Từ đồng nghĩa của fly

Alternative for fly

flies, flown, flying, flew

Từ đồng nghĩa: coast, flee, glide, insect, run away, sail, wing,

Từ trái nghĩa: crash, fall,

Động từ

(informal) To move or depart hastily
race rush dash hurry shoot hasten speed career dart zoom tear hare hurtle scoot whirl whizz blast buzz chase flash belt bustle scurry streak barrel charge gallop stampede swoop whoosh zip bolt bomb scorch scud scutter sweep wing hie roll sprint whip zap blaze blow boogie bowl breeze bucket bundle cannonball careen clip course drive highball hightail hump hurl hustle jet jump motor nip pelt ram rip rocket run rustle scuttle shift step travel trot whisk fleet post scamper whiz really move spank along crack on slip away barrel along get a move on go like lightning hotfoot it get cracking whip along be off like a shot burn rubber go hell for leather lay rubber go like a bat out of hell step on it go like the wind put one's foot down scramble bound leg it flit spring wheech go like the clappers get the lead out cut along make haste skip hightail it haste beetle jog dive trip bowl along skim leap go fast hotfoot sail steam move flutter plunge put on some speed rattle along pound lunge dance bounce make tracks lope shake a leg hop speed up skedaddle push prance frisk flee move quickly quicken accelerate hurry up caper spurt canter flitter go cavort gambol surge bob burn flicker expedite break flick fling skirr skitter fast-track tear along vroom double jogtrot skite whish flirt float dogtrot hover kite bullet boil go quickly cannon amble move fast make time storm fuss hop it pace rage dispatch beat it lose no time buck get your skates on go like a bomb hum bumble burr drone romp recoil tool whir be quick whistle plough proceed drift beeline spur lash ride rebound pass press on kick smoke heave pass quickly start ricochet carom get moving glide march yeet bestir press throw oneself go headlong launch oneself go like a bullet plow stir resile dust step on gas tiptoe graze move along glance belt along hippety-hop stir one's stumps bomb along make off cover ground patter run like the wind head waltz outstrip catapult roll along jerk wind gust leave split scat vamoose swoosh retreat go briskly crack walk step lively pitch launch thrust festinate roar rush headlong push on run fast run off bug out run away progress traverse get surge through move like greased lightning stride hurdle go like lighting rack express flourish flow stream gush go away clear out curvet tear out brandish make a run for it whirr rush at frolic cascade get on it make it snappy go at top speed steamroller blitz railroad lollop shuffle crawl climb hop along step along burst put foot sally pass by move forward move rapidly go by pour make yourself scarce gather momentum go rapidly drive fast run very fast run like mad dig in get a wiggle on busily book it chuck it down gear up bowl over go all out plunge ahead turn on steam put on a burst of speed sloosh flood tumble tear up the miles go at breakneck speed go like greased lightning whip around make short work of rattle waste no time not lose a minute take wing rush off speed away light out pounce startle rush around be busy be on the go busy yourself show quickly pump move apace flap play undulate swirl wave saltate stomp whine revolve purr vibrate ascend arise ruffle dip stalk resound snap rise buzz around run round in circles tear around stamp flounce boomerang go up jump up stride angrily be deflected

Động từ

(archaic) To flee or run away (from)
flee run escape abscond skedaddle bolt take off depart disappear leave split decamp break hightail lam retreat scarper scram vamoose withdraw levant shun skidoo avoid clear hide take flight make off be gone hasten away clear out leg it light out make oneself scarce run away beat a retreat beat it bug out cut out get away get out make your escape run for it steal away turn tail absent oneself clear off fly the coop make a getaway run from run off beat a hasty retreat cut and run hightail it peel out take to your heels head for the hills shoot through do a bunk do a disappearing act make a break for it make a run for it do a runner break out of go through show a clean pair of heels make a quick exit take a powder take it on the lam make one's getaway take to one's heels hook it go make tracks quit retire skip scoot go away exit skip off vanish push off shove off slip away break out get bail out begone set off get going set out desert bug off buzz off duck out take a hike pull out flit vacate hit the road do a moonlight flit break free do a fade be off sneak away walk out run along evacuate blow go off take French leave move get lost start out go on the lam get off make your getaway slope off evade make yourself scarce scamper scat do a vanishing act make an exit up sticks part cut loose get free break loose bail abstract oneself head off absent yourself step along make a escape take leave pack off rack off move along move off be on one's way hit the trail bog off pop off walk off pike off pack up pike out elope break camp elude recoil hustle hasten dart dash hurry repair remove hotfoot run out on betake oneself fall back abandon draw back step on it book do a Skase pull back hamba voetsak avaunt push on dig out peel off sally forth say one's goodbyes naff off sod off haul off hop the twig pack one's bags get along back out sling one's hook make a break push along get stuffed nick off sling your hook hop it take your leave go jump in the lake move out go and jump in the lake take wing get moving hop the stick go like lightning dog it dodge duck bust slip pass emerge double hotfoot it get under way have it away burst out wriggle out make getaway shrink play hooky go scot-free shoo make one's escape work out of get away with sneak off make quick exit separate go AWOL take on the lam back off go your way make a start give way on your bike take a long walk on a short pier skip out be on your way take yourself off break away draw away get out of my sight check out be off with you give ground amble canter gallop bound career course barrel hie bustle circumvent kite alight egress shirk make away do a moonlight tear off free oneself extricate oneself yeet fade away recede spread jump absquatulate go out have it away on one's toes range cruise shrink back give the slip scurry speed race expedite zip spur rush whiz wend make a move mosey make for make one's way depart suddenly fold disengage slip out go and chase yourself bust out jump ship go secretly step on the gas spring leave hastily escape from run away from leave abruptly back away drop back go back move away move back ditch dump pull stakes be lost go south make a quick getaway depart secretly make scarce make haste hurry up move fast kick rocks make time abdicate migrate emigrate sally git cop out kiss goodbye drop out walk out on leave high and dry opt out advance absent start proceed troop disentangle yourself break with shake a leg make a dash for it run like scared rabbit leave holding the bag leave in the lurch leave flat go forth pack your bags blast off move on say goodbye set forth march out hit the bricks get a move on make break away from secede become independent gain autonomy divide off disaffiliate part company slip through your fingers make good one's escape get out of someone's clutches shy away cower flinch adjourn cringe shrink away blench regress lose ground surrender yield balk grovel quail baulk step back give up take oneself step out leave for betake yourself seclude oneself return go backward pull away backpedal crawfish quake retract resile issue exeunt blanch go offstage make like a tree and get out of here make like a tree and leave distance oneself flake off go to one's room shut oneself away in do vanishing act bid farewell take one's leave make one's departure sell turn away straggle wince turn around run scared abstract sell out sell up retrograde back regroup ebb retrocede turn on a dime make a U-turn desert under fire disassociate dissociate squinch delink jump back drop behind lag behind fall behind slow down abandon ship pull the plug weasel out refuse slink huddle boggle spring back shudder scruple crouch start back jerk back give back transfer resign head for journey retreat to resort process retire to go to adjourn to betake oneself to wend one's way to depart for set off for take off for withdraw to remove to draw retreat from shut oneself away move out of retire from bow out

Động từ

(archaic) To escape from or leave (a given location or place) in haste

Động từ

(with reference to a flag) To display or be displayed on a flagpole

Động từ

To vanish or disappear, especially gradually
dematerialize disappear dissolve evanesce evaporate fade vanish sink melt flee disperse fade away dissipate melt away peter out clear vanish into thin air dwindle disintegrate wane perish decline wilt wither ebb pass go die weaken dispel die out evanish fizzle out go away pass away waste away cease to exist come to an end drop out of sight crumble decompose subside scatter diffuse disassemble break down fall away dilapidate be destroyed unmake break into pieces withdraw be invisible exit become invisible leave depart be lost to view recede from view go missing be wiped out disappear from sight be lost be lost to sight be exterminated fail dim flag languish fall droop end vaporize decay emaciate shrivel lag sag die away etiolate wear off dry up cease to be parch vaporise concentrate taper lessen grow faint hush moderate grow less fold recede abate quiet tire deliquesce grow feeble trail thin grow dim attenuate rarefy be no more become unimportant slack off become less loud pass off fade out poop out die on vine fag out tucker out trail off tail off diminish decrease shrink taper off lower drop die down ease deteriorate let up drop off slacken pall remit relent de-escalate phase down ratchet down slump drain away reduce degenerate fall off contract ease off waste drain die off plummet quell drop away go downhill falter cease atrophy faint stop grow smaller soften dull become smaller calm down wear away wind down settle trail away collapse slacken off become less give out rot regress dip slow down run out terminate come to nothing cool off blur go down close shrivel up check sicken lighten pine depreciate tail away devaluate deplete worsen wizen run low wear down relax give way temper retrograde subdue settle down rebate descend quieten be forgotten calm depress grow weak go into a decline plunge ease up wear out run dry curb come to a halt slip turn down curtail restrain lose edge narrow down erode moulder succumb hang conk out desiccate finish lose strength grow weaker give in desist alleviate slow become weak molder bedim pale allay downsize downscale halt retrocede darken become limp quieten down mitigate minimize become emaciated thin out age nosedive cool become weaker minimise be abandoned minify wither away devolve retire relapse decrement be neglected be disregarded fall down become extinct get smaller become obsolete draw to a close be dispelled clear out make less intense come to a stop tone down rachet down melt into thin air make faint pass into oblivion disappear from the face of the earth level off slash set modify cut down weary clear up fizzle stall malfunction break pack up lose intensity ebb away peter peak mummify fall through lull dehydrate dehumidify lose courage swag loll give up sink into oblivion disappear slowly blow over dry rescind shape elongate bate pine away assuage relieve cave in weather still mollify extenuate abbreviate retrench flow away disband squander banish slake dampen lose its effect lose its effectiveness be gone become unproductive grow barren grow sterile volatilize dent phase out thin down take a nosedive close out drive away numb end gradually constrict deflate blast blight retreat be engulfed get less spread become shrunken be used up cease to yield totter impoverish cripple debase vitiate lose tremble limp go through the floor hit the floor make smaller become marcescent gutter expire become enfeebled become debilitated come down decelerate slack unlax coast become stale knock down pare down make less boil away bend dangle become indistinct become vague become blurred amputate impair cut crop clip abridge soft-pedal come to a halt end come to a an end infrigidate freeze freshen ally frost be on the way out flop bow lose spirit break up fall back pull out return back away drop back chill out cool it become shadowy fall short cut back roll back slack up become confused stoop hang down move away go back retrogress mute back retract move back drape take the bite out take the sting out lose significance decrease in importance pale into insignificance go south be done for cease to be known leave no trace come to naught back off move further off sling slouch suspend lop lean draw away draw back flow back make dim become flaccid lose lustre take a turn for the worse have a relapse suffer a relapse get ill again get worse again tucker long hunger make less bright tire out let down hanker yearn teeter ail brood despond grow dull go to pieces knock out go soft vanish from sight pass from sight cease to be visible vanish off the face of the earth

Động từ

To travel, usually with some measurable distance
journey travel go sail traverse voyage jaunt proceed cruise exodus head jet roam scramble wander advance pass peregrinate trek approach backpack barnstorm bus bustle cab coach continue depart escape galavant gallivant get gig globetrot junket migrate motor move navigate perambulate race road-trip roll speed spring take off tour traipse transition transport trundle wend rove circuit hop process ramble range safari fare hie globe trot go on an excursion go on an expedition go on a tour go on a trip go on safari go places knock about make one's way meander push on take a trip wayfare wend one's way trip pilgrimage repair steam drive do itinerate hit the road knock around drift hike cross progress walk tramp stray stroll prowl course bat pass over go walkabout pass through saunter amble cover maunder float explore ride track transit mooch cut across straggle circumambulate proceed along gad about kick around trudge trog stravaig swan mosey scour set out coast set forth streel vagabond travel around gad sweep globe-trot travel through range over glide journey across travel over journey over go through shuttle venture go on a journey go on a excursion travel about march go hither and thither slog tootle pootle footslog bum negotiate trek through shift plod yomp bum around struggle along foot trail emigrate encompass search reconnoiter reconnoitre run flow immigrate leave transmigrate nomadize transfer voyage across sail across sail over voyage through travel across voyage over cruise through go across put behind one tramp over make one's way across make circuit hit the trail spread through follow one's nose stream stroke circumnavigate follow pass by run out move onwards run through drag run by crawl blow past be on the move be on the trail move around move about potter breeze spin waltz transmit truck toddle automobile overnight go round move round go riding make your way cover ground get through wend your way tool find one's way wind one's way pick one's way make a journey go into orbit canter gallop jockey trot sit cycle travel round go by car travel on wheels travel by car ride by car stump swing voyage around holiday in trek around holiday vacation journey through sightsee in sightsee take a plane take a boat take a train be carried hitch a ride thumb a ride be borne be supported be conveyed roam in trek round wander through journey round rove through go on the road go on an excursion in go on a trip through boat ferry travel along go boating go sailing travel by boat take a cruise go yachting set sail take a boat trip ship out take a sea trip ride the waves take a sailing trip

Động từ

To move or proceed further along a course
pace go advance proceed progress forge move pass continue follow work cross walk speed shoot march navigate fare journey cruise play push travel get on move onward go along press on go on run through carry on push on go forward plow on move on plough on forge ahead get along go off come along move forward come do make headway make progress move along develop push ahead set off gain ground manage betake oneself shape up march on soldier on push forward advance steadily advance gradually cope get by make out prosper survive succeed approach near hie wend get make your way go ahead move ahead keep on get going get ahead crack on press forward move out keep moving nigh draw closer move nearer draw close move closer draw nearer draw nigh draw near move towards roll head run traverse drive glide wander drift roam peregrinate flow voyage perambulate trek stream tour jaunt traipse meander slide depart improve galavant gallivant ramble make one's way take a trip go forth hop spread truck cover ground jet exodus pour motor transition migrate rove globetrot crawl backpack cascade range trickle seep gallop trot course amble wayfare saunter flood spill edge go places wend one's way go on a trip sweep dribble work one's way thrive hike grow mature expand bleed make inroads evolve increase set out augment blossom flourish make strides pick your way wend your way progress towards coast skim gather way keep going work towards stray prowl trudge make inroads into tramp pilgrimage skip strike venture trip show improvement get better show promise go on a excursion go on a journey issue gush go walkabout set forth leak dance step bounce climb leap shuffle propel direct one's footsteps git along transit track spurt scurry jump sprint scuttle bolt scamper jog drip sloosh discharge spout storm dispatch take shape turn out come on drop tumble ooze stroll potter float swan breeze come forward waltz trog pour out bat toddle mosey proceed along cut across canter jockey sit cycle stroke find one's way wind one's way pick one's way forge on ride drag press ahead unfold rise go through move onwards boom bloom shine pass by pass through blow past enlarge burgeon bourgeon be carried be supported be conveyed elaborate change unroll run by be strong be well be vigorous upgrade extend metamorphose emerge alter run out hitch a ride thumb a ride be borne do well score become better fly high be in your prime be successful be in the pink move forward in leaps and bounds get places be in good health be on top of the heap be in its heyday get somewhere go great guns go up in the world be in good shape spread one's wings hit it big fare well run riot revolutionize refine modernise differentiate adapt transmogrify modernize transform ameliorate better educe derive revolutionise ripen work out work up adapt yourself come of age build up open out sail scramble barnstorm escape bus spring trundle race road-trip take off coach junket bustle gig cab transport safari circuit process knock about go on safari globe trot go on a tour go on an expedition go on an excursion

Động từ

come at attack jump leap leap at pounce threaten assail assault charge fall upon fly at go for invade light into rush beset storm go in on descend upon sick bushwhack turn on pounce on pounce upon trash blitz raid jump on sic tear into set upon set on descend on strike lay into infiltrate set in on go in make a foray on make a raid on attempt to capture make an onslaught on take by storm capture make a sortie on take aggress swoop on take down penetrate conduct an offensive on surge into march into take on surge over belabour launch oneself at work over weigh into besiege sail into let fly at impugn hit out at have a go at maltreat mug fall on lash out at accost set about wade into beat up round on lace into have at launch an attack on make an assault on belabor bust let someone have it encounter get stuck into pitch into beat pummel batter thrash paste pummelled hit pound hammer rough up bombard pelt ambush wallop knock about knock around ravage beat up on drub do over overwhelm overrun thump shell strafe maraud cannonade plunder bomb strike at blast barrage permeate beat the living daylights out of pepper fusillade harry harass fire on fire at pillage go at occupy shower lambaste advance on strike out at pervade torpedo give someone a beating descend infest duff up swarm overspread conquer set at take over swarm over seize secure hurt rain down on open fire on converge on breach abuse harm surprise infringe devastate beleaguer close in on rake sweep enfilade blitzkrieg assault physically surround enter flood riddle march on fill infect plague inundate foray into duff someone up lay siege to spread through encircle spread over run at fire upon open fire fire a broadside at make inroads on worry pester launch an attack beat down upon run riot over lash berate terrorize scatter beat someone up terrorise lash out overcome sally slam lambast tackle savage potshot excoriate castigate bash scathe vituperate charge at waylay shoot down fight quarrel search dive into blindside rain kick bean smash clock boot sally forth swoop down upon launch at rush at spring on spring at rush upon go after bother clip approach slog larrup brain bop smite biff swoop hold up lie in wait for oppress boff bat blister punch cook wade in afflict lunge at whop club stab mortar come close to move in on chop down strike out lapidate rob sack knock cold pour drop fall volley make a raid assault someone stone press hard attack repeatedly launch catapult lay into someone fall on someone deal a blow set upon someone fall upon someone make an assault make an attack deal a blow to come closer to draw nearer to draw near to move closer to press on towards move close to knock block off jostle throw at throng perfuse imbue hail turn to violence ransack depredate despoil appear arrive knock for a loop crawl through swarm around crowd defile crawl all over crawl over abound in pollute press pack hustle teem mob flock crowd around hassle crowd round battle probe reave spoliate annex draw near bear down on advance drop in come in force show up arrive in hordes turn up diffuse through swamp gain win get at wreak havoc on violate combat be disseminated through flow through exceed encroach outrun overshoot overgrow surpass meddle inroad burglarise crash colonise access overswarm parasitize burglarize loot trespass foray colonize entrench annexe parasitise interfere break overpass choke overstep overreach outreach transcend overflow lay waste to begin hostilities rout infringe on deluge surge spill flow over go beyond take the offensive begin an assault make inroads burst in on burst in muscle in run over spread like wildfire over grow over run on spread like wildfire well over blockade invest encompass confine enclose leaguer environ block off congregate shut in shut off hem in trap siege work on hedge in come at from all sides

Động từ

Swarm or circle

Động từ

To evade or escape from someone or something, especially by using cunning or skill
elude escape evade avoid dodge duck flee lose circumvent frustrate scape shake shirk shun eschew outrun ditch double finesse foil outwit shuck shy thwart body-swerve escape from run from get around shake off get away get away from give the slip slip away from give the slip to run around steer clear of give somebody the slip run away from stay shy of throw off the scent weasel out of give the runaround shuffle out of slip through the net be beyond someone slip through someone's fingers sidestep skirt balk bilk baulk baffle leave behind slip out stay away from break away from end-run sneak away keep distance lead on a merry chase slip through the net of escape the clutches of give someone a wide berth bypass get out of skirt round beat skip cheat funk shortcut ignore fight shy of miss duck-shove give a wide berth to wriggle out of cop out of decline fend off cut disregard go around have nothing to do with shrink from skive off duck out of parry keep away from abandon keep clear of forget pay no attention to skive turn your back on slide out of neglect shy from find a way round outmanoeuvre renounce outmaneuver stop forgo abstain take no notice of circumnavigate keep at arm's length recoil from shy away from give up trick prevent overlook dance around throw off keep one's distance from juke discount quit check brush off slip turn back on refrain from desist dispense with refrain forbear pass over pay no heed to tune out back out of get round dismiss keep abstain from curb kick reject keep from hold off snub renege omit hold back jack in outdistance cold-shoulder tergiversate leave alone outflank flinch skulk burke fake pussyfoot around spurn stymie shuffle off get rid of keep off goldbrick pussyfoot fence unheed avert be oblivious to pay no mind unmind turn a blind eye to give something a miss desert hide from let slide resist malinger leave undone skimp on abjure turn away lose sight of be lax about be remiss about not attend to skip out on shy away slough off pull out of baulk at pay little attention to block forsake sacrifice arrest refuse relinquish withhold ward off overpass find a way out of cease do without stave off head off wink at blink at stay clear of withhold from slur over gloss over pass up swear off turn one's back on leave off shut eyes to pack in brush aside look the other way turn a deaf ear to shrug off avoid dealing with leapfrog hack outpace outstrip clear abuse deceive overcome rid sneak away from get ahead of balk at wriggle deke defeat fudge weasel have no part of turn away from give the cold shoulder work around jouk lay low from give a wide berth keep out of the way of free yourself of put to one side shed put away put behind you get past swerve elope run away abscond extricate oneself from rationalize backpedal welsh withdraw excuse revoke shirk from put the move on find a way around get clear of get shot of get free from wuss out recoil cut someone dead give someone the brush-off give someone the go-by cut someone cold give the cold shoulder to run off duck out of the way of swerve away from get out of the way of not attend scrimshank back down back off weasel out get out use pretext have alibi rationalise cop out back out take fright flinch from turn tail stall play truant from creep dog bludge fake out bob off forego chicken out of shrink go without restrain demur bridle belay fob off sheer sit out pass fast stay neutral fence-sit have done with starve sit on one's hands give the go by take the cure cut out constrain not take sides inhibit lie down on job tergiverse break off resist the temptation to lay off decline to restrain oneself stop oneself restrain yourself go easy give over take back road depart from deviate from hold off on sham put off go around the barn bluff refuse to contemplate pretermit contemn defer discard loaf fail to care for keep one's distance underestimate laugh off set aside trifle with be irresponsible not remember elide think little of be indifferent be negligent depreciate overleap postpone procrastinate fail to provide for not trouble oneself fail to remember not care be derelict throw to the winds be remiss in let go scant not care for be remiss make light of let pass fail to look after procrastinate over be careless live with stay away restrain from withstand steer clear preclude hang back maneuver manoeuvre misheed whitewash quail at forswear repulse halt repel oppose forestall short-circuit feign illness fake illness break the habit of neutralise help forbear from let it go take no notice gloze over leave be exclude look through turn blind eye paper over pay no mind to turn a blind eye bury one's head in sand fail to notice connive never mind slight close your eyes to turn deaf ear not take into account push aside shut your eyes to back away draw back disavow repudiate intercept deflect forfend bulwark defend guard divert disclaim disdain abdicate deny drop abnegate discourage screen interfere with make up for nullify obviate impede counterbalance prohibit hinder negate neutralize counteract anticipate gainsay disaffirm boggle at be AWOL put it on pretend to be ill take a sickie play hooky pretend to be an invalid bunk off swing the lead feign manipulate steer cover ward fend jib at desist from deny yourself shield against safeguard against secure against stand up for defend oneself against keep at bay pre-empt turn aside fight off put a stop to guard against protect against renege on let well enough alone have no truck with not touch

Động từ

To be suitable or acceptable
do suffice serve match suit be adequate fit pass satisfy answer be enough fit with go go with meet the requirements of satisfy the demands of avail be acceptable be satisfactory be sufficient pass muster answer the purpose be good enough be of use fit the bill meet requirements meet the brief serve the purpose be useful give satisfaction make the grade be up to snuff fill the bill be good enough for cut the mustard meet one's needs befit beseem measure up be okay be alright come up to scratch deliver fulfill requirements meet the required standards hit the mark benefit come up to standard hack it get by do well be suitable fulfil expectations be capable apply achieve the required standard help service be all right serve a purpose meet work content become qualify correspond agree behove behoove satisfy demands meet requirement make a hit hit the spot answer one's needs tick all the boxes fulfil one's needs go over big do the trick be the ticket make it satisfy requirements stand up check out prove acceptable pass inspection recommend itself cut it be appropriate for be right be fitting be suitable for be appropriate meet with approval come up to snuff find favor with do credit to stand the test make the cut be seemly for be fitting for come through with flying colors fulfill fulfil fill complete redeem match up to conform to measure up to profit perform equal aid assist handle advantage discharge cope with come up to comply with be of service to execute be of use to carry out gratify be of advantage to tie be of advantage be effective be useful to account remedy solve keep deal with complement be in line with the wishes of harmonize with correspond with tally with be suited to quadrate with be fitted to be good for be apt for accord with agree with square with check with be proper for fit in be acceptable to go together be fit for work for be agreeable to be seemly be convenient for answer a need

Tính từ

(slang, dated) Mentally sharp
astute sharp shrewd acute canny clever knowing streetwise wily downy savvy smart pawky suss nimble-witted quick-witted sharp-witted worldly-wise no fool having been around not born yesterday on the ball not missing a trick quick on the uptake knowing how many beans make five nobody's fool with all one's wits about one cunning artful crafty sly slick cagey guileful devious sagacious foxy calculating intelligent designing scheming perceptive underhand tricky shifty sneaky discerning keen slippery dodgy subtle wise perspicacious judicious discriminating ingenious sapient heads-up cute smooth cagy brainy deep whip-smart dishonest deceptive crooked double-dealing deceitful underhanded sensible sage shady beguiling intriguing insightful disingenuous hardheaded heady argute Machiavellian media-savvy clear-sighted clear-eyed far-sighted hard-boiled long-headed farsighted far-seeing experienced in the know arch neat as sharp as a tack conniving slim cheating Janus-faced carny insidious greasy vulpine unscrupulous hoodwinking lying deceiving swindling immoral rascally roguish untrustworthy defrauding insincere unprincipled treacherous dishonorable misleading exploitative corrupt crazy like a fox duplicitous bent fast fraudulent rogue percipient quick fine illicit ornery salty dishonourable hostile unethical illegal snaky two-faced sensitive penetrating aware intuitive adroit cerebral bright dexterous incisive thoughtful brilliant politic complex deft skillful razor-like rapier-like intellectual razor-sharp dextrous exacting analytic vigilant precocious analytical piercing ratiocinative skilful genius detailed prudent alert observant profound accurate probing shark astucious inside calculated up on wised up on top of on the inside

Tính từ

Trendy or in fashion
swank stylish smart chic trendy modish natty now dashing trendsetting contemporary modern popular chichi current mod swanky latest upscale hot rakish trig posh new favoured favored faddy newfangled prevailing usual customary genteel in vogue with it up-to-the-minute all the rage in style a la mode in-thing up to the minute well-liked latest thing last word a go-go fashionable cool voguish hip in sharp happening tony spiffy kicky snazzy snappy elegant sassy classy swish au courant fresh kicking groovy supercool exclusive in fashion up to date on fleek swell schmick big swinging dapper sophisticated nifty designer dressy debonair funky up-to-date in thing all the go with-it bang up to date spruce trim de rigueur swagger du jour attractive glamorous faddish culty as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox dressed to kill ritzy flash ultra-modern hep turned-on def red-hot neat slick fine high-class high-toned massive tasteful fancy vogue downtown well dressed crowd-pleasing well-dressed well turned out popularised popularized le dernier cri well-groomed formal newest styleworthy modernistic flattering high-fashion understated jaunty flashy cosmopolitan jazzy polished gnarly beautiful ostentatious uptown favourite besuited avant-garde down sleek dap pop large favorite stylin' fashionably dressed well-turned-out well turned-out à la mode in the mainstream plugged-in dressed to the teeth dressed to the nines clean well-heeled expensive sexy youthful party young smartest nice finest Sunday nicest crisp appealing impressive well groomed flippant good smartly dressed exciting cutting-edge on trend last-word bang up-to-date bling groomed presentable suave elaborate the new fancy-pants clever well put together ingenious crucial urbane pretentious steezy showy ornate dainty prim spruced up excellent distinctive first-class lovely dress prevalent celebrated stunning gorgeous spick and span well-tailored soigné charming clean-cut spiffed-up well-presented dolled up in good taste with style class foxy splashy pizazzy pizzazzy in high feather dressed up looking sharp wanted preferred in favour legendary sought-after desirable liked well-known flamboyant gay bright loud colorful awake savvy knowledgeable perceptive familiar versed observant knowing alive informed apprehensive conscious aware colourful on to plugged in turned on in the know tuned in up on in on switched on hep to wise to hip to commercially successful successful in favor widespread in demand new-fashioned advanced progressive forward-looking cutting edge leading-edge leading edge go-ahead high-tech recent hi-tech state-of-the-art modern-day brand-new modernised modernized leading newly discovered contemporaneous novel latter-day space-age ground-breaking updated groundbreaking innovative innovatory present-day nouvelle pioneering ultramodern new age recently developed neoteric never-before-seen revolutionary radical futuristic unconventional trailblazing original inventive unorthodox innovational creative unusual unfamiliar disruptive just out experimental enlightened unprecedented late liberal off-centre imaginative forward-thinking highly developed left-field avant developed topical forward present open-minded today enterprising different complex unique evolved offbeat dynamic uncommon automated originative newborn improved out of the ordinary contempo breakthrough visionary latter up-and-coming singular the latest untried unknown freethinking ambitious strange go-getting higher spirited bold far ahead well along far along well ahead nontraditional nonconformist brand new ultra modern out-of-the-box established progressivist hot off the press extant seminal refined vital future technologically advanced bohemian ahead of its time alternative extreme rare relevant intricate high-end untested surprising exotic atypical highly-developed unaccustomed ahead of the times timely inspired unheard-of of late hot off the fire Promethean just released breaking new ground hottest today's supermodern gimmicky mould-breaking lively perfected innovating spearheading high liberated undercool wicked active present-time concurrent coincident concomitant hippest surrealistic avant garde quite recent bleeding edge desired unwonted resourceful mature landmark vivacious artful broad-minded antitraditional anticonventional nonconventional nonorthodox large-minded way-out entrepreneurial afresh big thing transformational later out of the common eccentric just issued forefront variational vigorous driven energetic enthusiastic twenty- first century de nos jours existent craze fad chi-chi 21st-century far-out instant this season's new-fangled deviceful up abreast antiestablishment high-level daring audacious adventurous intrepid rising high-powered courageous high-style underground head lead beat vanguard special inspiring refreshing twenty-first century dernier cri latest fashion latest wrinkle latest fad new look dewy recently discovered artistic peculiar odd self-regulating robotic automatic in with it existing occurring recently the newest mistakenly trendy new wave reforming appearing recently powerful artificially intelligent germinal well-thought-out well-designed well-planned strategic multifaceted formative involved well-built on the cutting edge in the latest style balanced holistic planetary astrological supernaturalist spiritual mystic occult gumptious recognized set common SOTA newfound foremost far cry newsworthy intelligent prime ahead supreme hot off press ordinary ubiquitous rampant pervasive accepted general nonconservative complicated pre-eminent foreseeing pushing farseeing proactive positive forethoughtful farsighted forehanded prescient provident foresighted just completed immediately prior just done immediately prior to just finished weird paramount precocious exceptional principal reformist capable of learning pressing important universal individualistic outlandish idiosyncratic freakish bizarre individual right-on buzzworthy crystal healing way out quirky esoteric Age of Aquarius reigning recognised leftist left-wing libertarian subjective interesting nominal in the news thematic fundamental rad wacky deep hippie oddball wild PC free-thinking latitudinarian humanistic drastic unhackneyed in force far out off the wall computerized digital multimedia out of this world technological game-changing world-shattering computerised politically correct more recent most recent

Tính từ

Sly or cunning in manner or intent
sneaky sly secret furtive cunning devious clandestine covert surreptitious crafty stealthy underhanded wily sneaking artful undercover guileful tricky scheming shifty private shady underground backstairs duplicitous stealth privy designing sneak slippery foxy clever hidden secretive subtle black conspiratorial shonky snide indirect slim skulking slinking cloaked evasive carny cowardly yellow hush-hush behind-the-scenes hugger-mugger hole-and-corner under the table shrewd deceitful slick sharp Machiavellian astute deceptive dodgy beguiling cute cagey cagy canny dishonest skillful skilful ingenious smooth insidious calculating disingenuous sharp-witted resourceful manipulative vulpine intelligent conniving smart knowing underhand untrustworthy double-dealing intriguing unscrupulous dexterous adroit inventive dextrous imaginative savvy pawky fiendish treacherous delusive deep streetwise acute deft cheating alert dirty masterly adept experienced politic proficient greasy keen misleading delusory witted wry street smart crazy like a fox sly like a fox street-smart Janus-faced captious bluffing dishonourable dishonorable dissembling crooked illusory plotting nifty elusive mean traitorous cloak-and-dagger concealed confidential under wraps closet fraudulent veiled intimate closed nonpublic sub-rosa shrouded back-alley under-the-table quiet on the QT undisclosed hushed discreet classified non-public restricted inside personal unseen esoteric unrevealed unethical unfair oblique backdoor unofficial close privileged protected on the quiet unpublished off the record top secret top-secret disguised under-the-counter dubious disreputable bent backstair dissembled incognito two-timing two-faced illegal cautious murky backstage inconspicuous masked behind someone's back low-down dirty-dealing innermost deepest on the sly silent unspoken inward undeclared individual darkest unvoiced guarded reserved inner censored inmost mum behind the scenes not for publication not to be disclosed mom deep-seated tight-lipped not for circulation not to be made public in secret unauthorized nefarious fast rogue hole-in-the-corner bootleg unlawful in ambush camouflaged cryptic unauthorised dissimulated illicit illegitimate impish arch mischievous roguish double-crossing unjust unbowed under the counter sideways sidelong lubricious feline catlike enigmatic catty noiseless cloak and dagger creepy circumspect huggermugger hole and corner strict tight in holes and corners sensitive corrupt carefully guarded closely guarded soft low dern sub rosa arcane Byzantine immoral unprincipled unsporting unsportsmanlike in private exclusive below the belt invisible fishy snidey insincere between ourselves between you and me and the gatepost between you and me and the doorpost unnoticeable between you and me and the wall between you and me between you and me and the bedpost erring errant obliquitous gimmicky underlying restrictive discriminative limited low-profile low-key playing politics put on playing games unexpressed unapparent honest bottled up real true not straightforward faking one out out of the spotlight out of the public eye out of the limelight out of sight in the background unknown offstage impenetrable untold dark under one's hat tête-à-tête in camera strictly confidential not open close to one's chest one-on-one not in the public domain

Tính từ

The best of its kind or class
capital excellent great marvellous superb wonderful fantastic fine awesome splendid fabulous stellar terrific grand sensational marvelous top fab fantabulous cool divine cracking choice superior sterling superlative heavenly quality neat topping lovely radical prime dandy swell peachy unsurpassed mean nifty beautiful topflight groovy immense supernal classic hot corking crackerjack dynamite righteous dope prizewinning noble phat slick famous keen bumper wizard boss frontline banner gangbusters primo gangbuster prize boffo bully bonny hype bonnie brag down brave gone best champion crack delightful deluxe first-class first-rate gilt-edged tip-top high-class top-notch A-OK out-of-sight bang-up jim-dandy gilt-edge first-string five-star blue-chip blue-ribbon four-star top-of-the-line number one top-shelf par excellence numero uno peachy keen world-class magnificent super tremendous brilliant brill out of this world exceptional outstanding perfect sublime amazing supreme eminent very good matchless peerless pre-eminent rad schmick good exo sik desirable sovereign ace admirable worthy plush ritzy posh of high quality magic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious class wicked of the highest quality mind-blowing bosting smashing awesomesauce of the highest standard beaut ripping spiffing top-hole bonzer the dog's bollocks bosker applaudable really nice paragon model on fleek glorious exemplary hunky-dory too good to be true sup rior all very well well and good select exquisite too much mega premium impressive amazeballs bodacious phenomenal tiptop extraordinary premier remarkable finest notable def A-1 high-quality crucial incredible distinguished gorgeous high-grade elite belting spectacular dreamy A1 pearler chillin' barrie sound noted topnotch consummate fabby preeminent estimable unrivaled spanking greatest of the first water top-drawer beezer goodly accomplished formidable dominant unrivalled exclusive incomparable far out unparalleled top-quality meritorious dazzling top-tier highest top of the line top of the range leading bad marvy lank kif stupendous transcendent breathtaking skilful stunning skillful striking attractive optimal high priceless of the first order valuable flawless first enjoyable top-class masterly special highest quality out of sight laudable illustrious prodigious unreal nice rare vintage chief top-level splendiferous unequalled winning optimum way-out certified invaluable tops pleasurable unequaled super-duper of the highest order grade A virtuoso outrageous masterful elegant commendable praiseworthy unique choicest standout wondrous solid unmatched top-of-the-range peak far-out singular top-grade principal unexcelled upmarket classy upscale surpassing star precious unbeatable luxurious selected foremost very best second to none top drawer without equal beyond compare prize-winning enviable entrancing able ideal enchanting state-of-the-art deft astonishing distinctive competent chic legit fancy memorable adroit lofty mint fantastical colossal scrumptious celebrated polished to die for astounding paramount main cream splendorous lead inspired prominent renowned flagship faultless top quality high quality extravagant major creditable quintessential head uppermost untouchable complete effusive extreme excessive exalted dear costly pricey central expensive inflated exaggerated worthiest solid gold noteworthy handpicked zero cool awe-inspiring out-of-this-world spendy big-ticket best ever in a class all by itself ka pai high-end top-flight the best ultraexpensive above and beyond world class nonpareil of highest order pricy award-winning superfine top-end high-ticket piked luxury reliable key ok sharp quick bestselling staggering bewitching captivating charming radiant agile clever smart agreeable pleasant satisfying rewarding coruscating imposing blissful thrilling tophole unforgettable arresting advanced crowning fashionable unorthodox deep wild hypnotic idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring handy well-designed natty convenient apt ingenious stylish spruce pleasing beauteous frabjous cardinal tough heavy world sophisticated delectable splendacious important mighty really good well-known hand-picked elect foxy juicy rocking pick fat like wow cat's meow dainty high-test classical ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly awing miraculous eventful good quality high-caliber a cut above moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable five star of the highest type highest-quality top grade best-quality favored 10 popular preferred preferential worthwhile elevated august predominant with it pretty cool virtuous baller crash hot nang No. 1 proud honourable dream honorable meritable venerable eye-popping jaw-dropping plum favorite hundred-proof the very best a standout deserving respectable just fine grade-A tip top mind-boggling A-number-1 mostest favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual good-quality high-calibre of a high standard copacetic 24-karat carefully chosen first-line worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas hunky dory expert skilled unprecedented apex number 1 proficient adept practised gifted talented a cut above the rest unsurpassable industry leading one-in-a-million best possible utopian crown number-one dominating inimitable Grade A record-breaking big-time first class undefeated primary unbeaten sans pareil unexampled master professional experienced dexterous capable versed trained efficient seasoned practiced pro professed deadly veteran educated a dab hand at dextrous well versed habile compleat most excellent