Từ đồng nghĩa của thrown

Alternative for thrown

Từ đồng nghĩa: thrown and twisted,

throws, threw, throwing, thrown

Từ đồng nghĩa: cast, chuck, fling, flip, heave, hurl, pitch, sling, toss,

Tính từ

Confounded with surprise or wonder
dumbfounded amazed astonished astounded stunned staggered startled confounded flabbergasted stupefied thunderstruck bewildered dumbstruck nonplussed speechless surprised agape confused dazed overcome overwhelmed awestricken awestruck breathless dumb floored flummoxed gobsmacked goggle-eyed open-mouthed shaken taken aback wide-eyed awed bowled over discomposed disconcerted marveling marvelling openmouthed shocked unnerved wondering at sea aghast bamboozled beat blown away buffaloed dismayed knocked knocked out licked nonplused perplexed puzzled stuck stumped knocked sideways lost for words at a loss for words knocked for six discombobulated fazed bemused baffled mystified fuddled distracted at a loss bushed befuddled muddled wildered mazed troubled addled disoriented flustered thrown off balance rattled discomfited mixed-up foxed clueless lost bedeviled at sixes and sevens befogged bedevilled shook up shaken up beaten uncertain discountenanced fogged dizzy dopey addlepated dopy disorientated shell-shocked unglued hard-pressed unsettled worried hard put unhinged uncomprehending vexed silly muzzy unbalanced perturbed disturbed raddled pixillated spaced-out addle punch-drunk slaphappy spaced pixilated spacy spacey zonked punchy zonked-out muddleheaded upset mixed up in a dither ruffled gravelled distressed graveled all at sea abashed in a tizzy shook embarrassed blank frustrated had their heads messed with besotted stymied confusticated got thrown off caused to be at a stand dazzled agog bugged made to scratch their head gaga giddy hazy put out of countenance off-balance awe-struck off balance foolish deranged woolly demented woozy bollixed foggy out of it not with it slap-happy wooly gone balled up fouled up addlebrained spaced out in a fog mind-blown without a clue at a complete loss doubtful undone astray unstable adrift not adjusted off-beam off-course out-of-joint annoyed flurried in botheration unzipped psyched-out caught off balance out of countenance shook-up messed-up preoccupied engrossed absent-minded fuzzy groggy benumbed numb numbed vague unsteady wobbly staggering dumfounded woolly-headed faint light-headed shaky stupid reeling lightheaded wonderstruck clouded cloudy blurry inattentive dreamy disorganized incredulous weak-kneed tipsy disorganised filled with astonishment filled with amazement filled with wonder filled with awe out to lunch caught on the hop weak in the knees caught on the wrong foot abstracted woolly-minded drugged weak insensible paralyzed paralysed vertiginous frozen senile whirling absorbed alarmed faraway swimming jolted distant blinded blind light addle-brained horrified bleary in amazement struck dumb confusional in a muddle muddle-headed out of control in a state of confusion unable to believe one's ears without ideas impressed defeated sailing trippy eccentric shattered distraught maladjusted intoxicated drowsy electrified senseless swimmy aswoon half-asleep cold petrified touched impish capricious whimsical pixyish daft puckish prankish stuporous bedazzled simple overawed tongue-tied asea come apart unfeeling dozy nonsensical delirious enthralled staring off-track frightened left speechless unable to believe one's eyes swaying slow sleepy tired insensitive in shock put to it unsound irrational taken by surprise drunken tottering adhered crazy psychotic turbid teetering rooted to the spot unresponsive deadened unable to believe your eyes whacko at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill not knowing if you are coming or going dead torpid asleep at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer all over the place going round in circles not knowing whether one is coming or going with Alzheimer's disease immobilized anaesthetized in a stupor with rubbery legs glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed absent agitated diverted wooden anesthetized immobilised with legs like jelly distrait weak at the knees not knowing if one is coming or going absentminded harassed tormented pestered hassled miles away sidetracked unfocused musing unaware vacant forgetful undependable unsystematic scatterbrained unreliable in a flap driven to distraction empty-headed erratic daydreaming scatty feather-headed birdbrained feather-brained oblivious unthinking dappy heedless dippy unheeding with a mind like a sieve with one's head in the clouds pensive

Tính từ

Feeling worried and uneasy
unsettled troubled anxious uneasy agitated flustered restive tense unnerved disturbed fidgety restless shaken worried disconcerted discomposed disquieted fretful perturbed ruffled uncomfortable alarmed apprehensive bothered concerned confused dismayed edgy nervous rattled shaky upset wired distressed fazed turbulent twitchy disorderly insecure stressy antsy unbalanced unpeaceful unquiet unrestful wavering ill at ease on edge shook up hurt distraught grieved sad unhappy uptight saddened vexed irked irritated muddled shocked gutted choked discountenanced disappointed aflutter inconvenienced frightened overwrought angered atwitter annoyed blue hung up cut up broken up in a tizzy excited overemotional angry irrational emotional histrionic hysterical unsteady falling apart frantic queasy offended queazy nervy fretted dithery jumpy jittery unglued low hassled unzipped verklempt hinky goosey wounded put out amazed in disorder psyched out come apart bummed out all torn up het up at sixes and sevens fearful overcome flurried devastated traumatized discombobulated horrified scared terrified heartbroken fraught harassed anguished perplexed afraid tormented traumatised provoked keyed up miserable choked up impatient self-conscious embarrassed discomfited affected depressed disheartened irritable palpitant suspicious wrung peevish irascible dispirited overwhelmed all nerves in turmoil in a state afflicted asea crushed riled pestered harried exacerbated beset puzzled harrowed displeased chagrined miffed aggravated pained tortured mortified plagued on the qui vive like a fish out of water in a bad way shattered worried stiff broken-hearted stressed hectic shell-shocked emotionally defeated desperate flushed startled intense skittish in a panic daunted aquiver high-strung adrenalized frenzied unreluctant distracted flighty wrought-up overactive overexcited febrile hot under the collar hyped-up afire hyper atingle heated hyperexcited wound up worked up zipped up hot juiced up hot and bothered

Tính từ

Feeling or showing embarrassment
embarrassed ashamed uncomfortable abashed awkward humiliated shamed humbled sheepish blushing flustered shamefaced shy demeaned discomfited disconcerted discountenanced uneasy unsettled discomposed chastened discredited dishonored dishonoured nervous self-conscious red-faced ill at ease put out of countenance shown-up caught with egg on your face not know where to put yourself wishing the earth would swallow one up with egg on one's face mortified disgraced edgy tense degraded troubled anxious strained bashful apprehensive restless upset disquieted guilty distressed unrelaxed chagrined shown up worried disturbed jittery nervy antsy uptight perturbed on edge insecure timid debased hesitant sorry remorseful contrite retiring like a fish out of water regretful out of place hangdog flushed unsure repentant penitent rueful conscience-stricken crestfallen fidgety unquiet guilt-ridden twitchy compunctious jumpy bothered humble vexed modest in sackcloth and ashes unnatural stiff inhibited gauche cheap restive uncertain shrinking fraught stilted afraid apologetic on tenterhooks fazed discombobulated reserved hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter keyed up agitated hung up het up suspicious fearful stressy fretful tormented with one's tail between one's legs shaken perplexed in turmoil in disgrace difficult hot and bothered sweating constrained coy abased cheapened disorientated stigmatized introverted reddening flushing withdrawn disoriented bewildered diffident strange high-strung lost unconfident discomforted stigmatised turning red blushful timorous mannered artificial ill-at-ease affected aw-shucks put to shame wired lacking social skills tongue-tied overwrought impatient alarmed put down out of countenance unrestful made to eat humble pie unsure of yourself irritable dismayed palpitant anguished wrung harassed peevish irascible shaky faltering all nerves on the qui vive on pins and needles distrustful insignificant diminished doubtful chastised castigated stupid whipped derided condemned belittled disparaged shunned crushed scorned inferior fallen tarred and feathered foolish disdained low deflated small reviled mocked reluctant loath unwilling disinclined prudish meek deterred submissive restrained stammering stuttering distraught muddled rattled slow indisposed scared averse blush to think of angry annoyed galled chafed

Tính từ

Having lost determination or confidence
disheartened depressed discouraged dejected dismayed dispirited crestfallen crushed daunted demoralised demoralized low-spirited despondent deterred disappointed downhearted unmanned choked disconsolate down downcast low saddened sapped shaken unnerved blue sad cast down weighed down down in the dumps down in the mouth sick as a parrot subdued cowed cheesed off fed up brassed off undermined despairing humbled broken drained devitalized deflated weakened spiritless glum gloomy morose shattered downbeat dragged woebegone melancholy in the doldrums bummed-out shot-down unhappy miserable forlorn sorrowful mournful melancholic doleful joyless wretched heartsick inconsolable heartsore desolate heartbroken woeful sorry heavyhearted brokenhearted heavy-hearted droopy dismal hangdog bad cheerless dolorous lugubrious pessimistic sombre somber moody distressed in low spirits broken-hearted sullen upset chap-fallen tearful in the dumps oppressed dreary grief-stricken funereal bleak hopeless depressing chapfallen comfortless bummed out saturnine troubled black long-faced in the pits grieving hurting grim dark anguished depressive solemn down and out mirthless destroyed morbid dull wistful in pain sepulchral lonesome lonely drear elegiac gray elegiacal grey defeatist hurt tristful dire abject godforsaken cold down-hearted cast-down out of sorts grieved sulky in a blue funk pensive dour listless rueful bleeding crummy teary dysphoric lachrymose let down chill murky darkening plutonian tenebrous dreich sunless cloudy Cimmerian tenebrific cut up overwhelmed shot down as sick as a parrot taken down devastated pitiful bereaved pathetic weary ripped gutted flat emotional aggrieved tragic weepy sunk in gloom piteous all torn up torn up distraught bothered in despair disillusioned pitiable low in spirits weeping regretful grumpy enervated crabbed mopey surly helpless with a long face in grief in doldrums negative mopish broody languid in tears afflicted on a downer low-down moping intimidated languorous in the toilet singing the blues defeated beaten displeased shook up unenthusiastic overpowered disheartening overcome disconcerted put off dashed vanquished saddening perturbed poor browbeaten dispiriting Eeyorish distressing disturbed damp adust bitter bereft heartbreaking ticked off teed off browned off peed off brooding apathetic mourning heartrending oppressive sick at heart grievous unsatisfied humourless humorless desperate heart-rending painful heavy sour down-in-the-mouth cynical ugly down in dumps defenceless in a funk hapless defenseless powerless unwelcoming triste given to looking on the black side blue funk put down humiliated pained worried suffering abashed empty tormented concerned churlish sheepish ill-humoured huffy sunk unconsolable torn-up discontent worthless lowered bowed taken aback discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused ill-humored reflective emo shamefaced agonised sorrowing off sluggish without energy atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging sorry for oneself depressant frightened alarmed griefstricken down in mouth unsmiling bad-tempered uncommunicative taciturn grave dolent dirgeful sorry for yourself agonized uneasy phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive unenthused unconfident bowed down bummed calamitous down-and-out downtrodden have the blahs crippled languished crabby discontented let-down not happy beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat plaintive lorn disgruntled dissatisfied nostalgic lost lamenting companionless disenchanted lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned forbidding acheronian austere frustrated discomfited friendless destitute uncared-for tamed traumatized chagrined miffed fatalistic gloom-ridden with cold feet lost momentum overawed afraid nervous scared terrified apprehensive unsettled dragging solitary fruitless alone aghast irked rattled discomposed discountenanced flustered dishonoured ruined suspicious bearish worsted baulked objecting balked in blue funk gone to pieces alarmist distrustful doubting unfavorable unfavourable lamentable poignant unfortunate regrettable licked dishonored unhopeful feeling down full of gloom overwrought horrified discouraging drab demoralizing difficult distressful demoralising dreadful upsetting disappointing mentally defeated without hope traumatised looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny excruciating shocking traumatic troublesome terrible dejecting crushing dolesome moving harrowing agonizing unpleasant discomposing agonising vexatious uncomfortable horrific appalling derisible frightful dingy plangent horrifying mortifying heart-wrenching tear-jerking shell-shocked emotionally defeated lacklustre passive impotent paralysed insipid weak lifeless limp disarmed speechless dazed stunned at meek characterless colourless irresolute feeble submissive torpid unmoved spineless unimpassioned wooden languishing dry vapid uninspired uninspiring passionless lackadaisical bloodless mopy desiccated anaemic reduced draggy slothful cowardly tame gutless dopey inanimate blah indecisive unconcerned boring lackluster indifferent drippy drowned hit for six knocked for six brought to your knees prostrate immobilized knocked over paralyzed at a low ebb laid low open incapacitated fallen immobilised colorless anemic wishy-washy flat tire lacking in vitality sob story

Tính từ

Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried
distraught hysterical distressed frantic raving agitated desperate distracted overwrought anxious mad wild crazed devastated fraught frenzied beside oneself delirious distrait hysteric overcome shattered upset worked-up worried addled bothered concerned confused crazy deranged discomposed disturbed flustered harassed muddled nonplussed nuts pained panic-stricken perturbed rattled swivel-eyed tormented troubled unglued unscrewed unzipped verklempt wrought-up beside yourself shook up very upset worked up in a panic in a state out of your mind out of one's mind at the end of your tether like a chicken with its head cut off excited uptight tense wired nervous in a tizzy antsy jumpy hyper uneasy nervy berserk frenetic hectic furious jittery dismayed apprehensive rabid disconcerted violent feverish unnerved insane emotional overexcited fidgety keyed up saddened het up twitchy unsettled hung up corybantic edgy disquieted frightened aflutter shaken alarmed ruffled wound up uncontrolled ill at ease manic maniacal in a stew stressed hot and bothered shocked unhappy sad hurt wigged out grieved overwhelmed panicky annoyed intense unquiet gutted fearful dithery vexed hot under the collar irked stressy cut up angry atwitter out of control raging in a frenzy flipped out unbalanced restless weirded out adrenalized on edge strung out disappointed irrational scared traumatized discountenanced panic-struck hyperactive discombobulated neurotic fevered hassled traumatised fierce ferocious unhinged irritated choked bummed out insecure inconvenienced queasy queazy demented worried sick affected turbulent weird zonkers in a flap goosey freaked out spazzed out hinky having kittens at wits' end in a cold sweat carried away high-strung flurried overactive heated afflicted spooked angsty bugged terrified miffed crushed all torn up angered bundle of nerves basket case stunned provoked berko blue overstrung highly strung strung up afraid high energetic tumultuous obsessive heartbroken in a twitter in a tizz confusing broken up convulsive on tenterhooks anguished chaotic beset riled tortured plagued in a flat spin clutched put out worried stiff in pieces fast and furious not knowing what to do with oneself panicked madding undone mentally unsettled overemotional histrionic shaky dispirited miserable emotive peeved dragged wretched wrecked ripped exercised shook consumed strung-up hag-ridden falling apart confined having cabin fever unconsolable up the wall disconsolate inconsolable shot down emotionally charged horrified flushed startled skittish struck overawed incredulous fanatical aquiver daunted unreluctant flighty exciting furibund phrenetic at one's wits' end out of one's wit overpowered hyped-up febrile afire atingle hyperexcited stir-crazy asea in a bad way uncontrollable offended fretted exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered perplexed harried harrowed tearing one's hair out broken-hearted dazed confounded in a lather lost it low unrestrained wounded zipped up hot juiced up unrestrainable destroyed shell-shocked emotionally defeated in disorder amazed come apart psyched out maniac compulsive fretting fretful at sixes and sevens knocked for six knocked sideways overanxious trembling quaking irrepressible fiery impetuous impassioned maddened vehement driven to distraction incensed fuming possessed passionate rampant blazing tempestuous spasmodic seething under stress last-minute fixated unstable oversensitive phobic toey unhealthy abnormal paranoid angstful uncomfortable spooky squirrelly solicitous windy at your wits' end in a fit maladjusted in a sweat a wreck ecstatic out of one's wits a bundle of nerves in a twit in a dither inhibited erratic nervous wreck disoriented aberrant deviant disordered obsessed all of a dither in a state of agitation bricking oneself on pins and needles all of a lather thrilled elated with one's stomach in knots like a cat on a hot tin roof shaking in one's shoes with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth transported euphoric overjoyed rapturous jubilant exultant in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine drunk delighted enthused on cloud seven in raptures over the moon walking on air jumping for joy intoxicated wild with excitement blissed out in transports of delight in a frenzy of delight on a high tooshie excitable freaked-out wound-up under a strain touchy keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent throwing a wobbly steamed up hot under collar all shook up stormy explosive rough forceful boisterous animated fervid riotous aroused volcanic lively exhilarated cyclonic paroxysmal savage stoked joyous hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out enraptured blood-and-guts uninhibited gleeful intemperate happy unbridled unchecked vicious blustery bang-bang fervent joyful destructive aggressive abandoned bitter unruly rapt enthusiastic strong perfervid extreme cock-a-hoop ardent flying ungovernable volatile unconstrained squally fearsome gusty keen harsh howling roaring flaming beside oneself with happiness delirious with happiness rugged potent blustering spirited storming petrified rampaging aghast terror-stricken full-on ebullient impatient babbling overwhelming gay frozen funky blissful rumbustious elevated passional entranced brutal rhapsodic avid gone powerful scared stiff proud unreasonable wrapped incoherent scared to death bloodthirsty rhapsodical enrapt giddy heady foul immoderate uncurbed flipped enchanted unmanageable floating dirty inclement acute threatening nasty hotheaded fired up thundery headstrong inflamed blistering uproarious forcible devastating hellacious choppy heavy dreadful almighty excessive turned on torrid menacing flying high intensive concentrated like one possessed exquisite ghastly terrible frightful hard knock-down drag-out stormful full-blooded on top of the world heavy-duty fanciful overcharged independent undisciplined ungoverned unsuppressed unbounded overpowering running amok inspired irresistible cheered roused demonic rejoicing triumphant unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable full-hearted rioting postal exulting fazed unrepressed puffed up unpredictable bursting indignant wrathful irate acrimonious ireful blind timorous intimidated suspicious cowardly timid discouraged abashed cowed faint-hearted blanched disheartened in high spirits exalted turned-on stirred up flapping crowing revelling moved disorderly swaggering boastful crank glorying prideful gloating gusting at the boiling point hopped up set up looking good in heaven rowdy great rainy blowy in a spin all of a flutter filthy on the rampage victorious content triumphalist flipping reveling merry wowed hallucinating light-headed rambling lunatic wandering disarranged lightheaded bewildered hallucinatory deviate resounding inordinate profound excruciating consuming rampageous intensified raw bleak in awe run scared eager severe deep sharp unfettered biting emphatic vigorous agonizing urgent strenuous peppery painful enraged ruinous noisy blown away storm-wracked murky raining cats and dogs frigid riproaring cold damp coming down coercive gale force agonising dynamic outrageous full of force vociferous lawless have cold feet agog flurrying off one's head clamorous obstreperous pumped raring desirous vivacious out of one's head out of one's skull thunderous bumpy flustering intolerant uncompromising extremist bigoted irregular in turmoil rowdydowdy rambunctious raucous termagant thirsty athirst typhonic swirling over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard buzzing brisk bustling geeked hungry juiced voracious biased prejudiced one-sided zealous partisan illiberal gung-ho rip-roaring nutsy madhouse burning vibrant wooly zoolike jungle hassle crowded bullying potty daft untrammeled untrammelled murderous infuriated narrow-minded very busy woolly very active terror-struck beatific cruel ruthless very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up gung ho on fire sudden nutty dedicated overboard sick infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased sizzling bitten unwell militant virulent ill callous terrorizing pugnacious ravished horror-struck pitiless barbarous thuggish sadistic merciless barbaric in transports horror-stricken like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose heartless homicidal inhuman cataclysmal cataclysmic orgasmic assertive abrupt charged fast athrill upbeat dreamy in exaltation out sunny demoniac terrorising radge frightened to death frit beside oneself with joy hot-tempered hot-headed tickled pink very happy floating on air cut-throat tickled to death pleased as punch active immediate meteoric dashing electric in a funk in a fluster in a blue funk scared out of your wits frightened out of your wits

Động từ

Past participle for to give or hold (a party)

Động từ

Past participle for to push or force (someone or something) violently and suddenly into a particular physical position or state

Động từ

Past participle for to project or cast (light or shadow) in a particular direction

Động từ

Past participle for to deliver a shot or punch

Động từ

Past participle for to direct a particular kind of look or facial expression

Động từ

(informal) Past participle for to pass or give (something to someone)

Động từ

Past participle for to send (usually someone) to the ground

Động từ

(of a horse) Past participle for to throw or displace from a seat or saddle

Từ trái nghĩa của thrown

thrown Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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