Từ đồng nghĩa của bitten the dust

Động từ

Past participle for fail or come to an end
failed fallen flat fallen through lacked success not succeeded aborted broken down broke down collapsed foundered miscarried misfired suffered defeat backfired flopped gone astray run aground bombed come to grief come to naught come to nothing fizzled out gone bankrupt gone broke met with disaster missed the mark come a cropper not come up to scratch gone down like a lead balloon come unstuck folded gone awry flatlined gone wrong fizzled floundered tanked fallen short gone up in smoke missed gone phut gone pear-shaped felled fallen flunked caved in cut out flamed out cratered gone to the wall hit the skids gone amiss yielded yolden given crumpled rebound rebounded boomeranged buckled washed out gone under blundered gone belly-up slipped crashed struck out gone down petered out missed the boat hit bottom not worked run down recoiled conked out given out come apart broken hit rock bottom gone belly up turned out badly flummoxed gone bust become insolvent come to a sticky end died stalled come to a bad end not come off gone downhill come apart at the seams met with failure gone by the board underperformed not made the grade laid an egg screwed up fallen flat on your face underachieved fluffed fallen by the wayside not passed lost gone out of business failed miserably disappointed blown it sunk without trace gone adrift fizzed out failed to go off pooped out exploded lost power faded away gone kaput stopped seized up ceased to function given up the ghost halted stopped working stopped functioning packed up faded out fallen apart gone off course gone badly closed backslidden played into deteriorated lost control gone down swinging ganged agley lost status lost out backslid declined ceased trading gone into receivership gone into liquidation bankrupted succumbed defaulted done something badly lost money gone on the rocks gone haywire wallowed plunged tumbled gone out gone wrecked gone to bottom imploded submersed folded up gone bump fell flat did something badly nose-dived ran aground came a cropper came to grief came unstuck went belly-up bit the dust came apart fell short went to the wall came to nothing went down like a lead balloon fell through went wrong came to naught went awry went astray busted not came up to scratch terminated ended let up come to a halt fell waned went pear-shaped yold gave went up in smoke went amiss broke brake went phut dropped out ground to a halt slipped up tripped up fouled up abated fell by the wayside decreased degenerated diminished went down withered weakened dropped eased off tapered off wilted tailed off cooled off ebbed died off went belly up came to a halt came apart at the seams dwindled withered away trailed off trailed away remitted pauperized impoverished bungled plowed died down dropped off dissatisfied failed to happen died out fallen down fell down ricochetted backlashed ricocheted come back flagged went bump went downhill languished redounded on died away not came off gave out went under gone to pieces bounced back went to pieces brought to naught had an adverse effect developed a fault not showed missed the target went kaput malfunctioned ceased to work had unwelcome repercussions for played up not gone as planned went bust blew over blown over ploughed went adrift fallen away fell away went bankrupt went broke went badly fell apart went off course went backslided came back went on the rocks went out acted up went by the board fell flat on your face backed wrong horse went down swinging ran down gave up the ghost sprang back sprung back came to a bad end came to a sticky end went haywire fallen short of expectations fell short of fell short of expectations fallen short of went to bottom fallen over fell over went out of business sank without trace blew it

Động từ

Past participle for to draw to a close
passed lapsed stopped ceased finished halted terminated discontinued concluded closed quit quitted determined elapsed broken off wound up broken up dead-ended let up left off winked out ended died expired gone went broke off broke up bit the dust cut off come to an end cut out shut down desisted dropped shut off completed closed out wrapped up cut short brought to an end put an end to packed in knocked off suspended axed desisted from laid off came to an end rounded off put a stop to rounded out dissolved culminated belayed belaid disappeared vanished packed up brought to a close called it a day paused adjourned consummated surceased run out come to a close finished off called a halt to wound down cut it out put the lid on recessed settled canceled cancelled abolished given over gave over wrapped wrapt lay off given up gave up scrubbed ultimated ran its course faded away refrained from closed down ended up topped off canned broke broken brake died down packed it in pulled the plug on died out called it quits faded drawn to a close drew to a close evaporated evanished finalized dwindled abandoned refrained interrupted aborted come to a stop finalised scrapped cut annulled intermitted ceased to exist prorogued become invalid called off laid off of crowned scratched brought to a halt become obsolete become void ran out passed away come to a halt come to a standstill came to a close petered out brought to a conclusion melted away sewed up sewn up died away cut loose quit cold put paid to put a period to knocked something on the head quit cold turkey put a lid on put to bed gotten done got done ebbed failed abstained liquidated transpired waned disrupted accomplished discharged resolved subsided kicked departed came to a stop evanesced capped relinquished sundered withdrawn withdrew phased out dispensed with cleaned up finished up cinched stayed cleared clinched shuttered became invalid disunited intervened separated killed parted dissevered disconnected interposed disjoined eliminated prorogated extinguished folded became obsolete became void blew over blown over stopped dead come to rest came to a standstill came to a halt brought to a stop avoided renounced eschewed stood kicked over hung up brought to an untimely end stopped in your tracks carried out collapsed backed off cooled it come to the end tied up loose ends played out given the chop got shut of buttoned up reached a standstill nipped in the bud setted the seal on held buttoned down fizzled out tailed off come to a conclusion folded up disposed of pulled the plug brought down curtain gave the chop trailed off switched off rounded up hung it up carried through slipped away kicked the habit brought to fruition did done came to rest drew to a halt drawn to a halt gotten rid of did away with got rid of done away with got shot of gotten shot of drawn to close drew to close gone dead went dead flown by flew by came to the end holden came to a conclusion forwent forgone blown off bagged it blew off done without taken the cure gotten on the wagon did without took the cure forbore from forborne from abstained from got on the wagon gone by went by

Động từ

Past participle for to cease living
died perished deceased croaked flatlined departed expired demised succumbed fallen felled parted exited gone dropped ended passed away passed on conked out checked out pegged out bought it kicked the bucket popped off kicked in snuffed it stepped out kicked off departed this life given up the ghost gone belly up crossed the great divide gone the way of all flesh shuffled off this mortal coil gone the way of the flesh gone to the great beyond bought the farm gone to glory met your maker cashed in one's chips carked it bitten the big one popped your clogs kicked it gone the way of the dinosaurs lost life breathed one's last dropped dead pegged it met your end gone bung ceased living gone belly-up hopped the twig hopped the stick passed rested in peace run through pushed up the daisies ceased to exist crossed the Styx relinquished life folded up caved gone to one's reward shoved off gone to the wall gone west drowned gone way of all flesh conked suffocated sucked the kumara dropped off died suddenly fallen dead died unexpectedly struck out invalidated passed over up and died cashed in declined disappeared collapsed vanished wasted ceased taken your last breath gone under fell went bit the dust gave up the ghost went to glory went bung bit the big one went the way of all flesh went the way of the dinosaurs went under took your last breath went belly up went the way of the flesh went belly-up went to the great beyond kicked in [slang] waned exterminated ruined abolished desisted wilted fainted swooned run out passed out keeled over flaked out packed it in cooled off lost consciousness bought a one-way ticket blacked out met waterloo called off all bets ran through ran out fell dead went to the wall went west went way of all flesh given up went down gave way given way gave up gone down fell unconscious gone out sank down fallen down sunk down fell down went out fallen unconscious

Tính từ

Dead, no longer alive or living
demised dead deceased departed lifeless late fallen gone defunct breathless asleep cold low perished lost expired extinct lamented exanimate passed away passed on inanimate no more killed slaughtered slain dead as a doornail as dead as a doornail murdered at peace with God pushing up daisies six feet under stiff under the sod wasted insensate insentient bygone inert nonextant not breathing buried out cold bought the farm having breathed one's last casualty disintegrated retired done vanished bypast former finished turned to dust at rest gave up the ghost kicked the bucket bit the dust in the grave laid to rest dear departed much lamented no longer extant no longer living late lamented nonexistent invalid outdated out-of-date redundant kaput had it done for down the drain out of commission comatose unconscious not living out for the count dead to the world still unanimated cadaverous down mortified spiritless erased offed silent reposing liquidated bereft of life not existing resting in peace out of one's misery gone to meet maker cut off gone to reward checked out pushing up the daisies past forgotten earlier ancient olden long-ago disappeared foregone old-time gone by of old wiped out died out of yore passé dated concluded lapsed old destroyed obsolete outmoded primeval primordial prehistoric archaic exterminated immemorial antediluvian extinguished ended primigenial abolished void snuffed out terminated vanquished superseded primaeval no longer with us dead and gone long gone dead as a dodo irrelevant faded missing stone-dead ruined over demolished effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated run devastated crushed frittered inactive at an end doused quenched out dead and buried a thing of the past ancient history in the past over and done with unknown inexistent no longer existing remote no longer known pristine long past long ago long departed previous antiquated one-time completed erstwhile sometime quondam old-fashioned belated forepassed long-gone oldfangled past recall in oblivion out of date sunk in oblivion down memory lane water over the dam water under the bridge

Từ trái nghĩa của bitten the dust

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