Đồng nghĩa của heat

Alternative for heat

heats, heated, heating

Đồng nghĩa: affect, arouse, cook, excite, inflame, kindle, move, prepare, provoke, stir, warm,

Trái nghĩa: cold,

Danh từ

Intensity of feeling, especially of anger or excitement
passion intensity excitement vehemence agitation fervour fury ardour earnestness enthusiasm fever violence zeal anger ardency ardor emotion fervency fervor passionateness animation eagerness fervidness fire impetuosity intenseness ferocity incandescence warmth desire rage stress intensity of feeling white heat spirit zest feeling energy vigour force keenness vigor assertiveness fierceness gusto fieriness love potency verve dedication wholeheartedness fanaticism commitment devotion oomph zing avidity sincerity power welly exhilaration heartiness zealousness frenzy pep vim affection forcefulness tenderness care strength emphasis might urgency fondness sentiment avidness vehemency devoutness dynamism life vivacity exuberance dash assiduity aggressiveness spiritedness feverishness vigorousness liveliness ebullience elan vivaciousness seriousness appetite hunger ferment jazz weakness lust activity brio motivation élan zip empressement interest ecstasy get-up-and-go go readiness impatience glow red heat pep talk fire in the belly hot-bloodedness emotionalism powerfulness soul committedness excess severity depth concentration forcibleness heart sensation extremity vociferousness insistence forthrightness outspokenness relish sap perturbation excitability turn on conviction willingness tension grievousness wildness strain ferociousness thirst devotedness desirousness rapture gaiety mirth chord warmness piousness solemnity hurrah piety religiousness flare joyfulness zap flame joy torrid heat oppressive heat sweltering heat extreme heat high temperature tropical heat intense heat keen interest infatuation reverence sentimentality adoration adulation kindness friendliness cordiality affability kindliness amiability turmoil understanding geniality good-naturedness warm-heartedness hospitality sympathy restlessness delirium unrest uproar furore flush distraction flap furor hysteria deliriousness rampage goodwill benevolence welcomingness charitableness charity liberality benignity elation amity cheerfulness anticipation action feelings emotions amorousness happiness hospitableness effusiveness instigation flurry thrill compassion vitality motive burning up febrile disease the shakes sparkle running a temperature impulse spark ado light scintillation vibrancy intoxication flutter kicks enjoyment movement excitation stimulus hurry drive splendour radiance lustre urge creativity flair virtuosity pizzazz imagination inspiration inventiveness luster punch splendor calenture pzazz ginger snap burning passion bounce esprit moxie juice push effervescence hardihood starch gas beans vinegar enterprise high spirits initiative buoyancy fizz stamina sprightliness feistiness spunk panache steam birr determination endurance perkiness kick tuck vibrance pluck high-spiritedness resolution gumption virility bang zestfulness mettle lustiness robustness guts fortitude resolve briskness backbone jazziness tenacity grit gameness boldness peppiness exertion effectiveness muscle courage delight hustle will pleasure toughness efficiency efficacy dauntlessness quality application humor pertness humour vital spark life force colour color perseverance steadfastness turbulence nerve jollity merriment savagery tempestuousness sharpness light-heartedness magnitude dazzle ambitiousness single-mindedness temper essence tenor morale outlook air disposition temperament breath character stoutheartedness willpower mood complexion substance psyche operativeness spontaneity bustle balls pepper activeness chirpiness flare-up asperity acrimony rampancy sore acerbity storm stew rise rabidity conniption doggedness ambition quickness audacity buoyance frame of mind agility nimbleness brilliance vim and vigour aggression puissance irateness will power joie de vivre go-getting slow burn boiling point level degree jauntiness resilience irrepressibility breeziness vividness brightness spring bounciness momentum resources delectation airiness flamboyance cheer satisfaction bliss sassiness militancy glitz glimmer show piquancy daring bravery venturesomeness being pulse stuff bloom clout taste gallantry indomitability have-a-go attitude snappiness spunkiness elan vital stir hustle and bustle purposefulness cheeriness bottle valour steel bite spice spiciness optimism bound bob diligence intentness what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness mania inclination alacrity yen persistence striving ferity moral fibre courageousness fearlessness intrepidity resoluteness thrust confidence aspiration strength of character capability well-being alertness ability pith vim and vigor exercise capacity hardiness motion soundness healthiness sock firmness pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness constancy decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness incentive faith caliber cojones calibre moral fiber valor makeup arousal emulation yearning hankering itch longing salt self-motivation Dunkirk spirit firmness of purpose pitch fire in belly extreme entrepreneurial spirit get up and go right stuff what it takes a sense of purpose purpose acuteness volume anxiety deepness nervousness tenseness weightiness high pitch titillation stimulation attraction spryness dexterity litheness twinkling turning on blood lust ire irritation histrionics dudgeon displeasure outrage furiousness chagrin infuriation irascibility resentfulness resentment wrath exasperation indignation irritability choler

Danh từ

An organized competition or activity usually performed for the enjoyment of a mass of people
event competition contest match game performance tournament race bout clash battle championship encounter fight fixture matchup meeting mill playdown play-off rematch replay round run split sweep-stake sweepstakes tourney athletics biathlon decathlon derby final heptathlon marathon pentathlon rally round-robin semifinal set skirmish sudden death triathlon tug-of-war tussle ultramarathon meet head-to-head trial struggle engagement sport duel leg tie concours conflict challenge confrontation prizefight dogfight war combat warfare contention stakes grapple drive face-off ball game athletic event joust test dustup tilt scuffle set-to rivalry quest semi last four discussion testing trying proving rencounter pageant gala sports meeting test match battle royal cup tie run-in cup final sporting competition bat go level competitive fight boxing match stage series final eight last eight trials league playoff scrimmage strife quiz counteraction candidacy lap sprint chase pairing off dash relay one-upmanship one-upping one on one scurry pursuit rush time trial course relay race time-trial steeplechase running horse race do or die quarterfinal fracas fray fisticuffs melee scrap brawl rumble free-for-all affray dust-up ruckus wrangle scrum rumpus brush biffo donnybrook collision altercation broil hostility punch-up bust-up dispute feud attack disturbance hassle action roughhouse swedge bagarre boilover sparring match exchange of blows riot argument lists friendly slugfest shindy hostilities bloodshed scrape dissension violence rammy afters spat carnage games stoush ding-dong wrangling rough and tumble fighting sports event wrestling match local derby prize fight shoot-out duke out physical encounter power struggle incident commotion playoffs exchange row quarrel opposition antagonism vying competitiveness barney tumult quarter-final semi-final scramble flap velitation conclave convention gathering passage of arms shindig breach of the peace ruction tiff argy-bargy convocation feuding enmity emulation ruck discord jealousy friction muster congress hunt wrestling bout matches sports miff scrabble throes jam grind undertaking mano-a-mano clashes duels brannigan bit of argy-bargy single combat duello keeping up with the Joneses cup matchups contests square go difficulty fuss to-do tug of war monomachy rioting butchery killing slaying battles slaughter skirmishing gunfight affair of honor judicial duel fencing sword fight field meeting meeting for satisfaction of honour shootout affair of honour sporting event massacre bloodletting murder unrest punch out jousting roughhousing brawling haymaker pugilism prizefighting fight game fistic sport crusade campaign onslaught blitzkreig assault sortie press barrage onset push movement bombing military fight armed conflict significant contact

Danh từ

The quality of being eager or enthusiastic
impatience eagerness keenness enthusiasm hunger avidity excitement appetite thirst lust longing zeal avidness ardor fervor fervour ardour yearning expectancy desirousness earnestness suspense greed greediness excitability haste intentness hastiness hurry rashness impulsiveness ants in pants passion desire craving zest hankering yen gusto intensity anticipation willingness urge devotion wholeheartedness appetency fervency interest itch ardency anxiety pining passionateness readiness expectation vehemence appetence fanaticism need voraciousness voracity commitment alacrity zealousness liveliness relish ebullience impetuosity wish zing love frenzy fancy drive jones thirstiness ache letch ecstasy fire fury fever hungering cupidity covetousness dedication ambition wishing strong desire heartiness aridity thirsting anxiousness promptness solicitude quickness thrill intense desire assiduity diligence conscientiousness warmth demand liking uncertainty hope spirit propensity inclination butterflies expectance exuberance vigor vigour hopefulness agitation vivacity verve vivaciousness taste stomach addiction proclivity tension energy sap dynamism expectingness turmoil brio conviction feeling motivation butterflies in one's stomach awaiting high hopes looking forward restlessness delirium partiality oomph pep vim devotedness emotion fervidness life gaiety rapture mirth intenseness dash go exhilaration penchant appetition weakness unrest distraction uproar flap feverishness furor rage hysteria deliriousness furore flush rampage ferment flare get-up-and-go joyfulness zip zap activity fieriness élan glow joy flame keen interest white heat red heat soft spot big eyes burning up the shakes running a temperature febrile disease vitality animation sparkle bounce pizzazz spiritedness punch pzazz esprit moxie force effervescence snap push hardihood buoyancy high spirits juice ginger elan happiness starch gas initiative beans enterprise forcefulness cheerfulness vinegar elation violence sprightliness welly fondness strength determination panache fizz vibrancy enjoyment perkiness spunk delight vigorousness brightness gumption pleasure feistiness resolve cheeriness stamina action potency euphoria power aggressiveness spark optimism tenacity fierceness jollity birr bliss heart high-spiritedness transport vibrance confidence merriment light-heartedness single-mindedness sunniness resolution doggedness steam gameness disposition will lustiness cheer gladness kick favour favor joyousness delectation preference hustle jazz zestfulness boldness satisfaction infatuation robustness mettle intoxication perseverance rhapsody radiance tuck jauntiness backbone guts endurance cloud nine predilection jubilation joie de vivre affection briskness glee heaven sincerity fortitude pluck paradise jazziness might bang like irrepressibility high shine virility elatedness breeziness courage swoon appreciation bias bullishness chirpiness flurry mania peppiness seventh heaven flair good cheer assertiveness grit ambitiousness joviality inspiration madness application gratification contentment jolliness vividness humor exaltation effectiveness humour urgency goodwill sanguineness depth persistence blitheness felicity will power enchantment purposefulness craze love affair scintillation imagination impetus inventiveness lightheartedness flamboyance bent resourcefulness resoluteness creativity purpose good humor psyche fire in the belly leaning daring dauntlessness use resource soul capability mind pepper pertness empressement complexion tendency palate contentedness stimulation vital spark life force faith trust calmness idealism easiness sureness encouragement assurance certainty positivism ravishment activeness brilliance immoderation aggression impulse exultation transports sanguinity fun momentum colour beatitude fascination obsessiveness get up and go amenability bigotry bloom exertion positive attitude color zealotry vehemency committedness effort monomania muscle obligingness bounciness emphasis militancy vim and vigour obsession style rose-colored glasses right stuff ingenuity nerve flourish looking on bright side top of the world stimulus firmness good spirits effusiveness extremism devoutness overenthusiasm airiness incentive ferociousness alertness imaginativeness flutter partisanship talent ability thrust impact cleverness dazzle stylishness exuberancy perturbation temper essence morale outlook air temperament willpower mood substance tenor breath character quality stoutheartedness emotionalism bite aspiration peartness balls intrepidity motive bustle tooth self-assurance leadership ferocity striving frame of mind prejudice point commotion seriousness affinity gayness hot-bloodedness kicks rhapsodies positiveness adventure adventurousness amusement thing attraction movement excitation friskiness efficiency efficacy toughness cool predisposition content carefreeness blithesomeness quick-wittedness self-motivation merriness proneness native wit festivity gleefulness mirthfulness wildness triumph playfulness a buzz a charge go-getting fire in belly jocularity a kick pep talk rejoicing jocundity hilarity diversion what it takes adoration aim loyalty faithfulness level degree sensation sentiment forcibleness stick-to-itiveness what-it-takes dispatch preparedness magnitude unction hungriness estimation vociferousness light swagger warmness intent bubbliness insistence forthrightness outspokenness splendour pizazz address richness indulgence lustre steadfastness powerfulness virtuosity facility gladsomeness cogency strong interest resilience hurrah solemnity piety piousness religiousness wits strength of character strength of mind youthfulness luster sassiness clout flamboyant confidence instigation sense of purpose pertinence constancy tenaciousness pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness spring molliness severity concentration excess bound bob joys of spring calenture splendor glitz show glimmer agreement consent agreeableness influence operativeness spontaneity resources impellent stuff kindness friendliness sedulousness great enthusiasm extremity burning passion anger eye volatility excitedness love of life firmness of purpose great expectations bright outlook Pollyannaism rosy outlook silver lining affability cordiality fundamentalism radicalism dogmatism activism spell attachment positivity labour labor industry ado fit emulation hustle and bustle validness punchiness validity incandescence have-a-go attitude cooperation volition compliance charisma elegance kindliness tenderness turn on sweltering heat extreme heat oppressive heat torrid heat tropical heat intense heat high temperature grievousness strain engrossment deliberation pace velocity speed favoritism favouritism stress bravery good humour moroseness originality spice titillation trace intemperance chauvinism sectarianism ingeniousness genius savor savour amiability wild emotion bottle elan vital snappiness spunkiness stir buzz charge jollies upper up puissance beef sinew aptness ease paroxysm intuition intelligence wit shrewdness cunning perceptiveness communion at-oneness well-being nirvana glory Elysium piquancy smack understanding geniality warm-heartedness hospitality good-naturedness sympathy a sense of purpose strong emotion intense feeling cup of tea favourite favorite abandon intensity of feeling being full of the joys of spring éclat driving power creativeness wisdom brains knack sharpness audacity impressiveness spine loving enjoying benevolence charity welcomingness care charitableness benignity liberality stars in one's eyes extreme happiness risk riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness hazard dangerousness hard work entrepreneurial spirit yearn burning want dream goal ripeness valor smartness blissfulness amity staying power courageousness gutsiness gallantry greatheartedness doughtiness daringness fearlessness heroism intrepidness druthers fulfilment jouissance comfort gayety venturesomeness prowess virtue stoutness precariousness discomposure exciting experience feelings amorousness hospitableness emotions joyance fulfillment innovativeness sharp-wittedness fruition pecker valour trance fluster compassion great pleasure warm fuzzies great joy transports of delight openness stout-heartedness provocation incitement positive thinking spirit of adventure self-reliance tumult intestinal fortitude weakness for thing for entertainment play foolery blast buffoonery fitness festiveness living it up tomfoolery ball panic over-enthusiasm state blessedness stupor health silliness foolishness knavery facetiousness jocosity romping gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace grins humorousness levity mischief jesting mischievousness sportiveness wantonness clowning funniness gamboling joking comedy laughter nonsense revelry treat jocoseness good time gambol rascality healthiness wholeness soundness wellness confusion fixation verdure wholesomeness twilight zone healthfulness salubrity state of anxiety fandom salubriousness hardiness haleness willfulness injustice illiberality incorrigibility intolerance stubbornness hatred contumacy arbitrariness abandonment faction unreasonableness unruliness dogma unfairness obstinacy superstition fettle pink prime form constitution eupepsia good condition clean bill fine feather

Danh từ

A sense of stressful urgency caused by having too many demands on one's time or resources
pressure strain stress burden load tension difficulty hassle adversity demands hardship weight distress drain trouble urgency affliction anxiety crunch exigency grievance albatross drag misfortune pressure cooker worry trauma tenseness nervousness suffering trepidation dread disquietude grief pain restlessness oppression disquiet ferment mistrust misgiving trial agony alarm passion fear apprehensiveness fearfulness intensity flutter nervous tension overextension distention expectancy impatience bother tribulation encumbrance millstone problem sorrow annoyance irritation torture ordeal anguish vexation struggle upset misery liability nuisance inconvenience responsibility pest cross to bear obligation irritant headache task toil labor labour shock problems nightmare aggravation travail strife duty upheaval bane bugbear concern frustration onus torment cross disturbance cumber hindrance heartache grind heartbreak struggling drudgery pain in the neck pain in the bum battle pain in the backside pain in the rear traumatization test exertion imposition plague awkwardness care unease uphill battle embarrassment agitation exasperation tax difficult task peeve botheration unpleasantness irk tall order ruffle thorn curse uphill struggle tough grind tough assignment aggro fuss rub puzzle woe charge harassment punishment uphill deadweight hair shirt trials and tribulations thorn in one's side living day to day effort endeavor slog demand devastation getting by surviving long haul hard work endeavour duress burdens exertions survival mode challenge mantle vicissitude disadvantage disruption gauntlet crucible cause for concern obstacle millstone round one's neck scourge pressure of work conflict unwanted responsibility ball and chain accountability dead weight mental weight blame shackle chain trammel obstruction fire gantlet bad news calamity persecution drawback unfitness unwieldiness downside hurt excruciation rack straits thorn in one's flesh nuisance value untimeliness unsuitableness unhandiness cumbersomeness pains soreness discomfort laboriousness strenuousness arduousness troublesomeness uneasiness incommode stew tiresomeness bothersomeness inopportuneness thorn in someone's side provocation thorn in someone's flesh nag nagging jolt setback ado dolour painfulness hangup travails put out jam imbroglio bafflement disorder confusion derangement blow outburst collapse mental burden to-do issues dilemma turmoil row pitfall scrape hang-up

Danh từ

Agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major change and leading to trouble or violence
ferment turmoil unrest fever frenzy excitement furore stew tumult turbulence agitation brouhaha disquiet disruption hubbub uproar fuss stir storm bustle commotion flurry ruckus upheaval clamour confusion glow hurly-burly mayhem to-do trouble carry-on chaos disorder fermentation hoo-ha kerfuffle restiveness restlessness rumpus uneasiness unquietness aggro argy-bargy coil hoopla imbroglio moil ailment clamor convulsion disquietude disturbance flap furor outcry row rumble scene stink uprising upturn Sturm und Drang hell broke loose state of unrest ado bother hullabaloo pandemonium ruction ballyhoo clatter pother bluster blather whirl welter bobbery foofaraw shindy squall williwaw hurly splore clutter corroboree hurry hurricane do zoo fun racket activity hysteria action rage excitation fireworks elation thrill passion feeling drama emotion buzz helter-skelter alarums and excursions hoo-hah hurry-skurry hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hassle song and dance palaver fracas riot din hue and cry pantomime performance bedlam noise melee bobsy-die folderol rigmarole quarrel fuss and bother free-for-all hustle and bustle brawl babel big scene havoc lather bangarang upset business carrying-on splash outburst controversy distraction rampage affray broil dither jangle fuss and feathers production tizzy big stink altercation tamasha whirlwind shindig donnybrook hustle violence strife maelstrom storm in a teacup tempest in a teapot much ado about nothing delirium fluster scuffle fret panic nonsense fury sensation tempest tizz deliriousness feverishness outbreak flutter hype procedure craze fray eruption backwash mania babble explosion clangour yelling shouting melodrama annoyance fisticuffs stramash bagarre discord monkey business clangor anxiety tempest in a teacup mountain out of a molehill federal case tempest in a tea-kettle big deal draft draught exhibition hurrah jiggery-pokery struggle hysterics histrionics parade interruption scandal display worry anarchy scrap stooshie dust-up enthusiasm lunacy fad protest rampancy fighting madness snafu animation busyness movement perturbation sweat rush an outcry rowdydow spin hubba-hubba rhubarb shemozzle to do liveliness life haste frolic dance party carousal bash revel fancy merrymaking spree madhouse loud noise upheavals disarray wingding twitter hell to pay devil to pay nuisance craziness hurly burly unsettlement wildness seething fight uncertainty convulsions spot of bother hectic activity discomposure ructions tremor quake roughhouse shivaree bickering whirlpool combustion tohubohu tizz-woz rough house shock insurrection hindrance all hell breaking loose mêlée cacophony all hell broken loose kick-up disarrangement spasm farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness toing and froing anxiousness mix-up topsy-turviness instability hectic distress breach of the peace flare-up swelter state huff swivet comings and goings street fight ritual twit nervous state state of agitation state of anxiety lengthy process red tape tedious business

Danh từ

The state of being irascible
irascibleness irritability irascibility testiness peevishness pettishness petulance grumpiness crossness crotchetiness grouchiness huffiness waspishness perversity crankiness perverseness choler irritableness biliousness touchiness cantankerousness impatience tetchiness spleen sullenness annoyance fretfulness sourness surliness irritation acerbity anger dander excitability fit furore furor fury ire miff outburst passion pugnacity rage resentment sensitivity snit stew tantrum tartness tear temperament tiff tizzy wax hotheadedness ill-humor bad humor short fuse slow burn low boiling point bad temper short temper snappiness temper crabbiness shortness asperity edginess ill temper snappishness fieriness uncertain temper pique displeasure vexation indignation exasperation ill humour querulousness moodiness wrath outrage chagrin infuriation gall fractiousness huff aggravation acrimony dyspepsia bad mood prickliness sulkiness animosity madness hatred bother frustration churlishness storm conniption hissy fit irateness ill humor bile angriness lividness lividity umbrage wrathfulness birse agitation curmudgeonliness antagonism crustiness bad-temperedness rankling enmity botheration soreness distemper disapprobation rancour spite discontent malice air rage rattiness dissatisfaction blow up cat fit malevolence provocation fit of pique bitterness spitefulness nervousness stroppiness tension anxiety restiveness disgruntlement uneasiness viciousness rancor jitteriness quick temper hot temper sharpness caprice mood mad harassment bedevilment vehemence hate hatefulness grief disturbance violence aggro pip dudgeon nuisance high dudgeon unhappiness distress oversensitivity hypersensitivity hot-temperedness short-temperedness captiousness quick-temperedness quarrelsomeness pettiness terseness hot-headedness ticklishness crabbedness stickiness lather fume trouble seasickness nausea sickness vomiting queasiness ill-humour hassle venom hostility motion sickness unsettled stomach arbitrariness whinginess tantrums capriciousness mardiness ungraciousness cynicism road rage discontentment scratchiness malignity maliciousness flare-up vengeance rise offense offence malignance a mood shrewishness pepperiness restlessness orneriness chippiness shirtiness ill nature a bad mood soreheadedness boiling point extreme anger antipathy vindictiveness nastiness malignancy cattiness meanness animus despite discomfort upset stress miffiness snakiness a sore head ill feeling fierceness fire blood lust resentfulness histrionics furiousness nerves tenseness milt dislike melancholy lien ill will grudge whim depression a short fuse impetuosity jitters flightiness skittishness jumpiness fidgets fidgetiness abruptness intolerance curtness brusqueness disquietude twitchiness nerviness harrying paddy blowout strop grump importunity bate bugging mard pet teasing nervous tension bothering persecution pestering

Danh từ

Any of the variations of high speed pitches thrown in baseball

Danh từ

A steady radiance of light or heat
glow light gleam radiance brightness incandescence brilliance glimmer luminosity vividness luminescence phosphorescence shine warmth lambency splendour blaze flare fluorescence glare illumination intensity richness effulgence glimmering glitter irradiance lucency afterglow blossom burning ray splendor sparkle flash dazzle glint shimmer lustre luster refulgence twinkle flicker luminousness sheen coruscation beam lightness brilliancy luminance lustrousness candor fulguration resplendence scintillation candour gloss flame spark glisten streak shining shaft blink radiation finger glim moonlight glaze burnish glowing lighting gleaming firelight starlight patina stream irradiation glitz glance lumination brightening pencil blinking ray of light shaft of light twinkling winking flashing bar glistening glittering iridescence burst fire lucidity polish glossiness beams rays glister illumining lights wink twink pulse dazzling light strong light dancing flickering lighting up blast translucence suggestion scintilla eruption explosion clarity low light candlelight soft light blinding light opalescence candescence bedazzlement reflection spangle unsteady light diffused light dancing of light liveliness dim light originality flamboyance gaudiness ingeniousness creativity colorfulness vibrancy inventiveness beacon beam of light emission lamplight fulgor electric light sunlight flash of light gaslight column strength vividity shoot sunbeam chink laser dartle power stream of light shininess finish smoothness moonbeam moonshine silkiness varnish sleekness slickness veneer gilt glassiness moon ray wax display resplendency bolt trace patch emanation wave nictation nictitation flutter unsteady flame lance bat squint nictitate squinch nictate light ray appearance

Danh từ

A long serious speech, especially one given as a scolding or reprimand
lecture rebuke reprimand scolding telling-off castigation chiding reproof talking-to dressing-down berating harangue remonstration reproach upbraiding wigging admonishment admonition censure diatribe going-over lambasting obloquy tirade tongue-lashing rocket moralism preaching preachment ticking-off telling off criticism reproval roasting earful carpeting rollicking blast ticking off rating condemnation bawling-out rap bollocking rap over the knuckles row caning denunciation invective stricture sermon philippic serve slap on the wrist rant slating reprehension fulmination jeremiad polemic objurgation excoriation broadside attack vituperation abuse chastisement verbal onslaught riot act screed remonstrance caution blame commination warning speech declamation talking to exhortation dressing down railing decrying brickbats flak reviling piece of your mind spiel hard time battering revilement malediction dispute anger ranting vilification denouncement knocking discourse bashing disapproval counsel comeuppance stream of abuse chewing out ragging blowing-up rap on the knuckles going over piece of one's mind disquisition monologue brickbat lamentation moan lament keen groan complaint discipline monolog mouthful insult screen exchange slap on the wrists recrimination blowing up wail plaint advice injunction caveat rebuff shame expostulation disrepute discredit correction odium disapprobation outburst scorn slur stain slight contempt blemish flea in one's ear flea in the ear scold upbraid accusation chewing-out slap in the face put down kick in the teeth being put in one's place tick off haul over the coals tell off address oration homily peroration talk verbal attack hassle spouting grooming pep talk reading out oral punishment bawling out what for calling down slap on wrist flea in your ear opprobrium disparagement slander contumely denigration defamation stick libel insults billingsgate scurrility animadversion bad-mouthing vitriol calumny disfavour sideswipe character assassination aspersions disfavor verbal abuse deprecation derision reprobation knock fault-finding verbal disesteem disgrace objection execration slagging off calumniation derogation mud-slinging bad press panning humiliation scurrilousness smear slamming slagging stigma offense offence sarcasm aspersion displeasure slam scandal dissatisfaction cut ignominy infamy outrage slap dislike distaste traducement curses disagreement detraction hostility slurs insolence dishonour backbiting epithet indignity dishonor barb notoriety affront pan dig hit disrespect arraignment ill repute blot swipe black eye backhanded compliment dirty dig loss of face animosity swearing exception demurral dissent expletives discourtesy disdain rudeness discountenance unpopularity enmity degradation discontentment boycott malice ridicule cursing proscription rubbishing swear words dis diss catcall spot brand gird dart poke foul language critique thumbs down venom blur taunt faultfinding signifying nitpicking call down carping cavilling cavil roast caviling sledge ill fame bar sinister verbal disapproval dump nit-picking verbal blasting impertinence arrogance malapertness remark persecution admonishments antagonism malevolence assault verbal thrashing slandering evil-speaking jibe argument spitefulness spite fulminations confrontation personality name raps knocks pugnacity defilement cattiness implication stigmatization depreciation slanderousness obscenity indecency examen quibble exposé damnation combativeness takedown notice captiousness fire ill will inculpation incrimination indictment mauling savaging belligerence belittlement belittling lessening coarseness offensiveness critical remark bad notice impugnment debasement charge smearing damning stigmatisation upbraidment infamousness abusiveness grossness conviction sentence jeer mocking diminishment judgment doom bad language philippics expose zinger reflection besmirch verbal assault slights backstabbing underestimation bad reputation ill favour taint ingloriousness disregard scar cloud provocation gibe teasing judgement blaming blasphemy counterblast prejudice curse imprecation anathema excommunication indignities jibes sneer low esteem smirch rebukes punishment a bad press threat slanging lack of respectability ill favor verbals quinine knifing hosing ridiculing taunting mockery goading scoff put-downs repulsion repugnance bad reflection treachery blot on the escutcheon skeleton in the cupboard threat of punishment name-calling a slanging match kicking around trash talk pushing around crack parting shot jab comeback snappy comeback blackball zing boo nix ostracism hiss discontent animus snub rejection a bawling-out a wigging a caning a bashing a rollicking a roasting a rocket an earful black list aversion antipathy hate abhorrence revulsion detestation loathing disgust hatred a row critical remarks a bollocking grievance mistreatment onus abomination resentment dispprobation take-down

Danh từ

Anger or aggression associated with conflict arising from a particular situation
rage anger fury wrath indignation passion temper ire outrage spleen tantrum choler furor madness agitation bitterness exasperation pet resentment strop violence angriness annoyance antagonism birse blowout deliriousness delirium displeasure distraction fever feverishness flap frenzy furore grump hysteria irateness lividity lividness mad mania mood obsession pique rampage rancor rancour raving state uproar vexation wrathfulness bad temper bate fit of anger fit of fury fit of rage foulie hostility hot temper paddy paddywhack skid towering rage vehemence wax acerbity acrimony animosity apoplexy asperity bad mood blowup bluster convulsion dander eruption excitement explosion ferment ferocity fireworks fit of temper frenzy of anger frenzy of rage gall haemorrhage hemorrhage huff hysterics irritation outburst paroxysm spasm squall storm umbrage upset wingding air rage fit of bad temper fit of ill temper fit of pique high dudgeon paroxysm of anger paroxysm of rage extreme anger hissy fit sulk snit miff grouchiness fit pugnacity fretfulness cantankerousness sullenness tartness huffiness tizzy excitability touchiness sensitivity tiff sourness ill-humor tear hotheadedness stew impatience slow burn short fuse bad humor hump pouts grouch sulkiness dudgeon ill humour blues doldrums sulks grumps mard conniption funk fit of bad humour bile flare-up temper tantrum fit of ill humour dummy spit pout fuse menace aggression belligerence offense offence peeve scurf scene savagery crossness perturbation hissy impetuosity ill temper provocaion fit of the sulks red mist blind rage focus outburst of anger blackness fret wobbly blow-up venom virulence depression dumps corrosiveness vitriol mordancy nastiness acidness cattiness acidity acridity irritability virulency acridness mopes glumness moroseness moodiness low irascibility churlishness peevishness gloom melancholy gloominess worry blahs crankiness resentfulness stroppiness low spirits bout of moping

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A strong emotion of care or compassion
feeling sympathy compassion care love pity commiseration concern kindheartedness understanding empathy sensitivity humaneness humanity kind-heartedness kindliness kindness mercifulness sentimentality softness tenderheartedness tenderness warm-heartedness warmth appreciation bigheartedness charity heart largeheartedness mercy ruth softheartedness solicitousness solicitude sorrow tender-heartedness warmheartedness good-heartedness sensibility action ardour ardor attachment capacity delicacy discernment discrimination fervour fervor intensity palpability reaction regard response fellow feeling benevolence consideration thoughtfulness goodwill benignity goodness awareness generosity beneficence brotherly love gentleness condolence compassionateness tolerance benignancy grace consciousness receptiveness altruism affection responsiveness sensitiveness friendliness clemency leniency subtlety amity liberality rapport affinity philanthropy aroha condolences identification fellowship quarter communion perceptiveness emotion solace comfort indulgence receptivity humanitarianism charitableness magnanimity soft-heartedness sensation sense favour favor susceptibility comity awareness of the feelings of others cordiality support insight vibes caritas forbearance amiability intuition consolation agape lenience recognition feelings nobility judgment caring decency concord cognizance soul mildness compunction mindfulness perceptivity rue lenity apperception assimilation bounty neighborliness unselfishness considerateness perception graciousness neighbourliness good-fellowship judgement bounteousness friendship gift good will impressionability affectibility nervousness reactivity reactiveness principle helpfulness forgiveness encouragement respects tact Agape patience diplomacy bountifulness reassurance character finesse discretion constitution lifesaver relief distress sadness oblation benefaction office charitability big-heartedness tender feelings soft skills finer feelings munificence public-spiritedness philanthropism magnanimousness lavishness largesse free-handedness brotherhood cordialness open-handedness regret harmony almsgiving social conscience concern for others heart of hearts dejection melancholy condolement brotherliness sisterliness mutuality closeness togetherness connection relating taste intuitiveness sentiment good feeling sympathetic response loving concern Christian love affability keenness enthusiasm passion vehemence heartiness geniality good-naturedness hospitality fondness gut reaction emotional response deep feeling zeal welcomingness eagerness passionateness fire ardency wholeheartedness cheerfulness violence fervency fervidness intenseness conception apprehension finer feeling comprehension cognition emotions amorousness happiness hospitableness zest effusiveness spiritedness excitement knowingness knowing familiarity enlightenment acquaintance white heat earnestness spirit glow empressement cottoning to being on same wavelength community of interests attentiveness courtesy respect thought attention courteousness reverence politeness aid pleasantness selflessness conviviality deference sweetness affectionateness cooperation help civility lovingness gentility caringness refinement cheer urbanity gallantry courtliness elegance polish cultivation culture succour heed genteelness succor chivalry assuagement suavity easement ceremony sincerity carefulness complaisance mannerliness address gallantness amenities good breeding fatherliness motherliness good behavior peacefulness peaceableness serenity tranquillity liking agreeableness good nature tranquility amicability heedfulness comradeship assistance congeniality esteem sociability mind notice estimation amenity agreeability interest amenability niceness ease soothing good deed approval approbation note moral support politesse optimism accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision openheartedness virtue attention to detail faith devotion charm collaboration obligingness apology service good-temperedness personableness amiableness boon respectfulness benefit equitableness justness sufferance moderation toleration endurance fairness unity good manners mutual support concernment tending decorousness likableness comforting tender loving care peace gladdening inspiration couth good neighbourliness rallying round benediction reassuring manners consoling jovialness gratefulness enjoyableness reciprocity looking after good turn helping hand relieving solacing act of assistance shyness quietness nobleness orderliness order solid expression of regret generousness liberalness brownie points joviality companionability companionableness demonstrativeness modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility sight good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling lawfulness cheering up touchingness sweetness and light observance view accessibility communicativeness mateyness gregariousness clubbability decorum stability mansuetude docility meekness alleviation interestedness approachability good humour chumminess openness bonhomie fortification calmness pliancy placidity pliability fragility kinship palliness easy-going manner outgoingness camaraderie comradery clubbiness an eye once-over open arms admiration acclaim veneration account lack of reservation lack of inhibition repute popularity honor reputation laudation praise homage adulation honour opinion cherishing extolment value good opinion high regard high opinion

Động từ

To disturb the composure of
fluster confuse upset bother confound disturb rattle ruffle agitate disconcert hassle nonplus unnerve discompose disquiet faze perturb unsettle alarm excite hurry worry abash bustle discombobulate discomfit discountenance embarrass flurry make nervous mortify panic addle bewilder craze distract flip frustrate fuddle muddle mystify perplex psych put on edge puzzle spook unhinge get to make waves stir up throw off balance work up put into a flap send into a spin throw into a tizz distress dismay trouble vex discomfort throw concern frazzle shake ail distemper alarum fuss undo derail hagride freak out weird out baffle annoy exercise frighten flummox irk harass scare put off take aback afflict bug daunt make uneasy startle provoke befuddle horrify plague disorient bamboozle shake up chagrin appal irritate dumbfound gravel make anxious appall bemuse shock psych out demoralize pester torment derange stupefy buffalo put someone off their stroke beat fox surprise demoralise befog fret throw off intimidate discourage terrify mix up dishearten terrorize humiliate shame pose get needle depress terrorise torture maze daze oppress harry displease aggrieve affright muddy stun chill floor put out of countenance cow give a hard time make someone scratch their head put the wind up set someone back on their heels burden deter unman unbalance put out discommode bedevil stress disorder disorientate agonize rouse make uncomfortable jolt beset beleaguer grieve disarrange strain disappoint sadden stump foul up scarify fright arouse move astound pother astonish egg on put someone off their stride agonise burn up give someone grief get at blow one's mind throw into a tizzy cause to be at a stand go to one's head exasperate inconvenience dispirit aggravate incite crush pique gall inflame disorganize jumble disrupt petrify dizzy catch off balance rack awe anguish rattle one's cage destabilize demean pain tease despair turn sicken make self-conscious browbeat hurt offend badger incommode stimulate anger mess up snafu wound tear harrow peeve wind up nettle cause anxiety to miff persecute chafe destabilise amaze try turn on intoxicate inebriate make punchy indispose fire up gnaw at goad flabbergast wilder scare stiff make fretful put down tantalize tantalise nag let down scare the bejesus out of fog tick off pick on stagger push buttons make a scene scare to death give a turn ball up scare the living daylights out of cause someone to lose their composure set someone thinking mess with someone's head pull the rug out from under be all Greek to pull the rug from under do someone's head in put the wind up someone give someone a turn muddle up haunt wring tangle overwhelm overawe subdue throw into tizzy affect mistake bully preoccupy cause disquiet to corner eat away at frenzy disoblige molest elude blind down dement displace rummage disarray outrage complicate intrude tire interfere dash freak unquiet make restless ferment consternate traumatize jar disillusion paralyse tear away at deject ventilate examine disgruntle disenchant worst traumatise unstring scare silly make jump throw into confusion put off one's stroke balk hinder boggle the mind of defeat strike dumb throw for loop stampede paralyze knock sideways fill with consternation screw up knock for six louse up muck up make someone's hair stand on end disarm curse hound put someone off baulk take by surprise throw into uproar throw into disorder make flip bug up work someone up throw into disarray fill with panic injure get in the way snow obfuscate disaccord jangle discord disharmonize catch somebody off balance catch somebody unawares throw a curve knock props out strap dog break nit-pick prick push desolate martyr bring up short set thinking stymie eat at arouse anxiety in make miserable do a number on be on one's case make wretched cause suffering to make it tough for weigh on cut up cause anguish to straiten upset apple cart stop someone in their tracks flutter ride uncalm undermine weaken enfeeble sap enervate hit a sour note tax hustle divert quicken deflate humble put off his or her stride take the wind out of someone's sails drive insane disengage unfasten send over the edge separate unhitch disconnect uncouple detach besiege make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth make someone laugh on the other side of their face mess with one's head make someone's head spin affront abase bowl over set back weigh down test importune dun hector ridicule belittle disgrace degrade nark put somebody off his or her stride incapacitate cramp debilitate sweat out lie heavy on be a great weight on flip out discredit dishonour put someone to shame put to shame get one's comeuppance take down a peg take down take the wind out make someone eat humble pie get someone bum out get across hack off lay up key up make awkward make ashamed show up own weigh heavily on one's mind rock the boat dishonor hurt somebody's feelings hang up get on someone's wick throw into panic catch one short drive repel disburb stiff bulldoze scare witless make a monkey of put in a spot put in a hole put on the spot give a bad time fill with fear freeze your blood inspire whip up stir invigorate give someone goose pimples strike terror into get the wind up scare away throw into a panic scare off make one's flesh creep give one the creeps chill someone to the marrow put the fear of God into make teeth chatter scare the pants off throw into a fright give someone the heebie-jeebies curdle the blood make your blood run cold make your hair stand on end make blood run cold chill to the bone scare someone out of their wits scare someone half to death throw into a blue funk spur pump up energize electrify galvanize make someone jump out of their skin juice up galvanise envigorate enliven trigger inspirit foment taunt animate enthuse liven up activize work energise jazz up titillate cast down dampen prey on someone's mind niggle fear sweat stew rock devastate weary overcome thwart prey on dull hang over beat down pour cold water on throw cold water on stress out occupy cause anxiety embitter sour touch grind interrupt cause concern to cause discomfort to revolt disgust occupy someone's thoughts scandalize nauseate cut stab drive up the wall hack you off acerbate bring down lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind press down on obsess lower suppress subjugate stifle knock the wind out of be knock off balance harsh one's mellow dumfound suffer be unwell be a burden to be a burden on weigh devitalize squelch smother diminish antagonize knock over carp be indisposed be crook scandalise numb thunderstrike antagonise insult cavil deaden curb quell extinguish overpower spring something on throw a curveball take control of take over get someone down give offence to involve thicken be sick be wrong with feel pain be in pain feel unwell be ill be weak be the matter with quibble cause anguish cause someone distress cause pain nitpick encumber entangle flap knock out take the wind out of your sails completely surprise make someone's blood run cold raise someone's eyebrows gross out shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks fidget bear down on damp down muck ravel snarl up stumble muddy the waters mix you up be agitated take pains be in a tizzy be worried cast a pall over put a damper on labour over be in a flap get worked up get in a stew be in a stew make a big thing out of make a big thing of make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill make a thing of drain drag darken damp run down reduce to tears make sad get down make unhappy cast a gloom upon bring tears to someone's eyes knock the stuffing out of make gloomy bear down harsh someone's mellow turn one off make someone's heart bleed give someone the blues make someone fed up bring tears to your eyes make despondent keep under make desolate dampen someone's spirits make your heart bleed weigh heavily on dash someone's hopes break someone's spirit break someone's heart

Động từ

Pasteurise or pasteurize
pasteurize decontaminate disinfect purify sanitise sanitize sterilise sterilize clean fumigate autoclave antisepticize cleanse depollute desexualize change incapacitate depurate make sterile neuter castrate fix emasculate geld alter unsex deodorize spay freshen deterge wash deodorise clean thoroughly operate on cauterize purge cauterise make clean make sanitary clarify filter refine clear bleach distil sift strain sieve fine boil liquate garble distill make pure rectify detoxify filtrate make germ-free elutriate aerify exculpate remit absolve edulcorate aerate expiate sublimate atone oxygenate exonerate chasten rarify get rid of impurities pasteurise separate process condense concentrate screen treat riddle rarefy reduce boil down ventilate vaporize winnow refresh vaporise griddle fan sweeten extract thicken compress bolt evaporate air bathe render make clear clean up expose cool air out melt down reclaim detoxicate desalt percolate solidify bath perfume fresh sublime fractionate become clear strengthen leach disinfest antiseptize neutralize sanitate neutralise melt desalinate circulate clean out delouse smoke osmose penetrate metastasize permeate make safe vaporize and condense evaporate and condense pan part soak through smoke out let breathe freshen up open air-condition give air to obtain remove impurities from scrub launder rinse trim press cut volatilize cook infuse express precipitate steam get rid of impurities from scour take out draw out separate out expurgate lustrate depurgate GI restore press out squeeze out cut down turn out rinse out get to the meat cut to the bone

Động từ

To turn into vapour

Trái nghĩa của heat

heat Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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