Đồng nghĩa của common

Alternative for common

commons, commoner, commonest

Đồng nghĩa: coarse, crude, everyday, familiar, general, inferior, low, ordinary, poor, public, usual, vulgar,

Trái nghĩa: rare, uncommon, unusual,

Tính từ

Having ordinary, or no special, characteristics
ordinary average normal regular simple standard conventional familiar plain routine stock unpretentious customary commonplace generic humble modest pedestrian unexceptional unnoteworthy vanilla bland boring dull garden variety hackneyed homely humdrum insignificant prosaic run-of-the-mill stereotyped stereotypical undistinguished unexciting unextraordinary uninteresting unremarkable unvaried workaday nothing special plain-Jane standard-issue off-the-shelf ten a penny usual everyday typical garden-variety quotidian bog-standard common or garden mediocre habitual mundane general so-so middle-of-the-road cut-and-dried indifferent plain vanilla accustomed frequent uninspired middling characterless uneventful fair cut-and-dry traditional wonted a dime a dozen nothing to write home about no great shakes ubiquitous established banal passable trite monotonous colourless household medium uninspiring colorless expected lacklustre lackluster unmemorable mainstream ornery day-to-day tolerable tedious stale second-rate not up to much natural OK dreary daily nondescript set popular tame drab prevailing half-pie run-of-the-mine prevalent insipid fair-to-middling adequate moderate settled predictable run-of-mine second-class not so hot inferior forgettable tired flat ho-hum homespun wearisome unoriginal jejune unimaginative tiresome garden staple slow old stodgy fixed dry characteristic representative decent regulation archetypical mean amateurish amateur basic derivative formulaic repetitious ponderous hacky clichéd fairish numbing lifeless stuffy intermediate nowhere jading monochromatic arid dusty ho hum mind-numbing bromidic orthodox current classic archetypal unvarying fair to middling median lowly domestic white-bread blah leaden going prosy heavy nothing tiring dime-a-dozen wearying bog standard old hat drudging stupid not very good big yawn not much cop neutral recognized par for the course unimpressive inconspicuous typic accepted terrestrial repetitive recognised corny platitudinous plastic nitty-gritty chronic standardized middle informal midway banausic okay inconsequential samey overused pabulum standardised soporific vapid matter-of-course weary plodding ready-made fatiguing lacking variety straightforward worn-out unentertaining unenjoyable nothing to get excited about run of the mill dull as dishwater family public constant acknowledged in-between suburban practical proverbial methodical casual plebeian matter-of-fact true native halfway mid unimportant O.K. well-worn overworked boilerplate zero irksome square intermediary not bad meh inconsiderable immaterial medial classical widespread bush-league worn out lacking variation all right midsize midsized dragging spiritless mediate central midmost draggy mechanical prolix featureless dismal depressing dreich dullsville middle of the road of no consequence as dry as dust nothing out of the ordinary discreet acceptable trivial anonymous unspectacular periodic usual thing dead long-winded familial scheduled next present serviceable annoying irritating workday good satisfactory domiciliary seasonal respectable no-frills unexceptionable valid uncreative rife grind anodyne unchanging two a penny jake poor boresome vexatious orderly enough home homey time-worn overdone mindless quiet unartistic uninventive known repeated universal moderately good canonical monochrome laborious unfateful indecisive noneventful inconclusive unnoticeable sufficient limited unadventurous derived barren cornball dime-store given used habituated well-known acquainted mimetic readily available well worn widely available formal useless overlong unstimulating soulless lame stiff passionless businesslike sterile unromantic obvious played out starch irrelevant paltry mimic unsophisticated one-size-fits-all deadly yawnsome lacking excitement deadening unspirited dry as dust lacking interest blank expressionless deadpan pointless piddling worthless chosen preferred imitative recognizable recurring weariful enervating interminable mortal exhausting poky snooze random meaningless whatever familiar tune boiler plate whitebread apish of poor quality endless recognisable indistinctive faceless noncommittal diddly lusterless actual practicable prose yawn clean no big deal long-drawn-out deadly dull inherent symptomatic consistent well known time-honored neither one thing nor the other slavish anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic prescriptive par intervening non-specific of little consequence of little importance not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern of no account medium-sized middle-sized of choice in the habit of distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper steady distinguishing epigonic epigonous transitional interposed common variety individualistic cliched matter-of- fact canned in keeping in character vernacular folk unofficial emulative true to form to be expected treadmill dim toneless monotone bought intermedial methodic rigid systematic automatic prescribed only to be expected on the cards time-honoured … all over true to type store at the halfway point equidistant between two points equidistant between two stages in the middle compromising center between centre anaemic empty gray grey anemic off-the-rack mass-produced off-the-peg store-bought blending into the background most common

Tính từ

Mutual or held in common by many
popular universal general generic prevalent shared standard accepted conventional customary familiar mainstream mutual prevailing ubiquitous usual well-known widespread across the board current embraced established like orthodox proverbial public traditional united well established widely held accustomed adopted commutual congruous intermutual traditionalist normal regular ordinary typical received recognized overall stock routine recognised set habitual acknowledged predominant ruling majority time-honoured wonted fixed rife commonplace rampant confirmed conformist pervasive time-honored everyday expected fashionable vulgar going sanctioned classical run-of-the-mill in circulation preponderant broad natural approved in vogue dominant proven in force classic prescriptive official settled frequent authorized admitted regnant average household rooted authorised stereotyped long-established staid mass unadventurous doctrinal extensive prescribed widely used existing well worn middle-of-the-road by the numbers stereotypical tried and true tried and tested agreed endemic main principal wide collective correct conservative steady ongoing characteristic central canonical well-established endorsed bourgeois acceptable permanent middle-class passed chronic old-fashioned traditionalistic understood favorite favourite suburban net comprehensive traditionary sound regulation ritual sweeping in style in fashion hidebound predictable old-line ritualistic agreed upon immemorial bog-standard widely believed pervading proletarian in effect in thing favoured lamestream latest extant modern contemporary present effective comfortable acquired honored core uneventful humdrum the order of the day formal chief hackneyed derived prosaic circulating matter-of-course undistinguished honoured reigning ceremonial touted grassroots superior numerous typic vanilla primary preferred unopposed plain legit okayed abiding afoot favored great major global national joint blanket communal overarching outright about allowed appropriate permitted certified supported legalized ratified backed certain chosen validated affirmed OK'd enduring immortal ageless in use wont sop stipulated legendary famed notorious famous prime supreme dominating foremost bruited about in the air making the rounds doing the rounds talked of in general use going around lasting timeless epidemic nationwide societal wholesale total taken for granted legalised same old on everyone's lips number-one focal pre-eminent arrived at standard operating procedure in the groove playing it safe according to Hoyle in a rut commonest undying memorable unforgettable deathless archetypal self-evident unquestioned axiomatic renowned repeated periodical periodic constant all-round all-around preeminent pivotal predominating made official vouched for influential preponderating operative broad-brush broad-spectrum across-the-board provincial property-owning reputed infamous fundamental catholic all-embracing worldwide ecumenical addicting repetitious practised practiced iterative disciplined mechanical reiterative perfunctory iterated consistent systematic cyclic seasoned methodical automatic long-term middle-England petit-bourgeois proper small-town authoritative well known materialistic parochial shopkeeping propertied button-down unoriginal buttoned-down mossbacked ultraconservative old-school unprogressive standpat reactionary die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative unheretical parish-pump Pooterish derivative kosher religious right straight pious punctilious legitimate rightful square dyed-in-the-wool Victorian philistine illiberal inveterate bien pensant straight arrow in line entrenched according to the book historic stable ingrained deep-rooted old old-style officially recognized true secure unshakable vested most important most usual most frequent

Tính từ

Having low social or economic rank
low-class lowly plebeian inferior middling baseborn bourgeois humble ignoble second-class lowborn low-born lower-class low-ranking philistine proletarian second-rate undistinguished declassé déclassé low low-life plebby unwashed working-class lumpen mean prole vulgar ordinary base simple modest poor unpretentious obscure servile peasant declassed menial plain blue-singlet commonplace popular subordinate contemptible unassuming humdrum meek blue-collar obsequious average lowlife insignificant unimportant low-bred meager degrading measly inglorious miserable puny paltry gentle mild shabby wretched scrubby petty pitiful submissive docile unworthy dutiful subservient retiring reverential mundane withdrawing everyday prosaic demeaning meagre of low birth sorry low-grade ignominious cast down cloth-cap crude dishonourable dishonorable grass-roots grassroots democratic people's traditional unsophisticated banal conventional pedestrian lowbrow homespun unaspiring run-of-the-mill unambitious demotic unskilled common or garden low-status boring routine dull lesser abject deprived minor slavish vile fawning secondary mediocre grovelling sycophantic subsidiary junior second-string small smaller lousy reduced ancillary second-fiddle bottom little tedious basic groveling obeisant underprivileged poorer slighter lower lower-ranking sad unrefined severe rough unremarkable inconsequential trivial dinky minor-league small-fry small-time bush-league third-string lower in rank undersized subjacent lower in status uncouth unfit sordid beggarly second-banana not very important beneath someone bottom-rung back seat below someone entry-level less important under someone's heel not so important of low rank less slight inconsiderable trifling negligible marginal piddling light dependent under two-bit casual accessory peripheral picayune lower-level second nugatory nickel-and-dime fiddling minute frivolous incidental lower-grade minus Mickey Mouse supplementary auxiliary penny-ante inessential niggling piffling footling subject irrelevant foolish subaltern tributary peanut shoestring younger tacky of little account limited below the mark diminished immaterial nether non-essential supplemental satellite supporting sub- nominal deficient twopenny-halfpenny reserve insubstantial piddly pimping no-account chicken worthless unsubstantial pettifogging tiny low-level collateral lower rung sub scratch shallow de minimis cheap inconsequent not worth mentioning zero useless zilch nothing of no account unknown lightweight second-best tinier little-known petite lessened beneath restricted little known baser substandard subalternate minimal bush tangential smalltime minuscule token substract inappreciable derisory second class second choice pathetic mingy poxy exiguous sparse slender a notch under associate small-bore alternative fewer unconsiderable not worth bothering about lower than spare alternate backup substitute fallback attendant shortened extra relief of lesser importance than less important than negative depressed declined feeding shoot side youngest assistant not so great extraneous fall-back vice- not so much pointless superficial not as great frothy meaningless of little consequence of little importance of no importance tinpot nonessential zip of no moment of no consequence null indifferent unnecessary second best captive subjugated no great shakes not worth speaking of potty controlled neither here nor there beside the point of no great concern governed obedient enslaved ruled diminutive liable vulnerable accountable disposed susceptible pint-sized stunted frail weak feeble dwarfish underfed pygmy weakly at one's feet in danger of bound by fun size sickly underdeveloped undernourished Lilliputian undeveloped undersize pocket-sized pocket delicate half-pint pocket-size shrimpy pint-size toylike fine fragile smallish bantam subnormal weedy peewee wee unsound scrawny runt infirm small time shrimp unconsequential

Tính từ

(of behavior) Lacking in refinement
unrefined crass coarse crude ill-mannered rude uncouth uncultivated uncultured boorish impolite rough uncivilised uncivilized vulgar graceless gross ill-bred lowbrow mannerless oafish poor shoddy unmannerly unsavory unsavoury brutish churlish cloddish clodhopping illiberal incult lowbred raffish sleazy slobbish tasteless ungentlemanly unladylike unmannered unpolished unsophisticated rough-hewn roughneck sordid low rugged insensible loutish inelegant philistine loud indelicate uncivil discourteous indecorous ignorant cheap bad-mannered base raw uneducated offensive yobbish improper rustic barbaric tacky dirty foul mean unseemly plebby provincial bearish nasty gruff raunchy foul-mouthed obscene filthy plebeian blunt lewd clumsy ungracious barbarous barbarian impure smutty ribald primitive bawdy insensitive thuggish tactless tawdry clownish vile low-minded classless awkward ignoble disgusting indecent off-color swinish harsh inconsiderate naff low-down Neanderthal loud-mouthed vulgarian blue flashy immodest gaudy ungallant earthy lumpish gawky impertinent disrespectful garish thoughtless wretched despicable contemptible ostentatious showy brusque ignominious hick immoral flash curt savage execrable currish dishonorable snide detestable paltry lumpen kitsch profane parochial debased wild ocker abject lubberly ornery cantankerous dishonourable inurbane uncalled-for trashy scandalous common as muck low-down-and-dirty cheap and nasty in bad taste ordinary unfinished simple basic non-U gauche cheesy vernacular illiterate low-born ungraceful obnoxious obtuse baseborn native general unlettered unfeeling callous insolent undiscriminating imperceptive bungling ill-behaved agrestic corny troglodytic stolid countrified unpoised sketchy loudmouthed rough and ready lowdown and dirty scatological rowdy bullying doltish badly behaved impudent abusive audacious cheeky disagreeable out-of-line immature backward unhandsome presumptuous dense hoonish trailer-park low-bred Philistine scatologic over-elaborate flamboyant overdone brassy kitschy tough dour severe hard brutal bluff glaring flaunting tinselly brash stiff forbidding austere fierce roughcast grim stern salacious swanky OTT glitzy hooligan cruel steely stark untutored intimidating inhuman louring grievous risqué inappropriate naughty saucy ungenteel ungainly disgracious flinty artless onerous unceremonious bitter hardhanded oppressive ungentle heavy racy backwoods hillbilly murderous lowering taboo indiscreet meretricious tatty over the top hard-core suggestive lecherous explicit distasteful profligate repulsive squalid bad iniquitous wrong sinful unscrupulous evil wicked questionable base-minded groveling stupid ornate unclassy trivial useless hideous pretentious artificial foolish unlovely unsightly outlandish makeshift licentious malicious rakish libidinous randy odious scurrilous depraved corrupt unprincipled disreputable colourful unclean shameless gamy adult lascivious unchaste unvirtuous mucky fruity near the knuckle grimy off colour grubby wanton spicy X-rated colorful nudge-nudge dissolute reprobate dishonest shameful degenerate in poor taste grovelling slavish humble abominable discreditable menial infamous servile petty heavy-handed abhorrent disgraceful loathsome sorry pitiful ugly lowly worthless natural abrupt short surly pornographic sharp heathen inept snippy offhand heathenish snappy crusty Neandertal no-nonsense sullen unfriendly gutter tart unprintable locker-room undiplomatic terse porny grave stag serious ungodly unsmiling vicious short-spoken blundering maladroit snappish brusk brief unsubtle brisk downright direct steamy unchivalrous insulting sober stony off unbecoming sombre somber to the point untamed Rabelaisian strict ferocious impatient cavalier rigorous abrasive caustic malodorous impetuous cold unsuitable broad laconic stringent unrelenting pitiless benighted rash crabbed hardened crisp disapproving solemn frowning hasty matter-of-fact inexorable untactful fresh unfitting inapt incorrect outspoken horny carnal unfit untoward voluptuous fleshly aloof devilish stilted plain-spoken perverse incongruous unhappy amiss infelicitous malapropos inapposite unapt frigid icy frosty titillating prurient porn porno boisterous bad-tempered feral craggy sensual ill-tempered sour roughhewn snippety short-tempered morose derogatory robust beastly truculent spartan bestial imprudent breviloquent relentless monosyllabic undomesticated straightforward burdensome searing trying excruciating unholy unbefitting unconscionable nonliterate lippy unpolitic injudicious frank sexy erotic rigid uncomfortable uneasy wooden lumbering non-literate underbred contumelious malapert undue impolitic unworldly offish undignified fiendish unenlightened bodily blasphemous unacceptable sickening unrestrained rustical unsympathetic glowering menacing saturnine upfront rough-and-tumble rank sexual outrageous uninhabited unpleasant lush mean-looking ill-advised out of place unworthy lustful uncharitable earnest arousing flip obdurate astringent strait-laced peremptory grim-faced out of keeping skin not afraid to call a spade a spade soft-core salty overbearing hard-nosed corporeal close to the bone straight from the shoulder like a bull in a china shop in a state of nature undecorous socially unsure shocking near the bone socially inept lacking in social graces socially awkward unfashionable roisterous rollicking ferine fell homespun clipped misbehaved succinct concise testy large subhuman pithy grumpy pointed nescient ungentlemanlike bourgeois merciless improprietous gloomy dismal jungli revolting irascible undeveloped gritty ill-suited unsuited dreary decisive ill-natured uncontrolled materialist unread commercial unwise inadvisable sooty formal petulant tight-lipped vigorous hard-skinned rough-skinned tough-skinned uncommunicative poker-faced aboriginal crotchety crabby grouchy taciturn exploitative corrupting beyond the pale nauseating pert businesslike bald bumbling off-colour mature disparaging unthinking unperceptive tetchy cross bizarre fast libertine evil-minded orgiastic incontinent reserved juicy arrogant ridiculous foulmouthed gawkish dorky blunderous undexterous klutzy stumbling blockish uncoordinated inartistic anti-intellectual unwholesome colloquial derisive degrading unsettling affronting vilifying vituperative unutterable chilly stuffy unemotional rogue careless irritable moody cocky untimely lacking in propriety unfair unworthy of uncomely unseasonable butterfingered dozy gruesome sick gangling clunky purple low-down and dirty off-colored out of line sly scabrous gamey rascally uncomplimentary distant exacting inflexible ill-humoured smart-alecky mouthy smart alecky brazen precipitate dusty insubordinate inaffable disdainful inexpert unskilful uninformed unconventional unjust unrighteous unequitable reprehensible unrightful wrongful melancholic bleak hard-faced dejected glum sulky unforgiving authoritarian unyielding unbending forthright candid open hearty intrusive yokelish bounderish concupiscent angry ill-humored drastic pulling no punches remote solid ramrod unequivocal good-natured genial approachable not mincing one's words speaking one's mind calling a spade a spade not beating about the bush extreme in the gutter ape-like lusty friendly hard-boiled all thumbs with two left feet godless immoderate punishing punitive inordinate crippling blustering barefaced cheery honest sincere threatening unbroken fiery exorbitant swingeing towering excessive unmerciful strong overweening intolerable steep draconian irreligious impious speaking as one finds calloused fearsome physical animal hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong insane plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue frightful frightening irreverent atheistic cutthroat wilding hellish horrible uncompromising epicurean venomous intense great implacable pagan sacrilegious non-theistic ruffian humourless sedate humorless staid repressive sobersided demonic weighty uncomic free sybaritic luscious sensuous hedonistic luxurious untouched infernal satanic diabolical out of the way overrun overgrown rampant agrarian appetitive Dionysiac unspiritual voluptuary escaped neglected luxuriant indigenous deserted desert waste desolate po-faced malevolent unhallowed moving stirring exciting hedonic stimulating delightful physically gratifying pleasing animalistic hot tactile sensory sharpened debauched

Tính từ

Average, or below average, in quality
mediocre banal characterless hackneyed low-grade nondescript passable pedestrian stale trite wearisome worn-out formulaic insipid so-so stereotypical tedious tired unexciting unimaginative uninspired uninteresting weariful stereotyped commonplace unoriginal stock overworked overused threadbare corny platitudinous run-of-the-mill clichéd timeworn old hat vapid prosaic derivative dull hack hacky shopworn well-worn musty moth-eaten routine bromidic worn out ordinary conventional cornball flat played out worn hokey cliché time-worn set warmed-over jejune bathetic familiar tune exhausted chain drained mildewed used-up ready-made cliched hackney cliche cobwebby truistic obligatory stereotypic platitudinal hoary humdrum predictable overdone antiquated obsolete dime-store boring cliché-ridden old outdated outmoded everyday repetitious archaic out of date defunct dreary monotonous tiresome well worn mind-numbing ho-hum tripe passé out-of-date stupid out of the ark orthodox familiar silly inane imitative uncreative ineffective mundane vanilla warmed-up uneventful vieux jeu unvaried facile nothing cornfed noplace pabulum zero trivial square dumb nowhere bland blah foetid past dead out mawkish bent zestless effete fetid yesterday's ho hum dull as dishwater quotidian played-out old-hat old-chestnut old-saw gone off past their sell-by date like a dinosaur old-fashioned extinct antediluvian superannuated drab numbing leaden arid monochromatic heavy slow ponderous wearying colorless weary dry stodgy dusty tiring jading stuffy drudging tame antwacky cut and dried colourless fuddy-duddy

Tính từ

(of an object) Low in quality
low-quality lousy ordinary paltry shabby substandard tawdry bad bargain-basement bum cheap cruddy execrable inferior junky mediocre middling miserable shoddy sorry tatty valueless worthless cheapjack cut-rate el cheapo gimcrack hack junk low-grade low-rent rotten rubbishy second-class second-rate trashy trumpery two-bit wretched schlock schlocky poor terrible coarse sleazy cheesy rubbish duff inadequate crummy unsatisfactory dreadful base awful third-rate ropy atrocious pitiful tacky grotty deficient crude appalling abysmal sad dire imperfect poxy pants pathetic useless average a load of pants dismal deplorable dime-a-dozen lemon subpar unacceptable below standard lamentable mean diabolical lame below par dissatisfactory frightful pitiable poor-quality not up to snuff poorer gaudy suboptimal déclassé tinny below average indifferent good-for-nothing twopenny-halfpenny bush-league direful naff nasty tasteless vulgar Brummagem low-end wanting not up to much kitsch faulty punk tinhorn unsound run-down meretricious cheap and nasty bodger dodgy sub-par defective jerry-built under par ratty brummagem hopeless low sucky disagreeable chronic contemptible downmarket not up to scratch showy flawed unexceptional subnormal pedestrian cheapo the pits leaving much to be desired garish abject grubby laughable cheapie dilapidated loud slipshod insufficient horrible scruffy cheap-jack worse seedy crumby dingy piss-poor a dime a dozen broken-down insignificant dud trifling flashy scroungy fair pinchbeck tattered brassy commonplace flash garbagy disappointing plastic abominable careless flimsy slovenly makeshift entry-level corny unspeakable half-pie brash dime-store rinky-dink grim woeful bottom-rung wrong bush tenth-rate incompetent off dirty not up to par God-awful wack very bad weak poor quality ostentatious egregious two a penny no great shakes not much cop strictly for the birds of a sort unpleasant cheeseball insubstantial rickety amateurish negligent disgraceful ramshackle regrettable badly built kitschy inept throwaway pits end-of-the-pier unfortunate thrown together tinpot reject twopenny so-so impaired amiss second-best poopy tinselly second class run-of-the-mine passable run-of-mine medium run-of-the-mill not good enough pretentious inglorious low-down outclassed undistinguished bog-standard uninspired uninspiring yucky beastly crass disastrous horrendous shlocky calamitous hideous ghastly shlock unsightly scabby scummy scurvy repulsive gross gruesome sordid godforsaken desperate sour run down down at heel tinsel glittering raffish stupid outrageous for the birds unwelcome harmful no good glaring flaunting chintzy offensive flamboyant flaring jazzy screaming sporty blatant brazen obtrusive glitzy fair to middling feeble craptacular lacking less-than-stellar not up to standard weak sauce Daliesque twee camp clinquant artificial mod posturing gimmicky affected moth-eaten beat-up scrubby dog-eared tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels neglected dumpy threadbare grungy bombed-out down-at-heel timeworn tumbledown mangy trivial untidy outmoded faded out-of-date unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky unkempt messy stodgy sloppy frumpy piddling small in bad taste negligible measly petty meagre beggarly slight derisory puny scant piffling unimportant scanty picayune minor inconsiderable nominal toytown niggling piddly footling mingy pimping ungenerous inappreciable no-account inconsequential chicken peanut minute mere dinky exiguous nickel-and-dime set narrow de minimis meager ineffectual unconsequential Mickey Mouse limited ineffective futile fruitless unsuccessful profitless vain shocking unavailing unproductive displeasing shameful unprofitable inefficacious bootless distressing unworthy inefficient abortive godawful pointless non-successful nugatory empty barren to no avail odious ill thin despicable to no effect damaged failed otiose idle unfructuous distasteful intolerable undesirable grievous impotent broken inutile unfit incomplete from hunger a dead loss repugnant vile unable bungling scandalous sickening foul noisome obscene obnoxious hellacious unconvincing loathsome horrid unsatisfying stinking half-baked in vain inappropriate powerless objectionable unimpressive Sisyphean anticlimactic implausible to no purpose null warped for nought failing blemished inoperative unfruitful tame indecisive marred fallible out of order transparent invalid heartbreaking shallow hollow mournful rancid repellant repellent revolting disgusting nauseating abhorrent evil fulsome noxious ugly nauseous unpleasing sneaking wanky catastrophic dishonourable dishonorable rueful inexpert affecting impermissible inadmissible insufferable damnable incorrect dubious questionable purposeless counterproductive silly improper very poor malfunctioning unreliable cracked garbage of no avail god-awful sketchy inexact second rate forceless withered no dice sick frail injured tainted spineless neutralized of poor quality void botched unable to do something for toffee not okay not satisfying defeasible neutralised innocuous of low quality not worth the candle wet dissatisfying unskilful tricky suspect short excruciating phony unhappy disturbing disconcerting disquieting low quality unlikely unrewarding reduced detestable melancholy ropey impuissant merciful icky grody little flat unstable sickly weakly doubtful uncool minimal well below par bungled without success phoney incredible sparing restricted cataclysmic uncomfortable unpersuasive flabby faltering blameworthy downer overwhelming bummer unbearable horrifying dolorous afflictive opprobrious hateful incapable not cutting it unpopular troublesome hard to believe inproficient unproficient ridiculous absurd ludicrous foolish-looking tragic poorly leaving a lot to be desired iffy unavailable emasculate slack-spined no go no way not effective moving compassionate afflicted stirring joyless commiserative tearful arousing suffering piteous sorrowful heartrending distressed touching comfortless cheerless unable to do something to save one's life ailing less than ideal hard to swallow ill-suited unsuited from hell minor-league minor league small potatoes under-strength unseemly inaccurate not proper unadvantageous not oneself inconsistent off-form incompatible inapt under the weather insupportable exceptionable in poor condition fallacious imprecise erroneous off-color reprehensible exhausted impractical unreasonable unsaleable unsellable found wanting not acceptable bereft too little distorted condemnable scurrilous indefensible stinky out irremediable scratched partial torn deformed inacceptable unappealing uninviting on a treadmill save one's breath ruthful unfinished patchy immature underwhelming undeveloped rudimentary not on not cricket beyond the pale won't do over the fence not quite the done thing in a state of disrepair vicious faultful bottom-of-barrel disfigured not functioning minus not working few bugs meaningless debased rank unretentive contradictory adulterated awry false malformed blamable confused leaky maimed incoherent unfulfilling no use bathetic uninteresting senseless disillusioning hamstrung inexpedient feckless banal no-good chaffy unusable of no benefit bogus nothing sterile waste ignoble abandoned unessential null and void invertebrate falling short crippled not all it's cracked up to be not worth a hill of beans

Tính từ

Present, appearing, or found everywhere
ubiquitous omnipresent global universal worldwide infinite prevalent ubiquitary international pandemic widespread astronomical pervading predominant popular rampant unrestricted comprehensive inescapable worldly broad pervasive abundant ecumenical permeating unlimited rife sweeping boundless overarching extensive general everywhere regular undisputed across-the-board all-embracing all-over all-pervading all-pervasive all-present ever-present far-reaching present everywhere very common wall-to-wall wide-ranging all over the place epidemic catholic total all-inclusive multinational diffuse across the board endemic penetrating insidious immanent suffusive permeative permeant complete full planetary exhaustive blanket thorough prevailing overall cosmic generic whole cosmopolitan mundane accepted all-round absolute intercontinental all over persistent world wide-reaching can't get away from wholesale expansive deep extended wide empyrean customary celestial terrestrial all usual stellar rangy thoroughgoing outspread preponderate overwhelming simple plentiful far-flung out-and-out on a large scale all-encompassing all-around all-out current raging frequent profuse numerous thronged many ruling multitudinous regnant inclusive collective compendious entire panoramic cyclopedic encyclopedic embracive omnibus encyclopaedic unanimous all-in in-depth broad-gauge broad-gauged broad-brush cover-all one-size-fits-all large-scale indiscriminate spreading infectious contagious catching epizootic mass communicable vast large great huge profound big sizable long expanded lengthy protracted massive humongous major scopious wall to wall comprising interdisciplinary multidisciplinary hefty cross-disciplinary unexclusive scopic

Tính từ

Of or pertaining to a prototype
prototypal quintessential archetypal classic model standard exemplary prototypical characteristic archetypical representative classical paradigmatic ideal stock regular illustrative indicative average emblematic symbolic normal typic essential standardised standardized archetypic suggestive prototypic patterned ordinary orthodox habitual commonplace everyday expected general natural prevalent unexceptional matter-of-course in character in keeping old hat definitive typical textbook imitable usual signature conventional vintage copybook perfect prime staple dinki-di true to form familiar stereotypical routine true customary presentational bog-standard proverbial par for the course mainstream run-of-the-mill supreme consummate ultimate absolute best proper distinctive complete idiosyncratic optimal idyllic excellent particular fundamental unmistakable distinct distinguishing flawless individual fitting pure peculiar true to type appropriate utopian unblemished transcendental idealised idealized best possible hackneyed trite original predictable hacky clichéd at her best at his best at its best epochal dream come true pie-in-the-sky best-example fairy-tale seminal recognizable optimum identifying important historic untainted unsullied untarnished identifiable diagnostic stereotyped discriminating stereotypic diagnostical iconic recognisable totemic traditional faultless immaculate seamless impeccable irreproachable indefectible exact superlative picture-book without fault picture-perfect letter-perfect have-it-all opportune precise right relevant special very apt pertinent well-suited spot on requisite correct made to order on the money just right tailor-made on the button suitable just the job separate inherent exclusive endemic personal unique singular intrinsic restricted peculiar to symptomatic reserved particular to innate particularised found only in especial specific particularized most typical most characteristic

Tính từ

Rather good than the contrary
goodish passable adequate average decent fair moderate okay fairish kosher admissible copacetic delightful big cool hep hip large all right hunky-dory on the ball on the beam A-OK cooking with gas in the swim peachy keen acceptable respectable tolerable satisfactory middling so-so unexceptional OK sufficient not bad fine good run-of-the-mill fair-to-middling good enough standard pleasant mediocre unobjectionable ordinary reasonable presentable swell fairly good serviceable sufficiently good bog-standard pretty good pleasing comfortable allowable tidy in order up to scratch indifferent workaday unremarkable medium undistinguished moderately good vanilla half-pie agreeable not too bad unexceptionable no great shakes plain vanilla fair to middling up to snuff up to standard nothing to write home about not much cop not up to much amateur amateurish better than nothing unimpeachable livable considerable goodly abundant substantial sizable sizeable noticeable appreciable biggish marked significant generous worthwhile right on trendy welcome inoffensive innocuous up to code harmless ample usual intermediate mean run-of-the-mine second-rate run-of-mine second-class O.K. fair enough suitable competent appropriate fit palatable solid alright sound valid convenient proper commensurate fitting sufficing assuasive correct appeasing assuaging quite good up to par snug completely understandable totally fine up to the mark jake middle-of-the-road tame unoffending innocent mild gentle safe anodyne innoxious peaceable peaceful neutral bland benign commonplace white hurtless copasetic plenty minimal satisfying tickety-boo insipid faultless beyond reproach irreproachable on the money on the mark spot on non-provocative non-controversial flourishing fine and dandy as it should be able cromulent enough nothing to shout about providential fortunate prosperous useful lucky well happy bright commensurable wholesome unprovocative uncontroversial risk-free riskless unoffensive requisite proportionate unmalicious uninjurious inobnoxious offenseless unhurtful congruous playful plentiful suited plenteous apposite apropos bounteous quiet retiring well-suited necessary fitted enow as much as is necessary aplenty copious as much as you need bountiful unintended well-intentioned unintentional humble unobtrusive non-injurious nonprovocative well-meant ducky non-aggressive non-combative non-violent calm friendly clean dull okey-dokey

Tính từ

Widely known, especially in a positive way
well-known famous familiar popular prominent renowned celebrated famed acclaimed important known notable noted notorious distinguished eminent esteemed great influential leading star visible august elevated established everyday exalted honoured honored illustrious infamous legendary recognised recognized venerable applauded big conspicuous large memorable name public reputable big-name pre-eminent widely known in the public eye in the limelight on the map big name much-publicized of repute talked about acknowledged avowed confessed declared admitted proven plain certified accepted published overt obvious patent well known identified branded proclaimed revealed self-confessed publicly known down pat generally known proverbial manifest received publicized publicised preeminent prestigious respected outstanding noteworthy noble foremost highly regarded glorious well thought of remarkable grand lionized major of note lionised revered of high standing signal dominant top admired superior powerful big-time significant bright chief major-league big-league lauded imposing reputed estimable high-powered high-ranking major league immortal principal respectable seminal excellent redoubtable premier unforgettable high-profile fabled supreme high-level main VIP predominant honourable feted paramount much publicized brilliant honorable high profile luminous of distinction key consequential central prime majestic extraordinary storied highly rated superstar high-up dignified sublime peerless heroic top-drawer vaunted astral puissant big-shot big league primary considerable magnificent splendid commanding redoubted iconic arch pivotal highest aristocratic well received trusted capital much touted shining monumental marvelous resplendent well-thought-of of consequence lofty number one senior top-ranking mighty cardinal extolled marvellous far-famed head laureate first integral upper-class exceptional triumphant beautiful celebrious prized distinctive greatest impressive essential gorgeous superb proud dazzling top-notch valued overbearing primal sovereign effulgent radiant formidable venerated core gratifying time-honored resonant authoritative celeb numero uno well respected world-class regal historic stately incomparable of good repute high-flying with a good reputation heavyweight well-regarded of mark high momentous worthy remembered ill-famed celebrity master first-class four-star lead praised good top-level prior overmastering sovran overriding material widely-known arresting fundamental eventful striking historical royal magnific focal marked substantial up there prevailing well-connected serious vital weighty special recognizable epic of influence alpha all-important towering potent big-gun of good standing recognisable salient transcendent having made a name for oneself heavy-duty matchless heavy big time unequaled unequalled of importance unsurpassed far-reaching worth mentioning critical crucial glittering star-studded glamorous fine wonderful splendrous heavenly pleasurable delightful enjoyable splashy monster rightly prized accomplished front-page widely knowbn something else famous name high-status all-star meritorious indelible vivid catchy haunting instrumental flaunted requisite intrinsic eye-catching energetic dynamic unparalleled superlative gifted high-minded unexcelled magnanimous triumphal idealistic first rate learned arch- of the first rank imperial divine heroical massive grandiose gallant baronial Homeric enduring perennial evergreen abiding traditional timeless classic time-honoured ageless disreputable worthy of mention worthy of note stand-out singular earnest indispensable high-priority necessary needed skookum much vaunted decorated appreciated highly esteemed highly thought of especial trendsetting dominating regnant big-wheel nonpareil hot-dog winning talked of governing leonine lionlike page-oner touted splendiferous pronounced scandalous controlling patrician refined premium paraded not to be forgotten noticeable never to be forgotten out of this world arrestive with a bad reputation of ill repute with a bad name adored eloquent rich oratorical upper cogent successful phenomenal deciding apex underlined presiding supereminent promoted overhyped advertised hyped widely praised well born highborn posh upmarket silk-stocking genteel number-one biggest blue-blooded highbred gentle huge upper-crust elite high-born largest grave wellborn commemorated exulted in crowed about prated about boasted about bragged about made much of shown off made a display of splendorous in spotlight in limelight prodigious red-letter paragon genius epoch-making legitimate trustworthy creditable upright reliable headline earth-shattering landmark groundbreaking principled unsurpassable unrivaled consummate of ill-repute unmatchable ultimate surpassing stellar unrivalled much meaningful tectonic ground-breaking earthshaking of great consequence honest virtuous irreproachable conscientious dependable anti-corruption earth-shaking faithful favored just straightforward constant legit decent truthful sincere righteous fair high-principled sound copper-bottomed of significance favoured above board tried and trusted of good report in high favor salt of the earth

Tính từ

Useful or functional for a particular purpose
good effective helpful advantageous beneficial constructive productive profitable suitable acceptable appropriate convenient decent desirable favourable favorable fitting fruitful healthy proper respectable satisfying usable utilisable utilizable approving brave comestible consumable edible fit fit for human consumption fit to be eaten meet right safe to eat versatile all right ample apt auspicious becoming benefic benignant commendatory commending conformable congruous favouring favoring healthful hygienic needed opportune propitious protean salubrious salutary seemly serviceable tolerable toward unobjectionable wholesome useful applicable felicitous happy befitting expedient timely fitted fortunate lucky relevant beneficent pertinent kindly apposite friendly seasonable providential just benign suited valuable worthwhile pretty apropos correct germane well-timed functional practical ideal rightful promising adequate encouraging of use satisfactory heaven-sent fair well timed rewarding to the point fortuitous gainful qualified handy worthy comme il faut due golden conducive win-win ripe in keeping welcome perfect lucrative deserved of service equitable economic successful moneymaking nice decorous employable valid benevolent ready significant requisite to the purpose paying remunerative pat of benefit material related condign useable capable practicable reasonable well-suited exploitable fat juicy money-spinning adapted feasible operative available going sufficient pleasing tailor-made kosher right on on the nose on the button justified charitable informative well-chosen able flukey fluky connected prosperous bright efficacious thriving serendipitous generous prepared profit-making pleasant behooveful deserving equipped powerful furthersome conforming workable accessible compatible correspondent well-paying merited commodious telling running current just right sweet equal competent operable appurtenant preferable of assistance enough ad rem financially rewarding well paid expendable unused wieldy exhaustible adaptable utile open instrumental subservient spot on good enough made to order legit excellent cut out for in the black at hand at disposal in order healing hopeful timeous fairy-tale well disposed harmonious sensible blessed moderate warm clement conformed reconciled accommodated agreeable accommodating commercial illuminating enriching cheering pleasureful flattering gratifying pleasurable reassuring workaday good for one belonging judicious for-profit renumerative inspired comfortable good for you merciful dexter smiling ordinary utilitarian everyday neat choice well suited matched working just what was ordered that's the ticket obligatory warranted gentle casual incidental enviable accidental well chosen well spent done utility cut out strategic joyous well put well expressed convincing high-income right and proper bounden effectual comely best of value operational disposable functioning potent behooving beseeming relative linked applicatory associable congruent correlated consistent salient money-making well-paid great well judged full of promise applied ultrapractical applicative actionable contributive user friendly fit for purpose up to standard swell in character up to snuff advisable righteous right up someone's street in keeping with politic okay copacetic presentable altruistic to your advantage for the best humanitarian in one's interests kind bankable cost-effective high-paying facilitative apropos of on target having direct bearing on having to do with viable optimal just the thing big-hearted booming flourishing fatness in running order up and running at your disposal operating ready for use available for use fit for use in working order invaluable just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs wonderful just the job active efficient what the doctor ordered according to Hoyle set disposed cost effective of help forceful decisive determinative conclusive sound forcible crying out meaningful meritorious -worthy instructive paid rich lush substantial fructuous going concern paid off very productive dominant superior commanding important favoured dominating privileged preferred favored fine more desirable most desirable

Tính từ

(of a question or subject) Being of current or continuing interest and importance
live current important pertinent topical burning dominant popular pressing prevalent relevant running vital widespread active circulating contemporary controversial earnest prevailing alive debatable unsettled effective of current interest critical urgent imperative crucial acute essential dire exigent compelling significant clamant importunate major emergent pivotal imperious necessitous crying clamorous instant climacteric lively of interest key necessary paramount life-and-death serious high-priority grave consequential all-important fundamental indispensable required requisite integral needed of great consequence desperate of the essence pre-eminent central of the utmost importance mandatory cardinal must-have needful drastic vitally important primary extreme principal heavy capital prerequisite overriding great called for compulsory obligatory decisive weighty momentous severe intense prime immediate big chief forceful meaningful far-reaching demanding terrible parlous sore profound insistent core main intrinsic focal foremost large leading basic substantial considerable material monumental especial substantive heavy-duty large-scale exceptional determining historic all important earth-shattering persistent dogged tenacious dangerous obstinate unrelenting exacting persevering pertinacious peremptory unyielding predominant pushy worthwhile top emphatic premier ponderous supreme preeminent quintessential remarkable appreciable influential very great telling notable pronounced sizable noteworthy imposing salient radical eventful impactful striking mighty top-priority constitutive grand sensational extensive special portentous unforgettable conspicuous high-level life and death much needed very important front-page outstanding meat-and-potatoes newsworthy life-or-death impressive binding coercive unavoidable immoderate overruling primal deciding climactic determinative ruling master mission-critical business-critical demanding attention emergency impelling underlined driving nitty-gritty world-shaking bottom-line name-of-the-game coal-and-ice demanded characteristic inherent structural uppermost perilous rudimental staple natural underlying rudimentary elementary called-for foundational constitutional elemental constituent hazardous awful connected component innate prodigious unmissable page-one tremendous precarious at the heart of determined greatest constraining dreadful conclusive glaring much fateful strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare landmark signal unusual resonant hefty unordinary deep ponderable potent memorable glorious marked keynote particular worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous earthshaking extraordinary milestone adamant of great import of moment of import of great moment unremitting intransigent stubborn indefatigable tireless alarming highest inescapable egregious firm unfaltering assertive bad first sudden afflictive aggressive obdurate nagging entreating clamouring hurry-up persuasive claiming clamoring distressing forcing requiring obliging heat-on irresistible decided unwavering inexorable resolute patient life-threatening commanding arch basal resolved pushful sweeping suppliant avid overeager disturbing solicitous high-pressure harassing annoying troublesome resounding monotonous reiterative continuous relentless perseverant high priority now or never pointed prominent heavyweight instrumental powerful almighty top-level overshadowing big-time of concern life-changing major-league high-profile of note grievous of consequence big-league big league overly solicitous most important

Tính từ

In the time for eating, using, etc.
in season available obtainable abundant growing on offer plentiful readily available readily obtainable on the market to be had purchasable in stock on sale for sale being sold buyable available for purchase accessible attainable procurable achievable acquirable gettable realizable securable ready accomplishable get-at-able at hand in circulation reachable pushover derivable on tap realisable there for the taking duck soup on a plate up for grabs piece of cake no sweat no problem on deck at your disposal at your fingertips possible feasible viable workable practicable doable on hand within reach convenient usable handy free manageable approachable open realistic to hand reasonable graspable employable getable getatable conceivable winnable within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility vacant untaken probable come-at-able practical forthcoming spendable open to at one's disposal unoccupied fit on up for sale operable unrestricted public operative unengaged welcoming existing prepared allowable appropriate permitted admissible suitable disposable offered likely around within your grasp derivable from door's always open utilisable utilizable expendable ready for use consumable on file in hand at the ready expedient at one's fingertips easy to get to able to be done on the cards in the shops able to be purchased in the cards in reserve able to be bought pragmatic makable responsive sensible agreeable not posted unconditional proper nondiscriminatory unqualified general logical going begging nearby unused exploitable functional useable serviceable useful relevant negotiable convertible local open-door odds-on promising waiting to be bought for the taking on the block potential standing by ready to be drawn obtained performable unfilled given yours for the asking imaginable going within reason made available empty easy present spare at your service