Đồng nghĩa của bountifulness

Alternative for bountifulness

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Danh từ

The state or quality of being munificent or generous
bounty liberality generosity munificence philanthropy benevolence largesse charity unselfishness generousness openhandedness charitableness largess bigheartedness openheartedness magnanimity bounteousness freehandedness magnanimousness unsparingness big-heartedness beneficence kindness altruism great-heartedness lavishness alms-giving goodness heart high-mindedness open-handedness hospitality large-heartedness free giving all heart selflessness free-handedness nobleness readiness profusion indulgence compassion humanity self-sacrifice nobility princeliness kindliness self-denial goodwill almsgiving consideration thoughtfulness humaneness kind-heartedness fellow feeling brotherly love benefaction care clemency chivalry mercy helpfulness forgiveness leniency fairness benignity prodigality benignancy liberalness sympathy pity tenderness kindheartedness understanding feeling concern warmheartedness commiseration softheartedness ruth tolerance largeheartedness affection love decency grace graciousness tenderheartedness aroha caritas agape warm-heartedness tender-heartedness good-heartedness patience forbearance gentleness toleration lenience broad-mindedness lenity liberalism sufferance permissiveness warmth endurance mercifulness sensitivity mildness good will cordiality amiability friendliness quarter concession permission freedom licence license neighbourliness humanitarianism neighborliness considerateness open-mindedness sweetness moderation compassionateness empathy long-suffering public-spiritedness inner beauty acceptance soft-heartedness courtesy complaisance laxness friendship amity lack of bias lack of prejudice social conscience lifesaver sincerity genuineness honesty regard motherliness fatherliness lovingness solicitousness virtue attentiveness greatheartedness charm philanthropism pleasantness niceness politeness good-fellowship brotherhood cordialness fellowship geniality congeniality obligingness justness equitableness favour favor thought comity gift public spirit relief resilience stamina fortitude resistance affectionateness toughness hardness hardiness vigor opposition strength steadiness steadfastness guts vigour courteousness tact staying power fellow-feeling good intention latitude candour breadth impartiality sanction condonation allowance condoning libertarianism catholicity progressivism candor

Danh từ

An abundant supply
plenty abundance bounteousness copiousness plenitude plenteousness slew ample amount great deal cornucopia affluence profusion wealth mass plethora opulence quantity loads superabundance bounty store oodles volume lots stacks masses piles heaps fruitfulness mountains good deal exuberance lavishness plentifulness amplitude luxuriance fullness heap richness stack luxury prosperity lot ton pile plentitude gobs mountain load peck multiplicity yard boatload raft sight shipload bucket lashings much deal truckload sheaf bundle barrel bushel dozen myriad spate feast carload basketful bunch reams chunk mess wad fistful potful scads shedload swag sufficiency plateful pack hundred pot passel torrent flood deluge capacity mine enough fund avalanche tonne full house lashins excess horn of plenty large number profuseness host multitude bags oceans sea quantities ocean tons scores millions riot infinity ampleness overflow tonnes fortune riches nimiety collection bulk all kinds of quite a bit stock stockpile million a lot trillion jillion mound glut hoard amassment number surplus batch thousand aggregation superfluity assemblage cluster agglomeration many whole bank clump accumulation sum surfeit concentration overabundance large quantity lump horde deposit crowd throng swarm army total jumble supply legion hill large amount lushness conglomeration haul scad backlog array drove amount mob extravagance reserve variety great quantity cargo ream score gathering gob oversupply thousands hundreds assortment congeries billions great amount plurality reservoir overkill largeness cache too much flock congregation magnitude more than enough assembly fertility gazillions stash group harvest vastness totality majority bellyful redundancy zillions greatness cumulation a great deal overmuch surplusage overplus embarrassment mint inventory a good deal treasure a pile overload too many great number nest egg immensity prodigality more … than one can shake a stick at comfort completeness shock generosity entirety numerous aggregate ample pool treasury bigness measure extent well sizableness size herd verdure greenness huge amount vast amount leafiness grassiness rabble satiety well-being push sum total pots wads rick a large amount wodge overdose overage plus fat scrum cram rout press crush bike armful bazillions fount saturation trove repletion fountain satiation a deal a wealth garner treasure-trove a profusion a shedload an abundance treasure house treasure trove enough and to spare degree floods jumb busload truckful expanse share portion logjam corpus combination prosperousness outpouring huddle several world enormous amount distribution munificence liberality caboodle manifoldness droves hunk drift loadsa plentiful a number copious considerable abundant substantial innumerable an amount countless contingent bag box miles a considerable number a good few a good number considerable amounts bing accrual rickle crate carton pallet gang body whole lot inexhaustibility fall-back infinite number unlimited number surplusage. superabundance quite a number shedloads set indulgence overburden hideaway quota count tally leisure repertoire repertory provision a fair amount a great quantity burden overwork proportion diversity range a great many a large number lode overflowing superfluous phalanx team cloud galaxy very great number a mountain a swag overindulgence most heft scale wellbeing privilege thickness riotousness exaggeration proliferation vigour vigor fulsomeness denseness jungle rankness concourse numerousness wide variety preponderance sheet overconsumption appreciable amount generous amount copious amount substantial amount sizeable amount decent amount power jam infinitude turnout pluralism lead advantage excessiveness effusiveness rampancy prolificness inundation oversufficiency privileged circumstances large group overwhelming number overfullness satisfaction remainder teemingness greater part nearly all large size wellspring up to here argosy length enormity strength force prodigiousness bulkiness hugeness heftiness intensity potency voluminousness grandness substantiality source curvaceousness voluptuousness roundness vast number bonanza repository might wholeness vein storehouse plumpness bed ditch spring field coalmine trench pithead coalface high degree rich source mother lode gold mine absoluteness buxomness roundedness shapeliness entireness perfectness swelling dozens truckloads pecks chunks stores platefuls barrels basketfuls fistfuls bundles rafts buckets yards carloads boatloads packs bushels slews broadness chestiness extensiveness adequateness distension tumescence dilation comprehensiveness womanliness enlargement bustiness curviness sheaves a bunch a heap a mass a plenitude a passel a plentitude a mess a potful a multiplicity a quantity a spate a volume a shipload chubbiness completion congestion scope breadth fill plenum pudginess wideness

Danh từ

The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers
hospitality friendliness warmth welcome conviviality hospitableness kindness sociability cordiality neighbourliness geniality helpfulness amenability amicability congeniality generosity kind-heartedness warm-heartedness heartiness liberality open-handedness warm reception affability amiability cheer companionship comradeship consideration guestfriendliness guestfriendship neighborliness obligingness openness reception sociableness good cheer benevolence charity altruism charitableness goodness generousness beneficence philanthropy bounty bounteousness kindliness largesse unselfishness munificence heart big-heartedness nobleness high-mindedness magnanimity all heart openhandedness great-heartedness alms-giving magnanimousness large-heartedness freehandedness lavishness free giving readiness profusion unsparingness affection tenderness sympathy cheerfulness goodwill largess bigheartedness openheartedness benignity care sweetness graciousness love pleasantness good-naturedness kindheartedness good nature gregariousness understanding companionableness good humour warmheartedness compassion good humor nobility jollity agreeableness amity cheeriness joviality niceness happiness personableness amiableness amenity agreeability good-temperedness approachability clubbability bonhomie mateyness chumminess free-handedness cordialness sincerity sweetness and light princeliness friendship charm fellowship festivity brotherhood gaiety lovableness attractiveness philanthropism amicableness likeability honour loftiness honor honourableness cooperation winsomeness complaisance delightfulness engagingness couthiness pleasingness jollification liveliness merrymaking sweet temper douceur good-fellowship whoopee merriment reveling gayety revelling companionability rejoicing revelry entertainment good fellowship enthusiasm passion vehemence fondness intensity zeal welcomingness eagerness feeling passionateness fire ardency wholeheartedness ardor violence fervency emotion fervidness intenseness fervor fervour heat ardour bluffness feelings emotions amorousness zest effusiveness spiritedness excitement congenialness palliness pleasance sympathetic nature sunniness gratefulness enjoyableness joyousness mirth joy gladness easy-going nature white heat earnestness spirit glow empressement gentleness patience humanity indulgence tolerance decency affectionateness thoughtfulness concern considerateness selflessness clemency courteousness humaneness compassionateness benignancy tact liberalness self-sacrifice fellow-feeling tender-heartedness good-heartedness good intention fellow feeling good will inner beauty mercy softheartedness pity commiseration leniency forbearance tenderheartedness grace ruth mercifulness largeheartedness sensitivity favour favor lenity lenience empathy forgiveness quarter solicitude mildness solicitousness regard softness soft-heartedness attentiveness humanitarianism benefaction courtesy respect caritas brotherly love sufferance endurance condolence toleration devotion liking aroha pardon permissiveness caring lovingness attention comity support mindfulness moderation solace appreciation admiration politeness fatherliness comfort attachment partiality carefulness esteem reprieve brotherliness estimation responsiveness broad-mindedness liberalism sorrow shine almsgiving permission license concession freedom licence consolation rapport self-denial motherliness allowance virtue affinity peacefulness fancy public-spiritedness peaceableness preference approval blessing commendation absolution relish taste like reverence sisterliness meekness serenity fairness lifesaver gift heedfulness tranquillity tranquility appetite approbation imprimatur account calmness thought endearment sentiment closeness encouragement docility intimacy familiarity devotedness compunction rue social conscience use caringness soul acceptance placidity charitability condolences kind regard condonation reassurance warmness long-suffering good opinion tender loving care heed peace accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision sentimentality discretion awareness civility harmony fraternity chivalry honesty genuineness faith attention to detail principle collaboration relief moderateness oblation office equitableness justness deference acquiescence accommodativeness compliance assistance character respects mutual support open-mindedness constitution greatheartedness lack of severity succor succour tender feelings sanction concernment good deed desire brownie points good neighbourliness rallying round unity receptiveness receptivity laxness condoning supportiveness protectiveness concern for others heart of hearts adoration worship public spirit amore crush agape warm feelings optimism condolement assuagement easement inspiration lack of bias lack of prejudice shyness quietness strong fondness soft spot puppy love turn pampering service boon spoiling modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility TLC watchfulness mansuetude gladdening remission delicacy pliancy pliability fragility profligateness fondling fulfilment toadying kowtowing hedonism placating profligacy pleasure favouring intemperateness favoring petting privilege pleasing fulfillment treating amnesty remittal conciliation anchor indemnity freeing excuse vindication indemnification commute resignation fortitude restraint composure equanimity stoicism imperturbability persistence longanimity equilibrium unexcitability cool submission poise perseverance inexcitability constancy grit passivity gutsiness bearing backbone unflappability capacity passiveness guts nonresistance intestinal fortitude even-temperedness even temper self-control self-restraint

Trái nghĩa của bountifulness

bountifulness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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