Đồng nghĩa của bad

Alternative for bad

worse, worst

Đồng nghĩa: evil, unfavorable, wrong,

Trái nghĩa: good,

Tính từ

Of poor quality or a low standard
terrible awful dreadful lousy poor atrocious cheap crummy abysmal horrible rough abominable appalling deplorable diabolical disastrous horrendous horrid lame mediocre sad substandard unacceptable wretched below par blah cheesy cruddy dire garbage grim gross junky poor quality unsatisfactory beastly bummer diddly dissatisfactory downer erroneous grody grotty icky inferior less-than-stellar not good pathetic poor-quality second-rate sub-par the pits third-rate bad news fallacious godawful grungy not the best trashy under par useless worthless disgraceful egregious execrable frightful lamentable laughable pitiful rubbish bum bush-league chronic detestable duff low-grade low-quality low-rent not up to par not up to scratch not up to snuff pants poxy raunchy reprehensible ropy second-class stinking wack crumby cut-rate damnable meagre meager odious paltry rubbishy scurrilous stinky sucky tinhorn two-bit unspeakable valueless bargain-basement el cheapo indefensible irremediable schlocky rotten shoddy miserable deficient inadequate common subpar schlock wanting coarse suboptimal cheapjack gimcrack trumpery sleazy punk dismal imperfect shabby sorry wrong off bush tawdry ill sour a load of pants hopeless defective faulty base below standard crude junk middling tatty direful average disagreeable ordinary disappointing lemon woeful below average pitiable tacky contemptible nasty weak insufficient dime-a-dozen unsound incompetent indifferent hack poorer tinny subnormal mean abject déclassé inept good-for-nothing flawed not up to much leaving much to be desired dodgy jerry-built lacking low bodger God-awful amateurish very bad unexceptional pedestrian pits not much cop no good feeble from hunger downmarket tenth-rate low-end ineffectual unpleasant ratty offensive distressing ineffective inexpert no great shakes worse shocking grubby repulsive cheapo naff unsuitable displeasing careless hideous twopenny-halfpenny cheap and nasty run-down half-pie meretricious incapable unskilful dilapidated impotent shameful piss-poor regrettable trifling piddling unworthy seedy gaudy calamitous unimpressive cheapie Brummagem unproficient brummagem not up to standard insufferable tattered damaged second rate negligent insignificant ghastly cheap-jack of a sort a dime a dozen not good enough revolting repellent objectionable insubstantial inefficient sordid slipshod distasteful catastrophic unfortunate commonplace flimsy fair tasteless vulgar inapt dud despicable scummy scurvy dirty scabby repellant obnoxious foul rickety powerless repugnant ramshackle rancid amiss vile derisory impaired undistinguished uninspired loathsome makeshift kitsch scroungy inproficient undesirable impermissible intolerable inadmissible inappropriate dingy reject negligible pinchbeck brassy yucky weak sauce strictly for the birds unsatisfying broken-down run down trivial minimal scruffy hellacious hateful for the birds hellish down at heel entry-level a dead loss noisome rinky-dink dime-store bottom-rung god-awful obscene minor-league two a penny minor league small potatoes not satisfying bungling garbagy showy slovenly not so good corny cheeseball grievous garish end-of-the-pier sneaking reduced limited tinpot desperate throwaway puny uncomfortable ropey little twopenny kitschy badly built poopy second-best unfit sparing restricted inappreciable inconsiderable low quality stupid unwelcome harmful outrageous well below par thrown together poorly second class broken dissatisfying unequal cataclysmic tough depressing unqualified rebarbative disgustful loathly disgusting so-so not cutting it unseemly plastic pretentious inglorious low-down shlocky unsightly godforsaken shlock gruesome sickening off-form under-strength off-color nauseating ridiculous absurd ludicrous rueful tragic affecting insupportable exceptionable improper unfitted disturbing disconcerting disquieting thin unable to do something to save one's life unable to do something for toffee very poor run-of-the-mine passable medium run-of-the-mill run-of-mine dubious unreasonable questionable condemnable out not much chop nauseous outclassed bog-standard uninspiring foolish-looking silly craptacular not oneself inacceptable unappealing uninviting noxious squalid not on not cricket of poor quality beyond the pale won't do over the fence not quite the done thing half-baked of low quality out of order under the weather fair to middling slummy leaving a lot to be desired insalubrious scandalous abhorrent evil fulsome unskillful unskilled accursed villainous hairy cursed revulsive brutal heinous horrifying inefficacious mangy scuzzy scrubby bedraggled decrepit untidy threadbare worn-out unkempt lacking ability menial neglected dumpy bombed-out tumbledown rundown moth-eaten beat-up dog-eared tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels down-at-heel timeworn measly unimportant ignoble petty inconsequential lesser pointless futile low cost meaningless unavailing unproductive nugatory unusable inutile bogus nothing sterile waste counterproductive unprofitable abandoned profitless barren unessential minor small nominal no-account less than ideal scant sparse empty no-good drossy second best ne'er-do-well bad quality jerrybuilt not ideal less than satisfactory less than optimal unideal niggling picayune chicken minute piddly slight footling pimping piffling peanut underwhelming uncultured low-class unfashionable lowbrow unsophisticated tricky slender excruciating anticlimactic unfulfilling depleted scarce bathetic uninteresting failing de minimis Mickey Mouse disreputable found wanting not acceptable bereft not okay too little disillusioning scanty diminished not all it's cracked up to be falling short skimpy shy short few dwindling cut dumbed down in short supply at a low level fruitless no use lowly senseless hollow vain null banal wanky chaffy nickel-and-dime humble unpretentious secondary subordinate unfructuous to no avail of no benefit bootless not worth a hill of beans subsidiary second-string junior subservient unassuming low-ranking demeaning degrading ancillary second-fiddle smaller bottom slighter lower ignominious servile lower-ranking plebeian humdrum small-fry small-time lower in status dinky third-string undersized low-born subjacent lower in rank back seat less important second-banana beneath someone below someone under someone's heel not very important lower-class not so important

Tính từ

Having faults or errors
faulty defective inadequate unreliable deficient flawed impaired imperfect inferior malfunctioning unsound below par botched broken broken-down damaged frail incorrect shabby slipshod unfit blemished fallible off out of order shoddy sketchy tainted warped amiss crippled incomplete marred inoperative cracked not working duff not functioning sick on the blink weak deformed scratched torn knackered injured in disrepair wrong inaccurate distorted erroneous fallacious awry confused false buckled non-functioning inexact substandard dud buggy lemon unsatisfactory unfinished gone wrong chipped inconsistent seconds poor abnormal unhealthy subnormal useless unusable kaput wonky busted bust on the bum invalid imprecise gone phut acting up done for playing up conked out out of commission gone haywire on its last legs on the fritz inappropriate untoward improper unsuitable debased rank unretentive malformed blamable leaky insufficient contradictory adulterated maimed incoherent lame unsellable second-rate unsaleable partial limited rotten mistaken lousy crummy tenth-rate below standard patchy immature undeveloped rubbish ropy rudimentary incongruous inapt unbecoming inept unhappy unapt astray indecorous infelicitous unseemly perverse adrift malapropos inapposite graceless disfigured minus low schlocky junk two-bit vicious garbage faultful bottom-of-barrel foul erring crooked unlawful haywire unfair not up to scratch in a state of disrepair few bugs not much cop not up to snuff glitched up down not in working order out of whack out of kilter shot inoperable unserviceable gone kaput non-functional out of action out of service broken down nonfunctional finished jiggered out of use nonfunctioning nonoperating kaputt run-down gone conked-out out disabled in need of repair up the spout worn out bonkers kerflooey worn-out incapacitated inactive had it hurt spoiled dilapidated screwed up ineffective ruined beat-up spoilt spent not functional not in operation unavailable for use fallen apart gone to pieces in the shop on the shelf given up the ghost not in use stopped working packed up not in service gone bust old failed rumpty worthless debilitated harmed done in wrecked clapped out valueless dented smashed crashed inoperational S U unoperational dinged totaled snafued bent flubbed sunk no good unavailable unfunctional wracked in repair decommissioned unproductive unavailing exhausted feeble split non-operational loused up messed up glitched in smithereens in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive unworkable ineffectual fissured coming unstuck coming unglued nonactive inefficacious doesn't work gone to pot crazed fractured splintered cleft null and void hors de combat ruptured slit deteriorated decayed run down battered ramshackle tumbledown crumbling gone to rack and ruin falling to pieces ill-maintained badly maintained poorly maintained worse for wear

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Morally unacceptable
evil wicked immoral corrupt debauched depraved sinful unscrupulous vile amoral base brutal cruel dishonourable mean merciless reprobate ruthless shameless sinister callous criminal debased deceitful degenerate devious dishonest dishonorable hateful heinous inhuman inhumane iniquitous malevolent malicious nefarious perverted unethical unlawful unprincipled vicious villainous wrong barbarous bestial bloodthirsty brutish contemptible crooked defiled delinquent despicable disreputable felonious forbidding heartless improper inexorable lawless licentious pernicious sadistic savage scandalous scheming shady shifty slippery sly spiteful two-faced tyrannical unconscientious unconscionable underhanded unfair unfeeling unkind unpleasant unrighteous cold-blooded conscienceless corrupted crafty decadent dirty dissolute dodgy exploitative hard-hearted harsh maleficent monstrous pitiless profligate questionable self-indulgent self-seeking vengeful vindictive vitiated wanton dastardly errant nasty rancorous wrathful bent black-hearted demonic incorrigible morally wrong objectionable dark evil-minded ignoble infamous libertine ungodly unsavoury unsavory scrofulous contemptuous despiteful disdainful disparaging grisly gruesome mean-spirited scornful scoundrelly shameful squalid virulent rotten foul disgusting abominable odious disagreeable sordid shocking horrible detestable bitter distasteful black offensive execrable low loathsome reprehensible atrocious revolting unpalatable malignant awful dreadful diabolical beastly appalling noxious yucky abhorrent malign hostile poisonous hurtful repugnant low-down harmful obscene terrible gross deplorable horrid impure unholy displeasing sickening obnoxious wretched fiendish flagitious icky disgraceful wrongful catty stinking scurvy baleful nauseating ignominious outrageous egregious injurious profane dissipated unwholesome sour unwelcome discreditable malefic repellent lousy indecent unpleasing venomous impious yukky warped repulsive detrimental unworthy unlovely uncongenial hideous degraded deleterious perverse shabby irreligious lewd snide blasphemous diabolic unclean mischievous illegal abandoned underhand putrid sacrilegious destructive ill-natured hellish ugly unspeakable baneful paltry horrendous dangerous sick tainted roguish unfriendly evil-intentioned frightful murderous adverse godless rascally noisome sullied ghastly rancid devilish vulgar rakish currish culpable unacceptable abject irreverent damaging demoralized erring inexcusable unforgivable blameworthy low-minded ill God-awful sleazy cheap miscreant peccable sorry knavish filthy calamitous off-putting demoralised skanky prejudicial yucko cruddy opprobrious uncharitable pitiful repellant disgustful loathly untrustworthy vitriolic malfeasant nauseous sick-making pitiable wounding unappetizing poor inimical degrading damnable fierce infernal fraudulent rough wayward not cricket loose coarse miserable grotty nocuous shoddy lamentable fulsome indefensible grubby louche intolerable illicit uncleanly unchaste fallen grievous unfortunate ruinous unjust unjustifiable satanic disastrous jackleg rakehell guilty rakehelly notorious beyond the pale worthless antagonistic scummy unpardonable intemperate undesirable defamatory horrifying malodorous unregenerate unruly petty fetid uninviting smutty grody disobedient contaminated indictable ornery cutthroat Machiavellian poison festy lascivious scabby illegitimate disrespectful dire lustful rude treacherous foetid cheating insufferable lawbreaking venal exceptionable inglorious servile troublesome annoying unhealthy immodest acrimonious corrupting unrespectable shy naughty inconsiderate bogging inedible bad-natured disorderly indigestible flagrant tragic unwarranted horrific smelly rank mephitic unfavourable truculent mucky censurable unfavorable beyond contempt profaned atheistic funky insubordinate faulty lame sneaking ratty niffy unhallowed blamable olid desecrated devastating aberrant unfit for human consumption stinky unsportsmanlike senseless humiliating uneatable barbaric graceless unlucky on the nose insupportable lecherous off cutting regrettable untoward deadly unsympathetic deviant distressing menacing vice-ridden seedy faithless insolent arbitrary transgressing woeful waspish mercenary carnal ill-disposed irritating unvirtuous shrewish abusive splenetic irksome under-the-table menial rebellious unbecoming cowardly seamy brute butcherly violent double-crossing contrary cantankerous no good difficult creepy invidious cussed wild cacodemonic accursed macabre libidinous acrid polluted tough as old boots pongy whiffy disruptive uncontrollable smudged bedraggled befouled miasmal bemired dusty draggled grimy muddy stained besmirched blackened dingy grungy begrimed soiled recusant bum contumacious negative cataclysmic catastrophic condemnable subversive inferior hardened unprofessional agnostic crummy tawdry sinning unbelieving prurient backbiting salacious unjustified amiss demeritorious barbed non-believing heathen non-theistic arrant remiss pagan fatal furtive sad groundless unseemly ribald inequitable impudent acid slanderous demoniac churlish resentful vomitous distorted insensitive crude promiscuous crass against the law cataclysmal vexatious twisted boorish uncivil stale misbehaving grim preposterous gut-churning uncomfortable demoniacal anarchic fast pathetic revengeful undignified iconoclastic perfidious sneaky caustic hate-filled uncaring unconsumable lowlife antipathetic suspect spoiled turned fateful nullifidian unrefined unbearable peccant pervy ill-fated anarchical unpropitious good-for-nothing nightmarish riotous vituperative raunchy murder scuzzy undisciplined sicko insurgent tasteless hapless yecchy two-timing dirty-dealing ill-starred thoughtless hard vomit-inducing mutinous inelegant galling demonian badly behaved kinky unnatural trying seditious spoilt bothersome fishy foul-smelling evil-smelling unrestrained unmanageable lowly terrific grewsome lurid nightmare facinorous aggressive insurrectionary terrorist very bad godawful fearful drunken erratic low-life mutinying untamed beggarly Luciferian Mephistophelian rebarbative pesky coldhearted rowdy unorthodox ungoverned off-color anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist serpentine not nice cursed turbulent nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous uncivilised warlike unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized disordered not pure uncalled-for without law and order not fit to eat critical disapproving shadowy bad-hearted hating cunning wrongdoing guileful ruffianly blackguardly snarky brackish messy risqué thievish poorly off-colour crook off colour deficient rubbish depraving out of sorts embarrassing abnormal ferocious blameful tricky glaring threatening selfish casuistic recreant humble slavish subpar perverting dissatisfactory substandard grave praetorian stop-at-nothing double-dealing mercentary prejudicious wilful abased disturbing scungy disappointing insidious caitiff cancerous trashy indelicate plebeian common deviate pixieish scampish arch puckish pixy prankish deceptive tricksy impish pixie lying leprechaunish waggish elvish great extreme scurrilous dishonoured deliberate needless unsatisfactory demoralizing suboptimal sleazoid avaricious disadvantageous nocent harrowing reproachable remorseless pornographic reeking artful perilous intense dishonored tough scathy bribable unprovoked uncool envious whorish bawdy demonlike demonly demonish bloody contorted grotesque impaired vitiate sceptical calculated covetous surly intimidating frightening pestilential pestiferous compassionless frolicsome hazardous agonizing mighty discourteous ridiculous foolish full of hate ravaging inappropriate uncouth reprovable blameable homicidal fell gratuitous motiveless bilious of bad reputation dubious suspicious ominous X-rated saturnalian severe unappealing painful acute ungovernable cold-hearted upsetting insalutary negligent crying abysmal gnarly of evil intent corruptive despisable disdainable demoralising sanguinary viperous misguided heretical scathing crashing slick flimflam scam minatory intimidatory impolite unmannerly sarcastic ill-humored revolutionary inhospitable ungenerous unkindly unamiable spleenful squint-eyed angry annihilatory damning devastative inauspicious unsuccessful desperate beneath contempt hairy dislikeable in low esteem in the doghouse derogatory in bad biased prejudiced agonising incisive blistering astringent stinging biting mordant ill-intentioned infidel barbarian louring bodeful minacious chaotic reckless unlikable dismaying hardhearted unchristian abortive heartbreaking mournful inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed hateworthy measly willed unmotivated bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured possessed impertinent strong surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying searing withering swinish outcast discriminatory averse direful heathenish idolatrous not pleasant doomed luckless ill-boding at fault hedonic of easy virtue bad news against opposite in opposition alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign aimless envenomed unpleasant-tasting apostate tyrannous despotic uncontrolled terrorizing heterodox terrorising tempestuous fly-by-night partisan LaVeyan gut-wrenching eye-watering out of order below the belt uncalled for dirty rotten audacious ungracious concupiscent cringe-making stomach-churning stomach-turning sharp stabbing doubting canting unsanctified hypocritical defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful unfaithful unctuous disbelieving desecrating sanctimonious religionless nonreligious indulgent raffish flagitous accidentally on purpose discriminating partial bigoted unequal offending sybaritic swinging unconstrained voluptuary undevout freethinking ignorant deteriorated violated easy open weighted slanted preferential intolerant coloured not religious demonical in the fast lane dirty-minded night owl fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter gone bad pleasure-seeking gone to the dogs fast-living high living aspersive skeptical free-thinking unspiritual unwarrantable undue unbalanced loaded uneven Hadean froward straying false one-sided unrightful non-objective colored untenable hellborn satanical cloven-footed ghoulish defiant dysfunctional unsustainable heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating fallible unreliable ill-disciplined prohibited flimsy shaky unfounded invalid unsound ill-founded baseless weak badly-behaved whiny problematic pugnacious petulant out of control off straight and narrow belligerent uncooperative confrontational stubborn bellicose combative recalcitrant flawed defective implausible absurd specious inexpiable illogical unlicensed contraband clandestine tiresome hot-tempered disturbed loudmouthed ill-behaved maladjusted bold unrestrainable uncontainable peevish wearisome indocile socially impaired willful self-willed sullen undisciplinable demanding troublous argumentative exasperating scrappy uncompliant forbidden irrational impermissible banned outlawed punishable unsanctioned unauthorized actionable interdicted unofficial proscribed verboten taboo adulterous violating bootleg excessive wildcat unauthorised heavy criminogenic racketeering haram tapu under-the-counter under the table off base contrary to law not acceptable out of line under the counter smoking gun ruled out in violation of law off limits black-market not permitted against the rules not allowed

Tính từ

Engaging in childish misbehavior

Tính từ

(of food) Decayed or putrid
putrid rotten rancid spoiled stale decayed decaying decomposed decomposing foul malodorous rank reeking off smelly sour spoilt stagnant stinking tainted contaminated corrupt fetid foetid moldy mouldy musty noxious pungent putrefied turned whiffy carious curdled disgusting foul-smelling gross icky nauseating overripe polluted putrescent rotted rotting soured dank disagreeable funky grody impure moldered stenchful strong-smelling evil-smelling graveolent mephitic mouldered nidorous noisome olid putrefactive reeky repulsive revolting stenchy addled flyblown maggoty moldering mouldering putrefacient unfit for human consumption worm-eaten wormy yecchy degenerated fermented gangrenous putrefying festy inedible unfresh corrupted festering perished fusty ruined high strong crumbling mildewy disintegrating stinky old offensive nasty frowzy frowsy frowsty wasted ripe spoiling unwholesome wasting away infected gone bad unpleasant niffy pongy poisonous humming miasmal miasmic loathsome feculent gamy ill-smelling mildewed smutty blighted corroded unsound obnoxious injured damaged harmed marred carrion perishing sickening mucid neglected disused withered riddled disintegrated unsavoury clabbered unsavory gone off acrid vile pestilential niffing putrified lousy infested stinking to high heaven diseased defiled corroding caried dirtied pustular purulent faecal sullied beastly smelling dirty fecal unclean filthy soiled bad-smelling toxic unhealthy insalubrious unhealthful deleterious unhygienic septic virulent venomous insanitary sickly adulterated unsanitary sprouting fungal growing injurious unnutritious airless stuffy stained fouled harmful unsalutary destructive odoriferous lethal dangerous pernicious skunky adulterate alloyed shabby dingy seedy imperfect blemished impaired poisoned tarnished damp unventilated hard dry squalid acid bitter odiferous harsh acidic polluting unsafe nocuous contaminating hardened scungy scummy germy degraded besmirched odorous nauseous debased vitiated despoiled perverted poison toxicant dried out unfiltered past its best disease-ridden past its sell-by date unnourishing innutritious detrimental germ-ridden junk damaging ruinous malign baleful objectionable distasteful baneful inimical malignant pathological evil morbid

Tính từ

Distressing to the mind or senses
disconcerting disheartening disappointing discouraging dispiriting unpleasant depressing difficult dismaying displeasing distressing disturbing grim horrific troubling unfortunate alarming austere awful dismal dreadful ghastly melancholic parlous regrettable sad shocking testing unfavorable unfavourable unhappy unlucky unnerving unwelcome upsetting worrying bewildering bitter bleak cheerless daunting depressive dire distressful foreboding frustrating glum hopeless horrible irksome irritable macabre off-putting perturbing poignant somber sombre troubled appalling disagreeable distasteful dreary gloomy inauspicious melancholy morose ominous painful sinister unpropitious woeful distressed frightening perplexing sullen tragic troublesome agonising agonizing unkind abhorrent aggravating galling unamusing uncongenial unpalatable unpleasing vexing annoying hellish irritating loathsome mephitical repellant repellent repugnant revulsive terrible harsh nasty severe frightful horrendous grievous horrid objectionable rotten harrowing offensive wretched forbidding vile grave abominable horrifying yucky foul icky hard hideous atrocious unlovely sour wicked revolting gruesome excruciating repulsive monstrous serious unsavory sickening lamentable yukky grisly nightmarish hellacious tough disgusting inhospitable lurid hostile lousy obnoxious nauseating comfortless unsavoury disquieting rough godawful miserable cruel oppressive uncomfortable trying solemn odious undesirable deplorable terrifying traumatic critical poor intimidating abysmal discomforting formidable ugly brutal rugged heartrending heavy detestable unspeakable fearsome calamitous torturous beastly terrific tormenting direful hurtful stressful injurious dangerous hair-raising sober gross burdensome uninviting dark doleful harmful nauseous inhuman unattractive searing heartbreaking hateful mean tremendous stark unacceptable grewsome fearful scary grody black redoubtable vexatious hairy unsettling damaging spine-chilling intense afflicting execrable agitating onerous from hell adverse tragical stinking humourless humorless desolate diabolical unendurable grotty joyless intolerable unpromising demanding overwhelming afflictive noisome very bad dread unfriendly exacting unrelenting disastrous hardhanded unsatisfactory heinous threatening uncool heart-rending worrisome nightmare unpopular rigorous gut-wrenching dislikable tortuous jarring sorry troublous fraught saddening acute strong grinding desperate concerning unappetizing unappealing disadvantageous glaring unbearable sedate unwelcoming untoward spartan stringent insufferable ruthless savage pathetic merciless fierce funereal vicious dour mortifying outrageous crushing scandalous ferocious negative rubbish vulgar forlorn menacing obscene extreme intemperate inclement murderous stiff yucko grotesque abject rancid evil fulsome noxious unsightly godforsaken shameful egregious chilling biting petrifying astounding God-awful gnarly heart-breaking straitened ill-fated shuddersome creepy morbid taxing unsympathetic unsuitable untempting discordant wounding inadequate pitiless oppressed impoverished drab poverty-stricken nagging brackish grating drear unenticing glary rueful scaring dicey pitiful drag bothersome pain sharp peracute wild blinding dazzling weak flat disgraceful dreaded unpardonable unforgivable relentless significant mortal unstable chronic dodgy sore remorseless great scabrous stern inexorable untimely cataclysmic not okay terribly bad like death warmed up spooky frozen inexcusable inconvenient punk excessive provoking unaesthetic challenging inopportune stupefying coarse bloodcurdling strange eerie unearthly ghoulish sublime baleful undesired heartstopping hard-hearted catastrophic unadvantageous ruinous stunning astonishing startling amazing staggering perilous arduous strenuous toilsome rejected unwanted surprising downbeat pessimistic Spartan bare-bones barren cataclysmal fatal detrimental exigent grueling gruelling blameworthy reprehensible excluded uninvited festy disgustful loathly inimical devastating damning destructive hard-pressed shadowy discommodious tortured full of hardship doubtful gray mournful strained ill-omened treacherous ill-boding grey pressing precarious messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky uphill backbreaking unsought ill-favoured exceptionable inadmissible raunchy grungy wearing murky disagreeing deadly infelicitous catastrophal moiling sweaty laborious herculean unwished for unwished-for chill plutonian Cimmerian sepulchral very unpleasant sick-making not wanted ill-advised too bad ill-favored killer drastic effortful crippling fateful shattering acheronian acherontic unjust looking on the black side impossible useless futile crummy discomposing vain pointless impracticable awkward affecting unworkable anguished sorrowful bootless no-win not having a prayer beyond hope with no chance of success nerve-racking nail-biting nerve-wracking extremely bad

Tính từ

Sick or unwell
sick ill afflicted ailing indisposed infirm unwell in poor health off-color out of sorts below par debilitated run-down under the weather awful bedridden bummed diseased disordered impaired laid-up nauseous queasy rotten sick as a dog terrible unhealthy feeble feverish frail in a bad way in pain laid low laid up lousy nauseated run down weak woozy rickety rocky at death's door funny green about the gills groggy iffy infected invalided like death warmed up liverish not in good shape not oneself not very well not well off colour on the sick list peaky peculiar poorly queer seedy sickly valetudinarian wabbit achy decrepit hypochondriacal squeamish crook peaked sickened rough unsound grotty crummy ropy off down punk not up to par dreadful washed out peely-wally peakish faint dizzy giddy under par lightheaded invalid light-headed qualmish sickish off-colour not up to snuff bilious queerish queazy anaemic green anemic seasick carsick airsick delicate suffering drained pallid sickly-looking drawn emaciated thin pale ill-looking unsettled travel-sick pukish upset unfit enfeebled shaky barfy grim in poor shape hospitalized incurable confined out of commission out of action hospitalised a wreck under medication on sick list sick as dog about to throw up feeling awful feeling rotten broken down down with green at the gills rundown not up to the mark poor paltry lame ropey ugly unsightly off one's feed horrible unstable failing low mean qualmy reeling disgusted uneasy disturbed distressed unwholesome declining in bad shape ghastly sick as a parrot pasty pasty-faced tottering haggard in bed chunderous ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced imperfect wretched defective wobbly the worse for wear not feeling well dying languishing dragging not so hot not healthy corpse-like cadaverous sallow hors de combat confined to bed got a bug contaminated tainted septic blighted wan pinched trainsick wasting in ill health out of condition out of shape in poor condition in a decline peccant abnormal uncomfortable deathly pale in bad health incapacitated fatigued infectious exhausted tired enervated etiolated peelie-wally uncertain restless dubious unsettling troubling odd suffering from motion sickness concerned doubtful fidgety weakened spent suffering from altitude sickness as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless weary running temperature got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet green around gills sapped languorous sluggish depleted beat pooped wasted low-energy unsteady burned out worn out down-and-out asthenic worn-out languid prostrated prostrate broken-down tuckered out out of gas out-of-action tired out slight weakly effete tender doddering wimpish wimpy unsubstantial puny soft softened doddery fragile insecure flimsy wavering disabled injured knackered crippled weedy worn tottery gaunt spindly raddled vacillating tenuous vitiated trembly meagre pathetic strengthless sapless meager lacklustre lackluster hollow-eyed not yourself not a hundred percent strange slightly unwell travelsick valetudinary handicapped housebound immobilized off form ill in bed miserable slender stricken sinking reduced sensitive nesh susceptible immobilised green around the gills nauseatic powerless without energy dainty fishy shatterable brittle fracturable shattery wispy bockety cranky chronically ill always ill pining often ill laid-low helpless impotent irresolute stressed shilpit faltering not feeling up to snuff experiencing nausea feeling queasy ticklish quaking feeling nauseous feeling nauseated feeling woozy inconstant staggering tricky trembling indecisive unsafe unbalanced uneven tense strained half-hearted dopey emasculated flabby gentle insufficient flat aged halting anile sensile out of humor down in the mouth in declining health careworn wonky precarious withered fraught hollow-cheeked teetering dead loggy aweary bushed jaded logy washed-out wearied beaten bleary done limp teetery fluctuant rattletrap wavy wiggling unsure dilapidated tattered unkempt dishevelled disheveled coarsened debauched feeling sick wiped out played out stressed out burned-out all in tapped out on one's last legs with sunken cheeks worse for wear

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Feeling unhappy
sad dejected depressed disconsolate down upset crestfallen despondent disappointed disheartened dispirited distressed downcast low unhappy demoralised demoralized inconsolable joyless miserable broken brokenhearted cheerless discouraged forlorn glum listless moody saddened sorrowful spiritless sullen aggrieved desolate doleful downhearted down-hearted down in dumps emotional heartsick heavyhearted heavy-hearted hurt in pain in the dumps languid low-spirited melancholy morose mournful rueful saturnine sulky triste tristful troubled anguished blue cast-down crummy down and out down in the dumps heartbroken in the pits languorous pessimistic bummed out destroyed uneasy woebegone agonised agonized cast down comfortless dolorous down in the mouth elegiac elegiacal funereal gray grey heartsore tearful gloomy wretched woeful melancholic sorry hangdog droopy dismal despairing fed up lugubrious broken-hearted grief-stricken in low spirits chap-fallen sombre chapfallen somber dragged hurting abject brassed off cheesed off long-faced sick as a parrot oppressed crushed in the doldrums choked hopeless grim piteous dreary grieving pitiful dull depressing bleak dismayed distressing tragic mirthless solemn depressive sepulchral bleeding ripped black taken down pathetic on a downer shot down in a blue funk devastated weighed down as sick as a parrot singing the blues dark pitiable wistful uncomfortable godforsaken lamentable dour painful dysphoric defeatist in despair daunted deplorable grievous afflicted heartrending weeping mopey sick at heart dolent out of sorts torn up low-down let down in the toilet all torn up defeated poor grieved abashed shamefaced squalid sheepish shattered drab uninviting sordid regretful enervated heartbreaking suffering disheartening shameful drear harrowing flat plaintive terrible distraught subdued execrable inferior lousy unpleasant dire disagreeable sapped sorrowing lachrymose heavy unconsolable bummed-out lonesome crabbed indigent scungy impoverished displeasing detestable scurvy destitute bereft rotten weary surly Eeyorish mopish broody morbid adust down-in-the-mouth sunk in gloom ruthful bowed down low in spirits full of sorrow in mourning in sorrow pensive prostrated heart-sick lovesick apathetic sorry for oneself appalling dreadful unfortunate shaken gutted teary humourless humorless awful tragical distressful browbeaten guilty cowed cringing at cut up weepy undermined desperate upsetting brooding sunk without energy torn-up unsatisfied discontent furtive guilty-looking dirgeful troubling tear-jerking affecting intolerable saddening depressant emo mourning griefstricken damp sour lowered bowed prostrate with grief sorry for yourself sob story moping ugly taken aback disillusioned deflated ashamed intimidated sneaking embarrassed sluggish off grumpy churlish huffy ill-humoured blue funk looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny feeling down full of gloom unable to be consoled unable to be comforted tormented gut-wrenching have the blahs humiliated cowering conscience-stricken teed off browned off with a long face ticked off peed off negative ill-humored tortured luckless afflicting beside oneself with grief strained discontented wounded threnodic plangent dirge-like pained ailing racked in a funk calamitous helpless lost clouded dampened atrabilious drooping dashed sagging forsaken forgotten abandoned lonely homeless friendless uncared-for heart-rending nostalgic lamenting dragging cynical defenceless fruitless solitary defenseless alone despicable contemptible foul disgraceful discouraging unpromising vile trashy shoddy filthy dreich derisory sunless tenebrific plutonian tenebrous Cimmerian poverty-stricken cold darkening chill murky dispiriting cloudy downbeat disgruntled grave oppressive irked bereaved perturbed bitter annoyed sober piqued peeved dim dingy unwelcoming austere irritated displeased put out earnest dissatisfied dolesome bored exasperated unenthusiastic tired dejecting unnerved draggy in tears down-and-out thrown narked sick bothered stony-faced disturbed fatalistic gloom-ridden angry drearisome foreboding bewailing bemoaning wailing aching sedate overwhelmed resigned serious suspicious distrustful inhospitable bare stark vexed bearish doubting in grief in doldrums plagued alarmist bland clinical impersonal colorless lacklustre unsmiling wintry jarring wintery institutional lackluster lifeless colourless uninspiring blah boring unconfident drained given to looking on the black side disenchanted unhopeful deterred devitalized worried cross disconcerted humbled concerned anxious jaded beaten hacked off disquieted funeral deploring wearied discombobulated uptight unamused sobersided bugged shook blasé regrettable antsy vanquished hapless traumatized resentful chagrined miffed stern sore shook up angst-ridden weighty severe glowering sick and tired bad-tempered po-faced traumatised staid heavy with grief overcome with sorrow long-suffering frowning taciturn persecuted sourpuss muted ill-tempered crabby deep no-nonsense poker-faced shadowy in a huff unexciting uninteresting monotonous macabre without hope humdrum stricken impaired cursed unmanned burned contused empty sinister very sad unoptimistic horrible ominous suicidal dirgelike weakened misanthropic mortified remorseful atrocious reflective lorn down in mouth overcome pining frantic dolorific afflictive unfavorable unfavourable companionless doubtful uncommunicative horrified forbidding acheronian doomed phlegmatic unresponsive unmitigable put off let-down not happy no-win strabilious shot-down poignant worthless crying having the blahs having blue devils unenthused languished up the creek frustrated discomfited can't win demoralizing difficult demoralising disappointing overpowered crippled agitated discomposed ruffled beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat not a prayer in the soup sobbing excruciating shocking traumatic troublesome crushing feeling low aghast harassed wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter whimpering snivelling offended indignant affronted lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart worsted baulked objecting balked close to tears at end of one's rope at the end of your tether haunted spooked harrowed moving agonizing discomposing agonising vexatious bummed powerless downtrodden wronged nettled riled blubbering maudlin tamed with cold feet lost momentum jumpy unglued larmoyant horrific derisible frightful horrifying mortifying heart-wrenching malcontent injured harmed sniveling on the verge of tears dishonoured ruined strung out in blue funk gone to pieces ill-used steamed worrying harsh easily moved hard done by in high dudgeon victimised victimized mentally defeated licked dishonored bored by horrid surfeited sated satiated in a stew racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain surfeited by weary of distressed by glutted by surfeited with jaded with jaded by satiated by in floods of tears with tears in your eyes pouting petulant chilly glutted with not best pleased scowling fractious have had it up to here with have had enough have had a basinful of have had something up to here mumpish perverse pouty chippy grouchy aloof up to here withdrawn irritable mardy out of humour uncooperative fretful ornery obstinate sourpussed sulking querulous unsociable stroppy gruff mean in a bad mood having a fit of the sulks in a mood in the sulks in a strop passive insipid weak limp meek characterless irresolute feeble submissive torpid unmoved spineless unimpassioned wooden languishing dry vapid uninspired passionless lackadaisical bloodless mopy desiccated anaemic slothful cowardly tame gutless dopey inanimate indecisive unconcerned indifferent drippy anemic wishy-washy flat tire lacking in vitality

Tính từ

(of a moment or occasion) Inopportune or disadvantageous
inopportune inconvenient inexpedient inappropriate inauspicious awkward challenging difficult disadvantageous disagreeable improper bothersome prohibitive tough troublesome unsuitable untimely adverse disastrous testing trying unbecoming uncomplimentary unfavorable unfavourable unfit unfortunate ill-chosen unpropitious unseasonable unseemly untoward ill-timed unlucky ominous damaging negative threatening unpromising infelicitous gloomy prejudicial harmful counter destructive detrimental poor hostile unfriendly ill menacing dire foreboding regrettable direful discouraging unhappy unsuited unsympathetic objectionable injurious inapt inhospitable inimical disparaging contrary sinister ill-suited deleterious baleful minatory portentous doomy calamitous bodeful evil bleak wretched forbidding inconducive unpleasant adversarial ill-boding harsh ill-fated antagonistic adversary critical discommodious malapropos wrong opposed disavowing unflattering disapproving opposing inadvisable ill-advised low antipathetic jaundiced very bad naysaying ill-disposed disturbing unhealthy hard minacious unwholesome undesirable jinxed cursed annulling nullifying counteractive neutralizing invalidating terrible hopeless dreadful grim perilous distressing dangerous worrying nasty hurtful black ill-omened too bad neutralising pejorative debit-side dyslogistic depreciative slighting depreciatory derogatory unprofitable detracting downside unhelpful disheartening ill-starred fateful sinistrous baneful unchancy impending on the debit side mistimed unwelcome unanticipated badly timed early premature precocious undue soon a bit previous too early early on before time oversoon overearly too soon abortive incommodious incongruous discommoding unfitting misplaced ill-fitted unbefitting unsatisfactory tardy late unadvantageous undeveloped raw unfledged embryonic forward unripe incomplete predeveloped immature green unexpected unforeseen unpredicted annoying unusual unpredictable surprising refractory incontrollable irritating uncontrollable willful intractable ungovernable wilful wayward froward headstrong recalcitrant unmanageable unruly vexatious unpliable stubborn star-crossed unyielding misfortunate undisciplined fractious hapless problematic luckless indocile wild advance bright and early anachronistic intrusive out-of-date too late previous early bird

Tính từ

(of investments) High-risk, likely to fail

Tính từ

(slang) Impressively bold or daring
awesome amazing cool insane brilliant crazy excellent fantastic unbelievable unreal extraordinary fabulous far out incredible intense ridiculous terrific thrilling inspiring marvellous marvelous massive out of this world powerful profound remarkable sensational splendid super superb wonderful deep delicious dramatic exciting first-class first-rate glorious groovy impressive like wow monumental primo rousing stirring striking swell bold dandy daring divine hunky-dory influential moving awe-inspiring grand momentous absorbing affecting arresting impassioned imposing lavish luxurious majestic stately touching great fab neat boss capital mean magnificent lovely smashing prime heavenly topping superior beautiful bully fantabulous phat wizard peachy boffo cracking dope radical jim-dandy keen corking brill ace sublime stupendous tremendous rad wicked fine exceptional spectacular stellar tip-top magic sterling quality choice bonzer champion spiffing ripping unsurpassed slick top-notch delightful top-shelf crucial phenomenal sound admirable spanking supercalifragilisticexpialidocious amazeballs dreamy def bodacious mind-blowing bosting exquisite prize top-hole superlative hot top topflight famous dynamite frontline gangbusters righteous classic immense prizewinning bonny high-class bang-up noble bumper gangbuster banner nifty brag crackerjack A-OK bonnie supernal out-of-sight first-string blue-chip blue-ribbon five-star gilt-edge top-of-the-line gilt-edged prodigious par excellence peachy keen number one numero uno mega select fabby gorgeous astonishing miraculous astounding marvy stunning wondrous nice beaut too good to be true to die for outstanding agreeable satisfying precious beezer valuable colossal on fleek kif goodly lank breathtaking surprising formidable down gone four-star hype brave schmick supreme A1 high-quality high-grade solid gold dazzling hypnotic memorable enchanting bewitching captivating charming entrancing radiant belting barrie pearler unique unforgettable skillful masterful virtuoso masterly skilful solid outrageous pleasurable rewarding enjoyable pleasant greatest scrumptious delectable staggering eloquent agitating most awful eye-opening portentous zero cool unblemished consummate able flawless crack reputable welcome honourable deluxe super-eminent acceptable congenial uninjured satisfactory commendable shipshape worthy gratifying whole favorable entire gnarly unbroken intact super-excellent positive recherche perfect up to snuff pleasing unimpaired undamaged unharmed unhurt honorable competent notable eminent unparalleled distinguished exemplary preeminent utmost out-of-this-world state-of-the-art heavy preternatural enviable laudable best special unmarred favourable exclusive hand-picked elect premier top-quality dainty elite finest optimal 10 popular preferred favored preferential handpicked rare vintage favorite elegant plum cherry-picked favoured unusual favourite uncommon carefully chosen first-line top-drawer 24-karat grade A top of the line top of the range A-1 of the first water sovereign singular eye-popping chillin' jaw-dropping exo sik good very good mind-boggling peerless world-class matchless too much premium pre-eminent unrivaled unrivalled accomplished eye-catching noteworthy topnotch fantastical overwhelming startling splendiferous incomparable commanding conspicuous tiptop of high quality attractive fascinating top-tier out of the ordinary leading electrifying extravagant prominent bizarre strange unimaginable splendorous applaudable dominant wild outlandish gee-whizz of the highest quality of the highest standard desirable inconceivable unprecedented class transcendent ideal illustrious winning exhilarating top-class highest emphatic unequalled extraordinaire priceless high considerable unequaled way-out heart-stopping unheard of far-fetched mind-bending peculiar fancy surpassing especial weird noticeable noted highest quality signal of the first order meritorious marked showy estimable pronounced out of sight abnormal distinctive shocking fly splashy top-grade stupefying flamboyant catchy anomalous intoxicating unexcelled enthralling noisy lofty unmatched magical suspenseful rip-roaring hair-raising beyond compare spine-tingling histrionic chic engaging preposterous gripping stimulating invaluable second to none odd exaggerated alluring standout absurd riveting praiseworthy sweet top-level faultless unwonted uncustomary theatrical exceeding atypical aberrated freak aberrant star celebrated awesomesauce superhuman kenspeckle grabby flabbergasting salient renowned bosker unusually good inspired optimum large mad quintessential tops exhilarative tense unco far-out electric exalted stem-winding farcical extremely good kicky peak expert classy upscale upmarket very best grandiose super-duper climactic heroical the dog's bollocks never to be forgotten emotional without equal hard to swallow beyond belief effective towering sudden ominous proud royal awe-striking selected of the highest order adept huge unlikely improbable ravishing implausible dubious adorable curious fanciful plush mighty picturesque skilled important tasty doubtful glamorous substantial crowning advanced dramaturgical hotshot demon proficient romantic cream blissful really good nonsensical ludicrous lead unrealistic flagship adroit lively unfamiliar idyllic obvious manifest bewildering unbeatable uncanny enticing uppermost rockin observable untouchable blinding whimsical glamourous fat significant blindsiding monstrous effusive excessive extreme offbeat charged galvanic galvanizing heady dumbfounding dumfounding attention-grabbing arrestive worthiest inflated unnerving unsettling unthinkable action-packed refined jolting jarring above average unexpected dramaturgic freakish pointed confounding model heroic vivid award-winning galvanising unsurpassable high quality top quality major better than expected off the wall classical of a high standard heart-stirring costly foremost central dear pricey expensive the best august of highest order can't miss it resplendent opulent spendy big-ticket the palatine in a class all by itself high-end melodramatic histrionical celestial regal palatial ultraexpensive princely magnific epic theatric solemn kingly swanky sumptuous queenly statuesque above and beyond pricy expressive top-end sightly baronial Homeric comic high-ticket reliable certified mint legit sharp quick coruscating key splendent top-of-the-range particular rapturous sophisticated polished beauteous frabjous smart agile deft clever bestselling posh ritzy A-list splendacious fashionable unorthodox rocking foxy juicy disturbing disquieting handy apt stylish well-designed natty convenient ingenious spruce immaculate impeccable well-known cherished crashing pick something else creditable really nice sunny dexterous paradisal paradisaic paradisic ambrosial yummy lush spiritual saintly choicest first awing principal dignified prize-winning eventful chur proper paragon practised compleat versed veteran educated practiced complete experienced master professed dextrous predominant humbling what left-field high-test invigorating amiable banging providential titantic chief hundred-proof elevated ka pai top-flight best ever not too shabby joyous A-number-1 mostest sup rior all very well well and good surpassing belief better improved enhanced eximious explosive compelling unaccountable inexplicable the very best a standout hallucinatory mind-altering with it pretty cool slap-up superfine diverting not bad cat's meow five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality enigmatic grade-A pure nonpareil paradisiacal inimitable paradisiac unexampled wonderworking numinous supranatural supermundane better than usual first class of the best quality better than average weighty one in a million in a league of their own what great promising well-favored very agreeable very pleasant very nice sensorial psychedelic arousing cliffhanging dynamic chimeric incomprehensible imaginative out there romanesque the utmost nerve-racking envigorating knife-edge some empyreal world class chimerical deviating illusory adrenaline-charged edge-of-the-seat enormous vast luscious pretty mammoth gigantic imperial ostentatious portly venerable extra special discernible baffling befuddling beguiling appealing graphic weird and wonderful measurable perceivable distinguishable appreciable clear unmistakable evident detectable recognizable perceptible plain distinct shock-horror high-octane unforeseen flustering freaky devastating sexy seductive tragic thespian colourful different clear-cut studied unannounced unanticipated inordinate gargantuan delightsome babelicious drop-dead adorbs savory grateful knockout darling blessed dulcet savoury blest jolly felicitous palatable bootylicious breath-taking unconventional off-centre apparent decided palpable visible easily seen undeniable patent spirited animated questionable misleading overblown giant sizeable extremely attractive comely pulchritudinous fair shaking inspirational emotion-charged trembling passionate emotive blatant sensible humongous fishy untruthful