Từ đồng nghĩa của overdone

Alternative for overdone

overdoes, overdid, overdoing, overdone

Từ đồng nghĩa: enlarge, exaggerate, go to extremes, magnify, stretch,

Tính từ

Involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
inflated grandiloquent bombastic rhetorical flowery magniloquent pompous pretentious florid oratorical ornate orotund fustian verbose highfalutin turgid grandiose overripe euphuistic purple affected overwrought elaborate aureate wordy extravagant declamatory lofty prolix ostentatious fancy showy fussy ranting ornamented puffed complex complicated decorated detailed involved hyperbolic excessive exalted overestimated rhapsodical high-flown la-di-da high-sounding overblown tumid rhetoric magnific flamboyant windy sonorous Ossianic hifalutin hyperventilated convoluted over-elaborate pleonastic eloquent strained laboured baroque articulate labored exaggerated formal mouthy effusive silver-tongued bombast theatrical big pedantic scholarly erudite flatulent gassy gaseous stilted embellished rococo swollen fulsome busy grand-sounding gingerbread wedding-cake arty-farty figurative fluent flashy periphrastic ornamental puffed-up mannered actorly rotund curlicued over-the-top bold dramatic very elaborate elegant oratorial overinflated discursive decorative luscious garnished rich high-falutin stagy overelaborate high-wrought arty long-winded diffuse redundant euphemistic Miltonian epic Homeric snobbish high-minded melodramatic arresting booming elocutionary Ciceronian epideictic adorned Demosthenic Demosthenean overstated impressive tall-talking big-talking euphistic haughty windbag histrionic highly decorated contrived glib voluble tumescent vocal imposing grand flash gaudy garish gee-whizz overwritten egotistic elevated boastful tedious ambitious sesquipedalian noble loud ponderous blathering self-important overambitious majestic self-righteous high tiresome heroic tall braggart bragging prim shallow superficial breezy lexiphanic Falstaffian sententious stodgy blustering stuffy long learned rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash solemn OTT verbal linguistic intellectual stuffed shirt stylistic pontifical priggish full of hot air ideal fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial noisy expressive intoning important stentorian sublime superior over the top ivory-tower uplifting serious arrogant portentous grave crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen vaunting monumental unrealistic large-scale lavish high-falutin' high-flying far-reaching on a grand scale large circumlocutory garrulous circuitous prattling expansive prating jabbering babbling lengthy gushing protracted tautological rambling indirect digressive wandering meandering talkative yakking multiloquent big-mouthed repetitious loquacious gabby tortuous multiloquous gobby logorrheic wittering talky palaverous tautologous repeating ambagious logorrhoeic yacking repetitive full of air with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone

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Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree
fulsome extravagant adulatory excessive fawning inordinate unctuous gushing gushy ingratiating cloying immoderate lavish saccharine ample enthusiastic extensive generous glowing liberal profuse effusive flattering laudatory nauseating over-appreciative sickening acclamatory buttery complimentary eulogistic hagiographic hagiographical insincere oily oleaginous rapturous soapy sugary sycophantic encomiastic gross honeyed OTT smarmy bombastic canting coarse glib grandiloquent hypocritical magniloquent mealy-mouthed overgenerous sanctimonious slick slimy smooth suave wheedling over the top demonstrative expansive unreserved unrestrained exuberant exaggerated actorly prodigal wholehearted theatrical dramatic superfluous unlimited maudlin mushy sentimental emotional ebullient rhapsodic overemotional lyrical mawkish nostalgic overacted languishing overenthusiastic impressionable affected bathetic icky affectionate dreamy idealistic insipid moonstruck jejune inane corny loving hyped up over-effusive dewy-eyed laid on with a trowel over-enthusiastic lovey-dovey obsequious bountiful overflowing servile commendatory encomiastical praising appreciative admiring copious galore rave bounteous plentiful teeming luxuriant abounding aplenty plenty grovelling sucky smug groveling no end bootlicking toadying panegyrical abundant cajoling unstinting prolific congratulatory riotous superabundant greasy laudative highly favourable opulent lush swarming crawling with alive with thick with approving creepy plausible subservient crawling approbatory saponaceous smooth-talking applauding lionizing honey-tongued silver-tongued plenteous smooth-tongued favourable eulogizing bumper extreme sumptuous profusive openhanded open-handed lionising full rich praiseful approbative a dime a dozen favorable eulogising lank full of praise replete a gogo surplus in excess overabundant extra sleek deferential commending supple bland insinuating coaxing compliant worshipping flannelling blarneying blandishing worshipful reverential sweet-talking soft-soaping gratifying creeping slavish extolling free ecstatic toadyish glorifying panegyric celebratory touchy-feely uninhibited worshiping munificent unconstrained outpouring raving unsparing ungrudging handsome vociferous highly complimentary infinite inexhaustible free-flowing cringing very happy all over someone large good positive friendly substantial considerable humble huge flush great complete urbane fertile comfortable cornucopian productive blubbery hammy voluble plauditory polite civil honoring fair-spoken celebrating well-wishing courtly gracious respectful honouring kind numerous many innumerable multifarious multiple manifold multitudinous countless fruitful thick on the ground competent swimming well-provided lousy with rife appreciable sufficient flowing chock-full enough improvident in abundance wordy myriad heavy prolix verbose with high praise with highest recommendation highly favorable slippery phoney creamy pinguid phony brown-nosing self-abasing arse-licking smooth-spoken apple-polishing forelock-tugging a mess of Uriah Heepish ass-kissing coming out of ears

Tính từ

Unnatural, artificial or fake in nature
affected artificial assumed forced pretended strained unnatural contrived overblown simulated stiff fake feigned hollow insincere labored laboured mock overripe overworked pseudo counterfeit faked mannered phoney unconvincing exaggerated imitation phony pretend superficial bogus mechanical plastic posed pseud stilted factitious false posey sham spurious affectated awkward conceited counterfeited fakey fraud ham hammy imitated melodramatic playacting studied put on put-on ponderous heavy overwrought elaborate clumsy over-elaborate convoluted laborious intricate ornate prolix actorly campy meretricious theatrical wooden planned not fluent leaden tortured difficult tortuous arduous manufactured binding conscripted slave rigid constrained inflexible begrudging stringent coercive grudging forcible bound hokey manipulated recherche far-fetched unspontaneous fixed voulu staged over-embellished long-winded self-conscious complex inelegant turgid overly planned inept operose effortful weighty uphill strenuous hard toilsome maladroit not spontaneous ersatz fictitious fraudulent fabricated cod make-believe forged dummy synthetic substitute deceptive faux untrue invented not genuine made-up man-made unreal specious misleading imitative mimic unauthentic so-called inauthentic imaginary trumped-up reproduction quasi- snide concocted apocryphal improvised fictional pretentious unfounded fallacious uneasy professed invalid ostensible queer stagy wrong falsified pirate deceitful avowed trick delusory delusive adopted facsimile replica model toy apish quasi dishonest cooked-up rehearsed apparent seeming surface pseudonymous unsubstantiated baseless groundless unproven manmade derivative adulterine chemical cast mealymouthed framed bum ungenuine bent imagined virtual wannabe would-be self-styled purported phoney-baloney phony-baloney reserved inhibited guarded incorrect not real not legit not kosher inaccurate erroneous without foundation reticent unsound untruthful alleged inexact as it were arty-farty precious distorted hypocritical flawed ungraceful beguiling deluding deceiving simpering camp genteel highfaluting chichi airish conscious artsy restrained tongue-tied distant embarrassed repressed to all intents and purposes cooked up mistaken wreck wired put unglued uptight tight choked taut farfetched uncomfortable gauche graceless unrelaxed fishy faulty imprecise bluffing shammed supposed masked lying impostrous in name only quack charlatan cheating covered concealed dissimulated imposturous counterfactual truthless improper controlled cold cool subdued stand-offish aloof mincing rustic rustical in a state hard put nervous wreck strung out at end of rope casuistic misrepresentative sophistical colored mythical stuck up gone Hollywood non-existent rough-hewn coloured mythic fantastical made up fantastic dud hoax incredible not what it is cracked up to be unheard of make believe

Tính từ

Repeated too often
hackneyed stereotyped tired banal commonplace stale threadbare common pedestrian stock trite overworked run-of-the-mill overused platitudinous timeworn time-worn unoriginal vapid hoary ordinary played out worn-out clichéd derivative dull hack predictable prosaic unimaginative uninspired worn out boring cliche cobwebby conventional cornball corny hackney hacky humdrum moth-eaten musty obligatory routine shopworn well-worn antiquated bromidic dime-store everyday hokey obsolete old old-chestnut old-hat old-saw outdated outmoded out-of-date played-out quotidian tripe truistic old hat familiar tune mundane uninteresting vanilla bland unexceptional middle-of-the-road unremarkable mainstream average undistinguished forgettable unmemorable indifferent unexciting mediocre lacklustre lackluster so-so bog-standard uneventful ornery bush-league half-pie garden-variety plain vanilla no great shakes not so hot not much cop not up to much nothing to get excited about a dime a dozen nothing to write home about common or garden worn exhausted cliché bathetic flat jejune chain set silly drained used-up mildewed warmed-over ready-made stereotypical dreary monotonous tedious tiresome repetitious mind-numbing ho-hum cliché-ridden unvaried wearisome stupid facile nothing cornfed noplace pabulum zero trivial square dumb nowhere blah ho hum dull as dishwater widespread cut-and-dry workaday customary standard usual garden variety cut-and-dried normal standard-issue dime-a-dozen characterless natural colourless colorless plebeian obvious garden prevalent unnoteworthy middling lowly matter-of-course starch ten a penny boiler plate dry insipid drab uninspiring lifeless tame stodgy heavy ponderous stuffy arid jading monochromatic tiring slow leaden wearying numbing drudging weary dusty sterile stereotypic platitudinal spiritless cliched formulaic well worn plodding unvarying unstimulating typical repetitive familiar matter-of-fact uninventive featureless regular samey uncreative warmed-up nondescript out of date dry as dust second-rate imitative barren as dry as dust plain out of the ark day-to-day banausic old-fashioned deadly dreich lacking variety defunct wishy-washy OK unadventurous passé copied derived dead plagiarized passionless anaemic terrestrial monochrome nitty-gritty soporific inane fatiguing prosy run of the mill turgid lame anemic unentertaining unenjoyable stiff passable inferior lacking variation yawnsome mean dullsville wooden draggy plagiarised weariful dim lacking excitement lacking interest archaic plagiaristic second-hand big yawn non-innovative rehashed mawkish feeble vacuous frayed cribbed fuddy-duddy fair soulless unchanging zestless humble mechanical medium heavy-going tolerable soul-destroying unspirited irksome unrelieved unsophisticated traditional past their sell-by date prolix laborious amateurish amateur dismal depressing bloodless deadening dull as ditchwater insignificant formal run-of-the-mine run-of-mine second-class white-bread monotone flavourless unappealing unanimated popular plastic laboured deadly dull not very good labored flavorless cliché orthodox standardized conventionalized mass-produced typecast vieux jeu unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed yawn ineffective difficult modest unspecial standardised homespun menial faded tarnished workday unpretentious serious unartistic simple over-serious phoned in gray grey sentimental kitschy cheesy mindless worn thin formalistic homely staple weak desolate past bent effete foetid fetid yesterday's out unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic literal unemotional factual clear unadorned uninterested tepid suburban unromantic deadpan overlong not bad empty crude meagre simplistic meager innocuous treadmill toneless gone off ancient mimetic boilerplate low-grade generic like a dinosaur raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy downcast dragging enervating interminable mortal exhausting poky snooze mimic general pedantic staid lustreless prevailing going basic current endless pallid limp verbose lined decrepit aged dated apish jake moderate torpid extinct slavish household accustomed weighty stilted established adequate ragged weathered broken-down rundown antediluvian family casual ubiquitous habitual domestic frequent informal epigonic epigonous antiseptic superannuated hard to digest heavy going wonted middle of the road nothing special canned outworn dog-eared shabby wrinkled undistinctive inoffensive fair-to-middling whitebread meh waterish nerdy wimpy milk-and-water sapless long-drawn-out tattered battered used emulative antwacky intermediate decent fairish cut and dried readily available widely available fair to middling of poor quality the worse for wear stereotype counterfeit proletarian lower-class working-class ignoble unappetizing unpalatable inedible secondary low unsavoury tasteless distasteful uneatable uniform savourless uninviting off-putting unpleasant unattractive disagreeable echoic baseborn low-class lowborn secondhand lumpen peasant low-life vulgar unwashed low-born prole low-ranking regimented copycat blue-singlet governmental utilitarian corporate functional institutional unsavory rudimentary ugly standard issue elementary evolved procured borrowed hereditary obtained acquired ancestral inferential subordinate cognate connate caused inferred of low birth coming from not original

Tính từ

Not genuinely meaning what has been expressed
insincere hypocritical pretended deceitful double-dealing false lying two-faced deceptive devious dishonest hollow disingenuous duplicitous evasive faithless Janus-faced dissembling dissimulating mendacious untrue untruthful unfaithful exaggerated fake perfidious artificial cynical feigned phoney underhand backhanded counterfeit disloyal double double-faced jive lacking sincerity left-handed lip mealy mealymouthed not candid not frank Pecksniffian phoney-baloney phony phony-baloney put-on shifty treacherous unctuous ambidextrous pretend pretentious pseud slick slippery sly snide with tongue in cheek spurious affected fraudulent sham unnatural mock bogus contrived simulated pseudo assumed forced plastic deceiving factitious untrustworthy mechanical strained unreliable specious guileful misleading crooked sneaky unscrupulous tricky imitation underhanded cunning shady deluding cheating ersatz crafty canting sanctimonious two-timing self-righteous faked fishy wily stilted laboured designing dishonourable glib mannered false-hearted unprincipled delusive truthless hollow-hearted indirect fabricated pietistic bent dishonorable put on artful corrupt labored beguiling forged fallacious pharisaical pious synthetic stiff foxy dodgy subtle traitorous unsound sharp manufactured scheming jivey oily feigning delusory cod fictitious wrong smooth fakey undependable recreant dubious captious pharisaic man-made dummy unconvincing insidious substitute smooth-spoken roguish knavish smooth-tongued goody-goody defrauding double-crossing so-called faux imaginary make-believe meretricious slim holier-than-thou fickle moralistic bland caviling assuming equivocal self-conscious not genuine calculating back-stabbing actorly cavilling inauthentic imitative mimic reproduction unfair incorrect immoral ostensible unreal invalid theatrical inaccurate perjured erroneous wooden superficial Machiavellian rascally fast rogue conniving studied unfounded seeming Pharisaic Pharisaical unethical furtive oblique casuistic sophistical questionable overripe shonky posed not to be depended on fair-weather not dependable fly-by-night not to be trusted overworked professed swindling shrewd ham hammy pi campy unveracious churchy concocted Tartuffian inexact avowed inconstant disreputable apparent hoodwinking quasi- Punic religiose distorted clandestine imitated faulty mealy-mouthed astucious flawed dirty plausible replica illegal constrained stagy economical with the truth facsimile mistaken imprecise snaky imposturous treasonable apocryphal adulterous forsworn prevaricating fibbing equivocating counterfactual sneaking improper off wicked misrepresentative colored bluffing invented formal villainous coloured cooked-up to keep up appearances mala fide dual rehearsed uncandid backstabbing overblown illusory improvised intentionally misleading hypocritic unfrank not entirely truthful terminologically inexact flimsy smart manmade derivative surface double dealing unjust model toy trick pretending rascal bum serpentine catchy amoral unlawful criminal purported insignificant weak unauthentic chemical cast nonnatural posey fly exploitative imagined not trustworthy malfeasant unspontaneous conceited melodramatic affectated awkward counterfeited playacting fraud for form's sake canny clever of bad faith alleged rigid inflexible bound begrudging coercive grudging binding conscripted slave stringent forcible made hokey makeshift constructed backbiting elusive sinister ironic illusive fanciful off the mark made up trumped up contrary to fact misrepresenting inventing misstating committing perjury falsifying sophistic paltering untrusty ambiguous virtual wannabe would-be self-styled pirate quasi devoid of validity paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic irresponsible fink iffy trustless uncertain falsified supposed quack charlatan shammed masked impostrous in name only covered concealed dissimulated salty ornery hostile illicit unsafe as it were not real not legit to all intents and purposes not kosher base unsporting surreptitious unsportsmanlike reticent doubtful afraid mincing hesitant euphemistic elaborate arty-farty precious scoundrelly falsehearted foul malevolent venal malicious mythomaniac apostate renegade mean empty ostentatious likely colorable vain presumable credible probable sophisticated baseless flattering illogical presumptive nugatory idle wreck uptight taut farfetched wired put unglued tight choked secret secretive smug priggish double-meaning double-edged covert back-alley hugger-mugger below the belt shrouded cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner in a state hard put nervous wreck strung out at end of rope simpering apish genteel highfaluting airish conscious artsy camp chichi seemingly correct murky backstairs snidey conspiratorial cagy cute cagey low-down moralizing diffident overdelicate restrained prim plausible but wrong apparently right self-satisfied superior errant obliquitous erring gimmicky faking one out under the table playing politics playing games not straightforward stuck up gone Hollywood pompous preachy censorious bigoted stuffy moralising astute stealthy too good to be true trumped-up low nefarious bad suspect suspicious nasty intriguing unsavoury sordid scandalous reprobate rapacious unconscionable contemptible despicable corruptible evil ignoble seedy unsavory plotting thieving degenerate shameless discreditable larcenous sticky-fingered cutthroat light-fingered shameful unpleasant pilfering bribable vile conscienceless grafting dirty-dealing buyable lawless kleptomaniacal rotten carny inequitable unprofessional mercenary deep sleazy depraved iniquitous inglorious scurvy predatory vicious thievish ingenious dark corrupted intelligent vulpine sinful spoliative plunderous piratic shabby dastardly ignominious arch disgraceful sketchy unworthy contriving cheap knowing abject wrongful slimy sharp-witted manipulative skilful skillful not cricket mean-spirited unregenerate stealing streetwise adroit mysterious purchasable nimble-fingered funny notorious irregular unloyal ruthless distasteful mischievous seamy unwarranted vulgar impish unwholesome cowardly arrant felonious tricksy fiendish illegitimate dissolute suborned ill-gotten beggarly detestable wretched licentious reprehensible grubby worthless dangerous petty deplorable scummy sorry warped low-minded out of order unstable changeable treasonous keen resourceful greasy dexterous against the rules pawky of dubious character dextrous on the take potentially illegal betraying snake in the grass contraband shadowy suspected disbelieved kleptic theftuous furacious corruptable wrongdoing conspiring unpredictable incorrigible unconscientious Byzantine stinky bootleg sleazoid sleazo queer macabre dicey mercentary praetorian stop-at-nothing abandoned profligate wanton tortuous indefensible raffish selfish degrading self-seeking degraded cowboy unjustifiable unsatisfactory unacceptable unjustified unreasonable uncalled for deviant bamboozling against the law obnoxious offensive devilish under the counter buccaneering fugitive collusive unhonest wayward repellent repulsive objectionable rough disagreeable rudderless acute unnecessary left- handed wry witted pixieish scampish pixie leprechaunish waggish puckish pixy prankish elvish observant heedful alert opportunist heads-up sub-rosa undercover hush-hush untrusted opportunistic pillaging plundering sagacious masterly adept inventive not on out of turn unsteady insecure hard to pin down mutable variable perilous ensnaring wormlike good-for-nothing expedient proficient politic frolicsome imaginative deft savvy nifty infamous prostituted grotty subversive seditious pinching shoplifting pocket-picking boorish uncouth revolting rude churlish coarse gross not to be relied upon rebellious lubricious avaricious grasping crazy like a fox doubting a bit much louche adopted wolfish mutinous experienced like a snake in the grass unrighteous black unseemly unqualified framed devised cooked up noisome repugnant filching flighty shocking simoniac simoniacal padded decadent breakaway negligent profiteering dud non-existent made-up flimflam scam unbelieving biased prejudiced street-smart street smart on the QT under wraps on the quiet open to bribery squalid ungentlemanly extortionate open over the fence a bit thick unconverted sceptical skeptical wavering capricious changeful fluctuating fabulous out misguided crazy like fox discriminatory abhorrent paltry outrageous opprobrious disorderly piratical mythical in error mythological under-the-table execrable unsportsmanly disgusting indecent crass tawdry abominable graceless of bad reputation shy unrespectable shoddy partisan low-life no-good odious unfactual nonfactual fictional lame currish scungy lousy beastly ratty scabby discriminating prejudicial partial unequal pitiable lowly lewd derogatory libidinous fast and loose off-color gone to the dogs weighted intolerant slanted preferential no good in bad in low esteem in the doghouse undue loaded unbalanced uneven arbitrary blameworthy culpable cruel grievous unrightful inexcusable injurious one-sided non-objective uncalled-for

Tính từ

Having a striking appearance or style, typically by being excessively bright, colourful, or ostentatious
showy flamboyant ostentatious brash gaudy pretentious conspicuous flash flashy garish loud splashy vulgar obtrusive ornate tasteless affected extravagant fancy glitzy kitsch over-elaborate theatrical arresting bodacious bold brilliant catchy commanding dramatic emphatic eye-catching fancy-pants grabby kenspeckle marked noisy noticeable OTT pompous prominent pronounced remarkable ritzy striking superfly swanky bling-bling dicty tawdry tinselly classy dashing glaring histrionic jazzy luxurious meretricious opulent overwrought peacocky resplendent screaming sensational snazzy splendiferous sumptuous swank tinsel tony over the top flaunting harsh razzle-dazzle trashy cheap brassy bright brummagem tacky specious grandiose crass glittery flaring lurid bling splurgy plastic superficial sham gimcrack pinchbeck gross dazzling raffish naff unrefined over-bright violent glittering distasteful unattractive bilious nauseating blatant kitschy chintzy brazen sickly low nasty common actorly chichi flaunted in bad taste sporty fussy exhibitionistic uptown gay spectacular jaunty crude high-flown arty-farty common as muck cheap and nasty colourful colorful obvious unmistakable vivid evident strong swashbuckling florid Brummagem salient manifest outstanding glamorous distinct bombastic vibrant shoddy lively decided clear outrageous shabby plain sleazy luxuriant stylish recognizable recognisable audacious magnificent nifty elaborate exciting rich splendid baroque definite patent flaming rococo notable impressive smart significant discernible palpable camp schlocky inferior brightly coloured distinguishable daring adventurous rubbishy worthless expensive shameless tatty cheapjack junky exuberant poor grand buoyant stately imposing rakish coarse catchpenny animated energetic glorious pizazzy pizzazzy apparent gallant signal plush confident elegant observable perceptible inescapable trumpery vivacious open clear-cut peacockish flagrant identifiable superb undeniable luscious pointed great arrestive easily seen distinguished in plain sight frowzy multicoloured multicolored cheap-looking broad startling whimsical arabesque cheap-jack paltry noted considerable flowery decorated casual informal saucy unspeakable festooned thick convivial merry trendy dirty offensive twopenny-halfpenny substantial assured orotund turgid tumid declamatory corinthian vain vaunting boastful egotistic natty decisive powerful conclusive fakey well marked forceful shocking daredevil defiant fun dominant predominant pizzazz frou-frou resounding telling pzazz imaginative stimulating effective interesting bright-coloured sharp intense brilliantly coloured forestanding beautiful gussied up graphic storming distinctive momentous positive written all over one sparkling to the fore in the foreground wild flakey flaky gassy protruding spiffy snappy schmick sassy thumping thundering barnstorming putting on the ritz intrusive protuberant thrusting in poor taste gorgeous lavish useless valueless fiery bloody fluorescent large looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory bad execrable cut-rate wretched low-grade terrible miserable cheesy rotten bum low-rent mediocre schlock trifling lousy second-rate bargain-basement out of place sticking out transparent overt glowering sanguine livid overbright spirited debonair unconcealed measurable detectable perceivable appreciable sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb standing out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb naked undisguised sheer el cheapo straightforward bald unabashed outright unashamed majestic impudent barefaced unblushing noble over the top OTT devil-may-care breezy venturesome august visible rank brass-necked indisputable cut-and-dried unembarrassed unmitigated insolent egregious arrant tinselled illustrious regal monumental unrepentant unsubtle romantic plucky dynamic attractive sensible noteworthy imperial proud without shame protrusive deliberate crying overbold royal prestigious heroic adventuresome enterprising hardy swish venturous free-swinging intrepid nerved nervy emboldened gutsy epic massive magnific heroical urbane dapper peppy Homeric right under your nose big as life can't miss it under one's nose in full view open and shut lofty fearless alert exclusive rousing keen palatial star-studded princely lordly baronial ample

Tính từ

Elegant and luxurious
ritzy deluxe gorgeous luxury palatial costly glittering magnificent splendid aristocratic classy elitist expensive fancy fancy-pants glamorous glitzy grandiose high-hat lavish lavishly appointed lush luxurious opulent persnickety plush plushy posh potty rich snobbish snobby snooty snotty stylish sumptuous swank swanky swish toffee-nosed upmarket chic choice cultivated dignified elaborate elegant exquisite fine grand handsome high-class Lucullan ornamented ornate ostentatious palatian refined snazzy stately stuffy graceful beautiful tasteful sophisticated fashionable artistic polished discerning classic modish delicate courtly urbane smart distinguished aesthetic charming cultured majestic lovely dashing select suave noble decorous nice genteel rare affected comely dainty debonair well-designed a la mode august esthetic well-bred stylized schmick well-dressed recherche superior exclusive upscale luxuriant extravagant pretentious luxe trendy impressive silken Babylonian imposing resplendent Lucullian luscious showy splendiferous palace tony flashy superb princely regal pompous prestigious proud fit for a queen fit for a king de luxe high-toned sharp glorious dazzling immoderate spectacular dicty splashy upper-class stuck-up monumental affluent indulgent snappy well-appointed awe-inspiring arrogant uppity high and mighty condescending prodigal conceited haughty breathtaking lux imperial tinselled cosmopolitan first-class glossy elite splendacious magnolious sybaritic chichi well appointed comfortable swankish epicurean flamboyant patronizing flash la-di-da sensuous special quality supercilious high-end formal hoity-toity striking up-market exalted royal spiffy upholstered kingly epic exciting exuberant massive gallant baronial patronising heroic heroical magnific hedonistic Homeric tinsel attractive pampered bling swell fascinating self-indulgent with-it disdainful high-quality champagne illustrious sensual voguish aloof jet-setting voluptuous top-drawer cliquish intemperate in cool fresh profligate uppish embellished egotistic toplofty self-important snippy lofty sassy brilliant profuse abundant baroque great in the lap of luxury sovereign upper-crust frilly sublime yuppie towering profusive posh-looking peacocky spacious five-star coffee-table finest heavenly overindulgent hedonic large-scale selective happening supercool hip egotistical cavalier high pleasure-seeking comfy arty prestige high-born premier pricey loaded high fashion high-society trendsetting well-off valuable precious famous velvet riotous fit for a prince lordly rich-looking super highbrow discriminatory limited fit for a princess well produced stunning elevated marvelous dear ultra beyond price wild private on a high horse outstanding awesome uptown mod divine transcendent radiant unreasonable exaggerated excessive wasteful unrestrained au courant swishy commanding arresting cliquey thriftless copious improvident clannish star-studded marvellous intricate on fleek in vogue swagger sprauncy plummy larney effusive unstinging over-the-top openhanded high class decorative stimulating thrilling out of this world upper crust brave splendorous splendrous decorated chi-chi ornamental overbearing remote high-flown high-and-mighty sniffy rococo gaudy adorned sexy colourful exotic magnifico A-grade fly natty dress busy fussy solid gold kicky high profile hot fast-lane extreme devilish dressy with it prime fanciful jazzy easy gratifying pleasurable froufrou florid fancible custom beautifying unusual cushy highfalutin dressed up looking sharp putting on airs colorful pleasure-loving in high feather dressed to kill OTT over the top dressed to the nines alluring entrancing cocky smug charismatic bewitching enchanting seductive appealing cheeky intriguing captivating beguiling impertinent fetching luring irresistible magnetic tantalizing elfin engaging glam highfalutin' well dressed siren tantalising foxy righteous desirable nifty looking like a million drop-dead gorgeous puffed up la-de-da smart-alecky know-it-all

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(of a quality or result) Achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort
studied calculated deliberate measured careful conscious considered intentional knowing purposeful thoughtful mannered volitional advised affected artificial contrived designed feigned forced guarded labored laboured planned premeditated reasoned strained studious thought-out weighed well-considered wilful aforethought examined investigated overworked plotted prepared prepense reviewed self-conscious thought-about thought-through voluntary willful willing gone into intended purposive preconceived done on purpose pre-planned willed witting prearranged set thought out in advance purposed strategic contemplated judicious determined well-thought-out well thought out unforced predetermined wanton designful prudent thought out deliberately planned rational on purpose aimed meant computed cold-blooded meditated reasoning reflective responsible preconcerted informed laid-out rigged fixed sewn-up set-up proposed cogent lucid methodical circumspect sensible justified intelligent commonsense predestined framed up stacked deck contracted anticipated scrupulous planned out learned thought through well advised well-founded well chosen tactical sober pondered provident politic well thought-out organized organised diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected carefully chosen cunning well-planned outlined prospective estimated selected with care rehearsed optional discretionary open schemed predesigned predeterminate express elective discretional unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory permissive uncompelled spontaneous independent unprescribed free-willed controlled freely gratuitous wished autonomous unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted with forethought with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice destined programmed meditative expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan contemplative cognizant mindful wary aware planful cut-and-dried cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing deliberative directed steered marked free unprompted volunteered unsolicited settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated

Tính từ

Inclined to waste or squander money or resources
wasteful extravagant prodigal profligate spendthrift thriftless improvident lavish squandering uneconomical unthrifty careless excessive high-rolling imprudent needless reckless ruinous cavalier destructive dissipative immoderate incontinent inefficient liberal overgenerous pound-foolish profuse squandered useless wanton wild supererogative supererogatory not needed irresponsible free-spending heedless thoughtless shiftless negligent inconsiderate shortsighted intemperate rash uneconomic short-sighted feckless myopic incautious throwaway impetuous hasty self-indulgent indulgent bad with money uncontrolled dissolute dissipated overextravagant frivolous gratuitous unreserved unrestrained fickle unfettered fitful outrageous fluctuating fanciful uncalled-for unthinking ill-considered injudicious ill-advised foolhardy foolish impulsive unconsidered indiscreet unwise unwary impolitic overhasty stupid irrational hotheaded misguided ill-judged precipitate mindless unguarded headlong madcap brash silly unintelligent senseless immature impractical inadvisable temerarious imperceptive witless slapdash short-term harum-scarum premature harebrained unsound devil-may-care naive hare-brained idiotic brainless inept imbecilic blind unsagacious astigmatic moronic bold inappropriate headstrong unimaginative adventurous venturous venturesome ill-conceived inane reactive inattentive unobservant precipitant neglectful jumping to conclusions illogical unreasonable unmindful unthought-out idiotical knee-jerk dim-witted near-sighted scatterbrained crackbrained nonsensical clueless lacking foresight daring indelicate graceless tactless undiplomatic damfool fiery frenzied audacious determined furious insuppressible passionate inadvertent blithe uncaring remiss unsafe sloppy forgetful asinine unheeding unwatchful careless of regardless childish hot-headed undesirable unfortunate playing with fire lamebrained nearsighted unreasoning unreasoned simpleminded meaningless pointless futile nonrational lamebrain fruitless birdbrained half-witted spur-of-the-moment not thought through ad hoc badly thought out misjudged short-range restricted limited wrong-headed risky insensitive unsympathetic offhand uncircumspect abstracted napping unreflective oblivious uncreative ill-thought-out unadventurous narrow-minded narrow small-minded absent-minded ignorant ridiculous fatuous absurd ludicrous laughable risible farcical preposterous dumb provincial insular parochial crazy obtuse daft derisive wacky dopey derisory comical doltish off-guard indifferent unalert uncautious wary unvigilant hurried pathetic cockamamy cockamamie lax sudden disregardful irreflective caught napping asleep at the wheel fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful leading with one's chin any old way off guard asleep on the job foot-in-mouth pay no mind heedless of without regard regardless of taking no notice of paying no heed to disregardful of unconscious of inattentive to neglectful of blind to deaf to not paying attention oblivious to unheeding of giddy tearaway featherbrained flighty fast and loose asleep at the switch out to lunch feather-brained unadvisable inexpedient leaving self wide open off the deep end

Tính từ

Detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements
elaborate complex complicated detailed intricate involved convoluted sophisticated thorough painstaking particularised particularized tangled extensive fancy full particular studied tortuous byzantine careful complicate daedal entangled exact involute involuted laboured labyrinthian labyrinthine minute perfected precise serpentine baffling bewildering circumstantial confusing gingerbread impenetrable imposing inextricable knotty labored prodigious skilful skillful many-faceted overworked refined Byzantine Daedalian Gordian blow-by-blow highly wrought high tech baroque difficult meticulous perplexing hard tricky exhaustive puzzling thorny confused complete unfathomable comprehensive obscure delicate in-depth undecipherable accurate problematical fiddly tough deep interlaced recondite inscrutable abstruse mystifying enigmatic advanced specific subtle scrupulous explicit jumbled rigorous ornate close sweeping cryptic nuanced problematic troublesome itemized winding multifaceted serious all-inclusive mazy mixed fine multifarious methodical all-embracing demanding intensive profound challenging encyclopedic mixed up itemised exquisite encyclopaedic incomprehensible confounding mind-bending difficult to understand full of twists and turns elaborated radical seriatim punctilious thoroughgoing devious circuitous drawn-out mixed-up strict variegated heterogeneous long-drawn-out fastidious heavy muddled searching systematic sedulous total dainty all-encompassing cumbersome ramified widespread high-tech strenuous nice dense knotted terrible maze-like finicky ravelled hairsplitting awkward esoteric fathomless definite insoluble arduous raveled unanswerable Daedalean hi-tech formidable gnarly plotty long-winded layered inordinate messy mazelike state-of-the-art scrambled chaotic clever gimmicky new labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthal labyrinthiform labyrinthic taxing drastic developed faithful selective insolvable enumerated composite compounded miscellaneous multiplex mosaic mingled multiple manifold multiform conglomerate motley compound sinuous twisted intertwined interwoven extreme revolutionary intrinsic topical in depth point-by-point rococo daunting operose spiny hairy reticular effortful uphill profuse abundant plentiful lavish rich copious ample stage by stage step by step at length major appropriate actual dark liberal sufficient elite personal immediate disconcerting perfect can of worms experienced satisfying concentrated intense weighty murky hidden concealed elegant finical faultless exclusive high-level higher-level in detail broad-ranging uncanny worrying firsthand direct penetrating unintelligible abstract unclear all-out concerted fine-drawn persnickety superior finicking orderly finespun nifty mind-boggling inexplicable top-level absolute essential elemental vigorous all-absorbing untold ambiguous above one's head hard to solve vexing beyond comprehension rambling beyond one's grasp enigmatical unsolvable hard to explain mysterious paradoxical hazy mystical thought-provoking opaque over one's head ultra-fine hairline dead on winning unerring incorrupted well-crafted consummate intimate special categorical unqualified critical assiduous conscientious clocklike specialised specialized as clear as mud hard to understand first-hand explosive heavy-duty violent vehement excruciating vicious fearsome hellacious ghastly high-pressure fierce dreadful determined blistering furious resolute keen acute ferocious almighty fearful frightful well-made well-executed out-and-out persistent accelerated fast severe insistent speeded-up polished compendious cyclopedic efficient embracive panoramic inclusive omnibus universal leaving no stone unturned cover-all all-in broad-gauge broad-gauged ticklish sticky sensitive prickly touchy catchy tricksy dodgy arcane unaccountable controversial nasty beyond one wildering occult trying dicey uncertain precarious vexed mystic befuddling Delphic cabalistic secret risky irksome bothersome cabbalistic vexatious hermetic hermetical surprising concerning emotive nettlesome volatile little known misleading rarefied embarrassing disorienting upsetting acroamatic orphic impossible dangerous unstable unpredictable uncomfortable rocky pedantic sibylline secretive bamboozling oracular recherché clear as mud out of one's depth weird strange unintuitive private perplexed amazing peculiar odd funny loaded vague stunning astonishing eye-popping staggering inner unpleasant bemusing frustrating hypermetric pluridimensional contradictory inconsistent harassing ungraspable stupefying astounding magical indivisible inseparable tender contentious disarranged disorganized muddling impossible to understand indiscernible fiendish roundabout indirect like herding cats provocative problem heated incognizable indecipherable sphinxlike unknowable oblique kid-glove Greek to me varied disordered full of surprises beyond you blurring unsettling echinated briery annoying stimulating pointed divisive scandalous veiled kittle inaccessible unsteady clear as dishwater multidimensional muddlesome mistakable clandestine unstraightforward hard to follow shadowy devilish disorganised capricious temperamental mercurial chancy changeable kaleidoscopic inconstant fickle variable covert shrouded verbose lengthy overlong deceptive irreducible hair-trigger perverse cunning indissoluble impossible to separate devil of a very devil of a clouded cloaked fussbudgety choosy choosey picky old-maidish exacting pernickety fussy unrevealed onerous grievous stormy te intolerable rough oppressive laborious harsh solemn grave nebulous anagogic cloak-and-dagger black difficult to follow touch-and-go little-known Alexandrian scholarly academic out-of-the-way inefficient heightened unwieldy wasteful undependable quirky nitpicking slow-moving slow badly organized

Động từ

Past participle for to express or describe in exaggerated terms
exaggerated overstated overplayed overemphasised overemphasized amplified dramatised dramatized magnified colored coloured embellished embroidered inflated overdramatized overembellished overdrawn overused belaboured blown up carried done to death gone overboard with piled on belabored camped up fatigued hammed up hyped overburdened overestimated overindulged overloaded overrated overreached overtaxed overtired overvalued overworked overwrought pressured puffed put on stretched straught driven oneself gone overboard laid it on thick made a thing about made a thing of pulled the longbow run riot strained oneself talked big worn down gone too far laid it on laid something on thick made a big thing about made a big thing of made a production of made federal case worn oneself out bitten off too much blown up out of all proportion laid it on with a trowel made a mountain out of a molehill made a production out of run into the ground made a big deal out of overstressed hyperbolized padded enhanced elaborated fudged overpitched built up catastrophized fleshed out enlarged expanded aggrandized dwelled on piled it on increased gone to extremes elaborated on augmented stretched the truth hammed it up blown out of proportion emphasized misrepresented exalted overstrained overstretched misreported boosted emphasised made too much of heightened lied falsified strained misust abused misused maximized pyramided romanticised romanticized made a federal case of made a big thing out of overemployed labored laboured maximised stressed hiked fabricated misquoted bragged boasted distorted harped on varnished intensified overcharged played up spread drawn the long bow touched up laid it on with a shovel spread on thick put a spin on burdened filled out stretched out spun out eked out lengthened taxed bitten off more than you can chew overacted accented mugged accentuated overstated the case charged loaded loaden overwritten labored at got carried away shown off pointed up showed off protracted aggravated hackneyed puffed up made a mountain out of made mountain of molehill given someone a sob story overexposed stereotyped dwelled upon dwelt upon gilded gilt oversold added detail to gingered up added flesh to jazzed up exaggerated information enlarged on dressed up gone into detail about made mountain out of molehill yeasted distended overelaborated vulgarized supercharged swelled extended pumped up swollen rehashed repeated pounded escalated added colour attached too much importance to attached too much weight to laid too much stress on disguised crammed upped scammed widened bloated romanced overexaggerated ballooned caricatured filled surcharged corrupted made something out of nothing vulgarised manipulated perverted garbled prettied up laid on cooked up shot a line drawn the longbow loud talked piled it on about gone over the top about gone on and on about driven up beefed up swelled up blown out of all proportion swollen up gone up soft-soaped paid extravagant compliments sweet-talked overdone it embellished the truth laid on with a trowel given fulsome praise laid it on thick about faked massaged belied bended bent misrelated poisoned airbrushed misstated big upped bigged up blown something out of all proportion beaten a dead horse gone on about hammered home laid it on with a trowel about made a drama out of a crisis cooked misinterpreted quoted out of context glossed over taken out of context given a false account of emphasized too much

Động từ

Past participle for to be better than (something)
gone beyond outdone outrun overhauled overshot overtaken passed risen above surpassed transcended beat run circles around put in the shade put to shame run rings around bettered beaten topped eclipsed outstripped capped outshone outshined excelled outclassed bested outdistanced surmounted outreached outgunned outmatched overshadowed overtopped extinguished outrivaled outrivalled outvied outpaced towered over exceeded left standing overtaxed out-distanced distanced outstepped had advantage broken record had a jump on gone by gone above gone one better than knocked spots off had it all over gotten upper hand trumped outperformed done better than towered above outranked gone one better improved upon left behind overrun run rings round cut across overstepped upstaged trounced defeated outplayed improved on outgone towered outhussled blown away broken bypassed won against taken precedence run by beaten hollow overpassed wiped the floor with shot ahead of cut overreached stood head and shoulders above cut by predominated outweighed walked away from own overridden put someone in the shade gotten ahead of stood above cut up blown out of the water dominated triumphed over won the race ranked gotten the better of owned clobbered won led outgalloped leaded triumphed crushed waxed outmanoeuvred outsmarted got the upper hand over outwitted outflanked gained the advantage over scooped got one over on outcompeted transformed dwarfed thrown into the shade left in the shade left in the dust undertaken gone faster than pulled ahead of got past gone past gotten past left outmaneuvered

Động từ

Past participle for to make someone tired
tired out exhausted tired bankrupted conked out crippled debilitated disabled done in drained drawn enervated enfeebled fatigued frazzled impoverished overexerted overextended overfatigued overtired overworked overwrought petered out pooped pooped out prostrated run ragged sapped sucked dry taken it out of tuckered used up weakened worn down worn out wearied run into the ground overtaxed worn knocked out harassed shattered knackered broken killed busted outworn tuckered out rooted washed out nearly killed fagged out wiped out done up made tired worn oneself to a shadow worn oneself to a frazzle taken it out of one wore out did in broke brake outwore wore did up drew overdid ran into the ground ran ragged wore down wore oneself to a shadow took it out of one wore oneself to a frazzle devitalized incapacitated jaded taxed wasted etiolated bushed whacked softened put out of action undermined immobilized paralysed depleted paralyzed immobilised flagged indisposed hurt impaired torpefied laid low took it out of made weak made feeble put to sleep handicapped ruined attenuated blunted dropped strained diminished languished succumbed wore to a frazzle worn to a frazzle drooped fizzled hamstrung hamstringed overstrained overburdened wrecked harmed marred unstrengthened lay low beat defeated bored unnerved sunken sank sunk bedraggled sagged reduced depressed withered destroyed emasculated made weary pained failed eviscerated rendered infirm disarmed hit the wall shagged out exploited overloaded drained of energy made powerless damaged sapped the strength of mutilated maimed inactivated spoilt sabotaged battered pinioned totaled muzzled hogtied unfitted unbraced totalled rendered incapable kiboshed hocked mangled spoiled shot down felled floored disinterested turned off levelled leveled downed hebetated vexed palled on discomforted palled stupefied stultified vext worn on wore on atrophied bore made sleepy exasperated mowed folded collapsed ennuied annoyed ennuyed sickened wilted sent to sleep fainted eroded unhinged vitiated burdened knocked down disempowered knocked over shrivelled emaciated shriveled plagued hindered encumbered injured hampered extenuated exenterated disembowelled disemboweled left cold mowed down drowsed bowled over shrunk consumed bonked oppressed weighed faded glutted bowled down halted grown weary grew weary made helpless made impotent disfigured pillaged fleeced beggared corroded gnawed brought someone to their knees stopped jammed bored stiff bored to death bored rigid caused weariness turned one off bored to tears talked one's ear off bored stupid bored out of one's mind brought low caused ennui lamed disenabled deactivated pauperized run out of steam run down stressed out become drained broke down become exhausted clamped disqualified crippled financially made inoperative actioned prevented from working rendered inoperative reduced to beggary cleaned out taken out took out brought down threw monkey wrench in restricted made unfit rendered powerless brought to a halt thrown monkey wrench in lost interest confined to bed spiked prevented from moving rendered inactive brought to ruin invalidated arrested confined to a wheelchair tied brought to a standstill fell grown weary on grew weary on beaten overdriven overdrove overthrew overthrown taken took gave out went stale gone stale given out saped your strength sapped your strength grown tired grew tired bent one's ear shrank shrunken got the better of gotten the better of frozen froze gnawn gnew ran out of steam got tired gotten tired became exhausted ran down broken down became drained eaten away ate away