Từ đồng nghĩa của draggy

Tính từ

Lacking in originality, variation, spirit or energy
boring dragging tedious tiresome uninteresting wearisome monotonous dull dreary unexciting insipid bland humdrum vapid lacklustre lackluster lifeless colourless prosaic banal flat drab slow pedestrian tiring jejune ponderous wearying colorless stale stodgy arid numbing monochromatic jading stuffy drudging old dusty tame dry ho-hum mind-numbing ho hum mundane leaden soporific heavy weary commonplace routine stupid samey dreich bromidic deadly run-of-the-mill dull as dishwater blah uninspiring uninspired unvaried trite tired plodding characterless uneventful depressing spiritless weariful fatiguing prolix prosy hackneyed common dullsville unimaginative unremarkable unenjoyable unentertaining featureless stiff lacking excitement big yawn dry as dust yawnsome lacking interest lacking variety sterile quotidian workaday nondescript wooden lacking variation no great shakes ordinary worn-out unoriginal ornery irksome unstimulating deadening passionless unspirited soulless derivative not up to much lame droning dead toneless vacant uniform pointless empty unfeeling wishy-washy unexcited expressionless unchanging mat dulled lusterless dim milk-and-water unexpressive watery matte uninflected sapless weak unseasoned muted innocuous unpalatable inane namby-pamby vanilla blind lead balloon whitebread mindless laborious monochrome unvarying overlong mechanical enervating interminable pabulum exhausting poky snooze mortal nothing repetitious dismal endless nowhere deadly dull as dry as dust long-drawn-out barren zero predictable vacuous limp feeble conventional zestless mediocre plain antiseptic hacky well-worn square middle-of-the-road matter-of-fact uncreative usual uninventive unartistic non-stimulating unadventurous derived unexceptional plain vanilla unromantic bleak dowdy desolate repetitive run of the mill lustreless pallid torpid unanimated anaemic soul-destroying unrelieved a dime a dozen bloodless without variety undistinctive inoffensive monotonic all the same reiterated monotone treadmill recurrent sing-song samely banausic unchanged unappealing waterish anemic flavourless flavorless nerdy wimpy flat as pancake puts one to sleep stock threadbare platitudinous stereotyped everyday hack stereotypical overworked overused clichéd overdone corny time-worn hoary moth-eaten hackney worn out shopworn cliche obligatory cornball cobwebby timeworn musty dime-store old hat cliché-ridden truistic facile hokey cornfed tripe played out trivial noplace dumb

Tính từ

Affected by lethargy
lethargic dull sleepy sluggish inactive inert lazy slow torpid apathetic drowsy languid heavy listless slothful somnolent debilitated enervated indifferent comatose stupefied shiftless unenthusiastic fatigued idle indolent lifeless passive phlegmatic quiescent tired unenergetic weary blah dilatory dopey dormant exhausted impassive lackadaisical lackluster lacklustre laggard laid-back languorous moony narcotic nebbish sleepyhead slumberous snoozy spiritless stolid stretchy supine unmoving wimpy without energy having spring fever out of it dozy slumbersome yawning nodding unresponsive quiet yawny soporific hebetudinous slumbrous heavy-eyed sleeping asleep out numb down hypnotic sedative unemotional opiate cool dead oscitant detached cold emotionless unfeeling unmoved stoic somniferous slumbery somnifacient somnific untouched flat callous what the hell could care less couldn't care less don't give a damn benumbed neb sedentary stupid stuporous bleary-eyed stagnant neurasthenic asthenic sluggardly slow-moving lacking in energy bovine vegetating languishing lax limp lymphatic half asleep logy slack leaden mooney sleepyheaded stiff sullen off sluggard drippy lumpish uninterested asleep on one's feet unconcerned disinterested stoical do-nothing uninvolved uncaring dispassionate lukewarm non-committal bored half-hearted affectless undemonstrative unambitious passionless impassible cold-blooded unmotivated Laodicean insensible pococurante droopy dispirited incurious static depressed motionless otiose unproductive fainéant weak plodding tardy leisurely negligent fallow slow-going ponderous still bone idle lagging not busy dreamy boring peaceful procrastinating immobile loafing work-shy slow-paced remiss non-participating desk faineant workshy crawling dawdling measured creeping latent sitting snaillike delaying stationary submissive resting deskbound moderate easy tortoiselike postponing deliberate loitering declining stagnating gradual slow-footed dying moribund placid calm careless weakened paralyzed paralysed good-for-nothing inattentive dry insensitive wooden one-horse spent subdued laissez-faire seated desk-bound devitalized impaired dallying dulled trite in the doldrums unassertive dozing unfruitful pointless surplus irrelevant hollow sterile superfluous spineless yielding unreactive acquiescent docile servile pliant effete uncreative non-participative barren non-active settled burned out flagging heedless groggy reactive situated lotus unoccupied hibernating drugged half-awake nodding off half awake easygoing drony drowsing silent serene smooth stock-still inconscious deactivated slumbering undisturbed in abeyance inoperative tranquil vegged out out cold backwoods backwater gentle unruffled unagitated dead to the world out to lunch at rest drained neglectful shot matter-of-fact inexpressive unexcitable derelict slapdash wearied sapped lumbering dead tired worn out beat shattered pooped tired out kaput inefficient slipshod deadpan catatonic empty blank vacant expressionless procrastinative incompetent in situ disregardful slap-happy delinquent disorganized casual neglecting sloppy offhand disorderly disorganised slovenly unprofessional regardless permissive asleep at the wheel easy-going asleep on the job tame tedious uninteresting wearisome dreary monotonous tiresome uneventful sodden unhurried wearying ho-hum drab stale unexciting humdrum tiring pedestrian numbing mind-numbing jading unprogressive arid colorless stodgy old colourless drudging monochromatic jejune dusty stuffy dead-and-alive as dry as dust

Tính từ

Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
cheerless dismal bleak miserable dark dreary depressing desolate dull gloomy grim sombre comfortless drab funereal solemn somber austere forlorn unhappy woeful drearisome joyless morose uninviting dejected depressive doleful glum sorrowful spiritless sullen unwelcoming woebegone wretched abject bare cold depressed despondent dim dingy dire disconsolate disheartening dispiriting dolorous dour drear godforsaken gray inhospitable melancholic melancholy morbid mournful sad stark black bland chill clinical crestfallen darkening distressed grey lugubrious murky oppressive plutonian rueful saturnine sepulchral tenebrific tenebrous blue cloudy dejecting dreich elegiac elegiacal impersonal lonely lonesome mopey pathetic sorry sunless uncomfortable afflicted Cimmerian heartbreaking heartrending institutional jarring mourning piteous saddening tearful teary wintery wintry in the dumps cast down down-and-out downcast down downhearted hopeless down in the dumps dispirited inconsolable low down in the mouth heartbroken low-spirited saddened heartsick distressing heavyhearted bad grave brokenhearted despairing discouraging heartsore pessimistic broken-hearted troubled anguished droopy grief-stricken moody hangdog humourless heavy-hearted humorless tragic mirthless grieving pitiful discouraged severe upset lamentable forbidding disheartened long-faced grievous hurting disappointed bitter pitiable unfortunate demoralized harrowing foreboding unpleasant upsetting demoralised deplorable poor in low spirits sulky sorrowing dreadful serious unfavorable unfavourable harsh sober stern awful fed up hurt devastated in pain chap-fallen disappointing dragged surly disagreeable unpromising sour terrible ominous bereaved painful heart-rending distressful suffering pained bummed out grumpy brooding unsmiling sedate moving poignant cut up crushed downbeat inauspicious stony-faced plaintive choked gutted mean off-putting moping aggrieved agonized oppressed chapfallen earnest in the pits agonised tormented gut-wrenching no-nonsense destroyed out of sorts traumatic staid touching worthless glowering horrid defeatist scurvy horrible negative horrific regrettable grieved angry displeasing sobersided hostile appalling pensive regretful agonizing heavy frowning mopish emotional broken lachrymose subdued troublesome tristful tortured spartan weepy tear-jerking calamitous disturbing down-hearted agonising poker-faced shadowy in the doldrums lamenting dirgelike displeased crabby distraught macabre abandoned solitary in a blue funk down and out shot down unamused disgruntled hard sickening cynical affecting scowling foul dirge-like perturbed bothered paltry colorless unpropitious vile colourless discontented ghastly Eeyorish shocking base rotten tragical difficult bereft monotonous lousy destitute wistful repugnant sinister worrying weeping threatening broody unlucky frightening ruthful in grief in doldrums all torn up in tears po-faced deserted cheesed off demoralizing weighed down listless adverse sterile crushing deadpan undesirable stony despicable contemptible disillusioned gruesome repellent threnodic gloom-ridden cross squalid disconcerting concerned repulsive intense demoralising compassionate stirring arousing shabby beggarly commiserative fatalistic offensive daunting sordid overwhelmed revolting dolesome disenchanted clouded frightful horrendous weighty uptight discombobulated shameful disconcerted horrifying vexed objectionable distasteful unpalatable bugged shook excruciating unhumorous traumatized churlish grouchy helpless disturbed execrable inferior antsy atrocious unnerving taciturn plangent bad-tempered angst-ridden impoverished detestable indigent scungy sourpuss muted lurid forsaken irked overcast suspicious crabbed weary ugly dismayed wounded hapless alarmist distrustful doubting shook up sick ill-tempered lackluster lacklustre deep heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow nightmarish traumatised menacing straight-faced afflictive acheronian heart-wrenching derisible daunted racked disgraceful dolent God-awful sunk in gloom loathsome down-in-the-mouth irritable sick at heart boring lifeless fiery unwelcome bleeding chilling blue funk strained down in dumps parlous brassed off intimidating crummy unfriendly with a long face uninspiring let down taken down given to looking on the black side bowed down cast-down languorous triste as sick as a parrot unexciting blah uninteresting languid singing the blues sick as a parrot on a downer humdrum uncaring unimpassioned unmoved desperate ruined disadvantageous merciful formal portentous waste worried maudlin nostalgic disenchanting funebrial exequial deathlike threnodial routine uniform empty barren desolating cheap inadequate insignificant regimented discomforting disquieting remorseful deathly Stygian hollow obscure isolated intolerable lorn discomposing vexatious uncommunicative sorry for oneself burned sore contused companionless overcome pining uninhabitable suicidal unresponsive phlegmatic acherontic lame expressionless impassive mortifying afflicting annoyed gaunt dirgeful luckless depressant bearish in despair inimical shamefaced adust down in mouth uneasy sunk atrabilious dampened drooping dashed sagging remote derelict sequestered ailing have the blahs blank dissatisfied looking on the black side full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny feeling down heart-breaking unhopeful small meagre to be pitied meager let-down not happy languished dysphoric contemplative in sorrow in mourning frustrated discomfited emo ripped disowned full of sorrow torn up low in spirits in the toilet low-down fierce steely chagrined miffed having blue devils having the blahs tough lost unappealing unappetizing unattractive untempting troubling dismaying grisly hideous forgotten homeless aghast unsatisfied beaten friendless uncared-for trashy shoddy filthy aggressive indignant temperamental cantankerous aggravated vanquished baulked worsted objecting balked testing alarming unearthly resolved ruminative resolute thoughtful reflective introspective composed derisory catastrophic cruel disastrous feeble injurious perilous enraged ferocious implacable unappeasable critical flinty cast-iron boot-faced ungentle disapproving furious dragging defenseless alone defenceless fruitless mephitical unkind repellant galling perplexing aggravating unpleasing hellish bewildering vexing annoying abhorrent perturbing revulsive frustrating unamusing uncongenial irritating irksome chilly unenthusiastic eerie exacting exigent nauseating ghostly terrifying gory grotesque ill-fated hard-pressed harmful doubtful treacherous pressing precarious jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad straitened discommodious dangerous full of hardship ill-omened direful ill-boding messy poverty-stricken monstrous fearsome quiet unplayful bookish deep in thought bound and determined bummed powerless downtrodden nasty unenticing disgusting terrific pitiless grewsome nightmare weird shady spooky spookish scary unhealthy anxious louring hazy leaden overclouded shaken agitated ruffled disquieted unnerved discomposed darkened death-obsessed harassed wrecked flustered discountenanced aflutter plagued huffy spooked harrowed haunted beclouded lowering misty dirty hazed foggy clouded over resentful pouting piqued petulant persecuted wailing aching jumpy bewailing bemoaning unglued promising rain nebulous put out ill-humoured fractious strung out not fair not clear peeved perverse chippy aloof mumpish pouty racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain in a stew withdrawn uncooperative obstinate sourpussed querulous stroppy mardy out of humour fretful ornery sulking unsociable gruff ill-humored in a bad mood in a huff in a funk in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks

Tính từ

Lacking energy, drive, motivation or emotion
spiritless languid listless lacklustre passive unenthusiastic apathetic droopy dull insipid lifeless limp weak characterless colorless colourless feeble irresolute meek anemic anaemic bloodless dejected depressed desiccated despondent dispirited dry enervated flat lackadaisical languishing languorous low melancholic melancholy mopy passionless spineless submissive torpid unimpassioned uninspired uninspiring unmoved vapid wooden blah blue boring broken cowardly disconsolate dopey down downcast downhearted drippy gutless inanimate indecisive indifferent lackluster pathetic sad slothful subdued tame unconcerned wishy-washy lacking in vitality cast down down in the dumps down in the mouth flat tire bland prosaic drab monotonous tedious unexciting wearisome dreary uninteresting nothing humdrum unimaginative dim mundane muted tired leaden unanimated commonplace vanilla dead undistinguished ho-hum run-of-the-mill somber sombre lethargic stiff static hollow heavy slow cold mechanical lacking vitality sluggish emotionless expressionless inexpressive pointless two-dimensional prosy zero pabulum spent lusterless uninterested stale ordinary unimpressed everyday uncreative old hat shiftless lazy unambitious unconvincing half-hearted unexcited perfunctory reluctant tepid unmotivated lukewarm unresponsive weakly lame impassive unwilling meager cool paltry blasé meagre banal pedestrian routine unexceptional second-rate quotidian workaday unoriginal matter-of-fact unadventurous hackneyed trite derivative derived conventional sterile plain vanilla uninventive stock featureless ponderous barren corny hacky heavy-handed stodgy yawn bromidic run of the mill phoned in

Tính từ

Lasting or taking a long time
slow prolonged time-consuming long-drawn-out protracted gradual lengthy long-lasting interminable lingering progressive conservative drawn-out laborious long-winded painful long extended overlong marathon sustained dragging verbose prolix spun out spun-out enduring tedious boring dragged-out wearisome lasting rambling wordy great seemingly endless delayed dragged out timewasting inefficient onerous arduous far long-lived long-term dilatory diffuse diffusive late overextended limitless boundless tardy unending chronophagous forever and a day for ages without end never-ending lengthened stretched out drawn out endless towering remote stretching high elongated tall strung out rangy distant far-off lofty elongate faraway deep longish running stretch expanded stretched lanky outstretched stringy gangling continued enlarged extensive far-reaching spread out garrulous windy discursive circumlocutory pleonastic meandering circuitous periphrastic logorrheic digressive ambagious redundant palaverous voluble loquacious repetitious tautological tortuous talkative logorrhoeic bombastic ponderous tiresome maundering wandering dull very long talky gabby turgid convoluted king-size oversized king-sized king size increased continuing expansive pompous gassy circumlocutionary flowery long-drawn sesquipedalian chatty inflated full of verbiage persistent empty boastful vague loose waffly waffling flatulent roundabout padded made longer lengthwise unfurled unrolled widened proffered conferred durable abiding profuse random lavish copious exuberant unfolded spread broad endlong long-run verbal of considerable length long-standing long-running overall linear longstanding everlasting ceaseless unceasing incessant constant longitudinal perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop monotonous unbroken continual immeasurable unbounded orotund unbound interminate looped eternal permanent day-and-night continuous timeless prattling blathering prating jabbering babbling gushing indirect no end to no end of on a treadmill mouthy yakking multiloquent big-mouthed multiloquous effusive gobby wittering magniloquent grandiloquent rhetorical tautologous repeating involved pretentious fustian yacking repetitive full of air having kissed the Blarney stone with the gift of the gab

Từ trái nghĩa của draggy

draggy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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