Đồng nghĩa của luck

Alternative for luck

Đồng nghĩa: chance, fate, fortuity, fortune, lot,

Danh từ

Chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen
chance fortune accident fate destiny fortuity hazard lot stars hap casualty circumstance karma kismet serendipity circumstances contingency mozzle break coincidence fifty-fifty happenstance occasion occurrence toss-up twist of fate unforeseen event a twist of fate what is written in the stars providence fluke doom Lady Luck predestination good luck fortuitousness lucky break freak misfortune predetermination blessing stroke of luck Dame Fortune way the cookie crumbles wheel of fortune adventure portion divine will the stars handwriting on the wall way the ball bounces fortunateness orlay destination happy chance gamble happening horoscope good fortune venture happenchance happy accident cup the times a fluke dole a happy chance a bit of luck bad luck astral influence incident lucky hit a piece of good fortune Moirai run of luck a bit of good luck luckiness accidentality accidentalness eventuality quirk cast future haphazard haza advantage mere chance nemesis tripping over stumbling upon dumb luck happy coincidence accidental happening turn Fortuna divine intervention peradventure bit of luck hand weird afterlife breaks risk heritage piece of good fortune chance event bit of good luck Fates inescapableness wyrd even chance God's will divine decree Norns what is written Parcae start hit or miss heads or tails Lady Fortune outside influence turn of the cards throw of the dice one's lot one's portion lottery opportunity situation edge probability history experiences condition success life one's lot in life adventures means expectation mishap the luck of the draw scenario star experience certainty dynamite hundred-to-one fling possibility go wager place station good break lucked out lucked into fighting chance long shot risky business roll of the dice streak of luck deal preordination Providence predestiny end what is to come writing on the wall one's dole foreordination foreordainment preordainment what is in the books God's plan election necessity ordinance inevitability course of events boon godsend windfall miracle benediction bonanza strike decision sentence state position plight lucky strike one in a million decree verdict condemnation judgment predicament tragedy conclusion calamity trouble Moira judgement cataclysm opinion fixed future Judgment Day hand one is dealt handwriting on wall way cookie crumbles lap of the gods

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A beneficial thing for which one is grateful
blessing benefit boon help advantage godsend windfall gain gift profit favor favour bonus bounty convenience service asset benediction extra felicity good good thing kindness manna virtue added attraction additional benefit benison perk plus plus point break miracle added extra good fortune stroke of luck good luck piece of luck lucky break lucky thing piece of good fortune manna from heaven aid expediency assistance leg-up leverage leeway influence preference support eminence pre-eminence improvement ace in the hole trump precedence hold edge odds trump card supremacy prestige winner authority position superiority protection mastery prevalence power decider lead ascendancy dominance upper hand value merit reward privilege start attraction profitability advantageousness expedience helpfulness usefulness utility strong point fringe benefit avail perquisite beauty good point gratification advisability desirability foredeal return ace up your sleeve use worth effectiveness efficacy account strength mileage quality gratuity upside resource pro appropriateness fitness efficiency practicality appanage serviceableness serviceability suitability importance productiveness luxury dividend liberty opportunity interest treasure success potency prerogative significance authorization sanction gravy license substance right functionality entitlement authorisation lagniappe effect due birthright claim capability efficaciousness consequence point ability apanage licence tip premium purpose note leave excellence distinction freedom amenity sense weight relevance consideration accommodation permission adequacy bonanza facility comfort selling point concession possibility aptness capacity import impact feasibility fruitfulness ease efficacity appropriacy charter franchise performance grant donative cumshaw consent effectualness honour successfulness valuation warrant talent compensation magnitude freebie throw-in effectuality potence constructiveness prize honor credit handiness carte blanche largess incentive sweetener moment mark betterment chance goodness redeeming feature perks practicability saving grace gravy train prudence applicability strong suit preferableness choice judiciousness viability workability satisfaction wisdom timeliness propitiousness title exemption droit immunity appeal independence worthiness concern function validity propriety dispensation present nicety relief forte desirableness advisableness feature jackpot force advancement appealing aspect indemnity meritoriousness weightiness compensating feature competence behoof percentage solution allowance aim endowment recommendation prominence momentousness capableness sufficiency seriousness gravity refuge caliber benefits niftiness repayment creature comfort effectivity signification calibre stature attractiveness usability vantage estimation mod con call feather in your cap justification thing in its favour golden hello attractive feature long suit valuableness worthwhileness opportuneness chance of a lifetime favourableness soundness affordance delight joy preferability boot lure draw pull fittingness sensibleness usage bliss rightness achievability neatness excellent inspiration well-being grace attribute attainability operability workableness recommendability seemliness sensibility advantages icing on the cake extenuative palliative attractive aspect business meaning allure golden opportunity excellency significancy pith class greatness meaningfulness prosperity added advantage free will priority most favourable aspect most pleasant aspect best point prequisite perquisites allowances solatium grade excuse grounds pragmatism profitableness versatility welfare pretension pretense pretence dibs reason perfection extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality enjoyment coup triumph good quality standing compensation package employee benefit skill logic favorable aspect good feature favourable aspect forcefulness latitude feat masterstroke achievement rank matter ease of use object motive cardinal virtue gainfulness benefit in kind succor autonomy flexibility attainment accomplishment sake availment upshot qualification utilitarianism indulgence esteem urgency repute weal point of character scope discretion space boom guide award validness clout opportunism properness meetness acquisition freelage noteworthiness system arrangement appliance deal room free rein margin result discovery recompense payment wealth hand facilitation accessory stopgap expedient venture buy acquirement equipment solutions provision furtherance succour ministration ministry addition steal winnings requital price good judgment leisure unrestraint personal best best crutch meed decoration carrot positive feature bargain purchase discount deduction reduction extravagance enrichment enhancement fortuity fluke fortune investment accretion procuration possession holding blank cheque complete discretion complete freedom blank check breathing room wiggle room elbowroom elbow room breathing space rein free hand unrestricted freedom lack of restrictions desert purse pay-off guerdon payoff inducement pennies from heaven pot of gold winning streak treasure trove cash cow crock of gold run of luck gold mine rebate recourse backup pick-me-up resort pointer assist abetment remuneration cut good buy good deal garland goodies crown accolade pleasant thing strike run concurrence granting clearance sufferance decrease encouragement donation benefaction compliment lucky strike foot in the door way in leg up prize money feather in cap weighting refund adjustment tolerance admission adaptation green light toleration implication bearing bang for the buck

Danh từ

A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position
vantage advantage edge jump ascendancy better lead drop supremacy pull dominance stead superiority favor favour gain leverage authority break start precedence mastery handicap eminence odds position boon bulge power expediency leeway upper hand whip hand high ground head start catbird seat inside track control coign of vantage primacy benefit box seat leg up ascendency rule head dominion domination headstart asset flying start pre-eminence transcendence advantageous position preeminence aid sway command trump card penalty points forefront leading place foothold leg-up percentage mileage first place primary position networking connections first position vantage point help improvement connexions top spot head place allowance initiative pole position favourable position driver's seat trump hand commanding lead winning position right people influence helping hand the upper hand the edge governance lift boost support assistance opportunity push kick-start chance opening predominance advantageous beginning forestart encouragement sponsorship backing preponderance primeness preponderancy prepotency paramountcy leadership nobility meliority predomination well-being good profit better quality prosperity betterment welfare sake preference blessing protection weal interest value convenience weight clout service prestige bargaining chip resource plus treasure bargaining counter bonus running start first crack gift trump ace in the hole winner prevalence hold decider facility amenity rank standing solution relief say beef teeth muscle juice credit pressure heft refuge jump on

Danh từ

The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group
welfare good health interest well-being happiness profit safety security success fortune prosperity protection comfort wellbeing advantage benefit prosperousness weal good fortune good health successfulness abundance contentment ease euphoria felicity interests pogey progress satisfaction thriving east street favour favor opulence plenty luxury eudaemonia bed of roses riches gain wealth exorbitance plenteousness boom sake enjoyment affluence good times life of luxury the good life easy street gravy train standard of living best interests purpose quality of life object use worth effect stead furtherance wherewithal profitability richdom wealthiness means richness Godspeed good life material comfort American dream deep pockets comfortable circumstances milk and honey life of Riley privileged circumstances betterment preference aid blessing vantage asset edge leverage value pleasure relaxation expansion increase growth repose warmth tranquillity peace cosiness tranquility serenity contentedness leisure coziness bliss succor succour comfortableness easefulness equanimity sufficiency liss peacefulness freedom from hardship inflation comfortable accomplishment do clover arrival victory velvet flying colors high on the hog lavishness restfulness calmness calm rest easiness content gratification idleness quietude ataraxia lap of luxury splendour luxuriance bounty peace of mind fertility copiousness poise passivity casualness inertia informality inertness inactivity quietness splendor productivity requiescence supinity unrestraint fruitfulness unceremoniousness superabundance sumptuousness reward extravagance luxuriousness grandeur indulgence magnificence costliness possessions assets resources property voluptuousness naturalness spontaneity substantiality plenitude grandness effectiveness easy circumstances hedonism fecundity productiveness virility prolificacy privilege economic growth prolificness feracity prolificity economic boom exuberance income money lucre laurels substance cash feast plentifulness happy days life's work product of working life lifework life of ease good luck joyfulness merit paradise joy mint wad pile tidy sum gold mine money-spinner moneymaker lucrativeness remuneration picnic rainmaker killing Elysium lushness viability ritziness plushness plushiness grandiosity splendidness fanciness quiet gracious life hog heaven Fat City beer and skittles fun and games financial security fulfilment delight poshness classiness swankiness relish freedom composure gladness fulfillment decompression self-content freedom from troubles free time

Danh từ

A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc
fetish fixation mania obsession thing compulsion craze fancy fascination preoccupation prepossession taste weakness fad hang-up bias desire engrossment idée fixe leaning partiality passion penchant predilection prejudice proclivity propensity sexual fixation stimulant golden calf infatuation fetich enthusiasm bug complex addiction monomania crush hobby horse neurosis bee in your bonnet attraction hobbyhorse love ruling passion interest one-track mind liking rage yen case fondness consuming passion enchantment captivation pet subject soft spot affection grabber ax to grind bug in ear tiger by the tail care something on the brain mania for obsession with preoccupation with fanaticism fixedness paranoia preference concern inclination susceptibility keenness keen interest affinity obsessive compulsion irresistible impulse niggle worry uneasiness anxiety craving urge cacoethes hobby tiger fever disorder furor craziness fashion bee furore fixed idea lust besottedness bee in bonnet doting yearning admiration devotion adoration aching adulation amorousness hots relish distraction drive pursuit pastime phobia charm allure magnetism lure must monkey phantom delusion appeal pull magic attractiveness glamour charisma oomph pizzazz allurement pizazz seductiveness glamor spell intrigue duende witchery concrete idea draw sorcery beguilement force field power animal magnetism pzazz piquancy trance enthrallment witchcraft thing for enticement temptation seduction beauty drawing power desirability bewitchment inducement mystique come-on romance excitement pleasingness entrancement magnet bait mesmerism ravishment persuasion decoy engagingness call invitation mystery aura prettiness loveliness influence gorgeousness comeliness IT tantalization incentive snare turn-on star quality prestige inveiglement siren song prepossessingness brilliance glitter razzle-dazzle color hold exoticism colour fairness captivatingness mysteriousness splendour curiosity irresistibility pulchritude magnificence presence flash bewitchery winsomeness carrot handsomeness enticingness cajolery dazzle charmingness something loadstone lodestone style trap interestingness bonniness agreeableness bribe splendor sweetener mousetrap good looks air of mystery pleasantness crowd puller opulence absorption hypnotism enslavement enthralment delight sophisticated style ensnarement mesmerization hypnotization strong interest joy bliss rapture transport sexual magnetism irresistible influence personality sparkle happiness individuality curse thrall teaser glory showiness flashiness likableness mojo coaxing odyl OD agreeability bribery awe the jazz bedroom eyes come-hither look razzmatazz force of personality thrill sweetening promise blandishment personal appeal odylic force hypnotic attraction glitz attractivity glam strength of character éclat come hither bright lights high life wiles blandishments delightfulness character attitude inscrutability temperament secretiveness nature curiousness pulling power sex appeal special something glamorousness air of mysteriousness tantalizing focus crowd-pleaser tantalising eroticism sexiness winningness takingness temptingness colourfulness adventure sentiment air of secrecy crowd-puller grace elegance exoticness fantasy nostalgia centre of attention focal point sexual attractiveness sexual attraction tout hook seducement gimmick fake ambush trick illusion camouflage idealization idealisation idyll center of attention exquisiteness bloom drawing card artistry voluptuousness symmetry heavenliness beauteousness con game sitting duck impressiveness beautifulness cuteness decorativeness grandeur picturesqueness sightliness aesthetics looks esthetics seemliness wonders delights glories fairy tale refinement shapeliness physical attractiveness polish class natural beauty delicacy adorableness

Danh từ

A chance or possibility for progress or profit
opportunity prospect chance shot break contingency indication opening option scope advantage possibility avenue facility forum gateway likelihood outlook vacancy capacity elbow room freedom future latitude look-in outlet probability room to manoeuvre alternative crack fighting chance kick at the can kick at the cat liberty lucky chance opportunism pass play privilege resort room say way answer approach destiny entrance free ride helping hand job lucky break recourse vantage aperture connection convenience deal occasion leeway discretion choice independence prerogative margin free rein carte blanche autonomy ability space flexibility hope elbowroom time self-determination power feasibility range odds plausibility likeliness right conceivability compass indulgence window capability possible course of action licence license promise wiggle room unrestraint rein substitute pick good fortune laxity sweep swing rope way out potential show allowance start turn moment liability sovereignty perk grant span breadth reach potentiality benefit authority free will leisure authorization extent bet breathing space preference run authorisation hazard solution chances selection sovranty risk fear window of opportunity route replacement substitution volition way in leg up election wriggle room independency toss-up exemption self-governance druthers abandonment abandon immunity profligacy bent rampancy long shot prayer foot in the door surrogate outside chance laissez faire full play own accord course of action what it takes plenty of rope self-government full swing slot will chance of a lifetime self-rule expectation anticipation democracy percentage republic self-legislation non-alignment devolution slack practicability unrestrictedness self-sufficiency home rule demand stage instant achievability spread workableness free play width realm bounds depth a free hand run of freedom from restriction room for maneuver freedom of action scope for initiative attainability attainableness golden opportunity opportune time stab circumstance occurrence instance radius spectrum suitable time freeness non-coercion non-compulsion power of choice non-confinement right moment fortuity fluke fortune reserve first step proxy other back-up stand-in sub another possibility other possibility redundancy strike change another course of action other fish to fry other fish in sea initial opportunity determination evaluation decision call decree nomination lucky strike stroke of luck good luck eventuality leave availability recommendation whack go concession imminence uncertainty unpredictability wherewithal ease riskiness insecurity precariousness perilousness speculation bonus entitlement expedient blank cheque complete discretion complete freedom blank check breathing room free hand unrestricted freedom lack of restrictions big break sanction exposure instability exposedness go-at right set of circumstances favourable time favourable moment favourable occasion boon apanage asset appanage claim favour due favor danger peril reasonableness threat leap in the dark birthright utility charter perquisite franchise plus luxury presumption fifty-fifty tendency trend direction freelage reward expedience profit measure step course resource good chance strong possibility fringe benefit remedy shot at even break fair shake coin flip shift stopgap device source of help source of assistance something to turn to someone to turn to refuge help reference expediency makeshift relief

Danh từ

Positive outcome from the achievement of one's goals
success prosperity affluence exorbitance fortune wealth abundance good fortune laurels opulence prosperousness riches well-being good life good times happiness happy days life of luxury plenteousness reward gravy train lap of luxury life's work lifework luxury product of working life splendour splendor the good life bed of roses comfort easy street good luck indulgence life of ease joy joyfulness merit milk and honey paradise richdom assets gold mine means mint pile possessions property resources tidy sum wad American dream accomplishment welfare achievement attainment successfulness good interest benefit advantage ease thriving health plenty profit security result of working life weal boom contentment progress safety protection growth felicity wealthiness satisfaction good health euphoria eudaemonia wherewithal profitability richness economic growth economic boom Godspeed material comfort deep pockets comfortable circumstances life of Riley privileged circumstances wellbeing pogey interests expansion increase east street inflation do clover comfortable arrival victory velvet flying colors high on the hog extravagance leisure privilege fruitfulness bounty fertility feast superabundance plentifulness copiousness sufficiency capital funds substance cash money goods estate treasure belongings pelf holdings effects principal finance securities dough reserves valuables worth lucre stock chattels luxuriance bread revenue mammon hoard megabucks cache wonga substantiality commodities gold worldly goods big money multitude stocks and bonds ill-gotten gains material goods long green Mammon big bucks

Động từ

To take place or do something by accident or without intending to
chance happen occur befall betide come hap transpire stumble tumble arrive pass come about come off fall out go on turn out blunder on come to pass hit upon light upon stumble on turn up come down go down be one's fate fall to one's lot arise be take place do develop ensue eventuate result cook materialize crop up fall materialise follow appear emerge pan out present itself break spring surface come into existence supervene go issue bechance come into being become take shape be realized manifest action come out originate start begin stem dawn proceed commence derive erupt burst out upspring break out be born come up take effect set in overtake prove befit presage have effect goon play out present eventualize shake out show catch contract gel shake pass off end up chance upon see the light of day become a fact actualize form engender flow occur suddenly come forth suddenly come forth birth flow from emanate spawn become apparent issue from come from have one's foundations start off spurt be set in motion spring from loom hail from head emanate from gush rise flare up metamorphose shoot up pick up propagate germinate be a direct result uprise sprout foment spring up make an appearance chance to happen evolve take form unfold pop up be caused by be produced by be brought about by exist become manifest crystallize crystallise come to light be consequent on accompany begin life grow originate in shape up supervene on culminate work out finish up come after attend flourish kick in show up intervene launch catalyze be a consequence of catalyse be the result of come to the fore enter the picture bob up enter into the picture succeed come next hit roll up recur be found to be happen suddenly be attended by follow on be subsequent to see daylight first see the light of day arise from manifest itself stem from accrue arise out of result from be a result of stop end terminate be developed be created be brought to pass be brought about kick off be established be brought into existence arrive on the scene be forged come on the scene be brought into being have its origin in be taken be due to be brought on by be had be got be the consequence be the result be consequent be a consequence circulate be released leak out be announced be made public be promulgated become evident get around slip out become common knowledge be uncovered get out be made known become known be revealed come out in the wash be brought out leak be exposed be reported be discovered be issued prove to be the case be disclosed be divulged spread come out in the open be published express incorporate embody externalize instantiate epitomize personify body substantiate incarnate personalize coalesce exteriorize come true symbolise typify objectify realise pragmatize personalise make real realize entify hypostatize epitomise visualise symbolize personize become visual be incarnate externalise visualize reify become real reveal yourself corporealize become concrete substantialize

Trái nghĩa của luck

luck Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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