Đồng nghĩa của sure

Alternative for sure

surer, surest

Đồng nghĩa: absolute, certain, decided, definite, positive,

Trái nghĩa: unsure,

Tính từ

Completely confident that one is right
certain positive confident assured convinced decided definite persuaded clear satisfied resolute unfaltering unwavering conclusive doubtless secure unhesitating unshaken unvacillating absolute cocksure implicit sanguine unshakeable free from doubt in no doubt clear in your mind optimistic trusting hopeful undoubting undoubtful categorical easy in one's mind secure in one's belief believing cheerful buoyant self-confident bullish upbeat expectant at ease enthusiastic disposed to look on the bright side confirmed resolved decisive accepting assuming presuming firm unequivocal consummate unquestioning valid assertive undoubtable questionless having faith having no questions about unshaken in one's belief unshakeable in one's belief have no doubt having no doubt not question hold the unwavering view sho holding the unwavering view converted swayed influenced anticipative anticipating trustful encouraged unflagging anticipant hoping comfortable reassured calm inspirited expecting emboldened content won over keeping the faith full of hope looking forward to cheery bright easy in your mind talked into something happy ridibund lively animated self-assured spirited in good heart of good cheer idealistic chipper can-do Panglossian Pollyannaish buoyed up always expecting the best looking on the bright side blithesome gladsome sunny winsome eupeptic gay lightsome blithe canty chirpy disposed to take a favourable view seen through rose-coloured spectacles inclined to look through rose-coloured spectacles

Tính từ

Having confidence in doing or achieving something
confident certain positive assured convinced decisive doubtless satisfied trusting unwavering self-confident self-assured believing in oneself in no doubt self-possessed at ease having no doubt sure of oneself sure of yourself with no doubts about filled with aplomb secure in one's belief unshakeable in one's belief assertive secure poised collected self-reliant complacent bold composed self-asserting fearless unruffled unfazed cocksure overconfident dauntless brave gung ho puffed up strong commanding authoritative can-do firm unabashed cocky believing expecting expectant unafraid courageous well-balanced aggressive forward defiant militant dashing full of oneself self-assertive strong-willed smug self-satisfied proud content pleased like the cat that swallowed the canary pleased with yourself pleased with oneself calm phlegmatic cool cool-headed nonchalant unperturbed level-headed unflappable imperturbable sanguine tranquil impassive implicit relaxed brazen together audacious clear serene pushy nonplussed laid-back equanimous high upbeat gutsy rosy unhesitating cool, calm and collected pumped up unworried undisturbed untroubled sedate coolheaded recollected equable placid level possessed limpid peaceful equal unshaken smooth self-composed easy at peace settled intrepid self-sufficient sure-footed surefooted self-respecting hotdog know-it-all hotshot undoubtful self-secure controlled grounded unbothered unmoved unflustered unagitated chilled dispassionate soothed easygoing levelheaded calmed sensible disimpassioned clearheaded serious staid temperate commonsensical repressed suppressed quieted urbane elegant suave dignified keeping one's shirt on keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber have one's act together even-tempered not turn a hair as cool as a cucumber keeping your cool self-controlled reserved cool as a cucumber

Tính từ

True beyond any doubt
indisputable irrefutable certain incontestable absolute incontrovertible indubitable true undeniable unquestionable categorical clear inarguable unambiguous unequivocal conclusive definite definitive evident obvious plain undoubted decided demonstrable manifest patent positive proven settled transparent unassailable accurate emphatic factual final irrefragable observable palpable unarguable unchallengeable undebatable unimpeachable unmistakable compelling unanswerable uncontroversial undisputable beyond doubt beyond question clear-cut self-evident well founded well grounded beyond dispute not in doubt open and shut well-proven beyond a shadow of a doubt accomplished firm real genuine express watertight decisive unqualified assured explicit confirmed sound apodictic straightforward pronounced guaranteed convincing set unconditional outright downright authentic complete out-and-out verifiable apparent determined thorough unwavering thoroughgoing perfect distinct doubtless abiding fixed established ultimate nailed-on flat airtight reliable marked total in the bag infallible utter enduring establishable unmitigated actual hard unalloyed sure thing consummate accepted precise convinced confident clinching unfaltering valid provable unquestioning authoritative steady crystal clear known trustworthy no ifs ands or buts unerring confirmable veritable acknowledged unadulterated specific never-failing exact direct as plain as a pikestaff rank noticeable pure wholehearted stated sheer open-and-shut staring one in the face striking arrant uncompromising stark on ice fair ringing safe flawless lucid broad satisfied perspicuous flat-out steadfast recognized concrete demonstrative predestined supreme ascertained destined full unreserved forceful recognised unstinting unlimited open unrestricted no mistake unalterable determinate simple without doubt entire univocal undiluted conspicuous categoric profound overt salted away unshakable regular nonambiguous all-out unambivalent plumb dead undisputed bona fide telling bodacious crashing deadly blank very stone dreadful clean blooming persuaded changeless blatant straight-out having down pat deep-dyed pellucid bald barefaced glaring right cotton-picking bald-faced bright-line constant without reservations free from doubt unchangeable immutable inflexible undoubtable sure-fire dependable double-checked not in question well-grounded visible earnest ironclad agreed verified cold arranged tangible prearranged forthright sure-enough perceptible certified planned solid undivided ardent veridical forcible resounding distinguishable discernible minute dinkum last deciding for sure for certain significant particular hard and fast whole luculent sensible proper as plain as daylight undisguised luminous point-blank gross resolved straight out as plain as the nose on your face in every respect no catch all out one hundred per cent solemn inalienable unquestioned unchallenged uncontested unshaken unfailing unchanging for a fact unvarying without question foolproof obligatory necessary binding compulsory surefire uncontestable unequivocable unbreakable resolute implicit impregnable invincible irresistible undoubting nailed down dyed-in-the-wool faultless self-assured self-conceited self-confident unhesitating strong invulnerable pat well-founded superior irrebuttable overwhelming odds-on apodeictic unvarnished affirmative stubborn without loopholes no two ways about it distinctive cocksure attestable evincible no ifs and or buts telltale down pat infernal blessed blasted confounded without reservation unrestrained unique obtrusive unfabled blunt detailed beyond a doubt well defined inimitable self-explanatory beyond the shadow of a doubt tested unsubtle peremptory can bet on it tried demonstrated comprehensive exhaustive vigorous energetic beyond a shadow of doubt litmus test determinative irrevocable determinant what you see is what you get revealing settling resolving irrefrangible axiomatic that's a fact nof ifs ands or buts understandable on the nose easily understandable clearly expressed vehement supportable sustainable checkable empirical prominent empiric attested checked stone cold spot-on runaway assertive insistent detectable perceivable appreciable proved upheld supported committed deducible comprehensible ascertainable inferable honest strict dead-on good faithful pukka on-target echt so satisfactory pucka certifiable cinched notable recognizable sustained no ifs ands or buts about it admissible aggressive violent full-blooded muscular strenuous dynamic unshakeable preset right on immaculate unmistaken rigorous amen inerrant bang on undistorted staunch fervent zealous enthusiastic sincere unflinching hearty predetermined allotted specified defined decreed prescribed for a face trenchant impressive pointed sober cogent accented dogmatic potent stressed important unconcealed plain to see flagrant blinding discernable apprehensible inescapable unswerving dedicated devoted inexpugnable stable frozen incommutable inalterable invariable writ large salient heartfelt serious stalwart unfeigned warm rigid undeviating unblinking irreversible unbending plausible believable colorable sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb recognisable credible as clear as day ostensible seeming remarkable written all over someone standing out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb arresting tried-and-true black-and-white cast-iron writ in stone unmovable unmodifiable stipulated inveterate still not subject to change hard-and-fast loyal impassioned passionate fullhearted cut-and-dried crisp well-defined severe well-marked undubitable sharp silhouetted graphic bold vivid clean-cut incisive noteworthy audible whole-hearted black and white hundred percent whole-souled clearly defined not vague cut and dried wholesale unconstrained extreme plenary wide through and through no holds barred no kicker no strings no strings attached no fine print full-bore right-down

Tính từ

Showing confidence or assurance
confident firm steady solid secure stable strong bold fast safe unerring unfaltering unhesitating staunch steadfast unswerving unwavering assertive composed poised fixed resolute constant immovable determined unshakeable persistent set decided enduring unyielding certain abiding unflinching settled unrelenting relentless dogged resolved unflagging unqualified never-failing unfluctuating indefatigable tireless established true unremitting unvacillating adamant dedicated untiring unflappable unshakable reliable unshaken dependable stubborn intense inexorable single-minded faithful set in stone rigid dead set on committed inflexible unvarying trustworthy aggressive unchanging fierce even uniform stalwart pushy obstinate absolute undeviating trusty sound tenacious assured decisive forceful sustained consistent persevering strong-willed self-confident unbending bound self-assertive immobile immutable durable unchangeable unfailing permanent lasting equable balanced sturdy stationary in-your-face responsible tried loyal well-founded go-getting self-asserting high-pressure enterprising militant ambitious calculable trustable stabile determinate changeless long-lived long-standing hard unalterable deep-rooted frozen feisty good positive insistent definite anchored invariant pat regular secured emphatic ardent domineering entrenched jammed obdurate hard-and-fast unquestioning wholehearted dominant brick-wall solid as a rock purposeful intent tried-and-true bent on devoted true-blue pious down-the-line devout stanch immodest audacious bossy mulish pigheaded stiff-necked allegiant liege unmovable unassailable stout bound and determined meaning business going all the way strict honourable perdurable bulletproof honorable whole-hearted intransigent long-lasting moored motionless in earnest hard-line implacable unmalleable conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine carefree able hopeful ingrained iron deep-dyed indelible irremovable prevailing hardened inexpugnable seasoned well-built well balanced well-balanced static still braced rooted cemented going explicit bent fastened tight self-assured easy shoo-in stand pat hell-bent on dyed-in-the-wool do-or-die hell-bent upon bent upon hang tough through-and-through nailed unmoving riveted tied unshaking cast-iron demanding nerveless imperturbable tried and true nailed down tried and tested locked on in the bag impregnable unsinkable self-possessed forward can-do commanding authoritative dogmatic assaultive bullish snug stiff closed inextricable lodged wedged stuck shut attached unbudgeable firmly fixed overbearing carnivorous pushful not backward in coming forward believing in oneself self-respecting fanatical resilient passionate enthusiastic spirited iron-willed driven zealous high-powered earnest hard-nosed uncompromising keen active avid eager vehement sagacious plucky gutsy irrepressible strong-minded gritty courageous hardy brave tough firm in spirit independent perceptive tough-minded two-fisted ironclad keen as mustard animated resourceful indomitable heroic take charge mean stout-hearted level invariable flat calm well grounded staying put

Tính từ

Able to be relied on or trusted
certain assured categorical conclusive guaranteed infallible unfailing absolute clear definite indisputable inevitable irrefutable unambiguous undeniable unequivocal authoritative concrete decisive foolproof genuine incontrovertible indubitable irrevocable palpable true unerring unmistakable confirmable confirmed doubtless manifest obvious patent real recognised recognized resolute surefire unquestionable verifiable demonstrable determinate firm incontestable positive secure accurate convincing failsafe inerrant precise questionless safe solid transparent undoubted unqualified fail-safe in the bag sure-fire as sure as eggs is eggs can't-miss reliable dependable exact sound trustworthy effective fixed impeccable faultless correct spot on decided deadly inch-perfect settled set perfect flawless efficacious sealed unimpeachable ensured watertight nailed-on insured certified unquestioned unchallenged accepted acknowledged uncontested never-failing tried and true tried and tested on target on ice on the mark bang on clear-cut plain direct final evident undisputable tested undisputed beyond question inarguable not in doubt not in question established unassailable inerrable ascertained known hard meticulous never failing beyond doubt dead lethal supreme provable establishable spot-on sure thing concluded affirmed having down pat cinched cast-iron bound tyrannous admitted dogmatic arbitrary excellent good not disputed freely admitted sovereign warranted stated stipulated unbreakable idiot-proof tried goofproof airtight frozen unarguable irrefragable unchallengeable accomplished unanswerable flat inexpugnable hard-and-fast stable unswerving error-free unshakable secured attested uncanny scrupulous open-and-shut a sure thing a dead cert iron-clad errorless just unmistaken invariable clinched there are no two ways about it copper-bottomed all sewn up pinpoint predestined determined destined pronounced racked close precision fine rigorous salted away nailed on unbeatable hairline refined nailed down made certain absolutely certain sewed up delicate mathematical well aimed painstaking careful handy agreeable effectual right acceptable satisfactory helpful useful steady undeceivable always effective efficient omniscient apodictic satisfying a lock for sure for a fact sure enough

Tính từ

Capable of being trusted
trustworthy reliable dependable loyal true faithful good infallible trusty devoted dutiful honest resolute staunch steady trusted unfailing committed dedicated steadfast calculable certain constant effective responsible tested trustable unmistakable enduring fast uncompromising unshakable true-blue never-failing tried and tested tried and true tried-and-true tried solid secure safe honourable honorable unwavering unswerving upright firm sound conscientious straight ardent allegiant stable reputable dyed-in-the-wool sincere pious devout down-the-line proved credible truthful genuine incorruptible sensible unchanging stanch liege scrupulous hard-core behind one on the level patriotic established proven valid approved certified competent fail-safe strong stalwart consistent copper-bottomed attested mature always there confirmed unfaltering true-hearted virtuous ethical rock solid immovable righteous attached obedient level-headed tried and trusted confiding loving affectionate string along with circumspect up front creditworthy straightforward predictable card-carrying orthodox right-hand favorite main important honored principal rational veracious sane reasonable deep-dyed close intimate in good faith die-hard discreet adult capable definitive acceptable feasible true to life correct believable pure tenable maintainable sustainable viable capable of being trusted authentic right just moral nice decent recognized classic demonstrated failsafe supportive right-minded recognised used redoubtable vigorous stout hard-working unimpeachable principled go-to worthy truehearted veridical undistorted estimable high-principled creditable square wholehearted all right honoured favourite unhesitating foolproof guaranteed sturdy rocklike saintly stiff inflexible tough endless boundless no lie on the up and up fly right to be trusted straight-up sure-fire worthy of trust above suspicion true blue boy scout down home full of integrity as good as one's word definite from the horse's mouth well grounded well-founded well founded tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses inexhaustible ceaseless continuous carrying the load persistent unlimited surefire unfading undying can't-miss unerring continual to be counted on good as one's word unflagging bottomless diligent same unrelenting assiduous absolute delivering lasting there come-through abiding continuing eternal invariable counted on

Tính từ

Concerned with what is actually the case (based on facts)
factual true authentic objective accurate genuine real correct exact literal faithful precise truthful veritable honest lifelike unadorned actual fair legitimate realistic circumstantial concrete credible documentary existent hard legit nonfictional unadulterated unvarnished valid verbatim verifiable absolute certain dinkum effective historical undoubted unexaggerated unquestionable veridical verisimilar veristic very kosher scientific unbiased unprejudiced fact-based matter-of-fact sure-enough true-to-life bona fide card-carrying true-life de facto on the level as it really happened word for word telling it like it is straight from horse's mouth original certified authenticated legal undisputed bonafide official lawful certifiable attested trusty rightful sterling pure live right echt simon-pure unfaked honest-to-goodness real McCoy twenty-four carat genuine article your actual pucka real thing true-blue pukka proper authoritative reliable straight trustworthy for real sanctioned veracious authorized sound indubitable accredited verified accepted recognized natural authorised indisputable recognised approved strict good licensed endorsed formal documented validated positive sincere orthodox ratified straightforward licenced regular dependable on the up and up unalloyed archetypal unpretentious allowed clear unaffected aboveboard categorical simple definite upfront fitting confirmed plain fair and square errorless direct not copied guileless ingenuous unerring convincing dead-on square canonical on the up-and-up believable safe signed and sealed on the money like it is all right prototypical licit acceptable true to life legalized binding master constitutional permissible the real McCoy full true blue prescribed contractual usable out-and-out incontrovertible sheer legalised unexpired complete explicit methodical first generation untainted unspoiled legally acceptable legally binding justified well-established up front creditable uncounterfeited pro forma in effect substantial undeniable well-founded in force within the law unimaginary existing manifest honest-to-God tangible substantive frank candid unelaborated physical so close loyal conforming thorough forthright undeceptive unmixed definitive for-sure no buts about it real stuff sure-thing really-truly open plain-spoken non-fictional clear-cut real live astute faultless characteristic typical archetypical representative spot-on bang on honest to God sure enough artless on-target spot on as true as I'm sitting here on the line on the nail high-principled as true as I'm standing here free-spoken round infallible irrefutable unimpeachable failsafe unpretending appropriate average standard normal undesigning wise sagacious judicious sensible intelligent undiluted refined perfect uncontaminated truth-telling righteous plainspoken outspoken unreserved just meaning what one says unfeigned scrupulous flawless unblended dinky-di warranted percipient shrewd perceptive unprocessed solid filtered immaculate clarified distilled sealed signed fine purified fail-safe without error neat reputable proven fly tried-and-true significant decided conclusive ex cathedra ordered cleared suitable decisive okay customary cathedral established above board raw classic unclouded unmingled and delivered 100% one hundred per cent ex officio straight-shooting straight from the horse's mouth pure and simple right as rain telling the truth

Tính từ

Conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way
cocky arrogant bold presumptuous insolent cheeky impudent conceited audacious impertinent brash pompous brazen haughty overweening proud forward smug fresh egotistical sassy vain saucy cocksure supercilious vainglorious bumptious disdainful lordly nervy brassy lofty overconfident boastful wise swaggering patronising patronizing uppish opinionated confident hubristic brassbound arch blustering smarty positive hotshot certain jaunty self-important self-assertive swollen-headed self-satisfied brazen-faced bold-faced high and mighty self-confident know-it-all self-assured full of yourself wise guy smart aleck smart guy smarty pants bigheaded pretentious stuck up narcissistic egocentric stuck-up ostentatious aloof dismissive overbearing egotistic elitist self-conceited snobby snooty snobbish uppity self-righteous big-headed self-centered selfish contemptuous self-serving important self-centred prideful scornful imperious high-and-mighty cool cavalier domineering egoistic superior bloated high-handed condescending full of oneself highfalutin self-opinionated hifalutin too big for one's boots toffee-nosed puffed up too big for one's breeches huffy self-contented egoistical immodest assuming sniffy assured blusterous holier-than-thou hoity-toity self-affected self-engrossed self-congratulatory pontifical orgulous self-promoting self-adulatory swellheaded stiff-necked biggety biggity self-glorifying toplofty toploftical high-hat snotty peremptory chesty huffish bossy self-asserting masterful affected bragging snippy magisterial assumptive presuming fancy-pants dictatorial autocratic pushy officious rude mocking smart-alecky authoritarian scoffing sneering dominating persnickety la-di-da complacent cold-shoulder jumped up on an ego trip putting on airs despotic tyrannical pert flip contumelious smart above oneself barefaced procacious malapert exclusive imperative ritzy aristocratic potty remote swanky tony high-flown too big for your boots self-respecting braggart bombastic self-loving braggy pontificating self-complacent self-pleased unreserved self-flattering self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery self-applauding extroverted extraverted uninhibited showy throwing one's weight around self-aggrandizing loudmouth puffed-up high abusive insulting consequential bullish uncivil insubordinate on a high horse posh oppressive on one's high horse cliquish ill-mannered unmannerly pushful unabashed unblushing boldfaced too big for one's britches nose in the air heavy-handed lacking civility offensive disrespectful impolite discourteous bad mannered lippy coercive bullying out-of-line mannerless off-base breezy ungracious tyrannous overproud authoritative tyrannic dogmatic autocratical throwing one's weight about lording it iron-handed put down preponderant imperial ascendant prevalent stuffy demanding regnant highhanded

Tính từ

Not easily persuaded to change beliefs or opinions
strong-minded determined firm resolute strong-willed uncompromising purposeful purposive resolved self-disciplined unbending unwavering unyielding dogged forceful inexorable persevering persistent tenacious unfaltering unshakeable unswerving committed dedicated gutsy rock-ribbed stalwart stubborn independent indurate iron-willed perseverant spunky indomitable single-minded inflexible obstinate intransigent obdurate unrelenting mulish emphatic unhesitating unmalleable assertive decisive iron-jawed decided cocksure serious dead set bent intent earnest deliberate pertinacious staunch patient steadfast insistent tireless indefatigable sedulous adamant unflagging relentless untiring diligent assiduous implacable importunate stiff-necked immovable cohesive coherent solid tough strong persisting sturdy unshakable true stout possessive meaning business set bound unforgetful unflinching fixed spirited steely driven undaunted mettlesome headstrong self-willed wilful gritty pigheaded willful constant intractable refractory plucky steady full of determination bent on bullheaded hard-nosed unshaken vigorous recalcitrant stout-hearted bent upon opinionated perverse set on hardheaded ossified hard adamantine inconvincible hardened self-opinionated brave bold hell-bent courageous stiff undeviating bull-headed contumacious bulldog obsessed pat unbendable rigid strenuous hell-bent on do-or-die hell-bent upon out avid valiant keen stubborn as a mule industrious bloody-minded manful settled enthusiastic go-getting pig-headed dead set on ardent four-square unswervable pushy focused motivated zealous unpersuadable unchanging balky bolshie eager contrary uncooperative fanatical froward ruthless cross-grained intent on self-driven insistent on determined to self-assertive focussed self-starting goal-oriented hard-driving invincible unflappable ambitious unconquerable devoted iron compulsive restive inspired unsurpassable invulnerable aspiring enterprising cantankerous single-minded about firm about thirsty cussed hungry active fierce desirous obsessive striving lionhearted monomaniacal intrepid hanging tough inflexible about on one's mettle bound and determined defiant doughty undefeatable unmanageable committed to the idea of obsessive about hell bent on militant fixated on energetic unreasonable fanatical about difficult deaf to reason firmly-based direct mullish domineering straight reliable trusty unadaptable haughty ornery boneheaded unreceptive cast-iron awkward fervent devout passionate self-motivated unfailing faithful proud aloof hellbent loyal definite immutable tall in the saddle intent upon locked-in hard-core hard-shell undismayed dauntless feisty hardboiled buckled down stanch positive flat-out clear-sighted all out straight out assured never-tiring aggressive as stubborn as a mule set in one's ways gung ho fervid impassioned dyed-in-the-wool sworn tried-and-true true-blue responsible pious tried inveterate remorseless stroppy unmoved unbreakable with one's feet dug in dogmatic convinced with one's toes dug in locked in contrarious uncompliant wrong-headed heady opinionative incompliant unalterable unbeatable eager beaver power-loving self-asserting get up and go like a ball of fire high-reaching on the make power-hungry progressive adventurous pioneering self-seeking thrusting desiring success out to fixed on fixed upon decisive about anxious to minding committed to obsessed with resolved on intending to impatient to resolved to determined on impregnable good compelled consumed fearless insuperable unstoppable untameable bulletproof heroic insurmountable impassable unassailable possessed hopeful galvanized impelled impulsive fixated urged on guided besetting pushed steered obsessional galvanised induced stony unimpressible unrepentant hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional impertinent harsh mean cold fish proof against persuasion tough nut to crack set in stone wholehearted unmovable grim

Tính từ

Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
aware cognizant conscious mindful conversant acquainted familiar informed knowing apprised perceptive savvy appraised privy clued cluey recognizant sentient abreast knowledgeable versed witting apperceptive judicious observant certain discerning observing percipient ware sharp alive sensible apprehensive awake to attentive awake understanding recognizing vigilant noting watchful noticing assured perceiving recognising keen remarking wide-awake au courant aware of sensitive to alive to alert to mindful of wise to responsive to recognizant of cognizant of hip to percipient of with it on to hep to in the know about able to recognize seized of in on ware of sensible of clued-up on regardful of wise alert intelligent astute insightful sensitive shrewd penetrating perspicacious smart quick acute sagacious clever canny enlightened sapient quick-witted sage bright intuitive thoughtful well-informed sharp-witted brainy discriminating subtle piercing responsive knowledgeable about brilliant prudent experienced well informed about deep well versed in no stranger to well up on living apprised of in the know genned up on learned animate live erudite familiar with up politic penetrative intellectual acquainted with up-to-date clear-sighted breathing abreast of incisive up to date at home tuned in profound clued in on au fait versant clued up on ingenious feeling reactive scholarly up with fine far-sighted clear-eyed cultivated sophisticated au fait with cultured delicate clued-up educated adroit seeing discreet skilled dexterous skilful argute gnostic insighted urbane careful au courant with plugged in up on down with skillful deft dextrous on the beam cunning at home with on the ball well informed plugged into with great knowledge whip-smart razor-sharp ear to the ground knows what's what wary searching probing critical sharp-sighted keen-witted far-seeing refined tasteful inquisitive intent selective suss open-eyed thinking heads-up downy visionary imaginative appreciative cute prescient heady long-headed functioning philosophical showing great knowledge switched-on in touch lettered academic full of insight contemplative reflective foresighted sound grounded sussed sensible to bookish down enlightened about conversant with clued in plugged in to at ease with current up to speed used to genned up about advised versed in clued up about switched on to up-to-the-minute cognizant in familiarised accustomed familiarized au parfum cerebral informed of diplomatic literate scientific schooled sentimental emotional flesh-and-blood receptive self-aware sensate into practiced informed about hep proficient cool comprehending hip precocious analytical genius cagey cagy ready clear up to date with in the picture in the loop partaking of privileged switched-on to party to advised of sharing in sussed of complex exacting analytic intriguing ratiocinative detailed widely read well read tutored well educated polite considerate rational sophic sleepless supraliminal capable of feeling fly practised in practised skilled in proficient in experienced in well-read well-taught insomniac seemly cordial respectful courteous decorous polished existent razor-like rapier-like compos mentis wide awake in right mind organic existing extant biological gentle civil poised cautious mannerly sympathetic suave kind tactical in the right mind kept posted up to speed on up to date on perfect in tactful lively treating something with kid gloves treating with kid gloves among the living having life in the land of the living worldly unprovincial calculating qualified expert seasoned competent wily worldly-wise with-it tuned-in having been around

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Having a greater-than-even chance of occurring
likely probable expected anticipated foreseeable liable odds-on predicted presumable disposed fated predictable presumptive prospective destined inclined inferable predisposed promising natural ostensible prone seeming supposable verisimilar true distinctly possible on to be expected within the bounds of possibility given to in the air in the cards in the offing in the wind a pound to a penny on the cards ten to one having a tendency to on the verge of in the habit of certain foreseen unsurprising inevitable reliable obvious only to be expected par for the course scheduled awaited due slated projected estimated forecast understandable reasonable likeliest correct sensible practical what one would expect right logical not unexpected formularized formulaic sure-fire calculable prepared for prepared expectable nonrandom presumed apparent supposed plausible alleged possible purported hypothetical assumed suppositious conjectural suppositive presupposed asserted supposititious suppositional credible inferential reputed hypothetic imminent putative evident ostensive on the horizon coming professed prima facie specious conceivable illusory looming on the way outward brewing superficial believable perceived in the pipeline claimed semblant declared in prospect imaginable creditable potential in view impending approaching believed close at hand in store to come forthcoming near understood coming up upcoming normal assumptive at hand theoretical about to happen avowed rational pretended pending surface so-called illusive envisioned feigned just around the corner on the agenda knowable anticipatable estimative afoot speculative academic theoretic exterior academical liable to happen approximated taken for granted rumoured in the works inferred accepted guessed at circumstantial convincing presumptuous soi-disant exhibited manifest thought invented imaginary held rumored made-up fictional said notable colorable demonstrative quasi coming soon feasible justified threatening close acceptable accountable likely to happen justifiable excusable explainable legitimate explicable menacing tenable allowable pardonable admissible defensible forgivable thinkable wanted gathering quite possible mortal earthly promised reasonable to think nearing proximate oncoming nigh in the wings upon us near-at-hand fast approaching fast-approaching a reasonable bet a fair bet a good bet prophesied foretold hoped for looked for looked-for planned for hoped-for contemplated proposed long-awaited counted on counted upon inevasible looming large on its way on the verge see it coming immediate just round the corner next handwriting-on-the-wall following overhanging inescapable unescapable in the stars expectant unavoidable ineluctable scheduled for external expected to arrive most likely

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(informal) Truly meaning something said that was outrageous in nature

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Displaying logic and common sense
good logical practical rational sensible analytic analytical cerebral certain circumspect collected commonsense credible deductive discerning enlightened faultless infallible intellectual intelligent justifiable objective perspicacious philosophic plausible ratiocinative realistic reasonable reasoned reasoning reflective sagacious sound synthetic thinking thoughtful trustable unquestionable veracious veridical cogent coherent colorable commonsensible commonsensical confirmed corroborated errorless hard impeccable inerrant informed knowing levelheaded meticulous proven rigorous secure shrewd sincere substantiated truthful validated verified accurate calculable careful certified cognitive defendable defensible definite empiric empirical exact explicit judicious maintainable open precise prudent sharp stringent supportable sustainable tenable well-advised well-reasoned well-grounded clear-cut letter-perfect spot-on well-thought-out dead-on on-target valid solid well-founded justified sober just firm wise consequent well reasoned sage astute lucid reliable together well thought out insightful clear perceptive clever systematic politic sapient consistent methodical pragmatic organized well-informed grounded organised well organized level-headed matter-of-fact well advised cool well grounded learned knowledgeable educated dependable acceptable feasible canny savvy articulate viable orderly percipient balanced profound responsible plain understandable down-to-earth advisable sane joined-up far-sighted no-nonsense full of common sense all there hard-headed factual congruent comprehensible intelligible well informed relevant supported dispassionate meaningful unemotional straightforward prosaic trustworthy showing great knowledge with great knowledge identified cold unimpassioned deliberated fair regulated equitable unidealistic honest intuitive straight deliberate ordered thorough well-organized mathematical straight-thinking scientific decent erudite well considered strategic tactful smart experienced impartial believable legitimate clear-sighted clear-eyed common-sense with both one's feet on the ground cogitative contemplative desirable trusty moderate restrained conservative controlled temperate unprejudiced argute scholarly foresighted tactical unexcessive right admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason legit unextreme convincing well-expressed considered well-presented thought-out fair-minded open to reason evenhanded in one's right mind based on good sense weighty authoritative well presented well expressed well-structured well judged telling satisfactory satisfying full of insight recognized flawless watertight correct recognised established orthodox accepted true unassailable thought through right-thinking well founded right-minded holding water holding up standing up holding up in wash got it together discriminating discreet serious-minded mature attentive conversant au courant steady-going having all one's marbles in right mind

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(of a person) Calm and self-controlled
collected calm cool sedate composed self-controlled self-possessed serene together unfazed unperturbed unruffled cool-headed undisturbed untroubled controlled placid poised relaxed tranquil unflustered chilled equable even-tempered imperturbable unagitated unbothered unmoved confident coolheaded dispassionate equal impassive level limpid peaceful phlegmatic possessed quiet recollected self-composed smooth stolid unemotional unexcitable unflappable unperturbable unshaken unworried easy easygoing equanimous keeping your cool laid-back levelheaded nonchalant nonplussed sanguine still temperate as cool as a cucumber at peace cool, calm and collected good-tempered level-headed steady at ease sober insouciant unconcerned casual self-assured stoical rational assured stable easy-going mild carefree mellow balanced moderate undismayed blithe self-confident cold reserved well balanced detached sensible patient cool as a cucumber staid formal halcyon grounded dignified cool as cucumber undemonstrative sane businesslike reasonable restrained happy-go-lucky unexcited stoic aloof reticent unaffected tolerant unshakable even serious in control sound mature unresponsive demure self-contained stress-free unhurried assertive comfortable secure gentle devil-may-care informal realistic modest proper free and easy sure of oneself undemanding practical pacific seemly breezy decorous emotionless unstirred stilly wise flexible somber dependable commonsensical hushed indifferent lown withdrawn shy reliable uncommunicative retiring unfeeling constant stiff solemn distant stately frigid secretive diffident sombre complacent clearheaded prim bashful close-mouthed laid back taciturn cautious lax backward standoffish soft-spoken solitary reclusive offish leisurely liberal full of common sense self-restrained pragmatic resolute circumspect nerveless fearless judicious prudent restful apathetic all there brave untouched complaisant gutsy uninhibited grave passionless urbane unapproachable philosophical deliberate disimpassioned gung ho close low-pressure unimpassioned cold-blooded impassible inhibited callous misanthropic uncompanionable conventional icy ceremonious noncommittal eremitic sure of yourself unrestrained positive poker-faced regular loose well-balanced enlightened accommodating well adjusted untaxing undaunted liberated forgiving down-to-earth unceremonious civil firm unrestricted lackadaisical amenable courageous clinical reposeful hard-headed lenient unsentimental uninterrupted certain unbroken hassle-free forbearing intrepid unvexed unanxious blasé conciliatory logical mild-mannered audacious unflinching affable thick-skinned offhand bold suave self-reliant self-asserting settled dauntless peaceable upbeat unhesitating content uncritical hard-hearted unflurried calmed unsympathetic elegant remote numb affectless unsociable trouble-free filled with aplomb without a care in the world fair normal self-assertive unfluctuating uncaring lucid centered centred benign indulgent insensitive coherent serious-minded discreet permissive timid self-effacing hard-boiled heartless well-adjusted introverted clear-headed measured matter-of-fact able to reason clearly able to think clearly compos mentis of sound mind cozy unburdened unalarmed daring in a relaxed manner balmy plucky no-nonsense idyllic unafraid slack free compromising unchanging unvarying taking your time cosy fine undistracted uniform even-keeled clubby graceful agreeable deliberative farsighted not moved straight bovine consistent invariable debonair neutral happy blissful unrestrictive resigned good-natured irenic docile silent stabile orderly systematic methodical unaltering unalterable soothed repressed suppressed Zen quieted immovable smug self-satisfied freewheeling euthymic pellucid satisfied reconciled resting quiescent cocksure doubtless pushy implicit brazen clear long-suffering easeful leisured fixed strong laissez-faire overconfident not dismayed unrushed fatalistic unforthcoming earnest anxiety-free well-disposed rosy high inscrutable with one's feet on the ground private non-restrictive in one's right mind unabashed hard as nails stiff upper lip roll with punches responsible outgiving indolent lazy hang-loose at rest in repose unimpressed unfriendly constrained stand-offish accepting profound deep moral ethical philosophic deep-thinking learned uncomplaining insensible friendly in your right mind in possession of all one's faculties calm and collected keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together unswerving good having both feet on the ground calculable media-shy guarded puffed up pumped up aggressive forward defiant not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on unimpressible insusceptible understated dry-eyed stony closemouthed chilly tight-lipped laconic dumb shrinking impersonal downbeat nonpassionate stuffy dashing militant unrevealing hardened dry indurated inexcitable spiritless Olympian retired snobbish unpassionate stony-hearted sober-minded sobersided stick-in-the-mud boring starchy analytical scientific uninterested oblivious strong-willed tough abstract iceberg low-key impervious heedless immune right easy-peasy introspective unimpressionable live-and-let-live non-emotional chilled out cold sober unmindful congenial mentally sound sound of mind inward-looking chill coldhearted obdurate marble uncompassionate inexpressive blah objective disinterested deadpan listless flat glacial regulated unexcessive medium curbed conservative warm muted checked unextreme in possession of all your faculties having all marbles with both one's feet on the ground right in the head immune to insensate impervious to heedless of stubborn unyielding oblivious to open meek timorous indrawn unconstrained simple unmindful of proof against deaf to cold-fish self-sufficient unfussy contemplative sheepish self-absorbed self-interested coy introvert thoughtful pensive recessive cool cat couldn't care less unofficial can-do surefooted sure-footed versatile believing in oneself ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed self-centred self-respecting along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches self-centered with both feet on the ground careless pleasant cheerful pococurante perfunctory comfy inattentive negligent incurious gay irresponsible slipshod natural sloppy neglectful remiss cursory lighthearted relaxing disregardful slapdash derelict homely snug feckless airy sunny delinquent cushy jaunty intimate light-hearted buoyant unpretentious lukewarm lightsome genial uncurious regardless reckless improvident slap-happy blithely unconcerned without care lively subdued amiable cheery vivacious familiar sprightly jolly effervescent overindulgent homey cavalier soft blithesome slaphappy unstudied uninvolved welcoming hospitable optimistic flippant half-hearted languid unassuming forgetful unheeding uncircumspect tardy incautious unaccountable obliging undependable uncommitted unobservant untrustworthy good-for-nothing unreliable considerate unostentatious inconspicuous understanding cordial good-humoured good-humored bright animated subtle joyful merry homelike sparkling free-and-easy contented jovial unforced sparky bored glad spirited passive spontaneous played down toned down frolicsome thoughtless at home chirpy peppy unthinking supine unserious lethargic superficial high-spirited light non-committal unstuffy soothing frivolous neglecting bland wooden Laodicean sociable could care less wimpy non-formal slovenly full of beans amicable moony draggy expansive don't give a damn what the hell behindhand resilient sympathetic plain limp unstressed harmonious overfamiliar unreserved uninfluenced self-indulgent weary comforted lacking concern effortless artless jaded glutted protected free from worry free from care comforting calming broad-minded reassured matey take-it-or-leave-it couldn't-care-less world-weary chummy not formal gratified unexpressive generous open-minded unbuttoned pally bouncy cloyed fun rested asleep at switch unheedful oscitant failing to take proper care expressionless toneless hollow dead blank vacant fancy-free free-spirited transparent free-wheeling unstructured off the hook unenthusiastic cold fish nonaffected restored fresh nowhere nonemotional homestyle tractable unoppressive careful unburdensome straight-faced pokerfaced stony-eyed safe bubbly laissez faire free-minded snug as a bug in a rug delightful folksy down-home gleeful boon nonformal convivial footloose carefree and untroubled living the life of Riley torpid sluggish joyous ebullient vital homy uninquiring inert unambitious unmotivated downhome gamesome frolic winsome gladsome zestful eupeptic perky chipper exuberant zippy crank bullish hopeful canty jocund uneager sketchy zingy playful impartial removed spacey unprejudiced spaced-out out of it unpassioned unbiased funny footloose and fancy-free approachable supple invigorated full of zip elastic droopy dispirited desultory jocular unglamorous humorous laodicean indecisive uncertain unenthused irresolute undecided wishy-washy hesitant halfhearted unresolved tepid receptive available gemütlich accessible easy to get along with communicative well disposed easy to get on with conversable non-hostile door's always open unobtrusive minimalist unspectacular unflashy hurried fleeting quick mechanical brief summary passing token hasty facetious toned-down played-down modulated muffled low-profile softened soft-sell low-keyed free as the wind free as a bird unexacting commodious phoning it in dismissive going through the motions rapid walking through it jokey kind volatile feelgood brisk everyday frisky leisure ventilated easy-breezy compassionate tender caring pleasing under wraps uptight inobtrusive under control nonaggressive corked up unaffable in charge bottled up in check on a leash unexpansive not given to excesses in control of yourself benevolent kindly lovable humane vague indefinite broad inaccurate general spicy racy workaday slouchy loose-fitting baggy day-to-day sporty ordinary non-dressy sportif flabby flaccid nonspecific imprecise over-tolerant shapeless inexact yielding bright-eyed and bushy-tailed humble merciful likeable softhearted fatherly loving non-confrontational sweet-tempered lamblike sisterly brotherly likable gracious kind-hearted angelic unoffensive goodhearted motherly respectful decent dovelike tenderhearted tender-hearted maternal reverent large-hearted dove-like warmhearted kindhearted harmless paternal asleep on job nonjudgmental floppy paying no mind any way full of the joys of spring not bothered blind deaf not giving a toss

Tính từ

Feeling no fear or anxiety
unafraid confident daring fearless intrepid lionhearted stout-hearted audacious ballsy bold brave courageous dauntless doughty game gutsy mettlesome plucky spunky stout unabashed by unblenching undaunted by unfearing unflinching unshakable unshrinking assured brassy cheeky cocky dashing gallant gritty heroic nervy stouthearted unalarmed by undaunted unfrightened unscared valiant not scared having nerves of steel valorous stalwart adventurous gutty venturous manful spirited heroical greathearted undauntable resolute daredevil venturesome lion-hearted adventuresome hardy indomitable have-a-go unabashed feisty temerarious enterprising rock-ribbed unalarmed determined reckless chivalrous rash nerved emboldened unfearful fire-eating foolhardy noble tenacious cool calm brash tough free-swinging aweless manly death-or-glory spartan unwavering strong unfaltering staunch firm forceful redoubtable frightless impavid go-ahead steady as game as Ned Kelly impassive swashbuckling positive brazen nerveless decisive vigorous madcap unemotional risky steadfast unswerving devil-may-care dynamic dogged peppy heedless sporting pushy fortitudinous steely dareful forward resilient assertive carefree herolike puissant icy worthy powerful shameless persevering unyielding unbending imperturbed wild stubborn overbold overconfident undismayed full of determination orped sassy honourable macho great-spirited death-defying gung ho unconcerned unworried unapprehensive dangerous defiant chin-up imprudent ungoverned uncurbed hazardous impervious undisturbed headstrong urbane quixotic hairy suave dignified honorable exciting restless exploratory presumptuous risk-taking thrill-seeking seeking impulsive superhuman salty impudent smart-alecky smart obtrusive crusty Herculean on the go classic exaggerated grand epic extravagant collected not afraid fire eating hot shot elevated high-flown inflated grandiose composed go for broke out on a limb mythological champion controlled self-possessed imperturbable self-confident stand tall emotionless loyal faithful bigger than life cool-headed self-assured unflappable constant dependable assuming bantam relaxed committed devoted dedicated reliable unblinking tranquil patient sturdy trusty true hard-working stable cool, calm and collected true-blue unhesitating tried and true solid bound and determined tried and tested bound steamroller dead set on hanging tough powerhouse energetic lively active vital fiery animated flamboyant enthusiastic red-blooded muscular hasty ostentatious ambitious zippy impetuous virile incautious showy robust passionate potent aggressive vivacious high-spirited sprightly masculine male dazzling jaunty zealous driving bouncy snappy precipitate vibrant rugged full of life gay sparky butch big harum-scarum ill-advised strapping effervescent sparkling gingery brisk lusty injudicious hotheaded frisky chirpy emphatic resourceful exuberant thoughtless pert spanking vehement high-powered intense racy buoyant full-blooded careless go-go breezy keen alert bright full of beans full of vim and vigour eager peppery tireless irresponsible unguarded perky overhasty bubbly furious romantic unwary hare-brained ardent desperate improvident pushing unthinking zesty indiscreet kinetic zestful animate headlong springy pizazzy pizzazzy bouncing jazzy unwise indefatigable harebrained all-male effective resounding striking airy manlike original imaginative ingenious strenuous muscly sporty inventive forcible brawny high-octane bright-eyed and bushy-tailed creative mannish entrepreneurial man-size ripped man-sized hunky hot-headed well-built lordly shredded up-and-coming elaborate progressive innovative monumental well built unconsidered buff jacked lofty irrational laddish violent generative cheerful sharp precipitous hell-for-leather kamikaze outrageous go-getting rousing ebullient shocking joyful sound merry frolicsome pretentious frenzied jumping to conclusions slapdash insuppressible immature premature ill-considered gumptious zappy jolly stirring two-fisted overambitious busy industrious lavish gamesome effectual persistent spry precipitant peart impassioned fresh ill-judged storming punchy intensive coming on strong full of spirit alive and kicking bright and breezy unsafe foolish full of get-up-and-go full of the joys of spring all-out hard-hitting swaggering rakish stylish bravehearted debonair gaudy eye-catching startling flashy roisterous saucy unspeakable Ramboesque mettled resolved rumbustious cavalier attractive raffish earnest pioneering boisterous fun-loving swish elegant unremitting pertinacious liberal disruptive advanced forward-looking modern enduring purposeful dapper perseverant unthought-out ill-conceived misjudged enlightened forward-thinking driven irrepressible frolic crank tearaway bull-in-a-china-shop exclusive swank adult jock stud beefcake ape stallion boyish caveman hunk flourishing electrifying full of fun new rising alive bustling frantic badly thought out not thought through excited happening colorful humming colourful buzzing vivid unheeding lawless hopping coruscating stimulating thriving astir abuzz avant-garde chauvinist he-man sensitive untiring vibrating unflagging radiant responsive husky burly substantial hefty abubble aboil over-venturesome over-adventurous monstrous scandalous heinous anxious stupid wide open mad silly breakneck off deep end out on limb ball of fire full of pep studly powerfully built fecund beefy well made fertile aggressively male ultramasculine unpleasantly masculine atrocious worried distracted in-your-face pulling no punches high-sounding magnetic electric high-minded egotistic reproductive sexually potent procreative large imposing knightly pompous bombastic OTT cheery happy sunny immoderate immodest upbeat large-scale unrealistic high-falutin' high-flying far-reaching on a grand scale flush exorbitant magnificent commanding extreme excessive chivalric magnanimous jovial gleeful playful charismatic influential compelling energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising blithesome chipper imperious impressive fantastic disproportionate impish jocose exhilarated just high sublime gentlemanly fair natural great courteous gifted capable able talented clever quick-witted rollicking sparkly sportive wick devilish glad perk light play for keeps play hard ball over the top fanciful unreasonable insane trim easy natty virtuous courtly flip joking spruce avid barnstorming rocking hot jumping burning zingy hyper hungry take-over itching craving hardworking yearning diligent aspiring hustling lusting advancing self-starting ready in good spirits gentlemanlike benevolent great-hearted noble-minded well-mannered as merry as a grig as lively as a grig spark plug hard ball negligent inconsiderate misguided unwatchful inattentive unobservant mindless impolitic off-guard unalert uncautious regardless unmindful wary unvigilant neglectful caught napping asleep at the wheel playing with fire leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job foot-in-mouth

Tính từ

Frequented or used by travelers

Phó từ

Definitely, without a doubt
certainly really absolutely indeed truly undoubtedly definitely genuinely indisputably plainly undeniably clearly decidedly frankly honestly legitimately positively unmistakably unquestionably assuredly categorically doubtless inarguably incontestably incontrovertibly irrefutably literally so surely unarguably unequivocally alright easily forsooth all right hands down without doubt without question without a doubt without any question for real for sure indubitably for certain by all means by all odds obviously beyond doubt of course doubtlessly beyond question patently evidently beyond the shadow of a doubt actually manifestly without fail with certainty emphatically verily no doubt conclusively beyond any doubt for a fact no ifs ands or buts distinctly undisputedly admittedly exactly palpably in fact beyond a doubt in sooth needless to say come hell or high water as sure as eggs is eggs firmly markedly noticeably unimpeachably truthfully downright well undoubtably precisely transparently decisively demonstrably in truth to be sure far and away apparently seemingly in reality right on no strings attached flat-out there are no two ways about it no holds barred no catch nothing else but by a mile in actuality verifiably hands-down quite indefensibly simply accurately rightly ostensibly supposedly probably reliably authentically cert posolutely by far plain almost certainly de facto in effect in all sincerity agreed visibly overtly sure as can be sure enough beyond shadow of a doubt veritably openly acutely conspicuously recognizably it goes without saying prominently perceptibly recognisably discernibly confidently there's no denying it beyond a shadow of a doubt no ifs ands or buts about it even inevitably very well as a matter of fact as expected as it happened in point of fact you could say if truth be told very much nay as it happens the ticket to a tee on the nose on the money unconditionally flat without qualification really truly no kicker amen inexorably unavoidably unfailingly infallibly unshakably explicitly unerringly fixedly beyond any shadow of a doubt beyond shadow of doubt rain or shine come what may expressly extremely unusually especially uncommonly particularly exceptionally exceedingly singularly mucho mega majorly desperately unco ultra tremendously devilishly awful terrifically dead right fair plumb mighty powerful jolly real exceeding determinedly hellish bloody lekker strongly terribly devilish sore ever so no mistake in spades straight out naturally completely totally unambiguously entirely thoroughly sure thing utterly wholly altogether affirmative in every respect fully perfectly unreservedly just so yes soundly clean pointedly necessarily through and through one hundred per cent correctly inescapably good roger fine true granted most assuredly gladly willingly even so good enough yea yep okay aye outright directly specifically heartily all no question in every way definitively all over straightforwardly with pleasure blatantly flatly strictly faithfully convincingly perforce consummately scrupulously fairly carefully just veraciously unmitigatedly ineluctably by definition rigorously faultlessly full of necessity nolens volens by force of circumstance to the letter all of to the hilt on the button like it or not as a matter of course sharply glaringly with decision unhesitatingly deadly wholeheartedly resolutely adamantly round closely full on from all appearances a hundred per cent to all intents and purposes no two ways about it obvs quite so largely purely certifiably in no uncertain terms consequently you bet properly factually in absolute terms uncompromisingly shallowly simplistically in toto in all respects all in all without reservation without exception all told most definitely accordingly needs nicely conscientiously realistically justly punctiliously meticulously painstakingly concretely uh-huh as a result significantly veridically as a necessary consequence ipso facto as a consequence without shades of grey<