Từ đồng nghĩa của hurt

Alternative for hurt

hurts, hurting

Từ đồng nghĩa: bruise, damage, distress, grieve, harm, impair, injure, offend, pain, wound, wrong,

Từ trái nghĩa: cure, heal,

Động từ

To cause pain or injury to
injure wound batter damage harm bruise disable impair gash graze incapacitate lacerate pound cut maim mangle mutilate pulverise pulverize scrape scratch bang up cause injury to cause pain to put out work over belt flail flog lash maul pinch pommel pummelled pummel punch punish slap slug spank total whack whip tear slash pierce slice rip stab puncture gouge carve lance nick clip hack stick savage tear apart claw knife cleave mangulate hit open up jag rend contuse incise wing score split slit spear gore impale mark cut open bayonet spike transfix skewer jab run through thrust spit brand shank notch shear abrade snick nip furrow skin tear to pieces shred prick transpierce penetrate butcher pick peck perforate pink harpoon dig rake scrabble saber plough ram chop drive plunge prong sabre sink plow serrate dig into scrap break open itch scrabble at scar zap blast plug irritate blacken kill shiv chop down cut to ribbons ding ouch discolour rough up zing deface black beat discolor bash bung up make black and blue do a number on chip groove sever crack dent engrave bore indent chisel rive hole make an incision in slice open cut into make a hole in hew saw split open scallop slot drill sliver riddle mar ribbon scythe etch divide probe mill fray frazzle scarify blemish scoop separate disfigure rupture strip pockmark pit enter sunder make an indentation in drill through bore through bore into break through stick into hollow out fracture burst be torn be rent slice into destroy jigsaw traumatise traumatize slit open tap rasp crack open intrude thrust through break in crenelate crimp cut to pieces bark tatter segment chafe permeate ream breach excoriate flay pervade scotch scribe seam fragment make a mark on rub raw deboss dint crosshatch cross-hatch bisect dissect section burrow wrest evulse pull grab pluck run extract snatch yank seize rift pull apart wrench make a wound in pass through intrude upon punch through excavate line fell amputate behead flitch sickle skive guillotine scissor raze tunnel rut make nicks in make notches in depress hollow rabbet crumble flake splinter whittle chiv cut up shave share subdivide shovel make a notch in make a notches in lay open make a grooves in mark off stave in cave in hackle snip pare delve stain make a groove in spall catch ladder dredge smudge blot smear blotch rent dig out break off dirty smirch streak chisel out hack out scrape out burrow out scoop out cut out claw out scratch out snag imprint splotch crack off cut away cut off tarnish soil taint impress besmear sully splodge dot run into check chalk stroke blaze ink X

Động từ

To cause emotional distress to someone
distress offend outrage upset annoy bother aggrieve anger displease irk irritate sadden sting vex affront agonise agonize ail bug disgruntle disgust disturb exasperate gall miff needle pain rile shock trouble depress devastate grieve horrify mortify peeve perplex plague worry wound afflict chafe discombobulate discommode disoblige disquiet dog excruciate faze fret jar nauseate nettle pester pique repel repulse sicken slight be hurtful to bleed burn up cause anguish cause offense cause sorrow cause suffering discomfit eat at get to lambaste mourn nag at tick off turn off be disagreeable to give offence to hurt someone's feelings make unhappy push the buttons of cut to the quick thumb nose at torment harass harrow torture nark perturb injure insult provoke put out ruffle aggravate rack hack off agitate persecute dismay discompose beset oppress hassle make miserable get bedevil gnaw at harry anguish curse rattle discomfort disconcert stress concern itch spite affect give someone grief give a hard time cause suffering to alarm nag strain try make wretched fuss cause anguish to grate rasp eat frost put down crush crucify sear gripe burden besiege disrespect diss unnerve dis hound smite unsettle taunt rend frazzle unhinge derail distemper distract alarum flurry hagride undo hurt somebody's feelings lacerate dump on pierce pick on get at abuse drive up the wall freak out bum out weird out hack you off inflame press harm move cut strike tease infuriate slap cramp pursue inconvenience badger traumatize incense martyr frustrate fluster scandalize chivvy discountenance madden devil antagonize throw tear to pieces shake traumatise disappoint zing wring spook tantalize antagonise psych break the heart of confound indispose tantalise rankle roil enrage interrupt do in shake up scandalise exercise weigh down rub up the wrong way wind up hurt one's feelings get on your nerves stir up flip out grate on break make waves be offensive put someone's back up put someone's nose out of joint throw off balance wrong stab bruise ache tear apart squeeze pinch compress mistreat scar damage be rude to thwart foil dissatisfy overwhelm deject begrudge crab grudge tear at resent make your heart bleed rub the wrong way strap nit-pick prick push desolate hit hard fester hang up get even cramp style louse up dispirit dishearten bring down arouse anxiety in do a number on be on one's case push buttons make it tough for weigh on cut up inflict trauma deeply upset knock for six sweat fear stew niggle disaffect discontent dampen spirits bring one down cast down break one's heart tear to shreds bait touch stir excite puzzle upset the apple cart discourage make blue drag down put into a funk put a damper on ire enflame mad embitter misplease wing curdle gravel chagrin revolt cool sound cap scorn bully rib victimize chaff hurt the feelings of chasten grind rouse thrill cause annoyance to cause resentment to be hector snub put tee off slur humiliate embarrass make uneasy prey on someone's mind cause concern to make uncomfortable lie heavy on someone's mind give a bad time make anxious weigh heavy on someone's mind cause discomfort to eat away at eat up get one's goat steam up gnaw obsess get your goat suffer be sick be wrong with feel pain be in pain be unwell be indisposed feel unwell be ill be crook be weak be the matter with confront criticise dispraise slander criticize put your back up play dirty rag be a pest to lead someone a merry dance punish heckle play cat and mouse bone rub salt in wound victimise put through wringer be a nuisance to drive bananas turn one off redden give a zinger make someone's hackles rise ruffle someone's feathers hit where one lives raise someone's hackles give the cold shoulder give offence be disagreeable rankle with tread on someone's toes be an affront to get someone's goat frighten sensitize swell burn tax ride blight turn incapacitate flip pother craze floor debilitate bewilder grip fire up egg on take visit goad sensitise buffet molest get someone get across turn on lay up key up cause trouble to rark rock the boat make a scene mither get on someone's wick heavy chivy scare browbeat nudge bore impede cross hinder intrude upon impose on get on your wick bend someone's ear breathe down someone's neck carp at make one's hackles rise get on someone's case give someone the hump hump exacerbate drive mad make someone see red drive crazy make angry give someone the pip make cross drive to distraction drive round the twist appal drive round the bend get in someone's hair get on someone's nerves appall get someone's back up get under someone's skin abrade get your back up make someone's blood boil get on one's nerves get someone's dander up rattle someone's cage get up someone's nose abash confuse disenchant jar on disgrace cheese off T-off make your blood boil get in your hair get under skin gross out get under your skin get on nerves rub you up the wrong way let down get across someone shame empurple bite incommode acerbate raise hell sour put off be at be on your back alienate wear on be a pain in the neck belittle get under one's skin be a thorn in someone's side cause offence to try someone's patience get your dander up get someone's hackles up be a thorn in someone's flesh try your patience put somebody's nose out of joint be on the back of chide drive nuts bum hack steam henpeck brown off weary beleaguer get up your nose bristle try one's patience get someone's wick push button heat up work on awake quicken goose motivate absorb grab ignite attract interest grill ruffle one's feathers mess rile up snit pet tiff huff ask for it boil arouse panic excoriate impose upon put on the spot rub one the wrong way stroke someone's hair the wrong way push someon's buttons mess with work up put your nose out of joint give the business blow up make sore lose one's temper cause anxiety cause to panic wind somebody up drive you up the wall get on somebody's nerves raise your hackles get your hackles up get on someone get a rise out of balk baffle stick in one's craw set one's teeth on edge make someone fed up tire boil over make indignant whip up cause offense to deflate humble abase nonplus disinterest deter make one sick lose one's interest disillusion empoison envenom lower ridicule demean degrade estrange stun fail put someone to shame put to shame get one's comeuppance take down a peg take down take the wind out make someone eat humble pie stagger astound jolt rock astonish amaze surprise startle dumbfound make bitter make resentful daze stupefy cheat baulk underwhelm paralyse dumfound flabbergast be offensive to make sick turn someone off be displeasing to be distasteful to overcome paralyze numb thunderstrike awe electrify bowl over take aback be repugnant to turn someone's stomach fill with loathing make someone's gorge rise knock out take the wind out of your sails completely surprise give a turn throw a curve make someone's blood run cold raise someone's eyebrows set someone back on their heels shake out of your complacency give someone a turn hit like ton of bricks smear calumniate fail to satisfy not suffice get in one's hair mix up dishonor backbite revile decry traduce blackguard disparage blackball malign lampoon detract condemn asperse belie dishonour vilify deprecate bad-mouth denigrate libel defame leave dissatisfied raise eyebrows amongst cause raised eyebrows cause a few raised eyebrows amongst not pass muster not be good enough give cause for complaint

Động từ

To be detrimental to
harm damage destabilise destabilize undermine weaken wreck compromise cripple jeopardise jeopardize mar ruin sabotage subvert break debilitate destroy deteriorate diminish disrupt hinder impoverish ravage spoil tarnish afflict annihilate blemish blight corrode corrupt crush depress devitalize disable dismantle enervate impair impede incapacitate taint trash wound batter blast bloody crab cross up debase deface disfigure endamage enfeeble flaw inconvenience injure sap scorch shatter shock smash torpedo vitiate wither detract from foul up interfere with louse up mess up muck up rough up screw up shake up smash up take out be detrimental to cause detriment to do harm to wreak havoc on put out of action put out of commission throw a monkey wrench into mutilate mangle maim total deform blot defile sully distort bruise scar vandalize threaten devastate demolish lame prejudice paralyse reduce vandalise scratch blunt disfeature upset stain paralyze hamstring pollute shake poison disgrace invalidate dent disqualify scathe attenuate infect put the kibosh on thwart mangulate besmirch wear away crool lessen smirch lacerate touch undo shame uglify queer indispose prostrate cut despoil play havoc with immobilize waste exhaust unfit drag through the mud erode wrong unstrengthen immobilise knock out worsen traumatize maul abuse degrade eat away warp emasculate decrease contaminate discredit influence gut affect soil scotch scupper discolour discolor hack demoralize burn crack wrench dismember dishonour devalue knacker blacken contort botch dirty ding tweak dishonor foil knock brand traumatise hog-tie cheapen hamper blow desecrate cut up squash soften demoralise do in hack up do damage to be prejudicial to be disadvantageous to restrict play merry hell with stab put a damper on torpefy have a bad effect on be deleterious to lay up inactivate disenable make useless drive a nail into the coffin of throw monkey wrench in be a blot on the landscape kibosh unbrace make unattractive make ugly muzzle shoot down pinion render incapable hogtie hock handicap disarm consume molest shiver use up disserve endanger annoy befoul imperil obliterate whittle bend detract pervert blotch speckle tag bodge devaluate cost dilapidate misshape lower depreciate demean water down disfashion put at risk clip wings lose strength mayhem massacre gimp castrate truncate make a mess of twist sour color colour butcher mark hospitalize cramp make powerless have a negative effect on make unfit spike render powerless cause the loss of cause the sacrifice of result in harm to shrink trouble pull down impact overcome result in damage to lead to the end of strike plunder depredate sack pillage desolate spoliate perturb take the edge off sap the strength of pull the rug out from under take apart bankrupt occur prevail invalid hospitalise score pinch scrape beat slash overwhelm limit adulterate expurgate censor bowdlerize impinge stifle impact on prevail over impinge upon amputate cut to pieces tear limb from limb bowdlerise hash up tear apart put on the sick list strike down spread to strike at take hold of attack smear pique aggrieve foul grieve torture pain wax torment distress sting exert influence on have an effect on have an impact on rain on someone's parade stigmatize halt raze stop jam maltreat split rot disintegrate tear gnaw rust draw blood do mischief to weary tire deactivate freeze bleach fade drain fatigue etiolate cause injury bang up tamper with clamp wheel-clamp defame encumber extenuate eviscerate tie prevent from moving bring to a standstill render inoperative make inoperative prevent from working action render inactive bring to a halt arrest darken slander stigmatise deprave tar make feeble confine to a wheelchair make weak confine to bed render infirm wear out lay low malign whittle away disempower cast a slur slur mine dig frustrate tunnel sandbag wear challenge libel blot one's copybook give a bad name denigrate disparage censure dig out hollow out besmear clip one's wings chip away at queer the pitch of asperse poke full of holes scandalize knock the bottom out of throw a monkey wrench in the works of throw a spanner in the works of muckrake disrespect mortify dishearten scandalise bring shame upon drag through the mire bring discredit to sling mud at fling mud at bring shame on deflate dispirit chagrin deject abash flatten discourage dump psych out ransack loot raid lay waste rob maraud rifle rape strip reave devour decimate ravish pulverize cream nuke violate pulverise dash stymie sink level forage nix dish wrack vaporize extinguish put paid to quash vaporise blow a hole in tear down banjax put an end to scourge cruel euchre steal from decay put the lid on bring to naught quell crumble bring down rub out fleece harry weather abrade eat dissolve defeat pirate profane nibble fret make a hash of break up overthrow bring to an end ruinate put a stop to debauch leave desolate subdue wear down bite waste away wipe out bite at prostitute leave in ruins run through outrage bring to ruin lay waste to end burgle buckle prevent squinch obstruct denude screw disorganize misuse malform havoc hold up reive gnarl appropriate overturn misapply overrun brutalize brutalise prey foray scuttle knot misemploy skew knock down wince scour eat away at animalize raze to the ground bust do for decompose stamp out gnaw away at knock off stick up wreak havoc spread among seduce burn through bite into burn into gnaw away take advantage of lay in ruins plague nick dispossess bust up disarrange disturb disorder clobber mess delay convulse slow retard unsettle deprive bastardise bastardize bestialize handle roughly oxidize turn upside-down derange slow down bow bring about the downfall of freeboot muller depopulate betray maraud over deceive dampen cause confusion in cause turmoil in throw into disarray throw into disorder throw into confusion spray paint rustle streak deplete arrogate embezzle confiscate invade trespass wipe off map do one in rend blaspheme curb inhibit restrain smother nip in the bud reduce to nothing reduce to rubble bring to nothing wreak havoc upon clean out make misshapen distort the shape of bend out of shape melt liquefy dissipate perish fragment exterminate wrest trample seize capture topple radioactivate wear through do burglarize dump on oxidate neutralize squelch commit sacrilege age eradicate enthuse disease make impure move treat sacrilegiously insult cancel out spot char sweep away canker flake oxidise season render ineffective stiff mug steam prowl liberate loft relieve grab salvage kip requisition lift treat with disrespect blaspheme against chop crumple assault make dirty tinge become rusty skin crimp have neutralise craze unbuild overreach outmaneuver abolish outmanoeuvre outfox abate outsmart offset overshadow make lose face commit sacrilege against condition harsh balls up force knock over moonlight requisition rip off burglarise break into turn over nullify work against make waves carve slay cut about hash slit separate mash slice flay mellow disappoint smash and grab exploit mishandle cast gloom over chop up wash out manipulate be destroyed bring a note of sadness to cast a gloom upon glitch up chip bed misrepresent falsify misinterpret fell deflower sexually assault scrape away ill-use garble dynamite crash have one's way with force yourself on sexually abuse have one's evil way with force oneself on take away someone's innocence indecently assault grimace grind down take explode smite bomb divert misconstrue simulate age in break down blow up misrelate misstate fudge deflect slant cook blow to bits blow sky-high blow to pieces eat into mistreat salt change alter doctor phony up alloy steer fake doctor up veer water brainwash

Động từ

To speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse
insult offend affront annoy provoke outrage aggravate slight wound dis diss disrespect upset mortify taunt denigrate malign slander slap humiliate tease libel defame dishonour dishonor disparage discredit abuse impugn mock calumniate disoblige irritate slur abase deride revile asperse sledge derogate injure miscall blister curse debase degrade gird jeer pan ridicule roast scoff slam slang give offence to dump on put down cause offence to bad-mouth be rude to trash-talk cut dead slag off sneer at treat disrespectfully call names hurt someone's feelings cast aspersions on call someone names cut to the quick step on one's toes throw shade mistreat misrepresent harm oppress ill-treat maltreat vilify ill-use cheat damage trespass persecute wrong aggrieve do wrong to do injury to bad mouth do a disservice to offend against do an injustice to sin against impose upon do the dirty on take advantage of kick in the teeth knock traduce slate vituperate belittle attack decry run down rubbish bash berate lambaste condemn criticize stigmatize inveigh against speak ill of pour scorn on vilipend pull apart smear take to pieces drag through the mud stigmatise have a go at criticise do a hatchet job on censure denounce rail against spread lies about jump on skewer hammer blacken the name of sully the reputation of pummel monster throw mud at bag speak badly of lay into give a bad name tear into hit out at trash pummelled minimize discount speak evil of fulminate against pull to pieces pillory minimise tear down bring into disrepute blacken the reputation of conduct a smear campaign against contemn castigate assail blacken excoriate throw brickbats at savage reproach besmirch scold deprecate blast mudsling diminish reprove dismiss do down rap scorch rip up depreciate scorn flame poor-mouth give a black eye vituperate against cry down play down kiss off talk down write off cuss dig caluminate voodoo jinx demonize lambast scathe rebuke demonise potshot nag belabor skin alive dress down rag on call down upbraid backbite belabour ride zing hose put a whammy on criticize unfairly do a number on cut down blow off shout at cuss out swear at brand scandalize blacken the character of scandalise sling mud at crucify admonish flay chide reprobate lecture blame give black eye reprimand ream despise give a talking-to blacken someone's reputation tongue-lash cast a slur on rake over the coals lay down the law take apart undervalue trivialize underestimate underrate deflate disdain downgrade marginalize minify sneer lower misprize pooh-pooh trivialise hold cheap laugh off detract from scoff at treat lightly make light of put hooks in marginalise laugh at pick holes in

Động từ

To take violent or aggressive action against
attack assault assail hit ambush beat mug aggress batter harm bean kick overwhelm sic boot clock pummelled pummel besiege bother clip jump brain larrup slog strike bop paste sick trash biff bust harass wallop beset boff bushwhack thrash bat blister cook punch club pound stab whop assault physically beat up chop down descend on descend upon do over fall upon jump on knock about knock around knock cold lace into lay into light into pitch into pounce on pounce upon rough up sail into set about set on set upon strike at tear into turn on work over beat up on duff someone up get stuck into go in on knock block off lash out at lay siege to let fly at turn to violence have a go at knock for a loop let someone have it beat the living daylights out of charge rush storm hammer fly at belabour fall on thump raid drub belabor round on bash weigh into lambaste smack clobber belt buffet whack invade knock whale clout bang hit out at sock thwack bludgeon smite abuse deck pelt tan slap slam launch oneself at slug cudgel flog swat box rap cuff crack pounce whip lay one on swipe give someone a beating go for nail knock into the middle of next week rain blows on lam wade into surprise make an assault on lash baste duff up launch an attack on welt give someone a good hiding lambast lunge at lash out strike out lick smash accost bob zap clap bonk tag maltreat birch paddle hit out strike out at swoop on waylay blitz maul blast chin whomp slosh quilt dong swinge leap tonk trap lace lather whup hide tromp pommel switch whap slate thresh fib stick one on hold up curry bung up advance on punch out mess up surprize ambuscade descend cane come at rob give someone a drubbing fill in give someone a hiding plug give someone a good beating give someone a good drubbing set at go at do attempt to capture lunge approach take by storm converge on lie in wait for tackle close in on capture stick up manhandle pulverize brutalize brutalise entrap swoop beat someone up hook dive surround overrun ensnare spring mistreat pulverise thud bound spring on break bruise surge dash afflict take a pop at drive run at punish encircle bash up make an onslaught on have at take by surprise lie in wait lay a trap for make a raid on launch an attack march into beat to a pulp jump down someone's throat bite someone's head off fly leap at threaten injure let fly jump at pull a gun on steal from berate thrash about flail around terrorize kick in steam take a swing give somebody a beating terrorise weigh into someone bombard wade into someone savage potshot excoriate castigate scathe vituperate sucker-punch knock down cosh impugn crown blow dive into bam bump wham encounter overcome dot floor flay king-hit welly take out plant one blindside flail tap flagellate strap search charge at ram spank chastise infiltrate hang one on hit hard mash drum lose one's temper with roughhouse penetrate shoot down beat hollow wade in battle take mishandle lay about open fire on snap at thrust make a foray on conduct an offensive on attack by surprise devastate make a sortie on ill-treat come close to move in on set trap dry gulch set an ambush for take down surge into set in on go in take on surge over slap around get at fire at make a raid assault someone lurch burst launch at rush at spring at rush upon go after wreck lacerate disable disfigure maim contuse cripple lame deface mutilate mangle aim blows at come closer to draw nearer to draw near to move closer to press on towards move close to dash against swing pitch make for launch oneself move suddenly make an assault make an attack appear arrive lay into someone fall on someone deal a blow set upon someone fall upon someone deal a blow to draw near bear down on march on drop in come in force show up arrive in hordes turn up jostle worry leap on take unawares catch swarm around hustle pester mob crowd around hassle crowd round prowl stop slink lurk skulk dive at grab drop snatch seize dart bound at crash lay for swoop down on attack suddenly catch off-guard drop down on make a grab for seize upon lay in wait for blockade beleaguer invest encompass confine enclose leaguer environ block off congregate shut in shut off hem in siege work on hedge in come at from all sides

Động từ

To feel intense sorrow or anguish
grieve mourn lament agonise agonize bemoan suffer sorrow anguish regret ache sob wail weep bewail bleed cry rue keen bear be miserable be sad shed tears be distressed be sorrowful be in distress be mournful feel sad be upset carry on be in anguish sing the blues weep and wail cry a river eat one's heart out be unhappy take it hard moan deplore grieve over be in pain repine pine groan grieve for complain feel wretched weep over complain about wail for go through the mill eat your heart out be wretched despair be despondent be dejected eat heart out be heavy of heart howl plain weep for ululate languish yearn fret sigh miss blubber shed tears for bawl rain sing pine for wail about kick self cry for repent beat one's breast wear black wring hands long for be brokenhearted pain plain over hate express regret about cry over disapprove be sorry criticize shed tears over criticise express sorrow about sigh over object to sorrow over take on feel pain be affected be racked endure agony be wounded go through a lot have a bad time be racked with pain experience hardship blub whine boohoo greet pule snivel whimper mewl squall whinge yowl break down let go wail over burst into tears sorrow for sough roar grumble bleat express woe for moan about express sorrow for express sorrow keen over wring one's hands over sniff grizzle crack up tear up be in tears choke up cry your eyes out cry one's eyes out turn on the waterworks cry as if one's heart would break let it all out ring the blues put on the weeps shed bitter tears cry one's heart out dissolve in tears turn on waterworks howl your eyes out drip fret about let it out feel sad about feel grief at feel sorrow at pine over hurt over express grief anguish over lament for ache over bleed over be upset about apologise feel remorse for feel apologetic about feel sorry kick oneself feel sorry about apologize be sorry for feel remorse repent of be sorry about kick oneself for reproach oneself for feel remorseful about moan over

Động từ

To treat someone badly, cruelly or unkindly
ill-use abuse maltreat mistreat misuse mishandle manhandle bully brutalise brutalize harm oppress torment harass misemploy prostitute spoil taint batter neglect dissipate exhaust overburden overtax overwork squander waste ill-treat kick around mess over knock about treat badly take apart be cruel to injure molest maul knock around hit beat persecute strike wrong handle roughly rough up treat roughly do over beat up damage victimize victimise mess up shake up outrage dump on be violent toward torture wound roughhouse total assault bung up cut up interfere with harry profane pervert misapply exploit desecrate corrupt rip chop backbite trash wax bash mismanage misappropriate blow run through go through push around do wrong give black eye give the shaft attack rape assail violate grope paw ravish touch up sexually abuse feel up fondle sexually assault mar bang up ruin do violence to anguish traumatise inflict suffering on inflict pain on disserve trample on traumatize cause injury to cause pain to agonise incommode put down pick on inconvenience lash out at discommode lay a finger on bloody agonize cross up slap around push pull hustle jostle shove roust mangle handle bundle thrash work over bash up duff up beat up on beat the living daylights out of intimidate tyrannize browbeat hound menace distress domineer scare subjugate tyrranize aggrieve overbear cow dominate threaten terrorize overwhelm overpower hector frighten play the heavy with push about tyrannise treat harshly ride roughshod over walk all over terrorise be brutal to

Động từ

Penalize for wrongdoing
punish discipline penalise penalize chastise chasten correct castigate abuse beat cane get lash mistreat murder scalp sentence thump wallop whip batter flog harm injure misuse oppress scourge manhandle recompense visit admonish blacklist cuff debar defrock dismiss drop on execute exile expel fine immure incarcerate lecture mete out punishment to paddle rebuke reprimand reprove skin skin alive spank switch tear down train bring someone to book bring to book come down on make an example of slap someone's wrist teach someone a lesson attend to beat up do in give it to someone give someone what for rap knuckles rap someone's knuckles slap wrist crack down on give a going-over give a lesson to give someone the works give the works knock about rough up teach a lesson give a going over throw the book at come down on like a ton of bricks punish severely have someone's guts for garters thrash belt hammer strike whale hide tan birch baste lick pummel lambaste pound bash drub buffet hit maul pummelled pommel whup leather flagellate lambast lather slate bludgeon thresh work over slog whop tromp whap scold curry chide flail bung up flay mess up belabor horsewhip strap pelt belabour club give someone a hiding bat lace slash fib do upbraid berate take to task punch out smack attack clout clobber whack censure lay into reprehend objurgate reproach cowhide rawhide excoriate punch slam cudgel slap condemn tell off call down criticize beat the living daylights out of carpet knock deal with trounce dress down trash bruise tongue-lash larrup tick off smash give someone a dressing-down criticise afflict amerce lace into have a go at rake over the coals paste rag destroy crush thwack assail keelhaul rate assault score jaw rap break rap over the knuckles give someone a roasting scorch pulverize sock trim slug lam rant at give someone a rocket bawl out whomp shellac smother bang rail at give someone a good hiding chew out give a hiding tan someone's hide rain blows on ream out pitch into haul over the coals rail against maltreat read the riot act box pulverise sanction curse torment dock overwhelm rout mulct torture denounce remonstrate with blast impose defeat judge bullwhip revile terrorize harass slaughter annihilate diss deck bollock vituperate smite scathe best quirt flame terrorise hit with exact a penalty from slap with wreck marmalize cream bury fulminate against put on the mat massacre worst flatten smoke demolish disable blister roll crucify tank tonk biff welt bop drum pan lacerate ram swat skunk bomb dust own plug give someone a drubbing defeat utterly give someone a telling-off slag off blow away take a stick to be victorious over put down snow under give someone a bollocking blow out rip into walk all over make mincemeat of whip someone's hide tan one's hide lay one on walk over knock around bring someone to their knees run rings around maim beat hollow triumph over blow out of the water blow up at do over give a talking-to give someone an earful mutilate let someone have it wipe the floor with get the better of mash jump down one's throat mangle take to the cleaners win a resounding victory over take a strap to tear off a strip kill give someone a rollicking knock into the middle of next week turn inside out tear into sort out ground scapegoat crack chin yerk harangue flop flutter flap ferule tap fill in paddlewhack dust someone's britches warm someone's seat wax yell at have words rap across the knuckles severely reprimand thong stripe discipline someone for repress soften exprobate try suppress subjugate smear deride call over the coals roast lash into have your knife in strafe wound damage slipper disfigure contuse cripple lame deface brutalize dash against aim blows at brutalise tear a strip off have on the carpet impair incapacitate gash graze scud skelp scratch put out cause pain to total cut bang up pinch scrape cause injury to give someone a hot bottom put over one's knee give someone a licking put someone over your knee blip flax give somebody a hiding warm someone's bottom beat the living daylights out of someone take disciplinary action against handicap inflict plague blame put on the carpet imprison wreak befall decry reprobate lay down the law devastate trouble harrow disparage deplore deprecate impose penalty inflict a penalty on impose a sentence on inflict handicap bump ruin ravage impact bother slag dis dispraise anathematize execrate disapprove inveigh against fault award a penalty against impose a penalty on put at disadvantage jerk shake whisk arraign find fault with descend on avenge descend upon force upon pain bring down on send up point finger at frame pronounce hang something on depreciate belittle denunciate blow whistle on proscribe give something a bad press send up the river thumbs down on pin it on name put away give someone a bad press lay at one's door adjudge let have it wear out beset burden bedevil charge levy put exact cause suffering to sting assess sconce impose a fine on pay through the nose throw book at make pay confiscate extort punish by fining seize tax sequestrate monster savage wig row rail potshot ream scarify pull up give someone a caning give someone a mouthful give someone a wigging send someone away with a flea in their ear slap on the wrist give a rocket give someone hell criticize severely give someone some stick jump on rap someone the knuckles drag over the coals slap down give someone a row lay out give someone a rating lean on vilify pillory rubbish denigrate bag malign bad-mouth blow up cut up skewer run down pull apart asperse nag light into impugn besmirch slur pull to pieces pick holes in cast aspersions on derogate rip give a piece of one's mind rollick animadvert on take to pieces vituperate against pour scorn on find fault sledge declaim sail into give a bad press to fulminate call on the carpet insult take apart hit out at take someone to task shoot down pick to pieces cut down nitpick about throw brickbats at rap someone over the knuckles accuse carp go on at check inveigh rant disapprove of carp at slander talk to give some stick to rage calumniate traduce take down fustigate scorn kick up a stink about take to the woodshed rave at stigmatize call to account defame storm slang thunder growl caution protest cavil tear to pieces come down hard on monish stigmatise lesson zap cavil at go for the jugular chew someone out tear apart nag at give flak to nit-pick bag on express disapproval of slap someone on the wrist lash out at go on about pick at kick up a fuss about lampoon contemn taunt remonstrate ridicule libel backbite discredit ostracise ostracize animadvert discourse orate perorate recriminate preach rake speak out object complain speak nitpick jawbone mouth off expostulate fume tie into rave spout get after make a stand vociferate beat up on expostulate about climb all over swear at cuss out do a number on shout at objurate pass strictures upon declaim against give one hell jump all over strongly criticize kick draw the line throw shade get at speak to slap on wrist rap on knuckles sound off mouth off about tell a thing or two go after scoff at put someone on the hot seat make a fuss about crawl all over put someone on the griddle burn someone's ears do down tear to shreds nitpick over pin someone's ears back find lacking reprimand severely let fly round on brand lash out refute pull someone up hit out attask exprobrate give a tongue-lashing argue with assault verbally disagree with satirize threap pile in moralise moralize despise warn start on start in harsh rebuff incriminate satirise adjure advise counsel take on take chew fry oppose rank on give going-over ding notice glue forewarn hoist reject read out look askance pick apart jump on one's case bite someone's head off snap someone's head off slight rake over coals criticize harshly fluff dishonor dishonour disgrace dress-down jack up sit on offend lance incise pass judgment jump down someone's throat tear someone a new one give someone a dressing down give someone a telling off give piece of mind give tongue-lashing give somebody a piece of one's mind prosecute minimize discount have words with blacken someone's reputation cast a slur on give someone a carpeting eat out criticize hatefully impeach indict complain about lay on give comeuppance give bad press cut to bits persecute give something a battering weigh into do a hatchet job on give someone bondi take somebody to task take down a peg give a hard time get on burn one's ears have someone on the carpet keep after rag on carp on send someone away with a flea in his lower the boom give the dickens call to task point the finger at give the devil criticize strongly be hard on pick on ride zing hose miscall minimise give someone stick bring to account protest against bluster huff be rude to call names blow off cut to the quick run something down show up charge with protest strongly dump on menace intimidate take a stand trash-talk call someone names throw shade at thunder against rage against make a protest rant about vociferate about animadvert upon vilipend give a black eye protest strongly at remonstrate about challenge bushwhack tackle sic sick raid rush rant and rave rile make a stand against take issue with object to raise objections to make a protest against complain vociferously about disagree violently with oppose strongly put up a fight against kick against complain bitterly about take a stand against speak out against kick up take great exception to set on turn on dive into go in on cry down grumble moan whine grouch gripe fuss grizzle whinge bark at beef grouse crab wail caterwaul cry grump scream repine bellyache bleat keen address talk descant expatiate exhort wade into wade in pounce on pounce upon holler mutter kvetch squeal yammer squawk whimper murmur croak yawp maunder earbash pontificate to sermonize to spout to soapbox declaim to stump accost apostrophize spiel sermonize preach to hold forth to sermonise buttonhole yowl yelp yap bawl yaup spout at spiel to deliver a tirade to speechify to preachify to grouch about sound off to get on a soapbox hold forth give a lecture to have at kick up a fuss sound off about bellyache about take exception complain vehemently about beef about hit hard give the cat o'nine tails

Động từ

To hit very hard
crack hit thump slap clout smack clip strike whack bash buffet hammer knock pound punch rap thwack wallop beat box bump clobber cuff slam belt biff bop clock sock thud bat bludgeon bust clap nail paste pummelled pummel slog slug smite swat welt whale bang bonk chop lam swipe zap bob boff dong slosh tag tan whomp chip impair injure batter thrash drub deck lambaste smash quilt pelt lick whop flog belabour belabor lay one on club whip swinge lash cudgel chin stick one on birch lay into knock into the middle of next week baste let someone have it switch paddle lace lather whap tap maul pop hide rain blows on lace into pitch into thresh rough up slate pommel assault lambast whup tromp fib curry blow bung up give someone a hiding work over mess up punch out spank attack give someone a good hiding do beat the living daylights out of jab floor wham tonk dot light into crown give someone a drubbing give someone a beating give someone a good beating give someone a good drubbing ding hook crash skelp cane ram larrup plug blast king-hit knock around thrust drive flail KO let have it pat sucker-punch abuse forge draw impel maltreat drum mash clump impact strap catch impinge collide welly do over zonk hit hard knock about crash into hack spike stroke haymaker fillip duke assail afflict trounce crush poke break hang one on thump on knock on bruise scud bear down flay blip beat up on bam bushwhack swing contact give someone a hot bottom flagellate land a punch put someone over one's knee make someone feel the back of one's hand rain blows upon mistreat fell roughhouse manhandle flatten level total wound pick stripe plump stinger chastise hit for six lash out take out plant one punish beat up let one have it sock it to someone aim blows at conk wipe fill in trash uppercut hit out bump into connect with kick stone lob pellet flax percuss brain dab blitz whang lay a finger on swing at hit out at lash out at knock out ride roughshod give a black eye let fly box someone's ears malleate butt carom tear into jar be in collision with bang into knock into clatter dash against collide with crack against smash into jostle bunt knock against crash against plough into slam into crack into run into weigh into set on leather turn on set upon scourge horsewhip sail into meet head-on set about pounce on let fly at harm slash beset get stuck into cowhide rawhide smack into have a go at bomb sic fall on cosh sick brutalize pounce upon ill-treat jump on round on brutalise bully bombard charge mishandle go in on rush descend on descend upon raid boot besiege persecute drive into send ill-use treat badly clash misuse kick around mess over storm shell molest pulverize fire at cannon into mug defeat fly at wax pulverise treat roughly handle roughly bash into fire on peck open fire on punt cannonade overwhelm jolt sideswipe rout shoot blitzkrieg wrong annihilate dash barrage rear-end cream bury duff up smoke smother plow into propel skunk dust clonk fall upon shellac tan one's hide blow away snow under wade into beat hollow ping give a hiding shake up wipe the floor with bean rebound ricochet aggress castigate strafe graze glance damage torpedo harass jump stab crunch run over invade oppress torture knock down ferule trim fusillade victimize blooter slaughter barrel into best dropkick assault physically come into collision with marmalize victimise outrage murder massacre worst destroy demolish come into collision go for clash with roll crucify tank be hurled own launch an attack on launch oneself at have at defeat utterly take a stick to be victorious over put the boot in blow out walk all over make mincemeat of whip someone's hide walk over bring someone to their knees run rings around chasten triumph over blow out of the water fire upon put the boot into cut up get the better of open fire take to the cleaners shoot down win a resounding victory over make an assault on kill strike with the foot turn inside out career into take a swing beak strike out thrash about flail around collide into whammy head-butt jog clunk strike out at hit repeatedly bullwhip stun skull concuss terrorize set at go at windmill barge into thong whirl thunder stomp quirt yerk hit over the head hit on the head jerk shake whisk accost stick one on someone register lunge fustigate terrorise tackle savage potshot excoriate scathe vituperate stumble light tan someone's hide blackjack mar bounce sink pepper flop flutter flap wear out crack up smash up wrack up box somebody's ears impugn slipper wreck lacerate disable disfigure maim contuse cripple lame deface mutilate mangle dive into clomp stamp whump plunk flump encounter plunge handle knob finial saddlebow skim strike head-on paddlewhack dust someone's britches warm someone's seat ruin neglect launch catapult ambush strike with a stick beat with a stick come at lay about tip palpate interfere with bang up be violent toward bother dig put over one's knee give someone a licking put someone over your knee screw push give somebody a hiding warm someone's bottom impact with fender-bend skip pervert misapply misemploy profane prostitute knock over beat to a pulp brush wade in exploit shoot at calcitrate take a strap to hit lightly run desecrate corrupt blister cook fire clank clang placekick dribble mismanage misappropriate battle pile up go into strike lightly chop down touch slap lightly gun snipe jackhammer twack stick kick off give the foot knock cold go through run through rattle punish severely strike at give the cat o'nine tails launch at run at rush at spring on spring at rush upon go after knock block off duff someone up glance off pot jangle turn to violence lay siege to skin knock for a loop flick snap get at gun down open fire at grate prang grind varnish heave make contact with backbite rip drop-kick eat alive dump on do wrong push around give the shaft give black eye kick out run circles around beat the pants off

Tính từ

In physical pain
sore injured painful wounded aching bruised smarting throbbing afflicted battered beaten grazed hurting incapacitated scratched stinging burning cut disabled gashed impaired inflamed lacerated mangled marred pained tender weakened broken chafed damaged discoloured discolored gammy harmed reddened ruptured sensitive black-and-blue agonised agonized bleeding busted up crushed disfigured hit in pain mauled mutilated nicked scarred scraped shot stricken struck tortured warped buffeted maimed handicapped crippled suffering affected achy stiff raw agonizing game afflictive excruciating troublesome nasty uncomfortable agonising hurtful fractured limp lame deformed crook knackered irritated bad delicate pounding twingeing gnawing searing tingling red tired harrowing grievous sharp severe abscessed nagging ulcerated upset offended maltreated abused irritating sickly vulnerable fragile distressing unpleasant vexatious difficult dismembered smashed shattered killing feeling tender smacked pounded feeling uncomfortable spoilt spoiled playing up giving someone gyp giving someone trouble ailing sick smitten on the sick list debilitated tingly distressed frail infirm prickly feeble smartful laborious biting piercing caustic weak enfeebled achy breaky physically challenged swollen acute arthritic intense shooting stabbing keen violent fierce penetrating exquisite gut-wrenching angry injurious hypersensitive oversensitive limping hobbling racking extreme exhausted weary halt insufferable unendurable unbearable torturous defective gimp sidelined gimpy shrewd cutting bitter footsore knifelike drilling paralyzing paralysing

Tính từ

In emotional pain
distressed anguished displeased pained sad saddened dejected despondent disheartened distraught forlorn grieving sullen upset worried aggrieved bothered depressed disappointed disconsolate discouraged downcast glum grieved heavyhearted heavy-hearted inconsolable melancholic miserable mournful perturbed sorrowful troubled unhappy bereaved blue brokenhearted broken-hearted cheerless concerned demoralised demoralized dispirited disturbed doleful down downhearted down-hearted emotional heartbroken joyless rueful tearful tormented tristful afflicted antsy bugged burned cast down contused crestfallen desolate despairing discombobulated droopy gloomy hangdog heartsick heartsore low shook somber sombre sore sorry teary uptight weepy wistful woebegone woeful all torn up cut up down in the dumps down in the mouth grief-stricken in doldrums in grief in tears in the dumps low-spirited shook up melancholy dolorous suffering overwhelmed devastated traumatized disconcerted dismayed gutted plagued morose traumatised impaired broken agonized agonised bummed out in pain overwrought discomposed flustered discountenanced shaken tortured crushed affected bitter discontented irked hurting wounded pessimistic bad down in dumps moody out of sorts destroyed bowed down listless fed up gray languorous grey triste languid comfortless spiritless sulky saturnine stricken cursed rattled dismal injured damaged horrified in a state shattered depressive crummy cast-down elegiac down and out in the pits funereal elegiacal uneasy solemn luckless in a bad way strained dull ruthful ailing racked shell-shocked emotionally defeated sick at heart pensive lugubrious down in mouth morbid hapless on a downer disillusioned regretful dissatisfied disgruntled choked crabby languished black dysphoric negative disenchanted frustrated discomfited chagrined miffed beaten unsatisfied hopeless aghast worsted vanquished baulked chapfallen objecting balked wretched anxious let down vexed ruffled disquieted unnerved agitated taken down as sick as a parrot shot down weeping harassed aflutter wrecked mourning haunted harrowed spooked dolesome jumpy sorrowing aching unglued bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing strung out angst-ridden in a tizzy overcome with sorrow heavy with grief racked with pain in a stew racked with suffering in low spirits cheesed off chap-fallen brassed off lamentable oppressed dragged lachrymose grim in the doldrums long-faced plaintive distressing defeatist depressing mirthless tragic pitiful painful sick as a parrot piteous dreary abject plangent weighed down bleak funeral grumpy deploring bleeding grievous heart-rending pitiable desperate crying in despair harrowing sobbing dour weary sniveling lamenting dolent heartrending snivelling blubbering singing the blues in a blue funk surly subdued howling annoyed heavy suicidal deplorable mopey daunted dispiriting calamitous low in spirits ripped sunk in gloom heartbreaking ticked off teed off browned off blubbing peed off whimpering traumatic upsetting troubling dark torn up lonely pathetic sorry for yourself humourless distressful bawling larmoyant sour agonizing close to tears on the verge of tears shamefaced agonising saddening enervated humorless churlish sepulchral flat tear-jerking regrettable crabbed downbeat sapped defeated mopish broody bereft adust down-in-the-mouth peeved piqued irritated abashed Eeyorish discontent sick exasperated cynical with a long face unconsolable resigned sheepish bummed-out sunk in sorrow in mourning damp overcome full of sorrow hacked off low-down in the toilet sick and tired greeting maudlin lacklustre dim deep drab shadowy colorless tenebrous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre lifeless humdrum awful disturbing disquieting unamused sorry for oneself feel-bad apathetic very sad prostrated glowering scowling heart-sick lovesick undermined without energy mortified remorseful depressant dirgeful grouchy brooding atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging dire dolorific afflictive in distress afflicting torn-up angry cross pining lowered bowed threnodic dirge-like emo godforsaken griefstricken off sluggish moping ugly in anguish taken aback deflated prostrate with grief have the blahs cringing browbeaten guilty cowed frantic fraught affecting bored tired unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy guilty-looking furtive tragical unlucky unfortunate no-win strabilious long-suffering self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing beside oneself with grief ashamed intimidated embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking feeling down full of gloom in a funk ill-humoured huffy helpless lost catastrophic cruel unpleasant disastrous feeble disappointing paltry mean can't win ill-humored cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless lonesome forsaken abandoned not a prayer in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end blue funk friendless