Đồng nghĩa của broken

Alternative for broken

Đồng nghĩa: burst,

breaks, broke, breaking, broken

Đồng nghĩa: burst, crack, fracture, interruption, interval, letup, pause, rest, rupture, violation,

Trái nghĩa: mend, repair,

Tính từ

Having breaks or gaps in continuity
disconnected discontinuous interrupted erratic fragmentary incomplete intermittent spasmodic disrupted disturbed fitful sporadic unsettled troubled irregular uneven unsteady occasional episodic periodic episodical choppy aperiodic on and off alternate patchy recurrent shifting casual spotty spastic fluctuating recurring periodical catchy hit-or-miss cyclic seasonal cyclical infrequent random isochronal epochal isochronous rhythmic serial jerky variable punctuated checked stop-and-go iterative rhythmical arrested metrical discontinuing iterant unstable incoherent disjointed desultory every other here and there now and then by bits and pieces haphazard on-and-off continual unconnected odd disorganized inchoate incohesive muddled disordered on-again-off-again disorganised on-again, off-again varying inconsistent changeable gaping unorganized unorganised changing unequal wavering bitty inelegant rough unintelligible confused jumbled rambling abrupt rugged irrational uncoordinated garbled illogical regular repeated wandering isolated scattered mixed-up ill-thought-out stop-go alternating constant habitual frequent steady intervallic every once in a while orbital annual continuing perennial weekly routine at fixed intervals every so often daily on certain occasions monthly hourly yearly centennial at various times mixed up uncontinuous loose in fits and starts on again and off again impulsive inconstant restless flickering capricious herky-jerky off and on repetitive unsystematic uncertain continued unreliable rolling reoccurring chain unmethodical persistent volatile scattershot aimless shaky like clockwork reiterative unpredictable entropic indiscriminate chronic fractal non-stop non-linear perpetual numerous occurring often broken up convulsive repeating spurtive twitching happening at intervals oft-repeated impermanent freelance outsourced outside in bits and pieces oft repeated part-time incidental chaotic sketchy catch-as-catch-can stray unthinking slapdash arbitrary offhand unfocused orderless nonuniform mutable customary commonplace helter-skelter without purpose fickle temperamental changeful mercurial eccentric partial designless quotidian everyday unpunctual unconsidered purposeless wayward ever-changing fluid flickery unfixed labile skittish vacillating up and down off-and-on non-periodic vagarious irresolute variational fluctuant flighty undependable partially fractional gradual intermittently fitfully waffling peaky not constant blowing hot and cold piecemeal incessant many familiar endless common countless profuse reiterated manifold eternal several by degrees at intervals successive lots of millions of loads of a good many heaps of a great many masses of quite a lot of thick very many iterated dozens of hundreds of thousands of quite a few various by fits and starts stage by stage little by little step by step

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Not working
defective faulty inoperative kaput malfunctioning broken-down bust damaged non-functioning unsound busted in disrepair inoperable not working disabled down finished imperfect not functioning out ruined wonky knackered out of commission out of kilter shot spent wracked duff exhausted feeble gone haywire unsatisfactory unusable weak acting up conked out done for gone haywire not in working order on the blink out of order playing up run-down worn-out coming unglued coming unstuck conked-out fallen apart had it screwed up gone phut gone to pieces gone to pot in the shop on the fritz on the shelf out of whack in need of repair on its last legs unserviceable out of action non-functional gone kaput out of service dud broken down useless nonfunctional kaputt impaired sunk flawed nonfunctioning nonoperating dead jiggered inactive out of use doomed done wrecked smashed injured ineffective hurt spoiled marred dilapidated destroyed spoilt worn out toast no good bonkers kerflooey blemished up the spout incapacitated totaled wiped out beat-up dashed lost not functional defeated devastated tumbledown ramshackle done in not in operation crumbling harmed in ruins unavailable for use in flames in a state of disrepair gone to rack and ruin given up the ghost at an end not in use stopped working washed up packed up falling to pieces down the tubes not in service down for the count down the drain gone bust past its best old failed bad rumpty buggy worthless clapped out scratched dented inoperational valueless darned unavailable debilitated dinged snafued bent flubbed unoperational unfunctional S U off unproductive unavailing crashed dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive loused up messed up glitched in smithereens in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go non-operational doesn't work in repair decommissioned invalid on the bum unworkable ineffectual nonactive inefficacious shattered through crushed null and void over bankrupt hors de combat beaten undone drained thwarted empty liquidated over with in pieces dead and buried over the hill played out gone to the wall past it washed-up wound up derelict in shreds in tatters in ashes dead in the water ruinous disintegrating decaying neglected shambly uncared-for decrepit deteriorated munted shacky blasted decayed run down battered botched mutilated robbed uninhabited plundered pillaged harried abandoned falling apart defaced ill-maintained badly maintained poorly maintained worse for wear defunct cooked ended extinct floored on the skids out of circulation burned out belly-up out of business down and out all washed up

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(of limbs or bones) Fractured, usually due to injury
fractured injured crippled damaged lame maimed hurt mangled dismembered mutilated disabled deformed incapacitated harmed weakened game spoiled spoilt wounded bruised crushed crook sore smashed scarred shattered cut knackered gammy housebound debilitated paralysed handicapped bedridden wheelchair-using immobilized battered quadriplegic tetraplegic monoplegic hemiplegic paraplegic ruined halt destroyed impaired paretic paraparetic enfeebled having a disability palsied on the sick list hog-tied immobilised confined to bed defective physically handicapped differently abled gimp hamstrung physically challenged out of commission physically impaired paralyzed laid up sidelined marred helpless infirm powerless weak immobile impotent incapable numb disadvantaged learning-disabled invalid benumbed paralytic insensible restrained restricted dead stiff useless feeble impuissant broken-down laid-up out-of-action confined frail handcuffed inert having special needs having learning difficulties inactive high and dry having a mental disability torpid hors de combat nerveless unfit indisposed limping hobbling ailing disfigured compromised wornout undermined humpbacked hunchbacked lifeless limp unmoving bad out of action disadvantageous deterred foiled stymied blocked hampered impeded checked obstructed curbed balked limited burdened encumbered deadened tender strengthless impoverished diminished raw pained gimpy unfeeling frozen exceptional challenged at a loss hindered baulked disarmed worn-out out-of-commission run-down wrecked stalled decrepit insensitive insensate desensitized toothless diplegic palsified ineffective mentally disabled physically disabled unable effete incompetent desensitised enervated with a disability gutless unproductive forceless inept past it infecund prostrate paper tiger puny dud

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(of a relationship or household) Dysfunctional or lacking harmony

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(of a marriage or love affair) Ending in divorce or a breakup

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Having faults or errors
imperfect faulty flawed defective damaged impaired shoddy unsound inferior second-rate substandard unfit unsaleable unsellable warped below par blemished cracked deformed inoperative limited partial scratched shabby torn amiss bad below standard crummy deficient immature incomplete lousy malfunctioning patchy tenth-rate unfinished duff inexact ropy rubbish rudimentary sketchy undeveloped bottom-of-barrel disfigured dud fallible faultful garbage inadequate injured junk lemon low marred minus not functioning not working schlocky sick two-bit unsatisfactory vicious out of order few bugs not much cop not up to scratch not up to snuff in a state of disrepair weak buckled non-functioning chipped knackered poor in disrepair gone wrong unreliable useless on the blink worthless hopeless inconsistent ineffectual incompetent distorted buggy seconds abnormal unhealthy subnormal botched frail incorrect broken-down slipshod on the bum tainted crippled off split fissured hesitant faltering halting disjointed fractured splintered cleft crazed ruptured slit non-fluent unsuitable ineffective unacceptable amateurish dreadful negligent careless deplorable awful disgraceful laughable abominable terrible frightful atrocious execrable miserable rotten lamentable diabolical sorry inefficient ill-suited inappropriate insufficient inefficacious unsuited abysmal pathetic bum woeful appalling unproductive inapt futile impotent incompatible flimsy powerless not good enough improper unable not proper unadvantageous no good pits God-awful dire poxy pants chronic pitiful egregious inept inexpert second-class third-rate not up to par a load of pants mediocre wretched rubbishy low-grade trashy cheap junky low-rent dismal common bargain-basement coarse cheapjack grotty schlock paltry sad very bad trumpery tawdry el cheapo crude gimcrack direful low-quality lame cut-rate subpar horrible dissatisfactory poor-quality sleazy cheesy tatty wanting base dime-a-dozen punk suboptimal tacky tinny bush-league jerry-built disagreeable below average not up to much average disappointing pitiable nasty shocking sub-par under par bodger middling dodgy leaving much to be desired sucky indifferent tinhorn ordinary contemptible poorer hack déclassé cheap and nasty the pits good-for-nothing low-end godawful shameful abject downmarket unpleasant unexceptional pedestrian odious horrendous wack crumby unworthy naff cheapo piss-poor twopenny-halfpenny cruddy distasteful offensive hideous foul repulsive noisome obscene mean disastrous bush sour wrong lacking horrid gross hellacious valueless of a sort half-pie run-down no great shakes cheapie a dime a dozen repugnant bungling rancid repellant repellent revolting loathsome disgusting nauseating scandalous abhorrent obnoxious evil fulsome noxious sickening ugly nauseous feeble outrageous incapable unspeakable makeshift brummagem unproficient ill beastly gaudy meretricious unsatisfying for the birds grim unequal end-of-the-pier displeasing damnable detestable very poor grubby strictly for the birds icky grody cheap-jack less-than-stellar meagre from hunger ratty poor quality weak sauce meager kitsch scroungy entry-level pinchbeck tattered second rate bottom-rung two a penny rinky-dink unable to do something for toffee dime-store a dead loss Brummagem brassy regrettable commonplace ghastly insubstantial rickety yucky vile tricky unfortunate catastrophic grievous derisory throwaway uncomfortable ramshackle excruciating calamitous hateful twopenny ropey tasteless kitschy vulgar badly built second-best slovenly poorly of poor quality of low quality thrown together tinpot reject second class unskilful god-awful underwhelming desperate worse unqualified off-color poopy anticlimactic raunchy downer stinking diddly bummer scurrilous blah reprehensible stinky indefensible bad news rough fallacious grungy not good irremediable erroneous not the best piddling trifling inproficient unfulfilling dilapidated plastic scruffy pretentious dingy seedy inglorious low-down stupid unwelcome harmful not much chop unfitted negligible unimpressive bathetic uninteresting failing trivial minimal unable to do something to save one's life not all it's cracked up to be falling short disillusioning insignificant distressing minor-league minor league small potatoes not satisfying from hell short scarce shy needing scant scrappy scanty skimpy exiguous unassembled rare undersupplied infrequent underprovided outta gas found wanting third string not enough second string second fiddle not make it not cut out for craptacular not up to standard

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Under the influence of a substance, especially alcohol
inebriated drunk wasted plastered hammered tipsy intoxicated stoned wrecked bladdered blotto high blatted blitzed bombed legless smashed steaming inebriate sozzled drunken lashed mullered kaylied langered paralytic trashed canned mashed ossified ratted soaked loaded slaughtered steamboats trolleyed befuddled blasted buzzed merry pickled ripped sloshed sottish soused squiffy stewed tiddly totaled zonked bacchic besotted bevvied blind boozy cockeyed crocked flying foxed fried gassed impaired jacked juiced lit looped oiled potted slang sotted squiffed stiff stinking tanked tight wet babalas bibulous crapulent crapulous drinking dronkverdriet ebriate intemperate irrigated unsteady beery dazed fuddled geeked glazed gone groggy happy reeling sauced schnockered screwed sodden spaced tippling tripping woozy stukkend tanked up under the influence boozed-up blind drunk boozed up drunk as a lord hopped-up off your face out of it spaced-out liquored up lit up pie-eyed roaring drunk slightly drunk strung out under the table worse for drink worse for wear zonked-out dead drunk drunk as a skunk gin-soaked gin-sodden half cut half-seas over hard-drinking high as a kite rolling drunk tanked-up well oiled half-cut half seas over out to it rat-arsed red-nosed spaced out three sheets to the wind under the influence of intoxicating liquor well away well-oiled blown-up in one's cups in the bag in your cups on a trip one over the eight under the weather wiped out burned-out the worse for drink Brahms and Liszt dead to the world seeing double feeling good feeling no pain half-crocked half in the bag three sheets in the wind hooched up tired and emotional off one's face out of one's head out of one's skull out of one's box out of one's gourd cut elephants fou sat monged monged out maudlin toping incapable wired guttered stinko steamed cock-eyed shickered full shot lekker munted inked two sheets to the wind pixilated ebrious ebriose having had a skinful grogged up having had one over the eight as full as a goog as tight as a tick crock swacked zoned muddled Adrian Quist boozing boozed unsober sloppy tied one on obliterated flushed lush laced bashed snockered out off one's head drunked up polluted stupefied in drugged faced doped narcotized comatose mellow on drugs delirious hallucinating euphoric hyped up charged up freaked out dopey benumbed floating unconscious coked drugged up junked-up blown away blazed cooked demolished dead-drunk elevated addled turned on out of one's mind off one's head on a high baked drugged-out drunk as a fiddler plowed tiddled pixillated ploughed punchy full of well-being tozy-mozy bibacious alcoholic insensible anaesthetized anesthetized knocked out out of your mind

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Lacking in material possessions or financial wealth
impoverished poor destitute needy poverty-stricken impecunious indigent penniless penurious ruined bankrupt pauperized broke insolvent beggared crippled hard up skint strapped bust in want necessitous beggarly boracic cleaned out dirt-poor distressed down-and-out famished flat broke in distressed circumstances in need in reduced circumstances in straitened circumstances needful straitened threadbare wiped out down and out on the breadline stony broke boracic lint clean deprived disadvantaged empty flat have-not hurting low-income reduced sterile strapped for cash underprivileged in reduced on skid row stone broke without a bean without a sou on your uppers without a red cent as poor as a church mouse without two farthings to rub together without two pennies to rub together in the red derelict defeated outcast beaten finished moneyless vagabond vagrant homeless on the skids in the poorhouse in the gutter out of funds on the streets liquidated defaulting indebted foreclosed collapsed lost failed busted undone in debt gone under in administration in receivership in Carey Street financially ruined belly-up in Chapter 13 unable to pay one's debts gone bust in Queer Street in Chapter 11 out of money in the hands of the receivers without a penny on the rocks taken to the cleaners gone to the wall badly off dirt poor unable to make ends meet out at elbows in penury out of pocket down on one's luck down at heel without two brass farthings to rub together short short of money unprosperous without a brass farthing stone-broke stony-broke pinched stony depressed wanting hard-pressed lacking bad off shabby unable to keep the wolf from the door fortuneless up against it dead broke truly needy on your beam-ends in a bad way tapped out without two pennies farthings to rub together bankrupted unlucky unfortunate low meager meagre suffering seedy struggling cashless neglected in distress handicapped rundown empty-handed in need of low-paid behind eight ball on one's uppers on the bread line on one's beam ends without a shot in one's locker poor as a church mouse economically deprived financially disadvantaged unfavored unaffluent requiring help workless unemployed laid off jobless between jobs redundant living rough sleeping rough idle extremely poor base scanty of no fixed address of no fixed abode severe difficult down to last cent stripped totaled divested deficient unmoneyed impencunious stranded vile out of a job resting signing on unprivileged down-at-heel overdrawn discriminated against over a barrel on last leg without a dime deprived of devoid of played out wretched despicable mean on the dole economically disadvantaged miserably poor very poor financially poor spent down to last penny in dire circumstances in great need squalid miserable pathetic shoddy foul sordid on one's beam-ends craptastic without a penny to one's name smashed hindered impaired without a penny to your name denuded bereft on the wallaby track in arrears owing money pitiful unpleasant abject forlorn ill-fated hapless ill-starred belly up exhausted depleted dispossessed contemptible in financial difficulties not having two pennies to rub together not having two farthings to rub together financially distressed financially embarrassed without means of support short of cash without money cleared out out of business in dire straits slummy ghetto ghost shanty run down skid row run-down

Tính từ

Overcome with deep or intense sorrow
grief-stricken devastated heartbroken crushed desolate despairing sorrowful broken-hearted inconsolable pained sorrowing suffering tormented woeful wretched agonised agonized angst-ridden despondent dismal doleful overwhelmed upset afflicted anguished bereaved brokenhearted dejected distressed grieving heartsick heavy with grief lamenting miserable mortified mournful mourning overcome with sorrow regretful remorseful sad woebegone cheerless depressed distraught dolorous down gutted heavyhearted hurting melancholy morose overcome pining tearful traumatised traumatized troubled unhappy weeping cut up disconsolate hurt saddened dispirited disheartened low downcast demoralized bitter joyless grieved glum sullen blue pessimistic forlorn disappointed crestfallen down in dumps moody low-spirited in the dumps rueful downhearted demoralised listless down-hearted down in the dumps languid gray emotional discouraged down in the mouth comfortless heavy-hearted bummed out spiritless aggrieved sulky saturnine heartsore languorous in pain grey triste tristful cast down sombre somber wistful gloomy sick at heart in doldrums pensive lugubrious down in mouth out of sorts in grief morbid hapless weepy teary crabby languished black droopy dysphoric bowed down negative fed up in tears anxious shaken ruffled disconcerted tortured disquieted unnerved vexed perturbed agitated discomposed bothered discombobulated harassed flustered irked concerned uptight aflutter wrecked discountenanced plagued antsy jumpy unglued strung out racked with pain in a tizzy haunted all torn up bewailing persecuted shook up bugged shook bemoaning in a stew aching harrowed wailing racked with suffering dolesome wounded spooked bad funereal elegiacal crummy destroyed cast-down elegiac down and out in the pits uneasy sorry melancholic hangdog lamentable plangent plaintive solemn funeral deploring painful piteous distressing dreary chap-fallen bleak tragic abject hopeless long-faced heartrending pitiful grievous choked depressive dolent heavy depressing dire lonesome lonely drear lachrymose calamitous troubling in low spirits ruthful pathetic heart-rending desperate dark grim harrowing godforsaken bereft murky darkening racked deplorable tenebrific tenebrous chill dreich sunless Cimmerian cold sepulchral plutonian cloudy resigned mirthless defeatist in despair oppressed weary long-suffering sunk shot down unconsolable in mourning in sorrow full of sorrow helpless feel-bad shattered very sad prostrated chapfallen displeased bleeding sorry for oneself heart-sick lovesick bummed-out worried down-in-the-mouth pitiable in distress lorn dirgeful companionless regrettable afflictive dolorific poor worthless prostrate with grief forbidding austere acheronian unwelcoming tear-jerking affecting in anguish disturbed sick as a parrot unable to be consoled unable to be comforted singing the blues strained ailing on a downer discontented luckless dull in a blue funk burned sore contused beside oneself with grief torn-up brassed off unsatisfied cheesed off discontent in the doldrums ripped powerless bummed down-and-out heartbreaking downtrodden sour crying as sick as a parrot bearish up the creek downbeat discouraging unmitigable doomed without hope unfortunate suicidal sinister oppressive sobbing grousing cranky grumpy bellyaching beefing saddening cantankerous nostalgic whimpering snivelling horrible dispiriting foreboding ominous close to tears blubbering maudlin frantic afflicting larmoyant atrocious threnodic dirge-like sniveling on the verge of tears no-win strabilious cynical in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes can't win weighed down in the soup not a prayer at the end of your tether at end of one's rope

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Predisposed to having, or characterized by, bad luck
unfortunate unlucky hapless luckless unhappy poor wretched cursed forlorn miserable doomed hopeless jinxed pitiful desolate desperate destitute forsaken unprosperous pathetic pitiable ruined stricken abject afflicted pained shattered snakebitten troubled unsuccessful woeful awkward burdened snakebit worthless ill-fated hard luck ill-starred star-crossed out of luck ill-omened sad sack in a bad way calamitous unpropitious deplorable lamentable untoward ruinous damaging unsuitable regrettable inappropriate unfavourable unbecoming inept infelicitous inopportune disastrous unfavorable adverse ill-chosen blighted fateful misfortunate inauspicious accident-prone disaster-prone condemned bedevilled catastrophic fated bedeviled ominous disadvantaged foredoomed destroyed lost undone bewitched hexed under a curse down on one's luck done for cursed with ill-luck unpromising heartbreaking rueful piteous heartrending sorry disadvantageous infernal anathematized accursed clumsy woebegone voodooed loser jonah untimely baleful dire black cataclysmic losing klutzy bungling all thumbs two left feet unprofitable tough luck bad break poor fish down on luck behind eight ball frustrated foiled beaten loss-making defeated failed behind the eightball balked baulked dead fey sunk finished done kaputt kaput foreordained reprobate sentenced convicted threatened menaced predestined unredeemed destined wrecked overthrown overwhelmed suppressed thrown down dead duck cut down kiss of death que sera sera in the cards

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(of a structure or piece of equipment) Poorly made and likely to collapse
rickety broken-down decrepit derelict dilapidated ramshackle shaky tottering unsound unsteady crumbling decaying disintegrating feeble flimsy frail imperfect infirm insecure jerry-built precarious ruinous tumbledown unsafe weak wobbly fragile geriatric rachitic rattletrap rocky rumpty shacky shambly tottery tumble-down unbalanced unstable wavering falling to pieces defective unreliable damaged rotten insubstantial dangerous delicate not robust not safe not solid in poor condition teetery wonky teetering makeshift wobbling dodgy unsecured movable breakable wiggly shaking slight perilous not secure hazardous gimcrack trembling trembly tremulous wabbly shoddy vulnerable light badly built unfastened slippery spindly thrown together risky quaking bockety quivery wayward shifting tricky ticklish defenseless defenceless quivering treacherous loose frangible shuddering on thin ice wabbling staggering unsubstantial cheap shuddery unwell dizzy atremble aquiver fluctuant vacillating quavery moving mobile unsure exposed unprotected not fixed parlous touch and go uneven superficial nonsecured worm-eaten wavy wiggling shifty suspect unguarded wispy sensitive brittle tender inconstant sick sickly ill doubtful swaying doddering rocking on its last legs groggy woozy easily broken doddery unsettled easily damaged floating awry iffy giddy lubricious loosened slack slackened lax relaxed not stable lurching fitful not fixed in place endangered immature rootless at risk rough crude clumsy threatening unrefined artless rude menacing life-threatening high-risk uncertain threatened serious injurious hairy venturesome destructive malignant harmful unhealthy chancy toxic grievous grave jeopardizing shabby slipshod explosive hanging by a thread untrustworthy alarming erratic open to attack fearsome on a limb touchy jeopardising undependable rough-hewn rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready jerry-rigged carelessly built jury-rigged

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Turned over with the blade of a plow to create furrows (usually for planting crops)

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Characterized by turbulence, especially of the elements
choppy turbulent tempestuous stormy rough violent blustery squally wild inclement heavy heaving ruffled ripply wavy storm-tossed full of waves raging tumultuous blustering agitated furious howling boisterous windy roaring thundery stormful gusty foul storming fierce dirty nasty bleak rugged restless intense cyclonic disturbed angry bumpy unsettled harsh roily rainy blowy ferocious raw swirling menacing threatening thunderous torrid bitter raucous cacophonous jarring powerful breezy stridulent buffeting strong coarse boiling riotous unpleasant roiled disagreeable forceful filthy storm-wracked explosive tremulous blistering hellacious volcanic intemperate destructive stirred up typhonic savage volatile frenzied gusting battered weather-beaten rasping husky hoarse unmusical grating inharmonious ugly dry gruff discordant hazardous risky severe extreme bad flapping rough-and-tumble rigorous troubled wet frigid riproaring murky vehement cold damp jerky jouncy acute raining cats and dogs coming down uncontrollable rolly dreadful intensive devastating almighty herky-jerky chaotic terrible vicious exquisite fearsome hard ghastly fearful frightful heavy-duty foaming convulsive knock-down-and-drag-out rabid blood-and-guts paroxysmal cataclysmal hot bang-bang seething hammer and tongs unstable cataclysmic disordered weltering moiling noisy confused unmanageable rebellious unrestrained fiery passionate uncontrolled unruly brutal unbridled tough aggressive rowdy feverish potent frenetic frantic disorderly lawless impetuous dangerous cruel mad forcible hysterical rampant flaming keen lively vigorous excited strenuous maniacal heated delirious energetic immoderate fervent ardent excessive out of control airy impassioned spirited excruciating zealous eager unpredictable inhuman biting full-blooded homicidal maddened fresh callous anarchic unchecked lawbreaking pugnacious vociferous uproarious obstreperous draughty thuggish ungovernable windswept blusterous uncurbed wintry in turmoil rambunctious termagant chilly bloodthirsty mettlesome murderous concentrated freezing resolute determined resounding grim fanatical blowing bracing enthusiastic profound icy trying assertive radge emphatic deep grievous inordinate brisk drafty dynamic hotheaded blunt oppressive intensified consuming inflamed headstrong wintery emotional piercing punchy hard-hitting uncomfortable discomforting burdensome knock-down drag-out in-your-face searing hardhanded pulling no punches harmful hurtful uninhibited rash outlandish injurious squallish rampageous unconstrained unrepressed plucky exposed blind criminal abusive animated well-ventilated knockabout undisciplined troublemaking fractious horrible hardened ruffianly snowy drizzly all out belligerent intractable disruptive contumacious robust hearty roller-coaster seditious mutinous two-fisted adverse foggy refractory misty shaking perturbed demonstrative stern untamed roughhouse hog-wild trigger-happy rumbustious onerous full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals full-on gloomy overcast louring inhospitable hostile ebullient bursting clamorous active vile irregular rowdydowdy full of ups and downs unfriendly forbidding austere comfortless wuthering at the boiling point stiff fervid arduous muscular taxing earnest punishing heightened burning marked all-out exhausting heartfelt charged penetrating vivid unqualified numbing subzero brumal nippy shivery snappy gelid nipping frozen frosty sub-zero cutting unforgiving avid enthused melodramatic perfervid passional overemotional sentimental emotive hopped up red-hot gung ho all-consuming deep-seated true blue hot-blooded deeply felt polar arctic Siberian icy-cold bone-chilling glacial great rampaging bitterly cold overwhelming sharp unfettered desperate agonizing urgent peppery painful enraged ruinous bullying coercive agonising outrageous aroused berserk ruthless terrorizing pitiless barbarous sadistic merciless barbaric full of force heartless gale force demoniac fuming crazy terrorising hot-tempered hot-headed cut-throat

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Worn, torn, or ragged, as if into rags
raggedy ragged shabby tattered threadbare frayed seedy ratty tatty scruffy old tatterdemalion shoddy torn battered ripped scraggy decrepit frazzled shaggy dilapidated rugged untidy moth-eaten worn-out in tatters worn out in rags worn to shreds beat-up in shreds badly dressed badly worn poorly made full of holes torn to pieces unkempt ragtag shredded down-at-heel tacky scrubby dog-eared miserable down-at-the-heels neglected dumpy timeworn mangy sleazy tumbledown grungy mean run-down bombed-out ruinous broken-down bedraggled ramshackle rundown worn gone to seed squalid dingy run down rickety down at heel faded scuzzy worse for wear grotty decaying crummy poor grubby derelict falling to pieces decayed crumbling slummy deteriorated sorry ruined wretched gone to rack and ruin beat up insalubrious deteriorating filthy rumpty messy tired well worn shacky yucky uncared-for sordid cheap holey pitiful desolate disreputable unpleasant slipshod shambly low degenerated disintegrating damaged rough skanky dodgy scungy shaky frowzy base paltry down-at-the-heel in ruins in disrepair the worse for wear weather-beaten in a bad way having seen better days tumble-down seen better days badly maintained poorly maintained crude dirty sloppy tawdry seamy unprepossessing trashy depressed unmaintained disfigured bare meager meagre unsound dismal second-rate dowdy slovenly skeezy untended impaired injured raggedy-ass warby disheveled poverty-stricken low-class slimy dishevelled limp tottering all the worse for wear used-up out at elbows down and dirty falling apart at the seams falling apart underprivileged deprived withering rent outworn used broken down ancient old-fashioned smirched dishonest crooked patched split well-thumbed well-read peaked shattered infirm in poor condition in holes scabby desultory unpressed contemptible unfinished in bad repair out of condition below par in bad condition under par bad rank mucky indigent impoverished sick sticky gunky gungy mediocre substandard low-rent middling lousy ordinary low-grade menial two-bit sad manky down at the heel droopy overgrown wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing sagging flagging tasteless gaudy vulgar kitsch showy nasty garish used up flash Brummagem common loud flashy naff uncared wrecked cure pot destroyed crumbly marred outmoded ostentatious out-of-date unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky stodgy frumpy raunchy unimproved beat cheap and nasty fallen-in ill-maintained uncared for beaten up on its last legs fallen in rinky-dink in bad taste

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Incapable of being repaired, amended, cured or rectified
irreparable irreversible irrecoverable irremediable irretrievable irredeemable unrecoverable beyond repair hopeless incurable irrevocable unrectifiable unredeemable unrepairable unrestorable cureless destroyed impossible incorrigible irremedial irreplaceable lasting ruined severe uncorrectable unsalvageable past mending beyond hope past hope written off irreformable lost unalterable final unchangeable permanent absolute terminal gone remediless unfixable beyond recall immutable invariable settled fated binding predestined predetermined inveterate changeless unreversible inevitable indelible established certain constant peremptory unrepealable unappealable doomed irreclaimable beyond cure fatal helpless bad lost and gone uncurable ill-fated serious grave fixed conclusive gone forever unreclaimable unsavable unregainable nowhere to go out of time unwavering complete unshakeable fruitless given up gone for ever deadly unmitigable mortal despaired of beyond remedy beyond recovery past cure sad worsening past remedy beyond redress abiding enduring categorical no-win up the creek hardened intractable confirmed unreformable deep-dyed long-standing unrepentant addicted dyed-in-the-wool habitual unreformed chronic uncontrite hard-core diehard impenitent abandoned persistent beastly beyond redemption useless unapologetic loser wicked unashamed recidivous compulsive obsessive pathological shameless bred-in-the-bone ingrained obsessional long-established committed thorough thoroughgoing deep-rooted obdurate seasoned through and through entrenched utter hooked dedicated firm devoted loyal staunch faithful steadfast remorseless ineradicable card-carrying unregenerate unremorseful unrepenting deep-seated unabashed unblushing brazen regular out-and-out conscienceless uncontrollable set unswerving accustomed obstinate full-bore true blue unfaltering right-down arrant congenital true uncompromising recurrent mad keen die-hard keen as mustard well-established addictive reprobate dependent incessant frequent callous defiant relentless through-and-through driven infixed full-fledged instilled deep-down genuine irresistible hardhearted recidivistic deeply ingrained impulsive by habit to the core out and out without regret without remorse prevalent recurring fallen besetting not contrite wretched cursed accursed condemned afflicted vulnerable aimless excommunicated past praying for blighted alone rooted deep perennial lifelong intrenched devout resolute ardent proved fervent earnest vehement stalwart unyielding wholehearted fiery torrid unshakable fanatical intransigent longtime supreme stubborn zealous inexorable definite explicit staid inured habituated sicker bona fide hard-line all-consuming firmly established well established deep-set red-hot hard-shell irrepressible undying eternal dyed-in-the wool

Tính từ

Erratic or out of control
haywire crazy chaotic confused disordered bonkers disorganised disorganized erratic mad wild topsy-turvy balmy barmy bats batty bedlam berserk brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky crazed cuckoo daffy daft demented deranged faulty fruity gaga insane kookie kooky loco looney loony loopy lunatic maniac maniacal mental meshuga meshugge moonstruck nuts nutty potty psycho psychotic scatty screwy shambolic slang tangled unbalanced unhinged unsound wacko wacky whacko whacky wud berko disarranged fuddled irrational nonfunctional porangi wonky amiss amok defective flipped looney tunes loony tunes messy mixed up orderless out of control schizo screwball touched unglued non compos mentis not functioning properly out of order in pieces off the air on the fritz out of commission up the spout in a mess mad as a hatter on the blink out of whack out to lunch disorderly untidy cluttered discombobulated disjointed jumbled ruffled unkempt anarchic stirred up scrambled muddled upset rumpled unclear scattered slovenly unmethodical unsystematic out of place incoherent upside-down at sixes and sevens like a dog's dinner mussy like a dog's breakfast pell-mell snarled hugger-mugger higgledy-piggledy sloppy in disarray every which way in a muddle littered paranoid distracted off one's gourd out of one's mind around the bend off one's head disturbed sectionable manic psychopathic frenzied idiotic distraught neurotic uncontrolled rabid dotty raving bizarre schizophrenic bananas moonstricken unsettled derailed senseless dazed off wrong fatuous raging dreamy preposterous nutty as a fruitcake in a daze mentally ill stark raving mad not all there crazy as a loon off one's rocker of unsound mind in another world sick in the head unstable delirious odd schizoid dippy silly schitzy eccentric hysterical doolally unreasonable stupid frantic queer psychopathological peculiar buggy unrealistic foolish bushed oddball sociopathic gonzo nutso bemused barking sick squirrelly demoniac yarra nutsy out there not right upstairs as daft as a brush off one's nut deprived of one's wits severely mentally ill having a screw loose one card shy of a full deck not quite right in the head foaming at the mouth not right in the head with a screw loose a few cards shy of a full deck off the deep end raving mad off-the-wall as mad as a hatter one sandwich short of a picnic not together manic-depressive in the ozone stark staring mad not the full shilling off the wall mad as a March hare stark mad a few sandwiches short of a picnic round the twist out of one's tree as mad as a March hare barking mad away with the fairies having bats in the belfry having kangaroos in the top paddock not of sound mind mentally deranged out of one's gourd over the edge flipped-out flipped out non compos off one's trolley up the pole round the bend pretentious senile delusional

Tính từ

Not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome
useless ineffectual impractical futile hopeless ineffective pointless inefficacious unproductive worthless inutile unavailing unusable unworkable vain bootless fruitless purposeless unprofitable impotent profitless unsuitable inefficient nonfunctional nugatory unserviceable unsuccessful valueless barren impracticable inoperative nonpractical otiose stillborn unfunctional unpurposed abortive counterproductive dysfunctional empty expendable feckless inoperable junky meaningless pants pathetic scrap unuseful in vain not useful to no purpose good-for-nothing of no use Sisyphean to no avail idle inadequate insignificant failed hollow trivial trifling aimless senseless paltry inept inconsequential to no effect weak unimportant unrewarding feeble unfruitful sterile powerless non-successful thwarted incompetent petty no-good insubstantial unnecessary lame wasted miserable poor irrelevant null negligible no-account frivolous inferior unfructuous wretched needless foiled spineless lousy nothing insufficient unsatisfactory slight doomed purportless of no avail unhelpful piddling footling hamstrung inexpedient without success without rhyme or reason measly vapid frustrated void forlorn indecisive despicable contemptible no dice shiftless inconsiderable unable abandoned sorry picayune minute ignoble lazy trashy spiritless baulked casual unremunerative bungled balked Mickey Mouse unprolific unessential no use wet unfit vacuous defeated for nought impossible thankless inane invertebrate abject base motiveless chaffy poxy wishy-washy wanky piffling nickel-and-dime no-win chicken limited on a treadmill niggling not worth the candle minor irresponsible unsubstantial small slothful apathetic indolent little no good unambitious bogus waste mediocre dry misfired cheap ne'er-do-well unenterprising pitiful meagre mean flat effete unreasonable vacant disastrous soft exhausted nonsensical scant mindless botched goalless bad nerveless weakling delusive unreliable incapable tame gainless pitiable unavailable weak-kneed characterless milk-and-water namby-pamby peripheral puny nominal piddly pimping peanut rubbishy unreal forceless withered neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous anticlimactic banal deficient blocked lost defective wanton a dead loss redundant superfluous limp-wristed beyond hope meager flimsy null and void dinky drifting inappreciable small-fry immaterial de minimis unachievable light fiddling superficial foolish small-time incidental low-ranking of no value of no consequence nonessential second-rate of no account uncalled-for uncalled for not having a prayer with no chance of success drossy of no great concern uneconomic failing invalid impuissant miscarried bungling unconvincing unimpressive frustaneous unlucrative throwaway stupid disadvantageous unsalable thin nonvalid nonbinding pyrrhic insincere save one's breath rotten absurd groundless dull implausible objectless not fruitful dead specious boring nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly wasteful for naught insipid time-wasting ruined spoiled of no earthly use shallow stale uninspiring not needed insane fatuous baseless misleading unnotable shuck delusory not helpful woeful stymied wandering parlous uninteresting unasked spinning one's wheels wild goose chase spoilt rambling unfounded lamentable deplorable hindered stonewalled obstructed nongermane helpless going nowhere adrift arid tedious commonplace unpromising threatening sinister menacing unneeded resultless cramped messed up not a prayer in vicious circle vague uncommunicative vile unconstructive adverse negative lacking foundation lacklustre dreary drab unstimulating prosaic monotonous lifeless humdrum unreturned Pyrrhic emasculate slack-spined witless indiscriminate designless thoughtless illogical irrational crummy sad unfilled clear ill-fated bleak minuscule bush-league minor-league uncelebrated lightweight lesser secondary obscure infinitesimal smalltime no good to gundy not worth it not pertinent without grounds without foundation fustian reckless incautious uncareful carefree careless wild debased depraved degraded low desultory brainless random desperate despairing lackluster despondent unattainable beyond remedy despaired of fouled up not serious no go no way not effective shameful disgraceful dishonourable dishonorable ill-suited inappropriate unsuited ridiculous floundering undirected haphazard subsidiary villainous ignominious corrupt degenerate wimpish frail wimpy weakened not proper not good enough improper scanty irresolute silly unmeaning unsound of no benefit junk unadvantageous inconsistent incompatible inapt beggarly mingy ungenerous mere derisory hit-or-miss rubbish non-essential two a penny not much cop unassertive skimpy of little account pettifogging exiguous extraneous uninformative meek cowardly gutless timid weak-willed fickle passive a dime a dozen dithering faltering craven frothy of little consequence of little importance tinpot of no moment not worth mentioning zero zilch of no importance zip twopenny-halfpenny shoestring indifferent not worth a hill of beans timorous wavering indeterminate vacillating pusillanimous undetermined fallible neither here nor there no great shakes not worth speaking of beside the point chicken-hearted corruptible supine yellow lily-livered hemming and hawing waffling yellow-bellied undependable faint-hearted yielding unsure easily led

Động từ

Past participle for to sustain an injury involving the fracture of a bone or bones in a part of the body

Động từ

(of a habit) Past participle for to quit or give up

Động từ

Past participle for to be overcome by a given feeling or emotion

Động từ

Past participle for to cause to become tired, weary or fatigued

Động từ

(of one's voice) Past participle for to speak haltingly