Từ đồng nghĩa của shaking

Alternative for shaking

shakes, shook, shaking, shaken

Từ đồng nghĩa: bounce, bump, jar, jerk, jolt, pump, quaver, quiver, rock, shiver, sway, tremble, twitch, vibrate,

Danh từ

Nervous restlessness
jitters agitation tension uneasiness anxiety anxiousness butterflies edginess fretfulness nerves nervousness willies fidgeting jumpiness jumps restlessness shakes trembling abdabs collywobbles DTs heebie-jeebies jim-jams jitteriness stage fright twitchiness yips buck fever fit of nerves worriment all-overs anger animation creeps delirium discomfiture disquiet disquietude dithers excitability feverishness fidget fidgets flap fluster fuss impatience jump moodiness neurasthenia neuroticism perturbation quivers sensitivity shiver stimulation stress timidity tizzy to-do touchiness tremble trembles tremulousness turbulence worry Joe Blakes screaming abdabs cold sweat apprehension apprehensiveness unease fear trepidation concern fearfulness foreboding dread misgiving alarm consternation angst panic concernment agita nervosity tenseness goose bumps nerviness alarum distress dismay habdabs solicitude care sweat uncertainty misery fidgetiness screaming habdabs botheration horror terror fright strain nervous tension scare antsiness trepidity suspicion inquietude suspense gremlin discomfort a blue funk cold feet doubt watchfulness shivers drag downer mistrust trouble ants in pants suffering nail-biting restiveness anguish pressure woe torment prickliness skittishness irritability tetchiness flightiness unrest torture turmoil burden chill pins and needles needles sense of foreboding vexation premonition presentiment shuddering irascibility affright flinching mental strain conflict discomposure mental stress bad feeling emotional strain butterflies in the stomach aversion phobia awe funk dubiety misgivings butterflies in one's stomach sudden fear shock hesitation disturbance emotion excitement palpitation a cold sweat blue funk presage feeling intuition hunch idea inkling prognostication vibes sense prenotion vague feeling sixth sense sneaking suspicion funny feeling sinking feeling feeling in bones handwriting on wall bother upset disconcertment heartache irritation annoyance perplexity nag fear and trembling sleeplessness qualms tremors cravenness warning omen sign portent forewarning admonition vibrations vision indication winds wake-up call second sight winds of change gut feeling feeling in your bones wind change forecast forethought expectation anticipation awareness boding

Danh từ

A sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders such as epilepsy, the presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood, or fever in children
convulsion fit seizure paroxysm spasm attack contraction tremor contortion cramp ictus throe throes algospasm clamour clamor epilepsy muscular contractions outburst bout burst eruption outbreak access spell explosion flare-up boutade stroke frenzy flare dose case turn siege fury apoplexy flash spate storm spurt flurry gush run stint occurrence rush ebullition torrent stretch patch period collapse blaze round blowup welling up blow-up outpouring fever ferment spot term sudden illness illness breakdown cycle state interval course huff heart attack agony flush gale gust grand mal epileptic attack petit mal epileptic fit embolism thrombosis fuming violence furor rage hysterics anger frothing passion excitement agitation furore epidemic rash upsurge shock cerebrovascular accident CVA cerebral haemorrhage cerebral vascular accident flicker flood breakout flutter wave recrudescence commotion rending plague crash crack roar breaking sudden appearance brawl irruption effervescence break sally disorder sundering thunder discharge disruption surge tumult sortie bursting volley detonation gushing encounter relapse streak series suffering battle conniption spree ailment effusion splurt outflow outflowing blast hurricane session episode short time twinge scene blow short period onset experience phase blowout fireworks twitch howl peal ripple manifestation paddy scream hoot shout shriek time sickness incidence nausea upheaval rapture sesh sequence shift tear tour trick go pang queasiness qualm

Danh từ

A violent social or political upheaval
convulsion upheaval tumult agitation cataclysm disturbance furore turbulence earthquake eruption storm bouleversement disorder disruption paroxysm tempest turmoil unrest uproar upset chaos commotion clamour clamor disaster ferment furor outcry quaking rocking seism shock tottering trembling upturn Sturm und Drang trouble disarray mayhem stirring stir confusion bedlam storms havoc excitement strife convulsions tempests maelstroms whirlwind brouhaha bluster wildness riot high winds revolution disorganization pandemonium overthrow temblor outbreak alteration shakeout turnaround switch catastrophe violent change tremor about-face explosion outburst flip-flop tossing disorganisation churning seismic shift sudden change major change new deal new ball-game shake whisking beating folding whipping blending rolling jolting rumpus ruckus hubbub ruction bother fuss hullabaloo row ado bustle hoopla clatter ballyhoo pother blather whirl shindy bobbery fracas welter foofaraw squall brawl williwaw hurly racket melee fray hurly-burly to-do helter-skelter zoo flurry din hassle lather fever scuffle fret mêlée cacophony monkey business flare-up farce farcicality fun ridiculousness senselessness hue and cry kerfuffle flap rumble affray corroboree stink moil hurry-scurry uprising do coil clutter quake stew quarrel insurrection bangarang distraction fisticuffs splore hindrance restlessness shindig street fight big scene alarums and excursions hoo-ha violence disarrangement spasm big stink free-for-all hoo-hah hurry-skurry rampage hubble-bubble

Tính từ

Characterized by shaking or quivering
aquiver atremble quaking quavery quivering shaky shuddering shuddery tottering tottery trembling trembly tremulous wabbling wabbly wobbling wobbly jarring jolting juddering vibrating unsteady quivery teetering rocky staggering wavering wiggly shivering unstable rickety doddering quavering swaying doddery jittery jumpy unbalanced unsafe weak insecure rocking precarious teetery shivery tremulant movable wayward shifting lurching palpitating pulsating beating throbbing active animated hopping bouncing dynamic uncertain shambling nervous vibrant unreliable shuffling quaky unfastened fluttering excited feeble vacillating unsecured reeling floundering weaving unsure unsound not secure flickering faltering tentative wiggling irregular bounding leaping springing hurdling skipping nonsecured fitful bouncy jerky crushing bumpy unsettling jouncy smashing rough uneven agitating disconcerting jiggly lively buoyant chilled cold chilly moving shifty suspect mobile slippery twinkling guttering not fixed jumping twittery aflutter have goose bumps jellylike ashake rootless yielding tumbledown fluctuant infirm unsettled jerry-built unfirm tremorous rattletrap aquake aspen cowardly uncommitted irresolute undecided indecisive not set all aquiver all of a tremble reverberant pulsing of two minds hesitating fluctuating waffling variable cadent oscillating cadenced reverberative reverberating rhythmical rhythmic abuzz humming stirring lilting buzzing strident thunderous fickle irresoluteoscillating kinetic thriving sonorant rousing with a steady pulse faint lightheaded light-headed giddy dizzy groggy weak-kneed muzzy vertiginous woozy all of a quiver with rubbery legs weak at the knees

Tính từ

Showing or feeling insecurity or uncertainty
jittery anxious nervous jumpy edgy tense uneasy worried agitated apprehensive fidgety shaky trembling restless strained stressed uptight on edge overwrought twitchy wired fearful frightened quaking scared febrile fevered keyed up on tenterhooks strung out worked up wrought up antsy het up aflutter atwitter dithery goosey hinky in a state of agitation in a state of nerves insecure nervy perturbed queasy queazy spooky squirrelly stressy strung up toey troubled unquiet upset windy hyper in a state in a stew on pins and needles overstrung quivering bricking oneself frazzled having kittens hung up in a cold sweat in a flap in a sweat in a tizz in a tizzy in a twitter panicky spooked all of a dither all of a doodah all of a lather ill at ease in a twit stressed out like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks fretful a bundle of nerves unrelaxed excitable neurotic white-knuckled timorous highly strung unrestful excited sensitive frisky creepy adrenalized concerned distressed disturbed disquieted fretting bothered afraid careful unsettled uncomfortable flurried discomposed solicitous shivery unglued watchful angstful angsty taut aghast bugged dreading in suspense under stress worried sick shook up a wreck hot and bothered in a spin sweating bullets a basket case in a flat spin shot to pieces like a fish out of water having butterflies in the stomach with one's heart in one's mouth with one's stomach in knots with butterflies in one's stomach alarmed flustered unnerved distraught hysterical restive rattled dismayed terrified frantic tormented uncertain shaken timid disconcerted hesitant ruffled skittish harassed high-strung shy shocked distracted vexed frenzied beside oneself in a panic unsure wound up annoyed horrified startled discombobulated anguished irritable self-conscious impatient shrinking hysteric desperate panic-stricken horror-struck in a dither petrified unhappy hassled intimidated fazed embarrassed terrorized frozen confused fraught irked suspicious scared stiff diffident plagued discomfited retiring terrorised tortured bundle of nerves touchy affrighted terror-stricken unstable unconfident awkward mousy overexcited daunted irritated thrown scared to death doubtful sad choked weak mad cowardly faint-hearted afflicted feverish lily-livered miserable cut up trepidatious brittle irascible saddened stunned wretched hectic inhibited irrational aroused discountenanced bashful overanxious distrait beset emotional irresolute pressured scary pusillanimous unsteady running scared have cold feet perplexed muddled devastated delirious spineless sorrowful nervous wreck hot under the collar flighty chicken put out angry under pressure pained harried cowed self-doubting yellow angst-ridden obsessed stiff terror-struck miffed horror-stricken scared witless peeved peevish fractious fluttery hurt heated overactive spasmodic aggravated disconsolate distrustful grieved inconsolable riled wrought-up cautious critical out of place at the end of your tether wavering turbulent meek clutched harrowed weak-kneed inconvenienced manic heartbroken grief-stricken questioning unpeaceful gutted up the wall dolorous desolate bummed out fainthearted mistrustful phobic appalled tremulous all torn up broken-hearted wounded unassured overcome sorrowing beleaguered fidgeting raving cowering despairing sissy blue overwhelmed afeared cross crazed frit paranoid frightened to death wimpy waiting for the axe to fall in a funk pessimistic demoralized swivel-eyed high brokenhearted in a blue funk waiting with bated breath unzipped worked-up haunted shaking in one's shoes crazy affected in a lather carried away beside yourself tetchy testy skittery indecisive querulous insane exercised having cold feet crotchety captious crabbed in a frenzy easily frightened dubious provoked wrecked unnatural bad-tempered short-tempered vague shook gauche not confident blushing ill-tempered oversensitive ratty hag-ridden agog agonized wary despondent unassertive wreck tentative introverted gutless depressed narked traumatized basket case guarded sceptical dejected furious melancholy wriggly moved vacillating mousey squirmy panic-struck under a strain panicked withdrawn wiggly craven demoralised exasperated hyperactive careworn wild doleful bitter disappointed doubting skeptical fearsome fitful shot down traumatised recreant grieving weeping mournful rueful disoriented pigeon-hearted lacking confidence fixated passive frightened out of one's wits perverse ornery tensed scared out of one's wits preoccupied galled angered woeful dolesome worried stiff cynical unbalanced teed off not self-assured lacking self-confidence spiritless soft hounded all of a flutter in turmoil wailing aching bewailing bemoaning suffering lacking courage wimpish unheroic yellow-bellied unruly funky feart feeble abashed berserk verklempt sheepish pigeonhearted itchy chicken-hearted wet discouraged disheartened chickenhearted shaking like a leaf consumed rabbity poor-spirited stilted frenetic oppressed agonised stupefied submissive unyielding weary bedevilled broken up stressed-out unhinged sleepless active numb unscrewed deranged demented dazed dumbfounded out of your mind in pain racked with suffering racked with pain in pieces violent bedeviled flipped out out of one's mind in awe pushing the panic button in doubt tossing and turning in a pother burdened in a tiz-woz twittering faltering dithering scunnered fussy easily agitated intense flushed disorderly swithering complaining dragged ripped inflamed aquiver overemotional caught up disorientated moving shot petulant unreluctant emotive stirred up flapping unconsolable reserved afire hyped-up atingle hyperexcited histrionic jerky strung-up white knuckled worrying asea blanched strict conventional bewildered nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious wrung palpitant curt emotionally charged displeased exacerbated puzzled chagrined mortified pestered eagerly compulsive obsessive hard-pressed prickly strange lost overstretched discomforted hot-tempered snappy temperamental chippy quick-tempered mistrusting chary all nerves hyperexcitable grumpy ill-natured juiced up zipped up hot avid all agog open-mouthed prim chafed nerves on edge sorry deploring lamentable plaintive lugubrious regretful funeral plangent moody falling apart foreboding unmanly goose-bumpy nerveless quivery anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting butterflies jellyfish on the qui vive cranky splenetic grumbling out of sorts whining crabby recalcitrant restlessly moving old-fashioned run scared volatile with bated breath unhealthy abnormal biting one's nails butterflies in stomach on the defensive circumspect untrusting painful refractory lacking in confidence lacking assurance modest shamefaced hurried changeable roving bustling transient wandering intermittent inconstant footloose nomadic pressurized pressurised obstinate stubborn offended fretted maladjusted faultfinding huffy mean snappish contrary caviling carping tongue-tied lacking social skills self-effacing tearing one's hair out tied up in knots mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks low very scared in fear and trepidation numb with fear abject boneless dastardly tooshie unforthcoming erratic deviant aberrant disordered biting nails having butterflies having a funny feeling having stage fright white-livered poltroon sookie keyed-up fired-up stirred unstrung freaked-out wound-up hot-and-bothered strung-out worn tired spent cavilling apprehensive about intimidated by leery paralysed speechless paralyzed raging uncontrolled alarmed at in a fluster champing at the bit in disorder amazed throwing a wobbly easily upset fiddle-footed sissified milk-livered chicken-livered caitiff base candy-assed fierce maniacal rabid ferocious put upon benumbed transfixed unsure of yourself out of countenance cringey psyched out come apart steamed up out of control berko shattered cowhearted backward worthless possessed wakeful Delphic immobilized immobilised unpoised shell-shocked weird spazzed out last-minute zonkers corybantic weirded out freaked out at your wits' end wigged out at wits' end at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit hot under collar all shook up at sixes and sevens nonplussed addled nuts gripped at wit's end under the cosh up against it indeterminate unclear equivocal borderline unknown questionable ambiguous dubitable chancy inconclusive gentle Milquetoast capricious bullied browbeaten insomniac on guard all wound up visited by preyed upon heavyhearted broken cheerless morose hopeless on the rack dominated controlled no guts having the willies paper tiger bereaved down heartsick hurting very upset cursed seized unsleeping awake rigid dogged overpowered surrounded mourning crushed insomnolent touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread suicidal devoured held bewitched suspecting alert persecuted taken over under a spell fiendish in the grip of up in the air like a chicken with its head cut off flexed tight trustless infuriated incensed enraged irate in a temper forlorn downcast vigilant clouded possessive quizzical hard without sleep wide-awake attentive wide awake gloomy dismal woebegone aggrieved fed up hacked off resigned wondering unbelieving solid firm tightened in despair defeatist heavy with grief overcome with sorrow melancholic strabilious bleak sunk no-win long-suffering jealous cheesed off shirty peed off brassed off sore ticked off stretched weighed down can't win close snug tightly drawn inflexible extended in the pits not a prayer at end of one's rope down in the dumps in the soup in the dumps burning with excitement indignant steaming crook bent out of shape boiling ireful snaky having reservations in question

Tính từ

Causing emotion, excitement, and enthusiasm
thrilling exciting stirring rip-roaring rousing stimulating hair-raising electrifying gripping inspiring riveting action-packed animated dramatic fascinating lively spirited breathtaking charged electric emotional emotion-charged emotive exhilarating exhilarative galvanic galvanising galvanizing heady heart-stopping impassioned inspirational intoxicating kicky mind-bending mind-blowing mind-boggling moving passionate sensational trembling anthemic inspiriting quaking shivering shuddering soul-stirring stem-winding vibrating awe-inspiring awesome blood-tingling boss delightful enchanting exquisite fab fabulous frantic large mad magnificent miraculous overwhelming spine-tingling swinging wild wondrous zero cool enthralling interesting captivating astonishing invigorating amazing provocative arousing intriguing envigorating compelling impressive absorbing appealing wonderful entrancing engrossing spectacular staggering stunning spellbinding incredible animating astounding energizing remarkable striking startling compulsive marvellous affecting engaging titillating bewitching enlivening thought-provoking arresting marvelous unputdownable energising eye-popping dynamic mesmerizing suspenseful powerful challenging intense energetic entertaining stupendous mesmerising hypnotic eye-opening brilliant refreshing extraordinary touching mesmeric magical unbelievable involving stimulative transfixing bracing vitalizing seductive dazzling shocking poignant magnetic consuming charming immersing quickening vivid piquant enticing provoking adrenalizing hectic jaw-dropping sexy outstanding irresistible fantastic out of this world very interesting alluring tantalizing lurid diverting cliffhanging amusing vigorous prodigious vivifying tantalising beguiling uplifting tense shock-horror phenomenal difficult imposing theatrical inconceivable motivating preoccupying surprising exceptional heartbreaking mind-altering buzzworthy momentous heart-rending heart-warming excellent attention-grabbing tear-jerking bold memorable superb scandalous fantastical impactful tremendous effective unique fast-moving tonic influential affective glorious portentous exhilarant suggestive explosive first-class first-rate vital inflammatory knife-edge salacious exalting restorative cheering strong notable colourful sentimental important tempting conspicuous complex complicated baffling confusing puzzling very exciting heartrending significant noteworthy addictive graphic noticeable awakening racy melodramatic newsworthy stupefying monopolizing hallucinatory marked hot encouraging climactic splendid seducing blinding enthusiastic hearty unimaginable psychedelic monopolising attractive sublime great pleasing cool terrific stellar sudden emphatic tragic pleasurable hypnotizing colorful profound impelling curious super charismatic gee-whizz forcible awe-striking heart-stirring fine sensorial amazeballs far out hypnotising meaningful special vibrant theatric divine majestic empyreal out of the ordinary expressive galvanical reviving cordial rejuvenating Hitchcockian shareable viral potent agitational ensational readable elating hallucinogenic nerve-racking fashionable trendy brisk sparkling adrenaline-charged edge-of-the-seat beautiful magic spicy better than expected laden pervaded permeated filled imbued suffused fraught loaded full saturated exalté boisterous rollicking ripping riotous uproarious revitalizing gladdening bright histrionic risqué totally absorbing giving one food for thought superior motivational warm radiant heartening revitalising elevating giddy animative exhilaratory teasing erotic sensual pornographic dramaturgical royal telling tender adrenaline-fueled unusual persuasive meaty inviting eventful worthy of note fresh trenchant topical unboring newsy splashy relatable prepossessing showy fast-paced high glaring gleaming pronounced definite unprecedented breathless sententious upsetting juicy insane instigative instigating unparalleled sharp biting saucy sexually arousing lewd sexually exciting sexually stimulating dramaturgic far-out resplendent like a dream come true unheard-of blissful fabled splendorous heavenly ethereal enlightening fairy-tale fairytale-like dream-filled inciting triggering piquing jolting superlative uncommon singular enjoyable crazy unreal rare surpassing buzzy volatile adrenalized sensitive controversial enrapturing funny ridiculous unusually good power-driven AC DC juiced motor-driven electrical electronic plug-in rechargeable up-tempo some histrionical thespian farcical comic cherished perfect pleasant horrifying fetching elfin bad massive luring delectable ravishing glamourous glamorous good accomplished humorous witty battery operated contentious delicate daring deep primo grand like wow swell hunky-dory groovy dandy monumental delicious lavish stately luxurious too good to be true unheard of winning high-octane agreeable fun skilled skilful consummate skillful formidable admirable masterly congenial recreative droll nice bodacious noisy commanding studied crack ace world-class expert consequential touchy hilarious chucklesome harrowing haunting breath-taking eye-catching appalling sensationalistic revealing comical cracking crash-hot nifty saccharine lachrymose sugary cloying syrupy pathetic mawkish over-sentimental relaxing scream clever riot be a ball cheerful fun-filled gas gay side-splitting priceless distracting sensationalist screaming gee-whiz catchpenny problematic awkward hot-button soppy mushy cornball weepy gooey schmaltzy cutesy drippy sappy wizard mean hokey yellow historic crackerjack well-done heartwarming affectional lovey-dovey signal extravagant tabloid sultry vulgar coloured pointed prominent rough pungent excessive livid coarse X-rated salient colored three-hanky

Tính từ

Worn out or ruined because of age or neglect
decrepit broken-down dilapidated battered crumbling deteriorated ramshackle rickety ruined decaying tumbledown antiquated creaky derelict rundown beat-up creaking decayed deteriorating falling apart run down shabby superannuated worn-out falling to pieces in disrepair in ruins rumpty weather-beaten worn out anile bedraggled crippled effete flimsy fragile haggard insubstantial quavering seedy tacky threadbare tired tumble-down unsound used worn on its last legs in a state of disrepair worse for wear gone to rack and ruin run-down ill-maintained neglected tatty tattered scruffy ratty moth-eaten tatterdemalion old ragged mean timeworn mangy grungy dumpy sleazy miserable dog-eared scrubby frayed bombed-out dingy ruinous down-at-the-heels down-at-heel disintegrating raggedy faded shaky unkempt gone to seed shacky shoddy shambly uncared-for squalid poor tottering crummy well worn grotty the worse for wear unmaintained holey down at heel falling apart at the seams precarious damaged in tatters rotten unsteady weak unsafe unstable wobbly insecure slummy frail untidy untended having seen better days sorry broken raggedy-ass warby worn to shreds in rags impaired rocky infirm beat up insalubrious collapsing patched wretched dangerous crumbly on your last legs rent torn depressed in holes pitiful desolate scuzzy slipshod in poor condition degenerated injured frowzy messy broken down destroyed down-at-the-heel unhealthy breaking up in bad condition badly maintained poorly maintained seen better days in a bad way jerry-built tottery hazardous perilous in ribbons wavering ancient rotting decomposing useless hackneyed withering unreliable time-worn grubby stale well-worn trite dirty outworn wonky lined teetery passé bad clapped out disfigured bare meager marred wrecked meagre overworked eroding abandoned dodgy ripped out of condition poverty-stricken scraggy overused frazzled shaggy in shreds used-up ragtag caving in falling in out at elbows all the worse for wear used up coming apart at the seams poorly made badly dressed badly worn full of holes beaten-up clapped-out treacherous dishevelled disheveled uncouth unkept unusable sordid dowdy underprivileged deprived old-fashioned peaked shattered downgone contaminated infected septic unwholesome blighted defective split uncared dismal decrepit. in ruins knocked around subsiding moldering putrefying peeling unfit flabby busted dinged totaled wizened under par below par manky scungy slovenly in bad repair desultory unpressed unfinished crude contemptible shredded raunchy unimproved beat delicate mouldering droopy overgrown wilted sickly wilting drooping ailing sagging flagging falling down filthy condemned down at the heel worn-down wrung out pegged out loose coming undone not solid not safe not robust passe sere depleted etiolated shot imperfect feeble mediocre yucky skanky scabby rugged substandard ordinary tawdry base lousy paltry in poor shape debilitated out of shape uncared for beaten up middling low-grade menial second-rate two-bit sad fallen-in rinky-dink fallen in rank mucky indigent sick unpleasant impoverished sticky gunky gungy low-rent blasted munted rachitic unbalanced rattletrap geriatric dying declining torn to pieces unsecured hurt robbed plundered pillaged spoiled defaced botched spoilt mutilated uninhabited harried harmed waning degenerating unsubstantial banal failing perishing loosened slack slackened lax spindly relaxed shopworn cliche obligatory stock musty hackney hack cobwebby cliché-ridden stereotyped aged commonplace dated languishing forsaken weathered corroded oxidizing in decline rusting oxidising fluctuant defenseless vacillating endangered immature defenceless rootless hoary wrinkled clichéd disintegrated breaking crumbled on the decline corny unoriginal on the way out wearing away breaking down on the rocks at risk out of date old hat disreputable cure pot cheap unwell low ill indisposed poorly diseased invalid bedridden trashy hospitalized feverish incurable gaudy down suffering under medication sick as a dog under the weather in poor health common laid-up hospitalised not up to snuff queasy disordered inferior nauseated not so hot confined funny junky seamy unprepossessing nasty rubbishy sickened crook off low-class peaky ropy schlocky cheesy skeezy slimy out of sorts not oneself down and dirty off colour limp sloppy historic done dateless dishonest crooked smirched slumlike slum-like faulty liverish nauseous pale garbagy dime-a-dozen sucky dreadful cruddy worthless tasteless vulgar queer wabbit grim on the sick list not healthy off-color laid up not in good shape not up to par peculiar not very well off-colour not feeling well punk rough green about the gills not well at death's door kitsch showy garish flash Brummagem loud naff flashy outmoded ostentatious cheap and nasty out-of-date stodgy frumpy unbecoming in bad taste waxy unsuitable poky qualmish green gaunt drained cheapjack gimcrack pinched exhausted hollow-eyed fatigued raddled washed out drawn on one's last legs coarsened with sunken cheeks debauched third-rate poor-quality execrable cut-rate terrible bum tinny schlock cheapo coarse bargain-basement trumpery rubbish duff cheap-jack bodger plastic pretentious el cheapo inglorious makeshift low-down

Động từ

To be triggering a passionate feeling or reaction
exciting provoking inciting riling stirring up fomenting impassioning inflaming rallying roiling rousing stirring triggering aggravating agitating animating electrifying firing up goading inspiring instigating arousing enthusing galvanizing incensing irking priming ruffling stimulating whipping up baiting charging egging on eliciting encouraging enlivening grilling kindling piquing pumping up revving up setting off vexing vivifying winding up working up activating angering awakening bringing about bringing out causing charging up commoving energising energizing enkindling galvanising jolting motivating needling pepping up sparking off touching off triggering off working into lather chafing discomposing flustering inducing infuriating intensifying maddening offending shaking up starting taunting upsetting waking up feeding the fire prompting reminding nudging prodding refreshing jogging spurring initiating producing generating driving creating moving sparking urging giving rise to setting in motion occasioning engendering beginning impelling precipitating putting in motion pushing making fostering effectuating promoting instituting launching bringing on effecting establishing originating introducing leading to inspiriting developing begetting influencing resulting in spurring on actuating bringing breeding affecting catalyzing inaugurating catalysing pressing propelling persuading commencing quickening raising evoking abetting setting up pricking compelling hatching contributing to swaying founding innovating bringing to pass getting going spawning pioneering fermenting invoking whetting kicking off leading starting off translating into firing constituting brewing yielding kick-starting invigorating calling forth opening coercing putting up to organizing incentivizing inclining instilling installing bringing into being wakening organising emboldening envigorating cultivating pressuring exhorting exhilarating planting advancing picking forcing embarking on heartening lighting a fire under starting the ball rolling putting in place vitalizing steeling enticing enacting stinging forging working furthering contriving setting on ushering in actualizing forming siccing fueling fuelling keying up building igniting hounding buoying inventing dragooning reviving filliping conceiving impressing engineering making for pressurizing getting buoying up fanning starting up setting making happen making possible dreaming up strengthening tempting turning on getting under way firing the imagination of entering into setting going pressurising boosting devising designing culminating in helping ending in cheering uplifting increasing assembling procuring constructing necessitating thrilling spearheading revivifying touching putting together bestirring coming out with challenging whipping cooking up doing winning over authoring opening up inducting coming up with machinating sowing the seeds of cheering up composing jumping into bucking up talking into getting things rolling prevailing on bringing forth entering upon giving birth to fanning the flames of getting going on fortifying involving determining badgering drumming up revitalizing empowering contributing obliging rendering disposing inviting convincing gladdening directing forwarding building up discovering blazing a trail breaking new ground concocting planning amounting to predisposing boosting up cheering on harassing summoning up entailing chirking up bearing up bullying crafting coaxing leading off masterminding waking fashioning tearing into thinking up giving mobilizing launching into finishing in taking up having a part in titillating jump-starting realising realizing fabricating geeing up psyching up drawing prevailing upon exalting setting about elating making a start on knocking up bringing into existence knocking together conducing to conducing falling to striking into getting off the ground drawing on getting down to getting off setting the ball rolling getting the show on the road getting cracking on firing with enthusiasm getting to revitalising firing the enthusiasm of laying the foundations of rooting on leading the way bearing ringing in adding up to mobilising drawing forth embarking upon making waves sounding corrupting paying off improving stoking up undertaking incentifying revolutionizing having nurturing reassuring brightening evolving bribing jumpstarting enheartening egging disturbing trailblazing bolstering pushing forward formulating controlling restoring materializing assuring nursing conditioning adding to regulating giving incentive biasing biassing constraining playing a part in suborning awaking floating spiking bracing converting running going about conceiving of manoeuvring maneuvering livening up securing asking achieving driving on having a hand in meaning turning out throwing together playing a role in inveigling hassling fathering drawing up starting on soliciting issuing mustering giving shot in arm scheming spiriting someone up prevailing getting at seducing acting upon spelling striking heightening endowing gingering up exercising making up knocking off throwing up starting out putting up getting underway countenancing redounding to terminating in informing being responsible for making the first move agitating for revolutionising bringing off getting stuck into breaking the ice crazing causing to happen laying the first stone of materialising innervating shaping zipping up embarking approaching blazing leaning on causing to be juicing up setting afoot setting a trend moulding rigging amping up adding fuel commencing on sending acting as a stimulus to drawing out bringing back jazzing up rowelling bringing around steaming up getting going with taking the lead in molding roweling getting the ball rolling starting ball rolling livening innerving causing to occur getting show on road refining honing whomping up coining cajoling reawakening hooking intriguing executing incorporating imagining presenting exacerbating expediting grabbing resulting startling setting in implanting lodging bringing up getting someone going advising impacting cranking up setting down having as a consequence having as a result imbuing infusing lashing rousting chivvying improvising posing satisfying gaining suggesting to hinting to imposing on orienting acting as an incentive to giving incentive to setting astir predetermining setting an example lighting the way setting out putting into action reigniting rekindling accomplishing being a factor in giving life to lighting up casting piecing erecting germinating recalling calling into being hammering out kicking something off enduing infecting giving one an idea carrying giving impetus beghasting suscitating juicing fanning the fire patenting parenting procreating inculcating ordaining settling up structuring running up opening the door for attaining giving new life to breathing new life into giving a buzz making alive bringing to life breathing life into attempting crowding jogging memory putting a bomb under applauding assisting extending expanding adding fuel to the flames enhancing asking for it mounting bugging redoubling magnifying intensating deepening agitating against steering educing summoning aiding carrying off being partly responsible for having the effect of carrying through oiling the wheels of pulling off enforcing disinhibiting sowing warming stirring embers adding fuel to fire switching on spooking calling to mind initiating things breaking ground spiriting up causing to become riding herd on comforting pleasing teasing bringing in setting on foot conjuring up causing to appear resurrecting calling up bowing getting something off the ground convening raising the curtain irritating calling down resuscitating intoxicating tickling tantalizing mustering up getting up working on giving a boost to reenforcing impressing on making willing bringing round nourishing entering on digging building a fire under reactivating reanimating calling alerting tantalising making wild heating up instating laying the foundation dictating coming into being getting cracking getting one's feet wet going ahead getting weaving on ringing up the curtain on getting weaving scratching the surface getting down to business hitting the ground running coming into existence risking reinvigorating getting to grips with beginning work on addressing oneself to considering starting the ball rolling on reinforcing favouring favoring debuting fixing up entering bringing forward knocking down admitting phasing in setting forth unveiling paving the way acting as a incentive to giving the incentive to consoling praising vivificating springing dispatching growing guiding deciding bursting into sowing the seeds breaking the seal fanning the flames breaking into rolling out serving succouring costing getting ball rolling breaking the ice on getting feet wet laying the cornerstone of setting the ball rolling on introing putting in taking action on bielding propping up raising your spirits boosting someone's morale raising the morale of giving a shot in the arm to stimulating spiritually giving confidence to giving hope to lifting the spirits of stiffening the resolve of taking the first step preparing the way taking the initiative making a start laying the first stone enriching modernizing managing approving tackling administering conducting framing arranging begging paving the way for modernising succoring giving a leg up orchestrating superintending supervising stage-managing coordinating brainstorming pleading enjoining finessing finagling negotiating manipulating wangling breaking through beseeching admonishing imploring entreating adjuring presiding over requesting appealing insisting working out overseeing having the bright idea of thinking of channeling channelling squaring nagging sanctioning bringing to bear arguing into impacting on carrying weight having an effect on training ruling pulling strings wheedling proposing starting to using pressure on twisting someone's arm putting the screws on railroading into trying to persuade bulldozing into pushing for putting pressure on insisting on rationalizing calling on appealing to putting the heat on rationalising conjuring commending preparing proceeding with crystallizing getting on with going ahead with setting upon preparing the way for colonising taking the lead taking the initiative in leading the way for showing the way on colonizing laying the groundwork on pushing the envelope going out in front exploring mapping out laying the groundwork for taking the lead on showing the way buying off rewarding fixing luring buying transpiring nobbling keeping someone sweet making a deal soaping sugaring greasing the palm perverting influencing by gifts tampering buying back giving someone a backhander giving someone a sweetener intimidating oiling the palm of sweetening the pot tipping taking care of doing business lubricating greasing palm giving an inducement to propagating crystallising lifting plotting hinting rabble-rousing insinuating suggesting elevating

Động từ

Present participle for to shake or vibrate jerkily or nervously
shuddering wobbling jiggling juddering quaking quivering rocking trembling vibrating convulsing shivering swaying agitating joggling oscillating bucketing jerking jolting jouncing swinging wabbling rolling tottering waving wavering bumping churning commoving dithering doddering flapping flaunting flickering flitting flittering fluctuating fluttering jarring jogging moving palpitating quavering reeling ruffling shimmying staggering stirring succussing tremoring twittering whipping stirring up setting in motion moving up and down putting in motion wagging twitching waggling wiggling seesawing thrashing threshing swishing undulating pulsating bobbling flailing quailing bobbing twisting tossing writhing beating faltering rippling pumping teetering heaving flourishing throbbing twirling brandishing squirming bouncing moving to and fro weaving nodding lurching jittering thrilling moving from side to side blowing vacillating dangling pulsing rattling wriggling flopping flying cringing fidgeting fidgetting wincing starting squiggling jigging fiddling flinching quaving wielding cowering pitching swirling careening wigwagging flicking shaking like a leaf shaking up recoiling skipping hopping disturbing roiling dancing blenching squinching billowing wafting jumping around waving to and fro switching sweeping whirling stumbling swerving streaming flowing tingling waddling rising and falling having the shakes moving back and forth trilling warbling jostling rustling gyrating banging see-sawing batting noting lashing fish-tailing raising jumping grinding pendulating twinkling glimmering winking blinking swelling surging swinging backwards and forwards swinging back and forth drifting crouching rousing swiping ducking waving rapidly whiffling having the quivers concussing moving slightly swaggering moving backwards and forwards nutating flailing about hanging baulking balking listing plunging waving around quaking in your boots shaking in your boots keeling moving around floundering contorting working labouring tumbling moving about pitchpoling winding going around feeling giddy titubating curling shrinking shaking uncontrollably unsettling shaking violently bothering tormenting moving something to and fro veering worming zigzagging ebbing and flowing thrashing about seething shying catching the wind bubbling foaming springing toddling balancing dumping chucking ditching floating simmering buffeting buffetting hesitating laboring suffering a fit going into spasms pivoting stotting tossing around letting fly pounding walking unsteadily hovering toppling trembling precariously drawing back shying away thumping frothing blanching pulling back backing away reverberating thudding moiling boiling thrumming drumming hammering resonating pit-a-patting quopping getting cold feet shrinking back aching pitpatting going pit-a-pat

Động từ

Present participle for to shock, disturb, or upset
upsetting disturbing unsettling discomposing dismaying disquieting distressing perturbing rattling shocking troubling unnerving worrying agitating alarming daunting disconcerting flustering frightening moving scaring throwing bothering consternating horrifying intimidating jarring traumatising traumatizing appalling unstringing getting to taking aback knocking props out throwing off balance making waves throwing a curve ruffling fazing confounding disheartening depressing discouraging demoralizing distracting bewildering dispiriting demoralising discomfiting nonplussing saddening confusing perplexing ailing cowing startling shaking up abashing psyching out unhinging dejecting discombobulating alaruming chillin chilling discountenancing flurrying undoing discomforting derailing unmanning terrifying casting down subduing crushing concerning embarrassing frustrating dampening afflicting oppressing knocking for six spooking frazzling fussing distempering hagriding freaking out weirding out putting off sapping jolting knocking sideways disarranging awing aweing surprising astounding flooring enervating grieving exercising vexing mortifying desolating bugging overwhelming disordering disorganizing weakening jumbling putting someone off their stroke panicking deterring terrorizing undermining affrighting muddling knocking the stuffing out of amazing setting someone back on their heels dashing disappointing sickening chagrining harassing tormenting annoying deranging flummoxing making uneasy debilitating damping harrowing trying terrorising putting the wind up weighing down browbeating stunning giving someone the blues causing suffering to overcoming outraging petrifying disarraying baffling unbalancing paining stupefying dumbfounding offending dazing plaguing puzzling displeasing disrupting hassling irking rummaging irritating needling angering rocking abasing wounding aggrieving bowling over indisposing messing up bumming out putting out of countenance overawing weighing heavily on putting someone off their stride making someone fed up pouring cold water on throwing cold water on bullying exciting dishevelling disheveling disgusting enfeebling scandalizing devitalizing mussing disorienting rumpling tousling shuffling astonishing staggering torturing paralysing repelling dislocating scrambling provoking disjointing hashing insulting making anxious breaking tumbling disparaging agonizing catching off balance wearying pothering paralyzing flabbergasting humbling destabilizing mystifying graveling gravelling interfering humiliating dumfounding spoiling stirring up bringing low scarifying frighting hurting scandalising displacing stressing making dejected making downhearted disinclining haunting anguishing cursing pestering turning thunderstriking fouling up dulling throwing off peeving fretting scaring stiff miffing destabilising devastating filling with fear scaring the bejesus out of convulsing putting down beating down giving a turn burning up screwing up mucking up throwing into a panic scaring to death bringing down racking giving someone a turn scaring the pants off ticking off getting at picking on mixing up getting down putting a damper on making sad scaring someone out of their wits making your hair stand on end scaring the living daylights out of throwing into a blue funk grossing out throwing into confusion making unhappy making someone scratch their head agonising throwing into disorder pulling the rug from under rattling one's cage making gloomy hanging over causing to be at a stand making despondent breaking someone's heart pulling the rug out from under giving a hard time making uncomfortable shaming nettling blinding surprizing getting someone down dementing discommoding downing fuddling knocking for a loop making crestfallen making dispirited disillusioning subjugating lowering suppressing stifling frightening the living daylights out of chilling off frightening to death disenchanting disgruntling knocking the wind out of diminishing squelching smothering harshing one's mellow snafuing letting down affecting hindering balking discording jangling disharmonizing disaccording throwing into uproar putting someone off baulking taking by surprise throwing a pall over extinguishing curbing defeating quelling deadening overpowering harrying hounding lousing up filling with consternation revolting straining injuring nagging nauseating stopping someone in their tracks upsetting apple cart hitting a sour note dogging pushing strapping tantalising making miserable martyring pricking doing a number on weighing on arousing anxiety in tantalizing pushing buttons causing anguish to making wretched eating at making it tough for nit-picking cutting up damping down bearing down on putting the wind up someone throwing into a tizzy frightening off inconveniencing casting a pall over blowing away addling narking stopping bollixing antagonizing incapacitating crazing flipping cramping disempowering numbing electrifying antagonising flipping out winding up firing up egging on throwing into panic putting out throwing a spanner in the works of breaking up causing turmoil in muddying the waters making a mess of turning upside-down causing confusion in intruding on cutting short upsetting the apple cart throwing into disarray interfering with playing havoc with throwing a monkey wrench in the works of snarling crippling unglueing deflating unzipping ungluing giving offence to keying up laying up getting across turning on getting someone hacking off scaring witless stiffing bulldozing making nervous besetting rocking the boat giving someone grief making a scene bedevilling bedeviling freezing your blood hurting somebody's feelings getting on someone's wick knocking out taking apart blowing up sending up blowing out getting the wind up scaring off striking terror into scaring away giving someone goose pimples raising someone's eyebrows curdling the blood making one's flesh creep putting the fear of God into making teeth chatter making your blood run cold giving one the creeps chilling someone to the marrow giving someone the heebie-jeebies throwing into a fright taking steam out hitting like ton of bricks taking the wind out of your sails completely surprising shaking out of your complacency persecuting excruciating blowing your mind chilling to the bone making blood run cold scaring someone half to death burdening draining besieging making someone jump out of their skin crucifying dragging darkening beating galling badgering tiring complicating arousing intruding piquing rousing rending running down reducing to tears stabbing piercing misplacing casting a gloom upon wrecking harshing someone's mellow turning one off making desolate bringing tears to your eyes making your heart bleed bearing down keeping under causing pain to causing agony to disarming getting in the way uncalming buffaloing riding putting into a flap throwing into a tizz setting back causing someone to lose their composure threatening hectoring menacing coercing strong-arming mau-mauing tyrannizing pressurizing leaning on dragooning bludgeoning blackjacking bullyragging bogarting tyrannising blustering pressurising pushing around pressuring forcing domineering compelling railroading enforcing warning off chasing off driving away making jump frightening the life out of making afraid frightening away inhibiting goading overbearing walking heavy using strong-arm tactics on impressing scaring the life out of scaring the hell out of frightening someone out of their wits giving someone a fright sending into a cold sweat making someone shake in their shoes making someone's hair stand on end warning victimizing showboating filling with terror cautioning obliging enthralling constraining victimising scaring silly teasing abusing making one's blood run cold mistreating frightening out of your wits issuing threats to pushing about despotizing riding roughshod over scaring the pants off of putting heat on turning on the heat staring down putting off balance outstaring outfacing standing up to freezing paralysing with fear scaring the daylights out of transfixing making one's hair stand on end freaking chilling to the marrow making fearful striking fear into working up springing incommoding stampeding immobilizing unquieting making your flesh creep taking someone aback giving someone a jolt giving a shock benumbing immobilising dissuading repulsing making one's teeth chatter making restless making fretful springing something on striking grandstanding hotdogging dazzling making someone jump out of his skin scaring the living daylights out of someone putting chill on filling with panic blinding someone with something castigating distressing greatly taking someone's breath away taxing giving someone the creeps knocking socks off rousting despairing beleaguering pressing striking terror in brainwashing prodding hustling lording it over twisting somebody's arm putting through the wringer putting the chill on bossing about bossing around maltreating steamrollering influencing persuading obtruding encroaching accosting baiting heckling breaking in pursuing interrupting molesting chafing testing importuning making someone want to throw up making shudder dominating manhandling tearing dunning prostrating repressing weighing deprecating drooping breaking one's heart causing to lose heart inspiring panic in press-ganging putting pressure on putting the squeeze on putting under an obligation using pressure on fast-talking bringing pressure to bear on prevailing on acting on putting the screws on working on riding roughshod misusing making worried causing anxiety to flushing putting the frighteners on lying heavy on gnawing at sweating out brutalising mishandling brutalizing making it hot for someone making things hot for someone talking out of playing the heavy with messing over kicking around ill-using ill-treating treating harshly walking all over twisting someone's arm fulminating admonishing blackmailing growling forewarning scowling comminating jeoparding imperilling endangering periling adventuring jeopardizing venturing risking compromising imperiling hazarding gambling with looming impending portending jeopardising flexing muscles making threats to threatening to harm making threats against threatening to kill shaking fist at looking daggers making threat uttering threats to whipping around scaring hell out of

Động từ

Present participle for to get away from by outmaneuvering
escaping dodging eluding evading avoiding shirking ducking scaping finessing getting around shunning weaseling out of weaselling out of shuffling out of eschewing sidestepping skirting steering clear of shaking off circumventing bypassing running away from bilking giving the slip escaping from getting away from getting out of fleeing losing ditching giving the slip to funking fending off leaving behind skirting round wriggling out of copping out of outrunning cutting skipping juking slipping away from dancing around skiving off neglecting missing beating shortcutting skiving tergiversating parrying throwing off the scent shucking cheating shying flying shying from declining pussyfooting around sliding out of going around paying no attention to ducking out of breaking away from staying away from slipping through the net of giving someone a wide berth staying shy of finding a way round backing out of giving the runaround finding a way out of running from giving a wide berth to slipping tricking keeping out of the way of giving a wide berth keeping at arm's length throwing off frustrating fighting shy of staying clear of keeping clear of brushing off pulling out of turning one's back on fudging skipping out on putting the move on pussyfooting weaseling weaselling outpacing outstripping clearing outdistancing outwitting doubling thwarting foiling discounting ignoring disregarding overlooking deking slipping through the net giving somebody the slip sneaking away from getting rid of running around getting away getting ahead of ridding dispensing with turning back on keeping one's distance from tuning out laying low from paying no mind taking no notice of paying no heed to turning a blind eye to turning your back on unheeding unminding faking shuffling off swerving shirking from forgetting scrimshanking letting slide shrinking from balking leaving undone playing truant from bludging dogging skimping on quitting creeping fencing baulking baffling losing sight of bobbing off lying down on job paying little attention to sloughing off faking out sneaking away slipping out leading on a merry chase keeping distance escaping the clutches of short-circuiting giving something a miss outmanoeuvring outmaneuvering circumnavigating reneging getting round keeping away from hedging welshing outflanking equivocating stymieing burking waffling skulking copping out goldbricking malingering having nothing to do with avoiding dealing with leapfrogging keeping off passing over hacking overcoming hiding from wriggling working around fielding withdrawing renouncing rationalizing revoking excusing backpedaling abandoning deserting backpedalling jouking deflecting balking at recoiling from shying away from defeating answering evasively fencing off flannelling prevaricating flanneling preventing checking getting past rationalising using pretext weaselling out having alibi weaseling out getting out backing out