Đồng nghĩa của pity

Alternative for pity

pities, pitied, pitying

Đồng nghĩa: compassion, mercy, sorrow, sympathy,

Danh từ

The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others
compassion sympathy commiseration kindness understanding distress sadness sorrow charity condolence feeling mercy ruth bigheartedness good-heartedness heart humanity kindheartedness kindliness largeheartedness regret rue softheartedness warmheartedness clemency emotion forbearance leniency quarter tenderness benevolence comfort compunction condolement dejection empathy favor favour goodness grace lenity melancholy mercifulness philanthropy solace solicitousness warmth fellow feeling humaneness concern consideration tolerance kind-heartedness gentleness lenience benignity tenderheartedness consolation tender-heartedness indulgence beneficence generosity goodwill care sensitivity benignancy support forgiveness thoughtfulness warm-heartedness love brotherly love soft-heartedness compassionateness altruism affection humanitarianism mildness solicitude relief liberality encouragement cheer regard succour reassurance graciousness assuagement succor condolences magnanimity caritas softness caring rapport affinity attachment help aroha appreciation mindfulness easement moderation good will fellowship sufferance lifesaver nobility sentimentality agape amity identification responsiveness communion awareness alleviation friendliness comity aid soul friendship ease soothing neighborliness considerateness neighbourliness decency charitableness charitability moral support receptiveness receptivity optimism reconciliation principle moderateness helpfulness acceptance respects bounty liking permissiveness justness toleration equitableness endurance fairness liberalness Agape motherliness fatherliness devotion fondness bountifulness bounteousness lack of severity munificence apology character feelings overlooking amiability amorousness constitution gift oblation benefaction office courtesy lovingness patience unity magnanimousness peace gladdening inspiration tender feelings philanthropism comforting sensibility reassuring harmony reaction discrimination discernment ardor action delicacy capacity fervor fervour heat ardour palpability intensity response concern for others heart of hearts consoling relieving solacing expression of regret vibes mutuality closeness togetherness connection relating cheering up good feeling sympathetic response loving concern Christian love unselfishness fortification brotherliness sisterliness good-fellowship recognition perceptivity consciousness conception apprehension concord cognizance insight perception comprehension perceptiveness apperception cognition assimilation knowingness intuition knowing familiarity enlightenment acquaintance cottoning to being on same wavelength awareness of the feelings of others community of interests cordiality attentiveness geniality affability tact respect thought attention courteousness reverence politeness hospitality pleasantness selflessness brotherhood cordialness conviviality deference sweetness affectionateness cooperation civility gentility good-naturedness caringness refinement discretion urbanity gallantry courtliness elegance polish cultivation culture sensitiveness heed genteelness chivalry suavity subtlety ceremony sincerity carefulness complaisance mannerliness address gallantness amenities good breeding good behavior peacefulness peaceableness serenity tranquillity heartiness agreeableness good nature tranquility largesse amicability heedfulness comradeship assistance big-heartedness congeniality esteem public-spiritedness hospitableness sociability mind notice wholeheartedness estimation amenity agreeability interest amenability niceness good deed earnestness diplomacy approval approbation note politesse accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision openheartedness virtue attention to detail faith charm collaboration obligingness service finesse good-temperedness personableness amiableness lavishness free-handedness open-handedness boon respectfulness benefit judgment almsgiving social conscience good manners mutual support concernment tending decorousness likableness tender loving care couth good neighbourliness rallying round benediction nervousness sense susceptibility reactiveness impressionability affectibility sensation reactivity manners finer feelings soft skills jovialness gratefulness enjoyableness reciprocity looking after judgement enthusiasm passion vehemence good turn helping hand act of assistance shyness quietness nobleness orderliness order solid generousness brownie points joviality companionability companionableness demonstrativeness modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility zeal eagerness welcomingness sight good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling lawfulness touchingness sweetness and light observance view accessibility communicativeness mateyness gregariousness clubbability decorum stability mansuetude docility meekness passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence fire fervency fervidness intenseness interestedness approachability good humour chumminess openness bonhomie happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions zest excitement calmness pliancy placidity pliability fragility kinship palliness easy-going manner outgoingness camaraderie comradery clubbiness an eye once-over white heat spirit glow empressement open arms admiration acclaim veneration account lack of reservation lack of inhibition repute popularity honor reputation laudation praise homage adulation honour opinion cherishing extolment value good opinion high regard high opinion

Danh từ

Something that causes sadness or distress
down downer bummer downside drag letdown snag disappointment pitfall shame shortcoming annoyance comedown nuisance problem weakness stumbling block negative aspect misfortune discouragement bad scene bad deal raw deal bad trip rotten hand disaster trouble affliction hardship adversity burden trial tribulation misery distress grief suffering sorrow torment travail pain heartache hassle tragedy blow misadventure difficulty catastrophe ill fortune stroke of bad luck trauma ordeal wretchedness heartbreak sadness woe mishap worry straits albatross setback calamity bad luck torture curse reverse unpleasant situation unhappy situation bum trip travails cross to bear headache bad experience hard time anguish agony unhappiness vexation pest hurt excruciation rack issue care failure jam crunch accident rigor vicissitude cross dolour rigour tough luck ill-luck hard knocks can of worms hard times dire straits ill luck reversal of fortune ill-fortune freak-out psychedelic crisis unpleasant drug experience bringdown plague scourge nightmare bane inconvenience complication gloom depression bad news big trouble severe test trying time poverty dejection privation despair anxiety melancholy despondency desolation indigence destitution sorriness dolefulness dolor want difficulties need impoverishment penury deprivation grieving rue blues deploring lamentation cataclysm dole bemoaning rain regret pickle austerity lack pinch discomfort beggary exigency injury throe grievance hazard scrape ruination tough break unholy mess rotten luck hot water ticklish spot holy mess oppression visitation wronging crucible persecution depressing experience unpleasant experience misfortunate event irritation unfortunate occurrence double whammy rainy day hard knock shock upset reversal crisis hell hardness asperity buffet ill danger contretemps mischance stress pain in the backside clutch poison hell on earth pain in the rear evil eye the worst trials and tribulations knock pain in the neck hurting stroke of ill luck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions nakba tough situation deep water jinx bad break skids fiasco debacle drama dud sad event

Động từ

Feel sorrow for the misfortunes of
feel for compassionate sympathize with bleed for commiserate with ache ache for comfort commiserate condole condole with console empathise empathize empathize with feel pity for feel sorry for forgive pardon relent reprieve solace soothe sympathise sympathize understand weep for yearn over be compassionate towards be moved by be sympathetic towards feel sympathy for grieve for take pity on be sympathetic feel with give quarter grant amnesty grieve with have compassion identify with lament with show concern show forgiveness show sympathy be sorry for have compassion for have mercy on be there for somebody put out of one's misery have one's heart go out to show compassion for compassion sorrow for express sympathy relate to bleed show interest share another's sorrow offer condolences to show sympathy for grieve feel compassion for lament for open one's heart feel give solace to mourn for express sympathy for have mercy send condolences to be sympathetic to offer sympathy to share sorrow show compassion offer condolences acknowledge be cognizant of take on board be wise to feel compassionate towards be conscious of be with you be able to see be alive to be sensitive to take account of comprehend appreciate identify emphathize pick up on offer consolation to be there for be supportive feel heart go out to show kindliness show tenderness care for be kind to show mercy be understanding offer consolation be supportive of be in rapport with tune in stand in one's shoes connect link with grasp get apprehend see follow recognize accept discern cognize fathom register take in note sympathise with absorb agree with dig empathise with recognise acknowledge the validity of accept the validity of take admit the validity of commune share imagine feel togetherness have a rapport feel at one be in tune be in sympathy suffer with have insight into put oneself in another's place put oneself in the shoes of talk the same language as be on the same wavelength as

Động từ

To relieve the distress or suffering of
console comfort solace cheer soothe encourage support reassure aid assuage gladden help assure calm condole with ease fortify hearten relieve succor succour alleviate cheer up commiserate with sympathize with animate express sympathy to give condolences to inspirit lift show compassion to tranquillize tranquilize untrouble upraise show fellow feeling to buck up express sympathy express sympathy for uplift buoy up enliven salve placate buoy boost bolster exhilarate allay brighten relax strengthen revitalize compose invigorate pacify mollify envigorate revitalise perk up put at ease embolden bring comfort to inspire condole steel stimulate elate incite revivify appease stir elevate rouse energize mitigate pep up soften arouse rally palliate give solace to gee up energise give a lift to settle commiserate lull becalm refresh besoothe restore quieten bear up chirk up reanimate balm cool cheer on quicken quiet brace put one's mind to rest raise your spirits pick up ginger up boost someone's morale give a shot in the arm to give a lift give sympathy to lessen temper snap out of it moderate free liven lighten burden empathize with quiet fears give respite to make one feel at ease make well make more cheerful raise spirits brighten up make happier motivate still lullaby give confidence drive empower incentify restore confidence to applaud push galvanize spur snap one out of it set your mind at rest restore someone's confidence dispel someone's fears bolster someone's confidence renew spark pique vitalize disinhibit impassion build up goad trigger sway enforce fillip boost moral egg instigate incentivize stir up whip up kindle jumpstart spur on enhearten fire up excite activate move build hush conciliate sedate resuscitate rejuvenate raise someone's spirits ignite give a boost to reenforce rev up provoke raise boost up pump up suppress quell resolve restrain check rein adjust repress let up simmer down ease up slacken regulate modulate hold in smother make up reconcile dispose tune down be there for hold someone's hand boost the morale of give strength to be a source of strength give a leg up to boost morale give moral support to be a source of strength to nudge regenerate reinvigorate warm freshen praise prick recreate refreshen renovate recharge resurrect rekindle repair awaken stimulate spiritually lift the spirits of give confidence to raise the morale of spirit someone up give shot in arm psych up give hope to bield light a fire under prop up stiffen the resolve of kick-start gentle calm down settle down take the edge off steady tranquillise cool off dulcify diminish dull reawaken touch up overcome enkindle please spring up rediscover reinforce revive recondition bring round restart breathe life into breathe new life into make whole recuperate bring back to life bounce back bring around bring to galvanise incentivise cure dispel counteract brace up vary lighten punctuate reduce abate put on cloud nine let the sun shine in stop liss subdue interrupt sweeten put on top of the world assist prevent break up bring respite to take load off bring an end to take a load off bring aid to make bearable let up on make something bearable bring aid prompt urge impel inflame prod induce cause foment fire actuate egg on influence electrify persuade work up propel generate foster press agitate spark off promote whet make wake up fuel incline enthuse set off bring about turn on waken exhort call forth sting sustain lead thrill vivify liven up ferment intensify coerce bring touch off key up engender occasion create goose impress fire the imagination of evoke start jazz up fan abet stoke up produce put up to elicit force get going mobilize entice rewaken rewake lead to get amp up pressure brew bring on wake trigger off tempt exalt reactivate initiate mobilise instil improve dynamize instill touch nerve spike bring out jump-start psych commove precipitate breed set going juice up prime zip up fire with enthusiasm give rise to set in motion coax put in motion recover see someone through invite intoxicate compel drive on pick nurture increase set on fan the flames of procure root on drum up innervate draw forth cultivate charge sic effectuate gird catalyze fire the enthusiasm of needle titillate challenge root for prepare look up bestir work result in beget add to catalyse talk into zap invoke begin wind up charge up bring back give a new lease of life to be a tower of strength to summon up further whip solicit predispose set agitate for advance root bring into being inveigle countenance ask call into being oblige dragoon carry inform exacerbate strike poise originate confirm rile convince condition direct effect make for jolt prevail upon urge on add fuel convert affect forward ready set up steam up pressurize make waves determine give new life to be responsible for get someone going act as a incentive to act as a stimulus to build a fire under harden pressurise keep someone going yield spawn contribute to translate into win over prevail on update make happen be the cause of gear up get ready re-establish gather put a bomb under replenish modernise regain modernize feed the fire put new life in stoke give incentive have give courage hook grab agitate against make brave enrapture make braver feed transport incent forearm jog barrack intrigue whip something up tap gain satisfy roil accelerate lift the morale of shock startle edify cajole nourish power chivvy speed summon psyche up badger hound nurse impact advise bias irk incense imbue infuse irritate develop crowd remind sound give pep talk heighten stiffen necessitate harass tease reestablish run better refine constrain grill vex tickle tantalize make confident give courage to actify arm activize enable crank up make enthusiastic get better take off revamp reinstitute relaunch reintroduce reproduce recall redevelop endue infect beghast bully impose on orient fan the flames give life to light up exercise alert call tantalise send shout for jog memory craze taunt juice move to action ameliorate civilize suscitate work into lather draw on have as a consequence have as a result spook save give the kiss of life to roust lash spur to action snap up sow the seeds get something going make wild enhance put zip into punch up suggest to stun astonish frighten speed up start off give impetus change put new heart into put new heart in put new strength in hit the ground running scheme plot insinuate hint plan suggest rabble-rouse heat up spirit up lean on add fuel to the flames give a buzz make alive shake shake up madden pour it on civilise enrich sow the seeds of leaven blaze a trail switch on stir embers add fuel to fire call to mind get to hint to keep one going keep you going make happy gain strength take heart make brighter act upon ride herd on give a new lease on life re-energize get going again put new life into put some spark into give new strength to get one started act as a impetus to act as a fillip to act as a spur to get one going adapt bring to life fan the fire consolidate lighten up loosen up give one an idea clear up give someone a kick give a shot in the arm grit teeth make up one's mind become cheerful corroborate substantiate uphold jack up gear oneself up make willing dig authenticate augment take a turn for the better burgeon back favour favor play a part in be instrumental in help out cheer along tide over keep someone's head above water keep going prosper launch play a role in bear out back up give the incentive to achieve have a hand in accomplish establish amount to culminate in be a factor in draw attract lend more weight to make more forceful give weight to sharpen push forward be conducive to realise realize organise introduce engineer open the door for attain organize court end in kickoff cause to occur bring forth finish in draw out add up to cause to happen have a part in make possible conduce to conduce oil the wheels of bring off be at the bottom of bring to pass carry off actualize carry through have the effect of entail pull off contrive put in place be partly responsible for bear spell contribute admit let in woo allure welcome entreat issue lure command get smoking burn up ask for include beg for call for bring on oneself flirt with leave the door open to

Động từ

To show mercy to, especially by not punishing or killing
spare pardon forgive absolve reprieve amnesty excuse exempt free discharge forbear release bail out be lenient be merciful deal leniently with go easy on grant a pardon to let go refrain from hurting save bacon save from save from harm save neck give a break give quarter to let off get off the hook get out of hock leave unhurt not harm have mercy on have pity on pull out of the fire show mercy to be lenient to be merciful to grant pardon to leave unharmed leave uninjured leave unpunished liberate relieve exonerate clear acquit dispense deliver let off the hook exculpate set free except emancipate unchain unfetter remit unshackle whitewash privilege from write off spring save dismiss unburden disburden divest disencumber rid vindicate unbind be lenient on disembarrass grant immunity unleash uncage manumit disenthrall disenthral enfranchise wipe the slate clean disimprison enlarge set loose grant an amnesty to let out let up on let loose wink at blink at turn loose be easy on condone overlook abandon drop remove immune extricate grant someone a dispensation grant someone an exemption protect befree untie find innocent declare innocent loose disculpate cut loose put on the street unmanacle bail free up set at liberty cast loose pronounce not guilty safeguard privilege shrive find not guilty wipe off let someone off lifeboat bleach sanitize sanitise launder strip untangle let off easy allow to go wipe it off allow to leave send away resign pull lighten yank make exempt exclude deliver from disburden of free of extricate from get rid of absolve from rescue from exempt from disembarrass of disencumber of free from excuse from liberate from release from remove blame unburden of boot out set free from discharge from grandfather respite relieve of give immunity alleviate allay palliate abate mitigate postpone stay pass by make an exception of make an exception for wipe the slate grant a stay remit someone's punishment let off this time commute someone's punishment grant a stay of execution to cancel someone's punishment grant a stay of execution postpone someone's punishment purge purify cleanse disengage empty sanctify lustrate void redeem disentangle relinquish ease unload justify exorcise exorcize atone explain rationalize rationalise assoil free from blame evacuate expel drain vacate deplete accept wipe slate clean discount clean disabuse shed sublimate make free get rid make allowances for make allowance for let someone off with let it go by forgive and forget look the other way let something ride decontaminate clarify elutriate depurate wash

Thán từ

Used to express regret or disappointment about an unfortunate event or piece of information

Trái nghĩa của pity

pity Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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