Từ đồng nghĩa của kicked the bucket

Tính từ

No longer alive, dead
deceased dead departed gone late defunct lifeless lost expired fallen asleep lamented demised extinct inanimate killed murdered passed on perished slain slaughtered breathless cold exanimate inert insensate insentient low no more passed away not breathing at peace finished former pushing up daisies six feet under under the sod with God at rest dead as a doornail as dead as a doornail bit the dust gave up the ghost stiff vanished spiritless bygone nonextant done for unanimated bereft of life resting in peace buried motionless checked out done bypast destroyed nonexistent unresponsive bought the farm out cold inactive exterminated died out wiped out snuffed out extinguished abolished void having breathed one's last no longer extant no longer with us superseded disappeared vanquished dead as a dodo casualty bitten the dust disintegrated retired stone-dead in the grave laid to rest unconscious turned to dust comatose insensible invalid outdated out-of-date redundant kaput unmoving desert faint waste brute limp dear departed much lamented late lamented no longer living ruined still had it in a faint not living out for the count wasted cadaverous down mortified erased effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated demolished dead to the world down the drain out of commission offed silent reposing liquidated not existing out of one's misery gone to meet maker cut off gone to reward lapsed devastated frittered crushed pushing up the daisies obsolete inorganic mineral quenched doused out passé terminated non-organic soulless no longer existing archaic unknown ended dead and gone outmoded no longer known inexistent quiescent abiotic listless nonvegetable vacant impassive azoic without life lethargic apathetic nonanimal not alive inoperative idle nonliving dull past forgotten earlier ancient olden long-ago foregone old-time gone by of old of yore dated concluded old primeval primordial prehistoric immemorial antediluvian primigenial primaeval long gone irrelevant faded missing over run at an end dead and buried a thing of the past ancient history in the past over and done with remote pristine long past long ago long departed previous antiquated one-time completed erstwhile sometime quondam old-fashioned belated forepassed long-gone oldfangled past recall in oblivion out of date sunk in oblivion down memory lane water over the dam water under the bridge

Động từ

Past tense for to die or cease living
died deceased perished demised croaked departed dropped ended expired fell felled fallen flatlined went gone succumbed exited parted passed away bit the dust bitten the dust bought the farm ceased living checked out went belly up gone belly up met one's maker passed on conked out went to the wall gone to the wall went west gone west kicked in pegged out cashed in one's chips kicked off popped off popped your clogs stepped out shoved off bought it snuffed it departed this life shuffled off this mortal coil crossed the great divide gave up the ghost given up the ghost hopped the twig hopped the stick carked it breathed your last gone the way of all flesh went the way of all flesh met your maker crossed the Styx pegged it kicked it popped one's clogs gone the way of the flesh went the way of the flesh sucked the kumara bought the ranch punched one's ticket farmed bought the plot gone to glory went to glory passed gone bung went bung dropped dead pushed up the daisies ceased to exist rested in peace breathed one's last relinquished life gone the way of the dinosaurs bit the big one gone to the great beyond gone belly-up went the way of the dinosaurs went to the great beyond bitten the big one went belly-up declined collapsed disappeared vanished slipped away wasted ceased run through gone under drowned died a death died suddenly folded up lost your life up and died died unexpectedly struck out cashed in lost life conked went under invalidated passed over pushed up daisies suffocated cashed in chips dropped off caved ran through gone way of all flesh went way of all flesh fell dead fallen dead went to one's reward gone to one's reward taken your last breath took your last breath died out died off become extinct petered out became extinct faded away waned exterminated ruined dwindled abolished desisted kicked in [slang] swooned passed out keeled over fizzled out flaked out passed into oblivion packed it in ceased to be cooled off lost consciousness become rarer become less common run out bought a one-way ticket blacked out met your end met waterloo fainted called off all bets wilted went to meet your maker gone to meet your maker fell asleep fallen asleep ran out became rarer became less common given up went down gave way given way gave up gone down fell unconscious gone out sank down fallen down sunk down fell down went out fallen unconscious

Từ trái nghĩa của kicked the bucket

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