Từ đồng nghĩa của outdated

Alternative for outdated

Từ đồng nghĩa: old, old-fashioned, outmoded, unfashionable,

Tính từ

Out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated
outworn antiquated archaic dated medieval obsolescent obsolete outmoded prehistoric superannuated behindhand bygone former musty old-time old-world past ancient antediluvian defunct moth-eaten old-fangled old-fashioned old-fogeyish out of date unfashionable unhip anachronistic backward-looking behind the times crusted feudal fusty mossy oldfangled out of fashion out of style quaint antique clunky creaky demoded fossilised fossilized horse-and-buggy kaput kaputt mediaeval moribund moldy mouldy neolithic Noachian old out out-of-date prehistorical rinky-dink rusty square anachronous démodé has-been olde worlde out-of-style out of the ark parachronistic passé square-toed superseded tired vintage backward backwards old hat Stone Age vieux jeu back number not with it primitive dead aged extinct olden unstylish old-school retro frumpy passe past it old-hat disused traditional frumpish stale antwacky old-timey dowdy worn-out retrograde horse and buggy past its sell-by date conservative timeworn corny not current unpopular as old as the hills of old crusty of the old school elderly hoary dinosaur redundant last year's expired old-style on its last legs venerable overused immemorial decrepit odd passé exhausted hackneyed had it done for tacky of yore tasteless cheesy fogyish unprogressive neglected rococo disapproved not modern grown old styleless demode of olden days out of it dusty trashy discarded discontinued inelegant antiquarian gone relic historical cobwebby historic fogeyish late senescent deprecated fossil fallen into disuse classical dull past its prime primeval primordial early dateless ticky-tack ticky-tacky primaeval back-number old as the hills dead and gone lost out of commission past one's sell-by date senile done to death faded anachronistical belated yesterday threadbare worn out hacky abandoned gothic barbaric inflexible geriatric bent unusable archaistic out-of-fashion obscure no longer in use boring drab overfamiliar broken-down remote age-old hoar out of use very old picturesque nostalgic not in finished antediluvial primal stuck in time waning declining clapped out having seen better days foregone atavistic retrogressive period earliest old fashioned no longer used of long ago no longer fashionable old school gentlemanly courteous dry as dust forgotten previous dying out written off no longer in fashion folk ancestral time-honoured heritage yesterday's disappearing becoming obsolete ageing one-time long-gone chivalrous ceremonious courtly gallant craft veteran old style on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline at an end decommissioned unremembered erstwhile unrecalled ex- aging not fashionable growing old going out of use going out of fashion senior doddering way back way back when latter-day vanished lost and gone lost in time consigned to oblivion departed doddery deceased ingrained fixed deep-seated established hard-and-fast deemed obsolete not as young as one used to be over the hill not as young as one was not long for this world long in the tooth no spring chicken past your prime demised breathless cold fallen asleep low lifeless ossified nonexistent invalid down the drain inanimate exanimate done bypast nonextant long-standing time-worn original pristine sometime quondam aboriginal wiped out ended well-established distant old as Adam decayed old as Methuselah unoriginal once onetime cast-off crumbling lapsed removed earlier first completed long-ago deep gone by unemployed stagnant rooted forepassed long-lived timeless past recall forever long-established time-honored in oblivion sunk in oblivion water over the dam water under the bridge down memory lane autochthonic primigenial autochthonous indigenous centuries old primary untouched by humans rooted in the past charming colonial Victorian artful cute baroque ingenious Gothic appealing enchanting captivating affected pleasing pretty destroyed extinguished inactive exterminated doused abolished quenched died out void terminated passed on snuffed out no longer known vanquished no longer extant no longer existing unknown disappeared inexistent

Tính từ

So often used that it has become repetitive and tiresome
old banal hackneyed hack trite overused overworked tired stale stereotyped clichéd platitudinous unoriginal derivative unimaginative commonplace common pedestrian prosaic stock conventional out of date old-fashioned outmoded archaic obsolete defunct extinct antiquated antediluvian superannuated hoary passé arid boring cliché-ridden colourless colorless drab dreary drudging dry dull dusty flat heavy ho-hum humdrum insipid jading jejune leaden mind-numbing monochromatic monotonous numbing ponderous repetitious slow stodgy stuffy stupid tame tedious timeworn tiresome tiring uninteresting wearisome weary wearying corny antwacky hacky cut and dried fuddy-duddy old hat out of the ark played out run-of-the-mill time-worn worn out threadbare worn-out uninspired vapid moth-eaten cliche obligatory musty cobwebby hackney shopworn well-worn out-of-date overdone ordinary predictable cornball routine hokey quotidian dime-store played-out old-hat old-chestnut everyday old-saw bromidic tripe truistic familiar tune warmed-up warmed-over cliché foetid zestless past gone off effete past their sell-by date like a dinosaur fetid dead yesterday's out mawkish bent unexciting lifeless uneventful unvaried bland plodding lacklustre lackluster uninspiring samey mundane blah unremarkable unvarying fatiguing workaday laborious characterless sterile spiritless repetitive soporific deadly banausic lacking variety ho hum dull as dishwater as dry as dust unstimulating stereotypical monochrome wooden enervating exhausting stiff vanilla featureless prosy dullsville dreich dim draggy dry as dust well worn laboured stilted uniform turgid mediocre usual soul-destroying unchanging wishy-washy unenjoyable unentertaining depressing labored nowhere barren nothing monotone ornery inane plain vanilla lacking variation big yawn mindless safe vacuous pedantic worn feeble bloodless limp forced weak unrelieved normal mechanical toneless sluggish lame desolate empty dull as ditchwater weariful dragging white-bread unexceptional day-to-day dismal prolix downcast yawnsome treadmill garden variety innocuous deadly dull nondescript a dime a dozen lacking excitement lacking interest nothing to write home about no great shakes common or garden not up to much naff passé undistinctive neutral indistinct irritating annoying unlively unpassioned unmemorable unnatural awkward artificial clumsy passionless soulless serious stolid solemn boresome vexatious depressed cliched unspirited irksome cautious unanimated uninterested tepid circumspect non-stimulating deadening antiseptic heavy-going formal typical customary regular prudent unsophisticated droning quiet sleepy slack staid cardboard chary bleak dowdy plain without variety stagnant middle-of-the-road garden-variety wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry windy verbose overlong attentive monotonic all the same reiterated recurrent sing-song samely unchanged simplistic crude meager meagre unproductive unprogressive inactive weighty pointless vacant timid uncreative unfeeling lusterless milk-and-water watery unexcited expressionless mat dulled unexpressive matte interminable pabulum mortal poky snooze heavy going average one-horse dead-and-alive flat as pancake puts one to sleep gingerly heedful unadventurous considerate wary calculating careful matter-of-fact uninflected hard to digest endless conservative half-pie bog-standard OK so-so unseasoned unpalatable blind sapless muted whitebread ancient inoffensive unenterprising lead balloon namby-pamby unobjectionable long-drawn-out harmless mainstream halfhearted diluted leery not so hot lined aged dated decrepit boiled down without punch ragged weathered broken-down rundown dog-eared shabby wrinkled outworn the worse for wear battered tattered frayed used

Tính từ

Opposing political or social progress or reform
reactionary conservative old-fashioned traditional conventional right-wing unprogressive blimpish diehard rightist alt-right archconservative brassbound button-down buttoned-down die-hard hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school orthodox paleoconservative standpat traditionalist traditionalistic ultraconservative ultra-conservative Birchite counter-revolutionary obscurantist backward-looking bigoted counterrevolutionary illiberal intolerant intransigent mediaeval medieval prehistoric regressive retrogressive right rigid Tory unreasonable unreceptive historical established former ancestral past prior historic old ancient folk familial bygone family old-world unwritten outmoded lineal long-established old-style of yore out-of-date oral from the past handed-down inflexible fogyish unchanging firm unimaginative dyed-in-the-wool uncompromising conformist stable timid sober quiet guarded uncreative controlled bourgeois steady redneck undaring unchangeable obstinate constant fearful middle-of-the-road fuddy-duddy old line old guard white bread holding to not extreme hard hat fundamentalist right of center in a rut immovable hard-line accepted strait-laced doctrinaire extremist convinced philistine unreconstructed hard-core deep-dyed stuffy boring ethnocentric purist cautious staunch steadfast long-standing indomitable unyielding moderate establishmentarian unadventurous prudent unenterprising safe careful temperate entrenched adamant Republican stick-in-the-mud set in one's ways stick in the mud narrow prejudiced biased right-leaning dogmatic true blue set fanatical puritan jaundiced intractable individualistic parochial right wing to the right ultra-right narrow-minded small-minded petty-minded close-minded set in your ways set in one's opinions fixed in one's views received approved popular common recognized mainstream correct proper normal regular official authoritative usual customary prevailing doctrinal standard authorized prevalent canonical unoriginal familiar ordinary acknowledged unheretical routine derivative well established well-established kosher religious sanctioned straight admitted recognised pious punctilious legitimate rightful sound square authorised bien pensant straight arrow in line according to the book by the numbers

Từ trái nghĩa của outdated

outdated Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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