Đồng nghĩa của formal

Alternative for formal


Đồng nghĩa: arranged, businesslike, correct, customary, orderly, proper, regular, stiff, structural, systematic,

Trái nghĩa: informal,

Tính từ

Poised or dignified in style, tone, or form
eloquent dignified elevated stately articulate lofty majestic courtly graceful towering solemn high-flown refined polite decorous civil gracious civilized polished proper cultured courteous cultivated distinguished civilised gallant genteel urbane sophisticated elegant respectable well-bred ceremonious mannerly august chivalrous gentlemanly imposing well bred well mannered affable ladylike noble well-mannered seemly obliging decent suave respectful gentle conventional staid debonair portly starchy aristocratic couth correct nice classy distingué befitting cordial genial pleasant diplomatic de rigueur well-behaved stylish honourable honorable grand exalted magnificent imperial impressive kingly regal portentous charming proud great lordly magisterial prim stuffy cool tactful considerate discreet becoming pompous kind complaisant impeccable soft-spoken politic traditional ceremonial accommodating educated developed official smooth wellmannered amicable reverential momentous important worldly smooth-tongued worldly-wise poised self-possessed smooth-talking thoughtful deferential accomplished affected agreeable glib svelte bland silver-tongued posh punctilious soft fulsome sociable oily unctuous slick ingratiating pleasing well brought up well behaved well spoken well-spoken fashionable patronising ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da artificial intolerant hollow prudish patronizing snooty priggish snobbish straitlaced precious prissy condescending splendid awesome royal monumental sublime superb glorious tasteful fine handsome resplendent sumptuous princely striking maestoso heroic awe-inspiring palatial resounding sonorous statuesque grandiose marvellous Olympian highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary high-bred studied heroical sovereign magnific epic queenly massive baronial Homeric splendiferous stunning mind-blowing marvelous smashing fab out of this world reserved upright venerable sedate serious eminent imperious highbrow composed sombre respected highfalutin' superior somber grave nifty self-respecting just so

Tính từ

(of a person) Strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior
conventional prim stiff exact precise staid correct proper stuffy unbending aloof inflexible reserved unsympathetic affected detached haughty remote starched starchy stilted unfriendly antisocial austere forbidding official restrained reticent seemly serious taciturn unapproachable uncommunicative undemonstrative unforthcoming unresponsive unsocial withdrawn polite strait-laced stiff-necked straight arrow by the numbers stand-offish keeping people at arm's length cool cold distant frigid frosty standoffish unemotional offish icy chilly unsociable dispassionate indifferent unfeeling ceremonious decorous cold-eyed passionless composed cold-blooded placid collected sedate wooden unwelcoming impersonal emotionless glacial calm unclubbable asocial standoff sober rigid solitary dry gelid uncompanionable stony solemn self-contained buttoned-up secretive somber impassive close sombre quiet demure serene uncordial chill tranquil grave hostile unruffled dignified clammy peaceful inhibited phlegmatic antiseptic brittle imperturbable self-controlled hard-eyed unflappable steady punctilious nice together possessed guarded coolheaded unperturbed lukewarm untroubled unloving recollected undisturbed unworried retiring stately shy unenthusiastic close-mouthed self-possessed self-composed inhospitable cautious diffident modest unconcerned supercilious disdainful apathetic cool as cucumber wintery bashful gentle mild soft-spoken misanthropic noncommittal reclusive backward eremitic self-restrained wintry coldish affectless frozen arctic cold-hearted unshaken hard-boiled flinty steely unsmiling stern severe stolid mannered uninterested stoical impassible stoic numb incurious earnest businesslike passive clinical uncongenial controlled uncharitable repellent neutral uppity cold-shoulder equal proud mean-looking cold as ice impartial uninvolved laid back thick-skinned uptight unmoved unaffectionate contained genteel off unexcitable unamicable ungenial insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious offhand unaffable hesitant spiritless unexcited unneighbourly unkind hardhearted callous stony-hearted insociable arrogant uncaring unhappy unneighborly hateful depressing stuck-up down-to-earth grounded pacific put on airs insensitive ardorless impervious impotent unromantic loveless forced strict harsh unnatural laboured hard unsentimental silent strained artificial priggish grim matter-of-fact rigorous unrelaxed lifeless inhuman bureaucratic labored dour private unrelenting stringent featureless depersonalized uncolored gray colourless straight depersonalised faceless candid grey measured nondiscriminatory unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous poker-faced careful soulless monolithic constrained exacting media-shy gruff fierce tough unforgiving authoritarian unyielding louring illiberal serious-minded solid rough lowering ramrod intimidating rugged closemouthed shrinking timid tight-lipped introverted laconic self-effacing dumb limpid level smooth obdurate ungentle astringent inexorable retired snobbish Olympian strictly business cold turkey boring stick-in-the-mud hard-nosed no-nonsense heavy-handed deliberate cold sober snooty lofty hard-hearted on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs disinterested heartless nonchalant casual objective unprejudiced uncurious unbiased laid-back curt unexpressive unpleasant antipathetic nonpartisan evenhanded unaffected untouched insouciant uncivil insensible removed introvert rude heedless mute nasty unstirred antagonistic inattentive mom speechless pococurante menacing brooding fair-minded mum blasé unaroused discourteous ungracious unimpressed disagreeable hardened negative clammed up heedless of equitable sententious cool, calm and collected uncommitted inimical relaxed just fair unamiable cross nonaligned easy listless sparing outside square stark oblivious deadpan uncompassionate cruel glowering unpitying expressionless flat dried-up apathetic about uninvolved in uninterested in on the fence abstracted preoccupied unmoved by brusque coldhearted impolite complacent perfunctory undecided inactive inert obnoxious uninvolved with surly bored by sour ill-natured superior nonbelligerent noncombatant sullen untalkative tongue-tied careless unmindful of deaf to negligent oblivious to neuter nonparticipating middle-of-road unaligned bystanding disengaged pacifistic jaundiced mortal adversary adversarial ill-disposed incommunicable muted rational nongregarious scowling disapproving equable resolute even-handed bad-tempered independent spacey tightlipped grouchy halfhearted aversive repugnant mean dead blank bland vacant toneless hollow hard-headed inapproachable short nonplussed on sidelines insular incommunicative open-minded inaccessible non-partisan nowhere unimpassioned immovable nonemotional frowning uncommunicable spaced-out insusceptible unsusceptible out of it insensate ill-tempered unrevealing balanced unimpressionable eremetic crass tactless obtuse imperceptive grim-faced hard as nails feelingless bloodless without fear or favour with no axe to grind stony-eyed conservative avoidant introspective half-hearted tepid unsavoury indifferent about incurious about abrupt objectionable unattractive unlikeable unenthused unincluded selfish ungenerous analytic terse dismissive camera-shy dispassionate about not interested timorous inward-looking mopey mopish distrustful xenophobic sheepish coy recessive inscrutable unfazed level-headed cool-headed unreceptive suspicious unsavory socially inhibited overbearing wicked uninquiring unagitated unfavorable unfavourable logical discreet close-lipped inarticulate aseptic retreated thoughtful recluse alienated unimpressible uninfluenced pompous unselfish isolated marble inexpressive blah indurated inexcitable ungainly not caring contemptuous withering seclusive unconversational non-discriminatory cynical ascetic hermitlike ungregarious dry-eyed undismayed secret enduring resigned philosophic indomitable hermitic hermit-like hermitical tight-mouthed wordless dark clamlike carefree selfless along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches non-emotional non-communicative self-sufficient all alone mumchance unwilling to mix with other people blithe without prejudice free from discrimination free from self-interest evasive hush-hush unswayed contrived immune at a loss for words honest unbigoted pokerfaced unmindful easy-going nonaffected dried up buttoned up devil-may-care happy-go-lucky embarrassed repressed self-conscious awkward uneasy on the QT immune to impervious to stubborn unanxious sitting on the fence on the level lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair straight-faced proof against subdued unrelated unconnected autonomous unallied compassionless inconsiderate supine deaf unbothered not bothered at ease forgetful self-centered feckless lackadaisical blind undaunted self-centred aggressive pitiless thoughtless merciless ferocious quarrelsome without a care in the world not giving a toss inhumane ruthless desensitized indurate case-hardened pachydermatous remorseless stonyhearted stoney unsparing slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners unmerciful ironhearted uninviting unmannerly lacking compassion formidable inured to with a heart of stone desensitised as hard as nails unsensitive crabbed threatening glum churlish competitive unpromising contrary against warlike vengeful conflicting acrimonious opposed opposite estranged censorious combative grudging malicious disaffected malignant spiteful grumpy savage fell sinister morose bleak sulky unconcerned about splenetic vicious cantankerous crusty truculent offhand about apathetic towards casual about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about not on speaking terms frivolous about reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of careless of cavalier about unresponsive to weary of lukewarm about phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about highbrow scornful boot-faced not giving a monkey's

Tính từ

Of or denoting a style of writing or speaking characterized by more elaborate or technical grammatical structures
learned intellectual literary scholarly bookish erudite highbrow academic cultivated studious cultured lettered knowledgeable educated cerebral brainy well-read widely read well read well educated donnish pedantic accomplished ivory-towerish serious thoughtful pedagogical bluestocking impractical earnest well-informed smart labored egghead scholastic intelligent swotty well informed clerkly laboured civilized literate classical belletristic civilised bookly sophisticated enlightened well-educated schooled clever informed discerning versed trained illuminated experienced instructed taught genius coached polished educational tutored sage wise sagacious esoteric recondite well versed sapient scientific discriminating highbrowed deep intellective in the know intellectually aware pointy-headed obscure switched-on longhair eager knowing well schooled savvy into assiduous wise up book-learned psychologic rational intellectualist intellectualistic creative geeky eggheaded nerdish nerdy blue inventive refined profound academical school very smart genteel urbane expert skilled college collegiate university pedagogic advanced provocative gripping intriguing stimulating thought-provoking solid well-grounded philosophical conversant grounded posted abstruse sharp philosophic well-rounded omniscient sound polymath solemn grave studied judicious pansophic professorial well-bred artistic couth artistically aware appreciative understanding sensitive savant blue-stocking polite mannerly chivalrous arty elegant able distingue liberal gallant tolerant tasteful esthetic courteous high-class up-to-date traveled aesthetic travelled nurtured heavy captivating fascinating powerful heavyweight riveting interesting absorbing with good taste au courant professional enriched acquainted formed fitted corrected prepared developed finished initiated shaped well-versed well-taught

Tính từ

Officially sanctioned or recognized
official authorised authorized legal approved certified endorsed documented lawful prescribed validated accepted accredited authoritative confirmed legitimate licenced licensed recognised recognized sanctioned valid verified authentic authenticated explicit methodical proper ratified kosher bona fide pro forma established orthodox correct real conventional traditional signed and sealed regular fixed ceremonious ceremonial customary true allowed binding actual effective licit rightful legally binding in effect in force standard strict orderly set regimented express systematic formalistic routine ceremonialistic ritualistic ritual genuine bonafide acceptable warranted credible sound legit legalized signed sealed constitutional permissible certifiable decided decisive conclusive okay ex cathedra precise cathedral ordered positive definite canonical cleared suitable fitting undisputed contractual veritable usable and delivered right legalised unexpired active operational applicable ex officio representative straight from the horse's mouth legally acceptable current stated true-blue within the law standing at play operative influential in operation in use indicative in execution time-honored time-honoured tried and true tried and tested tried and trusted accurate exact just statutory veracious fair good all right on the level satisfactory errorless faithful admissible spot-on dead-on on-target bang on OK perfect allowable adequate reliable definitive permitted appropriate on the up and up on the money due honest reasonable veridical alright unerring above board dinkum solid pure in order spot on echt up to standard up to par up to scratch pukka pucka up to the mark up to snuff unrefuted faultless justifiable sufficient decent fine passable tolerable irrefutable infallible unquestionable unimpeachable condign innocent protected enjoined passed decreed ordained judged enforced so factual original card-carrying agreeable fairish palatable de jure sufficing good enough sufficiently good fair-to-middling unalloyed A-OK unadulterated by the book going by the rules attested indubitable unfaked statutable commensurate acknowledged absolute trustworthy unambiguous thorough flawless meticulous undeniable certain unobjectionable competent straight unexceptionable sure average upright justified juridical jural warrantable enacted ruled jurisprudent vested mandated judicial commanded legislated legitimatized sure-enough error-free unmistaken rigorous amen undistorted respectable serviceable presentable on target middling convenient moderate on the button comfortable of right on the right track on the nail on the mark jake right on free of error assuaging assuasive appeasing hunky-dory so-so without error quite good unexceptional not bad on the nose effectual admitted unpretentious specific unaffected decriminalised decriminalized complete minute detailed utter sincere believable convincing safe out-and-out thoroughgoing just right final failsafe total sanctioned by law enforceable word for word clear-cut downright unmitigated consummate unqualified sheer trusty copasetic copacetic ducky outright arrant natural fail-safe true-to-life live sterling precedented chartered enforcible aboveboard granted unfeigned indisputable undoubted watertight immaculate inerrant solemn delighting peachy satisfying groovy cogent gratifying cool pleasing ample enough fulfilling unelaborated unvarnished literal realistic sure enough proved straightforward uncounterfeited close in every respect creditable genuine article honest-to-goodness simon-pure undeceptive direct as true as I'm sitting here on the line high-principled as true as I'm standing here like it is real thing twenty-four carat your actual dependable real McCoy fair dinkum preferable word-perfect scrupulous fit common O.K. truthful impeccable on the beam righteous stone equitable swell pleasant snug goodish pretty good fairly good run-of-the-mill bog-standard completely understandable middle-of-the-road totally fine dead on for sure on track right stuff along the right lines right as rain on the ball on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle

Tính từ

Excessively prim and proper
prissy prim prudish puritanical Victorian proper priggish starchy stuffy schoolmarmish stiff schoolmistressy mimsy governessy genteel Grundyish overnice precious epicene strait-laced niminy-piminy old-maidish goody-goody tight-laced po-faced prim and proper namby-pamby square-toed goody-two-shoes conventional strict narrow-minded conservative old-fashioned ceremonious stilted square correct decorous straight straitlaced rigid staid uptight nice demure fuddy-duddy stick-in-the-mud of the old school old-maid straightlaced bluenosed nice-nelly moralistic precise fastidious overmodest traditional austere particular pompous narrow sober fogeyish ceremonial punctilious reserved sedate conformist stodgy stiff-necked puritan squeamish overexact simpering bigoted severe mincing scrupulous offish affected rigorous finicky pretentious illiberal stern artificial buttoned-down starched mannered solemn bourgeois traditionalist suburban parochial fussy respectable Pooterish dogmatic button-down small-town doctrinal comme il faut Biedermeier straight-laced bien pensant orthodox conforming blue-nose spic-and-span polite snobbish spruce meticulous wooden cleanly good dapper upright dignified stickling nit-picking choosy impersonal deadly musty humourless fusty old-fogeyish smoky foetid supercilious self-important hot bloated smug humorless as dry as dust smelly magisterial important warm fetid arrogant puffy timid shockable timorous Pecksniffian virtuous overscrupulous niggly pernickety overparticular overcautious self-righteous pious sanctimonious old-womanish holier-than-thou pi moral self-satisfied god-fearing unctuous PC politically correct goody two-shoes modest bashful retiring coy shy diffident unassuming reticent meek mild quiet shrinking seemly decent ladylike innocent virginal pure chaste maidenly unpretentious withdrawn down-to-earth humble introverted kittenish sheepish backward self-effacing lowly coquettish recessive retired unassertive unassured close blushing silent earnest serious skittish

Tính từ

Dull, routine, and uniform
institutional cold dreary drab cheerless dingy dismal forbidding gloomy impersonal clinical colorless colourless depressing gray grey grim joyless routine somber sombre uniform unwelcoming austere desolate dull off-putting regimented severe spartan stark uninviting bare monotonous sterile bleak miserable dark funereal solemn unhappy wretched forlorn comfortless morose glum sullen depressive disheartening dim dire godforsaken morbid drear dispiriting inhospitable disconsolate darkening plutonian lugubrious black chill murky tenebrous saturnine tenebrific sepulchral lonely lonesome elegiacal dreich sunless elegiac cloudy Cimmerian woeful drearisome dejected woebegone spiritless sorrowful doleful depressed dour mournful melancholic dolorous melancholy abject despondent sad oppressive distressed rueful bland crestfallen pathetic dejecting draggy blue mopey uncomfortable sorry down-and-out wintery mourning afflicted wintry saddening heartbreaking piteous jarring in the dumps teary heartrending tearful cast down downcast down downhearted hopeless down in the dumps dispirited inconsolable low down in the mouth heartbroken low-spirited saddened heartsick distressing heavyhearted bad grave brokenhearted despairing discouraging heartsore pessimistic broken-hearted troubled anguished droopy grief-stricken moody hangdog humourless heavy-hearted humorless tragic mirthless grieving pitiful discouraged upset lamentable disheartened long-faced grievous hurting disappointed bitter pitiable unfortunate demoralized harrowing foreboding unpleasant upsetting demoralised deplorable poor in low spirits sulky sorrowing dreadful serious unfavorable unfavourable harsh sober stern awful fed up hurt devastated in pain chap-fallen disappointing dragged surly disagreeable unpromising sour terrible ominous bereaved painful heart-rending distressful suffering pained bummed out grumpy brooding unsmiling sedate moving poignant cut up crushed downbeat inauspicious stony-faced plaintive choked gutted mean moping aggrieved agonized oppressed chapfallen earnest in the pits agonised tormented gut-wrenching no-nonsense destroyed out of sorts traumatic staid touching worthless glowering horrid defeatist scurvy horrible negative horrific regrettable grieved angry displeasing sobersided hostile appalling pensive regretful agonizing heavy frowning mopish emotional broken lachrymose subdued troublesome tristful tortured weepy tear-jerking calamitous disturbing down-hearted agonising poker-faced shadowy in the doldrums lamenting dirgelike displeased crabby distraught macabre abandoned solitary in a blue funk down and out shot down unamused disgruntled hard sickening cynical affecting scowling foul dirge-like perturbed bothered paltry unpropitious vile discontented ghastly Eeyorish shocking base rotten tragical difficult bereft lousy destitute wistful repugnant sinister worrying weeping threatening broody unlucky frightening ruthful in grief in doldrums all torn up in tears po-faced deserted cheesed off demoralizing weighed down listless adverse crushing deadpan undesirable stony despicable contemptible disillusioned gruesome repellent threnodic gloom-ridden cross squalid disconcerting concerned repulsive intense demoralising compassionate stirring arousing shabby beggarly commiserative fatalistic offensive daunting sordid overwhelmed revolting dolesome disenchanted clouded frightful horrendous weighty uptight discombobulated shameful disconcerted horrifying vexed objectionable distasteful unpalatable bugged shook excruciating unhumorous traumatized churlish grouchy helpless disturbed execrable inferior antsy atrocious unnerving taciturn plangent bad-tempered angst-ridden impoverished detestable indigent scungy sourpuss muted lurid forsaken irked overcast suspicious crabbed weary ugly dismayed wounded hapless alarmist distrustful doubting shook up sick ill-tempered lackluster lacklustre deep heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow nightmarish traumatised menacing straight-faced afflictive acheronian heart-wrenching derisible daunted racked disgraceful dolent God-awful sunk in gloom loathsome down-in-the-mouth irritable sick at heart boring lifeless fiery unwelcome bleeding chilling blue funk strained down in dumps parlous brassed off intimidating crummy unfriendly with a long face uninspiring let down taken down given to looking on the black side bowed down cast-down languorous triste as sick as a parrot unexciting blah uninteresting languid singing the blues sick as a parrot on a downer humdrum uncaring unimpassioned unmoved desperate ruined disadvantageous merciful portentous waste worried maudlin nostalgic disenchanting funebrial exequial deathlike threnodial empty barren desolating cheap inadequate insignificant discomforting disquieting remorseful deathly Stygian hollow obscure isolated intolerable lorn discomposing vexatious uncommunicative sorry for oneself burned sore contused companionless overcome pining uninhabitable suicidal unresponsive phlegmatic acherontic lame expressionless impassive mortifying afflicting annoyed gaunt dirgeful luckless depressant bearish in despair inimical shamefaced adust down in mouth uneasy sunk atrabilious dampened drooping dashed sagging remote derelict sequestered ailing have the blahs blank dissatisfied looking on the black side full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny feeling down heart-breaking unhopeful small meagre to be pitied meager let-down not happy languished dysphoric contemplative in sorrow in mourning frustrated discomfited emo ripped disowned full of sorrow torn up low in spirits in the toilet low-down fierce steely chagrined miffed having blue devils having the blahs tough lost unappealing unappetizing unattractive untempting troubling dismaying grisly hideous forgotten homeless aghast unsatisfied beaten friendless uncared-for trashy shoddy filthy aggressive indignant temperamental cantankerous aggravated vanquished baulked worsted objecting balked testing alarming unearthly resolved ruminative resolute thoughtful reflective introspective composed derisory catastrophic cruel disastrous feeble injurious perilous enraged ferocious implacable unappeasable critical flinty cast-iron boot-faced ungentle disapproving furious dragging defenseless alone defenceless fruitless mephitical unkind repellant galling perplexing aggravating unpleasing hellish bewildering vexing annoying abhorrent perturbing revulsive frustrating unamusing uncongenial irritating irksome chilly unenthusiastic eerie exacting exigent nauseating ghostly terrifying gory grotesque ill-fated hard-pressed harmful doubtful treacherous pressing precarious jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad straitened discommodious dangerous full of hardship ill-omened direful ill-boding messy poverty-stricken monstrous fearsome quiet unplayful bookish deep in thought bound and determined bummed powerless downtrodden nasty unenticing disgusting terrific pitiless grewsome nightmare weird shady spooky spookish scary unhealthy anxious louring hazy leaden overclouded shaken agitated ruffled disquieted unnerved discomposed darkened death-obsessed harassed wrecked flustered discountenanced aflutter plagued huffy spooked harrowed haunted beclouded lowering misty dirty hazed foggy clouded over resentful pouting piqued petulant persecuted wailing aching jumpy bewailing bemoaning unglued promising rain nebulous put out ill-humoured fractious strung out not fair not clear peeved perverse chippy aloof mumpish pouty racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain in a stew withdrawn uncooperative obstinate sourpussed querulous stroppy mardy out of humour fretful ornery sulking unsociable gruff ill-humored in a bad mood in a huff in a funk in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks

Tính từ

Exact in correspondence or adherence to something
strict accurate exact precise literal meticulous scrupulous careful conscientious fastidious unerring painstaking particular punctilious unwavering faultless rigorous stringent thorough defined judicious unmistakable veridical errorless methodical rigid systematic detailed perfect specific unambiguous certain definitive flawless reliable correct explicit infallible pinpoint delicate uncompromising clear-cut error-free nice fine refined spot-on diligent attentive ultra-careful studious fussy perfectionist finicky religious persnickety mathematical pernickety stilted pedantic stiff-necked decorous proper starchy hair-splitting nitpicking stiff demanding ceremonious exacting finical overnice laborious conscionable overconscientious courteous heedful overscrupulous polite formalistic civil assiduous conventional seemly observant punctual right on good eye true close veracious right faithful authentic bang on on the money spot on factual on the mark on the button on target genuine so on the nose dead-on on-target matter-of-fact scientific definite truthful good on the nail just realistic convincing hairline undistorted valid on the beam unquestionable regular dead on lifelike skillful sharp distinct skilful unvarnished veritable verisimilar credible conclusive undeniable fact-based inch-perfect without error irrefutable telling it like it is as it really happened solid discriminating deft concrete discriminative real ultraprecise objective straightforward fair historical nonfictional hard documentary actual undisputed unrefuted word-perfect honest dinkum absolute veristic unelaborated unimpeachable true to life impeccable downright sure unmistaken amen authoritative direct legitimate bona fide kosher unequivocal clear undoubted right as rain on the ball free of error as true as I'm sitting here bull's-eye as true as I'm standing here severe similar simple plain unexaggerated fit final just so precision bare unembellished vérité measured calculated unadulterated gospel stark narrow lethal deadly well aimed effective true-blue undeceptive legit believable safe elaborate fail-safe trustworthy failsafe all right apparent unembroidered written usual verbal natural ordinary critical unswerving subtle high-principled on the line on the up and up on the level like it is sedulous zealous absolutely right by the book dead-center to the point very accurate exactly correct not figurative appropriate standard OK dainty exquisite nuanced unfailing undeviating complete acceptable O.K. word for word utter righteous stone okay equitable ultra-fine fine-drawn winning superior finicking hairsplitting orderly incorrupted finespun minute nifty out-and-out thoroughgoing total loyal steadfast right stuff on the right track along the right lines for sure on track echt consummate certified satisfactory pucka pukka pure unqualified sure-enough sheer unmitigated certifiable on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle verifiable admissible sound unalloyed outright arrant case watertight inerrant immaculate indubitable solemn in every respect unfaked what really happened in accordance with reality what actually happened identical express verbatim nailed down blow-by-blow on the numbers

Tính từ

Pertaining to points, lines, angels and figures used in geometry

Tính từ

Boring or severely lacking in interest
stodgy boring dull tedious dreary turgid unimaginative uninteresting dry monotonous ponderous stuffy unexciting uninspired wearisome humdrum tiresome heavy-going ho-hum plodding arid colourless colorless derivative drab drudging dusty flat heavy jading jejune laboured leaden mind-numbing monochromatic numbing old pedantic pedestrian slow staid stale stupid tame tiring unoriginal weary wearying wooden banal deadly dull fuddy-duddy verbose banausic dim labored stilted weighty heavy going dull as ditchwater hard to digest prosaic lifeless insipid vapid commonplace routine lacklustre lackluster uneventful bland run-of-the-mill uninspiring spiritless mundane trite unvaried ordinary bromidic characterless repetitious sterile unremarkable workaday ho hum blah samey common stiff unvarying quotidian tired hackneyed fatiguing laborious featureless dead vanilla repetitive unstimulating as dry as dust everyday dull as dishwater prosy barren nowhere soporific deadly dry as dust platitudinous conventional monochrome passionless nothing wishy-washy enervating exhausting dreich plain vanilla dullsville lacking variety draggy matter-of-fact mediocre uniform uncreative irksome usual unexceptional unrelieved weariful soulless mechanical unchanging inane soul-destroying lame awkward depressing nondescript yawnsome unenjoyable unentertaining hacky monotone clumsy nothing to write home about lacking excitement lacking interest no great shakes stereotyped big yawn unnatural forced mindless threadbare lusterless interminable plebeian zero well-worn feeble limp bloodless stock vacuous weak unadventurous derived uninventive empty sluggish anaemic bog-standard toneless innocuous ornery dragging lacking variation white-bread heavy-handed desolate corny downcast day-to-day unspirited anemic deadening dismal prolix pabulum treadmill run of the mill common or garden old hat not up to much a dime a dozen flavorless moth-eaten bomb bummer drag cloying drear artificial serious stolid solemn undistinctive neutral indistinct unlively unpassioned unmemorable undistinguished second-rate irritating annoying indifferent predictable unartistic depressed cardboard flavourless earthbound boresome vexatious overlong unromantic unanimated uninterested tepid normal typical customary regular worn-out quiet sleepy slack droning zestless non-stimulating mortal poky snooze square unimpressed unmoved yawn antiseptic stagnant wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry windy garden variety garden-variety gray grey average endless hack trivial puerile overused unproductive unprogressive inactive without variety overworked bleak dowdy plain pointless vacant half-pie OK so-so monotonic all the same reiterated recurrent sing-song samely unchanged one-horse long-drawn-out unfeeling milk-and-water watery unexcited expressionless mat dulled unexpressive matte middle-of-the-road clichéd uninflected phoned in truistic dead-and-alive flat as pancake puts one to sleep unseasoned unpalatable blind sapless muted whitebread not so hot simplistic crude meager meagre out of date inoffensive unobjectionable outdated harmless old-fashioned lead balloon namby-pamby uncharismatic mainstream outmoded safe archaic halfhearted diluted obsolete defunct extinct antiquated antediluvian superannuated boiled down without punch hoary passé cliché-ridden timeworn antwacky out of the ark worn out played out cut and dried time-worn graceless inelegant ungainly gauche ungraceful rough-hewn rigid uncomfortable rustic rustical uneasy gawky unimpassioned maladroit bumbling inept unhandy inflexible deadpan inexpressive obstinate unyielding unbending lacking vitality pale faded subdued lustreless pallid washed out somber sombre soft unlustrous dingy dark pastel apathetic torpid ashen toned down lowered faint ashy washed-out restrained listless tasteless subfusc poor subtle inadequate low-key illustrous black understated half-hearted softened dull-coloured thin matt muffled stifled ineffectual ineffective suppressed dark-colored low hushed toned-down inaudible mild static pathetic achromatic dark-coloured unobtrusive shaded deadened light unconvincing wan passive drivelling driveling uncolored watered-down mellow mute achromic lackadaisical washy silenced enervated indiscernible gentle waterish unpolished mumbled unclear flat tire imperceptible low-pitched dirty greyish lethargic puny unenthusiastic useless emotionless desiccated beige hollow futile strangled unburnished profitless bleached flimsy cold unsuccessful fruitless vigourless conservative shallow clear paltry etiolated tenuous grayish distasteful unappetizing savorless unsavory languid gloomy smothered implausible whispered obscure irresolute slothful mousy indecisive muddy meek inarticulate lacking in vitality languorous unintelligible sober unsavoury unhearable without color long prosing nonglossy inferior inert impotent powerless least Milquetoast unmodulated undemonstrative wordy long-winded trying frustrating shadeless tingeless disinterested delicate darkish cautious filthy circumspect unimpressive unsatisfactory discoloured discolored watered down in the doldrums unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic nitty-gritty literal terrestrial unemotional factual unadorned unfateful noneventful unnoteworthy inconclusive nerdy wimpy unappealing prudent nebbish fatuous slight reluctant perfunctory vigorless energyless unostentatious unpretentious chary lurid ghastly cadaverous sickly white waxen doughy blanched livid soft-hued sooty dun grimy sludgy vain reserved attentive two-dimensional unenergetic lukewarm unresponsive weakly backward unrewarding timid spent backwoods comatose gingerly considerate careful heedful wary calculating unwilling impassive cool blasé devoid of feeling devoid of emotion worthless murky sullied tarnished opaque lacking energy greyscale grayscale aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless not shiny discreet unenterprising behind the times otiose unavailing bootless inefficacious abortive murmuring leery insufficient hueless unfruitful unfilled unprolific inconspicuous vague diminished muttering faltering light-toned sour uncoloured insubstantial unnoticeable repressed unflashy simple cream hoarse hazy fuzzy black and white tintless not in color black-and-white low-keyed scarcely audible out of earshot bated ill-defined greige sand superficial unbelievable distant reedy unstressed unaccented taupe oatmeal spoiled droopy ecru improbable untenable questionable buff fawn submissive melancholic dejected spineless languishing melancholy dispirited despondent mopy weak-kneed inconceivable sketchy unpersuasive incredible blue down cowardly disconsolate gutless dopey inanimate unconcerned broken downhearted sad drippy turned off stone-coloured indefinite stone mushroom light-colored putty down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down light-coloured stinking malodorous noisome foetid spoilt stenchy fetid dried parched reeking smelly thudding

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pharisaic canting goody-goody hypocritical insincere Pecksniffian pietistic sanctimonious self-righteous affected artificial assuming bland captious cavilling caviling deceptive deluding dissembling double double-dealing duplicitous faithless false feigning fishy fraudulent glib holier-than-thou hollow jivey left-handed lying moralistic oily pharisaical phoney phony pious smooth smooth-spoken smooth-tongued snide specious spurious two-faced unctuous unnatural unreliable pretended feigned fake backhanded mealy counterfeit mealymouthed jive Tartuffian Pharisaic Pharisaical lip double-faced phoney-baloney phony-baloney Janus-faced deceitful dishonest untruthful pretend untrustworthy hypocritic self-satisfied complacent smug superior priggish moralizing mealy-mouthed pi preachy pretentious noble supercilious hoity-toity egotistical haughty pompous moralising too good to be true disingenuous treacherous perfidious mendacious dissimulating untrue shifty disloyal sly put-on ambidextrous assumed devious evasive unfaithful slick deceiving cynical knavish sham inauthentic back-stabbing mala fide exaggerated overdone dual underhand cunning underhanded guileful artful crafty beguiling backstabbing sneaky misleading foxy tricky not candid lacking sincerity not frank double-crossing pseud slippery double dealing unsound flimsy with tongue in cheek unconvincing invalid insignificant weak indirect ironic ambiguous dubious equivocal paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic hollow-hearted uncertain devoid of validity double-meaning double-edged pseudo bogus so-called professed purported simulated contrived ostensible mock faked alleged make-believe quasi- imaginary factitious mechanical plastic strained forced imitation avowed fictitious forged masked impostrous bluffing shammed in name only quack charlatan falsified cheating covered supposed concealed dissimulated imposturous

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Of or pertaining to style, especially to linguistic or literary style

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Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive
didactic educational instructive academic enlightening homiletic pedantic edifying informative moralistic pedagogic preceptive doctrinal educative improving informational instructional moralising moralizing teaching bookish erudite homiletical illuminating pompous preachy scholastic schoolmasterly sententious sermonic tuitional abstruse heuristic moral priggish propaedeutic advisory donnish exhortative expository hortative schoolmasterist sermonising sermonizing teacherish teacherly teachy learned literary schoolish doctrinaire inkhorn formalistic hairsplitting stilted punctilious arid egotistic overnice dry nit-picking ostentatious particular dull fussy pedantical intellectual pedagogical cerebral highbrow scholarly egghead informatory explanatory elucidative helpful revealing illuminative useful explicative explicatory descriptive explanative exegetic illustrative interpretive expositive interpretative exegetical dogmatic sanctimonious self-righteous pietistic pontifical pious telling disquisitional elucidatory revelatory unco guid tutorial explaining demonstrative graphic diagrammatic allegorical clarifying hermeneutical lecturelike sermonical school profound professorial didactical admonitory disciplinary preaching trite cultural cautionary communicative serious upright strait-laced high-minded canting newsy factual preachifying ponderous judgmental judgemental Pecksniffian forthcoming holier-than-thou self-important pi Pharisaic Pharisaical pointed expositional exemplifying representative typical prefatory annotative expounding evaluative describing pictorial illustrational evincive delineative discursive guiding informing comparative illustratory pictoric symbolic specifying indicative hermeneutic declarative emblematic corroborative sample by way of explanation expressive analytical metaphoric imagistic iconographic figurative

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Conforming to the standard variety
set standard stock routine conventional formulaic rehearsed derivative hackneyed stereotyped traditional unoriginal unspontaneous artificial hacky overused stale well worn usual staple customary commonplace trite predictable banal familiar prevailing current platitudinous popular regular going overworked tired basic prevalent average ordinary corny common established normal typical dull run-of-the-mill ready-made worn-out worn out old hat widely available readily available general everyday accustomed habitual prosaic accepted wonted expected orthodox recognized universal unremarkable recognised stereotypical settled unexceptional natural clichéd plain workaday ubiquitous acknowledged fixed standard-issue pedestrian uninspired garden-variety frequent widespread bog-standard vanilla mainstream regulation cut-and-dried household quotidian threadbare cliched cut-and-dry garden variety timeworn bromidic shopworn well-worn stereotypic platitudinal rife vapid common or garden received daily characteristic warmed-over flat confirmed public cliché worn bathetic exhausted cornball jejune drained musty mildewed hokey chain overall unimaginative used-up moth-eaten familiar tune ruling day-to-day predominant humdrum classic classical rampant approved sanctioned time-honoured shared majority mundane pervasive representative simple archetypical undistinguished typic chronic time-honored in circulation authorized archetypal generic boring admitted acceptable proverbial understood standardized fashionable unexciting uneventful prescriptive boilerplate well-known true authorised standardised middle-of-the-road widely held matter-of-course long-established par for the course in vogue official known domestic mediocre so-so constant endemic unpretentious indifferent canned collective bland canonical uninspiring inconspicuous broad recognizable sound dreary nondescript insignificant unnoteworthy modest humble mechanical characterless native stipulated dominant recognisable uninteresting preponderant regnant vulgar steady comprehensive nothing special favourite favorite prescribed sweeping across the board agreed upon by the numbers truistic hack inane pervading extensive obvious vieux jeu authoritative discreet garden present unadventurous tedious gut default acquired honored valid tiresome ongoing derived orderly methodical formalistic repetitive comfortable agreed numerous repeated mimetic honoured unexceptionable unchanging monotonous one-size-fits-all family casual terrestrial informal mimic anodyne acquainted whitebread menial unvarying wearisome well established imitative dyed-in-the-wool in use circulating endorsed undoubted legal lawful uncontested undisputed statutory unquestioned canonic inveterate unsophisticated plain vanilla apish renowned believed recurring entrenched touted documented declared identified perceived superior homespun mass wide well-established nitty-gritty slavish homely unextraordinary unvaried a dime a dozen dime-a-dozen unopposed passed legit okayed preferred sop wont inherent symptomatic consistent allowed realized remembered afoot well known epigonic epigonous blank expressionless deadpan existing anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic plain-Jane ten a penny off-the-shelf realised professed national blanket communal overarching global joint outright about drab distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper distinguishing same old indistinctive featureless neutral faceless noncommittal mind-numbing proven historic stable individualistic commonest common variety matter-of-fact unimpressive bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use going around in the air talked of deep-rooted widely used ingrained emulative tried and true tried and tested arrived at widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted total epidemic nationwide societal wholesale in keeping in character standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle predominating traditionalistic old old-fashioned old-style officially recognized on everyone's lips neither one thing nor the other rooted true to form to be expected methodic rigid systematic automatic secure unshakable vested permanent influential operative main preponderating principal only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type broad-spectrum across-the-board tolerable decent OK in force broad-brush all-round all-around adequate catholic all-embracing in style fundamental worldwide ecumenical plastic white-bread grind in fashion no great shakes fair-to-middling fair anonymous second-rate unmemorable nothing to write home about bog standard not much cop conformist most common most usual most frequent

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Based on absolute truth
dogmatic authoritative doctrinal canonical categorical oracular assertive authoritarian axiomatic deducible deductive derivable doctrinaire eternal excathedra imperative inevitable orthodox peremptory positive pragmatic prophetic reasoned systematic theoretical unchangeable unerring unqualified a priori by fiat by nature ex cathedra on faith by natural law as a matter of course opinionated emphatic arrogant overbearing imperious dictatorial pontifical domineering insistent adamant high-handed arbitrary intolerant unyielding uncompromising opinionative unbending entrenched downright unquestionable narrow-minded self-opinionated rigid opinioned inflexible unchallengeable obdurate small-minded magisterial cocksure definite unequivocal pigheaded prejudiced tenacious determined stiff-necked despotic stubborn confident fascistic dictative egotistical one-sided fanatical obstinate bullheaded bigoted high and mighty wrong-headed tyrannical autocratic bossy commanding masterful imperial lordly overweening tyrannous autocratical tyrannic firm willful wilful severe oppressive haughty bullish forceful officious pushful pushy harsh dominant biased dogmatical pompous partisan coercive single-minded iron-handed self-important bull-headed autarchic self-assertive strict controlling subjugating draconian iron-fisted of fixed views ordering aggressive powerful bidding stern insolent egotistic strong-willed regnant of preconceived ideas on high horse crack the whip in driver's seat dominating brusque required mandatory compulsatory exacting obligatory throwing one's weight around compulsory abrupt brisk summary decided certain undeniable stringent finished rigorous fixed compelling

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Characterized by deep sincerity
solemn genuine sincere earnest heartfelt honest committed firm sworn unconditional wholehearted unfeigned profound true deep fervent warm ardent cordial devout hearty dinkum eager enthusiastic full-hearted from the heart heart-to-heart bona fide deeply felt passionate deepest open dear real upfront serious meant unpretending pretensionless undissembled actual undesigning authentic twenty-four carat honest to God unaffected unpretended unpretentious candid frank artless truthful natural guileless devoted zealous up front trustworthy unquestionable righteous unadulterated uncontrived unforced positive complete forthright staunch absolute total dedicated thorough steadfast loyal determined unwavering steady vehement constant whole-souled resolute impassioned fervid untainted reliable easy unimpeachable valid known well-established simple unstilted pukka pure unartificial unassumed unmannered without airs on the level faithful legitimate credible creditable intense fair dinkum decided in earnest serious-minded resolved meaning what one says meaning business hell-bent set adamant definite intent deliberate keen pledged active down-the-line fast good true-blue card-carrying pious stanch deep-dyed red-hot heart-and-soul venerating goody-goody revering worshipping pietistic worshiping adherent adoring emphatic true blue goody two-shoes mad keen unstinting unshakeable categorical unambiguous unqualified full unreserved solid unequivocal unflinching unlimited undivided unrestricted unmitigated sure unswerving unfaltering utter unalloyed enduring thoroughgoing undiluted unquestioning outright stalwart abiding entire fullhearted whole-hearted out-and-out without reservations hundred percent never-failing

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Vehement or impassioned in expression
declamatory rhetorical theatrical bombastic grandiloquent high-flown inflated oratorical pompous bold dramatic elaborate extravagant florid flowery magniloquent ornate high-sounding lofty orotund overblown overripe affected discursive fustian highfalutin overdone overinflated overwrought pretentious purple turgid aureate euphuistic Ossianic stagy tumid arresting booming elocutionary eloquent fluent melodramatic grandiose ostentatious complicated big verbose articulate scholarly erudite hyperbolic mouthy effusive silver-tongued rhetoric sonorous bombast pedantic magnific windy puffed-up long learned histrionic overwritten stilted showy gassy flamboyant wordy gaseous flatulent hifalutin arty-farty strained laboured long-winded pleonastic convoluted fulsome labored swollen exalted periphrastic hyperventilated egotistic rotund prolix over-elaborate exaggerated Ciceronian epideictic haughty imposing Demosthenic Demosthenean elevated boastful flashy tedious ambitious la-di-da epic sesquipedalian ranting high-minded noble fancy tumescent loud puffed voluble grand-sounding ponderous blathering involved big-talking windbag self-important ornamented grand overambitious majestic impressive self-righteous high mannered tiresome actorly heroic tall braggart bragging high-falutin prim shallow superficial breezy lexiphanic Falstaffian snobbish Miltonian Homeric sententious stodgy blustering baroque oratorial stuffy euphistic tall-talking rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash solemn OTT verbal linguistic intellectual stuffed shirt figurative stylistic pontifical priggish full of hot air embellished contrived glib vocal decorative ornamental garnished rich luscious ideal fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial noisy expressive intoning important stentorian fussy sublime superior complex detailed decorated over the top excessive rhapsodical overestimated ivory-tower uplifting serious arrogant portentous grave crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen vaunting garish monumental unrealistic large-scale lavish high-falutin' high-flying far-reaching on a grand scale large circumlocutory garrulous diffuse circuitous prattling expansive prating jabbering babbling lengthy gushing protracted tautological rambling indirect digressive wandering meandering talkative yakking multiloquent big-mouthed repetitious loquacious gabby tortuous redundant multiloquous gobby logorrheic wittering talky palaverous tautologous repeating ambagious logorrhoeic yacking repetitive full of air with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone

Danh từ

Items worn to cover the body
clothes clothing dress garments outfit wear costume gear wardrobe attire duds garb get-up apparel threads togs clobber habits vestments ensemble finery raiment turnout garms habiliments kit rig-out articles of clothing costumery habit rig rigging rigout schmutter toggery vestiary vesture wearables weeds articles of dress baggage bedclothes casual fashion glad rags rags regalia sportswear suit work uniform array habiliment trappings garment getup livery guise drag accouterment covering robe strip robes frock vestment things civvies Sunday best gown shift accoutrements regimentals disguise skirt accouterments dry goods equipment frippery equipage drape smock drapes attirement tog muumuu evening clothes accoutrement outfits toga camouflage feathers tatters drapery trousseau bib and tucker rig out personal attire dud trapping apparatus implements raiments effects colours colors cover pinafore coat style mode national dress cassock chasuble tunic orale alb surplice set of clothes article of clothing caparison panoply overclothes underclothes mufti tailleur item of clothing item of dress riding clothes riding dress commode armoire dresser chiffonier trunk costumes ensembles suits buffet bureau chest hand-me-downs full feather collection of clothes nightdress nightgown nightshirt wedding dress ball gown evening dress cocktail dress gowns attires get-ups uniforms frocks clobbers vestures kits arrays wardrobes togas riggings rigs vestiaries getups muumuus guises skirts regalias turnouts cassocks albs smocks tunics veils shrouds cloaks pinafores aprons feather best stripes khaki OD gaiety gayety chasubles surplices bravery