severe sulky dysphoric suffering antsy worried cruel sour sick at heart displeasing shook up agitated moping overcome unlucky taken down pained shaken disquieting hapless disagreeable singing the blues tortured sedate disconcerted inhospitable stark bare as sick as a parrot disturbed listless clinical impersonal wounded weary unsettled irked institutional horrendous broken nostalgic horrid negative on a downer Eeyorish distasteful down-and-out unpalatable let down galling rotten foul unwelcome in a tizzy displeased unpleasing uncongenial drearisome concerned annoying disastrous low in spirits catastrophic discombobulated disquieted bugged shook serious daunted discomposed flat ruffled disillusioned heavy vexed unnerved discontented unconsolable flustered bland disconcerting nasty aflutter discountenanced traumatized troubling draggy annoyed jumpy unglued in grief in doldrums in despair angst-ridden afflicting unsmiling ghastly aggrieved atrocious wintry wintery jarring foreboding brooding bowed down low-down gruesome abominable offensive hard uneasy unnerving in the toilet repellent crabbed traumatised surly ruthless unsavory desperate vile broody mopish worrying repugnant yucky icky yukky abhorrent detestable unlovely unkind unsavoury ugly yearning luckless gut-wrenching enervated earnest stern ruinous lovesick sapped cataclysmic harassed wrecked disgruntled dirge-like ill-fated defeated miffed harrowed jittery languishing spooked weighty with a long face devastating peed off ticked off teed off browned off shamefaced abashed ill-starred confused overwhelmed loveless staid remorseful rattled disenchanted angry muddled shocked in sorrow in mourning irritated objectionable sheepish tense down-in-the-mouth shattered strung out sourpuss muted racked full of sorrow overwrought thrown sore inconvenienced frightened alarmed tragical unsatisfied discomforting sinister companionless rejected disgusting obnoxious apprehensive angered nervous atwitter repulsive adust hideous gloom-ridden affecting stony-faced poker-faced no-nonsense in a stew frustrated bummed-out mean forbidding fatalistic ominous down in dumps torturous lorn odious revolting irksome grisly taciturn heavy with grief overcome with sorrow nightmarish execrable lousy perturbing crabby racked with suffering racked with pain tormenting monstrous wicked nauseating sickening hung up ill at ease adverse triste loathsome macabre broken up destructive irritating frightening suspicious languid inauspicious repellant alarmist distrustful doubting off-putting damp languorous unpropitious blue funk given to looking on the black side heart-breaking apathetic misfortunate spartan sorry for oneself burned contused without energy undermined distracted choked up prostrated callous heartless insensitive unsympathetic dirgelike emo shaky mortified drained churlish depressant cross bowed lowered overemotional excited heart-sick sunk huffy ill-humoured off sluggish empty devitalized threnodic ill-humored peeved exercised wired torn-up discontent acheronian frowning glowering cranky bellyaching cantankerous beefing grousing guilty cowed cringing browbeaten hysterical irrational histrionic atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging prostrate with grief suicidal sorry for yourself down in mouth taken aback deflated sick guilty-looking furtive hyper fidgety up the wall bundle of nerves basket case distrait dissatisfied strained griefstricken unable to be consoled unable to be comforted bad-tempered uncommunicative bearish have the blahs dismaying ailing longing ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking unresponsive phlegmatic ill-tempered hateful affected discomfited beside oneself with grief testing alarming parlous having blue devils having the blahs unhopeful chagrined yucko falling apart cowering humiliated conscience-stricken apologetic in a funk worthless irritable bewildering frustrating aghast beaten chilly unenthusiastic languished in a state fatal bothersome dislikable pain drag paltry feeble hankering missing longing for home vanquished baulked worsted objecting balked deadly mephitical perplexing aggravating hellish vexing revulsive unamusing worrisome squalid heinous in a bad way full of gloom feeling down looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sordid despicable contemptible stressful unsettling disgraceful unpromising shameful agitating unbearable trashy shoddy inferior filthy direful afraid at cataclysmal stirring scurvy impoverished derisory indigent scungy unsatisfactory abysmal hairy fraught gross stinking lurid unacceptable undesirable diabolical troublous unendurable bummed powerless downtrodden plagued homesick lethal mortal grotty godawful grody unappealing uncool awkward hellacious nauseous haunted guilt-ridden poverty-stricken hostile concerning beastly deathly fateful nerve-racking nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking persecuted mooning spurned sob story jilted slighted neglected unrequited frantic offended insecure nervy edgy dithery queasy queazy fretted unquiet hassled fierce savage verklempt unzipped hinky goosey isolated lovelorn crossed in love unrelenting burdensome tough chilling searing murderous trying onerous relentless stiff rough brutal hardhanded merciless inhuman rugged ferocious in disorder put out amazed great remorseless outcast psyched out come apart intemperate intense rigorous inclement provoking unrequited in love at sixes and sevens het up withdrawn estranged unloved hard-hearted unpopular unwanted all alone unsocial unbefriended uncherished with no one to turn to without companions by yourself without friends without a friend in the world feeling friendless

Từ trái nghĩa của lachrymose

lachrymose Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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