Đồng nghĩa của attentiveness

Alternative for attentiveness

attentiveness /ə'tentivnis/
  • danh từ
    • sự chăm chú
    • sự chú ý, sự lưu tâm
    • thái độ ân cần, sự săn sóc chu đáo

Danh từ

The quality of being industrious
industriousness diligence industry assiduity assiduousness conscientiousness sedulousness application care sedulity heedfulness attention carefulness heed intentness pertinacity energy activity earnestness constancy productiveness vigour laboriousness exertion vigor alertness briskness intensity intent keenness quickness hard work pains persistence meticulousness effort doggedness thoroughness concentration meticulosity punctiliousness perseverance closeness scrupulousness indefatigability tirelessness steadiness studiousness commitment dedication tenacity zeal fastidiousness dependability reliability rigour rigorousness intensiveness zealousness precision painstakingness perseveration worksomeness continuance endeavour attention to detail awareness rigor work labor labour devotion work ethic striving struggle study toil concern consciousness spotlight TLC pain painstaking patience travail endurance trouble deliberation tender loving care endeavor single-mindedness busyness blood, sweat and tears mindfulness dutifulness uprightness steadfastness veracity incorruptibility exactitude honesty honour faithfulness honor determination sweat resolve resoluteness resolution elbow grease focus drive graft purposefulness obstinacy staying power strain moil grit insistence enterprise yakka sense of purpose vision stubbornness intransigence purpose force push stickability backbone strength slog power Sitzfleisch expenditure while stress firmness of purpose stick-to-it-iveness hard yakka firmness bother staunchness stamina drudgery toiling pluck discipline grind battle persistency moxie guts spunk drudge ardor muscle ardour venture stick-to-itiveness sweat of one's brow dynamism enthusiasm wholeheartedness responsibility pursuit doing immovability charge control crusade struggling labouring pursuance thoughtfulness seriousness inattention ambition campaign fuss undertaking attempt movement gruntwork slogging hard slog throes singleness of purpose hard labor manual labor salt mines laboring service blood, swear, and tears slaving donkey work attempts hardship spadework fatigue slavery donkeywork steps donkey-work tenaciousness measures occupation nine-to-five obduracy inflexibility inexorability relentlessness obdurateness bulldog spirit inexorableness implacability fixity of purpose procedures proceedings strength of will strength of purpose chutzpah willfulness guttiness starch courage stomach gutsiness clock heart nerve reaction response education action undertakings true grit intestinal fortitude fixedness what it takes acts analysis adhesion devotedness fealty loyalty allegiance piety fastness troth faith fidelity attachment course of action pull tension exercise strife welly integrity unfailingness decision abidingness principle certainty love eagerness truthfulness surety adherence trustiness hard graft importunity pushiness old college try

Danh từ

Politeness, good manners
mannerliness politeness courtesy civility courteousness graciousness consideration gentility courtliness cultivation gallantry genteelness elegance culture refinement respect polish thoughtfulness chivalry urbanity tact affability cordiality deference suavity complaisance ceremony comity geniality kindness address amiability gallantness politesse gentleness amenities familiarity friendliness reverence solicitude sympathy favor favour generosity indulgence good breeding good behavior good manners considerateness respectfulness veneration gentlemanliness discretion esteem manners sensitivity mindfulness heedfulness kindliness compassion benevolence forbearance attention chivalrousness gallantr thought grace due regard decorousness decency couth diplomacy etiquette decorum dignity propriety knighthood knight-errantry niceness valor valour valiance regard flattery compliment ingratiation blandishment overture homage honour honor approach suggestion pleasantry proposition concern capitulation admiration acclaim awe pass courtship suit amenity courting wooing formality gesture court understanding care awareness charity solicitousness unselfishness selflessness tolerance estimation mercy breeding tactfulness sophistication correctness charm civilization delicacy poise smoothness style discernment civilisation soft skills good taste social graces pleasantness compliance obligingness common courtesy worldliness suaveness self-possession perception judgement judiciousness wisdom savoir-faire cool nicety felicity restraint noblesse nobility splendor purity elegancy tastefulness gracefulness poshness distinction exquisiteness symmetry lushness magnificence ornateness grandeur class hauteur sumptuousness rhythm luxury splendour finesse prudence judgment subtlety adroitness skill repose aptness presence savvy intelligence insight perspicacity acumen policy acuteness delicatesse discrimination head penetration control politicness dexterity savoir faire respectability common sense horse sense seemliness ladylikeness punctiliousness stylishness rank affectation ostentation ostentatiousness affectedness optimacy flower society ruling class blue blood high birth gentle birth good family

Danh từ

To have concern or sympathy for others
thought concern sympathy empathy regard compassion sensitivity altruism benignity kindliness kindness tenderness thoughtfulness benevolence charitableness charity philanthropy solicitousness warmth care magnanimity kind-heartedness tender-heartedness warm-heartedness consideration solicitude affinity rapport feelings grace concernment warmheartedness caringness kindheartedness heedfulness heed attention tender loving care understanding pity commiseration humanity fellow feeling feeling mercy heart ruth good-heartedness bigheartedness goodwill softheartedness brotherly love largeheartedness condolence love humaneness mercifulness sorrow affection goodness support gentleness fellowship solace amity tolerance neighborliness clemency comfort leniency softness neighbourliness harmony friendliness consolation encouragement condolences closeness appreciation caring tenderheartedness quarter rue humanitarianism comity mindfulness emotion forbearance aroha soul considerateness good-fellowship reassurance friendship compunction condolement good will generosity distress sadness nobility principle regret character graciousness dejection lenity melancholy favour favor constitution succor succour decency receptiveness lenience patience receptivity unity concern for others tender feelings heart of hearts sentimentality camaraderie intimacy companionship comradeship sensibility optimism assuagement easement gladdening inspiration cheer action delicacy capacity reaction discrimination fervor fervour heat attachment ardour palpability discernment intensity response ardor company cordiality amiability familiarity amicability fondness sisterhood brotherhood cordialness togetherness identification connection relating vibes responsiveness caritas communion mutuality awareness agape sodality partiality mutual affection sociability good feeling sympathetic response Christian love loving concern unselfishness soft-heartedness brotherliness sisterliness compassionateness

Danh từ

Denotes an awareness to a fact or situation
knowledge awareness idea alertness regard anticipation appreciation attention belief feeling indication realisation realization sensibility sentience suggestion suspicion understanding concern evidence perception recognition consciousness ear heed hint mindfulness notice observance responsiveness mind eye consideration observation cognizance advertence advertency heedfulness thought note scrutiny care concentration apprehension deliberation thinking study application debate grasp discernment acknowledgement interest acknowledgment contemplation diligence assiduity industry intentness absorption immersion engrossment thoughtfulness familiarity cognisance conception enlightenment comprehension focus insight acquaintance cognition assimilation vigilance remark apperception sensitivity to watchfulness insight into acquaintance with familiarity with regardfulness mark spotlight sensitivity sense capacity ability curiosity thoughts analysis perusal exploration estimation review action reflection examination detection inquisitiveness inspection view once-over investigation discovery enthrallment surveillance ascertainment studying respect inquiring mind nosiness mental acquisitiveness caution TLC information listen up tender loving care knowingness wariness experience self-awareness wakefulness acquaintanceship knowledgeableness self-understanding grip sensibility to notion impression judgment apprehending judgement picture concept percipience attitude light realizing assessment realising vision sight acumen acceptance admission sympathy concession valuation ken esteem recognizance hold appraisal allowance granting sensitiveness conceding confession perceptiveness avowal recognisance aesthetic sense wit discrimination bearing witfulness carefulness thanks gratefulness appreciativeness gratitude imagination scope horizon reach range commendation admiration liking relish enjoyment love affection attraction awakening achievement perspective overview light bulb moment aha moment sensation purview thankfulness intellection interpretation take reading viewpoint slant range of view taste image approach conceit opinion high regard flash plan establishing perceiving identifying acknowledging distinguishing differentiation noticing big idea brain wave verifying corroboration profession handle ratification affirmation declaration admitting acquiescence concurrence assent asservation confirmation assertion accession allowing compliance rejoinder yielding intuition inkling perceptivity self-confession agreement with respect for approval of concurrence with acquiescence in cooperation with

Danh từ

Good neighbourliness
helpfulness cooperation kindness support care concern goodwill neighborliness assistance sympathy friendliness neighbourliness good neighbourliness rallying round benevolence charity generosity consideration kindliness altruism cordiality thoughtfulness compassion indulgence goodness understanding kindheartedness unselfishness tolerance magnanimity beneficence amity humanity selflessness tenderness benignity humaneness kind-heartedness decency good-heartedness liberality mercy philanthropy charitableness favour largesse favor friendship good will affection patience warmth considerateness graciousness amiability clemency benignancy warm-heartedness tender-heartedness munificence courtesy compassionateness hospitality love softheartedness warmheartedness generousness bigheartedness grace comity fellowship brotherhood cordialness big-heartedness good deed good-fellowship accuracy thoroughness carefulness solicitude meticulousness precision attention tenderheartedness virtue mildness motherliness fatherliness lovingness attention to detail collaboration bounty commiseration pity largeheartedness feeling heart ruth rapport amenability leniency forbearance bountifulness mutual support pleasantness public-spiritedness niceness politeness openhandedness sociability geniality congeniality obligingness largess brownie points openheartedness aid service help boon benefit benediction helping hand good turn act of assistance solid gentleness affectionateness courteousness sweetness bounteousness nobleness tact magnanimousness nobility liberalness good intention self-sacrifice fellow feeling fellow-feeling humanitarianism harmony affability conviviality empathy camaraderie agreeableness mercifulness agreeability amicability peace brotherly love comradery amiableness amenity peacefulness congenialness genialness peaceableness accord brotherliness comradeship open-handedness affinity lenience unity fraternity amicableness lavishness free-handedness concurrence unanimity concord open arms lenity companionability tranquillity good-naturedness aroha almsgiving social conscience chumminess forgiveness tranquility clubbiness quarter partiality responsiveness regard sociableness sensitivity lawfulness harmoniousness order civility caring agreement companionship intimacy stability decorum gregariousness orderliness togetherness sisterliness kinship good relations solidarity company bonhomie approval caritas clubbability enjoyableness serenity philanthropism fondness familiarity accessibility communicativeness hospitableness approbation association benefaction turn mateyness openness approachability condolence good nature oneness soul pardon like-mindedness mindfulness backing soft-heartedness relief greatheartedness self-denial humanism gemütlichkeit principle law and order public spirit personableness good-temperedness liveliness warmness appreciation gift Agape forthcomingness extroversion calm decorousness solicitousness faith blessings likability appeal cheeriness likableness pleasurableness loveliness affableness douceur satisfaction hospitability agape attachment sorrow lifesaver gifts favours heartiness simpatico softness compunction rule of law law reprieve character feelings receptiveness receptivity patronage favors socializing alignment encouragement closeness jovialness mutuality sincerity wholeheartedness earnestness gratefulness reciprocity constitution nei social intelligence collaborating emotion commendation seemliness meeting of minds lull ceasefire non-aggression non-violence properness respite public security tender feelings joviality companionableness demonstrativeness union affiliation alliance sisterhood good vibrations same wavelength social concern sponsorship dole intercourse community involvement relations mingling concern for others heart of hearts sodality consensus mixing communion congress endowment prosocial behaviour prosocial behavior alms-giving fund gifting good works good humor good humour hitting it off concert unison sweetness and light esprit de corps palliness easy-going manner outgoingness fraternization league socialising acquaintance fraternisation mutual affection pampering spoiling permissiveness lack of reservation lack of inhibition social contact social interaction social intercourse consonance pleasure profligateness allowance favouring intemperateness fondling favoring fulfilment absolution toadying kowtowing hedonism placating petting toleration privilege profligacy pleasing endurance fulfillment treating good understanding placidity accordance concordance calmness tune

Danh từ

A gentle feeling of fondness or liking
affection fondness love devotion attachment care feeling liking warmth tenderness passion endearment friendliness sentiment amity closeness desire friendship warmness affinity caring devotedness familiarity goodwill intimacy kindness regard admiration aroha favor favour respect amore ardour ardor concern crush emotion shine solicitude warm feelings good will soft spot strong fondness puppy love adoration deference reverence devotement worship zeal fervor infatuation partiality fervour appreciation esteem intensity enthusiasm lust estimation adulation devoutness piety adherence allegiance fidelity weakness fealty dedication spirituality faithfulness approval obsession constancy service observance consecration approbation religiousness attraction high regard sanctity fancy benevolence praise cordiality excitement commendation earnestness piousness sincerity affectivity fixation veneration recognition account pietism honour keenness religiosity relish honor taste religionism fellowship enchantment amorousness acclaim homage rapture kindliness like comradeship craze fascination preference neighborliness romance good opinion brotherhood charity understanding sympathy flame inclination idolatry neighbourliness enjoyment cordialness reaction hospitableness cherishing good-fellowship consideration sensation response ardency laudation sentimentality mania geniality amiability affability blessing rapport camaraderie companionship sociability grace lovingness loyalty delight congeniality awe chumminess relationship amicability besottedness amour mateyness appetite imprimatur responsiveness pleasantness comity enamoredness affectionateness sensibility nearness captivation spirit palliness sensitivity bonhomie yearning use strong interest acknowledgment idolization zest extolment feelings togetherness fetish acknowledgement mutual affection astonishment amazement glorification inseparability kind regard predilection energy hankering yen deification fellow feeling pash obeisance great respect mash exuberance vengeance ecstasy animation vigour vigor vehemence gusto valuing prizing susceptibility high opinion vivaciousness zestfulness purposefulness verve strong emotion purpose fanaticism loving-kindness warm-heartedness kindheartedness sanctimoniousness emotionalism heat chord belovedness allurement moe dearness urge drive ache craving thirst hunger agreeableness appetence eroticism sex concupiscence amativeness agreeability glory faith amiableness high esteem dulia affect worshipping exaltation adhesion cling acclamation graciousness doting hots aching support commitment hero-worship lionization congenialness the hots apotheosis obsequiousness fear bow prostration genuflection genialness worshiping lionisation kudos treasuring tribute pat on the back positive reception religious observance steadfastness religious zeal religious fervor confidentiality virtue penchant bond torch applause surprise wonder tie connection intense love propensity preoccupation bias proclivity pleasure beguin sexual love emotions belonging close relationship inseparableness close feeling warm fellowship tributes compliments involvement hang-up prejudice leaning thing addiction romantic feelings love affair passing fancy calf love close association fraternization confidence wonderment accolades plaudits case thanks appreciativeness gratefulness gratitude marveling marvelling close friendship communion close attachment acquaintance inwardness experience fraternisation conviviality bonding deep affection joviality companionability companionableness demonstrativeness emotional attachment pats on the back regard for affection for affinity for love for liking for knowledge valuation grasp assessment cognizance sensitiveness perception awareness realization comprehension appraisal accessibility communicativeness good nature gregariousness clubbability repute note fondness for feeling for wuv popularity reputation sentiment for respect for approachability good-naturedness good humour amenability openness admiration for friendship with relationship with reverence for intimacy with tenderness for opinion luv easy-going manner outgoingness decency comradery clubbiness thankfulness realisation value harmony company open arms lack of reservation lack of inhibition empathy sisterhood aesthetic sense sodality delirium passionateness spiritedness vitality oomph peppiness power intenseness sprightliness

Danh từ

The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity
commitment dedication devotion loyalty allegiance faithfulness devotedness fidelity adherence steadfastness attachment bond constancy faith fealty piety adhesion fastness staunchness troth dependability trustworthiness duty reliability trueness obedience ardor ardour devoutness support homage true-heartedness trustiness deference consecration respect observance service honour honor obligation integrity patriotism firmness devotement reverence care zeal steadiness submission honesty love surety certainty observation fulfilment heed divined obeisance closeness scrupulousness believability realism correctness monogamy lealty fulfillment glory admiration passion adoration affection spirituality worship sanctity praise resolution religious fervor enthusiasm fervor religious zeal keenness religious observance fondness intensity determination resoluteness doggedness perseverance fixedness tenacity trueheartedness trust resolve inviolability bonding conscientiousness piousness religiosity religionism pietism religiousness confidence obstinacy application credence conviction unfailingness eagerness truthfulness decision abidingness principle single-mindedness earnestness fervour hope dependence belief expectation staying power optimism hopefulness responsibility reliance stock assurance sureness store credit acceptance certitude credulity answerability accountability conscience liability amenability accountableness pledge entrustment assent legal obligation moral obligation call of duty good faith veneration trustability reliableness dependableness solidity solidness tribute respectfulness awe acclaim esteem recognition soundness genuflection fear cohesion approval approbation dutifulness compliance appreciation estimation adulation favour favor commendation eulogy panegyric accolade servility acquiescence subservience compliancy conformity stability encomium paean high regard liking great respect high esteem dulia rationality submissiveness docility complaisance conformability duteousness eulogium hymn acknowledgement acclamation salutation citation dithyramb safety apotheosis astonishment obsequiousness amazement bow prostration deification maturity reasonableness security capitulation accordance mindfulness yielding laudation salute court acknowledgment kneeling reason blame sanity sense accuracy authenticity consistency sensibleness adultness competence soberness rap capableness level-headedness common sense uprightness efficiency competency capacity ability levelheadedness

Trái nghĩa của attentiveness

attentiveness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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