Đồng nghĩa của sympathy

Alternative for sympathy


Đồng nghĩa: commiseration, compassion, condolence, mercy, pity, sensitivity, tolerance, understanding,

Trái nghĩa: antipathy,

Danh từ

Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
commiseration compassion pity empathy comfort condolence consolation solace tenderness encouragement sensitivity support caring concern consideration feeling kindness solicitousness solicitude understanding aroha charity condolences heart kindheartedness kindliness mercy ruth softheartedness thoughtfulness warmheartedness warmth bigheartedness humanity largeheartedness reassurance rue good-heartedness kind-heartedness tender-heartedness warm-heartedness benevolence care humaneness goodwill friendliness fellow feeling benignity gentleness generosity love tolerance cordiality affection indulgence altruism clemency goodness tenderheartedness grace amiability beneficence favour favor leniency mercifulness regard amity graciousness forbearance attentiveness softness philanthropy geniality benignancy comity decency compassionateness neighborliness neighbourliness helpfulness friendship magnanimity rapport considerateness unselfishness charitableness fellowship affability soft-heartedness brotherly love good will lenity awareness affinity courtesy lenience tact liberality respect mildness humanitarianism quarter sensibility consciousness appreciation forgiveness thought sorrow responsiveness good-fellowship attention courteousness reverence patience politeness hospitality receptiveness mindfulness condolement aid pleasantness selflessness brotherhood cordialness delicacy conviviality deference sweetness nobility affectionateness identification attachment caritas cooperation familiarity help communion civility fondness lovingness emotion bounteousness gentility good-naturedness feelings relief caringness refinement cheer munificence discretion urbanity gallantry courtliness elegance polish recognition cultivation culture sensitiveness succour heed magnanimousness cognizance genteelness succor chivalry assuagement suavity subtlety easement ceremony sincerity carefulness receptivity complaisance mannerliness address gallantness sentimentality amenities good breeding fatherliness motherliness harmony awareness of the feelings of others brotherliness sisterliness intensity good behavior peacefulness peaceableness serenity tranquillity agape heat ardor fervor fervour ardour mutuality liking heartiness agreeableness good nature amorousness bounty tranquility largesse amicability heedfulness compunction comradeship assistance soul big-heartedness congeniality esteem public-spiritedness hospitableness regret sociability mind concord notice wholeheartedness estimation lifesaver amenity agreeability apperception assimilation interest amenability gift niceness ease soothing perceptiveness good deed earnestness perceptivity diplomacy approval perception approbation philanthropism charitability note moral support politesse optimism accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision openheartedness virtue principle respects sadness distress attention to detail faith Agape devotion charm bountifulness collaboration obligingness apology oblation office benefaction character dejection melancholy service constitution finesse togetherness vibes closeness connection relating good-temperedness personableness amiableness lavishness free-handedness open-handedness boon respectfulness benefit judgment equitableness justness sufferance moderation toleration endurance fairness unity almsgiving social conscience good manners mutual support tender feelings concernment tending decorousness likableness discrimination action reaction discernment capacity palpability response comforting good feeling sympathetic response loving concern Christian love tender loving care peace gladdening inspiration couth good neighbourliness rallying round benediction reassuring nervousness sense susceptibility reactiveness impressionability affectibility sensation reactivity concern for others heart of hearts manners finer feelings soft skills consoling jovialness gratefulness enjoyableness reciprocity looking after judgement enthusiasm passion vehemence good turn helping hand relieving solacing act of assistance shyness quietness nobleness orderliness order solid expression of regret generousness liberalness brownie points joviality companionability companionableness demonstrativeness modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility zeal eagerness welcomingness sight good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling lawfulness cheering up touchingness sweetness and light observance view accessibility communicativeness mateyness gregariousness clubbability decorum stability mansuetude docility meekness passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence fire fervency fervidness intenseness alleviation interestedness approachability good humour chumminess openness bonhomie fortification happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions zest excitement calmness pliancy placidity pliability fragility kinship palliness easy-going manner outgoingness camaraderie comradery clubbiness an eye once-over white heat spirit glow empressement open arms admiration acclaim veneration account conception apprehension insight lack of reservation lack of inhibition repute comprehension cognition popularity honor reputation intuition enlightenment acquaintance knowingness knowing laudation praise homage adulation honour opinion cherishing extolment value cottoning to good opinion high regard high opinion being on same wavelength community of interests energy keenness animation gusto vigour vigor verve avidity fierceness sentiment fieriness devotedness commitment dedication force zing vivacity desire pep oomph vim zealousness weakness fanaticism appetite adoration dynamism fever dash fury readiness impetuosity welly go zip get-up-and-go crush urgency liveliness strength relish vitality intimacy hunger endearment exuberance enterprise exhilaration life worship vivaciousness drive lust assiduity motivation rapture brio aggressiveness seriousness assertiveness flame elan yen avidness forcefulness shine amore vehemency hankering committedness devoutness emphasis taste warmness sparkle elation initiative inclination sap activity joy determination ebullience vigorousness agitation hustle delight piety frenzy ecstasy push infatuation thirst joyfulness emotionalism idolatry vibrancy gaiety élan severity jazz zap extremity enjoyment depth pizzazz potency partiality hot-bloodedness soft spot radiance punch pzazz red heat pep talk fire in the belly puppy love psyche chord equanimity good humor resolution panache belovedness mettle forcibleness vociferousness perturbation excitability insistence forthrightness outspokenness like ferociousness piousness hurrah religiousness solemnity power militancy involvement amour turn on excess concentration light anger enchantment allegiance fidelity case scintillation pleasure torrid heat sweltering heat extreme heat tropical heat intense heat oppressive heat high temperature splendour ferocity incandescence richness lustre mellowness diligence intentness perseverance what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness mania dazzle alacrity bustle stress rage creativity flair virtuosity imagination inventiveness grievousness ferment tension wildness strain intensity of feeling vividness romance luster delirium euphoria jubilance idolization ginger splendor calenture snap anticipation wuv deepness darkness brilliance brightness ambitiousness striving burning passion doggedness bond thrill feverishness instigation flurry luv aspiration tenacity worshipping exaltation awe motive gumption aggression hero-worship deification glorification lionization joie de vivre moxie ambition emulation yearning esprit itch longing spunk spark ado impulse pash worshiping lionisation self-motivation go-getting kicks movement intoxication flutter excitation stimulus hurry attraction fire in belly predilection relationship entrepreneurial spirit will power get up and go right stuff what it takes a sense of purpose urge intense love admiration for sentiment for regard for friendship with affection for respect for affinity for fondness for relationship with feeling for love for reverence for liking for intimacy with tenderness for conviction willingness desirousness mirth impatience flare warm feelings keen interest strong fondness

Danh từ

Mutual affection or understanding between two people
affinity harmony rapport accord empathy agreement closeness compatibility friendship understanding union camaraderie communion congeniality correspondence fellowship togetherness warmth alliance concord connection unity shared feeling fellow feeling close relation mutual fondness accordance relationship unison like-mindedness consensus concurrence consonance unanimity concert bond community link concurrency concordance consent close relationship association conformity attraction congruence conformance congruency congruity chime chemistry kinship rapprochement tune assent interrelationship affiliation simpatico good vibes hitting it off good vibrations same wavelength special relationship euphony pitch chorus tie consistency comity soul involvement agreeableness peace amity mutual understanding vibes interaction intercourse communication sharing communing cooperation league conjunction federation reciprocity converse meeting of minds participation intimacy contact nonverbal communication intercommunication identification concession acceptance compliance single-mindedness confirmation acquiescence endorsement agreeing sympathetic cord spiritual union bond of sympathy meeting of the minds similarity kindred bearing likeness relation linkage parallelism parallel liaison equivalence uniformity symmetry analogy lineage folk flesh blood clan relations tribe kin family settlement family relationship solidarity partiality predisposition propensity penchant predilection affection proclivity disposition leaning fondness tendency devices habitude impulse turn aptitude inclination bent thing bias druthers liking bone genius cotton weakness aroha partiality for liking for inclination towards penchant for understanding of closeness to attraction towards fondness for predilection towards fellow feeling for cup of tea harmonization harmonisation oneness coherence balance congruousness consilience match attachment conforming conformation coincidence sameness partnership collaboration synthesis goodwill loyalty integration inclusion identicalness interconnection homogeneousness coadunation combination selfsameness belonging serenity good understanding placidity calmness tranquillity tranquility interchangeability indistinguishability alikeness alignment similitude equality resemblance semblance identity reconciliation softening détente reconcilement reunion cordiality compromise conciliation entente restoration of harmony detente friendliness increased understanding coming together

Danh từ

Support in the form of shared feelings or opinions
approval support agreement favor favour solidarity alignment approbation encouragement commendation concurrence fellowship goodwill harmony partiality unity accord affiliation alliance association oneness unanimity union backing like-mindedness esprit de corps coalition grouping cooperation sanction OK permission okay endorsement blessing authorization go-ahead imprimatur green light consent seal of approval authorisation assent confirmation ratification leave acceptance permit warrant thumbs up licence acquiescence license say-so O.K. stamp of approval validation clearance allowance yes concession nod affirmation authority recommendation countenance sufferance good wishes rubber stamp carte blanche compliance mandate certification granting fiat charter liberty privilege indulgence clean bill of health pat on the back the nod aid assistance dispensation benediction regard accreditation recognition stamp valediction Godspeed word handshake right on understanding consensus say so blank check advocacy condonance condonation okaying empowerment sanctification OK'ing freedom acknowledgement letting admission acknowledgment championing promotion pass document upholding championship passport signature subscription patronage authentication visa espousal superscription countersignature qualification comment hubba-hubba subscription to testimonial commercial pat on back stroke voucher certificate ticket carnet laissez-passer triptyque firman toleration empowering badge card legalization franchise patent legalisation admittance safe-conduct grant acceding endorsation assenting ratifying

Danh từ

The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with
tolerance forbearance broad-mindedness patience sufferance charity open-mindedness indulgence long-suffering lenience lenity liberalism liberality magnanimity permissiveness toleration endurance fortitude leniency resilience resistance stamina understanding clemency complaisance hardiness hardness laxness toughness acceptance guts lack of bias lack of prejudice opposition steadfastness steadiness strength vigor vigour staying power kindness compassion benevolence humanity liberalness grace charitableness mercy forgiveness mercifulness concession license altruism sensitivity freedom permission moderation mildness good will allowance consideration fairness pity moderateness quarter gentleness soft-heartedness concern kind-heartedness tenderness lack of severity condonation sanction condoning courtesy spoiling boon turn favour pampering favor service goodwill partiality fondness petting pleasure profligateness pardon pleasing favouring intemperateness toadying fondling favoring privilege kowtowing hedonism placating profligacy fulfilment absolution attention fulfillment treating openness resignation stoicism progressiveness bearing progressivism radicalism longanimity softness restraint laxity submission passivity permisssiveness self-control passiveness self-restraint patientness nonresistance free thought indifference indecision looseness endurability reformism enlightenment modernism temperance acceptability manageability tolerability long-sufferingness avoidance refraining abstinence resisting progressivity flexibility ignoring left leftism freethinking approval living with going easy on latitude leeway room libertarianism humanitarianism latitudinarianism laissez-faire compliance acquiescence breadth putting up with left wing non-resistance fatalism docility phlegm forbearing submissiveness humility resignedness humbleness deference lowliness acknowledgement modesty meekness conformity acknowledgment lack of protest lack of complaint acceptance of the inevitable composure calmness serenity equanimity imperturbability tranquillity tranquility unexcitability cool persistence equilibrium poise perseverance grit constancy inexcitability placidity capacity backbone gutsiness heart unflappability even-temperedness intestinal fortitude even temper

Danh từ

A feeling of regard or fondness for someone or something
liking love fondness taste preference attraction bent bias partiality tendency affection affinity appreciation inclination penchant propensity predilection proneness weakness fancy passion appetite enjoyment favor favour like predisposition proclivity relish shine thirst attachment hankering leaning longing palate urge desire devotion favouritism favoritism itch mind stomach thing pleasure tooth use velleity will soft spot love affair disposition craving yearning hunger wish yen lust druthers impulse need appetency enthusiasm infatuation turn aptitude cup of tea keenness habitude genius bone devices eagerness ardor craze admiration pining regard ardour zest fascination interest feeling avidity gusto aspiration drive ambition choice mania appetence letch crush prejudice greed inclining sentiment concupiscence eroticism fervor kindness friendliness zeal libido whim lustfulness warmth lechery tenderness willingness respect fervour lasciviousness susceptibility libidinousness voracity fixation prurience ache care want amativeness pick option salacity closeness erotism solicitude pruriency addiction covetousness obsession cupidity rapture ravenousness type rapaciousness aroha goodwill doting jones thirstiness estimation selection prepossession motive frenzy devotedness flash endearment hots groove humour sweet tooth humor fetish liking for approval blessing commendation esteem grace avidness desirousness horniness salaciousness tilt dream appetition benevolence approbation imprimatur account intimacy familiarity lustihood favorite bond friendship adoration viewpoint way reverence mindset bag dish lech understanding eye mash judgement relationship amore persuasion kind regard judgment favourite preoccupation aptness temperament discretion thing for good opinion fondness for puppy love allurement compulsion faithfulness loyalty hope instinct hungriness demand loving indulgence burning intention heart set on orientation nominee worship hungering likelihood aim impatience excitement potentiality appointee candidate openness clutch nostalgia cacoethes belovedness readiness prayer besottedness weakness for hang-up list having as one's type choosing bet big eyes captivation capability idiosyncrasy movement drift trend capacity eros answer contingency fallback adulation purpose command turn of mind keen interest solution amorousness chocolate addiction sugar craving partisanship spin one-sidedness illiberality tendentiousness chauvinism intolerance unfairness narrowmindedness bigotry preconception mind-set standpoint head-set go-to enchantment aching possible course of action hobby custom occupation position avocation nature pastime turn-on what floats one's boat rapport accord empathy link regard for affection for affinity for love for harmony communion fellowship whimsy fantasy feeling for mind trip interrelationship chemistry unity camaraderie admiration for sentiment for friendship with respect for high regard relationship with reverence for intimacy with tenderness for vision belief view opinion cotton simpatico ideation caprice volition attitude illusion thought daydream vagary fellow feeling for good vibrations penchant for special relationship predilection towards understanding of closeness to partiality for close relationship inclination towards like-mindedness fellow feeling hitting it off attraction towards same wavelength envisagement chimera phantasy phantasm quirk eccentricity delusion idea imagination contrivance kink outlook thoughts reverie hallucination fantasm imaginativeness conceit picture envisioning whimsey peculiarity figment inventiveness liberty election alternative mirage fabrication romancing chimaera feelings vein conviction notion decision pipe dream eyes for pash torch flame way of thinking temper approach verdict tone determination mood point of view observation strain beguin pie in the sky fool's paradise castle in the air freedom of choice passing fancy amity warmness romantic feelings calf love attentiveness caring concern emotion warm feelings good will strong fondness unreality nonentity megrim freak bee crank vagrancy maggot flight of fancy invention head trip castle in Spain image figment of the imagination visualization crotchet bubble daydreaming fad visualisation creativity intent bee in your bonnet originality foible trip fiction wishful thinking dreaming nightmare castle in the sky impression castles in the air rainbow conception trance self-deception musing make-believe speculation imagining wool-gathering goal mental picture abstraction engrossment apparition falsehood objective fallacy pretence motivation pursuit contemplation mental image twist plan phantom fire in the belly pretense oddity idée fixe air castle singularity ignis fatuus spectre false impression inattention specter absent-mindedness inattentiveness wraith woolgathering self-absorption obliviousness absorption design romance misconception false hope dwam muse misapprehension brown study semblance self-delusion impetus requirement airy hope misbelief deception conceiving conceptualization golden dream unreal hope perception resolve prospect distraction requisite necessity unrealistic hope myth falsity error conceptualisation flight of imagination eggs in moonshine sham untruth fanciful notion lack of application lack of concentration munchies hobby horse fond hope pretension castles in Spain imaginative faculty fire in belly mistaken impression expectation smoke and mirrors incubus fit sport phantasma tic individualism quiddity trick quip erraticism mannerism curiosity study unrealizable dream sudden notion whim-wham imagery production coveting nonsense creation detachment pensiveness meditation castle-building dreaminess hurting extemporisation extemporization hunch actuation impulsion appeal excitant lash impellent influence strong desire fantastic notion fable lovingness phantasmagoria utopia thirsting aridity sudden idea delirium snare trait strong want the munchies concoction passing thought cognition imaginative power bogy monstrosity monster will-o'-the-wisp object holy grail target improvisation power of invention favorite activity aberration misinterpretation sex enamoredness cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination creative thought stimulant sexual fixation luck apprehension mind's eye creation of the brain lie misunderstanding pink elephants appearance empty wish fitfulness fickleness changeableness inconstancy essential yearn endeavor misconstruction resolution grail mission mental vision mental visualization restlessness endeavour unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation mistake jerk inconsistency rib contrariety caper gag perversity aphrodisia virtual reality fata morgana golden calf fantasizing daydreams raison d'être object of desire Holy Grail desired result oversight lapse the hots out-of-body experience sequence of images folly crochet illusions mistaken idea end bourne castle in the skies fond illusion unrealistic goal dreamscape jam tomorrow put on fool notion sweven optical illusion mistaken belief simulacrum misperception imitation avoidance relaxation entertainment escape diversion concept sexual love escapism fantasising pipe dreams plans hopes brooding complex phobia ideal imago ideality false appearance deceptive appearance artifice flights of fancy play-acting charade pretending needfulness scarcity occasion focus imperative deficit scantiness desideratum dearth cry out strong interest call support absence urgency necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency misimpression confusion misjudgement misjudgment consideration rationalization rationalisation inkling thinking postulation hypothesis deliberation worry reflection conclusion reasoning supposition inspiration fancying stargazing sense seeming mockery sensation fetich neurosis ruling passion absence of mind staring into space blonde moment hobbyhorse must bug case monkey consuming passion false belief first choice free choice masquerade in a zone figment of imagination bug in ear tiger by the tail ax to grind one-track mind concrete idea something on the brain pet subject disguise pretentiousness pageant dissimulation story role-playing playacting game fakery fairy tale

Trái nghĩa của sympathy

sympathy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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