Từ đồng nghĩa của ugly

Alternative for ugly

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Repulsive or not aesthetically pleasant
hideous unattractive unsightly ghastly gruesome grisly unpleasant nasty shocking disgusting revolting grotesque monstrous deformed disfigured unpretty plain-featured unhandsome plain-looking unbeautiful abominable bestial detestable gross horrendous horrid loathsome macabre morbid offensive repulsive sickening terrible terrifying unappealing unlovely weird misshapen unpleasing unprepossessing plain repugnant repellent vile grim foul awful frightful horrible disagreeable displeasing uncomely beastly repelling uninviting unseemly reptilian ill-favored bad-looking huckery ill-favoured as ugly as sin hard-favoured hard-featured short on looks homely fugly not much to look at dreadful horrific horrifying distorted malformed abnormal no oil painting ugly-looking not beautiful misproportioned appalling blemished unalluring ordinary drack obscene nightmarish unnatural distasteful mutilated freakish obnoxious twisted hard on the eyes unbecoming unflattering damaged marred ill-suited unsuitable unsuited dull mangled freaky shapeless ordinary-looking unshapely incongruous objectionable odious frightening fearsome outrageous atrocious scandalous abhorrent unspeakable nauseating fearful animal grewsome lurid terrific nightmare rancid repellant fulsome noxious evil noisome nauseous as plain as a pikestaff heinous plain as a pikestaff godawful not much for looks awful-looking frightful-looking scuzzy unsympathetic uninteresting lacklustre lackluster drab ugly looking hellish mutant miscreated teratoid mousy unaesthetic spoilt scarred not pretty unappetizing fiendish insipid execrable contemptible dreary indescribable egregious terribly bad God-awful very bad banal not striking unlikable unbeauteous subfuscous trite maimed beast sick hateful not appealing ill-fitting charmless like the back end of a bus odd bizarre spoiled fanciful strange outlandish fantastic whimsical gnarled peculiar rum disgraceful crooked distressing surrealistic uncanny surreal flamboyant aberrant absurd extreme antic queer laughable extravagant perverted grody eerie contorted warped disquieting wry stupefying scary forbidding heartstopping disturbing upsetting perturbing ill-proportioned crippled bad stunning astonishing startling alarming amazing bewildering direful unsettling formidable agitating overwhelming intimidating dire staggering redoubtable surprising unnerving hellacious deplorable abysmal hunchbacked ungainly ill-shaped irregular bent bandy asymmetrical ill-made glaring wicked spine-chilling from hell hair-raising thrawn bowed curved awry buckled askew disjointed disproportionate out of shape

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Suggestively offensive or ill-natured
despicable horrible reprehensible nasty offensive foul vile abhorrent atrocious dreadful horrendous horrifying loathsome obscene repulsive scandalous rotten sickening evil wicked malevolent spiteful vicious odious noisome gross fulsome distasteful abominable dishonorable dishonourable obnoxious objectionable appalling horrid disagreeable unpleasant terrible slimy wretched disgusting awful repellent repugnant nauseating revolting shocking nauseous hideous noxious repellant rancid ghastly frightful detestable yucky beastly off-putting disgustful God-awful hateful execrable loathly yucko putrid bad contemptible unsavoury sick-making uninviting deplorable unsavory unpalatable lousy displeasing bogging stinking heinous gruesome icky mean skanky dire vomitous grotty monstrous worrying grim annoying grisly stomach-turning stomach-churning vomit-inducing scurvy upsetting distressing gut-churning alarming unspeakable rebarbative grave forbidding sorry irksome irritating disturbing dirty troublesome festy lamentable malodorous sordid severe mephitic fetid serious shameful diabolical painful dangerous filthy unwelcome unpleasing base grievous harsh foetid bothersome galling rank abysmal frightening poor intolerable unappetizing paltry disgraceful pesky pitiful pestiferous sleazy creepy outrageous invidious critical grody bitter miserable woeful on the nose immoral vexatious pestilential unsettling unfriendly undesirable smelly dislikeable hellish squalid hostile cheap harrowing sour threatening aggravating menacing niffy depressing vexing exasperating olid yukky unlovely uncongenial worrisome sinful troubling beyond the pale vulgar perturbing disquieting insufferable hopeless foreboding discouraging ignominious unfair difficult unacceptable hellacious concerning black chronic dismal troublous gloomy low plaguy grubby evil-smelling foul-smelling cringe-making pongy stinky whiffy grimy funky miasmal grungy tough ignoble provoking daunting maddening abject wrong horrific disconcerting iniquitous trying crummy harassing unsatisfactory inexcusable discomforting pathetic nagging unsightly exceptionable snide currish sick egregious desperate taxing macabre nettlesome cruel sinister low-minded emetic low-down poisonous direful discomposing terrifying burdensome dislikable awkward gut-wrenching acrid polluted tormenting intimidating pestilent cruddy sombre sober solemn somber afflicting dour inhospitable glowering unbearable smudged bedraggled stained mucky besmirched befouled smutty blackened sullied scummy bemired dusty unclean uncleanly lame unsportsmanlike dingy draggled sneaking ratty scabby muddy begrimed illegal soiled pitiable godawful afflictive extreme poison bum ungodly unholy parlous fierce life-threatening hard sobering perilous bleak shabby corrupt rankling inadequate depraved degenerate inferior nefarious tiresome inconvenient debased unnerving hated unprincipled useless dismaying infuriating dissolute reprobate traumatic duff poxy pits very bad harmful abrasive riling disheartening tricky dark demanding damnable injurious niggling ominous disastrous reeking thorny problematic pants coarse worthless catty lurid chafing carking nettling peeving frustrating hurtful wearisome fearsome insupportable hairy unseemly opprobrious biting embarrassing cutting fearful disreputable uncomfortable unpardonable disappointing crying brackish rubbish mean-looking unforgivable scary infamous ruinous teasing antipathetic deadly unlikable tasteless off-color spine-chilling dread redoubtable formidable hair-raising uncool arduous urgent damaging bodeful rough pesty plaguey acute sedate heartbreaking unfortunate regrettable from hell tragic sad devastating hateable heavy brutal yecchy very unpleasant gnarly weighty ornery strenuous precarious unapproachable substandard laughable inclement loathed detested uncharitable underhand unworthy abominated execrated despised treacherous sickly chunderous tremendous repelling dicey tainted diseased offending scabrous dastardly reviled censurable improper eye-watering woozy rocky very disgusting abusive impertinent insolent discourteous raunchy godforsaken shoddy unscrupulous flavourless flavorless insipid yicky savorless flat reeky pill heel unstable dodgy catastrophic strong high musty stenchy fusty tawdry unhospitable criminal shameless calamitous pressing cataclysmic crucial frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty dishonest agonizing stressful torturous pigpen ripe deleterious unhealthy pernicious mischievous oppressive humourless humorless distressful doleful agitating mortifying slavish humble servile petty discreditable menial drastic contradictory inconsistent opposed incompatible adverse baneful unwholesome laborious backbiting maligning indecent vilifying traducing detractive untrue gossiping detracting unendurable fraught nightmarish crippling irretrievable inimical averse antagonistic ropy third-rate insalutary highly improper tragical unhappy saddening unappealing affecting extrinsic counter against extraneous unconformable different opposite revulsive unfitted alien foreign portentous exigent importunate squicky cloying surfeiting sleazeball scuzzy trashy lowly indelicate common plebeian red hot excruciating agonising anguished sorrowful heartrending earnest ill-fated fatal forlorn ill-starred unamusing destructive desolate far-reaching oppressing terrific scowling intractable undisciplined murder uphill rowdy infestive ungovernable repressive messy disorderly demoralizing in opposition nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking grotesque discommoding unwelcoming brooding chilling intense a load of pants not up to snuff startling grating unpromising evil-looking spooky inauspicious considerable significant onerous infernal irking baleful consequential major enraging antagonizing jarring tedious challenging harrying puzzling knotty suggestive of evil ferocious demoralising hazardous big intensive toilsome peracute exacting punishing excessive grinding incommodious confounded stern wearing festering morose sullen gruff unsatisfying cussed unattractive impossible antagonising unsmiling dreary surly austere enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall frowning uncommunicative poker-faced flinty ungentle louring steely stark lowering rugged disapproving stony unsympathetic perverted melancholic crabbed hard-faced dejected saturnine glum stringent sulky diabolic humiliating debauched degrading fiendish devilish villainous unrighteous unlawful unethical flagitious impure degraded abandoned crooked barbarous shady lawless murderous rude wrongful inappropriate bent unwanted malfeasant accursed illicit not cricket unjust felonious scoundrelly underhanded rascally blameworthy indefensible perverse warped no-good beyond contempt illegitimate profane sacrilegious impious blasphemous malicious morally wrong unconscionable unsuitable roguish miscreant inadmissible scurrilous wanton maleficent cursed sneaky out of order disrespectful irreligious unpopular godless unlucky despisable deceitful ill-advised unreasonable indictable disdainable unbecoming naughty erring crude amoral cowardly knavish too bad crass peccable defective unsought out of line outcast good-for-nothing violent lawbreaking insulting undesired derogatory inhuman unfavorable unfavourable preposterous undue unwarranted provocative impudent affronting wounding fallen heartless dissipated slighting malignant lewd unnecessary undignified delinquent uncivil unmannerly transgressing dissatisfactory mediocre ridiculous flagrant risqué impolite condemnable deceptive graceless rejected punk culpable measly sucky tenth-rate scungy unfit uninvited faulty meagre uncalled for meager profligate unwished-for wack irremediable garbage crumby rubbishy detrimental bush-league beneath contempt valueless poor quality low-grade low-life blamable salacious out of place under par low-quality poor-quality below par inelegant not up to par caitiff ill-favored black-hearted inexpedient ill-favoured bad news not up to scratch less-than-stellar unwished for second-class dirty rotten no-account second-rate two-bit blithering untrustworthy satanic thoughtless flaming glaring devious notorious untoward groundless meanspirited savage footling bad-hearted inequitable facinorous under-the-table abhorred vitiated venal indecorous below contempt stupid against the law slipshod excluded maggot hateworthy unjustified mercenary faithless perfidious swinish beggarly regretful inopportune not wanted undeserved dreaded disliked bribable good-for-naught no-count meritless irreverent ruffianly blackguardly guilty a pity thievish sadistic tinhorn downer bummer cheesy el cheapo sub-par junky not good bargain-basement erroneous not the best cut-rate diddly schlocky the pits blah low-rent fallacious inglorious senseless prejudicial incorrigible nocuous unbefitting grewsome nightmare barbaric wayward ill to be avoided scorned shunned for the birds strictly for the birds disadvantageous foolish callous cold-blooded ruthless remorseless brutish merciless peccant ghostly faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural sepulchral funereal anaemic uncanny dim deathlike corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish weak bloodthirsty bloody bestial unjustifiable brute homicidal inhumane butcherly fell truculent antisocial incongruous unfitting grovelling humiliated subservient meek groveling deferent hangdog self-effacing mournful sanguinary beneath undeserving personal contaminated untamed insubordinate libidinous licentious demoralised demoralized wild unmanageable suggestive ineligible inordinate disparaging contemptuous subpar suboptimal deficient immoderate blue earthy ribald Rabelaisian unfitting to nothing not good enough unmerited out of character with out of keeping unsuitable for out of character not deserving not worth recreant improper to out of place with unbecoming to not fit inappropriate to wanting impermissible imperfect amateurish insufficient unimpressive dubious questionable pornographic steamy extravagant cheapo off tatty out inacceptable below average bush won't do below standard half-baked of low quality reject not on second rate of poor quality over the fence from hunger not quite the done thing not up to standard exorbitant deviant transgressive straying deviating sinning aberrant fruity off colour saucy nudge-nudge overextravagant insane plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy unmerciful disproportionate needless overmuch overdue overweening stiff steep explosive exquisite blistering keen almighty heavy-duty vehement profound deep furious OTT near the knuckle near the bone unconventional unequitable unrightful conscienceless too much over-the-top over the top uncivilised unthinkable inconceivable uncivilized illogical irrational no good

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Marked by or involving public disorder
riotous disorderly unruly rowdy violent tumultuous ungovernable anarchic lawless disruptive insubordinate rebellious rioting turbulent uncontrollable unmanageable uproarious wild brawling mutinous unbiddable undisciplined out of control rampageous refractory chaotic deranged disordered disorganised disorganized hedonistic helter-skelter immoderate insurrectionary intemperate revolutionary turbid uncontained uncontrolled brutal aggressive fractious boisterous vicious troublemaking belligerent intractable pugnacious unrestrained hard lawbreaking thuggish contumacious two-fisted rugged tough radge rough obstreperous disobedient wayward noisy seditious unbridled insurgent recalcitrant rebel irrepressible wilful out of hand raucous defiant rampant tempestuous restive ungoverned willful clamorous untoward recusant rambunctious unchecked rumbustious loud insurrectionist unbounded contrary unhindered badly behaved abandoned froward troublesome unconstrained agitated subversive uncurbed anarchical difficult full-on uninhibited bolshie traitorous runaway fierce incompliant balky unhampered rollicking roisterous rackety raw furious reckless impetuous stormy errant raging attention-seeking uncooperative unrestricted destructive factious anarchistic frenzied headstrong perverse rabid robustious excited berserk ill-disciplined disaffected knockabout restless rampaging mutinying vociferous dissident disloyal delinquent renegade excessive wanton unfettered untrammelled mischievous hysterical confused untamed disturbed licentious unimpeded noncompliant stroppy termagant in turmoil radical up in arms untrammeled blustering rash outrageous storming incorrigible without law and order rip-roaring hell-raising truculent exuberant dissentious choppy treacherous revolting passionate harsh free lively naughty treasonous unlimited stubborn uncompliant unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable treasonable blustery unconfined iconoclastic roughhouse jarring swirling loose squally unstable ferocious profligate unsuppressed explosive unsettled crazy madcap out-of-line roily on the rampage running wild incontrollable nihilistic out-of-order vehement unyielding roaring stormful heedless incontinent impotent bitter impulsive impervious ornery imprudent forward assertive quarrelsome drunken opinionated bawdy inexorable mean extravagant lacking self-control out of line running amok postal robust breakaway rebelling gruff obstinate resounding clattering clattery clangorous loutish antisocial unrestrainable swaggering swashbuckling cavalier gleeful loudmouthed rude unlawful impossible untrained unsettling disturbing upsetting indisciplined misruled misgoverned inharmonious unsteady capricious unschooled wild and woolly indocile non-compliant in disorder nuts insurmountable drunk distracting impish awkward unsubmissive rough-and-tumble inconsistent out-of-control divisive misbehaving on-a-tear roguish rascally uncomplying civil disobedience bellicose warring resistant romping frenetic not controlled self-willed inordinate unshackled roller-coaster disrupting off-base energetic irregular rowdydowdy inflammatory natural boundless unconventional unconcealed self-indulgent crazed enthusiastic frantic unbound footloose underground extrovert fiery shaking perturbed demonstrative stern unrepressed causing trouble widespread undermining full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals ebullient overwhelming feverish overpowering delirious corybantic incautious irrational boiling foaming epidemic roiled cacophonous spontaneous dissolute frank flamboyant candid audacious impertinent indiscriminate blunt saturnalian immoral plenary open exaggerated bizarre limitless full of ups and downs rife rabble-rousing agitational thrilled raving gay rank pandemic dominant angry heavy convulsive storm-tossed bumpy stridulent buffeting flagrant pervasive prevalent giddy flighty perfidious incendiary overthrowing unpatriotic knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts paroxysmal cataclysmal hot volcanic cyclonic hammer and tongs bang-bang seething cataclysmic progressive reforming mad luxuriant profuse weltering spreading rambling fecund proliferating predominant threatening extensive multiplying flourishing growing reformist extreme militant discrediting harmful corrupting corruptive perversive tremulous thunderous howling moiling stirred up ruffled coarse windy exceeding bounds spreading like wildfire revisionist fanatical progressivist extremist destabilising destabilizing ruinous terrorist fanatic revolutionist diehard bad uncivilised tyrannous unorthodox despotic heterodox nonconformist terrorising warlike evil savage barbarous unregulated unpeaceful terrorizing uncivilized uncultivated infringing piratical far-out loony looney way out ultraist swivel-eyed intransigent roistering piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous raising Cain raising the roof

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Not in good health
awful ill unwell queasy sick terrible crook peaky dizzy faint giddy nauseated nauseous off poorly rough sickly bad crummy dreadful grotty lousy ropy rotten unhealthy debilitated indisposed unsightly weak infirm off-colour peaked peakish queer seedy sickened wabbit off colour below par not well out of sorts run down run-down under par under the weather in poor health not oneself not up to par peely-wally washed out green about the gills in a bad way sick as a dog liverish funny peculiar lightheaded light-headed woozy squeamish ailing off-color groggy sickish queerish qualmish down pukish impaired rocky not very well like death warmed up laid-up bummed horrible not up to the mark queazy ghastly reeling qualmy ropey green uneasy not up to snuff strange afflicted pasty-faced drained pallid pasty ashen whey-faced ashen-faced gray colourless bloodless anaemic ashy grey cadaverous sallow ill-looking corpse-like frail on the sick list rickety diseased not in good shape invalided infected laid low iffy achy valetudinarian at death's door bedridden feverish feeble hypochondriacal disordered in pain decrepit laid up pale wan pinched bilious deathly pale seasick carsick airsick trainsick travel-sick sickly-looking drawn unsound emaciated punk upset uncomfortable etiolated thin peelie-wally as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless anemic uncertain odd suffering from motion sickness restless concerned dubious unsettling unsettled troubling doubtful fidgety suffering from altitude sickness in poor shape green around gills waxen white chalky deathlike milky chalk-white blanched sapped ghostly deathly livid lymphatic bleached haggard whitish jaundiced washed-out waxy tired-looking invalid tired white as a sheet doughy lurid dull paled mealy wheyfaced fatigued unfit enervated white-faced listless suffering delicate white as a ghost exhausted leaden rundown fair spectral languid insipid unhealthy-looking light-coloured ghostlike low faded light-colored grim hospitalized incurable in bad shape the worse for wear hospitalised confined out of action looking as if one has seen a ghost under medication on sick list out of condition feeling awful feeling rotten broken down down with slightly unwell yellowish failing mean weary worn-out characterless not yourself jaundiced-looking unstable pearly light wasted off one's feed lacklustre lackluster watery yellow muddy greenish-yellow off form discoloured dying languishing gaunt anaemic-looking not a hundred percent sick as a parrot forceless depressed worn discolored ineffectual ineffective in bed wasting enfeebled declining out of commission dragging shaky tottering in bad health hors de combat confined to bed got a bug knackered not so hot imperfect wretched defective not healthy wobbly not feeling well in ill health out of shape in poor condition in a decline worn out not feeling up to snuff alabaster creamy ivory cream waxlike milk-white fair-skinned light-skinned running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet

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Dangerous or perilous

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Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
tenebrific black bleak cheerless dark desolate disconsolate dismal dreary forlorn glum miserable morose saturnine solemn somber sullen chill Cimmerian cloudy cold comfortless darkening depressing depressive dire drear dreich elegiac elegiacal funereal gloomy godforsaken gray grey lonely lonesome lugubrious morbid murky plutonian sepulchral sombre sunless tenebrous wretched blue broody chapfallen crabbed crestfallen dejected depressed despondent dispirited dour downcast downhearted dragged joyless low melancholy mirthless moody moping mopish mournful oppressed pessimistic sad sulky surly unhappy weary woebegone woeful blue funk in low spirits in the dumps down in the dumps down in the mouth down low-spirited sorrowful doleful disappointed disheartened demoralized discouraged subdued bad heartbroken heartsick melancholic heavyhearted brokenhearted hangdog heartsore sorry inconsolable droopy saddened dolorous adust feeling down in the doldrums full of gloom chap-fallen long-faced cheesed off fed up demoralised Eeyorish heavy-hearted brassed off cast down looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny grim drab disheartening dull dispiriting uninviting hopeless oppressive dingy discouraging grave unwelcoming abject dim austere humourless humorless distressed pathetic heartrending heartbreaking unpromising serious bare inhospitable stark clinical impersonal rueful sober institutional mourning uncomfortable teary saddening tearful piteous drearisome sedate spiritless severe dirgelike bland unsmiling dejecting draggy mopey hurting wintery afflicted wintry jarring down-and-out earnest lamenting broken-hearted stern grief-stricken grieving devastated despairing foreboding ominous weighty dirge-like anguished brooding staid taciturn distressing sourpuss muted tragic stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced in a blue funk uncaring unimpassioned ruined abandoned deserted waste unmoved solitary spartan sorrowing sinister unpropitious unfavorable unfavourable overcast defeatist poignant plaintive obscure deathly hollow Stygian maudlin adverse disadvantageous inauspicious nostalgic horrible in the pits sunk in gloom exequial funebrial deathlike portentous threnodic threnodial atrocious moving touching bad-tempered grumpy uncommunicative bereft frowning glowering troubled phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive given to looking on the black side hard having blue devils singing the blues having the blahs crushed lorn upset companionless forbidding acheronian cut up poor squalid pitiable despicable contemptible foul sordid disgraceful shameful pitiful vile execrable trashy rotten lamentable shoddy inferior deplorable lousy unpleasant disagreeable terrible grievous filthy indigent scungy impoverished destitute displeasing detestable derisory scurvy poverty-stricken

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Unfriendly and bad-tempered
cranky grouchy grumpy irritable crotchety irascible bad-tempered crabby cross peevish testy pettish tetchy cantankerous choleric disagreeable ill-natured ill-tempered prickly quick-tempered snappish waspish curmudgeonly fractious ill-humoured ratty short-tempered snappy touchy crabbed crusty hot-tempered peppery scratchy shrewish splenetic bilious cross-grained dyspeptic in a mood liverish ornery chippy eggy fiery fussy in a bad mood narky perverse petulant querulous raspy shirty short-fused snarky snippety snippy stroppy stuffy miffy peckish snaky soreheaded waxy as cross as two sticks bad-humored bearish cussed ill-humored mean vinegary on a short fuse having got out of bed the wrong side like a bear out of sorts like a bear with a sore head got up on wrong side of bed sulky surly sullen churlish spiteful angry moody sour brusque acrimonious morose unpleasant ungracious unfriendly contentious quarrelsome acid disputatious fretful critical huffy impatient whingy bitter obstinate pertinacious whining miserable captious difficult glum curt gruff edgy rude contrary nasty truculent pouty waspy grousing on edge carping mardy out of humor growling complaining fretting whingeing childish cavilling caviling sorehead uptight argumentative pouting whiny impolite discourteous abrupt acrid dour malicious short vindictive saturnine passionate blunt fault-finding bloody-minded unhelpful out of temper out-of-sorts vicious scowling boorish uncivil humourless disrespectful humorless moping unsmiling mopey tense temperamental ill-mannered huffish disgruntled unsociable volatile sensitive feisty bristly ireful misanthropic cynical hotheaded oversensitive harsh discontented hypercritical uncooperative exasperated displeased snarling grumbling resentful crybaby gloomy annoyed iracund tough brooding iracundulous dissatisfied trying griping awkward mumpish venomous tart sharp hasty malignant sore filthy obstreperous chuffy out of humour thin-skinned hot-blooded foul-tempered having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot under the collar easily offended heated disobliging mean-spirited cruel unlikable eristic bellicose impassioned belligerent rancorous vitriolic violent bristling antipathetic inflammable icy uncomfortable spirited inimical intolerant tempestuous lively antagonistic virulent lawless antisocial embittered vengeful hateful manic hysterical uneasy hostile indignant aggressive excitable irritated restive peeved piqued jumpy restless scrappy pugnacious recalcitrant nervous upset vexed glowering irked unruly put out unsettled wrathful fidgety unresponsive uncommunicative catty tooshie twitchy refractory disobedient anxious hot-headed wayward worried unhappy stubborn irate froward malevolent agitated ill at ease riled arsey contumacious faultfinding combative censorious ticklish defiant bad impulsive joyless uncontrollable wild unquiet narked miffed confrontational disapproving sarcastic malign grumbly highly strung jittery wired het up vehement impetuous stressy easily upset wilful sharp-tongued fierce intractable balky headstrong malcontent overwrought murmuring stressed tiresome aggravated bellyaching uncongenial vex moaning deploring lamenting aggrieved taciturn self-willed frowning sourpussed willful grudging hoha litigious nagging troubled jaundiced overstrung sulking unmannerly fed up apprehensive rebellious skittish unmanageable insubordinate furious militant salty hacked off ticked off teed off atrabilious perturbed nervy unstable neurotic envenomed criticizing offended choked brittle uncompliant indocile insecure not best pleased hurtful disturbed antsy ferocious hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter hurt adrenalized negative keyed up unkind criticising hung up high-strung demanding distraught objecting foul vinegarish hypersensitive wicked uncharitable inhospitable inconsiderate unsympathetic Eeyorish terse spunky acerbic acute protesting snarly zowerswopped plaintive ungenerous abusive tempersome perversely irritable scathing savage poisonous sombre somber forceful brief scornful unindulgent lugubrious indomitable worked up wrought up distressed apt to fly off the handle dissenting repining mourning accusing weeping bewailing regretting charging untoward viperous with a long face toey disaffected bemoaning whimpering wailing crying pernicious sober dismal pessimistic wreck rattled scolding snide sharp-tempered dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable perturbable stewed nettled angered provoked insulted begrudging ungovernable having short fuse hot under collar backbiting cattish evil-minded hate-filled wounded wired up wound up vixenish disappointed discontent hard bundle of nerves incontrollable rebel recusant incompliant hard to please galled psyched up angerful frenzied fuming ranting in a temper raving cold convulsed cheerless huffy irascible malcontented crabbing snuffy uncontent kvetching kicking cheesed off ungratified peed off long-faced down in the mouth livid apoplectic sardonic irreconcilable caustic mad browned off with chip on shoulder hard done by grudge-bearing with a chip on one's shoulder ill-disposed steamed annoying troublesome unreasonable unaccommodating vexatious obstructive emotional mercurial steamed up crook ropeable insubmissive adverse unyielding unfavorable unfavourable wroth discomposed in a huff bad tempered out of joint aerated obdurate capricious mulish alarmed fearful embarrassed self-conscious fraught unrestful discomfited disputative excited on tenterhooks hopping mad bent out of shape pigheaded bull-headed thrawn bolshie hyperexcitable skittery fluttery spooky spasmodic hyperkinetic flighty factious warring gladiatorial agonistic up in arms on the warpath foaming at the mouth in a lather shaken dismayed suspicious harassed tormented shaky in turmoil palpitant anguished perplexed afraid all nerves bothered wrung like a fish out of water on the qui vive disquieted threatening discordant hyperactive hyper in a paddy like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks on pins and needles battling dissentious brawly assaultive warlike fighting controversial polemical polemic in a bate fit to be tied easily frightened volcanic fiddle-footed rash short fused demonstrative reckless blowing hot and cold agitable galvanic enthusiastic overzealous uncontrolled easily agitated susceptible quick alarmable renitent pervicacious contrarious bickering ructious arguesome wrangling turbulent war brawling dysfunctional disparaging deprecating overcritical socially impaired naughty badly behaved impudent undisciplined delinquent erratic errant disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable loudmouthed ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible insolent maladjusted bold exasperating rough ill-disciplined mischievous unrestrainable irksome rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome disorderly ready for a fight have chip on shoulder pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking judgemental rejective pass-remarkable pernickety severe nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty exacting trivial unjust cavillous finicky tricky

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Rude in a mean-spirited and surly way
churlish boorish loutish crabbed harsh impolite rude uncivil unmannerly bad-tempered brusque ill-tempered morose oafish uncouth vulgar discourteous sullen surly ungracious ill-bred ill-mannered ungallant ungentlemanly classless cloddish clownish inconsiderate mean-spirited uncharitable unchivalrous unkind ignorant ill-humored ill-humoured bad-mannered base blunt cantankerous clodhopping coarse crass cross-grained crude crusty curt cussed dour grouchy gruff grumpy ill-natured irritable lowbred mean miserly ornery polite rustic snippy touchy truculent uncivilised uncivilized uncultured unneighborly unpleasant unpolished unsociable rough unrefined gross sharp uncultivated common impertinent unladylike disrespectful short indelicate unmannered offensive tasteless abrupt offhand graceless roughneck impudent low thoughtless brutish insolent lowbrow unceremonious raffish incult nasty bearish unfriendly clumsy uncalled-for disagreeable bluff rugged mannerless rough-hewn tart unhandsome indecorous inelegant unsophisticated insensible yobbish vicious insulting illiberal barbaric abusive awkward philistine snappy loud terse malicious cruel spiteful audacious cheeky venomous slobbish caustic poisonous obnoxious fresh severe lumpen savage barbarous ungainly lumpish Neanderthal short-spoken snappish smart-alecky catty barbarian cavalier gawky disgracious brisk foul brusk abrasive uneducated dirty thuggish filthy raw improper downright sarcastic flip stern vitriolic tactless bitter lubberly raunchy hurtful foul-mouthed wounding presumptuous unsavoury derogatory wild undiplomatic unsavory brash hostile impatient bungling no-nonsense virulent sour bawdy contumelious malapert cutting disparaging off cross underbred swinish profane brief obscene primitive stiff biting vindictive ungenteel pointed mordant malign hick lewd peremptory bad scathing trenchant acrimonious vile out-of-line impure acidulous loud-mouthed rancorous mordacious pungent acerbic sordid acrid acid ribald objectionable vulgarian fierce razor-edged astringent heavy-handed short-tempered forbidding lippy laconic hard stolid offish steely gauche doltish angry ungraceful flinty snippety austere tacky cheap inhospitable tetchy impetuous insensitive malevolent intimidating louring stark malignant direct unseemly lumbering grim indecent insubordinate disdainful ungentle uncomplimentary crisp dishonourable sardonic barbed hateful blundering sleazy lowering monosyllabic despicable inaffable badly behaved plebby wretched provincial unwholesome hillbilly backwoods immodest smutty off-color sassy annoying acerb dishonorable inurbane matter-of-fact benighted to the point derisive Neandertal blasphemous corrosive snarky penetrating acidic scalding satiric satirical keen evil-minded smart-mouthed stinging devastating piercing smart-aleck sarky waspish incisive searing critical pert brassy ill-behaved moody blue testy unfortunate uncourteous crotchety crabby taciturn earthy lowdown and dirty scatological plebeian ill clipped irascible hooligan succinct concise sketchy petulant countrified ocker unpoised pithy nescient contemptuous breviloquent common as muck imperious dusty backward immature irreverent belligerent aggressive antagonistic Philistine scatologic unattractive obtuse rowdy bullying naive guileless ingenuous poor shoddy unlikable boisterous saturnine wrathful bellicose rotten confrontational combative pugnacious slashing squint-eyed low-bred unlovable maladroit hoonish dense joyless militant uncongenial unsympathetic out of sorts sharp-tongued bumbling stilted tough inappropriate heathen heathenish natural viperous scrappy furious scornful flippant ghastly unbearable frightful insufferable irritating inept gawkish blockish dorky blunderous undexterous klutzy uncoordinated stumbling brutal stupid foolish dull illiterate unloveable explicit dozy butterfingered roughcast saucy misbehaved aweless unfilial sacrilegious bold impious profanatory nervy unconscionable wicked uncontrolled outrageous ungodly unholy untutored grievous inhuman ferocious beyond the pale onerous heavy artless hardhanded oppressive outspoken in a state of nature risqué unchaste naughty degrading unsettling shocking affronting salacious vilifying suggestive unclean tawdry colloquial vituperative sickening unutterable X-rated shameless uninviting murderous all thumbs ape-like serious distant unapproachable formidable aloof plain-spoken not afraid to call a spade a spade strict sombre threatening glum stony somber unsmiling fell sinister menacing solemn grave repellent seamy repulsive seedy disreputable resolute bleak scowling sulky trailer-park dishonest immoral degenerate splenetic glowering gray grey dubious suspicious villainous notorious rascally suspect unprincipled unscrupulous mean-looking revolting crooked shady distasteful boot-faced arrogant noisome dodgy funny iffy repugnant cocky mouthy smart alecky brazen execrable snide ignominious ignoble currish despiteful contemptible detestable paltry overbearing intrusive yokelish bounderish ruthless low-minded low-down

Từ trái nghĩa của ugly

ugly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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