Đồng nghĩa của service

Danh từ

An act of being of assistance or help to someone
contribution help kindness assistance aid favor favour benevolence boon courtesy turn benefit grace indulgence ministration mercy helping hand good turn act of assistance support good deed succor succour charity relief benediction comfort act of kindness abetment accommodation backing boost goodwill care cooperation altruism patronage furtherance attention treatment sustenance solid kind act assist hand generosity dispensation reinforcement facilitation deed philanthropy benefaction benignity good will compensation ministrations lift promotion blessing leg up gift consideration largess obligement errand helpfulness reward deliverance services salvation intervention offices ministry goodwill gesture advancement collaboration abettance guidance encouragement backup a helping hand a leg up special favor kindly act kind deed nurture comity cordiality tolerance friendliness amity sympathy act gesture thoughtful act selfless act charitableness action guide influence satisfaction ease enjoyment luxury gesture of goodwill friendly gesture olive branch mediation intercession good furthering security push advantage espousal giving alleviation spurring on advocacy shot in the arm advice rescue complicity bounty supervision therapy interest alms benison honour honor tending endowment funding largesse donation grant coattails instrumentality mitzvah troubleshooting hand-holding subsidy welfare handout rehabilitation reprieve solace respite remedy convenience offering subvention sponsorship allowance bursary devotion TLC looking after tender loving care hand-out good offices easement a kindness a hand a lift a favour a good turn a break

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A ceremony of religious worship according to a prescribed form
ceremony rite ritual liturgy observance sacrament function ordinance worship ceremonial formality mass office sermon practice custom celebration form tradition solemnity convention procedure usage act institution habit Sacrament communion mystery order performance formal procedure routine protocol rubric stereotype red tape festival occasion praxis services formula formulation commemoration propriety show decorum solemnities parade baptism confirmation matrimony marriage vow confession oath formal courtesy religious ceremony church service holy orders form of worship rule regulation conventionality bureaucracy punctilio paperwork gesture formal gesture academism official procedure convenance matter of form solemnness requirement officialism rituality lockstep tikanga schedule prescription way mores etiquette norm method fashion heritage canon policy wont mode proprieties precept pomp strictness nicety conformity formalities punctiliousness style manner code system pattern manners moeurs law kawa rules accepted behaviour done thing courteousness preciseness ceremoniousness formalism politeness covenance principle percept proceedings pageantry normality barometer benchmark regime normalcy condition yardstick guideline course business ado rigmarole use habitude treatment currency acceptance management rote trick control standard par matter of course behaviour palaver festivity conduct decency how approach social practice tack tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology order of things proceeding behavior channels setup ropes process exactitude meticulousness precision modus operandi right practice set formula scrupulousness customs conscientiousness by the book by the numbers conventions particularity courtesies politesse civilities conventionalities couth finickiness civility rules of conduct courtesy thing to do social graces good form code of behaviour p's and q's code of behavior proper behavior dignity consuetude dictates conventionalism precedent folkways shibboleth customariness vogue design mould character attitude mold type observation kaupapa sacred cow unwritten rule unwritten law established way way of doing things

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The action of serving food and drinks to customers

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The use which can be made of a machine
use function avail functionality productiveness usefulness utility account benefit mileage serviceability serviceableness value worth advantage usage profit good help effectiveness efficacy helpfulness assistance purpose gain fitness aid practicality convenience merit point applicability appropriateness relevance importance significance quality substance goodness handiness adequacy niftiness note practicability expediency reward desirability consequence power favour favor upside strength sense virtue superiority caliber calibre stature estimation strong point boot aim neatness advantages success benefits process performance versatility usability profitableness advantageousness wearing employment component profitability feasibility viability workability possibility efficiency edge wear worthiness betterment gratification meaning appeal distinction excellence allure meritoriousness perks grade vantage excuse call asset grounds boon justification significancy start improvement eminence validity attractiveness credit greatness class meaningfulness gift behoof valuation endowment moment percentage talent mark perfection impact influence effect potency magnitude implication bearing import bang for the buck weight standing rank capacity ability prestige prominence repute position status capability gravity pre-eminence seriousness excellency competence momentousness weightiness standard renown interest reputation supremacy fame honor honour preeminence character concern plus station level celebrity choiceness primeness esteem noteworthiness superbness dignity signification high quality first-rateness place grace brilliance integrity efficaciousness successfulness illustriousness force notability state urgency fruitfulness fineness suitability classification cachet good point object rating degree qualification effectualness peerlessness efficacity purity name arete flair style salience transcendence effectuality potence kudos laurels priority plus point capableness authority reason materiality high standard advisability expertise proficiency skill aptitude ranking faculty majesty condition grandeur clout essence gifts strengths constitution habilitation perk nobility accomplishment attraction consideration stateliness matter pull footing loftiness nobleness regard echelon rung stage gentility constructiveness éclat supereminence sublimity upshot redeeming feature sufficiency paramountcy preponderancy preponderance morality bonus severity added extra enormity exigency praiseworthiness accolade manner badge decoration bays award measure benchmark qualifications skilfulness adeptness competency kind advancement wholesomeness clearness clarity application pith rate soundness forte attribute laurel preferableness expedience size prestigiousness logic stake graveness lustre image acclaim motive reaches mana generosity agreeableness eligibility blessing report simplicity physique high station figure development growth satisfaction chivalry disinterestedness high-mindedness heroism glory idealism stratum mode type category stress precedence emphasis good quality welfare ease social standing good name heaviness cardinal virtue long suit strong suit rightness aptness social position izzat good judgment high standing luster magnanimity effectivity popularity lure draw decorum desert goal gratuity privilege order role objective deservingness godsend fringe benefit premium tier result outcome comfort enjoyment raison d'être excellent beauty selling point good thing feature inspiration pro additional benefit amenity indulgence cream windfall prize egg in one's beer courtliness perquisite gravy gradation division business task duty work job part respectability solemnity propriety mission league notch estate groove niche regalness impressiveness poise royalness well-being formality respectfulness regality composure responsibility return assignment target augustness magnificence exaltedness breeding correctness gravitas lordliness ceremoniousness sway seemliness modesty honourability righteousness splendor etiquette dominance sophistication finesse elegance sedateness reserve sobriety refinement polish ethics hauteur self-possession culture splendour high rank high calibre high caliber conspicuousness rule grandness

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Time in military operation

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Actions performed as part of one's employment
employment labor labour work employ business duty office performance of one's duties job occupation post role task position responsibility assignment mission calling function charge situation engagement obligation concern undertaking appointment trade line capacity profession commission place racket craft vocation commitment career part province pursuit field berth billet day job thing métier imperative incumbency devoir burden line of work chore operation detail connection living activity station sphere purpose pigeon industry game hire need onus sector livelihood practice lifework world brief use lay speciality specialty line of business slot avocation setup art chosen work walk of life rat race line of employment do directive contract requirement care way committal custody remit instruction briefing trust pledge biz dodge handicraft pay what one is into endeavor focus servitude niche participation involvement chores project rôle endeavour process domain area discipline element circle enterprise arena department realm front walk terrain jurisdiction demesne zone territory barony turf bubble precinct bailiwick section fief fiefdom sport orbit proceeding firmament kingdom area of interest area of study commercial enterprise mob objective aim exercise errand action goal utility bag behavior faculty target meaning object power behaviour raison d'être mark line of country placement practise employment status gig spot posting grip venture affair stint act exploit effort scheme campaign deed piece of work contribution bit quest plan adventure interest expedition programme trial program proposition matter feat piece of business deal baby hand share cause maneuver procedure consignment manoeuvre proposal trouble idea doing move play outfit conception attempt exploration experiment essay hardship tour of duty intention stunt plan of action striving hazard try issue following case beat mantle say party side antic taskwork drill behalf faction long row to hoe fun and games posture piece guise execution transaction trip movement agenda initiative worry happening shop struggle hassle design step dealings deployment maneuvering implementation preserve reason accountability tax lookout wish ambition aspiration hope pretension desire accomplishment ideal holy grail intent coordination proceedings event journey end problem cross to bear excess baggage Herculean task benefit good advantage area of activity course of action manoeuvring system arrangement blueprint strategy entanglement result outcome person's task outline game plan pet master plan road map ground plan usefulness worth merit behoof avail effect value gain return profit routine housework pain term thing to be done odd job KP domestic work time solution designation inconvenience challenge legation embassy command turn period difficult task gauntlet bother test load albatross headache shift tour stretch spell formal order measure run hitch tenure escapade caper plunge fling flutter wheeze suggestion stake quota watch session crusade investment big idea romp pet project leap in the dark gamble risk speculation ballgame performance follow through

Danh từ

An office or department for transacting particular business
bureau agency office branch business department company division arm concern desk firm operation organisation organization section station subdivision unit authority board commission committee setup shop store front office government department salt mines wing subsection sector satellite offshoot enterprise establishment subsidiary outfit group affiliate organ detachment extension lodge agent center facility representative building centre charity society management cell chapter administrative center part outlet local outpost council block area office house local office segment ministry compartment administration beat force circuit tract commune range ward staff constituency quarter practice partnership corporation venture conglomerate undertaking franchise cooperative interest constituent part consortium syndicate set-up mob crowd ring gang bunch association crew multinational megacorp faction camp bloc side set party clique cabal coterie sect caucus schism lobby body junta splinter group coalition circle grouping contingent clan fringe movement band team pressure group public-interest group holding member minority portion limb league network school class minority group ginger group following faith interest group element front daughter company camarilla junto sister company union alliance combination pack confederacy supporters cohorts followers corps derivative dependency peripheral guild combo club knot conclave insiders entente machine conspiracy combine intrigue design coven community fold fraternity ranks battalion platoon task force squad phalanx squadron regiment subordinate company adjunct tributary appendage attachment denomination huddle bracket sodality subculture subgroup folks moiety culture tribe cluster klatch klatsch bundle gaggle wholly owned company cult persuasion market rat pack religion communion connection order church creed dealing activity microenterprise dealer institution business matter trust contract matter chain affair cartel assignment religious order religious group religious cult faith community schismatic church schismatic group schismatic religion heretical movement school of thought

Danh từ

The state or quality of being religiously devoted or loyal
piousness devoutness dedication ardour ardor passion enthusiasm allegiance faithfulness zeal fidelity earnestness constancy devotedness religiousness reverence fealty spirituality love sincerity fervour fervor adherence attachment consecration deference devotion observance worship adoration pietism affection religiosity religionism devotement virtue piety sanctity intensity fondness loyalty commitment steadfastness faith conscientiousness support troth fastness adhesion fanaticism sanctimoniousness sense of God respect glory admiration praise religious fervor religious zeal care keenness religious observance staunchness duty obedience trueness bond dependability trustworthiness true-heartedness reliability trustiness application feeling tenderness friendship warmth intimacy amity regard caring sentiment closeness emotion integrity warmness crush attentiveness honesty honour honor soft spot holiness monogamy lealty religion godliness believability realism correctness veneration saintliness blessedness saintship grace sanctitude sainthood dutifulness sacredness goodness religious duty belief docility devotion to God resolution homage determination resoluteness doggedness perseverance fixedness tenacity firmness steadiness resolve liking obligation obstinacy endearment friendliness patriotism desire unfailingness staying power eagerness truthfulness decision abidingness principle single-mindedness surety certainty kindness affinity familiarity goodwill aroha favour favor concern solicitude warm feelings puppy love strong fondness amore good will shine like taste relish idolatry appreciation amour involvement inclination case enjoyment delight enchantment rapture cherishing adulation weakness partiality flame ardency romance luv wuv

Danh từ

A useful or valuable thing or person
asset benefit advantage aid help blessing boon perk perquisite godsend gratuity privilege resource bonus upside virtue merit plus value treasure feather in your cap saving grace convenience support profit utility additional benefit added extra amenity edge assistance expediency attraction gift favour favor expedience advantageousness solution influence beauty gain refuge luck extra windfall fringe benefit good point break good plus point good thing facility pro dividend relief added advantage attractive feature guide hand facilitation accessory crutch backup resort pointer pick-me-up recourse assist abetment encouragement bounty kindness felicity benediction manna benison added attraction miracle good fortune stroke of luck lucky thing piece of good fortune manna from heaven lucky break good luck piece of luck reward start profitability helpfulness usefulness strong point avail leeway leg-up leverage preference advisability eminence desirability return gratification pre-eminence improvement foredeal ace in the hole ace up your sleeve premium gravy lagniappe appanage strength worth tip consideration donative freebie cumshaw use throw-in incentive sweetener prize quality largess gravy train luxury selling point compensation perks mileage honour concession interest present cut talent payment percentage distinction forte bonanza honor power apanage excellence meed carrot grant indulgence credit guerdon recommendation allowance golden hello long suit redeeming feature strong suit positive reason skill ability valuation account prequisite perquisites benefits allowances solatium worthiness cream advancement qualification compensation package employee benefit pull lure draw egg in one's beer icing on the cake donation benefaction compliment behoof appeal endowment benefit in kind compensating feature positive feature excellent importance feature inspiration most favourable aspect best point most pleasant aspect right liberty entitlement favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature sanction prerogative freedom appealing aspect thing in its favour authorization claim license due award birthright opportunity authority charter franchise acquisition deal recompense freelage authorisation chance venture buy acquirement share requital price winnings addition steal portion personal best attractiveness best decoration bargain purchase grace attribute investment accretion possession procuration holding pay-off desert purse repayment payoff inducement surplus payback divvy excellency efficaciousness meritoriousness efficacy remuneration take rake-off garland goodies crown accolade potency force good buy good deal whack pickings cardinal virtue good quality prize money feather in cap taste remittance returns pay check dispensation appropriation coupon proceeds allotment disbursement slice of the cake one's share piece of the action

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A dish, or a set of dishes served together, forming one of the successive parts of a meal
course dish helping plate serving fare portion plateful platter mouthful menu item item of food meal recipe food entrée special eats plat du jour dish of the day dollop ration slice morsel piece chunk scrap spoonful share amount taste bowlful lashing selection shot load lump allocation quantity apportionment gob slew slab mountain spate order whack divvy allowance bucket proportion finger fistful cut quota part allotment lot measure segment percentage bit sliver end bite division moiety take section grant fragment hunk subdivision fraction stint assignment quantum stipend appropriation limit wedge ratio rasher sector provision distribution entitlement split partition subsidy annuity meed instalment parcel installment commission interest piece of the action cut of pie strip slither contribution equity stake smidgen weightage sharing subvention component extract excerpt due scoopful dividend segmentation partage branch member particle office department quotum piece of the cake slice of the cake claim rake-off batch wing subsection element unit constituent corner item detail feature chip side atom splinter articulation factor scoop half module ingredient rake off partial quotient spoon shaving wafer collop round escalope pension remittance incomplete number scallop fricandeau wodge scaloppina hunch gift alimony salary wage bounty endowment aid permitted amount prize permitted quantity fee inheritance recompense bequest scholarship budget pay legacy fellowship honorarium pin money dole supply drag consignment store fixed amount piece of action

Danh từ

Special honour or respect shown publicly
homage respect tribute admiration esteem adulation honor honour reverence worship accolade commendation devotion eulogy panegyric acclaim encomium paean recognition acclamation acknowledgment acknowledgement allegiance awe citation dithyramb eulogium fidelity hymn loyalty salutation adoration deference duty faithfulness fealty laudation obeisance salute troth court genuflection kneeling praise extolment testimonial compliment approbation approval appreciation applause veneration regard plaudits congratulations glorification kudos ovation celebration exaltation bouquet plaudit favour favor compliments pat on the back credit salutes estimation bouquets attention consideration recommendation popularity high regard a pat on the back good opinion laurels mention glory repute rave respects cheers account accolades good word love high opinion commemoration flattery distinction prestige welcome thanks cheer reward speech of praise hail cheering reputation obedience courtship tributes affection toast props salaam pumping up honourable mention liking suit big hand felicitations greeting blandishments addresses respectfulness memorial pride endorsement offering gratitude award gift address plug charge fame testament kudo hello sanction aggrandizement renown puff encouragement greatness merit name importance nobility cachet illustriousness elevation dignity opinion rave review mark of respect immortalization apotheosis notability privilege eminence canonization deification lionization kiss paeans trust lionisation aggrandisement brownie points gesture great respect fondness puffing up bow high standing round of applause special mention honorable mention idolization cherishing valuing good image good name prizing good reputation monument validation submission raving alleluia anthem psalm commendations greetings regards acceptance bidding capitulation complaisance notice puja pean laud song ode remembrance boost hurrah bravo sycophancy cry courtesy sentiment thoughtfulness blessings salutations treasuring enjoyment positive reception acknowledgement of celebration of recognition of attentiveness memorialization hat tip song of praise shout of praise shouting surprise wonder note wave blarney cajolery blandishment pat on back pat on head best wishes good wishes enthusiasm pleasure delight signal raves astonishment amazement flattering remark care sympathy present symbol statement token gesture of respect sign of respect wonderment value hand clapping roar jubilation honoring warm fuzzy honeyed word buttering up strong praise trade last pats on the back marveling idolatry marvelling salvo loud homage honouring congratulation standing O suggestion reference prize advocacy tip kowtow prostration stroking courting wooing blessing judgment stroke points urging support judgement instruction favourable mention letter of support words of approval favorable mention words of approbation character reference two cents' worth dating attentions lovemaking pat on the head shot in the arm pursuit proposition curtsy aloha nod ave howdy tax payment contribution impost levy customs dues ransom subsidy toll tariff excise fee

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An observance or celebration to honor the memory of some person or event
commemoration tribute ceremony observance remembrance celebration commemorative honouring honoring memorial recognition testimonial honor honour monumentalization memorial service salute memory memorialization acknowledgment token salutation reward acknowledgement respect reminiscence glorification magnification keeping marking appreciation death anniversary homage red-letter day ovation health pledge symbol plug statement souvenir reminder keepsake memento greetings compliments monument remembrancer relic down proposal drink toast sentiment compliment best wishes thanksgiving shingle present favour trophy favor something to remember someone by acclamation praise commendation accolade eulogy laudation extolment acclaim panegyric encomium eulogium applause plaudits approval admiration approbation adulation bouquets paean hymn cheers dithyramb citation congratulations exaltation kudos laurels salutes plaudit bouquet pat on the back flattery a pat on the back testament cheering laud welcome credit clapping glory props gratitude speech of praise felicitations esteem veneration adoration record sun distinction bays cheer hand salvo mark of respect rave raves accolades strong praise rave review pumping up big hand alleluia raving anthem psalm song ode pean commendations regards respects regard courtesy endorsement handclapping bravos thanks thankfulness appreciativeness song of praise shout of praise shouting enthusiasm eulogizing estimation recognition of acknowledgement of celebration of hand-clapping blessings salutations hail blarney kudo cajolery blandishment sanction PR stroking puff eulogising strokes documentation evidence testimony trace witness roar jubilation pat on the head round of applause standing ovation popularity high regard reverence good word flattering remark good wishes loud homage standing O obligation indebtedness buttering up warm fuzzy trade last honeyed word consideration awe deference repute attention puffing up court worship love good opinion high opinion devotion idolization congratulation gratefulness token of remembrance gift offering recommendation

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A battlefield formation composed of two or more divisions
corps band body company contingent crew detachment division regiment squad squadron team troop unit battalion garrison section brigade brotherhood community fellowship force fraternity gang group pack party platoon posse sodality troupe vocation bunch cohort gaggle league organisation organization outfit army legion set patrol association cadre order union club detail crowd battery array society guild commando host alliance coterie clique faction batch mob assembly lodge troops camp formation horde circle cell affiliation institution military unit throng assemblage ring multitude gathering line-up delegation partnership bevy cluster sect bevvy working party clan federation consortium sorority bloc institute council college staff soldiers congress workers board chamber sisterhood gild selection lot parcel task force load boodle huddle consort crop covey dream team column consociation shift employees flight deputation firm business house enterprise military force militia command unity ballet theater group concert party touring company confraternity clump subdivision category block control constellation clutch grouping mission drove menagerie military division special force flock swarm knot armed force military detachment reserves body of people guard delegacy concern interest establishment denomination sector passel shop horses stream system setup quota personnel core herd side one thing entirety complement totality total nucleus commission committee legation disciples armed forces servicemen troopers collection forces number combatants officers set-up building block key group fighting men theater company hard core splinter group cabal small group coalition trio panel partners foursome string aggregation players lineup stable syndicate wing junta schism minority group phalanx caucus fringe movement interest group companionship confederacy friendship kinship support camaraderie comradeship togetherness solidarity mutual support brotherliness friendliness congregation muster mass network coven tribe fold klatch klatsch ensemble press confederation meeting convocation combination assortment convergence crush bundle representatives agency combine cartel conference delegates rally conclave trust ingathering class concourse get-together followers galaxy corporation convention envoys operation aggregate agglomeration cooperative suite bank package comrades following conglomerate turnout emissaries stockpile sea scrum clot rout monopoly deputies embassy retinue adherents cram assignment school movement connection zoo machine hui diplomatic mission score runanga wad participation audience in-group concentration brood orchestra nestful nye accumulation jam pool racket vigilante aircrew conspiracy combo mobilisation mobilization supply junto rabble congestion lobby intake slew pile composite Mafia push excursion consignment wolf pack surge ruck shower stack volume chunk element miscellany portion encounter group support group group of people whole lot amalgamation sum integrality wayfarers voyagers travellers explorers cast myriad raft conglomeration ocean row cronies camarilla insiders intimates companions line duty crowd of people search party variety machinery structure the whole kit and caboodle the whole enchilada devotees fatigue vast number fleet expedition travelers cooperation caboodle meet members associates fellows actors performers subculture subgroup folks moiety culture faith pupils powwow roundup collaboration symposium forum arrangement kitchen police jamboree votaries apostles proponents students admirers relationship KP conventicle function liaison industry synod confluence intersection session coming together assembled group coffee klatch parley confab tweetup reunion rendezvous sit-in junction meetup foregathering summit affair tryst epigones imitators emulators copiers acting company repertory company stock company procedure relation concord profession trade attenders subscribers appointment linkup compact copartnership social function legates designation embassage nomination hookup conjunction chumminess co-partnership strategic partnership tie-up cahoots joint venture electorate lobby group involvement supporters enrolment admission enrollment participants colleagues affiliates membership inclusion attachment

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(computing) A program that provides services to other programs or devices

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Accompaniments for alcoholic beverages

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A set of dishes or utensils

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The action of distributing or supplying something
dispensation distribution allotment apportionment disbursement supplying allocation division bestowal conferment issue issuing providing provision supply admeasurement appointment consignment endowment issuance assignment dealing out giving out passing out passing round award courtesy dividing out dole doling out favor favour handing out indulgence kindness parcelling out part portion quota share sharing out dishing out administration meting out measuring out dividing up divvying up rationing out assigning granting rationing sharing designation giving circulation grant apportioning dispersion awarding earmarking budgeting appropriation partition circulating setting aside dispensing dissemination administering delivery dealing spreading propagation alloting carving up slicing up sending out ration delivering splitting discharge disbursing splitting up release processing diffusion dispersal delegation partitioning conveyance furnishing commission assignation attribution determination accrediting nomination ascription stipulation specification accouterment accoutrement dispatch presentation purveying serving accommodation catering handing over transportation transport laying on prorating dissipating disposing handing round choice fixing selection setting arrangement establishment settlement prescription classing labelling definition authorization naming classification authorisation a decision about committal devolution relegation entrusting deputation commissioning transference defining pinpointing particularization entrustment deputizing labeling consigning deputising ordination submitting submittal referring installation transferal charge deputization reference investiture trust conveying transferring passing on giving over sending away

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A request made in an earnest manner
prayer appeal plea supplication entreaty petition suit request solicitation adjuration conjuration cry desire imploration invocation pleading suppliance communion devotion obsecration application begging benediction beseeching chant contemplation devotions grace hope imploring imprecation litany meditation observances prayers rogation supplications wish worship answer adoration request for help holy rites call requisition demand orison claim bid importunity overture question impetration address urge obtestation recourse earnest request cry from the heart exhortation proposition submission proposal bidding behest inquiry urgent request enquiry insistence cri de cœur memorial ave intercession importuning enjoinment begging request round robin soliciting asking requesting de profundis calling out query market summons humble request petitions invocations responses offer commercial beseech postulation invitation set words liturgical prayers dua ultimatum requirement order imposition want pressure mandate stipulation command clamour need condition provision dictate urging hest drive charge counterclaim arrogation pursuit big ask exaction must-have interest interrogation entreatment clamor dun suggestion instruction tender direction prompting presentation injunction motion decree purchase order plan appetite recommendation instigation directive draught approach draft invite instance edict indent scheme will programme word say-so advance right pretension pretence pretense dibs proffer program run on rush on game plan pitch feeler persuasion task encouragement assignment auction stress investigation dictum impulse incitement ask proffering fiat call to action precept do rule imperative ruling commandment run exigency rescript calling bell form pressing letter PO rush notice canon beck paper insistency arm-twisting petitioning lien purchase requisition expressed desire determination perseverance persistence resolve subpoena doggedness firmness levy project rights terms reclamation toll beck and call privilege entitlement manifesto design fee pass big idea outline scenario idea layout setup angle picture brain child payment preemptive declaration dueness first dibs contribution extortion

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A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee
commodity object thing article material product being entity existent individual individuality integer item reality something substance artifact artefact export import asset belonging chattel line possession produce property speciality specialty stock vendible ware type of produce piece of merchandise article of trade matter piece unit component element stuff body device gadget bit implement gizmo instrument doodad gubbins contraption accessory contrivance thingamajig thingy doodah trinket thingamabob apparatus widget thingo doobry doojigger doohickey whatsit dingus knickknack thingummy whatchamacallit nicknack mechanism thingummyjig thingumabob thingumajig doo-dah whatdoyoucallit what's-its-name what-d'you-call-it what's-it mass existence module ingredient constituent part person minutia accompaniment jiggambob curio thingamajigger oojamaflip oojah life phenomenon fact scrap bauble gewgaw geegaw novelty gaud actuality concreteness solidity corporeality materiality tangibility shape weight structure organism density corpus quantity presence creature ens subsistence single singleton piece of matter life form real thing tool utensil member fragment dojigger factor section portion building block aspect basis fundamental feature detail facet particular cause point segment subdivision principle integrant particle root stem basic part and parcel influence consideration circumstance determinant attribute essential strand integral part view hint drop trace making cog contributing factor determining factor ornament archaeological find relic work of art manufactured object objet d'art manufactured article rudiment foundation dimension integrand part of the pack part of a set plug-in peripheral characteristic integral component part makings additive contents fixing innards reason dynamic issue quality instrumentality condition essence trait subcomponent means antecedent exhibit model solid whole class object on display tutorial wing arm joint digit length block layer fraction square link discrete item

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A group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person
retinue entourage train following escort suite attendants servants aides personnel staff company cortege court followers household associates bodyguard companions posse retainers tail attendant company groupies hangers-on rout band crew harem procession camp followers members of court cortège support followership line courtiers caravan group royal household convoy establishment escorts palace backup sycophants toadies cavalcade body faculty gang lords and ladies trail file array row queue tailback audience patronage public backing supporters circle fans coterie admirers patrons adherents backers cult devotees advocates clientele dependents throng clientage body of support junkies fanatics enthusiasts buff zealots aficionados addicts rooters believers fiends freaks disciples nuts votaries boosters fanciers lovers worshippers worshipers maniacs bugs hounds partisans aficionadas sectaries habitues pupils fools suckers converts cohorts head afficionados acolytes votarists liegemen stalwarts members amateurs jocks partizans epigones defenders fundis proselytes janissaries participants connoisseurs upholders monomaniacs protagonists satellites champions mavins mavens apostles bums chelae henchmen students attenders nerds pursuivants promoters obsessives hams learners apologists eccentrics catechumens friends ninja prosumers savants pundits cats sponsors sympathisers accessories sympathizers sectators bhaktas scholars witness proponents slaves practitioners geeks activity masters aces wizards supporters' club power users supporters' group squires stooges clients vassals bootlickers representatives sidekicks helpers minion pages assistants proteges lackeys parasites stage-door Johnnies experts lotharios bigots cranks crazy militants radicals wackadoos ultraists ultras demons wackadoodles extremists visionaries energumens fundamentalists diehards activists dogmatists chauvinists sectarians fan club

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A service or station using a channel of frequencies

Động từ

To perform checks and maintenance on (a device or piece of equipment)

Động từ

To pay off a loan or debt

Động từ

To mend or repair
fix mend repair restore overhaul recondition adjust rehabilitate renovate rebuild reconstruct sort correct cure doctor heal patch rectify regulate rehab remedy revamp see to fettle refit set right amend debug emend face-lift get working patch up put right refurbish renew retread revise set up put back together put to rights restore to working order do up make as good as new tune up rejuvenate fix up remodel modernize modernise redevelop reconstitute reinstate retouch recover reestablish revitalize update furbish vamp up revitalise touch up make over re-establish bring up to date reform maintain rework restitute regenerate redeem fiddle with revive spruce refresh reanimate revivify tune make good improve make whole bring back straighten out get into shape breathe new life into give a new look to settle remaster reequip salvage rescue put in order get working again set to rights re-create reinstall give a face-lift develop reinvigorate kit out fit out upgrade redecorate convert bring something up to code freshen up brighten up spruce up re-equip make fit for use bring into the twenty-first century vamp restructure realign beet condition clout tinker botch give facelift fine tune shake up redo glue cobble spetch ranter transform ready red-pencil piece together troubleshoot delouse unscramble diagnose unravel untangle work on make well perk up remove errors work the bugs out of sort out clear up iron out resolve solve deal with redress better ameliorate right work out modify make better alter change retrieve square adapt reconcile recast enhance edit reinforce tweak refine remake find a solution to find an answer to get to the bottom of redraft set meliorate help strengthen refashion harmonize arrange harmonise recreate fine-tune recalibrate mitigate perfect enrich smooth over clean up rewrite make up for clarify accommodate put an end to balance conform find the solution to shape lift normalize coordinate cover tailor fashion alleviate customize reassemble polish raise vary normalise resurrect elevate sew up readjust fit shape up customise take care of boost ease thrash out hammer out attend to rephrase copy-edit reword do calibrate rescript reorganize attune emendate answer control jigger tighten reorient make right replace twiddle standardize rebrand redraw straighten fathom scrub launder crack disentangle relieve reshuffle palliate rearrange remould retool reshape rejig compose order gentrify refurnish modulate suit remold determine benefit reorganise assuage dial back organize standardise quadrate build up redesign pay one's dues brush up reenforce organise figure out pick up work through turn around reerect tailor-make advance promote suss out put in working order reach an agreement about tart up gussy up temper moderate hone remediate fortify beef up make conform smarten finish assemble join put together put something to rights deconflict subedit redact expurgate censor bowdlerize conciliate avenge recompense reward bowdlerise resole go straight do justice make amends for set straight compensate for integrate pitch proportion string dial decide aid reactivate cleanse rekindle resuscitate clean explain remanufacture build bring to an end bring around facilitate bolster decorate become better make improvements to step up heel clean up one's act square up groom tidy save fine vitalize stimulate sustain give something a facelift end counteract throw light on size acclimate acclimatise acclimatize dispose measure beautify tidy up transmute metamorphose transfigure remove eliminate bring up to code doctor up salve treat go over straighten up appreciate amplify forward smarten up uplift augment build on progress transcend excel change for the better improve on increase further qualify give a facelift to put in position put in place put back into its original condition make tidy posh up make smarter doll up make neater neaten jazz up dispose of turn things around set the record straight clean up act medicate mutate treat successfully restore to health restore to normality minister to make healthy revolutionize paint transmogrify reorder restyle evolve morph allay contain relax quell extinguish decipher agree on do away with be the answer to be the solution to transubstantiate reorientate rehash diverge transpose mold alchemize translate break mollify extenuate calm cool metamorphosize shift decode affect turn denature diversify rejigger reconfigure make alterations to switch revolutionise mould interchange permutate make adjustments to warp permute cook transfer commute soften appease mellow unriddle pretty turn the tables turn the corner stir up change completely sing different tune switch over make innovations turn over new leaf shift gears turn upside down tamper with brainstorm divine lick unlock smooth puzzle out realise realize get think out dope out find the answer to riddle out get right make out determine a solution to pan out make a dent decide on find the key to get around find out get to the bottom hit upon reproduce manage guide direct govern oversee administer supervise superintend monitor handle run rule re-form police conduct check legislate operate administrate steward methodize inspect overlook keep tend align put systematize sharpen focus grade legalise be responsible for preside over keep a tab on legalize systematise check up on keep an eye on keep a beady eye on carry on pull things together classify keep tabs on bring into line

Động từ

To be adequate for a given purpose
serve do suffice suit answer apply avail befit satisfy be adequate benefit beseem fit go help be all right be useful fit the bill meet requirements be good enough fill the bill serve a purpose be acceptable be of use answer the purpose match meet go with fulfill be sufficient fulfil become pass muster make the grade cut the mustard assist profit fill advantage work be enough meet the requirements of satisfy the demands of serve the purpose accord with agree with check with be fitting be suitable for be appropriate for harmonize with correspond with tally with conform to square with go together pass fit with fly be satisfactory aid meet the brief contribute give satisfaction be up to snuff be good enough for account meet one's needs be effective be of advantage be useful to be advantageous be beneficial be helpful agree behove correspond behoove be of service to be of use to be of advantage to incline tend remedy be valuable be profitable be of assistance be of benefit complete redeem complement solve be of service be of worth keep be right be appropriate be in line with the wishes of be suited to quadrate with be fitted to be good for be apt for be proper for fit in be acceptable to be fit for work for be agreeable to be seemly be convenient for answer a need belong to parallel be seemly for be fitting for match up to measure up content correspond to apply to coincide with click with comport with conform with correlate to cohere with deal with do someone a good turn rime with be apt with be congruent with be apposite to jibe with have its place rhyme with be congruous with concur with belong with be consonant with be in agreement with be appropriate to sort with be in keeping dovetail with measure up to satisfy demands tick all the boxes fulfil one's needs go over big hack it meet requirement make a hit hit the spot answer one's needs do the trick get by be the ticket equal chord with come up to be similar to meet with agree to perform handle discharge execute gratify tie cope with comply with carry out flatter enhance ornament grace embellish approximate emulate reach approach rival equalize touch equalise imitate conform heighten augment display adorn garnish enrich be like set off show to advantage equate to live up to be consistent with rise up to be on a par with compare with equate with fit the pattern be equal with keep up with be as good as be as great as be tantamount to be commensurate with keep pace with marry with vie with tie with be equal to be equivalent to be the same as coordinate with tot up to come to be a match for be the equal of be in the same category as contend with amount to be identical to be in the same league as be comparable with do something for be suitable to be fitting to show off go well with make handsome look good on look right on

Trái nghĩa của service

service Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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