Từ đồng nghĩa của soft spoken

Tính từ

Charming, confident and elegant
suave debonair smooth sophisticated urbane affable charming cool courteous polite smooth-tongued worldly worldly-wise dignified gallant gentlemanly poised self-possessed smooth-talking agreeable bland civil civilised civilized diplomatic glib gracious mannerly polished refined silver-tongued svelte tactful cordial courtly cultivated cultured distingué formal fulsome genial impeccable ingratiating obliging oily pleasant pleasing politic slick sociable soft unctuous well-bred well mannered genteel ladylike respectful kind chivalrous decorous proper considerate thoughtful deferential discreet decent gentle elegant complaisant well bred well brought up well-mannered well behaved well-spoken well-behaved well spoken friendly amiable accommodating kindly benevolent nice neighbourly seemly hospitable noble good-natured amicable neighborly congenial respectable sympathetic amenable honourable attentive honorable couth benign helpful understanding indulgent stylish warm correct accomplished cooperative easy good-humoured mild mellow stately charitable discerning approachable good-humored aristocratic unselfish good bonhomous generous tolerant likeable graceful punctilious tender cheerful warm-hearted sensitive dutiful regardful likable well-disposed compliant comradely convivial magnanimous easy-going advanced sweet careful classy distinguished virtuous warmhearted good-tempered posh easygoing social orderly educated obedient enlightened affectionate willing caring solicitous beneficent peaceful restrained law-abiding unreserved compassionate kind-hearted peaceable companionable welcoming loving becoming knightly precise befitting well-brought-up just ceremonious jovial well-born big-hearted good-hearted gentlemanlike conscientious majestic high-minded tasteful open subtle prim scrupulous lofty judicious delicate noble-minded true discriminating developed prudent high courageous lenient engaging right conventional lovable heroic well disposed de rigueur calm moral observant liberal valiant cautious straight brave heedful disciplined fine intrepid bold acquiescent gregarious good-mannered outgoing valorous affected tractable cosmopolitan accessible snobbish personable clubbable forthcoming condescending matey chummy natural accommodative buddy-buddy imposing docile exact clubby highborn modest cheery honest submissive pompous giving reputable upright blue-blooded concerned brotherly humane patrician well brought-up manageable upper-crust mindful erudite chirpy ethical media-savvy principled righteous handsome perceptive stilted starchy spiffy swanky sharp prudish priggish prissy sublime big great kindhearted conciliatory regal stiff delightful conversable eager to please highbred lordly greathearted upstanding selfless accurate altruistic happy learned worthy merciful benignant perky trustworthy rigorous mathematical fastidious well-educated well informed well read skilful skillful sedate eager to help stiff-necked tactical dexterous deft savvy great-hearted artful conscionable royal bountiful dextrous shrewd guileful wily astute experienced esthetic open-handed calculating treating with kid gloves superior aesthetic stand-up clean-living all right princely right-minded protective unemotional lovely sensible wellmannered haughty finished fearless stout-hearted dauntless company-loving temperate womanly cavalier balanced metropolitan controlled proud appealing easy to get along with mild-mannered good mannered taught trained adaptable pliable biddable obsequious thoughty privileged aloof persuasive devoted chivalric guestfriendly adulatory complimentary high-bred august flattering preux studied reverential couthy handy accepting long-suffering assent quiet non-violent smarmy together responsible daring loyal elevated fair facile composed collected responsive nonviolent ruly possessed unruffled silky constant receptive user friendly on tap on deck equable coolheaded harmonious tranquil evolved airy dainty close exquisite progressive improved forward pinpoint spot-on late higher clever fit dashing spirited manly quixotic willing to help self-composed suitable demure fitting confident self-assured at peace fraternal adept elite upper-class orthodox wary foresighted palsy non-hostile palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow hearty plush high-brow snazzy ritzy informal arch intriguing capable crafty sly contriving brainy cunning strategic conniving scheming cagey opportunistic scholarly intellectual conforming done trim dapper smart spruce fashionable ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow snooty straitlaced precious stuffy wholesome humanitarian incorrupt dependable pure conflict-free softly-softly kid-glove pally communicative relaxed uninhibited highbrow knowledgeable comely puritanical fly swish snappy attractive like-minded empathic concordant cozy agreeing pacific accordant regular cosy softhearted bleeding-heart well meaning well intentioned feeling tenderhearted tender-hearted soft-hearted philanthropic all heart munificent moralistic exemplary irreproachable chaste blameless incorruptible well born upmarket grand titled high-born wellborn solemn comme il faut meet by the numbers in line by the book strait-laced trig well groomed well dressed innocent truthful sinless meticulous well-informed eleemosynary angelic soft touch propitious unoffensive goodhearted public-spirited motherly fatherly sweet-tempered openhearted supportive forbearing comforting unstinting benefic maternal pitying lavish bounteous large-hearted philanthropical fatherlike clement heart in right place openhanded freehanded patient holy pious faultless laudable aboveboard spiritual saintly guiltless meritorious praiseworthy upper crust Brahmin ennobled aristocratical top-drawer casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out jaunty sprightly diligent thorough painstaking artistic immaculate square shooting right nice blue silk-stocking queenly exalted silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth kingly on fleek commendable true-blue kosher salt of the earth squeaky-clean square imperial strict ultra-careful studious fussy particular well-read artistically aware ritual high-class up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue intelligent traveled appreciative arty versed well educated literary informed literate on the up and up squeaky clean religious persnickety detailed perfectionist finicky methodical wise skilled adroit insightful aware rigid deliberate measured travelled pedantic hair-splitting finical nitpicking demanding exacting pernickety with good taste au courant overnice laborious imperious grandiose right on assiduous formalistic good eye overconscientious overscrupulous punctual treating something with kid gloves slow-moving just so

Tính từ

Preferring the internal, satisfied with self, lacking interest or comfort in social interactions
self-restrained reserved aloof backward bashful cautious ceremonious close close-mouthed cold collected composed controlled conventional cool demure diffident distant eremitic formal frigid gentle icy inhibited mild misanthropic modest noncommittal offish peaceful placid prim quiet reclusive restrained reticent retiring secretive sedate self-contained self-controlled serene shy solitary standoffish taciturn unapproachable uncommunicative uncompanionable undemonstrative unresponsive withdrawn unsociable introverted self-effacing silent unforthcoming sheepish constrained meek timid unemotional coy introvert mousy private remote detached unfriendly stand-offish guarded media-shy temperate chilly shrinking closemouthed tight-lipped laconic dumb unassuming snobbish Olympian retired insecure unassertive repressed self-conscious embarrassed abashed introspective inward-looking timorous indrawn contemplative pensive self-absorbed thoughtful self-interested recessive meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred self-centered humble mom mum unobtrusive clammed up mute speechless discreet unpretentious secret fearful antisocial unexpressive tightlipped incommunicable sententious incommunicative untalkative close-lipped uncommunicable sparing lowly down-to-earth unconfident curt hesitant brooding dark tight-mouthed plain unassured simple hush-hush feline skittish stealthy dour unpresuming nervous evasive clamlike apprehensive soft withdrawing subdued dried-up muted covert unaffable uptight nongregarious docile deep non-communicative enigmatic blushing sober nice unambitious sly undercover buttoned up catty on the QT scary fearsome tremulous fainthearted mim unostentatious resigned proper unspeaking submissive seemly inconspicuous moderate chaste clandestine insular tongue-tied yielding polite deferential cagey unpretending lamblike compliant furtive tentative catlike surreptitious acquiescent hushed zipped unsocial sneaky cowed unexpansive hermitic rabbity dried up manageable distrustful backstairs hidden playing one's cards close to one's chest shamefaced serious mysterious of few words suspicious aw-shucks hugger-mugger under wraps inarticulate sullen brusque genuine unaffected natural ordinary artless ingenuous ineffectual weak-kneed trembling quaking cowering apologetic unconversational not talkative low-key unaggressive independent short seclusive isolated low-profile unnoticeable wordless easily frightened lacking courage considerate kind courteous anchoritic eremitical ungregarious reluctant mumchance hermit-like hermitical doubtful unsure wimpish mousey yellow gutless yellow-bellied chicken sissy trepidatious faint-hearted unrevealing eremetic at a loss for words patient secluded not forward self-sufficient all alone cryptic socially inhibited indeterminate colorless colourless pale decorous self-doubting uncertain wary obsequious servile unamiable keeping a low profile faint recreant cowardly poor-spirited afraid frightened scared shuddering long-suffering casual unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious uninterested indifferent buttoning up clamming up tight chops prudish prissy unimposing ashamed obedient tame unprotesting spineless obliging unresisting spiritless unneighbourly uncongenial forbearing zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip mum's the word ladylike staid decent respectable strait-laced dubious flinching chary blenching unpoised reverential subservient in private in chambers in privacy innocent virginal maidenly virtuous pure priggish inhospitable calm steady straight puritanical coquettish goody-goody old-maidish kittenish starchy in the background playing your cards close to your chest in the dark biddable resistless supplicatory reverent peaceable uncivil unclubbable hostile rude haughty mopey frosty asocial mopish unneighborly niminy-piminy affected square ill at ease tractable sycophantic reasonable sneaking earnest solemn inaccessible dry inapproachable scowling unbending standoff phlegmatic prim and proper uppity antagonistic unboastful unexcessive chilled inobtrusive nonaggressive self-possessed laid-back unextreme pabulum Milquetoast tolerant lenient nothing orderly wishy-washy zero longanimous passive buttoned-up cold-eyed stuck-up skulking not given to excesses slinking underhand intriguing cloak-and-dagger in charge bottled up in check under control corked up cogitative shady slippery underground behind-the-scenes sneak privy underhanded shifty stealth hole-and-corner on a leash in control of yourself cool, calm and collected prudent conspiratorial black cloaked ruminant deliberative unwilling under the table crafty sub-rosa cunning noiseless concealed wily deliberate studious broody dummied up musing cogitating speculative pondering reasoning wouldn't say boo to a goose profound wistful

Tính từ

Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance
humble modest respectful unassuming unpresuming unpretentious unostentatious courteous demure discreet embarrassed temperate unboastful bashful blushing reserved shy unobtrusive free from vanity self-deprecating self-effacing down-to-earth hiding one's light under a bushel meek reticent retiring diffident timid unassertive withdrawn backward shrinking coy introverted quiet timorous sheepish recessive mousy insecure unconfident lowly aw-shucks nervous hesitant self-deprecatory overly modest restrained apprehensive silent skittish self-conscious self-critical unassured rabbity mild simple fearful inconspicuous prim unpretending reluctant faint-hearted unforthcoming unsure constrained shamefaced withdrawing proper seemly inhibited wary abashed coquettish chaste kittenish low-key chary prudish overmodest nice submissive passive natural genuine unaffected arch flirtatious artless ordinary ingenuous unambitious plain egoless unaggressive subdued introvert doubtful unnoticeable low-profile simpering uncertain self-doubting ashamed evasive distrustful mim blenching dubious suspicious flinching unpoised keeping a low profile quaking weak-kneed trembling cowering moderate resigned prudent keeping one's light under a bushel reclusive unsociable ill at ease secret seclusive private secretive eremitic easily frightened lacking courage anchoritic hermitic eremitical unaffable undemonstrative unexpansive nongregarious gutless wimpish mousey yellow yellow-bellied sissy scary fearsome tremulous chicken trepidatious fainthearted decorous not forward prissy sober respectable strait-laced staid decent ladylike sedate media-shy scared poor-spirited tentative afraid faint frightened recreant shuddering cowardly innocent virtuous priggish virginal pure maidenly old-maidish goody-goody straight starchy puritanical niminy-piminy uptight affected square retired close earnest serious solemn prim and proper doubting verecund recoiling blushful easily embarrassed uncommunicative taciturn standoffish close-mouthed cold cautious distant cool unresponsive solitary offish self-contained aloof collected uncompanionable formal guarded unapproachable dumb frigid gentle serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal composed placid conventional closemouthed self-restrained repressed tight-lipped inward-looking thoughtful controlled self-controlled remote tongue-tied laconic detached stand-offish mom mum unspeaking clammed up costive declining frustrated uncomfortable uneasy docile ineffectual unfriendly apologetic passionless introspective unemotional chilly hung up snobbish Olympian flushed reddening humiliated flushing excited anxious bottled up indrawn agitated contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested colourless indeterminate pale colorless socially inhibited turning red red-faced jumpy jittery agog antsy meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred mute unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent self-centered wordless speechless muted mumchance not talkative hushed zipped voiceless buttoned up still soundless nonvocal not forthcoming dark unwilling close-lipped dried up wouldn't say boo to a goose tight-mouthed dummied up

Tính từ

Having a considerate or kindly disposition
gentle kind affable amiable considerate genial mellow placid pleasant quiet agreeable caring compassionate pleasing soft tender benevolent benign friendly humane kindly laid back lenient lovable meek amicable decent good-natured humble kind-hearted likeable likable mild-mannered modest obliging respectful sociable softhearted unassuming understanding cheerful congenial demure dove-like easygoing lamblike loving merciful moderate non-confrontational pacific peaceable peaceful reverent shy sweet-tempered sympathetic temperate tender-hearted warmhearted angelic bland cool dovelike forbearing forgiving goodhearted good-humored good-humoured gracious harmless kindhearted large-hearted moral retiring tenderhearted unoffensive brotherly fatherly maternal motherly paternal sisterly mild warm tolerant indulgent charitable affectionate generous soft-hearted warm-hearted benignant thoughtful calm easy clement beneficent easy-going sensitive cordial good-hearted patient accommodating compliant sweet helpful fond nice complaisant responsive liberal polite comforting submissive feeling docile approachable magnanimous neighbourly big-hearted neighborly passive good-tempered sentimental well-disposed serene amenable deferential good soothing light empathetic acquiescent humanitarian devoted pitying yielding altruistic all heart doting unselfish balmy permissive supportive subdued courteous hospitable open cooperative resigned manageable tame tractable biddable bleeding-heart tranquil concerned engaging favorable empathic nonbelligerent conciliatory giving favourable long-suffering nurturing urbane lax selfless personable great-hearted peace-loving unreserved well meaning outgoing mollycoddling pampering pacifistic commiserative gregarious pliant condoning equable delightful pardoning even-tempered solicitous jovial longanimous pacifist accepting philanthropic well disposed lovely civil protective bighearted civilized emotional dovish adoring nonaggressive sparing spoiling stoical convivial charming down-to-earth non-aggressive non-violent non-combative non-belligerent conflict-free excusing demonstrative bonhomous obedient relaxed unassertive unresisting civilised anti-war willing companionable subservient uncomplaining humoring receptive delicate unflappable accessible comradely touchy-feely stoic attentive philanthropical humouring smooth natural diplomatic nonabrasive fatherlike benefic human assuaging hearty going easy on sensible still emollient maternalistic well intentioned compromising casual lowly bleeding heart cheery allowing happy permitting sheltering mother chirpy nonresistant persuadable watchful obsequious carefree unobtrusive unwarlike timid amatory spiritless dear undemanding unprotesting cowed self-effacing adaptable pliable unambitious ingratiating social passionate perky spineless malleable soft-shell orderly careful fearful clubbable flexible nonviolent uninhibited unpresumptuous irenic complacent philosophical reverential prepossessing winsome enduring mushy perceptive nonchalant munificent parental matey chummy sweet-natured broad-minded being big buddy-buddy dutiful open-hearted restrained greathearted open-minded big sympathizing condoling self-controlled self-restrained welcoming commiserating ruthful sympathising free and easy loving and giving conversable fair well-mannered happy-go-lucky heart in right place soppy parent lovesome softened refreshing suave company-loving wonderful unconfrontational chilled easy-oasy matriarchal patriarchal unemotional unconstrained easy to get along with jejune vapid dull flat obeisant forbearant assuasive favoring letting reserved nonmalignant appealing nonthreatening unargumentative noncombative noncontentious melting favouring oily unctuous debonair harmonious guiding swell taking captivating winning enchanting palsy palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow unpretentious expansive familiar unaffected couthy live with informal healthful beneficial bright accommodative cosseting gratifying as nice as pie simpatico reasonable pitiful ardent clubby pally communicative composed consoling righteous comprehending appreciative reassuring noble wholesome non-malignant encouraging ductile soft-shelled overpermissive nonjudgmental advantageous deceivable piteous servile gallant dupable having heart in right place placatory hushed hushful silent low-keyed low-pitched low close-mouthed muffled protecting supporting caretaking living with going easy with trusting naive unsuspicious deludable unoppressive unburdensome gullible susceptible fleeceable at ease imperturbable unexcitable intuitive teachable barley-sugar loyal fervent close earnest faithful diffident eleemosynary soft touch without hostility propitious free from strife public-spirited regardful openhearted unstinting chivalrous tactful open-handed lavish princely bounteous bountiful openhanded freehanded auspicious old softie able to live with going along with persistent persevering conformable law-abiding controllable manipulable unresistant fatalistic reconciled non-resistant tolerating placating neutralist peacemaking bloodless inoffensive do-good well-intentioned fiery irritable sensorial perceiving conscious sensory vulnerable reactive high-strung nervous impressionable fragile cognizant sheepish resistless supplicatory equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable mitigative lenitive palliative weak-kneed childlike well-behaved governable milky persuasible usable docious laid-back bound up close-knit profitable timorous sycophantic hesitant tentative apprehensive pabulum Milquetoast nothing wishy-washy zero plain adapted phlegmatic satisfied adjusted renouncing nonresisting quiescent relinquishing accommodated ready impassive philosophic fortitudinous convincible easily manipulated easily handled expressing adoration mim self-conscious with the patience of Job restful undisturbed healing assenting assentive easily influenced amorous ordered pacificatory salutary overindulgent willing to compromise easily persuaded lovey-dovey willing to please weak boneless

Từ trái nghĩa của soft spoken

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