Đồng nghĩa của tender

Alternative for tender

tenders, tendered, tendering, tenderer, tenderest

Đồng nghĩa: affectionate, delicate, extend, gentle, kind, loving, offer, present, sensitive, soft, submit,

Trái nghĩa: cruel, tough,

Tính từ

Lacking bodily or structural strength
delicate frail fragile feeble slight weak breakable dainty effete infirm sensitive unsubstantial asthenic enervated enfeebled faint languid prostrate prostrated sapped soft softened weakened wimpish wimpy debilitated wasted low yielding easily damaged down-and-out sickly decrepit ailing incapacitated unwell poorly exhausted shaky ill unsound brittle weakly doddering lame drained vitiated vulnerable fatigued failing flimsy crippled unsteady unstable spineless indisposed trembly rickety doddery tottering worn out weak-kneed in poor health tired spent puny flagging faded deteriorated declining weakling susceptible frangible undermined powerless tottery helpless limp unnerved sick wispy devitalized weedy tenuous nerveless invertebrate shatterable fracturable pathetic strengthless sapless meager meagre shattery characterless wet wishy-washy limp-wristed milk-and-water out of gas namby-pamby hindered encumbered hampered drooping weary crook slender light crumbly washed-out thin fishy spindly destructible played out depleted diminished insubstantial friable impotent stricken rundown etiolated jerry-built teetery ramshackle irresolute bedridden wobbly dying sinking reduced withered atrophied deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged shilpit rendered feeble faltering insecure wavering out of sorts without energy dizzy wonky dodgy easily broken trembling vacillating indecisive gentle insufficient woozy half-hearted dopey emasculated flat aged flabby paralyzed done in rusty run-down paralysed sensile anemic halting anile anaemic in declining health laid low allergic washed out gone to seed out of condition out of shape on the ropes unhealthy injured easily harmed lacklustre poor lackluster valetudinarian hurt nesh wounded bad disabled stiff bruised sore handicapped maimed battered deformed damaged physically challenged game unenthusiastic ineffective inadequate listless lackadaisical old senile small indifferent ineffectual uninterested apathetic passive tepid spiritless unconvincing forceless subdued unwilling long in the tooth elderly languorous paltry tame mild shrill scrawny high past it perfunctory sluggish high-pitched passionless lifeless unexcited lukewarm invalid cool vague reedy defenseless minimal dim reluctant debile ancient senescent superficial blasé inert defenceless unable unfit useless impuissant impassive hamstrung incapable handcuffed hog-tied dull muted moderate inept gutless pale remote distant wan high and dry hazy toothless disorganized boneless wasteful wussy meek unpowerful neutral senior timorous airy dotard nominal disorganised timid desultory cursory emotionless superannuated lacking feeling dispassionate unconcerned subtle unimpressed unresponsive imperceptible token flawed deficient diffuse Laodicean unemotional dimmed diffused unmoved untrained mellow broken-down fine shaded burned out tinted low-key faint-hearted glimmering in second childhood in your dotage glowing in bad shape shimmering imperfect unsatisfactory substandard subject tied dependent incompetent lily-livered over the hill no spring chicken disenfranchised unarmed splintery smashable destroyable eggshell dud unproductive infecund supine blank disfranchised chicken without power resistless wimp tinny squeaky blurred bated lambent not able in poor condition bland paper tiger with no say gloomy unlikely cracked lethargic wearied worn over a barrel improbable tiny languishing pooped knackered beat dead aweary bushed done dubious slim doubtful negligible poorly lit badly lit wiped out loggy burned-out jaded logy beaten bleary tuckered out burnt-out worn-out all in tapped out precarious minuscule exiguous outside perilous nebulous risky suspect unreliable rocky dicey sketchy uncertain iffy wanting defeated unsuccessful unprosperous easily threatened easily destroyed far-fetched unthriving unavailing not well

Tính từ

Gentle, kind or affectionate in manner or behavior
caring kind compassionate considerate kindly benevolent gentle sympathetic thoughtful affectionate beneficent charitable giving gracious loving munificent nice soft warm benign feeling generous goodhearted greathearted humane merciful mild neighborly neighbourly responsive tolerant angelic benefic benignant fatherly maternal motherly philanthropical solicitous fond good-hearted kindhearted kind-hearted softhearted soft-hearted tenderhearted tender-hearted warmhearted warm-hearted bleeding-heart good-natured great-hearted large-hearted well intentioned well-mannered well meaning all heart understanding indulgent friendly sensitive lenient amiable helpful obliging forbearing genial concerned amicable empathetic altruistic comforting big-hearted cordial approachable affable magnanimous supportive accommodating forgiving pleasant unselfish congenial liberal clement pitying selfless patient good empathic sweet hospitable decent chivalrous attentive sociable complaisant sentimental humanitarian easygoing easy protective agreeable polite mellow commiserative paternal good-humoured good-humored devoted fatherlike receptive philanthropic gallant condoling open cheerful well-disposed sympathizing doting civil courteous tactful companionable sympathising respectful emotional pleasing likeable likable forthcoming perceptive permissive bighearted patriarchal comradely cooperative careful commiserating easy-going chummy delightful good-tempered parental lovable human regardful hearty touchy-feely bonhomous reactive impressionable welcoming encouraging big consoling sparing conscious demonstrative mollycoddling pampering convivial condoning mindful compliant buddy-buddy favorable pardoning social happy civilized favourable jovial accessible diplomatic noble unassuming open-hearted well disposed mild-mannered engaging maternalistic nurturing civilised bleeding heart sweet-tempered comprehending harmless intuitive mother bland public-spirited brotherly lax conciliatory sheltering cognizant light aware watchful spoiling perceiving loyal passionate sensible expressive vulnerable allowing excusing peaceful peaceable interested permitting yielding intimate enthusiastic heartfelt heroic earnest wholehearted sincere effusive courtly moderate valiant personable eager gushing matey lovely temperate open-minded conscientious palsy ruthful mushy broad-minded mannerly righteous having heart in right place dutiful palsy-walsy unpresumptuous prepossessing winsome unreserved communicative cuddly heedful honourable honorable sweet-natured even-tempered expansive unrestrained well-bred well mannered bounteous bountiful humble modest going easy on free lavish unstinting loving and giving urbane unconstrained unoffensive candid moral lovey-dovey open-handed unctuous princely stately heart in right place suave uninhibited consolatory parent soppy condolatory avuncular soothing vigilant matriarchal guiding ladylike decorous gentlemanly nonmalignant melting appreciating vicarious worried anxious fraternal nonthreatening courageous genteel natural observant soft-shell emollient assuaging assuasive favoring humoring letting pally pitiful couth accommodative cosseting gratifying bubbly swell ingratiating wonderful self-effacing thoughty humouring favouring discerning accepting appreciative reassuring understandable non-malignant quiet placid eleemosynary soft touch propitious openhearted deferential wholesome calm openhanded freehanded charming personal confident sensitized live with being big brave ungrudging collegial soft-shelled overpermissive nonjudgmental appealing glowing cozy protecting supporting caretaking impressible sensitised insightful knowing emotionable clubby affectious cosy meek laid back broody like-minded amusing confiding close faithful outgoing hilarious conversable jocose attached entertaining kindred vibrant funny happy-go-lucky compatible amical comical jocular on good terms free-handed hail-fellow-well-met red-carpet hail-fellow well-meaning taking captivating winning enchanting reverential fearless intrepid stout-hearted bold dauntless able to live with going along with finely tuned supersensitive piteous responsible as nice as pie simpatico reasonable touchy feely tuned in shy non-confrontational pacific lamblike demure reverent dove-like noble-minded valorous honest elevated moralistic high-minded just virtuous ethical high principled lordly respectable upstanding upright goodish fair lofty great self-sacrificing old softie soft-spoken sisterly dovelike retiring cool barley-sugar moved turned on to genuine cheery awake alive susceptible do-good inviting touched knightly fiery irritable sensorial sensory high-strung nervous fragile deep amorous flexible amenable well-intentioned sorry sharp overindulgent stirred active sentient alert influenceable respondent sensile replying persuadable quick to react acknowledging answering susceptive eager to help eager to please impressed open to suggestions stimulated affected influenced melted undemanding quick to respond deeply moved weak spineless boneless

Tính từ

Not harsh in nature or effect
delicate gentle soft benign light mild mellow nonabrasive balmy bland soothing calm smooth pleasant moderate warm temperate tranquil clement placid serene peaceful sensitive subdued equable pacific meek peaceable easy compassionate unassuming affable docile modest sympathetic good-natured soft-hearted tender-hearted complaisant tame deferential mild-mannered genial weak untroubled softened flat medium tempered tepid vanilla mollifying favourable lenient favorable clear nonirritating nothing wimpy breezy low-grade sweet refreshing agreeable nonirritant calmative healthful bright slow quiet muted feeble amiable kind forgiving easy-going restful zephyr-like halcyon conciliatory warm-hearted indulgent merciful deliberate easy-oasy chilled forbearing easygoing good-tempered submissive good-humoured jejune subservient spiritless good-humored obliging vapid obeisant patient forbearant dull lenitive demulcent emollient benignant lukewarm dainty pabulum assuasive cool choice ho-hum fine sunny exquisite blah nothing much caring benevolent softhearted reverent warmhearted lamblike demure retiring angelic gracious harmless unoffensive non-confrontational fair summery pleasing cloudless sunshiny faint unclouded sunlit hushed muffled dry radiant brilliant without a cloud in the sky rainless delectable sultry caressing softening calming relieving easing sedative slight stifled reserved beautiful moonlit sunbeamy starlit shiny graceful indistinct nice propitious palliative diminished still low-pitched low silent close-mouthed hushful low-keyed good alleviatory alleviating alleviative unthreatening clarion smiling undarkened soft-spoken easeful mitigative mitigatory balsamic paregoric

Tính từ

Overly sensitive to criticism
thin-skinned touchy hypersensitive sensitive chippy susceptible defensive easily hurt huffy oversensitive paranoid soft supersensitive tetchy ticklish vulnerable delicate emotional neurotic prickly ultrasensitive umbrageous easily offended easily upset quick to take offence irritable petulant irascible cross grumpy ill-tempered testy peevish ratty cranky snappy bad-tempered crotchety waspish fractious pettish choleric quick-tempered short-tempered grouchy crabbed cantankerous crusty crabby hot-tempered snappish ornery impatient narky ill-humoured ill-humored splenetic curmudgeonly volatile uptight surly dyspeptic peppery temperamental ill-natured soreheaded peckish eggy liverish miffy snaky querulous like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse sulky fiery edgy shirty disagreeable moody captious fretful sullen mean bilious scratchy snippy out of sorts annoyed perverse stroppy in a bad mood bearish quarrelsome shrewish in a mood cross-grained short-fused exasperated passionate as cross as two sticks waxy snarky snippety out of humor raspy stuffy tense angry curt morose sour hotheaded highly strung miserable whingy churlish complaining snarling grumbling spiteful gruff froward out of temper bloody-minded acid hot-headed high-strung sharp hot-blooded nasty having got out of bed the wrong side twitchy huffish disgruntled short resentful tooshie awkward feisty bristly critical discontented brusque ireful whining dissatisfied carping bitter difficult explosive waspy grousing fault-finding on edge overemotional willful having got out of bed on the wrong side mardy wilful out of humour iracund vicious hot under the collar whingeing in bad mood whiny fussy iracundulous scrappy melodramatic prima donna-ish hasty headstrong sorehead sore acrimonious quick to take offense self-justifying conservative nervous snarly zowerswopped atrabilious perversely irritable impulsive excitable inflammable unpleasant unstable murmuring plaintive grumbly huffy irascible salty censorious moaning negative crying deploring hard to please lamenting bemoaning whimpering wailing hyper-sensitive over-emotional hung up easily affected unruly recalcitrant refractory restless indomitable uncompliant restive indocile wild glum unsociable argumentative misanthropic cynical contentious truculent pouty harsh obstinate pertinacious hypercritical gloomy acrid trying dour nasty-tempered griping uncooperative pouting mumpish growling displeased malicious venomous fretting contrary vinegary childish foul-tempered tough out-of-sorts brooding cavilling tart malignant disputatious vindictive caviling crybaby ugly saturnine filthy obstreperous blunt cussed ungracious chuffy offended choked irritated moping miffed narked riled piqued angered hurt peeved stewed vexed provoked irked insulted nettled put out toey dicey jumpy hazardous unsafe unpredictable perturbable wired up wound up bundle of nerves upset fierce violent furious indignant unfriendly impetuous vehement agitated uncivil mopey frowning embittered irate unmannerly aggravated incensed faultfinding worked up mad enraged infuriated mercurial sarcastic wrathful crook distraught in a temper steamed up teed off abrupt ticked off hacked off not best pleased foaming at the mouth bent out of shape uneasy anxious fidgety overwrought intense stormy unhappy stressed impassioned distressed tempestuous glowering aggrieved sourpussed unresponsive uncommunicative arsey overstrung heated frantic galled joyless sulking excited het up fed up inflamed vex distracted ropeable ferocious feverish fuming raving snuffy wrath in high dudgeon in a huff frenzied brassed off cheesed off browned off peed off hostile disapproving all shook up in a lather hot under collar sharp-tongued easily provoked combative responsive worried uncomfortable disobliging quick catty vinegarish bad-humored tempersome wrought up ill at ease unsettled vitriolic spunky acerbic acute grudging terse mopish bad wicked jaundiced uncongenial ungenerous wreck rattled unquiet like a bear dejected agitable broody apt to fly off the handle unindulgent got up on wrong side of bed brief scornful blue wounded kittle mopy skittish reactive bothered affronted flustered sharp-tempered maddened disturbed frustrated troubled harried ruffled psyched up angerful ranting cold pugnacious convulsed cheerless harassed hassled having short fuse livid apoplectic snitty steamed dramatic scunnered hoha wroth easily frightened easily agitated shaken steamed-up hottempered aerated boorish loutish hopping mad rude impolite up in arms on the warpath in a paddy in a bate fit to be tied uncouth vulgar oafish discourteous animated lively ardent ungallant ungentlemanly ill-mannered ill-bred fervent spirited uncharitable unkind classless mean-spirited unchivalrous clownish cloddish inconsiderate overexcited wired fervid raging rabid hysterical ignorant desperate turbulent rough tumultuous uncivilised clodhopping uncultured crude crass polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic uncivilized base lowbred unneighborly coarse jittery beside oneself panicky paroxysmal volcanic cyclonic savage convulsive passional disparaging deprecating overcritical nagging overactive keyed up hectic wrought-up hyperactive nervy in a state strung out swivel-eyed stressy adrenalized knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts hot hammer and tongs aroused bang-bang freaked-out overwhelmed flipped out wound-up throwing a wobbly under a strain crazy strung up high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered in a tizzy beside yourself stirred weary strung-out in a twitter at the end of your tether worn worked-up unstrung tired hyper out of your mind spent pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking criticizing judgemental rejective pass-remarkable pernickety severe nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty demanding criticising exacting trivial unjust cavillous finicky tricky

Tính từ

Feeling or expressing great anger
inflamed hot sore angry red swollen infected raw chafing reddened septic angered angry-looking apoplectic ballistic burning choleric enraged festered foaming fuming furious hopping horn-mad incensed indignant infuriate infuriated irate ireful itching itchy livid mad outraged painful rabid rankled riled riley roiled shirty smarting steaming stinging ticked wrathful wroth festering fevered puffed up sensitive blistered bloodshot burnt chafed cheesed off irritated scalded steamed up teed off enflamed hopping mad hot under the collar fit to be tied bent out of shape in a huff going crook in a fume in a pet blue in the face raging boiling seething cross tooshie up in arms incandescent annoyed choked foaming at the mouth beside oneself exasperated in high dudgeon wild on the warpath vexed beside yourself frenzied provoked aerated off the air piqued in a temper upset raving steamed ranting maddened browned off in a frenzy very angry irked miffed resentful nettled as cross as two sticks seeing red aggrieved ticked off ropeable peeved crook soreheaded frantic aggravated snaky displeased heated in a lather in a paddy in a bate put out with all guns blazing suppurating passionate hacked offended purulent frustrated bummed out waxy spare hacked off peed off blazing disgruntled vex dissatisfied desperate insane corybantic demented crazed maniac irrational bent unreasonable smoking hurt affronted pained acrimonious up the wall huffy irascible antagonized narked roused splenetic bugged stroppy perturbed scandalized antagonistic hostile scandalised shocked storming ill-humored dark antagonised not best pleased burned up pushed too far worked up in a rage bad-tempered in a towering rage at boiling point hot-tempered fed up raging mad all steamed up overcome with anger ill-tempered blown a gasket wound up boiling mad in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage ill-humoured sombre sullen somber fiery scalding steamy piping air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air airborne poisonous pink bitter agitated berserk maturating gathering ulcerated rousted rancorous bothered black flaming galled dogged uptight buffaloed stung ruffled embittered as black as thunder raving mad bloody rubbed the wrong way at end of one's rope hot and bothered eggy grieved hoha out of control flaming mad blazing mad very upset in a wax full-on all-out uncompromising breakneck energetic concerted manic red-rimmed acrid afflicted weighty grieving brassed off hard annoying distressing troubled extremely angry excited peeling disturbed unhappy distressed discontented gory poisoned putrefying chagrined nasty putrid putrefactive scornful p.o.'d bloodstained ensanguined scarlet aching aroused blistering severe diseased pus-filled toxic exacerbated gangrenous violent vehement fierce vicious frenetic rage sunburned bursting sulky crabby testy sour surly grumpy peevish insulted wounded malcontent moody irritable snuffy petulant injured slighted morose miffy spiteful touchy glowering churlish hateful ratty crabbed glum discontent vitriolic out of humour dour malevolent brooding disappointed unfriendly frowning disgusted gloomy aggressive grouchy querulous dirty cantankerous in a bad mood gnashing one's teeth needled out of sorts pouting grudging rattled anguished unforgiving vindictive tetchy pouty unsociable mopey menacing threatening scunnered malicious uncivil sourpussed unresponsive uncommunicative narky flustered waspish joyless sulking unmannerly snappy venomous belligerent malignant salty prickly malign gruff het up filthy cranky unglued impatient harsh ferocious ill-disposed out of joint hate-filled at daggers drawn hard done by short-tempered quick-tempered in an uproar defiant good and mad mad as hell worried unjustifiably resentful unjustifiably offended unsatisfied unpleased dishonored humiliated snubbed crazy reproachful umbrageous dishonoured ready to be tied disrespected crackers burning with excitement anxious harried wronged harassed hassled smouldering abrupt curt contemptuous disdainful disaffected begrudging snitty harmed tense wrath ill-used woeful saddened jaundiced virulent brusque terse chippy persecuted oppressed victimised depressed victimized cynical sardonic irreconcilable caustic crotchety grousing malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent out of temper griping kvetching kicking ungratified critical scathing bilious savage pugnacious mean butthurt impetuous hotheaded unindulgent revengeful scowling smoldering with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing with a chip on one's shoulder forbidding envenomed hurtful catty pernicious censorious huffish bad tempered having short fuse hot under collar stern evil wicked full of hate full of dislike grim impassioned maleficent baleful unkind ill-natured contentious inhospitable temperamental foreboding ominous cheerless intense louring malefic intimidating frightening spirited animated evil-intentioned lively fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought hectic full-hearted feverish hyperactive perfervid passional avid fervent ardent

Tính từ

Delicious and pleasing to taste
dainty delicious delectable palatable tasty choice luscious toothsome appetising appetizing scrumptious succulent yummy ambrosial mouth-watering savoury delish flavorful flavoursome flavorsome inviting juicy lush mouthwatering savory scrummy tasteful tempting toothy finger-licking moreish rich sapid piquant flavorous yummo flavourful divine sweet ambrosian yum-yum nectareous nectarean heavenly nummy spicy enticing delightful nectarous tangy good lekker sweetened sugar-coated exquisite peng enjoyable full-flavoured pleasant-tasting pleasant comestible attractive appealing saporous mellow aperitive very palatable very enjoyable adorable good-tasting rare out of this world lip-smacking fit for a king nice honeyed satisfying agreeable gratifying gorgeous edible desirable tantalizing tantalising delicate titillating pleasing magnificent moist sumptuous nectarious flavory eatable drinkable pungent finger-lickin' zestful full-flavored fair saporific home-cooking relishing cool passable peachy A-OK enchanting wonderful well-prepared well-seasoned strong zesty peppery sharp highly seasoned hot tart aromatic nutritive nutritious heavy biting spiced seasoned digestible fragrant redolent salty fresh wholesome harsh acerb zippy fiery poignant full-bodied harmless nippy esculent snappy highly-seasoned zingy eating highly-flavoured nourishing fit to eat fit strongly flavoured highly flavored ripe engaging full of flavor sharp-flavoured acid bitter acidic sour ingestible briny vinegary highly flavoured strong-flavored gingery safe to eat consumable pert stinging eatworthy fit to be eaten good to eat fit for human consumption brusque severe well-flavored critical with a kick fatty creamy heady culinary fit to be consumed dietary fit for consumption safe kosher fruity big well-matured robust buttery picante lusty plush bold full deep muscular potent concentrated intense filling fattening warm powerful oily sustaining cloying calorific comfort unhealthy perfumed aromal scented herbaceous curried odoriferous indigestible full of flavour red hot well seasoned

Tính từ

(of a person) Easily influenced by feelings or emotions
susceptible gullible naive vulnerable ingenuous persuadable trusting unsuspecting credulous impressionable responsive sensitive unwary acquiescent amenable defenseless defenceless exploitable given gullable inclined influenceable prone pushover receptive swayable tractable adaptable disposed emotional innocent manageable nonresistant predisposed ready soft suggestible susceptive easy impressible movable dewy-eyed fall for wide-eyed wide open over-trustful over-trusting thin-skinned easily deceived easily led easily taken in out on a limb easily moved highly strung sitting duck at risk easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of unsuspicious open dupable trustful foolish unguarded deceivable believing liable fleeceable accepting malleable unsceptical pliant unskeptical biting unsophisticated childlike subject perceptive tending apt accessible pliable exposed likely unworldly simple willing green unquestioning inexperienced mouldable reactive sympathetic wet behind the ears sentient sensile sensible exploitative exploitatory exploitive flexible affected approachable guileless sharp conquerable vincible attackable verisimilar beatable penetrable assailable alert easily influenced formative uncritical minded in danger moldable well disposed fain open to suggestions open-minded agreeable yielding unknowing likely to get apt to get likely to have at risk of born yesterday as green as grass in danger of getting with a tendency to get confiding pervious ductile undoubting enthusiastic eager partial awake alive forthcoming aware defenceless against plastic affectable wax-like feeling naif raw primitive simpleminded dewy jejune aw-shucks easily exploited easily controlled given to developmental naïve silly green as grass overcredulous prepared overtrusting respondent active compassionate warm softhearted replying quick to react acknowledging conscious answering warmhearted passionate kindhearted clueless artless fictile biased prejudiced ignorant endangered sucker mark not unwilling developing genuine easily fooled tumbling for taken in kidding oneself swallowing whole easy mark falling hook line and sinker taking the bait being a sucker in the mood of a mind subject to growing quick to respond foundational immature seminal creative on the cards bent interested uncorrupted soppy unrealistic teary-eyed sentimental sinless callow pure undefiled idealistic dovelike friendly welcoming favourable devoted attuned broad-minded acceptant acceptive bright hospitable well-disposed open to new ideas recipient observant favorable quick ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas quick on the uptake

Tính từ

Of or full of expression
expressive moving vivid poignant striking meaningful passionate suggestive artistic eloquent emotional graphic intense revealing significant stirring strong ardent charged descriptive energetic evocative indicative lively meaning powerful pregnant revelatory sympathetic telling allusive deeply felt demonstrative emphatic forcible imaginative indicating emotion indicating feeling inspired visionary alive animated articulate brilliant colourful colorful communicative dramatic easy-to-read full of emotion full of feeling indicating ingenious masterly mobile open pathetic pictorial picturesque pointed representative representing responsive sensitive showy signifying silver-tongued spirited stimulating thoughtful touching understanding warm affecting redolent speaking clear deep symbolic inspiring fervent creative fiery impassioned uninhibited forceful realistic cogent lifelike rich telltale touchy-feely impactful effusive feeling profound loving detailed heartfelt mournful reminiscent unreserved aesthetic sad intriguing evocatory gushing haunting unrestrained resonant fervid remindful weighty graceful visual delineated compelling affectionate convincing vehement esthetic sentimental lucid emotive enthusiastic impressive exciting sincere thrilling original approachable explicit beautiful forthcoming cuddly friendly elegant symptomatic fine inventive doleful tasteful stirred illustrative expansive uplifting soulful significative consequential unconstrained candid warmhearted vibrant poetic figurative influential definitive persuasive hot-blooded cultivated full cultured refined perceptive inspirational lovey-dovey zealous giving an inkling feverish vigorous flaming fanatical melodramatic sententious important graphical heated burning torrid impelling authoritative true to life passional inspiriting punchy distinct active glowing blazing upsetting heart-warming perfervid effective highly coloured definite incandescent superheated religious heartbreaking irresistible red-hot warm-blooded heart-rending rousing grand heartrending soul-stirring tragic tear-jerking high-powered hard-hitting evoking noticeable narrative sophisticated discerning connotative fluent loaded arty resonating impressionistic warming tactual tactile cheering cheerful gladdening resonant with remindful of seminal arousing anthemic encouraging calling up momentous fecund insinuative insinuatory tragicomic emotion-charged eager arresting excited committed assiduous earnest dedicated steadfast allegiant insinuating heartening instigative elevating enriching inspirative improving stunning gripping breathless provoking affective fierce wild faithful memorable unforgettable authentic frenzied decorative lovely stylish scintillating sharp provoking doubt ornamental exquisite messianic violent interesting fascinating raging tumultuous uncontrollable consuming elevated flowery sly enigmatic cunning hip theatrical fresh pleasing impulsive impetuous ungovernable true-to-life sharply-etched crystal clear steamed up high-pressure stimulated precipitate headlong hotblooded quickened attractive impish arch wise teasing mischievous playful efficient capable subtle aesthetically pleasing insightful able coherent knowing motivational authoritarian pivotal motivating swayful alluring masterful efficacious musical harmonious ideal rhythmical sublime sonorous mellow mellifluous rational reasoned pertinent sufficient successful dynamic temperamental plausible on the ball aggressive logical material charming mighty histrionical trenchant well-founded relevant well reasoned imposing satisfying credible puissant reasonable unanswerable direct theatric sound acute well founded performant powerhouse ringing illustrated purposeful bitter painful distressing excitable susceptible full-bodied melodious scenic representational storming flamboyant exuberant quick piteous pitiful dulcet fruity booming mellifluent pitiable disturbing saddening sorrowful sketched engraved portrayed pictoric painted illustrational blocked-out diagrammatic depicted etched seen pictured pictographic marked-out outlined traced iconographic heartwarming overcharged tempestuous roused effervescent vivacious zestful far-reaching harrowing wretched tearful miserable sentient verklempt ecstatic phat canorous bright rotund silvery zesty animate peppy vital blithe agonizing plaintive gut-wrenching shocking lurid startling perturbing agonising agitating nostalgic buoyant zippy bouncy high-spirited sparky photographic well-drawn well drawn perspicuous comprehensible well defined well delineated well expressed unequivocal precise incisive concrete intelligible leaving nothing to the imagination

Tính từ

Undemanding and easily executed
light undemanding unexacting easy simple untaxing moderate effortless basic straightforward bearable elementary endurable low impact manageable painless tolerable unchallenging breezy cushy facile minimal not burdensome stress-free superficial uncomplicated comfortable downhill easygoing inconsiderable not hard piece of cake balmy benign bland mellow nonabrasive soothing middle-of-the-road smooth fluid cheap snap soft ready royal hands-down fluent trouble-free quick unproblematic a cinch clear as easy as ABC a piece of cake as easy as falling off a log plain sailing natural flowing untroublesome graceful easy-peasy duck soup a snap a breeze a pushover easy as pie a doddle money for jam a bludge idiot-proof money for old rope easy-breezy not difficult no sweat picnic a snip child's play distinct obvious plain rudimental elegant free-flowing unbroken uninterrupted continuous trivial apparent regular rhythmic pushover a piece of old tackle no trouble no problem as easy as pie sinuous feline fast leisurely spontaneous instinctive intuitive a walk in the park a cakewalk a picnic a gift unforced running cursive offhand liquid articulate able to speak or write undistorted unmuddled unmuffled unclouded unobscured clean uninvolved attainable mindless perspicuous weightless palpable unambiguous unmistakable workable evident unequivocal user friendly accessible transparent kids' stuff cinch user-friendly slight clear-cut idiotproof no muss no fuss patent bed of roses open-and-shut simple as ABC wieldy yielding no bother nothing to it easily done little manifest paltry mere routine practical a five-finger exercise rudimentary comprehensible a doss handy easy to use a snack convenient intelligible casual untroubled useful feasible fundamental essential elemental introductory underlying beginning abecedarian easily operated easy to understand nothing meat-and-potatoes initial foolproof basal manipulable ergonomic adaptable straight short without a hitch carefree direct easeful unsophisticated parsimonious efficient necessary basilar lowest lax unburdensome simplistic relaxed uninhibited well-ordered down-to-earth unfussy safe easy-going laid-back unlabored uneventful easy going smooth sailing easy progress straight sailing easy ride easily accomplished well ordered easily understood easily grasped easy as ABC lazy cool cavalier ordinary precise non-complex specific runaway functional usable practicable applicable working easily won useable applicative serviceable applied actionable ultrapractical exploitable breeze primary foundational primitive preliminary original ABCs primo prefatory substratal uncomplex simplest simplified simplex meat and potatoes

Danh từ

A means of payment, such as currency
money cash currency coin bread dough loot green shekels change lucre moolah lolly legal tender scratch bucks needful jack pelf kale cabbage chips gold moola sheqels wampum long green funds dosh hard cash coinage brass greenbacks coins readies specie gelt dinero wonga wealth ready money wad silver notes copper mazuma ready banknotes bills boodle ackers spondulicks ready cash paper money riches cold cash treasure coin of the realm medium of exchange chicken feed rhino tin dibs capital greenback wherewithal paper ducats gravy roll pesos kembla simoleons splosh Oscar resources shinplasters rocks banknote payment stock buck folding money bankroll green stuff almighty dollar dollars finance seawan peag exchange small change coppers piece of change mintage loose change denomination doubloon bank notes bullion honest money sound currency valid currency circulating medium the necessary meter money clams supply skins savings investment refund lot mazumah note principal security reserve remuneration pledge pile opulence king's ransom mint bundle wallet fortune lettuce beans petty cash ready assets necessary means finances sterling filthy lucre megabucks stuff oof the ready the wherewithal property wage bill equities spends earnings dinars check income fund folding stuff big bucks assets reserves nest egg kitty coffers exchequer possessions stake estate worth substance backing financing pocket deep pockets investments funding holdings belongings treasury revenue grant goods budget affluence prosperity stash subsidy effects purse valuables hoard securities capitalization portion present worldly goods material goods bank money in the bank chattels sponsorship fisc big money financial resources equity interests store ways and means stockpile investment capital cache settlement dowry aid IRA business rainy day fund patronage nut collateral subsidization credit pool mammon Mammon gleanings grubstake promotion richness provisions gift bursary affairs subsidisation contribution pockets wedding gift prosperousness working capital stocks and bonds accumulation harvest saving abundance asset fall-back net worth mattress full tidy sum pretty penny monies contingency fund revenues support CD ambition greed moneys proceeds winnings stakes profits financial backing fluid assets cash reserve accounts receivable pork barrel money on hand gain avarice dineros supplies resource vaults intangibles materials stores stocks coffer portfolio insurance mad money pocket money pin money ace in the hole financial assets takings valuable holding valuable property valuable possession valuable good valuable resource pocketbook worldly possessions money for a rainy day emergency fund emergency supply financial status bank note provision for a rainy day life saving money put by for a rainy day natural resources aegis auspice fullness shrapnel excess dot spending money provision plenty luxury budgeting top whack top dollar egis ace in hole silver coins balance sheet net condition shares value plunder luxuriance booty commodities substantiality multitude lobola tocher marriage settlement jewels gems cash flow financial affairs money management financial state well-being financial condition catch ill-gotten gains lap of luxury valuable asset crown jewels valuable objects treasure trove precious metals marriage portion largesse debt loan endowment grants welfare benefit donation benefaction alms advancement subvention sustenance offering bomb capital sum capital funds allowance compensation packet scholarship handout reward millions billions share interest earth killing shedloads loadsamoney hand-out ante gazillions motser motza big bickies large sum of money stacks of money vast sum of money pots of money lots of money considerable sum of money heaps of money small fortune involvement piece smart money capital spending buying shares expense money invested concern financial interest purchase capital invested venture capital

Danh từ

A formal request submitted to an authority, institution, or organization
application appeal claim request demand petition requisition solicitation submission entreaty inquiry plea bid enquiry form suit letter supplication approach paper presentation draught draft prayer desire imploration call adjuration invocation pleading cry suppliance conjuration overture importunity proposition proposal suggestion obsecration offer begging imprecation question motion orison order impetration summons ultimatum plan behest scheme address programme recommendation beseeching recourse proffer wish dun obtestation program pitch earnest request insistence pressure cry from the heart game plan urging exhortation urge importuning indent requirement purchase order bidding terms design rogation invitation litany advance manifesto outline angle idea urgent request feeler big idea cri de cœur brain child enjoinment project intercession ave prompting begging request round robin de profundis pretension right pretence pretense dibs memorial query market humble request soliciting asking requesting stress instigation pass scenario picture layout setup commercial beseech postulation impulse incitement imposition lien want mandate stipulation command argument clamour need condition provision dictate reclamation entry hest drive charge devotion communion instance counterclaim arrogation pursuit big ask exaction must-have interest interrogation entreatment clamor hope supplications worship request for help grace holy rites contemplation answer adoration observances meditation devotions benediction imploring prayers chant service instruction direction injunction decree appetite directive invite edict will word say-so run on rush on persuasion task encouragement assignment auction investigation dictum ask proffering fiat call to action precept do rule imperative ruling commandment run exigency rescript calling bell pressing PO rush notice canon beck insistency arm-twisting petitioning purchase requisition expressed desire determination perseverance persistence resolve subpoena doggedness firmness levy rights toll beck and call privilege entitlement fee payment preemptive declaration dueness first dibs contribution extortion