Đồng nghĩa của restrained

Alternative for restrained

restrains, restrained, restraining

Đồng nghĩa: arrest, check, confine, control, curb, hold back, impede, inhibit, keep down, limit, restrict, retard, smother, stifle, suppress,

Trái nghĩa: impel,

Tính từ

Restrained and unpretentious in nature or appearance
muted subdued quiet understated discreet subtle unobtrusive unostentatious conservative low-key low-keyed pale repressed sober soft tasteful toned-down unflashy unpretentious plain toned down modest simple dull somber inconspicuous sombre drab lackluster dark lacklustre flat dreary dark-coloured dark-colored washed out lustreless lusterless colourless colorless faded ashen bleak gray pallid ashy grey dingy unassuming illustrous black unlustrous unfussy subfusc dull-coloured washed-out unnoticeable minimalist tempered downbeat neutral softened unspectacular muffled reserved unshowy ordinary conventional unglamorous light circumspect relaxed bland invisible faint unremarkable low-profile mellow gentle moderated delicate played down matte unimposing humble straight square demure homely unsophisticated unspoilt soft-pedaled discoloured discolored severe pastel out of sight in the background traditional unadventurous staid austere hushed vague soft-hued lifeless mild indistinct imperceptible slight withdrawn inactive pensive spiritless serious grave passive tame unsubstantial stifled indefinite nondescript chastened negligible controlled unresponsive inobtrusive insinuated delicately complex lowered hardly noticeable hardly detectable indirect suggestive feeble enervated easygoing modulated loose laid-back played-down easy-going soft-sell self-effacing low whispered inaudible quietened hushful mumbled sedate murmured soft-spoken soft-toned casual informal insouciant nonchalant easy equable mute mumbling tongue-tied uncommunicative indistinguishable unvocal incoherent together cool at ease unflappable melodious dulcet free and easy downhome

Tính từ

Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
reticent uncommunicative reserved silent quiet taciturn unforthcoming secretive withdrawn dumb close closemouthed shy laconic distant introverted mom private guarded unresponsive discreet diffident undemonstrative mum dark inhibited modest unspeaking bashful shrinking unassuming uptight unwilling tight-lipped close-mouthed media-shy close-lipped tight-mouthed clammed up dummied up dried up wouldn't say boo to a goose retiring demure timid reclusive cold timorous cool self-effacing backward standoffish meek aloof unsociable unassertive solitary coy self-contained cautious self-restrained offish soft-spoken constrained humble tongue-tied mild unapproachable stand-offish prim insecure unconfident eremitic collected uncompanionable sheepish introvert formal subdued repressed unpretentious detached frigid controlled mousy gentle serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal sedate composed placid conventional retired unostentatious recessive unobtrusive self-conscious embarrassed uneasy remote frustrated mute unfriendly simple inward-looking unemotional nervous apprehensive untalkative muted snobbish hushed zipped inconspicuous ordinary plain self-controlled reluctant lowly unaffected thoughtful down-to-earth hermitic buttoned up nongregarious not talkative hung up temperate unnatural forced introspective mannered contrived laboured artificial stilted wooden low-key unaggressive unpresuming suppressed independent withdrawing seclusive secret wordless speechless socially inhibited low-profile unnoticeable isolated antisocial indrawn wary uncomfortable hesitant anchoritic eremitical strained awkward unsocial ungregarious insular rabbity unaffable unexpansive voiceless unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent of few words contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested hermit-like hermitical stiff passionless unrevealing eremetic not forward meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred keeping a low profile nonvocal self-centered aw-shucks inarticulate silentious unheard labored bottled up suspicious non-communicative self-sufficient struck dumb saying nothing natural genuine all alone closed up unpretending artless unambitious ingenuous costive unsure fearful at a loss for words unable to get a word out not saying boo bereft of speech lost for words unimposing inelaborate unextravagant chilly poor homely Olympian small unadorned unembroidered unexcessive economical unornamented token lonesome lone blushing lonely unassured deserted sequestered abashed companionless friendless alone shamefaced skittish forsaken nice cloistered ill at ease by oneself brooding doubtful proper anxious unaccompanied coquettish seemly clamlike uncertain kittenish chaste self-doubting enigmatic overmodest chary prudish deep cagey troubled tense edgy jittery perturbed antsy nervy separate unpoised mim unquiet by itself individual arch flirtatious solo simpering immune docile apologetic ineffectual evasive dour cut off secluded ashamed sullen unexpressive sparing curt dried-up sententious abandoned dubious flinching distrustful blenching scary fearsome tremulous fainthearted playing one's cards close to one's chest self-analysing self-observing unboastful desolate musing self-examining subjective monastic ascetic restless discomposed unsettled insulated forlorn segregated estranged apart indeterminate colorless colourless pale soul-searching navel-gazing solipsistic unrelaxed bothered unconnected destitute cryptic decorous resigned moderate prudent secluse hermetic discomforted disquieted discomfited prissy backstairs covert sly undercover furtive feline mysterious doubting verecund recoiling blushful one-off sole special unique singular one only ladylike staid decent sober respectable strait-laced faint-hearted innocent virginal maidenly virtuous pure priggish to one side easily embarrassed in private in chambers in privacy lacking social skills on edge straight puritanical goody-goody old-maidish starchy shut away on the QT in the background playing your cards close to your chest in the dark niminy-piminy affected square worried lost in thought deep in thought unattended stag sui generis lorn out-of-the-way particular earnest serious solemn prim and proper on its own lacking confidence afraid jumpy hinky goosey not self-assured upset dithery lacking self-confidence atwitter queasy queazy aflutter passive vague Delphic touchy questioning het up choked touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice

Tính từ

Showing little or no feeling
unemotional apathetic calm controlled cool impassive passionless phlegmatic undemonstrative clinical impersonal self-controlled businesslike cold collected cool-headed emotionless hard-headed indifferent level-headed reserved stoical unexcitable unfeeling unresponsive rational serene sober unagitated unmoved unruffled unsentimental affectless cold-blooded composed detached distant equable frigid impassible numb remote stoic stolid tranquil unimpressionable aloof blah callous chill coldhearted deadpan disinterested dispassionate flat glacial hard-boiled hard-hearted heartless inexpressive insensitive laid-back listless marble obdurate objective poker-faced quiet reticent thick-skinned uncompassionate unconcerned unsympathetic cool, calm and collected along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches wooden stiff formal frosty resigned patient withdrawn imperturbable uncomplaining icy rigid tolerant long-suffering accommodating unloving accepting forbearing matter-of-fact indulgent easy-going unflappable unapproachable chilly philosophic unenthusiastic lukewarm offish neutral unfriendly unsociable standoffish stand-offish unwelcoming unexpressive unbending impartial starchy wise dead blank bland stony hollow vacant expressionless toneless nowhere unaffected nonemotional unimpassioned immovable passive understanding even-tempered self-possessed forgiving mild philosophical easy considerate kind lenient longanimous gentle self-restrained stony-eyed asocial unclubbable antisocial standoff uncaring uninvolved cold-hearted dry ardorless impervious impotent inhibited repellent forbidding austere unromantic cold-shoulder loveless uncommunicative unaffectionate contained self-contained buttoned-up close taciturn unforthcoming secretive guarded enduring cold-eyed persistent easygoing persevering unimpressed subdued tepid submissive equanimous untiring inexcitable mild-tempered stilted pokerfaced good-natured with the patience of Job fortitudinous insolent incurious annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious uninterested solitary offhand gelid inhuman bureaucratic featureless depersonalized uncolored gray colourless straight depersonalised inhospitable faceless candid grey equal measured nondiscriminatory uncongenial unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous careful soulless monolithic straight-faced laid back strictly business cold turkey unelectrified unexcited placid moderate logical unperturbed merciful fatalistic realistic nonplussed practical sedate clement enlightened profound temperate deep deep-thinking learned moral ethical thoughtful humane soft-shell humanitarian charitable going easy on going easy with living with being big lifeless dull empty inscrutable glazed vacuous fixed catatonic inanimate uncordial spiritless antiseptic glassy clammy brittle hard-eyed motionless hostile torpid unreadable lethargic heavy absent stupid haughty wintry prosaic stony-hearted wintery coldish frozen arctic insensible unfazed nonchalant ruthless down-to-earth inert insipid vague merciless inane disdainful hardened lacklustre plain supercilious pragmatic mundane sensible uncharitable straightforward unvarnished no-nonsense unembellished literal unimaginative factual sluggish severe hard anesthetized absent-minded heedless heedless of unsocial commonsensical stern desensitized oblivious to anaesthetized hardhearted hardheaded earthy pragmatical uncreative unadorned lusterless lackluster tough unkind prosy non-emotional insensate humdrum pedestrian desensitised unembroidered undistorted exact unidealistic straight-thinking with both feet on the ground sangfroid analytic uncurious reptilian indomitable half-hearted negative reactionless devoid ice-cold stone-faced removed bovine off steely Olympian unenthused supine inactive faraway benumbed numbed asleep devoid of emotion fierce dumb unintelligent groggy lymphatic fishy unmoving untouched muted dazed unstirred senseless fish-eyed unamicable ungenial unimpressible insusceptible inimical paralyzed still antagonistic inapproachable paralysed dry-eyed undismayed untroubled false insincere fake unaffable unrevealing indurated unworried nobody home inaccessible contemptuous withering seclusive unneighbourly uncompanionable oblivious dreaming dreamy cold-faced immune unhappy hateful unneighborly depressing abstracted thoughtless idle resolute unmindful unthinking uncomprehending ditzy impenetrable enigmatic immune to impervious to stubborn unyielding witless foolish daydreaming vapid silly feigned unmindful of proof against deaf to pitiless static mysterious cruel drab unexciting tedious cryptic inhumane dreary slow boring monotonous wearisome nonpassionate brutal harsh unflustered unpassionate mechanical uninspired pointless lacking vitality analytical scientific unpitying compassionless unforgiving indurate case-hardened pachydermatous remorseless stonyhearted stoney unsparing sadistic slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners unmerciful ironhearted uncanny enigmatical arcane mystic occult characterless uninspiring two-dimensional hard-nosed iceberg sphinxlike cold fish crotchety surly cantankerous unempathetic with a heart of stone feelingless exacting unamiable churlish sensationless deadened draggy slothful pabulum nothing uninteresting zero spent masklike meaningless noncommittal immobile indecipherable hidden sphinx-like unconcerned about unbiased equitable impossible to interpret cold-fish cool cat couldn't care less offhand about uninvolved with apathetic towards casual about nonpartisan apathetic about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about unprejudiced insouciant uninvolved in careless uninterested in faithful serious naked truthful accurate feasible frivolous about bored by evenhanded just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of fair careless of cavalier about square pococurante unresponsive to inattentive weary of lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned unenthusiastic about blasé unaroused diffident highbrow scornful silent superior not giving a monkey's

Tính từ

Self-disciplined or ascetic
austere strict ascetic abstemious abstinent continent exacting rigid spartan temperate moderate puritanical Spartan economical frugal simple solemn celibate refraining straightlaced self-disciplined self-denying self-restrained self-abnegating self-sacrificing strait-laced non-indulgent hair-shirt sober abstentious teetotal sparing moderating severe disciplined controlled self-controlled chaste modest curbed inhibited bridled self-restraining scant plain scanty insufficient meagre skimpy paltry inexpensive cheap fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-saving energy-efficient meager prim prudish proper narrow-minded stiff stuffy conventional conservative old-fashioned Victorian formal priggish starchy prissy staid square fuddy-duddy stick-in-the-mud narrow of the old school straitlaced moralistic uptight straight old-maidish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy rigorous stringent stern goody-goody bluenosed traditional Grundyish nice-nelly niminy-piminy pompous conforming fogeyish stilted correct decorous reserved sedate ceremonious stodgy conformist prim and proper genteel mimsy governessy shockable punctilious overscrupulous monastic monkish buttoned-down bourgeois starched nice mannered impersonal anchoritic nunlike reclusive hermitic solitary cloistered eremitic traditionalist Pecksniffian deadly musty suburban parochial humourless fusty harsh monklike mortified abstaining ascetical respectable Pooterish old-fogeyish dogmatic button-down small-town doctrinal comme il faut Biedermeier straight-laced bien pensant orthodox ceremonial stiff-necked smoky foetid supercilious self-important hot bloated smug humorless as dry as dust smelly magisterial important warm fetid arrogant puffy other-worldly puritan forbidding pietistic bigoted tight-laced disapproving fanatical sententious censorious moral

Tính từ

Very plain in style or appearance
severe plain simple austere unadorned unembellished ascetic functional undecorated chaste classic stark unfussy unornamented monastic puritanical spare spartan clinical uncluttered Spartan bare-bones ultra-plain without frills bare basic unostentatious clean modest unpretentious understated muted no-frills plain vanilla unelaborate unvarnished unpatterned unsophisticated penny plain bald stripped down no-nonsense homespun homely unfurnished everyday workaday naked elegant discreet patternless raw sparse bare bones honest unaffected homestyle without ornamentation without ornament subdued bleak barren no frills straightforward moderate unadulterated conservative minimal minimum essential frugal dry chic stylish minimalist trim graceful minimalistic simplistic symmetrical streamlined smooth tasteful natural exquisite uncomplicated shapely definite regular clean-cut well defined characterless harsh rustic economical impersonal unembroidered au naturel colourless soulless antiseptic colorless meager measly meagre cut down economy utilitarian generic peasant inelegant unpolished homey artless indistinctive featureless neutral nondescript beige faceless noncommittal rough and ready direct straight blunt downright frank forthright outright undisguised brutal unveiled your basic ordinary folksy normophilic humble inelaborate boring vanilla elementary unexciting pure and simple insipid bland dull plain-spoken candid truthful unequivocal explicit rude unambiguous realistic outspoken unexaggerated upfront unqualified worn patchy threadbare true to life warts and all straight from the shoulder

Tính từ

Not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
unadventurous wary cagey circumspect prudent tentative careful cautious chary hesitant timid unenterprising conventional timorous traditional unexciting unimaginative boring conservative limited narrow-minded safe square stay-at-home straight strait-laced stuffy uncreative shy stick-in-the-mud uptight attentive tedious dead tiring ho-hum routine stale flat wearisome repetitious tiresome insipid mind-numbing unvaried old uninteresting monotonous humdrum dull gingerly considerate calculating heedful leery guarded alert vigilant watchful discreet observant canny mindful politic suspicious on guard on the lookout aware thoughtful reluctant on the qui vive judicious reserved scrupulous apprehensive moderate measured discriminating on the alert on your toes on the watch sly shrewd fastidious delicate diplomatic tactful reticent intelligent unhurried temperate frugal deliberate thrifty sagacious sparing perceptive wise controlled provident noncommittal awake precautious softly-softly with reservations keeping a weather eye on walking on eggs playing safe watching one's step watching out all ears with eyes peeled thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves squeamish dainty protective wide-awake non-committal sage doubting unwasteful saving vague unrevealing wide awake sensible punctilious overcareful overcautious playing one's cards close to one's chest strategic close-lipped judgmatic discerning close-mouthed judgmatical kid-glove having foresight like a clam civil reasonable on lookout worldly-wise not rash cunning designing manipulative devious crafty scheming Machiavellian uneasy prepared ready keeping one's eyes peeled psyched up on the job on one's toes open-eyed wired tentie keeping a weather eye open fast on the draw switched on keeping one's eyes open hip tenty Argus-eyed conscientious regardful loath distrustful sceptical dubious mistrustful doubtful paying attention taking notice afraid nervous averse disinclined mean disingenuous artful conniving slippery slick guileful sharp unscrupulous foxy contriving wily parsimonious stingy iffy inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular subtle premeditating slim suspecting forethoughtful on your guard belt-and-braces hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow

Tính từ

Not excessive
moderate reasonable acceptable temperate fair modest abstemious bearable inconsiderable reasoned sensible tolerable non-excessive within limits within reason within due limits rational logical just intelligent sound practical wise equitable credible commonsensical judicious objective tenable realistic sober decent valid coherent advisable prudent justified sapient believable justifiable legitimate understandable viable thoughtful impartial commonsense good percipient feasible unprejudiced solid sane conservative analytical grounded plausible informed controlled reflective firm standing to reason politic legit well-founded levelheaded cognitive knowing cerebral unexcessive well grounded unextreme thinking admissible ratiocinative commonsensible together cool making sense circumspect consistent right unbiased analytic fair-minded thought-out well-thought-out open to reason evenhanded well-grounded well-advised in one's right mind based on good sense well reasoned level-headed clear-cut full of common sense well thought out well advised defensible cogent supportable lucid warranted proper warrantable convincing compelling congruent allowable permissible relevant pertinent probable kosher well founded lawful sustainable forgivable legal correct licit inferential vindicable rightful perceptive deducible perspicuous venial pardonable passable discerning discriminating appropriate suitable condonable explainable excusable likely remissible pukka holding together holding water okay fit articulate deductive inductive defendable syllogistic maintainable arguable well-reasoned able to hold water joined-up extensional juridicious telling necessary subtle obvious consequent well-organized clear germane minor slight remittable exculpatory explicable reprievable vindicatory trivial specious sincere allowed permitted reliable pragmatic true genuine workable authentic not too bad all right persuasive dinkum accepted effective verifiable real acknowledged tolerated satisfactory recognized sanctioned OK bona fide concedable possible applicable worthy fitting recognised above board not unlikely not impossible within the law by the book most likely

Tính từ

Having a handicap
handicapped incapacitated infirm invalid lame paralysed paralyzed wheelchair-using crippled disabled disadvantaged learning-disabled paraplegic quadriplegic tetraplegic baulked balked blocked burdened checked curbed deterred encumbered foiled hampered hemiplegic impeded limited monoplegic obstructed paraparetic paretic restricted stymied wounded differently abled having a disability physically challenged physically handicapped physically impaired having a mental disability having learning difficulties having special needs mentally disabled physically disabled maimed debilitated weakened hurt impaired damaged enfeebled injured sidelined bedridden weak helpless deformed powerless hamstrung harmed game laid up immobilized halt sickly limp ailing mutilated impotent broken-down laid-up out-of-action confined incapable housebound defective run-down frail stiff bruised sore feeble gimp hog-tied immobilised out of action out of commission vulnerable fragile unfit indisposed limping hobbling bad compromised wornout undermined battered tender hors de combat disadvantageous exceptional challenged immobile lifeless gammy disarmed worn-out out-of-commission wrecked stalled decrepit strengthless impuissant impoverished diminished raw pained gimpy handcuffed hindered toothless high and dry ruined destroyed spoiled palsied with a disability spoilt mangled broken confined to bed marred sick ill unwell valetudinary poorly valetudinarian weakly peaked down in poor health below par on the sick list laid low unable useless in hospital in the hospital numb inert afflicted aching prostrate stricken smarting painful throbbing hurting flat on your back stinging cut inflamed paralytic crushed discoloured scarred discolored black-and-blue benumbed dead insensible ineffective inactive nerveless torpid beaten grazed scratched burning sensitive lacerated gashed crook gutless chafed reddened agonised knackered ruptured mauled bleeding agonized disfigured scraped nicked in pain struck busted up hit unmoving fractured deadened smashed shattered unfeeling frozen at a loss bedfast bedbound insensitive insensate desensitized ill in bed effete incompetent diplegic off colour smitten palsified enervated unproductive forceless inept infecund puny dud desensitised excruciating agonizing delicate tingly distressed paper tiger past it under the weather achy afflictive prickly twingeing irritated severe gnawing suffering biting uncomfortable smartful laborious nagging sharp troublesome searing piercing pounding tingling agonising hurtful caustic abscessed flat on one's back harrowing red tired nasty achy breaky grievous ulcerated defenceless ineffectual inadequate dependent subject tied disenfranchised unarmed wishy-washy supine etiolated without power blank disfranchised defenseless resistless chicken wimp passive not able over a barrel with no say out of gas shot buffeted tortured warped

Tính từ

Abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
chaste pure virginal decent innocent modest virgin celibate immaculate moral uncontaminated unsullied virtuous incorrupt intact maidenly undefiled unwed vestal wholesome abstinent decorous maiden nunlike self-denying self-restrained uncorrupted unmarried guiltless proper sinless clean continent demure elegant good G-rated quiet refined simple upright austere unaffected controlled faithful free of sin impotent inexperienced intemerate monogamous neat prudish squeaky clean subdued unblemished pure as the driven snow unstained platonic stainless nice spotless flawless untarnished impeccable unspoilt unpolluted squeaky-clean pristine perfect fresh righteous seemly untainted clear honest blameless irreproachable angelic exemplary unspotted holy unmoved white unscathed inculpable undamaged unmarred unchanged unharmed uninfluenced unaltered untouched untried unmarked unimpressed unstirred uninjured unbroken in perfect condition sound secure in good condition reserved gentle girlish unagitated single retiring undisturbed whole respectable polite unsoiled clean-living husbandless spouseless wifeless free from sin unwemmed chase nunnish monklike monkish ascetic impeccant faultless in good taste monastic uncorrupt cleanhanded unoffending sackless lily-white free of not guilty whiter than white as pure as the driven snow ethical saintly reputable honourable upstanding true pious honorable noble worthy guileless unblighted inviolate unprofaned wide-eyed lily white above reproach anti-corruption first wet behind ears natural babe in woods pure as driven snow initial inaugural indifferent unconcerned dry-eyed unhurt entire out of danger sanitary safe and sound shipshape without a scratch initiatory introductory pioneer premier leadoff original foremost headmost earliest proving prime untapped unused primary new beginning unbroached

Tính từ

Having or exhibiting good taste
tasteful correct decorous polite proper respectable seemly tactful appropriate modest comme il faut decent becoming fit befitting fitting suitable genteel sedate refined dignified mannerly formal staid demure courtly civilized polished reserved ladylike nice gentlemanly well bred couth comely well-behaved in good taste well mannered well behaved good moral prim done conforming ceremonial seasonable elegant right well-mannered conventional meet de rigueur civilised au fait civil courteous urbane gracious cultivated well-bred cultured chivalrous sophisticated respectful considerate suave apt gallant ceremonious affable debonair gentle cordial stylish kind apposite graceful traditional thoughtful charming diplomatic orthodox worthy acceptable punctilious stately obliging accepted aristocratic classy discreet due fine fitted applicable posh accomplished well brought up presentable friendly smart prudish priggish snobbish distinguished genial suited august stuffy stiff politic deferential pleasant noble strait-laced complaisant starchy expedient relevant straight convenient just accommodating honourable honorable hospitable benevolent educated handsome charitable fashionable majestic pompous standard official prissy pleasing amiable ritualistic affected approved qualified delicate understanding discerning upright pukka able congenial unctuous good-mannered conservative ostentatious straitlaced condescending prudent capable ornate sociable puritanical compatible timely done thing functional prepared feasible congruous stodgy tolerant felicitous stilted square adapted deserving pertinent ready bland high-class superior spruce developed strict poised sympathetic useful apropos employable adequate rightful smooth pretty happy useable serviceable correspondent available usable well brought-up conformable rigid equal equitable old-fashioned fuddy-duddy stiff-necked well spoken well-spoken stick-in-the-mud of the old school necessary required womanly elaborate haughty enlightened advanced proud finished customary usual de rigeur cavalier OK protocol in order privileged well-born aloof humane good mannered soft-spoken impeccable welcome sober fair tip-top top-notch in keeping fogeyish adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing highbred flattering preux lofty studied conciliatory mild amenable good-natured obsequious concerned neighborly solicitous attentive neighbourly well-respected well-placed upper-class consonant consistent mannered austere starched solemn opportune beautiful obedient orderly desirable artistic uptight the done thing persuasive glib slick luxurious right on just what was ordered on the nose that's the ticket on the button kindly honest opulent sumptuous exquisite classic modish smarmy ingratiating together cool reputable admirable facile svelte composed collected plush grand aesthetic lovely dashing possessed unruffled silky indulgent warm-hearted beneficent benign kind-hearted chic select choice virtuous trustworthy respected acquiescent manageable dutiful compliant distingué equable oily royal coolheaded swanky dainty rare ornamented fancy magnanimous clean-living ritual pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow snooty precious schmick overdone recherche esthetic stylized Victorian self-composed self-possessed neat above board tidy venerable estimable perceptive subtle judicious sensitive careful cooperative mindful tractable regardful willing well-brought-up well-designed well-dressed smooth-tongued silver-tongued ordinary creditable moderate redoubtable sublime well-thought-of mediocre redoubted of good repute a la mode easy approachable big-hearted loving tender forthcoming bonhomous giving good-hearted amicable niminy-piminy old-maidish mimsy fussy schoolmarmish precise particular fastidious ceremonialistic routine established prescribed media-savvy old-maid po-faced governessy nice-nelly schoolmistressy straightlaced bluenosed highly regarded set formalistic dexterous wise observant deft skilled skilful adroit savvy skillful cautious insightful tactical aware Grundyish square-toed dextrous blue-nose prim and proper moralistic dapper choosy goody-goody meticulous wooden cleanly stickling overmodest spic-and-span nit-picking treating with kid gloves bourgeois conformist treating something with kid gloves traditionalist narrow-minded suburban parochial Pooterish doctrinal Biedermeier dogmatic equipped exploitable operable practicable preferable straight-laced small-town bien pensant button-down good enough -worthy

Tính từ

(of a space) Restricted in area or volume
confined restricted small cramped limited constricted confining narrow poky compact inadequate incommodious meager meagre pinched squeezed strait tight uncomfortable enclosed exiguous incapacious bedfast bedridden bound chilled circumscribed compassed cramp curbed detained grounded hampered held hog-tied iced immured indisposed invalided kept narrowed pent sick bottled up cooped up flattened out in chains in jail laid up locked up on ice sealed up shut in tiny delimited sparse defined finite constrained bounded packed determinate definite jammed checked measured minimal crowded congested controlled little fixed particular straitened contained spare scanty scant matchbox slim slender choked close specific paltry compressed thin shrunken short hemmed in precise jam-packed trapped kept in check suffocating stifling restricting airless unrelated non-native stymied thwarted wedged oppressive localized not enough room to swing a cat boxy very small cell-like bijou claustrophobic overcrowded shabby awkward overfull localised local two-by-four irregular minute hamstrung non-local qualified demarcated with no room to swing a cat terminable definable tucked up closed in predefined conditioned jammed in belted ringed flanked rimmed fringed encircled girdled contiguous enveloped boundaried encompassed surrounded walled fenced bordered limitary hedged edged dense reserved predictable set subject to limitations predetermined exact not infinite insufficient skimpy sectional topical solid stingy modest deficient thick concentrated poor negligible miserable miserly puny beggarly skimp pitiful light measly scarce sparing hand-to-mouth crammed close-packed serried condensed cropped impenetrable crushed diminutive pathetic bare tenuous slight piddling petty substantial consolidated secure impermeable closely packed close-grained tightly packed tapered skinny tapering hairline needlelike ultrathin fine contracted near narrowing taper threadlike thin on the ground narrow-gauged paper-thin slim-jim low flimsy nominal mingy slimline polished flexible long elongated stipulated shallow remote minuscular marginal frail outside faint off reedy trivial fragile trifling insignificant express determined explicit clear-cut established direct confirmed concrete clear black-and-white derisory sketchy cut-and-dried hard plain outright wretched sorry piffling thinning unimportant pitiable base picayune poxy minor inconsiderable worthless mean assigned convinced well defined prescribed too few too small too little not enough toytown niggling piddly footling pimping ungenerous inappreciable no-account inconsequential chicken peanut mere rare shy wanting failing scrimpy clearly defined dinky twopenny-halfpenny nickel-and-dime in short supply trashy beyond doubt common shoddy sleazy de minimis ineffectual unconsequential Mickey Mouse few and far between barely sufficient

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Embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, characteristics, or associations
ashamed guilty sorry shamefaced distressed embarrassed sheepish abashed chagrined humiliated mortified remorseful conscience-stricken discomfited red-faced contrite humbled penitent regretful repentant shy upset apologetic blushing flustered guilt-ridden hangdog rueful self-conscious uncomfortable bashful compunctious crestfallen prudish shamed discountenanced debased demeaned deterred disconcerted distraught humble meek muddled reserved stammering stuttering submissive in sackcloth and ashes blush to think of chastened self-reproachful disgraced full of regret attritional sorrowful penitential degraded dishonored dishonoured mournful awkward discredited abject flushed sad atoning shown up self-condemnatory cheap afraid with one's tail between one's legs propitiatory supplicating self-incriminating bad on one's knees in disgrace disturbed troubled hot and bothered sweating abased cheapened awful terrible repenting rotten stigmatized modest timid coy self-accusing disappointed stigmatised reddening flushing repining deprecatory put to shame woeful melancholy made to eat humble pie put down conciliatory explanatory expiatory self-effacing diffident unsettled thrown uneasy dismal turning red blushful discomposed plaintive lugubrious woebegone grievous pitiful doleful nervous pitiable deplorable put out of countenance shown-up ill at ease insignificant diminished caught with egg on your face not know where to put yourself stupid tarred and feathered foolish whipped chastised disdained derided low deflated condemned belittled small disparaged shunned crushed reviled scorned mocked inferior fallen castigated with egg on one's face wishing the earth would swallow one up

Động từ

Past tense for to limit or restrict
controlled checked contained curbed bridled restricted suppressed held holden limited subdued regulated repressed constrained governed muzzled confined corked dampened hampered handicapped inhibited moderated prevented reined bitted bit curtailed harnessed hindered held back kept kept in check leashed measured ruled smothered stifled tamed bottled up choked back debarred held in check reined in straitened circumscribed cooled delimited detained deterred directed gagged guided hogtied impounded imprisoned gaoled jailed kept within bounds killed pulled in reined back retarded stayed stemmed kept in put a brake on boxed up cracked down hemmed in held down kept down kept under control locked up pinned down pulled back put away sat on tied down brought under control kept in line kept the lid on had on a tight leash stopped kept back held in reduced fought back tempered impeded swallowed muffled diminished lessened halted arrested withheld strangled put a stop to blocked kept a tight rein on trammeled trammelled cut back toned down put an end to decreased silenced thwarted frustrated softened mitigated calmed mastered modulated obstructed shut in bound put the brakes on quelled squashed stilled overcome corked up baulked quashed kept a lid on submerged barred foiled forestalled buttoned up damped down balked staved off stove off squelched shut out quieted stalled warded off put a damper on countered withholden put a lid on deadened capped quenched beat counteracted put the kibosh on disciplined pocketed concealed set defeated nipped in the bud stamped out cramped soothed opposed averted allayed cracked down on adjusted interfered with damped headed off composed put paid to overpowered cut down circumvented choked bounded bitten back bit back shut down put the stopper on lowered conquered pacified fixed fixt monitored simmered down held up clamped down on eased licked slowed down modified kept lid on fended off sank sunk sunken delayed extinguished gulped back mellowed slowed settled played down hid resisted fettered dulled overcame terminated stymied soft-pedalled soft-pedaled abated cut short mollified qualified avoided prohibited put a limit on managed put out of action obviated spoiled spoilt weakened put half nelson on put down tranquilized put an stop to held off upset muted poured cold water on cut off collected denied precluded put a spoke in someone's wheel put a ceiling on demarcated shortened pegged staunched quietened shushed chilled out dammed constricted derailed hog-tied defined ruined chilled assuaged intercepted discouraged enclosed kept an eye on interrupted caught demarked delimitated relieved setted limits on imposed limits on neutralized diluted relaxed forfended immobilized nullified got a grip on slackened gained mastery over ruled out marked off stood in the way of repulsed neutralised pulled up brought to a standstill scuppered contracted defended against cornered clouded crushed humbled lulled cowed docked balanced deflated adapted gotten the better of got the better of suffocated cut cooped up covered up reconciled subjugated blunted vanquished bounden interned kept secret hidden immobilised stanched recovered truncated withstood ended abbreviated abridged froze frozen chained entrammelled entrammeled palliated chastened helped alleviated quelched abased wrecked throttled garrotted brought to a halt set back bested elided syncopated surmounted hushed cooled off let cushioned mortified lightened dispatched evaded dashed dominated crossed girdled retrenched put out specified circumnavigated triumphed over dimmed narrowed scotched overturned turned aside surrounded shrunk revised warded interfered anticipated saved altered checkmated shut up cooled down sidestepped skirted crimped encircled disposed fetched up diverted disadvised scared stemmed the flow of messed up put the lid on revamped switched transmogrified slashed prelimited tied up steered clear of interdicted prevailed over thrown cold water on threw cold water on stonewalled outwitted kept within limits turned off baffled repelled beaten cooled out won against brought to an end gained control of talked out of come down on resolved cut down on hit the brakes girt placated put on ice put the mockers on upset one's apple cart cut down to size let up put in your place put in nutshell put someone in their place put off let down flaps put end to put a restriction on put up a fight girded administered overlooked methodized darkened sobered deepened shaded systematized organized allocated administrated policed legislated concentrated rallied inspected censored standardized coordinated tightened done for did for supervised hamstrung hamstringed took the edge off come down hard on taken the edge off gentled superintended marred depressed incarcerated stewarded busted reclaimed destroyed constipated stultified humiliated presided over decided determined left out trapped collared kept feeling inside oneself brought to naught entrapped kept tabs on gulped disallowed immured fenced in banned locked in shotgunned concussed necessitated cinched closed in deprived isolated punished numbed removed cauterized eliminated blanketed benumbed watered down swayed organised systematised standardised paced decelerated stunted internalized bottled attuned internalised influenced formed dictated paused conditioned holp holpen becalmed localised pinpointed centred centered iced localized focussed focused harshed lullabied salved delineated affected moulded shaped fought prescribed snuffed out drowned gained control over boxed in kept a rein on harmonized kept control of shackled clogged intervened foreclosed idled interposed escaped bypassed cauterised minced snuffed pre-empted bottlenecked touched demeaned discredited degraded shamed flattened debased cheapened fouled disgraced dishonored smirched lagged mired brake temperated pared down lopped chopped trimmed lopt environed encompassed admixed heaped shrouded showered oppressed overmatched hegemonized molded predisposed inclined worked on shepherded rebuffed braked clobbered dissuaded tuned toned varied kept tight rein on afflicted slapped down reefed embogged postponed loitered procrastinated kept on a string quietened down exerted influence on impacted on shrank shrunken got commanded upended clipped cropped tightened up clipt minified slimmed down downsized placed a limit on outlined disrupted deflected hushed up made unnecessary got round drew up drawn up snookered invalidated scuttled dummied up contravened dried up brought low brought down dishonoured slackened pace had an effect on stabilized smoothed got under control gotten under control got over worsted skunked inflected braced sidetracked brought up dropped scrubbed taken down took down confounded discomfited remitted stumped ditched discountenanced juked crashed unsettled had an impact on rationed brought an end to brought into line bitten one's lip bit one's lip kept under wraps lost speed wound down lost steam kept waiting bogged down rattled parried made reasonable nobbled brought to a stop brought to screeching halt jammed up blacked out kept inside stopped from spreading harmonised loused up rolled back setted a limit on tethered defended yourself kept off screwed up marked out amended economized tightened up on appeased defused fouled up played for time replied eased up retaliated tied one's hands disfavoured cleared the air padded smoothed out tuned down shifted disappointed boiled down deprecated solaced demilitarised clipped someone's wings clamped down inclosed consoled forbid beat down dampened down riposted piped down nailed down rescued fought off brought to a screeching halt made up comforted beat off demilitarized met halfway warned kept at bay got tough on monkeyed around with disfavored counterplotted buried hung up marked down sent up settled down crippled balmed stabilised laid down the law to someone come down on like a ton of bricks tweaked came down on frightened changed indisposed calmed down come down heavily on knocked off defended staved caused setback stove fine-tuned economised re-collected came down hard on oversaw overseen acted against tongue-tied gotten out of got out of foughten broke broken retardated shope shapen letten leet underlay underlain acted on canned took wind out of taken wind out of drawn the line on drew the line on overbore gotten gat overborne undone undid broke off broken off anchored it been a factor in was a factor in were a factor in forbidden forbade shaken shook gotten over taken the heat took the heat beaten down took wind out of sails taken wind out of sails got in the way of gotten in the way of took down a peg or two taken down a peg or two gotten to meat got to meat got back at gotten back at beaten off acted like a wet blanket got around gotten around taken the bite out of taken the sting out of took the sting out of took the bite out of done down did down gotten rid of did away with done away with taken away got rid of took away took stern measures against came down heavily on got tough gotten tough took severe measures against taken stern measures against taken severe measures against came down on like a ton of bricks

Động từ

Past tense for to control or keep in check
hampered hindered impeded kept prevented stopped constrained held holden obstructed restricted held back inhibited curbed checked blocked handicapped trammeled trammelled encumbered hamstrung hamstringed cramped retarded interfered with shackled held up stymied thwarted fettered slowed hobbled clogged frustrated limited delayed slowed down cumbered handcuffed put a brake on bridled baulked arrested balked hog-tied embarrassed set back tied up barred confined manacled short-circuited foiled tied put off halted stalled interrupted cut off disrupted hung up crippled deterred borked shut off shut down forestalled derailed stood in the way of stayed stonewalled repressed detained suspended put back bound suppressed braked kept back interfered prohibited baffled choked withheld stifled closed off discontinued curtailed controlled thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of put an end to crimped put on ice shut out thrown a monkey wrench in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of let up got in the way of gotten in the way of straitened postponed opposed gotten in the way got in the way inconvenienced averted sabotaged intermitted slowed up deferred leashed shelved jammed paused tied down remitted dammed weighed down bounden bogged down brake choked off tethered caught withholden decelerated circumscribed constricted stemmed scuppered entrammeled entrammelled sandbagged crabbed incommoded discouraged ruined forbid prorogued made late discommoded fazed entangled barricaded interdicted hemmed in closed occluded put on hold put on back burner put on the shelf debarred reduced blockaded clogged up blocked up held off on put straitjacket on held off bunged up stopped up congested muzzled held down put on brakes put an stop to contravened counteracted held in cramped one's style held over plugged up put a leash on put a lead on nipped in the bud put over brought to screeching halt backed off saddled with put in cold storage put on the back burner secured fastened stilled kept waiting staunched caused to stay caused to wait waived retained denied disturbed affected capped throttled plugged contained tampered influenced obscured screened complicated confused netted ensnared captured enmeshed regulated ceased conflicted troubled sealed caulked moderated snagged stood fenced straitjacketed delimited quashed dissuaded smothered frozen froze entrapped closed up filled blocked out closed out filled up recessed kept hold of refused laid off hitched up reined in forbidden forbade protracted precluded rattled discomfited packed stanched choked up jammed up intercepted debilitated brought up warded enjoined outlawed bitted tabooed bit pulled up monkeyed with setted limits on imposed limits on slackened overloaded disconcerted chained dragged feet clipped someone's wings held captive retardated fetched up warded off stuffed refused to pay bunged blocked off dissuaded from prolonged bottlenecked disadvantaged dissolved ended pigeonholed terminated kept in come to a standstill overturned clotted neutralized burdened not moved petered out stood off dragged one's feet tied one's hands gagged bottled stoppered oppressed downed charged decreased loitered hesitated lessened bogged bothered loafed mired poked flagged faltered dawdled stemmed the flow of neutralised resisted screwed up fouled up prorogated mothballed tabled spoilt spoiled suspended proceedings held in abeyance continued respited prevented from making progress staved off stove off taken down took down kept within bounds come to an end loused up gummed up called a halt to stood in the way made difficult kept from kept within the limits of laid on the table called a halt called it a day brought to an end knocked off adjourned finished boxed in lay off drawn up drew up came to a standstill threw monkey wrench in thrown monkey wrench in gave a hard time given a hard time threw a spanner in the works thrown a spoke in the wheel of threw a spoke in the wheel of thrown a spanner in the works broke off broken off broke up broken up came to an end took a breather took a rain check on taken a rain check on taken five took a recess taken a rain check taken a break took a break taken a breather took five taken a recess took a rain check

Động từ

Past tense for to prevent (someone or something) from doing something
banned barred disallowed forbid forbade forbidden interdicted prohibited enjoined proscribed vetoed blocked debarred outlawed stopped put a stop to prevented inhibited put an end to excluded precluded embargoed made illegal hindered restricted tabooed criminalized halted criminalised shut out obstructed impeded checked estopped ruled out forfended placed an embargo on let boycotted denied suppressed disqualified forestalled obviated forbid to quit nixed stymied spiked shut down held up locked up declared illegal put a stopper in put the chill on put half nelson on put down put chill on put the kibosh on put a lock on curbed blacklisted ostracized blacked ostracised withheld deprived canceled cancelled banished censored opposed forbidden to deterred ceased quitted warded interrupted discontinued frozen froze placed injunction on placed an injunction on blackballed declared taboo gridlocked corked cooled killed zinged destroyed made impossible made it impossible for made it impracticable for curst cursed illegalized said no kept lid on hung up passed on officially forbid brought to screeching halt made impracticable tied up poured cold water on jammed up closed down closed up iced out passed by bottled up declared ineligible boxed in passed up letten leet withholden officially forbidden thrown cold water on threw cold water on given the red light to gave the thumbs down to given the thumbs down to gave the red light to rejected put an embargo on repudiated refused set aside expelled dismissed snubbed cut off removed ousted avoided shunned voted against ignored negatived evicted spurned overruled kept out quashed downed squashed censured threw out thrown out cut out turned down shot down cold-shouldered put out forced out cut declared null and void shut the door on steered clear of left out in the cold put on hit list eliminated condemned omitted excepted bounced disbarred drummed out cashiered doomed sentenced disowned rebuffed countermanded invalidated overturned reversed ejected disfellowshipped disfellowshiped disclaimed abjured disavowed disregarded bated occluded suspended denied access to sidelined discounted closed out discluded struck penalised penalized counted out missed out refused to admit left out not counted withheld patronage said no to disacknowledged nullified ruled against considered undesirable refused admittance prevented from entering sent to Coventry locked out warded off gotten rid of got rid of refrained from negated passed burnt burned defeated disapproved dissented discountenanced declined passed over made something punishable refused to employ kept back turned your back on