Đồng nghĩa của late

Alternative for late

later, latest

Đồng nghĩa: behind, slow, tardy,

Trái nghĩa: early,

Tính từ

Dead, no longer alive or living
dead deceased departed demised gone inanimate defunct fallen lifeless expired extinct lost perished asleep breathless exanimate lamented passed away passed on dear departed late lamented much lamented no longer extant no longer living out cold cold low killed no more slaughtered slain murdered dead as a doornail as dead as a doornail at peace with God pushing up daisies six feet under inert insensate stiff bygone nonextant under the sod insentient vanished not breathing buried done bypast nonexistent bought the farm done for having breathed one's last casualty bitten the dust disintegrated retired turned to dust in the grave laid to rest unconscious comatose insensible invalid outdated out-of-date redundant kaput unmoving motionless desert faint waste unresponsive brute limp still wasted unanimated cadaverous down mortified spiritless erased had it in a faint not living out for the count offed silent reposing liquidated dead to the world down the drain out of commission bereft of life not existing resting in peace out of one's misery gone to meet maker cut off gone to reward checked out pushing up the daisies former finished at rest kicked the bucket bit the dust extinguished inactive exterminated destroyed obsolete gave up the ghost quenched doused out died out wiped out passé abolished void terminated no longer existing archaic unknown snuffed out ended superseded dead and gone outmoded disappeared no longer known inexistent vanquished no longer with us dead as a dodo stone-dead ruined effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated demolished lapsed devastated frittered crushed inorganic mineral non-organic soulless quiescent abiotic listless nonvegetable vacant impassive azoic without life lethargic apathetic nonanimal not alive inoperative idle nonliving dull

Tính từ

Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not anymore

Tính từ

Having been arrived at a short while ago
recent new fresh advanced hot topical last-ditch just out up to date up to the minute hot off the fire hot off the press current modern contemporary newfangled modernistic neoteric present-day latest up-to-date latter novel up-to-the-minute newborn state-of-the-art new-fashioned latter-day the latest later mod ultramodern space-age red-hot designer well ahead far ahead far along well along new age brand new just released just issued bang up to date pristine young raw prevailing modern-day cutting-edge modernized present-time present concurrent leading-edge now today with-it concomitant stylish contempo modish avant-garde coincident prevalent modernised virgin newfound virginal de nos jours last word twenty- first century untouched perfect span-new intact mint brand-new of late spanking new brand spanking new fashionable trendy progressive in vogue in voguish newest futuristic high-tech trendsetting happening in fashion au courant cool innovatory innovative ultra-modern with it a la mode cutting edge revolutionary hip popular leading edge hi-tech extant chic radical all the rage trailblazing contemporaneous faddish forward-looking updated nouvelle pioneering instant flash existent snazzy avant nifty immediate unique ongoing nontraditional twenty-first-century leading hot off press newly discovered highly developed ground-breaking groundbreaking recently developed in-thing never-before-seen hippest in style surrealistic gimmicky smart hottest sexy popularized popularised high-end automated timely bleeding edge culty high-style à la mode swinging du jour complex sophisticated 21st-century landmark breakthrough forward future natty ultra modern go-ahead twenty-first century ahead of its time kicking kicky quite recent tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' plugged-in relevant existing occurring recently appearing recently mystic occult balanced holistic planetary astrological supernaturalist alternative spiritual up abreast nowadays coeval started prompt being begun commenced already Age of Aquarius crystal healing at this moment for the time being just now even now in duration going on in process under consideration ad hoc forefront creative original innovational clever neat inspired groovy unexplored visionary artistic unprecedented imaginative out-of-the-box inventive strange ingenious unhackneyed experimental unheard-of unconventional unknown far out modernist different unexampled unaccustomed pathbreaking way out unfamiliar SOTA more recent most recent

Tính từ

Being advanced in development
developed progressive advanced evolved forward improved refined high higher sophisticated modern innovative leading state-of-the-art avant-garde complex innovatory groundbreaking cutting-edge breakthrough leading-edge recent newfangled snazzy matured mature grown established complete settled perfected enhanced future full-blown full-fledged full-grown innovational contemporary revolutionary latest newest new foremost up-to-date intricate prime supreme ahead pioneering futuristic trailblazing radical elaborate avant complicated ingenious pre-eminent ahead of the times excellent exceptional newly discovered flash far ahead high-end up-to-the-minute far along forward-thinking new-fashioned well ahead extreme highly developed up to the minute precocious paramount recently developed principal forward-looking ultra-modern well along nifty up to date cultured polished civilized elegant cultivated genteel courtly civil polite urbane gracious tasteful gentlemanly precise couth discerning stylish accurate classy pinpoint sensitive stately airy majestic dainty spot-on close mathematical graceful accomplished exquisite rigorous handsome ladylike punctilious well-bred fastidious discriminating sublime well-mannered aesthetic well bred spiffy restrained swanky plush well mannered high-brow ritzy high-minded posh suave esthetic courteous experienced distinguished superior civilised fine mannerly decorous dignified proper respectable gallant chivalrous decent formal seemly correct exact debonair nice delicate charming respectful affable smooth well-behaved befitting hairline gentle noble becoming considerate cool educated obliging worldly aristocratic honourable worldly-wise de rigueur honorable smart diplomatic strict fitting fit cosmopolitan tactful svelte chic conventional meticulous beautiful careful enlightened ceremonious attractive self-possessed fashionable suitable prim cordial highbrow comely well behaved pleasant sedate genial grand right moral unctuous poised snobbish conforming modest media-savvy dashing harmonious glib accommodating comme il faut slick knowing pleasing appropriate proud lofty scrupulous swish swank elitist distingué politic liberal unerring upright ostentatious particular kind in good taste composed orthodox done persnickety good pure attentive trim august opulent sumptuous luxurious scientific thoughtful lovely affected snooty imposing well-born artificial rich stuffy reputable pretentious prudish priggish prissy studied discreet erudite silky chaste bland demure balanced artistic magnificent fancy intelligent unprovincial smooth-tongued impeccable royal staid ceremonial upmarket plushy humane classical tolerant metropolitan sharp ingratiating aesthete virtuous streetwise expensive conscientious standard uptown trained reserved la-di-da precious methodical highbrowed fancy-pants apt venerable accepted silver-tongued oily complaisant deep esthete approved well travelled benevolent painstaking meet magnanimous worldly wise lordly traditional aesthetically pleasing starchy charitable high-class soft-spoken inch-perfect on fleek great well brought up overnice fussy finicky been around haughty womanly gentlemanlike discriminative appealing smooth-talking finished good mannered industrialized critical agreeable privileged cavalier aloof well-brought-up soft sociable fulsome adulatory complimentary high-bred highbred flattering preux wellmannered amicable apposite streamlined well-educated well informed well read learned with good taste deferential well brought-up tasty literate seasonable highborn blue-blooded patrician good-mannered friendly hospitable pukka presentable au fait prudent aerodynamic flowing persuasive taught upper-crust gorgeous luxury palatial deluxe honeyed sweet mellifluous knowledgeable symmetrical simple rigid calculated measured smarmy together jet-set citified blasé highly-developed industrialised initiated well-spoken glittering costly splendid facile collected well spoken faithful mondaine customary usual understated austere plain sleek world-weary possessed unruffled wise solemn seasoned aware stilted kosher OK stiff stiff-necked literal thorough equable coolheaded snobby high-hat toffee-nosed lush potty glitzy snotty lavishly appointed lavish glamorous grandiose exalted decorative broad-minded acceptable unprejudiced okay sure true old with experience well-proportioned Augustan self-composed raised upscale exclusive kingly confident self-assured diligent verbatim pretty ornamental straight puritanical well-travelled precision exhaustive detailed select in tony trendy dicty modish mod imperial serious portly imperious regal impressive eminent ornate ornamented overdone palatian choice Lucullan reared right stuff creative pedantic finical nitpicking studious pernickety perfectionist dapper spruce quiet unobtrusive splendiferous unaffected gratifying subdued planetary similar catholic lifelike definite gregarious public ecumenical sombre magisterial respected highfalutin' somber grave in line strait-laced having been around been there old hand in the know religious fly snappy moving emotional imaginative expressive pompous confined intolerant patronizing patronising hollow straitlaced condescending lethal deadly effective on target well aimed by the numbers by the book trig well groomed well dressed a la mode in vogue high-toned resembling hair-splitting ultra-careful just so self-respecting subtle spot on on the mark bang on casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly honest worthy righteous word for word ethical principled generous upstanding musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque just beneficent produced contrived uncorrupted elevated redoubtable natural illustrious outstanding brave greathearted bounteous unselfish effete over-refined alembicated twee mannered chichi extraordinary benign remarkable meritorious sympathetic bred brought up stand-up great-hearted noble-minded self-sacrificing anti-corruption stagy overrefined poncey flowery showy artful choosy self-conscious chi-chi fragile

Tính từ

Protracted, extending for a great period of time
long-drawn-out lengthy marathon prolonged protracted interminable overlong extended lasting boring dragged-out dragging drawn-out far great lingering long long-lasting long-lived long-term spun-out tedious time-consuming boundless delayed diffuse diffusive dilatory limitless long-winded overextended prolix rambling slow sustained tardy unending verbose wearisome wordy seemingly endless dragged out for ages spun out without end forever and a day garrulous enduring windy long-drawn discursive circumlocutory meandering pleonastic circuitous periphrastic logorrheic extensive endless lengthened digressive tiresome elongated ambagious elongate palaverous very long redundant drawn out strung out longish loquacious repetitious spread out persistent voluble maundering laborious tautological dull ponderous tortuous talkative long-standing bombastic logorrhoeic turgid stretched out enlarged outstretched stretched continued expanded never-ending ceaseless chronic king-size oversized king-sized constant wandering everlasting monotonous continual perennial continuous king size sesquipedalian gabby chatty circumlocutionary talky permanent continuing inflated full of verbiage remote stretching far-off towering tall deep stretch lanky gangling rangy distant lofty faraway stringy high running far-reaching of considerable length gradual pompous empty padded vague loose waffly boastful waffling progressive draggy conservative flatulent gassy roundabout painful verbal profuse random lavish copious exuberant flowery durable abiding broad long-running multiyear multiday longevous grueling gruelling epic perdurable sustaining persisting advancing pursuing maintaining persevering progressing stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian unceasing incessant unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop unbroken old as Methuselah full of years carrying on immeasurable unbounded unbound interminate looped eternal day-and-night timeless unabating expansive prosy remaining increased no end to no end of on a treadmill unfurled unrolled widened proffered conferred ingrained deep-rooted settled lifelong routine habitual inborn ever-present recurrent usual fixed inbred deep-seated incurable tenacious stubborn ineradicable confirmed obstinate unyielding recurring inveterate rooted haunting unmitigated unfolded spread effusive gossipy mouthy conversational multiloquent big-mouthed babbling gushing blathering chattering glib yakking communicative multiloquous fluent articulate jabbering chattery motormouthed indirect blabby eloquent with the gift of the gab convoluted loose-lipped rhetorical repetitive prattling gossiping gibbering slick smooth vocal oblique full of hot air having kissed the blarney stone able to talk the hind legs off a donkey alliterative gobby wittering yacking silver-tongued loudmouthed rattling superfluous iterative circumlocuitous circumlocutional circumlocutious oratorical over-talkative disquisitional reiterating forthcoming outspoken outgoing drivellous motormouth noisy orotund excessively communicative open unreserved prating bigmouthed vociferous running on magniloquent grandiloquent tautologous repeating involved pretentious fustian having kissed the Blarney Stone desultory rhapsodic lyrical excursive leaping digressionary digressional blessed with the gift of the gab perissological windbag full of air spreading free musing erratic deviating roaming roving informal having kissed the Blarney stone all jaw big mouthed cogent coherent effortless persuasive illuminating vivid well-versed natural well-spoken expressive facile smooth-spoken mellifluous cursive prompt confident mellifluent smooth-tongued quick disputatious self-assured declamatory assured

Tính từ

Of or pertaining to a saint
sainted devout godly holy pious religious saintly blessed late lamented of blessed memory righteous spiritual prayerful divine saintlike virtuous faithful pure devoted reverent moral god-fearing good dedicated believing angelic pietistic devotional God-fearing innocent hallowed upright sanctified consecrated unworldly spotless perfect sacrosanct humble seraphic glorified just chaste clean venerable pietistical faultless untainted immaculate venerated revered uncorrupt godlike sublime undefiled dutiful churchgoing orthodox born-again sinless sacred ecclesiastical celestial clerical priestly blameless ordained beatified canonized deified ethical moralizing reverential smug moralising uncorrupted stainless irreproachable beatific worthy guiltless canonised reserved messianic special committed upstanding seraph practising charismatic superhuman deific practicing transcendent theological doctrinal scriptural full of good works sectarian churchly church heavenly schismatic deistic sacerdotal pontifical supernatural canonical theistic ministerial supplicant supplicating pleading beseeching soliciting entreating imploring suppliant supplicatory ecclesiastic pastoral apostolic non-secular parsonical prelatic ecclesial clerkly churchy law-abiding honest bible biblical hieratic decent vicarial non-temporal papal episcopal principled noble honourable presbyteral rectorial honorable right respectable straight true nice exemplary scrupulous high-minded conscientious meritorious laudable praiseworthy stand-up right-minded commendable trustworthy squeaky-clean noble-minded all right obedient conformist priestlike otherworldly ethereal churchlike conforming Aaronic clergy observant fair worshiping ceremonial worshipful ritual hierological metaphysical theologic dogmatic mystical anti-corruption classical worshipping prophetic equitable impartial matchless deserving charitable punctilious philanthropical philanthropic creditable peerless theocratical monastic monkish rabbinical parsonish cleric goody-goody parochial diaconal proper moralistic conscionable incorruptible seemly truthful reputable chivalrous aboveboard distinguished gallant magnanimous decorous square courteous kosher clean-living salt of the earth true-blue

Tính từ

simple-minded arrested backward behind checked delayed dense dull feeble-minded imbecile moronic simple slow slow-witted stupid subnormal underdeveloped underprivileged undeveloped half-witted unintelligent witless dim dopey opaque mindless brainless ignorant dumb empty-headed thick doltish lamebrained vacuous dim-witted birdbrained obtuse unsmart oafish dozy weak-minded foolish idiotic dull-witted thickheaded imbecilic boneheaded stolid dunderheaded naive chuckleheaded brain-dead senseless sluggish pinheaded fatuous wooden-headed lamebrain bonehead gormless soft knuckleheaded dorky airheaded lunkheaded thick-witted softheaded bubbleheaded dopy dof dotish dead from the neck up slow on the uptake half-baked dunce-like vapid chowderheaded glaikit divvy cretinous lumpish gullible blockish dippy pea-brained crass bovine muttonheaded blockheaded pig-ignorant as thick as two short planks uncomprehending imperceptive insensitive thick-skinned daft log-headed hebete woodenheaded thick-skulled numskulled impassive braindead boorish fat-headed not the full shilling lethargic torpid soft in the head fatheaded stunted lagging limited thick as mince slow on uptake dummy dumbbell touched underachieving dumdum pinhead yo-yo exceptional weak numbskull mentally defective gorked defective held back sappy retardo dumbo retarded unwitting unknowing silly inexperienced unaware unmindful incompetent nescient oblivious innocent insensible clueless ill-informed unacquainted impractical in the dark uninformed incognizant unconscious green inane anencephalic anencephalous thoughtless deficient nitwitted addle-brained

Tính từ

Last in order, sequence, or time
terminal final closing last bottommost concluding ending finishing hindmost lag latest latter rearmost terminating ultimate culminating end furthest farthest endmost outermost eventual remotest utmost conclusive extreme uttermost aftermost furthermost farthermost crowning outmost far-off supreme far hinder very posterior climactic furthest away farthest away winding up later backmost hindermost departing ulterior lattermost lowest curtains least meanest determinative antipodal definitive determinate at the end furthest behind swan song bitter end once and for all valedictory finite trailing dying recent following tail consummate top nth max maximum most outside paramount faraway furthest back decisive ensuing subsequent resulting consequent last-minute net farewell parting goodbye whole entire ultra undiminished unlimited thoroughgoing plenary thorough unconditional absolute complete unqualified exhaustive all-out too-too preeminent total unreserved sheer unmitigated chief going away leaving out of bounds too much last straw worst case back rear rearward hind after aft caudal behind principal nearest the rear postern astern backward sovereign excellent stern mizzen retral deciding mother of all declining outer outlying irrevocable categorical official determining aback abaft posticous dorsal authoritative clear at the back ebbing in the wake of back of bringing up the rear key emphatic settling clinching prime at the back of the queue unequivocal twilight most distant most recent most remote

Tính từ

Not advantageous
unadvantageous adverse unlucky untimely untoward inauspicious inopportune calamitous disadvantageous regrettable unpropitious hostile destructive inimical unpromising infelicitous damaging antagonistic contrary discommodious ill improper inadvisable inconvenient inexpedient low malapropos negative objectionable ominous opposed poor tardy threatening troublesome unfit unfortunate unfriendly unsatisfactory unseasonable unseemly unsuited wrong ill-advised cataclysmic lamentable unfavourable disastrous deplorable ruinous unwelcome injurious grievous catastrophic tragic distressing harmful tough cataclysmal fatal detrimental heartbreaking woeful tragical miserable devastating distressful heartrending dire damning awful deadly wretched dreadful terrible catastrophal unfavorable hard black bad fateful shattering frightful crippling ill-fated sad appalling grim dismal hurtful pitiful deleterious upsetting baleful undesirable harrowing gloomy direful unpleasant pathetic baneful unhappy evil hopeless mournful painful pernicious sorry dangerous shocking disturbing sorrowful disagreeable disappointing pitiable depressing bleak discouraging noxious lethal sinister lousy melancholy disheartening atrocious heart-rending shameful cheerless doleful saddening prejudicial nasty agonizing rotten wicked afflictive horrible agonising unacceptable desolate unhealthy piteous bitter dark unwholesome grave malignant nocuous menacing cancerous maleficent poisonous traumatic malefic sombre mischievous foreboding somber execrable ghastly worrying prejudicious forbidding disgraceful intolerable joyless dispiriting poignant egregious gut-wrenching comfortless nocent difficult horrendous horrifying ill-starred abysmal blameworthy reprehensible toxic morose ill-boding counterproductive corrupting malign frightening parlous annihilatory devastative displeasing diabolical crushing horrific mean dreary ill-omened crummy harsh moving gruesome monstrous alarming perilous offensive forlorn bodeful abominable affecting abhorrent glum abject wounding vile tear-jerking ignominious annihilative suicidal venomous hazardous horrid inferior distasteful unpalatable disquieting portentous plaintive too bad heinous environmentally unfriendly hapless vexatious doomed unbearable annoying desperate severe hideous depressive sickening critical godawful excruciating rueful irksome drear anguished melancholic virulent disconsolate funereal malicious mortal solemn nightmarish corroding galling eradicative extirpative unwanted cruel afflicted cursed jinxed minatory scandalous distressed dishonourable inadequate drab doomy dishonorable dolorous scurvy opprobrious despondent paltry contemptible subversive outrageous ill-timed uncomfortable shoddy dismaying tormenting sinistrous stressful disconcerting very bad troubling detestable chronic dejected iniquitous grisly oppressive irritating afflicting unspeakable discomposing dicey corrosive loathsome depressed pestilential lugubrious costly uninviting austere incendiary odious repugnant pestiferous despairing undermining sullen vexing shabby wrackful malevolent unpopular heart-wrenching unnerving noisome uncongenial unpleasing repellent base awkward obnoxious macabre touching undesired troubled dirty lurid scary tearful substandard unappealing unwished-for cheap despicable cruddy inexcusable lame ravaging elegiac unsettling disreputable pessimistic stinking derogatory mediocre God-awful luckless indefensible fearful unsought ignoble downbeat unsafe risky concerning unjustifiable dejecting foul sinful aggravating unsavory murderous mortifying icky disgusting godforsaken stirring rubbish revolting discreditable gross discomforting yukky sour yucky meagre inhospitable ridiculous meager exceptionable unlovely perturbing daunting blue cold lachrymose precarious god-awful nerve-racking nefarious heart-breaking defeatist lethiferous internecine wreckful slaughterous minacious torturous serious sucky exacting laughable derisible demoralized terrifying dread unkind insufferable taxing unsavoury sepulchral inappropriate frustrating uncomplimentary fierce exigent pressing punk testing morbid extreme trying off-putting worthless repellant ugly fearsome redoubtable unsuitable messy gray grey tortured spine-chilling intimidating formidable hair-raising beastly terrific demoralised ruining suffering destroying second-rate apocalyptic unenviable corruptive regretful desolating a pity squalid sordid unsuccessful glaring abortive disillusioning loss-making crying crucial pestilent indigent scungy impoverished blighting earth-shattering nullifying invalidating annulling counteractive neutralizing urgent teary flagrant grieving insalubrious harassing cynical worrisome bringing bad luck disenchanting drastic maddening sacrificial irritable bewildering agonized flagitious deathly inept forsaken destitute unprosperous irretrievable humourless humorless repulsive sober agitating racked agonised feeble withering insidious miasmatic miasmic spiteful inapt beggarly ruthful unforgivable sorrowing incriminating infuriating exasperating weighty villainous nauseating sedate hairy troublous unendurable fraught dissatisfying gloom-ridden creepy eerie senseless inglorious preposterous heavy oppressing scowling killing ill-suited uncool grotty grody hellacious nauseous mephitical hellish perplexing revulsive unamusing fatalistic evil-looking spooky eldritch unpardonable unconscionable foolish damnatory condemnatory pesky sobbing wistful nostalgic dour unchancy impending demoralizing demoralising compassionate commiserative arousing to be pitied small immoderate impoverishing extravagant depleting draining exhausting wasteful hateful absurd ludicrous derisory cantankerous reprobate bothersome challenging prohibitive unbecoming ill-chosen insupportable immoral minatorial anticlimactic infamous unworthy third-rate foolish-looking silly mirthless dispirited dolesome in a bad way nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking out of luck dreaded dim suggestive of evil doomful dishonest perverse blackhearted lowering culpable neutralising vicious criminal unforgiving regretting petrifying excessive degrading shady shy unrespectable louche notorious humiliating implicating condemning hard-pressed shadowy chilling suspicious alarmist distrustful doubting unenthusiastic chilly dingy plangent pensive dreich Eeyorish saturnine elegiacal straitened full of hardship doubtful strained treacherous jeopardous rocky rejected remiss unprincipled grubby scummy sneaking ratty scabby implicatory strong accusatorial conclusive implicative dooming excluded uninvited useless junky rubbishy beyond contempt downhearted ill-favoured inadmissible trashy duff schlocky gimcrack unsound poxy cheesy common schlock dissatisfactory coarse trumpery woebegone helpless oppressed downer overwhelming bummer faulty sleazy pants cheapjack bum counter unsympathetic unwished for hurting upset pained bearish heartbroken disheartened downcast violent resigned weary brokenhearted impaired amiss defective incompetent disparaging dyslogistic depreciative slighting unprofitable downside detracting pejorative debit-side depreciatory unhelpful savage brutal not wanted lamenting unmitigable in pain in despair broken-hearted up the creek long-suffering grief-stricken without hope sunk inconsolable a load of pants low-grade haunting ill-favored nagging confronting erosive cutthroat consumptive cut-rate low-rent el cheapo bargain-basement fell death-dealing on the debit side

Tính từ

Coming after something in time or place
subsequent ensuing later following succeeding successive after coming consequent latter next subsequential successional upcoming consecutive consequential future imminent impending looming oncoming pending posterior postliminary proximate pursuing resultant resulting running sequential succedent approaching downstream forthcoming sequent serial supervenient to come coming after coming next following after later on coming up directly after in line next off next up on the trot eventual accompanying attendant straight collateral associated progressive chronological back-to-back indirect secondary concomitant continuous connected related linked seriate due to in order follow-on down the line down the pike down the road second nearing seriatim serialised serialized ultimate inevitable in turn planned scheduled one after another yet to come unborn postponed continuing delayed deferred henceforth alternative later than uninterrupted continual subsequent to incessant constant steady solid a while later after a while persistent regular ulterior unbroken in succession back in sequence sophomore hereafter in a row rotating alternating other rear last final after the first next in order trailing derivative derived extended conclusive concluding long-term terminal hinder second-hand contingent decisive over the long term non-primary secondhand latest net dependent borrowed derivational derivate developed vicarious understandable consistent intelligent inferable flow-on trickle-down near advancing anticipated expected due immediate close nigh drawing near close at hand gaining upon at hand on us almost on one in the air in the wind near-term in store up-and-coming getting near on the horizon to be on the way just round the corner converging in prospect en route about to happen in view in the pipeline progressing in the offing on the cards

Tính từ

Unreasonably early or inconvenient
ungodly absurd horrendous outrageous ridiculous unreasonable unsocial abnormal extraordinary preposterous unearthly antisocial God-awful unholy atrocious barbarous dreadful horrid intolerable nasty shocking unbelievable uncivilised uncivilized unconscionable unheard of unseemly strange out of the ordinary excessive extreme inordinate immoderate undue extravagant unfair unwarranted exorbitant monstrous fancy towering needless unmerciful inexcusable baroque devilish overextravagant steep overdue insane overweening stiff lavish unnecessary overmuch plethoric disproportionate OTT uncalled for unthinkable criminal sneaky inconceivable over the top conscienceless beyond the pale appalling knavish irrational reprehensible wicked unjust unacceptable too much over-the-top wanton horrifying illogical extortionate intemperate unmeasurable uncalled-for exaggerated dizzying sky-high high a bit much overkill enormous superfluous unjustifiable unrestrained unwarrantable improper way out stratospheric pricey unjustified overpriced profligate gratuitous dear prodigal overabundant overboard self-indulgent absonant too-too too great over the odds up to here surplus costing an arm and a leg out of bounds heavy unrestricted profuse unlimited uncurbed huge wasteful punitive overindulgent boundless super limitless ludicrous dissipated indulgent redundant unbounded recrementitious supernatural extra superabundant more senseless imprudent far-out posh unrightful unlawful wrongful peremptory arbitrary too many out of all proportion O.T.T. elevated expensive severe harsh prohibitive drastic uncontrolled egregious unsuitable inappropriate over rigorous gigantic strict elaborate overdone unbridled tough colossal fulsome immense monumental massive inflated unbecoming punishing austere giant mountainous vast unrelenting sharp oppressive far-fetched great draconian ill-advised mammoth prodigious substantial undeserved swingeing whopping tremendous nonsensical stupendous fantastic gross unprovoked illegitimate overgenerous in excess abounding unreasoned costly very too indefensible overblown theatrical dramatic untempered supererogatory groundless blown up out of all proportion unpardonable unforgivable tall very high very expensive reckless a lot imposing lofty wild radical effusive gushy unreserved gushing wrong non-essential unneeded soaring violent decadent unbalanced dissipative riotous debauched fancy-pants ruinous unmerited excessively high extremely high outré imbalanced highly undesirable dire ungrounded bottomless exacting exceeding inept untimely underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable out of control desperate uncompromising stern unbending striking multistorey impressive supreme sky-scraping serious forceful momentous far-reaching not required daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off ornate rigid zealous unmitigated remorseless unusual exceptional consequential unyielding outstanding paramount titanic magnificent Brobdingnagian surpassing superior altitudinous costing the earth out of sight over one's head fanatical not on rococo transcendent hulking sublime stellar ginormous downright unconventional flagrant uncommon thorough absolute remarkable ferocious fabulous utter sheer airy imperial preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping not to be considered out of the question out-and-out out of proportion hard elegant decorated bizarre grandiose improvident unconvincing unlikely dubious doubtful implausible questionable infinite immeasurable astronomic humongous astronomical grotesque over-elaborate flamboyant curlicued convoluted flowery fussy unhampered mega unchecked mighty unfettered thumping silly monster extensive epic gargantuan uninhibited overdramatic high-flown incredible sensationalized florid ostentatious overelaborate overdecorated busy bedecked wedding-cake showy gingerbread stringent super-duper overstated highly unlikely onerous cruel grievous rough embellished ornamental ornamented rich gilt decorative very elaborate crippling bitter brutal hardhanded rugged grim last straw crazy sensationalised highly coloured murderous trying strong excruciating burdensome searing hardheaded pitiless intractable relentless headstrong inhuman inexorable robust intense

Phó từ

Behind with paying money that is owed

Phó từ

To an advanced time

Phó từ

At some unspecified or unknown time
sometime eventually finally someday ultimately yet erstwhile former formerly intermittently occasional once one day periodically previous quondam some day sooner or later at a future date at a future time in due course by and by in the long run one of these fine days at some time in the future in the fullness of time at some time or other one of these days at some point in the future at length in time in the end after a while subsequently in the future at last after some time when all is said and done hereafter in due time after a bit in time to come one fine day after a long time at some point slowly but surely after a period of time at long last at the end of the day in the course of time sometime or other one time or another in a time to come at a later time later anytime later on not now one time at some time beyond this at some future time on a day some time belatedly tardily in future climactically conclusively at a later date at some stage as time goes on as time goes by in a while lastly in conclusion in the final analysis when push comes to shove as a conclusion in the sequel in consummation at the close in spite of all in the eleventh hour at the last moment despite delay when all was said and done at the end at the last somewhen with time latterly next afterwards after that afterward then thereafter ensuingly following this following that thereupon next off before long soon after when the time is ripe followed by towards the end consequently after infra thenceforth behind thence duly from then on the next day after this and then next day after the event after while at a subsequent time from there on down the line in the aftermath down the road thenceforwards next time on the next day thenceforward

Thán từ

(idiomatic) Used parenthetically to mark the referent as being deceased

Trái nghĩa của late

late Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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