Đồng nghĩa của tact

Alternative for tact

Đồng nghĩa: diplomacy, finesse, grace, sensibility, sensitivity, taste,

Trái nghĩa: awkwardness,

Danh từ

Skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues
diplomacy consideration delicacy discretion perception sensitivity tactfulness thoughtfulness understanding judgement judiciousness savoir-faire wisdom adroitness cordiality courtesy decorum discernment etiquette finesse judgment mannerliness polish politeness prudence respect respectfulness skill subtlety acumen acuteness address amenity aptness care control delicatesse dexterity discrimination gallantry head insight intelligence penetration perspicacity poise policy politesse politicness presence refinement repose savvy smoothness suavity urbanity savoir faire common sense good taste horse sense sophistication grace elegance style worldliness taste suaveness urbaneness propriety couth confidence correctness sense accomplishment cultivation cleverness nous artfulness social graces soft skills culture considerateness civility manners canniness gentility dignity nicety breeding calculation aplomb savoir vivre feeling caution circumspection wariness tastefulness chic class sharpness carefulness know-how craft assurance charm chariness acuity restraint courteousness wit perceptiveness guardedness shrewdness sleight heedfulness sagacity aestheticism cunning craftiness forethought vigilance foresight social grace alertness social know-how concern deliberation good sense heed precaution watchfulness protocol worldly wisdom finish civilization experience civilisation beauty attractiveness flair composure niceness appreciation distinction susceptibility sensitiveness sensibility affability mildness unctuosity sympathy social skill intuitiveness peacekeeping mediation expedience politics knowledge intuition keenness cool graciousness Aukflarung sharp-wittedness astuteness savoir-vivre classiness precision smartness ingenuity inventiveness cautiousness perspicaciousness wiliness sageness aptitude resourcefulness calculatedness gingerliness sapience arguteness education adeptness slickness enlightenment guile maneuver quickness run-around manoeuvre feint gimmick competence con racket grift quick-wittedness diligence forecast coolness farsightedness austerity practicality reasoning conservation conservatism pragmatism persuasiveness erudition glibness learning big stick formalities mores oiliness smarminess intellectual awareness artistic awareness belles-lettres letters unctuousness ingratiation science art fashion training improvement practice proficiency kindness nobility capacity ability dress elevation gracefulness elegancies polished manners table manners proper conduct gumption sensibleness discreetness levelheadedness smooth talking decency responsibility warning moderation maturity providence solicitude observation attention kid gloves seemliness deportment properness respectability presence of mind appropriateness decorousness demureness appropriacy modesty form courtliness punctilio good manners convenance correctitude demeanor good grace appropriate behavior gravity orderliness order good behavior habits formality sedateness demeanour conduct

Danh từ

The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions
keenness astuteness sharpness intelligence shrewdness acumen insight wit discernment canniness perception sagacity wisdom cleverness understanding perspicacity acuity discrimination penetration intuition judgement judgment smarts intellect ingenuity percipience sense perspicaciousness nous knowingness judiciousness savvy foxiness perspicuity reason sapience caginess subtlety knowledge cageyness perceptivity quickness prudence genius comprehension grasp intellectuality brightness hardheadedness brilliance incisiveness sagaciousness thoughtfulness discretion mentality enlightenment wits erudition lucidity sensibleness levelheadedness cognition intellection apprehension consideration alertness heedfulness practicality pragmatism watchfulness experience lucidness marbles responsiveness rationalness accuracy precision sharp-wittedness quick-wittedness clear-sightedness good sense sound mind sound judgment good judgment cognitive faculties presence of mind soundness of mind clear thinking good judgement powers of discernment tactfulness gumption common sense perceptiveness awareness brains logic sageness foresight sanity reasoning rationality horse sense acuteness sensitivity circumspection thought vigilance wariness forethought providence sophistication capacity ratiocination soundness commonsense savoir faire skill diplomacy finesse savoir-faire dexterity coherence worldliness learning maturity clear mind logical thought good reasoning scientific thinking fineness razor-sharpness delicacy artfulness skilfulness adroitness smartness rationale saneness poise caution policy heed pansophy balance worldly wisdom arguteness level-headedness mother wit clear-headedness soundness of judgement mind brainpower native wit discreetness common loaf brain gray matter inclusiveness appropriateness inoffensiveness social norm expertise skills exposure involvement proficiency familiarity political correctness know-how mastery intimacy capability training practice competence practical knowledge professionalism qualifications impression talent qualification command contact authority education action conversance acquaintance grounding expertness skillfulness refinement prowess knack empiricism inclination right stuff evidence faculty fitness scholarship profundity doing hindsight intuitiveness proof efficiency life skills participation ability power observation distinction suaveness development touch resourcefulness technique native intelligence vision sound judgement enterprise initiative powers of reasoning esprit practical intelligence realism cool reasonableness sense one was born with plain sense spirit cop on sound sense sweet reason get-up-and-go imaginativeness imagination inventiveness analysis deduction backbone forcefulness nerve mettle pluck oomph courage grit spunk native ability industry

Danh từ

The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
kindness generosity affection compassion kindliness gentleness goodwill tenderness understanding benevolence charity hospitality patience humanity indulgence sympathy tolerance affectionateness altruism amiability consideration decency helpfulness magnanimity thoughtfulness unselfishness warmth benignity care concern considerateness selflessness beneficence clemency courteousness friendliness goodness charitableness graciousness humaneness neighborliness neighbourliness philanthropy benignancy bounteousness compassionateness cordiality sweetness kindheartedness liberality munificence nobleness generousness largesse liberalness magnanimousness nobility fellow feeling fellow-feeling good-heartedness good intention good will kind-heartedness self-sacrifice tender-heartedness warm-heartedness respect mindfulness courtesy sensitivity solicitude awareness solicitousness discretion heedfulness attentiveness favour favor forbearance esteem estimation mercy warmheartedness heart softheartedness pity bigheartedness love feeling leniency commiseration tenderheartedness grace ruth bounty big-heartedness mercifulness largeheartedness bountifulness lenience lenity empathy forgiveness quarter openhandedness openheartedness amity humanitarianism open-handedness mildness softness regard lavishness soft-heartedness alms-giving friendship high-mindedness great-heartedness fondness largess benefaction free giving all heart caritas brotherly love geniality pardon readiness profusion freehandedness sufferance endurance condolence free-handedness toleration devotion liking aroha attachment permissiveness caring unsparingness large-heartedness public-spiritedness lovingness reprieve attention fellowship comity hospitableness support moderation solace emotion appreciation almsgiving philanthropism good-fellowship admiration politeness fatherliness affability comfort sociability good-naturedness obligingness partiality cooperation amenability passion carefulness sincerity brotherliness brotherhood cordialness responsiveness broad-mindedness liberalism shine sorrow assistance self-denial feelings conviviality permission license concession freedom consolation ardor ardour rapport social conscience motherliness allowance virtue affinity peacefulness fancy heartiness turn service boon amorousness peaceableness pleasantness preference approval blessing commendation agreeableness congeniality niceness intensity sentimentality absolution relish taste like reverence sisterliness meekness good nature amicability heat fervor fervour serenity fairness lifesaver gift tranquillity tranquility appetite approbation imprimatur account calmness thought endearment sentiment warmness closeness encouragement docility intimacy familiarity devotedness delicacy compunction rue use caringness soul cheer acceptance placidity condolement charitability relief condolences complaisance kind regard condonation reassurance lack of prejudice capacity long-suffering good opinion tender loving care heed peace accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision Agape civility harmony fraternity honesty genuineness faith attention to detail greatheartedness chivalry agape principle supportiveness protectiveness loftiness honor honour honourableness collaboration sadness distress moderateness disinterest oblation office equitableness justness deference acquiescence accommodativeness compliance blessings princeliness amicableness regret gifts favours character respects open-mindedness mutual support welcome favors constitution dejection melancholy large-hea succor succour patronage lack of severity sensibility public spirit amiableness sanction large-heartedn tender feelings agreeability concernment discrimination action reaction discernment palpability response good deed desire brownie points good neighbourliness rallying round unity laxness condoning receptiveness receptivity personableness social concern sponsorship dole concern for others heart of hearts optimism assuagement easement inspiration adoration worship amore crush amenity lack of bias backing help warm reception warm feelings shyness quietness endowment prosocial behaviour gifting fund strong fondness soft spot puppy love reception companionship openness sociableness guestfriendship comradeship guestfriendliness pampering spoiling modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility TLC watchfulness prosocial behavior good works helping hand gladdening mansuetude good-temperedness enthusiasm vehemence remission pliancy pliability fragility good cheer profligateness fondling fulfilment toadying kowtowing hedonism placating profligacy pleasure favouring intemperateness favoring petting privilege pleasing fulfillment treating zeal eagerness welcomingness passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence fire wholeheartedness fervency fervidness intenseness amnesty remittal happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions zest excitement white heat spirit glow empressement earnestness conciliation anchor indemnity freeing excuse vindication indemnification commute resignation fortitude restraint composure equanimity stoicism imperturbability persistence longanimity equilibrium unexcitability cool submission poise perseverance inexcitability constancy grit passivity gutsiness bearing backbone unflappability passiveness guts nonresistance intestinal fortitude even-temperedness even temper self-control self-restraint

Danh từ

The way in which one conducts themselves relative to social norms
behavior actions conduct demeanor action acts attitude comportment decorum deeds demeanour deportment habits manners bearing activities address delivery gest geste dealings morals convention ethics etiquette expression mien code course form guise mannerisms mode practice presence propriety savoir-faire seemliness speech style talk taste tenue tone social graces what's done way of life manner carriage behaviour appearance air aspect stance mores posture cast look ways way way of behaving protocol custom habit mannerism performance disposition temperament movements dignity ceremony formalities customs character idiosyncrasy personality practices port set peculiarity wont procedure poise rule practises ritual good manners way of acting way of standing routine approach way of carrying oneself way of bearing oneself way of holding oneself way of conducting oneself pattern policy praxis courtesy amenities polish breeding civilities elegance culture politeness tikanga facial expression good breeding good form gait characteristic exploits nature p's and q's trait countenance tenor principles engagements fashion standards use figure practise pose method usage proprieties tack gesture gestures motion done thing kinesics rules tradition scruples policies body language modus operandi nonverbal communication physical response way of doing things body movement decisions handling of matters acceptable conduct polites correct behaviour polite behaviour handiwork doings feel persona affectation temper image performances gests stand display front rapport relationship social behaviour station visual communication social habit garb regard dress outside ease polite attribute contortion physiognomy visage mug oddity habitude trick positure pace way of moving step seeming propensity proneness tendency aptness refinement urbanity politesse sophistication consuetude second nature modus vivendi groove dignified demeanour dignified air dignified bearing traditions ilk bedside manner conventions spirit quirk capers procedures usages system formality morality ethos tenet custom and practice established ways routines patterns traditional customs rites codes values social conduct rituals quality thing description decency how solemnity ceremonial rite formula observance social practice tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology matter of course norm conventionalism design ethic precept canon convenance proceeding by the book kawa channels setup by the numbers right practice law ropes set formula process regulation ideals way one is integrity norms beliefs dogmas personal principles plan means liturgy line scheme service prescription ordinance celebration rubric office red tape order course of action sacrament punctilio mechanism programme program conventionality institution civility modus tactic act blueprint worship precedent MO vein Sacrament stratagem route accepted behaviour grind into conformity beaten path hang-up daily grind respectability line of action mystery line of attack correctness appropriateness modesty heritage niceties gentility normality demureness move decorousness normalcy couth customariness arrangement steps operation formal procedure rules of conduct pomp direction good behavior angle nuts and bolts plan of attack thing to do strictness nicety game plan ceremoniousness condition communion formal courtesy ploy stereotype punctiliousness maneuver manoeuvre locution vogue phraseology appropriacy type road delicacy conventionalities moeurs convenances formulation path good taste measures treatment genre rote code of behaviour code of behavior method of working how-to proper behavior principle shot addiction theory idea transaction drill touch plan of action the book plot the done thing ground plan master plan p ordinariness prevalence courteousness habitualness lockstep schedule pageantry formalism preciseness movement exactitude meticulousness precision campaigning manoeuvres generalship rectitude agency services scrupulousness festival fitness conscientiousness solemnities commemoration show barometer benchmark sobriety organisation methods organization devices planning diplomacy defence maneuvers device defense campaign maneuvering option alternative occasion proceedings variation becomingness orthodoxy discretion yardstick parade function mass virtue covenance percept state shift probity particularity courtesies guideline usefulness utility usual procedure regime technic capacity activity stages wholesomeness suitability bureaucracy finickiness organizing system standard par operating procedure project layout instrumentation formation instructions directions ingredients receipt social niceties social conventions social grace business ado rigmarole concept attack purity paperwork acceptance management control currency framework regularity religious ceremony church service wise status sort situation book kind accepted conduct guidelines source of compound way of achieving means of achieving way of ensuring means of ensuring precepts manoeuvring fittingness palaver festivity model viewpoint perspective slant stab whack mind-set point of view game solemnness officialism requirement formal gesture official procedure academism rituality artifice form of worship set of procedures set of principles fixed order specifications credo creed equation theorem maxim order of things medium likely cause of matter of form logical order logical process frame of reference systematic process orderly process set of guidelines set of channels one's Ps and Qs attention to detail properness schema correct behavior trend wrinkle swim Ps and Qs dictates measure usance courtliness mould folkways shibboleth exercise fad agenda ways and means mold observation correctitude orderliness sedateness restraint gravity agendum series of steps craze standard operating procedure the numbers road map SOP set of tactics grand design kaupapa sacred cow rage good grace appropriate behavior unwritten rule unwritten law mania established way punctilios proper behaviour suavities acceptable behaviour customary behaviour good behaviour rules of behaviour social norm

Danh từ

Courageous behaviour, especially in battle
gallantry bravery daring courage nerve fearlessness heroism courageousness dauntlessness intrepidity pluck spirit boldness guts doughtiness mettle valour braveness grit intrepidness manliness bottle gutsiness pluckiness backbone moxie spine spiritedness stout-heartedness ballsiness daringness derring-do determination fortitude gameness greatheartedness hardihood heart pecker prowess spunk stoutness valor virtue balls cojones sand valiance address audacity civility deference duty elegance gentility intestinal fortitude nobility poise resolution reverence savoir-faire urbanity valiancy firmness adventurousness adventuresomeness stoutheartedness valiantness enterprise tenacity bravura dash lion-heartedness endurance venturesomeness undauntedness recklessness temerity rashness power pugnacity élan resolve confidence valorousness audaciousness manfulness chivalry indomitability strength resoluteness lionheartedness steadfastness stomach gumption starch hardiness venturousness will strength of character assurance toughness steel stamina vigour fibre moral fibre daredevilry fiber daredeviltry stalwartness temerariousness virility moral fiber energy force vigor impudence will power har pothead T-block T-box self-belief self-trust conviction faith aplomb certainty spunkiness bravehood coolness mettlesomeness forcefulness willingness fight purpose alacrity indomitableness defiance invincibility grittiness constancy stuff enthusiasm amenability goodwill obligingness self-assurance cool-headedness self-confidence self-possession foolhardiness face dynamism true grit right stuff mind front what it takes eagerness keenness gut manhood gusto passion zest potency insolence honour effrontery honor staunchness brassiness cockiness salt cheek firmness of purpose fire life bravado might courtliness ardour animation quality calibre makeup vitality caliber ardor Dunkirk spirit knighthood perseverance willpower doggedness persistence drive pertinacity indefatigability strength of will character staying power strong-mindedness tenaciousness resilience earnestness single-mindedness dedication purposefulness obstinacy morale perseveration stickability intentness stick-to-itiveness pertinaciousness determinedness motivation stubbornness relentlessness strength of mind brashness vim obduracy inflexibility obdurateness chutzpah fixity of purpose bulldog spirit stoicism stick-to-it-iveness decision certitude patience resistance verve decidedness self-reliance aggressiveness elan zip oomph decisiveness toughness of spirit granite self-discipline intension cool talent Sitzfleisch vivacity positiveness assertiveness assuredness initiative composure sparkle cocksureness surety doubtlessness brio liveliness sureness level-headedness phlegm self-assuredness self-esteem bounce commitment faith in oneself esprit satisfaction belief in oneself warmth presumption inner strength presence of mind purposiveness tirelessness ability temper essence tenor outlook air disposition temperament breath jazz mood complexion substance humor psyche fixed purpose vivaciousness pertness humour vital spark life force frame of mind belief forbearance long-suffering moral strength pith powerfulness intensity potence person's resolution machismo immovability undertaking design objective durability militancy ruggedness bouncebackability sticktoitiveness intention project conclusion belligerence risk-taking heroic deed brave deed overboldness great courage daring action aggression diligence application intransigence calmness security incorruptibility honesty morality moral excellence moral virtue scruples good conscience moral rectitude moral courage strongmindedness survival skills ability to bounce back knowledge qualifications essential qualities abilities skills dependability whatever it takes the goods experience credentials the makings the stuff equanimity equilibrium serenity nonchalance impassivity collectedness sangfroid tranquillity tranquility imperturbability competitiveness insistence unflappability combativeness militance scrappiness disputatiousness quarrelsomeness truculence assaultiveness bellicosity feistiness belligerency contentiousness militantness sedulousness assiduity inexorability trust arrogance resignation submission inexorableness implacability power to resist buoyancy continuance strength of purpose toleration peace of mind persistency willfulness clock guttiness will to win attack sufferance will to resist undergoing enduring holding up forebearance continuing allowance restraint standing suffering capacity withstanding survival resource originality imagination ingenuity resourcefulness push ambition creativity imaginativeness inventiveness cleverness dogmatism sense of purpose capability go pep leadership readiness zeal ambitiousness stiff upper lip action alertness hustle pizzazz welly innovativeness pzazz get-up-and-go sitzfleisch quick-wittedness native wit spirit of adventure

Danh từ

Self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation
aplomb self-possession composure equanimity self-confidence calmness poise assurance confidence self-assurance collectedness cool coolness equilibrium sangfroid level-headedness nerve nonchalance stability composedness countenance imperturbability placidity repose self-assuredness self-composedness self-esteem self-trust serenity tranquility tranquillity tranquilness balance sang-froid unflappability ease style surety presence of mind savoir faire savoir vivre dignity suaveness presence elegance urbanity polish equability tactfulness calm diplomacy self-control self-composure savoir-faire impassivity self-command steadiness phlegm control placidness unexcitability sureness levelheadedness ataraxia ataraxy positiveness cool-headedness peace of mind patience self-reliance cool head assertiveness fortitude belief in oneself conviction assuredness steadfastness dispassion coolheadedness self-restraint restraint imperturbableness even temper self-discipline certitude certainty impassiveness peace stoicism inexcitability satisfaction faith in oneself peacefulness indifference self-mastery courage sedateness morale cocksureness boldness firmness doubtlessness stolidity detachment security face sobriety presumption impudence grit backbone heart even-mindedness even-temperedness strength of mind moderation imperturbation quickness gumption common sense sense alertness quick-wittedness self-respect inner strength positive self-image high morale stillness contentedness contentment faith mettle élan quietude peaceableness quietness bliss comfort hush restfulness sereneness quiet equableness togetherness still resoluteness resolution pluck brashness fearlessness tenacity spirit dash temper good humour good humor effrontery trust temerity bravery aggressiveness audacity arrogance inner peace felicity joy determination daring intrepidity elan hardihood buoyancy spunk high spirits well-being nirvana content happiness freedom soundness harmony reassurance ataraxis heartsease comity compatibility forbearance tolerance sufferance discipline constraint discretion repression reserve resignation endurance inhibition suppression refrainment continence understanding persistence longanimity submission consideration lenience perseverance indulgence kindness toleration constancy passivity capacity gutsiness bearing passiveness guts nonresistance long-suffering intestinal fortitude strength of character self-constraint reticence self-will

Trái nghĩa của tact

tact Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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