Đồng nghĩa của spasm

Alternative for spasm


Đồng nghĩa: convulsion, fit, seizure, twitch,

Danh từ

A sudden and brief spell of an activity or sensation
burst fit outburst paroxysm seizure access attack ebullition eruption explosion agony blaze bout flare flare-up flash flush gale gush gust outbreak storm boutade frenzy splurt ripple throe twinge rush spurt surge convulsion torrent flurry spate spell flood effusion outpouring upsurge blow-up case turn fury siege welling up stroke blast outflow outflowing dose blowup flutter flicker hurricane wave run rash patch period breakout passion roar bursting detonation discharge sally stint occurrence howl peal epidemic stretch conniption spot shriek hoot round ictus deluge cycle flow state volley scene blow recrudescence huff break thunder sudden appearance overflow onset episode scream shout fever ferment manifestation term throes paddy blowout avalanche outcry hysterics agitation furore fuming violence furor rage anger frothing excitement start collapse nausea sickness interval fireworks course twitch inflammation apoplexy bomb expulsion vomiting upheaval rapture sudden illness breakdown illness splash touch pang queasiness stab plague crash crack breaking effervescence sundering commotion rending brawl irruption disorder disruption tumult sortie gushing show encounter relapse streak brief display sudden show sudden display sudden exhibition brief exhibition series suffering qualm battle stream cascade grand mal epileptic attack petit mal epileptic fit issue spree outrush jet flux ailment effluence leakage efflux outflux drain escape emanation outpour exodus welling drainage effluent debouchment expression hemorrhage inundation haemorrhage succession string pandemic rise scourge sequence chain contagion pestilence upswing disease pest tide train barrage bombardment Black Death salvo progression cannonade set hail fusillade blitz battery groundswell blitzkrieg shower upwelling charge uprising onrush infection drumfire endemic chapter onslaught current sweep escalation swell influx drumbeat bubble bubonic plague killer contagious disease vibration experience rain infestation broadside epizootic profusion phase visitation lues craze increase growth virus upturn widespread disease mushrooming spread incidence building up build-up widespread illness what's going around procession cluster order line array row welter murrain lurgy suite list concatenation range arrangement influenza hydra pneumonic plague file group bank alternation consecution continuity suit peril gradation column scale tier menace threat to life deadly illness cause of death fatal illness

Danh từ

Anger or aggression associated with conflict arising from a particular situation
rage anger fury wrath indignation passion temper ire outrage spleen tantrum choler furor madness agitation bitterness exasperation pet resentment strop violence angriness annoyance antagonism birse blowout deliriousness delirium displeasure distraction fever feverishness flap frenzy furore grump hysteria irateness lividity lividness mad mania mood obsession pique rampage rancor rancour raving state uproar vexation wrathfulness bad temper bate fit of anger fit of fury fit of rage foulie hostility hot temper paddy paddywhack skid towering rage vehemence wax acerbity acrimony animosity apoplexy asperity bad mood blowup bluster convulsion dander eruption excitement explosion ferment ferocity fireworks fit of temper frenzy of anger frenzy of rage gall haemorrhage heat hemorrhage huff hysterics irritation outburst paroxysm squall storm umbrage upset wingding air rage fit of bad temper fit of ill temper fit of pique high dudgeon paroxysm of anger paroxysm of rage extreme anger hissy fit crossness miff irritability slow burn irascibility peevishness fit chagrin impatience testiness stew offense offence tetchiness petulance tiff dudgeon bile conniption tartness touchiness hurt malice tear ill temper tizzy aggravation perturbation snit fretfulness cantankerousness grudge rise ill humour disgruntlement ill-humor spite infuriation animus huffiness grouchiness surliness sullenness sourness pugnacity excitability sensitivity crabbiness exacerbation hotheadedness resentfulness bad humor hatred flare-up discontent malignity bother short fuse temperament cynicism grumpiness irascibleness ill will dissatisfaction boiling point low boiling point ill feeling rankling bad feeling virulence peeve enmity snappishness frustration provocation ill humor virulency fog embitterment rancorousness sulk malevolence snappiness crankiness scene hissy fire distemper soreness disapprobation affront dyspepsia distress scorn tumult wildness pettishness intensity fuss turmoil stroppiness cat fit blow up grief pip botheration aggro waspishness discomposure mard restlessness impetuosity disturbance fervour fervor temper tantrum humiliation acridity acidity vindictiveness acridness savagery vitriol cattiness mordancy acidness corrosiveness disquiet discontentment disgust mortification discomfiture commotion stir hate histrionics fierceness crotchetiness fuming frothing panic furiousness throes perversity shortness perverseness unrest hubbub irritableness biliousness flush emotion more heat than light fieriness righteous anger enthusiasm zeal short temper eagerness stress outburst of anger to-do dummy spit bristle acrimoniousness spitefulness maliciousness venom lather unhappiness fume pain terseness fuse shock injustice horror danger grumps churlishness red mist road rage viciousness poison querulousness conniption fit violation mayhem trouble tantrums paroxysms edginess fit of bad humour hot-headedness embarrassment vengeance hatefulness moodiness upheaval disapproval sharpness antipathy jaundice row discomfort turbulence severity force outburst of rage score down grievance envy jealousy needling worry harassment uncertain temper hard feelings ill feelings bad feelings tempestuousness power weariness hassle plague enragement besetment smarting shame dislike bad blood focus blind rage wobbly fret spaz ill-humour ruckus incitement forcefulness disappointment letdown baulk balk sorrow dismay crushing blow tempest blow-up chip on your shoulder blood lust being rubbed up the wrong way potency strength ferity seizure attack tension fit of ill humour destruction burst energy rampancy sore might rabidity fling binge orgy splurge spree ecstasy dither confusion pandemonium chaos trepidation melodrama drama injury kerfuffle outbreak ebullition exception odium nettling provoking irking slight irrationality hullabaloo incitation fanaticism earnestness ardour ballyhoo sense of injury agony flare flash blaze bout gale gush gust hoopla neurosis derangement unreason alarm ado brouhaha passionateness ardency ardor fervency boutade access panic attack nervousness mirth animation fervidness intenseness burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes incandescence warmth loss of control outpouring white heat intensity of feeling desire flurry palaver controversy loss of reason outburst of agitation mental distress screaming abdabs screaming habdabs fit of madness fit of agitation hoo-ha carry-on song and dance aversion detestation abhorrence unfriendliness loathing opposition nastiness repugnance disrelish distaste revulsion repulsion disaffection malignancy objection contempt disfavour disfavor malignance revenge meanness abomination aggression estrangement despite war vengefulness bellicoseness execration friction warpath pugnaciousness inimicality truculency bugbear disinclination maleficence militancy mislike disliking discontentedness no love lost complaint gripe depression nuisance irritant grievances militance frost repellency repellence indisposition repugnancy bellicosity regret unkindness alienation combativeness dissension discord dread feud fear rivalry contention belligerency contentiousness needle discouragement wounded feelings mordacity truculence oppugnancy disagreement grudges anathema uneasiness belligerence embitteredness bete noire nasty look black beast gloominess moroseness sulkiness ruthlessness causticity conflict irk retaliation ill-will grouch snub cruelty anxiety terror resistance bane disillusionment dispiritedness revengefulness disdain disesteem ignominy malaise prejudice coldness black eye melancholy blame glumness bad will lamentation extreme dislike opprobrium disregard complex hang-up thing malcontent desolation malcontentment sadness evilness despitefulness disparagement contrariety wickedness evil intentions avoidance fright paranoia mean-spiritedness contradistinction phobia chip on one's shoulder bone to pick harsh feeling hateful feeling unpleasantness menace fractiousness disheartenment balefulness perniciousness scurf inimicalness disaccord oppugnation vendetta ill-disposedness distrust blackness bitter feeling pouts hump sulks nausea harshness unease uncharitableness variance hard feeling discountenance provocaion invidiousness pet peeve competition averseness hardness of heart hurt pride dejection disenchantment devilry backbiting devilment milt lien caprice whim pungency enemyship enemyhood foeship uncordiality daggers bee in one's bonnet wounded pride hurt feelings antithesis clashing difference incongruity despondency bad vibes bad chemistry blood feud personality conflict mutual hostility mercilessness bad-mouthing derogation affected scorn dirt evil malintent implacability mischievousness rebuff refusal revolt denial strong aversion intense dislike disconsolation despair grudgingness vituperation implacableness evil intent disillusion disconsolateness incensement disloyalty yuck factor anguish misery gloom torment unfulfilment downheartedness woe restiveness sour grapes heavy-heartedness Weltschmerz disrepute obloquy discredit infamy disgrace mutiny souring sedition insurgence rebellion insubordination insurrection dissidence low spirits heaviness of heart oppression heartburn boredom hopelessness ennui strong dislike apathy breach dispute dishonor reproach reprobation condemnation notoriety censure dishonour stigma slap in the face blitzkrieg left-handed compliment onslaught onset slam dig put down harm blitz mugging indignity zinger assailment battery dirty dig push assault hit irrational fear reckoning blur onus spot stain rebuke brand slur unpopularity blot dispprobation wrong spectre fixation abnormal fear preoccupation obsessive fear bogey specter nightmare whinge ill repute trenchancy sarcasm denigration ridicule disrespect scornfulness derision deprecation despisal protest inconvenience whine quibble obstruction defiance awe aversion to astringency turf war beef grumble headache ruffled feathers crabbedness bar sinister loss of face rudeness grouse holler kvetch yammer moan groan problem counteraction obstructiveness bone of contention axe to grind crow to pluck nasty behavior lament carp bleat cavil criticism non-compliance dissent thing about overwhelming anxiety about trial demurral warfare prevention defence duel negativism action con contest contraposition strife combat grapple skirmish fray defense engagement brush antinomy counterattack confronting struggle opposure encounter civil disobedience pet aversion thorn in one's flesh thorn in one's side bane of one's life

Danh từ

A breakdown of peaceful behavior
disturbance turmoil uproar brawl commotion riot tumult upheaval fracas ruckus bother rumpus disorder furor furore hubbub hullabaloo kerfuffle row ruction stir affray flap fray fuss hoopla pandemonium pother rumble shindy storm ado agitation ballyhoo blather bluster bobbery bustle clatter clutter coil corroboree do eruption explosion foofaraw hurry-scurry melee moil quake quarrel squall stew stink tremor uprising whirl bangarang distraction ferment fisticuffs hindrance hurly insurrection racket restlessness shindig shock splore welter williwaw brouhaha clamour clamor confusion disarrangement rampage violence to-do free-for-all helter-skelter hurly-burly hoo-ha hoo-hah hubble-bubble hurry-skurry alarums and excursions street fight big scene big stink hurry zoo hurricane fun chaos trouble turbulence unrest mayhem excitement hassle disruption bedlam flurry frenzy din carry-on hue and cry outcry convulsion scene havoc noise tempest upset hysteria song and dance fever fight palaver donnybrook activity anarchy outburst rage discord cataclysm strife dither earthquake bouleversement delirium hustle and bustle broil babel controversy scuffle disarray fury perturbation protest revolution paroxysm argy-bargy altercation pantomime bagarre splash shouting performance disquiet yelling outbreak babble tizzy lather feverishness whirlwind deliriousness hustle stramash aggro ructions bobsy-die confrontation wildness maelstrom upturn fighting lawlessness rebellion jangle mutiny breach of the peace sensation folderol disorganization scandal wingding hell broke loose biffo anarchism mix-up misrule action fireworks mania demonstration annoyance drama madness discombobulation Sturm und Drang trembling disorganisation imbroglio convulsions struggle skirmish conflict insurgence revolt wilding scrap vociferation scrimmage tizz production rioting dust-up snafu rigmarole buzz shivaree destruction clash shaking excitation craze muddle panic contretemps backwash tamasha disaster spree hype clangour unruliness fuss and bother heat haste fuss and feathers harassment ailment topsy-turviness disquietude rough house blowup madhouse derangement entanglement confusedness discomposure clangor fermentation all hell broken loose quaver concussion storms business hurrah stooshie shakeup activism hullaballoo an outcry hubba-hubba rhubarb upheavals draft draught flutter interruption vandalism worry uncertainty hell to pay devil to pay fluster tempests maelstroms tussle set-to chatter rush mess party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking tohubohu wrangle squabble spin rowdydow to do bickering roughhouse jumble anxiety hectic anxiousness instability distress scuffling enthusiasm lunacy fad street fighting snarl distemper burst brannigan mob violence violent disorder shower run-in fret thrill feeling elation passion emotion rampancy disorderliness mêlée cacophony animation movement busyness provocation incitement hectic activity farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness discontent bombshell flash bomb combustion muss hurly burly loud noise spot of bother disorderedness dissatisfaction liveliness life punch-up rough-and-tumble tizz-woz flare-up shemozzle monkey business high winds unsettlement seething craziness tension afters mishap encounter grief tempest in a teapot firestorm anger argument much ado about nothing rammy battle royal wow glow storm in a teacup wild disarray incident kick-up quaking seism tottering rocking scramble temper rabidity unquietness restiveness uneasiness whirlpool all hell breaking loose trepidation melodrama words battle brush knock-down-drag-out shout threat campaigning overthrow screaming toing and froing state of unrest menace boilover hazard rising incitation ululation babbling caterwauling comings and goings outrage stirring flip-flop alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor boisterousness tintamarre tantrum complication static strike terrorism fling binge orgy tear splurge tumble war of words insurgency boiling point dispute fit more heat than light putsch mob rule hissy quarrels huff new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game reign of terror exhibition coup jacquerie exhibition of oneself hissy fit display of emotion temper tantrum carrying-on civil disobedience civil disorder befuddlement bewilderment perplexity regime change fighting in the streets insanity mystification bemusement puzzlement maze bamboozlement bafflement bewilderedness crazedness abstraction mental distress shambles indignation objection complaint protestation dissent opposition state ecstasy hysterics dishevelment misorder messiness hell vehemence mare's nest a madhouse a three-ring circus twitter howl roar intensity criticism chance-medley heck entropy demurral ferocity fervour fervor disapproval cry snake pit howl of protest flak fire asperity acrimony acerbity conniption paddy fit of anger fit of rage fit of fury howls of protest formal complaint bad mood frenzy of anger fit of temper frenzy of rage fit of ill temper paroxysm of rage fit of bad temper paroxysm of anger fit of pique federal case tempest in a teacup mountain out of a molehill tempest in a tea-kettle chorus of disapproval big deal abandon rapture intoxication unrestraint discomfiture disconcertment untidiness embarrassment mortification abashment surprise sweat chaotic situation consternation exception remonstrance transport tiz-woz swivet swelter ruffle wilderness demur expostulation seizure dementedness stunner spectacle challenge rout dislocation haze intricacy clamouring mard flush deliration euphoria aberration fierceness severity force demurrer twit nervous state exclamation outburst of rage outburst of anger question slip-up dithers wild excitement blow savagery tempestuousness power difficulty zeal eagerness impatience fanaticism kick state of agitation state of anxiety clamoring forcefulness burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes potency strength ferity irrationality energy sore might rise impetuosity calamity neurosis unreason alarm fussing panic attack nervousness mirth slow burn loss of control wrath loss of reason outburst of agitation screaming abdabs screaming habdabs fit of madness fit of agitation a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy a mess a muddle a shambles ire spleen choler topsy-turvydom rat's nest topsy-turvyness holy mess an omnishambles utter confusion bitterness pet strop resentment exasperation a car crash pique blowout birse obsession mad displeasure grump lividity vexation raving antagonism angriness mood rancour lividness wrathfulness irateness hot temper skid bad temper paddywhack hostility towering rage foulie bate wax apoplexy irritation rancor hemorrhage dander animosity umbrage gall haemorrhage high dudgeon air rage extreme anger

Động từ

Give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement
twitch jerk flutter convulse squirm fiddle fidget jig jiggle shiver shudder squiggle thrash thresh toss tremble twist wiggle wriggle writhe blink jump quaver quiver beat clasp clutch contract grab grasp grip kick lug lurch move convulsively move spasmodically nip pain palpitate seize snap tic twinge vellicate flap vibrate wobble waver flicker shake wag waggle jolt wave agitate joggle swish jounce flail quake swing flounder judder whip throb pulsate bobble jog recoil bob bounce stir oscillate pump buck wabble flinch undulate worm pulse flop thrill flick ripple struggle shimmy toss and turn move from side to side switch rattle brandish pound start wince move restlessly bucket hitch bolt thump jostle twitter pitter-patter hammer thud quop race pit-a-pat pitapat beat rapidly pitpat go pit-a-pat rock zigzag turn sway lash roll move dangle nod agonize worry seesaw bat twist and turn flourish shuffle wave to and fro jitter blow shift agonise jigger shimmer thrash about fly hoick be agitated bump fluctuate move around move about drum reverberate pant thrum move up and down move suddenly splash rustle flitter heave stumble fumble blunder startle plunge distort budge contort tick labor labour suffer bend fish-tail dither resonate quave tremor tingle hang work move slightly slither slide ruffle locomote be pendent change one's position wind skew be suspended drift flail about yank feel uncomfortable wave rapidly bang fling twirl shake like a leaf jar balk shrink cringe shirk twiddle trifle play fuss toy fret bustle chafe shy blench baulk be jittery fool around be anxious fool about mess about mess around be wired play around be spooked be nervous be antsy be hyper be on pins and needles be like a cat on hot bricks have ants in one's pants

Trái nghĩa của spasm

spasm Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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