Từ đồng nghĩa của dashing

Alternative for dashing

Từ đồng nghĩa: dapper, gallant, jaunty, natty, raffish, rakish, snappy, spiffy, spruce,

dashes, dashed, dashing

Từ đồng nghĩa: dart, drop, hasten, hurry, pinch, rush, scamper, touch, trace,

Tính từ

Stylish and fashionable
smart stylish chic crisp dapper debonair elegant spruce trim attractive fancy fashionable flattering high-fashion modish tasteful understated voguish contemporary designer modern trendy ultra-modern well dressed well groomed classy hip in natty now sharp smartly dressed snappy snazzy well turned out dressy fly in vogue kicky nifty sassy spiffy swish tony swagger trig up to date with it on fleek up to the minute bang up to date as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox swank cool schmick sophisticated swanky a la mode swell chichi happening kicking supercool exclusive suave well-groomed well-dressed polished fresh mod fine au courant dressed to kill ritzy slick rakish upscale beautiful refined neat groovy urbane up-to-date charming high-class courtly jaunty genteel trendsetting current posh sleek new in fashion uptown fashionably dressed dignified up-to-the-minute latest cultured du jour all the rage cultivated well turned-out lovely handsome graceful majestic stately plush dainty glamorous clean ostentatious culty swinging besuited jazzy with-it big funky showy latest thing last word in style presentable all the go in-thing smooth discerning groomed distinguished luxurious popular opulent sumptuous exquisite ornate comely grand nice flashy well-bred spiff prim select dap hot superior sporty faddish well-turned-out stunning flash well-presented vogue prevailing usual high-toned clean-cut dressed to the nines customary de rigueur in thing favoured à la mode favored a go-go dressed to the teeth newfangled well-liked poised appealing formal elaborate upmarket plushy with good taste dicty expensive last-word in good taste with style dress bling stylin' fancy-pants excellent distinctive first-class pretentious steezy modernistic spivvy dandy spiffing spick and span well-tailored soigné spiffed-up dolled up gorgeous def pop faddy crowd-pleasing hep large downtown popularized favorite red-hot turned-on tidy snug bandbox nobby doggy spry nimble brisk the new massive cutting-edge favourite popularised splashy pizazzy pizzazzy in the mainstream dressed up looking sharp class neat and tidy flamboyant gay bright loud colorful clever turned out ingenious crucial in high feather colourful dressed to nines styleworthy foxy well put together spruced up courteous civil self-possessed confident gracious self-assured chivalrous gentlemanly gallant artistic well mannered well bred svelte classic gentle affable mannerly delicate cheerful happy casual nonchalant detached buoyant sprightly pleasant aesthetic choice noble decorous rare ornamented affected august recherche aristocratic esthetic overdone stylized well-designed

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Having a reputation for bravery
gallant bold brave courageous fearless heroic daring intrepid valiant doughty valorous dauntless noble plucky lionhearted manful manly gutsy mettlesome undaunted great-spirited gritty honourable macho stout-hearted daredevil death-or-glory greathearted gutty heroical indomitable lion-hearted stalwart stout stouthearted unafraid undauntable unflinching unshrinking ballsy game have-a-go spunky venturous dignified fire-eating hairy honorable quixotic spirited suave urbane audacious adventurous nervy confident hardy resolute venturesome unblenching adventuresome enterprising unabashed assured feisty rash brash nerved emboldened unfearful temerarious brassy swashbuckling chivalrous reckless as game as Ned Kelly assertive aweless unalarmed devil-may-care free-swinging foolhardy go-ahead cocky positive decisive redoubtable strong puissant powerful worthy frightless determined dynamic tough rock-ribbed tenacious madcap unfearing sure forward cheeky gung ho strong-willed impavid spartan sassy icy undismayed swaggering romantic rakish unabashed by unshakable undaunted by flamboyant eager brazen dogged unscared unalarmed by unfrightened risky wild zealous keen ostentatious roisterous dazzling overconfident overbold sporting death-defying forceful rumbustious exciting cavalier having nerves of steel not scared ungoverned uncurbed bantam assuming fiery high-spirited impulsive peppy heedless lively brisk vigorous pushy ardent gingery steely peppery smart-alecky go for broke smart salty fire eating impudent out on a limb hot shot dareful obtrusive crusty mettled resolved frisky sprightly steadfast firm collected aggressive defiant militant unruffled unfazed self-possessed self-assertive self-confident self-assured sure of oneself staunch indefatigable unyielding unwavering unfaltering unflagging unshakeable stubborn unbending unswerving committed persevering persistent dedicated earnest single-minded strong-minded driven untiring pertinacious unrelenting purposeful obstinate industrious intent uncompromising enthusiastic full of determination steady willful insistent obdurate ambitious energetic motivated fierce constant immovable unhesitating relentless perseverant avid go-getting active hard-driving ruthless tireless set adamant unshaken diligent intransigent aspiring self-starting self-driven strenuous goal-oriented undeviating hungry stiff assiduous desirous thirsty purposive fixed decided bulldog inflexible striving inspired true unbendable four-square dead set intense eager beaver unremitting bent upon deliberate devoted fanatical implacable serious indurate unchanging loyal progressive pioneering unswervable unwearied power-loving power-hungry Herculean self-asserting high-reaching self-seeking get up and go incessant invincible unfailing inexhaustible weariless unconquerable hard-nosed patient perky jumping grind hyper undeterred bent resilient unflappable bullheaded obsessed unsurpassable invulnerable conscientious great solid hard-working faithful compulsive iron-willed cutthroat self-willed bloodthirsty competitive gladiatorial undefeatable can-do herolike scrappy sedulous meaning business warlike hell-bent like a ball of fire on the make two-fisted having killer instinct desiring success focused bravehearted direct pigheaded headstrong enduring firmly-based cast-iron iron undiscouraged cool hardworking unbeatable straight trusty reliable never-tiring hanging tough focussed unwearying unstinting thrusting passionate orped self-motivated high-powered domineering commanding bound bullish impregnable hopeful demanding definite immutable persisting not put off not discouraged vehement sagacious imposing authoritative settled out on the go ball of fire rigid sustained rigorous ferocious imprudent chin-up fortitudinous controlling irrepressible hard dutiful dependable unabated stringent bulletproof unassailable insuperable unstoppable untameable insurmountable overbearing imperious bossy brutal independent perceptive take charge mean impassable unceasing composed emphatic intent on do-or-die consumed compelled combative set on determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on hell-bent upon bent on hell bent on dead set on intent upon poised hang-tough full-blooded intensely competitive high-pressure in-your-face fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing cut-throat dog-eat-dog firm in spirit animated tough-minded ironclad resourceful certain possessed obsessive emulous contentious continuing plugging go-go unstinted fireball continued plodding keen as mustard upwardly mobile galvanized monomaniacal impelled vying high-minded fixated obsessional induced driving competing self-reliant besetting pushed steered galvanised guided knightly pushing warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional cool-headed dominant spoiling for a fight on the warpath ready for action chivalric magnanimous urged on elevated just big high lordly sublime gentlemanly fair natural lofty courteous virtuous courtly gentlemanlike benevolent great-hearted noble-minded well-mannered wholehearted unmovable inexorable grim

Tính từ

Full of energy and life
vibrant energetic animated spirited dynamic lively sparkling vigorous electrifying exciting flourishing vital vivacious active alive bustling dazzling effervescent enthusiastic flamboyant forceful peppy zesty airy animate bouncy brisk buzzing colorful colourful driving feisty fiery happening humming impassioned indefatigable intense kinetic passionate perky potent robust rousing sprightly stirring vehement virile vivid zealous zestful abuzz aggressive astir bold bubbly busy coruscating determined fresh hopping industrious intensive lusty powerful snappy sparky spry spunky stimulating thriving tireless zippy ballsy bouncing breezy effective emphatic enterprising frisky gutsy pert punchy racy radiant resounding responsive rugged sensitive springy stalwart storming strong sturdy unflagging untiring vibrating aboil abubble forcible hardy jaunty jazzy mettlesome muscular pizazzy pizzazzy pushy sound spanking strenuous gay high-spirited full of pep all-out full-blooded full of vim and vigour high-octane full of beans full of life go-go hard-hitting high-powered alive and kicking bright and breezy full of spirit full of get-up-and-go have-a-go red-blooded ball of fire bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring buoyant exuberant chipper frolicsome chirpy nimble upbeat playful peart hyper alert gamesome frolic agile jumping bright cheerful ebullient irrepressible daring crank fun-loving quick merry full of fun skittish excited zingy zappy sportive wick blithe full of energy bubbling refreshing sunny neat outgoing smart mobile sporty dapper boisterous occupied youthful enlivened blithesome eventful dexterous dextrous eager deedful sparkly coltish happy jocund on the go joyful on the move fun full of zip scintillating as merry as a grig swinging as lively as a grig light fairylike keen grooving healthy romping kittenish ludic frolicky rollicking high gallant jolly wanton fit strapping tough athletic fine lighthearted jumpy excitable larkish prankish feeling one's oats in high spirits full of joie de vivre wicked able-bodied blooming in good health whopping excellent wonderful outstanding fast marvelous rapid swift remarkable striking exceptional magnificent marvellous new hale strong as an ox strong as an lion strong as an horse in good trim in good kilter in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition go-getting hale and hearty flush gingery hearty persuasive take-over steamroller fighting fit efficient take-charge hard-driving raring to go full of vim in the pink fit as a fiddle cheery light-hearted carefree jovial gleeful joyous glad gladsome elated jubilant mirthful happy-go-lucky genial optimistic exhilarated positive lightsome festive of good cheer untroubled in good spirits smiley jocose brash exultant laughing euphoric hilarious hopeful winsome eupeptic canty convivial perk grinning jocular unworried good-humoured rocking good-humored sanguine confident insouciant cheering debonair ardent energized contented funny smiling energised cock-a-hoop without a care in the world invigorated rosy impish easy-going peppery entertaining slaphappy up humorous devilish vitalized gritty festal free and easy elastic resilient activated in fine fettle barnstorming unconcerned content on top of the world enlivening cheerly pleasant Pickwickian joshing jokey larking daffy lots of laughs spritely saucy sassy gregarious aware gladdened amusing invigorating effusive fervent tumultuous chucklesome witty diverting comic buzzy awake nonchalant beaming frothy agitated gushing turnt bullish carnival holiday celebratory casual flippant expressive bonny heated willful unruly rhapsodical friendly expansive supple frivolous valiant party envigorating graceful devil-may-care pleasure-seeking rakish going strong still going strong mischievous avid full of the joy of living waggish Christmassy gala hot sharp burning laid back puckish bucked uncaring unthinking unconsidered heedless indifferent forward self-assertive presuming wild bubbling over rejoicing roguish triumphant tricksy antic elfish larky fay sportful rascally loony nutty chaffing bantering jollying delightful dizzy enjoyable facetious back-slapping good-time proud unserious insubstantial roseate naughty exulting good-natured sunny side up full of hope glass half full espiègle comical elvish crowing backslapping uproarious off-the-wall over the moon glorying as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy fanciful whimsical volatile refreshed prideful decorated carnivalesque feastly feastful good reinvigorated revitalized heartening juiced up restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested courageous plucky heartwarming welcome promising great delighted thrilled ecstatic game propitious encouraging auspicious comforting reassuring pleasing charged revived revitalised reenergized relaxed fearless brave elevated overjoyed exalted blissful aroused enraptured believing rose-colored feel-good can-do uplifting redeeming gratifying inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened cheered stoked roused proactive unmarred like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened puffed up psyched pumped on cloud nine like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man trim easy natty venturesome flip joking spruce showy

Tính từ

Characterized by pretentious or showy displays
ostentatious flamboyant extravagant flashy gaudy showy garish swanky flash loud splashy grandiose ritzy swank theatrical tinsel tinselly affected classy fancy glitzy pretentious brash conspicuous glittery kitsch ornate overdone vulgar actorly bling superfly chichi crass dicty flaring flaunted flaunting noisy obtrusive pompous specious tasteless exhibitionistic fussy gay jaunty peacocky spectacular splurgy sporty tony uptown fancy-pants high-flown over-elaborate over the top arty-farty bling-bling razzle-dazzle OTT resplendent jazzy tawdry sensational splendiferous overwrought sumptuous opulent screaming glaring meretricious luxurious snazzy histrionic brilliant kenspeckle commanding striking grabby marked pronounced arresting bold remarkable bodacious prominent emphatic catchy dramatic noticeable eye-catching whimsical elaborate merry convivial dazzling colorful glamorous peacockish baroque camp lurid outrageous exciting luxuriant flaming florid luscious rich colourful fun swashbuckling rococo trashy tacky cheap chintzy bright crude naff glittering gimcrack brazen in bad taste exaggerated stylish expensive superficial brummagem artificial blatant catchpenny gross kitschy bombastic raffish brassy coarse Brummagem cheap and nasty in poor taste tatty plastic sham pinchbeck vibrant vivid splendid brightly coloured brilliantly coloured flakey flaky gassy pizazzy pizzazzy nifty over-bright violent harsh distasteful unattractive nauseating sickly bilious sparkling pizzazz frou-frou fakey pzazz trumpery gussied up trendy fashionable deluxe plush posh upmarket high-class elegant putting on the ritz embellished adorned ornamented decorated overstated busy impressive gingerbread melodramatic stagy exclusive lavish grand swish snappy smart with-it plushy sharp swankish wedding-cake mannered unreal hammy stilted gee-whizz overacted actressy rude low forced ham overripe barnstorming campy stagey uncouth inelegant improper ceremonious rough-hewn insensible unrefined indiscreet unpolished roughneck rough lowbrow common tactless lowbred uncultured uncultivated rugged incult unseemly ill-bred illiberal indecorous indelicate graceless impolite unnatural emotional show amateur over-the-top legitimate acting tragic schmaltzy dramaturgic vaudeville staged comic stupid off-color raunchy unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial useless hideous foolish unlovely unsightly outlandish barbaric makeshift low-down wild barbarous

Tính từ

Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness
enterprising original resourceful bold daring spirited imaginative ingenious adventurous audacious enthusiastic energetic inventive vigorous creative able active alert ambitious bright capable clever eager gifted intrepid keen quick-witted sharp talented venturesome adventuresome courageous dynamic emboldened entrepreneurial free-swinging go-ahead gutsy hardy nerved nervy up-and-coming venturous zealous advancing aspiring busy craving diligent driving go-go gumptious hardworking hungry hustling industrious innovative itching lively lusting peppy progressive pushing ready self-starting snappy spanking stirring take-over yearning zippy hard ball spark plug coming on strong brave fearless daredevil plucky rash reckless dauntless foolhardy spunky valiant temerarious heroic unafraid valorous undaunted ballsy confident gallant game modern have-a-go unflinching enlightened go-getting positive risky forward-thinking forward-looking brash swashbuckling stalwart determined avant-garde gritty gutty resolute pushy liberal pioneering proactive advanced disruptive devil-may-care doughty rising new madcap overbold mettlesome forward heroical decisive lionhearted assured stout dangerous unshrinking lion-hearted aweless feisty headstrong hazardous aggressive heedless exciting exploratory carefree risk-taking thrill-seeking dareful smart on the go as game as Ned Kelly sturdy death-or-glory wild purposeful overconfident death-defying vital driven ungoverned uncurbed restless presumptuous seeking high-powered inspired practical perceptive forceful reforming nifty deviceful stylish impulsive strong-willed jaunty sporty dazzling debonair action-oriented forehanded visionary foreseeing prescient farseeing progressivist provident foresighted forethoughtful farsighted salty cocky impudent smart-alecky cheeky brassy obtrusive crusty flamboyant exuberant avant modernistic breezy fire eating hot shot open-minded revolutionary radical go for broke attractive romantic raffish animated buoyant out on a limb cutting-edge up-to-date state-of-the-art swish elegant urbane dapper showy exclusive swank gay rousing striking vivacious promising manful stouthearted greathearted undauntable budding coming assuming bantam apt emerging high-reaching striving succeeding soaring climbing go-getter with potential get up and go in the making on the up and up likely to succeed trailblazing leading-edge newfangled innovatory latest contemporary trendsetting new-fashioned brand-new hot ultra-modern futuristic current high-tech red-hot groundbreaking unconventional designer ultramodern up to the minute fashionable space-age neoteric up-to-the-minute modish mod ground-breaking cutting edge present-day trendy new age fresh leading edge front-line in au courant voguish way-out in vogue hip in fashion recent ahead of its time novel a la mode updated modern-day nouvelle hi-tech latter-day highly developed experimental chic newest up to date all the rage vanguard unorthodox unfamiliar now off-centre left-field popular happening with it faddish modernised modernized leading newly discovered recently developed in-thing never-before-seen innovational topical complex sophisticated just out high-end bleeding edge present sexy popularized popularised extant today immediate nontraditional forefront offbeat bohemian eccentric 21st-century landmark breakthrough future ongoing culty far-out twenty-first century du jour ahead of the times underground lead beat head present-time SOTA hot off press à la mode twenty-first-century bang up to date different mistakenly trendy new wave unusual unique singular unprecedented uncommon untested fundamental rare surprising strange untried unknown exotic unhackneyed drastic elaborate out of the ordinary game-changing world-shattering germinal strategic well-thought-out multifaceted formative well-designed involved well-planned intricate well-built originative Promethean in style cool flash swinging snazzy natty kicking kicky tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' contemporaneous plugged-in most recent

Tính từ

Impudent or cheeky
pert flip flippant impudent bold forward cheeky fresh impertinent insolent presumptuous smart audacious disrespectful sassy saucy brazen familiar irreverent lippy brash cocky cute facetious mouthy nervy pushy shameless smart-aleck smart-alecky smart-assed smart-arsed smarty-pants wise malapert breezy bright chirpy dapper daring keen bold as brass out of line rude brassy contumelious cocksure brazen-faced arch brassbound bold-faced barefaced immodest unabashed presuming assuming blatant unblushing discourteous overbold overconfident procacious arrogant unmannerly brass-necked ill-mannered impolite bumptious assumptive boldfaced insulting overfamiliar insubordinate bad-mannered defiant mannerless offhand arrant cool glib jokey uncivil crude off-base inconsiderate playful mischievous sarcastic ungracious frivolous dismissive thoughtless disdainful offensive ill-bred overweening confident free peremptory inappropriate abusive overbearing uppity superficial self-assured witty jocular smug self-assertive contemptuous tongue-in-cheek whimsical snippy carefree funny humorous loud casual unashamed jesting joking clever unembarrassed indecorous inane unhandsome unmannered uncalled-for presumptive in-your-face vulgar ridiculous shocking outrageous flashy dictatorial blithe haughty lofty supercilious disgracious gritty pompous conceited imperious cavalier lordly snippety bantam forceful chesty huffish huffy pretentious hifalutin superior toploftical masterful important highfalutin toplofty sniffy meddlesome intrusive uppish obtrusive as bold as brass self-asserting high-handed high-hat stiff-necked high-and-mighty egotistic coming on strong boldface obvious heavy flighty naughty ballsy crass fearless brave plucky scurril invective vitriolic vituperative vituperatory truculent scurrile scurrilous opprobrious feisty unreserved unshrinking temeritous spirited silly sardonic wisecracking boorish rough churlish combative volatile weisenheiming unrefined loutish lighthearted impish wry droll roguish precious waggish cutesy jocose satirical scornful derisive humiliating indelicate ungentlemanly amusing undisguised flagrant unladylike ungallant mincingly clever not backwards in coming forwards uncouth personal tactless unsubtle undiplomatic tawdry meretricious spunky hotshot indecent gutsy bald-faced strident harsh noisy blaring aggressive derogatory shallow irresponsible bullish affected forthright uninhibited meddling prying inquisitive incongruous unsuitable interfering nosy grating jarring insouciant ignorant patronizing snobbish overassertive direct self-important domineering overfriendly thrusting raucous piercing irritable moody underbred sullen oafish comical boastful blustering opinionated officious off base smart alecky lacking civility bad mannered puckish remote elitist snobby swanky snotty ostentatious pushful persnickety snooty hubristic condescending tony aloof thundering cacophonous deafening booming jangling dissonant shrill ironic hoity-toity patronising high-flown high and mighty toffee-nosed throwing one's weight about stuck-up putting on airs light-hearted out-of-line imperative magisterial discordant gaudy ear-splitting bare-faced ludicrous foolish punning dry farcical jazzy tinny loud-mouthed showy garish over-assertive put down hard high-pitched metallic loudmouthed flirtatious egotistical rash impetuous previous premature overhasty hasty foolhardy precipitate bigheaded self-satisfied self-confident improper too big for your boots proud disparaging vainglorious vain swaggering uncomplimentary degrading prideful slighting curt brusque narcissistic blunt bossy pejorative belittling denigratory sneering mocking puffed up graceless defamatory swollen-headed coarse scathing unpleasant stuck up bloated sharp blasphemous autocratic scoffing egoistic egoistical disagreeable pontifical abrupt know-it-all swellheaded full of oneself self-conceited biggity short assertive self-opinionated biggety gruff surly affronting withering obnoxious reproachful reviling slanderous deprecatory egocentric libellous smarty bragging libelous abhorrent self-centered self-righteous objectionable selfish self-serving self-centred unrepentant cold-shoulder self-affected self-promoting self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying big-headed unconcerned orgulous wise guy unchivalrous obloquious wounding calumniating hurtful overt sacrilegious profane impious misbehaved despotic tyrannical gross hardened abandoned jeering aweless crusty depraved profligate brazenfaced unconcealed dissolute incorrigible unprincipled full of yourself censorious reprobate maligning unchaste lewd immoral fancy-pants derogative depreciative detractive sure full of contempt assured without shame jumped up foul on an ego trip unfriendly violent berating unceremonious hotheaded impulsive impolitic badly behaved ungenteel indifferent unkind inaffable derisory displeasing authoritarian scolding iconoclastic terse oppressive scandalous transparent provocative exceptionable open insensitive provoking castigating vilifying unacceptable reprehensible vexing coercive demeaning snide decrying depreciatory denigrative wanton upbraiding censurable irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy calumniatory traducing naked upsetting iron-handed malign low-bred disapproving tyrannous autocratical authoritative tyrannic critical malicious injurious sharp-tongued unapologetic despicable imperial regnant commanding on your high horse on high horse too big for one's breeches too big for one's boots holier-than-thou self-respecting blusterous bad uncourteous acerbic virulent ill-behaved rustic inurbane uninterested amoral gauche ill smart-mouthed undismayed undaunted throwing one's weight around unfilial profanatory hostile cursory off perfunctory highhanded bitter grandiose mortifying ranting denunciatory uncivilized take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish uncultured uncultivated raunchy raw roughneck tacky cheap common annoying irritating indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed depreciating cynical hypercritical inhospitable unfortunate unawed unflinching careless frank temerarious standoffish self-aggrandizing loudmouth high puffed-up ill-humored uncivilised effervescent trashy pushing heedless headlong untactful incautious vivacious maladroit ambitious discrediting dominating heavy-handed corrupt poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained airy wiseguy aristocratic distasteful bullying rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating exasperating ill-humoured tolerant free-and-easy catty repulsive ridiculing biting overproud dogmatic disgusting deplorable unwelcome undesirable contemptible insufferable repugnant galling embarrassing reproving castigatory impenitent remorseless lording it turning up your nose at looking down your nose at insupportable intolerable preponderant demanding ascendant prevalent stuffy detestable beyond the pale out of order on one's high horse damaging hateful venomous patent glaring aspersive calumnious autarchic pointed ingenious strict iron-fisted subjugating controlling draconian libeling denigrating debasing excoriating offending defaming malevolent libelling shaming disgracing damning dishonoring despiteful injuring dishonouring hurting abasing vile malignant reproaching spiteful manifest evident severe dominant strong-willed arbitrary uncharitable palpable agile highbrowed highbrow bantering apt incisive quick adept nimble ready smooth nifty quick-witted unmistakable pronounced conspicuous sheer clear crabbed in driver's seat crack the whip straightforward bald outright yokelish bounderish noticeable undeniable flaunting positive certain rank indisputable cut-and-dried striking unmitigated egregious jaunty taunting snazzy protrusive deliberate glitzy prominent screaming crying in plain sight smart aleck smart guy smarty pants hard-nosed temperamental upstage high hat dog it

Tính từ

Moving or proceeding with significant speed
zippy fast speedy swift nippy rapid brisk fleet quick snappy blistering breakneck hasty galloping rattling dizzy flying lightning hot splitting whirlwind fleet-footed rapid-fire breathless nimble expeditious lively fast-moving express sprightly alacritous prompt hurried accelerated meteoric agile high-speed active sudden mercurial headlong spry expeditive immediate instant precipitate supersonic spirited turbo light-footed volant abrupt energetic harefooted lithe deft winged lissom supple limber acrobatic whistle-stop light sharp quick-moving lightsome fast-track hypersonic overnight instantaneous twinkle-toed ready at speed quickie lissome vigorous PDQ fleet of foot flat-out graceful on the double nimble-footed fleeting dexterous adroit quick-fire on-the-spot smart ultrarapid ultrafast timely precipitous short cracking punctual vivacious unhesitating lithesome light-foot gracile feline featly very fast rathe short-lived dextrous spanking sporty velocious in nothing flat up-tempo pacey direct flexible tantivy animated brief rash summary urgent screaming speedball skilful nifty bustling rushed adept skillful pronto quickened without delay athletic responsive double time unpremeditated impulsive with good acceleration uninterrupted souped-up non-stop awful severe excruciating dreadful unbearable terrible intense piercing frightful excessive reckless zooming streaming alert dangerous straightaway furious hurricane impetuous cyclonic tumultuous tornado fast-paced fast-tracked split-second quick as a wink skilled able speeding early ultrasonic passing springy sylphlike tripping cursory perfunctory extremely fast dangerously fast impatient willowy fiery fit hurrying going eager thoughtless slapdash slambang transitory at full tilt sportive twinkle toes stirring frisky spright clear-headed bright buoyant quick-thinking easy-moving quick on the draw quick on the trigger in good condition proficient chop-chop peremptory double-quick unexpected barrelling handy wide-awake vigilant shaking a leg like mad like crazy swift-footed barreling light of foot like greased lightning desultory momentary superficial casual transient temporary ephemeral sketchy evanescent fugacious impermanent offhand unanticipated unforeseen unthinking rushing flash flitting short-term careless token slight inattentive incidental fugitive little unceremonious deciduous drive-by limited snap without warning uninterested surprising mechanical overhasty gadarene shallow glancing uncritical depthless dismissive helter-skelter rude half-hearted slipshod half-baked pell-mell fading startling haphazard curtailed violent unlooked-for without notice surface-level temporal shifting spasmodic precipitant short and sweet volatile vanishing flashing wee gone in flash in wink of an eye forthwith jerky determined no-nonsense resolute efficient prevenient arbitrary anticipatory diligent spur-of-the-moment touch-and-go willing rush effectual effective succinct infinitesimal without formality without hesitation hurry-up irresponsible unenduring interim without discussion dreamlike unfussy purposeless unconsidered now or never not to be delayed impromptu acute perishable inadequate nodding trite like lightning explosive unusual speeded hit-or-miss trifling uncivil undignified impolite discourteous imperfect flimsy partial insincere inconsequential feigning paltry flash in the pan here today and gone tomorrow fly-by-night nasty hastening indifferent routine automatic unpleasant not bargained for out of the blue random sloppy off unmannerly unconcerned harsh disagreeable spontaneous lackadaisical losing no time crude disinterested insensible apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant nonchalant negligent brutal hit or miss incurious slovenly wooden heedless hair-trigger brusque shocking unpredicted unforgiving on the spot in a flash cool phoning it in walking through it laid-back going through the motions

Tính từ

Physically attractive or exciting in a primal way
sexy sensual inviting seductive desirable provocative hot luscious voluptuous alluring erotic flirtatious sultry arousing beddable come-hither lush nubile provoking shapely tantalising tantalizing tempting bodacious come-to-bed coquettish dishy fanciable fit foxy sensuous sexually attractive suggestive titillating toothsome bootylicious busty curvaceous cute gorgeous handsome kissable spunky dreamy yummy delicious peng attractive beautiful captivating bewitching charming ravishing beguiling pretty enchanting appealing irresistible enticing fetching lovely stunning good-looking comely fair engaging delightful tasty bonny taking striking glamorous knockout prepossessing beauteous smashing sightly pulchritudinous drop-dead winning charismatic adorable sexual lovesome easy on the eye seemly drop-dead gorgeous pleasing slinky aesthetic esthetic bonnie good likely arresting entrancing luring magnetic nice winsome well-favored fine nice-looking goodly sweet glamourous intriguing elegant dazzling adorbs divine sexually exciting sexually arousing exquisite heavenly eye-catching passionate buxom well favoured immodest as pretty as a picture graceful radiant delectable tarty amorous fascinating hunky out of this world babelicious sensational becoming fabulous naughty siren bedroom indecent stylish shameless feline fine-looking raunchy steamy easy on the eyes specious kinky on fleek well-favoured studly curvy interesting elfin agreeable darling pleasant enthralling lovable wonderful likable scrumptious splendid sublime delicate wholesome blooming likeable personable very beautiful a ten well favored ripe marriageable saucy cuddly devastating eligible dainty phat indelicate pornographic sexually mature mesmeric beckoning breathtaking exciting piquant racy juicy stimulating endearing dear beseeching lurid vixenish clean-cut top welcome grateful congenial delightsome blessed gratifying pleasurable palatable dulcet savoury enjoyable blest jolly felicitous savory satisfying encouraging cheeky intoxicating heady ample trim dreamboat eyeful bijou jaw-dropping X-rated picture-perfect extremely attractive opulent full-figured full-bosomed angelic physically attractive grand Junoesque Rubensesque resplendent aesthetically pleasing aesthetically appealing statuesque fleshly carnal drawing attracting dollish superb classy symmetrical refined photogenic ideal well-formed gainly well-stacked well-proportioned well formed telegenic willowy fashionable dapper camera-friendly presentable prettyish showstopping sheen debonair well turned beaut flamboyant

Tính từ

Sudden, or figuratively explosive, in nature

Danh từ

A sound made by something striking or falling into liquid

Động từ

Present participle for to run or rush somewhere in a great hurry
rushing racing hurrying running bolting careering scurrying tearing hurtling zooming hastening zipping scooting flying haring belting scuttling speeding barrelling barreling pelting bombing blasting buzzing shooting bustling whisking darting trotting whirling driving bundling careening hustling hying hieing blazing sprinting charging breezing rocketing blowing bowling coursing chasing motoring jetting jumping rustling hurling ripping cannonballing nipping streaking galloping highballing stepping travelling traveling ramming humping scampering scrambling whipping bounding boogying boogieing bucketing stampeding posting clipping zapping fleeting wheeching springing diving jogging hasting plunging steaming tripping boiling hotfooting it cracking on legging it going hell for leather burning rubber making haste barrelling along hightailing it getting a move on cutting along stepping on it getting the lead out going like the clappers going like a bat out of hell putting on some speed making a run for it rushing at getting on it making it snappy whizzing flashing scudding sweeping scuttering hightailing going like lightning winging swooping shifting whooshing flitting scorching beetling skipping laying rubber spanking along going like the wind getting cracking fleeing going fast bowling along moving quickly pounding skedaddling rattling along making tracks going lungeing lunging moving cantering shaking a leg loping pushing leaping quickening breaking sailing fluttering ambling speeding up hurrying up skimming rolling beating it accelerating surging expediting jogtrotting prancing frisking putting one's foot down dogtrotting ploughing pacing burning spurting flinging capering plowing dispatching dancing making time fast-tracking hopping tearing along gamboling gambolling fussing doubling vrooming cannoning lurching clearing out yeeting going quickly hopping it spurring beelining popping bursting flickering flicking taking flight flittering raging leaving making off escaping losing no time really moving departing moving fast launching oneself decamping whipping along going like a bomb getting your skates on cavorting bouncing flirting skittering hovering storming proceeding cutting and run floating skirring starting heading stirring dusting tooling pouncing running off running away bulleting thrusting waltzing bestirring smoking frolicking passing riding whistling lashing retreating splitting vamoosing pressing on scatting bugging out passing quickly getting moving pitching going like a bullet throwing oneself going headlong pressing lighting out bucking stepping on gas rushing headlong moving along belting along taking off bombing along covering ground jostling pattering absconding romping skiting dogging it getting out kiting propelling rolling along barging running like the wind cracking outstripping catapulting running fast progressing going briskly stepping lively hopping along stepping along startling launching heaving tearing out ducking dodging going away pushing on streaming flowing gushing racking swooshing hurdling going like lighting striding festinating busying yourself rushing around being busy running slowly shoving roaring marching cascading moving rapidly going by passing by moving forward going jogging expressing rushing off speeding away going at top speed making yourself scarce blitzing railroading steamrollering pouring scattering moving like greased lightning lolloping flourishing running very fast whishing sallying putting foot slipping away brandishing gathering momentum tumbling slooshing flooding running like mad digging in getting a wiggle on driving fast going rapidly sliding bowling over gearing up going all out surging through turning on steam pumping putting on a burst of speed booking it chucking it down making short work of plunging ahead whipping around tearing up the miles going like greased lightning going at breakneck speed not losing a minute wasting no time taking wing running lightly showing quickly moving apace playing treading lightly bobbing scramming beating a retreat scraming turning tail making advancing scarpering clearing off running for it striking swinging attacking tearing around levanting skipping off hooking it dipping setting forth setting out heading off making a break setting off falling upon moving suddenly making for setting upon cutting out heading for the hills making a quick exit beating a hasty retreat making a break for it peeling out buzzing around running round in circles kicking rocks doing a fade taking a powder making oneself scarce getting lost going through showing a clean pair of heels flying the coop doing a bunk doing a runner shooting through steering bearing veering cutting aiming stepping on the gas flooring it whirring hitting the gas putting your foot down getting going going faster moving faster putting the pedal to the metal fanging it putting pedal to the metal bucking up going flat-out piling humming bumbling droning burring winding gusting looking alive getting it on hopping to it snapping to it rattling nailing it opening the throttle cruising gliding having it away drifting strolling slipping coasting brushing sauntering rattling your dags looking lively moving it snapping it up hurrying it up moving briskly walking casually

Động từ

Present participle for to throw or launch something in a given direction with force
throwing hurling tossing flinging casting pitching launching lobbing chucking slinging heaving catapulting pegging firing propelling hurtling lofting pelting sending shying projecting flipping bowling bunging directing buzzing aiming whanging hoying hoyin letting fly letting fly with shooting discharging yeeting sending flying impelling ejecting driving letting loose blasting flicking lifting dumping precipitating flinging off thrusting plunging sloughing booting winging chunking gunning jerking hoisting throwing forcefully loosing setting off squeezing off touching off loosing off dispatching releasing lancing springing volleying sending into orbit putting in motion setting in motion sending off casting off sending forth putting barraging lapidating tumbling bombarding strewing bandying scattering starting pelleting stoning beaming showering splattering peppering sprinkling spraying letting go sending out jacking up pushing passing kicking sticking forcing delivering shoving slapping triggering letting off firing off rolling spinning transmitting rocketing hitting heading revolving rotating trundling skying placing dealing skimming giving ramming flashing darting putting into orbit inflicting administering torpedoing popping striking slamming banging plonking blazing punting pumping flighting landing shooting off blazing away shooting away firing away rushing off hurrying off packing off clapping moving actuating driving forwards powering boosting getting going getting moving moving forwards prodding

Động từ

Present participle for to break or shatter into pieces or fragments
splintering shattering fragmenting crumbling fracturing splitting bursting shivering smashing breaking up disintegrating cracking spalling riving coming apart falling apart breaking into tiny pieces breaking into fragments pashing smashing into smithereens breaking to smithereens breaking separating dividing busting severing snapping rupturing exploding dismembering disuniting disrupting smashing to smithereens parting falling to pieces rending tearing falling to bits dissolving collapsing blowing out demolishing fragmentizing disbanding crushing breaking down cleaving popping blowing apart splitting up crashing blowing up damaging factionalizing destroying dispersing dichotomizing detaching trashing totalling annihilating totaling breaking apart giving way breaking into pieces busting up making mincemeat of impairing fissuring imploding flying apart triangulating coming to pieces breaking open taking apart pulverizing disconnecting smattering decoupling puncturing scrunching crunching pulverising torpedoing eradicating driving apart finishing off crushing to smithereens making hash of pulling to pieces driving a wedge between causing dissent tearing asunder coming unstuck flying into pieces coming to bits crazing crackling disassembling powdering cracking open bursting apart cracking apart physically breaking blowing blasting tumbling down detonating chopping sputtering ringing chipping injuring hurting crepitating sundering battering rifting breaking into two breaking in two squashing pranging squishing bisecting breaking to pieces gaping opening spluttering snapping off pulling off coming off breaking away coming away breaking off perforating coming undone wracking ruining decimating wasting creaming extinguishing vaporizing desolating nuking devastating razing wrecking disabling vaporising rubbing out doing in pulling down tearing down exhausting unyoking dissociating unlinking divorcing uncoupling disassociating disjointing diverging tearing apart bursting open tearing open flying open splitting open breaking out ripping open rending asunder partitioning wracking up branching setting against one another ramifying resolving isolating disjoining causing disagreement setting against setting at variance causing a rift sowing dissension among pitting against sowing disaccord pitting against one another causing to disagree setting at odds stirring the pot causing disagreement among sowing dissension coming between going separate ways crumpling foundering subsiding falling failing folding dismantling disorganizing turning sinking tainting disimproving caving in going to pieces going belly-up going to rack and ruin fading away falling apart at the seams turning to dust

Động từ

Present participle for to frustrate or foil, especially the hopes or expectations of someone
thwarting foiling frustrating checking baulking baffling scotching circumventing balking scuppering disappointing confounding overturning bilking undoing dishing queering blighting dampening chilling chillin clouding putting the kibosh on wreaking havoc with obstructing defeating hindering blocking preventing stymieing impeding stopping derailing forestalling hampering snookering beating discomfiting ruining checkmating putting a stop to countering cramping doing for putting paid to curbing barring nobbling crimping outwitting halting smashing fouling up putting the mockers on restraining spoiling nullifying upsetting standing in the way of putting the stopper on opposing nipping in the bud upsetting the apple cart putting a spoke in someone's wheel crippling quashing neutralizing crabbing rooting crossing neutralising screwing up holding up lousing up messing up giving the slip upsetting one's apple cart trammelling trammeling stifling fettering inhibiting hamstringing hobbling negating stumping canceling annulling arresting cancelling traversing snafuing obviating counteracting rattling putting an end to disconcerting hanging up taking down putting the lid on cramping one's style playing off cooking someone's goose taking wind out of throwing monkey wrench in finishing off finishing something offsetting bucking stalling bringing to a close making an end of deflecting diverting throwing a curve heading off clobbering contravening scuttling debarring invalidating hitting spiking attacking squashing suppressing repressing repelling deterring eluding repulsing parrying blanking burying counterplotting promoting shaking buffaloing skipping bollixing ducking ditching dodging juking fazing interfering with getting the better of taking wind out of sails putting end to beating down causing setback putting the damper on pouring cold water on putting a damper on throwing cold water on shuffling off shaking off giving the run-around running circles around running rings around halting in its tracks throwing a monkey wrench in the works throwing a spanner in the works crushing confronting banjaxing prohibiting precluding conquering overcoming forbidding licking putting a brake on dashing one's hope upsetting the applecart giving the run around rendering null and void confusing skinning averting restricting staving off holding back warding off avoiding limiting intercepting shutting out evading retarding interdicting skirting sidestepping stonewalling steering clear of anticipating interrupting fending off circumnavigating defending against getting out of escaping bypassing pre-empting delaying staying containing stilling constraining withholding holding off catching preempting second-guessing helping getting in before getting ahead of stealing a march on providing against pulling up refusing picking off beating someone to it cutting off beating someone to the draw beating someone to the punch shutting off disrupting crashing unsettling wrecking keeping lid on obscuring forecasting foreseeing projecting preoccupying predicting monopolizing expecting envisioning monopolising taking out of play getting in the way of putting the brakes on curtailing sparing reprieving freeing controlling stemming absolving refraining from bridling reining pausing exempting dispensing swallowing squelching cutting short reducing terminating smothering muffling bottlenecking fighting back staunching moderating holding governing discharging banning bottling up discouraging rebuffing braking taming choking back choking regulating drawing up keeping in check slowing down reining in pulling in holding in keeping back slackening pace holding down biting back fetching up keeping under control keeping a lid on commandeering desisting steering clear abstaining from resisting shrinking from shying from skipping out on staying away restraining from shirking abstaining withstanding staying away from getting around forbearing stemming the flow of bringing to a standstill disallowing enjoining saving giving up leaving off doing without withholding from desisting from renouncing kicking shunning breaking the habit of counterbalancing making up for forgoing forbearing from eschewing keeping from denying yourself outlawing proscribing playing for time beating somebody to it preparing for heading off at pass excepting excluding denying blackballing eliminating suspending rejecting estopping ostracizing ostracising exiling overriding closing out shutting out of freezing out counting out ruling out

Động từ

Present participle for to destroy or ruin something, sometimes figuratively
destroying ruining wrecking devastating shattering crushing demolishing spoiling torpedoing nixing banjaxing blasting doing for blowing a hole in putting paid to bringing to naught wiping out scuppering scotching blighting smashing dishing sabotaging putting the kibosh on marring queering screwing up cruelling undoing messing up annihilating euchring lousing up fouling up making a mess of stymieing decimating disrupting frustrating quashing defeating quelling upsetting doing in ravaging desolating trashing totalling totaling damaging ending wasting preventing poisoning putting the lid on breaking impairing extinguishing wreaking havoc on throwing a spanner in the works of throwing a monkey wrench in the works of pulverizing blowing vaporizing razing nuking putting an end to playing havoc with sinking making a hash of vaporising nullifying thwarting pulverising tearing down rubbing out mullering injuring overturning vitiating mucking up desecrating creaming overwhelming bringing to an end putting a stop to hampering bringing down neutralizing bringing to ruin interfering with obstructing blocking disabling foiling annulling reducing to nothing killing obliterating staining neutralising tainting disfiguring breaking up ruinating putting a damper on wracking botching ravishing despoiling overthrowing busting blowing up ballsing up levelling leveling laying in ruins laying waste pulling down rendering ineffective cancelling out canceling out negating stopping darkening derailing disorganizing disarranging disturbing disordering finishing prohibiting retarding slowing unsettling impeding holding up convulsing delaying clouding exploding bursting popping bringing about the downfall of trouncing toppling turning upside-down deranging slowing down counteracting halting ceasing tumbling destructing slaughtering causing confusion in throwing into disorder causing turmoil in throwing into disarray throwing into confusion blemishing tarnishing touching making of no use or value blowing to pieces blowing to bits reducing to ruins casting a pall over casting a shadow over wreaking havoc with rattling cooking someone's goose putting the skids under chastening felling chastising smiting taking the shine off taking the edge off putting out of action putting out of commission sealing the doom of taking the pleasure out of taking the enjoyment out of bringing to nought scarring flattening decaying afflicting disappointing mangling dilapidating defiling reducing bodging defacing scourging mutilating maiming depleting glitching up cleaning out leaving in ruins bringing to nothing wreaking havoc upon reducing to rubble leaving desolate knocking down crippling hindering interrupting undermining terminating subverting eradicating attacking dispatching incapacitating eliminating threatening abolishing bollixing harming aborting suppressing breaking down intruding on dismantling taking out removing exterminating battering unbuilding hurting erasing stamping out extirpating expunging effacing weakening bulldozing sacking pillaging crashing spoliating doing away with depredating liquidating devouring abating invalidating cancelling canceling taking apart wiping off the map razing to the ground disassembling snuffing out plundering sweeping away blotting out prostrating debilitating finishing off enfeebling smashing up raiding enervating sapping laying waste to wiping off the face of the earth deleting rooting out blowing away jeopardizing cleaning up blacking out squelching ransacking compromising putting at risk impoverishing gutting butchering raping pranging hamstringing jeopardising squashing paralysing immobilizing paralyzing massacring zapping abrogating beating axing inactivating unmaking tearing up doing harm to throwing down shooting down handicapping knocking out throwing monkey wrench in pinioning cracking up wiping from the face of the earth hocking muzzling attenuating kiboshing wracking up unfitting wiping off map dashing to pieces rendering incapable blunting immobilising unbracing hogtying damaging beyond repair hogtieing exhausting unstrengthening disposing of wiping obscuring dusting lowering bankrupting cooling scuttling clobbering depopulating bruising endangering ripping down shivering mauling messing pulling to pieces pulling apart imperilling imperiling emptying making desolate letting down taking down checking disintegrating fracturing fragmenting prejudicing benothinging conquering overpowering murdering doing one in nipping in the bud laming indisposing executing taking away putting down pulling to bits taking to pieces taking to bits vandalizing torpefying laying low rendering powerless making unfit restricting making powerless spiking destabilizing shipwrecking cracking waxing wolfing cutting down killing off cutting a swath through committing genocide vandalising discrediting tearing to pieces gobbling up putting in toilet playing merry hell with diminishing deteriorating excising refuting disproving looting slaying depriving wounding corroding corrupting devitalizing depressing piling up running onto the rocks proving wrong debasing crabbing shocking endamaging withering bloodying inconveniencing crossing up flawing scorching blowing sky-high spilling bombing dynamiting capsizing scattering harrying giving the lie to driving a coach and horses through blowing out of the water shooting full of holes knocking to pieces destabilising roughing up shaking up detracting from marauding mowing down blowing down casting down striking out scratching out dismissing havocking causing detriment to throwing a monkey wrench into wresting seizing stripping overrunning preying foraging pirating robbing foraying capturing consuming trampling suspending skinning crazing outmaneuvering outsmarting overreaching outfoxing crimping cramping outmanoeuvring having offsetting discontinuing disbanding wreaking havoc adjourning disestablishing working against making waves nulling concluding voiding vacating rescinding repealing disannulling avoiding proroguing winding up scrapping disuniting hitting raining on someone's parade shooting getting rid of resolving into dissolving winding down fading out closing down rolling back severing postponing loosing closing splitting up rendering void collapsing discharging striking down jamming disenabling deactivating freezing knocking for six having a negative impact on knocking the stuffing out of having a negative effect on clamping preventing from moving preventing from working making inoperative rendering inactive tying rendering inoperative actioning bringing to a standstill bringing to a halt disqualifying disarming arresting

Động từ

Present participle for to cause sadness, distress or anxiety to
depressing dejecting dismaying dispiriting saddening chagrining discouraging oppressing burdening abashing discomforting getting down bumming out weighing down disheartening daunting casting down demoralizing dampening crushing demoralising cowing chillin chilling afflicting troubling deterring unnerving unmanning frustrating distressing bringing down throwing cold water on knocking the stuffing out of pouring cold water on desolating upsetting grieving disappointing shaking subduing bothering making downhearted tormenting vexing damping trying making despondent knocking sideways weighing heavily on putting a damper on giving someone the blues knocking for six sapping throwing worrying humbling humiliating undermining harassing aggrieving pressing disinclining making dejected disparaging enervating mortifying disturbing harrowing haunting appalling perturbing making sad making gloomy putting down hanging over bringing low making desolate turning one off breaking one's heart making someone fed up beating down casting a gloom upon making your heart bleed bringing tears to your eyes causing suffering to clouding lying dashing the hopes of lying heavy on preying on casting a shadow taking the heart out of intimidating draining wearying ailing bugging besetting taxing darkening beating dragging debilitating dulling abasing fazing reducing to tears running down inconveniencing nagging straining stressing overawing bearing down breaking someone's heart making unhappy harshing someone's mellow keeping under bedeviling incommoding plaguing bedevilling putting off downing paining