Từ đồng nghĩa của fantastical

Tính từ

Contrary to reason, truth or logic
marvellous marvelous bizarre fantastic outlandish weird wondrous absurd amazing astonishing astounding awesome breathtaking crazy divine extraordinary fabulous far-fetched glorious incredible mad out of this world prodigious remarkable ridiculous sensational spectacular splendid strange stupendous superb terrific unbelievable wild wonderful fanciful unreal preposterous foolish insane nonsensical ludicrous exotic romantic wacky glamorous unthinkable silly curious outrageous extravagant implausible hare-brained unusual unreasonable eccentric odd senseless bizarro peculiar glamourous zany slang idiotic illogical fatuous whimsical inane irrational farcical asinine whacky offbeat daft loony harebrained off the wall nutty crackpot comical stupid cockamamie kooky kookie queer off-the-wall grotesque pointless lunatic brainless cockeyed witless imaginative looney cuckoo half-baked laughable freakish quirky risible balmy unwise imbecilic singular funny unconventional cock-eyed dotty freaky featherheaded half-witted foolhardy impracticable creative incongruous irresponsible original abnormal inconceivable quixotic monstrous shocking ill-conceived mysterious derisory illusory outré mindless surreal crackbrained chimerical simpleminded unrealistic daffy flighty unfamiliar screwball dippy lunkheaded bubbleheaded oddball screwy barmy sappy cockamamy weak-minded kinky out of the ordinary way out unique unworkable imprudent phenomenal fascinating goofy fancy dreamlike mystifying left-field rum baffling puzzling puerile striking reckless incomprehensible funky weirdo colourful chimeric surprising quaint unlikely arresting impractical droll improbable different meaningless exceptional spaced-out out there eye-catching alluring dubious imaginary off-kilter doubtful uncommon capricious inept jerky fool tomfool grandiose interesting derisive visionary unimaginable pathetic unorthodox atypical batty moronic erratic potty derisible uncanny aberrant colorful avant-garde unexpected freak out-of-the-way make-believe far-out out of sight ornate enigmatic Gothic gothic baroque romanesque madcap vacuous untenable deviating sublime ill-considered scatterbrained contemptible ill-advised unpractical rash dumb unintelligent injudicious off your head mischievous playful irregular perplexing sick dope foolheaded feather-brained extremely foolish off beam full of holes stupidly irresponsible unaccountable weird and wonderful giddy incautious thoughtless inexplicable waggish exorbitant deviant excellent cranky outre queerish wacko daggy unbalanced flaky way-out out of the way off-beat off the rails bugged out ill rare over the top idiosyncratic O.T.T. too much a bit much OTT charismatic exciting intriguing appealing captivating charming crotchety off-centre stunning notable momentous miraculous unforgettable unconvincing incredulous dicey flakey amusing humorous quizzical random chancy uncertain old-fashioned witty arbitrary very good fetching beguiling seductive engaging foreign-looking Bohemian attractive alternative special unwonted uncustomary noteworthy conspicuous unconceivable misleading ambitious uncompelling artificial hilarious exceeding extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial eye-popping unco preternatural unaccustomed aberrated anomalous tremendous illusive suppositious extreme hallucinatory amazeballs heavy flash gnarly forby provocative riveting compelling nostalgic magical external enticing extrinsic extraneous peregrine outside inconsistent unheard-of off beaten path never to be forgotten cock-and-bull out of the common avant garde far out from abroad expressive adventurous chivalrous fresh dreamy inspired artistic mythical inventive poetic originative artful brilliant radical fertile ingenious genius experimental innovative keen innovational vivid phantasmal revolutionary phantasmic astute Promethean head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky mercurial wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist infantile crazy-ass wackadoo short-sighted beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate unnatural untypical novel eerie divergent unheard of spooky uncharacteristic unknown foreign alien fishy new suspicious unrepresentative perverse out in left field isolated unparalleled perverted questionable creepy devious deviate aberrational individual obscure outstanding off-center unpredictable unordinary supernatural something else twisted distorted distinctive heteroclite unfathomable non-typical scarce infrequent inscrutable distinct characteristic jarring nonstandard warped in left field esoteric bohemian confusing anomalistic dilly befuddling arcane untried distinguished impenetrable heterodox memorable unconforming bent incoherent malformed confounding off-key recondite nonconforming off the beaten track individualistic awe-inspiring unintelligible incomparable unexplainable nuts unearthly unexplored signal hard to swallow insoluble wayward suspect particular paranormal mystical unforeseen secret contrary equivocal rogue disparate prominent unanticipated dumfounding beat ghostly mystic significant off-base unknowable groundbreaking out of line off-color labored laboured occult startling unexampled mind-boggling unhealthy one of a kind newfangled corrupt exclusive distinguishing pervy cracked chance dark specialized sicko gonzo hippy progressive maverick informal stupefying deep hidden boho deviative sporadic exaggerated elaborate dubitable non-standard fluky newsworthy shady specific awkward concealed unceremonious flamboyant atypic eminent refreshing comic out-there cool unhinged demented impressive disputable debatable rummy unlike out of place unsolvable flustering overwhelming staggering dumbfounding superhuman whacko magic untraditional beyond comprehension farfetched specialised digressive seldom supernormal transcendental transcendent off the air other-worldly transgressing dramatic inexplainable abstruse awful flimsy jolting unannounced heretical muddling psycho mental unmatched unequalled unrivalled wandering metaphysical otherworldly wildering few and far between unrivaled beyond understanding forced numinous beyond belief matchless unexcelled unequaled jaw-dropping thin on the ground variant record peerless beyond your ken pioneering remote in a league of its own without equal beyond compare ground-breaking sui generis without parallel first-time supermundane little known uninvestigated superior depraved very unique very unusual oddish offhand unsavoury sadistic degenerated degenerate masochistic skittish advanced immoral licentious custom customized signature personalized unrecognized eccentrical alternate other intricate dissimilar vagarious changeable teratoid fitful excentrical wigged out schizoid schizo crinkly twisty unsavory typical kookish egregious few nondescript unrecognised disconsonant irrelevant inapropos incongruent like nothing on earth loner Kafkaesque rococo deformed discordant private representative essential not tightly wrapped marginal straying rambling pretend imitation concocted ersatz made-up staged shaky dodgy disquieting doubtable barbarous misshapen ugly problematical problematic limited defective out of keeping occasional personal touched very different unharmonious psychic breaking new ground hideous unsightly seldom seen very unconventional indecipherable indescribable undefinable insolvable disconcerting rad hippie ultramodern contemporary groovy modern modernistic mod inimitable varying overblown funny peculiar unworldly not typical burlesque unnormal heteromorphic misproportioned anarchistic out of the box flabbergasting blindsiding errant customised personalised altered imported not prepared ready bonkers untruthful untrue embellished fabricated dishonest false gelastic devastating portentous dissident heretic dissenting nonorthodox iconoclastic dissentient mangled mutilated gnarled loopy clownish inconsequential contrived diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying one and only diagnostical improper unsuitable illegal unnerving unsettling impossible hyperbolic unbelieveable strained unapt all your own beatnik sectarian schismatic anarchic unhandsome unbeautiful homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile ill-favored uncomely crackers maniacal scatty fruity haywire gaga meshuga brainsick deranged crazed loco maniac wud unsound bedlam meshugge bughouse psychotic bats moonstruck certifiable overdone hokey nonplussing discomfiting nonplusing dismaying upsetting eye-opening extramundane phantom non-rational hypernormal embroidered undependable untrustworthy iffy histrionic arguable unreliable scarcely credible difficult to believe hard to take beyond the bounds of possibility not normal off the beaten path fugly huckery loony tunes looney tunes mind-blowing supranatural spectral cock and bull tall blown up non compos mentis all-time shattering eldritch acting crazy grody surrealistic gross antic ill-favoured fortuitous unforeseeable surprise fairy invisible celestial unrevealed mythological legendary superordinary ghostlike uncomprehensible eery spookish haunting complicated ghastly horrific dreadful ominous fearful cryptic noticeable uncouth supernal enigmatical unexplained ambiguous murky unsolved obvious marked evident veiled manifest salient sibylline stealthy unmistakable clear-cut visible strong elliptical subjective cagey difficult elliptic kenspeckle noisy drop-dead splashy pronounced bold showy clear bodacious grabby commanding catchy dazzling emphatic double-edged gee-whizz appreciable forcible observable perceptible telling powerful jazzy lofty dynamite forceful cogent arrestive electrifying

Tính từ

Existing only in the imagination
imaginary conceptual imaginative quixotic romantic unreal utopian whimsical capricious chimeric chimerical illusive illusory visionary fictitious fantastic fanciful imagined mythical fictional mythic fabulous invented phantasmal phantasmic made-up ideal pretend fantasied imaginal notional phantom make-believe fictive hallucinatory delusive dreamlike suppositious fabricated legendary fancied sham nonexistent untrue delusory fake fantasy concocted false hypothetical supposititious dreamed-up phantasmagoric pseudo mythological storybook figmental apocryphal fairy-tale seeming misleading ostensible pretended devised theoretical unsubstantial non-existent mistaken fallacious apparent semblant blue-sky simulated mock fabled synthetic artificial shadowy spurious phoney made up trumped up phony incredible phantasmagorical assumed abstract deceitful fantasized dream dreamy idealized deceptive wild spectral feigned folkloric virtual apparitional absurd insubstantial bogus imagal hyped up faux allegorical extravagant product of someone's imagination play-play storied idealised symbolic symbolical fool's paradise thought up poetic fraudulent unbelievable imitation traditional fantasised all in one's head aerial out of this world surreal nightmarish psychedelic phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic Kafkaesque phantasmagorian bizarre trumped-up vain unfounded chimeral specious imitative unrealistic estimated academic dummy ersatz heroic improvised manufactured proverbial created out of thin air queer conceived contrived factitious mimic substitute counterfeit man-made created dreamt up forged prepared acted all in the mind in your head unattainable parabolic unheard of make believe unworkable ivory-towered unachievable unfeasible impracticable impractical Utopian intangible immaterial nebulous far-fetched preposterous impalpable insincere ridiculous curious mercurial unnatural weird reproduction reachy replica tall transcendental unearthly high-flown mental transcendent crackpot out-of-reach ivory-tower offbeat flakey unlikely kinky flaky far out fairy tale floating in the clouds pie-in-the-sky cock and bull hard to swallow blue sky hard to take pipe dream pie in the sky castles in the air on cloud nine ethereal supposed figment of someone's imagination daydreaming mythologic otherworldly idealistic epic musing preoccupied vague abstracted pensive speculative misty excellent astral introspective marvelous introvertive marvellous wistful out of touch with reality larger-than-life filled with dreams illusionary delusional deceiving hollow gentle woolgathering lulling soothing calming relaxing misguided erroneous oneiric wonderful Barmecidal Barmecide float dream-filled dreaming distracted meditative inattentive thoughtful reflective distrait ruminative absent rapt absent-minded wool-gathering absorbed moony faraway beautiful superb far away in a brown study in a reverie with your head in the clouds miles away lost in thought inventive flighty optimistic exaggerated idealist hopeful idyllic unpractical quixotical in a world of one's own head in the clouds improbable starry Panglossian Micawberish starry-eyed head-in-the-clouds

Tính từ

That cannot be conceived
unconceivable incredible unbelievable implausible inconceivable unthinkable unimaginable fantastic improbable unconvincing incredulous uncompelling impossible doubtful dubious weak fishy suspect thin flimsy unsubstantial unreasonable reachy farfetched obscure problematic puzzling shaky full of it too much won't wash far out full of holes won't hold water for the birds unlikely beyond belief preposterous extraordinary incogitable hard to swallow questionable fanciful absurd staggering far-fetched ridiculous scarcely credible cock-and-bull unrealistic unimagined mind-boggling astonishing outlandish rare mind-blowing hard to believe out of the question astounding unheard-of incomprehensible unknowable breathtaking amazing tall strained insupposable laboured exceptional unique singular unordinary uncommon unheard of strange labored phony highly unlikely phoney hard to take not in the least likely difficult to believe cock and bull beyond the bounds of possibility debatable not likely unplausible illogical not on unusual insupportable ludicrous imcomprehensible beyond possibility extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful unreal extremely difficult to believe won't fly beyond reason infeasible reaching harebrained flakey kooky screwy cockamamie scatterbrained flaky cockeyed lamebrained not to be thought of unsound past belief open to doubt jaw-dropping eye-popping unpersuasive specious trifling feeble lame remote unsatisfactory inadequate pathetic ponderous transparent ineffectual shallow forced poor unimpressive ineffable half-baked not convincing unspeakable unutterable untold fabulous indescribable inapprehensible unthought of undreamed-of overwhelming undreamed of not understandable beyond the realm of reason beyond wildest dreams beyond your wildest dreams phenomenal untenable uncredible rings phony not able to hold water miraculous wonderful stunning remarkable marvellous stupendous awesome wondrous marvelous tenuous surprising sensational prodigious false eye-opening spectacular unprecedented outstanding thrilling tremendous outrageous groundless fallacious incongruous slight superficial iffy out of the ordinary magnificent unparalleled nonsensical unacceptable superlative brilliant surpassing exciting terrific stellar insufficient frivolous unusually good extravagant controvertible dishonest awful portentous sublime sketchy baseless intense faint ungrounded inane wishful slim out of this world too good to be true contemptible assailable weakly striking stupefying awe-inspiring impressive mind-altering hallucinatory outside chance meagre meager psychedelic trivial unforeseen unexpected likely uncertain contrary untoward insubstantial paltry unthought-of unhoped-for unanticipated unsuspected undreamt-of unlooked-for vague flawed irrational bewildering supernatural confounding less likely contradictory faulty nebulous unsubstantiated inconclusive exaggerated inept puerile unapt fascinating legendary immense threadbare amazeballs unsustainable unsupportable invalid irreconcilable senseless indefensible spurious hollow rad exceeding notable extraordinaire especial peculiar odd atypical preternatural unwonted abnormal aberrated aberrant freak uncustomary anomalous better than expected impracticable hundred-to-one vapid misleading overblown supercalifragilisticexpialidocious airy illegitimate unreasoning nutty wacky vain inconsequent inconsequential nonrational fatuous unfounded unreasoned substantial huge great embellished fabricated suspicious dubitable untruthful untrue out-of-this-world weak-kneed flat not expected top drawer beyond one's wildest dreams shady laughable bizarre hyperbolic farcical incoherent extra special novel new unfamiliar unknown stimulating self-contradictory off the wall slim and none stirring exhilarating rousing electrifying distorted disputable undependable equivocal untrustworthy embroidered histrionic arguable unreliable inspiring intoxicating galvanizing blown up shocking fresh unaccustomed offensive extreme undiscovered original charged exhilarative electric galvanic complicated kicky unsung unremarked disgraceful ground-breaking unregarded unexampled outside unsupported erroneous little-known unrenowned nameless marginal off rip-roaring galvanising mind-bending heart-stopping hair-raising unbacked little known moving cherished special touching perfect magical dicey fractional distant frail slender imperceptible diminished minute negligible nominal tiny isolated small fragile inconsiderable never before encountered ill-founded lacking substance

Tính từ

Bearing good value, worth or reliability
quality excellent reliable valuable worthy good amazing awesome certified exceptional beautiful brilliant desirable divine elegant enviable exclusive exquisite extraordinary fantastic glorious illustrious impressive incredible invaluable magnificent marvellous outstanding perfect phenomenal premium sensational spectacular stunning super superb superior supreme wonderful accomplished admirable advanced applaudable attractive blue-ribbon bodacious bosting capital choice class classic commendable crowning deluxe distinguished dominant dynamite elite eminent estimable exemplary fabulous famous fancy fine first-class first-rate frontline grand great groovy heavenly high hot ideal immense incomparable laudable legit lofty lovely marvelous matchless mega meritorious mint neat nifty noble notable noted outrageous peerless phat praiseworthy preeminent pre-eminent priceless prime primo prizewinning rare ripping select smashing sovereign special splendid stellar sterling striking stupendous sublime superlative supernal swell terrific tiptop top top-level topnotch top-notch transcendent tremendous unparalleled unreal unrivalled unrivaled unsurpassed vintage wicked bang-up banner blue-chip boffo bonnie bonny boss brag brave bully bumper cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy dope down fab fantabulous first-string five-star four-star gangbuster gangbusters gilt-edge gone hype jim-dandy keen mean number one numero uno par excellence peachy peachy keen prize radical slick tip-top topflight topping wizard gilt-edged high-class high-grade high-quality of high quality of the highest quality of the highest standard out-of-sight really good top-of-the-line top-of-the-range top-shelf very good world-class astonishing wondrous fascinating mind-blowing awe-inspiring out of this world remarkable breathtaking staggering miraculous prodigious enthralling dazzling mind-boggling jaw-dropping eye-opening eye-popping astounding exciting thrilling unbelievable dramatic startling heart-stopping splendorous far-out awe-striking imposing surprising theatrical dreamy portentous electrifying resplendent empyreal sensorial overwhelming enchanting bewitching captivating majestic mind-bending exhilarating royal profound enjoyable pleasant solid pleasurable agreeable rewarding colossal greatest satisfying def beaut A1 rad baller way-out on fleek too good to be true belting crash hot righteous ace nang brill bonzer sik supercalifragilisticexpialidocious A-OK super-duper chillin' spiffing virtuous champion No. 1 spanking top drawer schmick bosker top-drawer magic superfine top-hole A-1 top-flight hunky-dory awesomesauce solid gold eye-catching extravagant arresting like a dream come true blissful unimaginable unique fabled beguiling invigorating out of the ordinary ethereal unheard-of charming far out envigorating enlightening fairy-tale enlivening stimulating fairytale-like dream-filled magical commanding prominent inspiring towering monumental sumptuous arrestive surpassing lavish magnific out of sight confounding showy sightly luxurious unmitigated shocking some blinding heart-stirring theatric amazeballs best finest too much premier top-quality leading top-tier top-class top of the line top of the range consummate delightful highest classy formidable of the first water exo flawless grade A top-grade splendiferous gorgeous plush crack winning chic optimal pearler barrie nice bad expensive ritzy luxury upmarket highest quality posh crucial fly sound selected first classical skilful skillful of the first order costly masterly dainty unexcelled pricey unmatched precious upscale peak optimum extreme quintessential tops model opulent beezer state-of-the-art high-end top quality second to none the dog's bollocks award-winning very best of the highest order rich entrancing swanky fashionable distinctive choicest sharp stylish swish standout unequalled radiant smart flashy memorable delicate cream star A-list lead lush sophisticated flagship fancy-pants pleasing renowned delectable major snazzy inspired scrumptious faultless unbeatable flash uppermost marvy untouchable unusual dear foremost central fabby effusive goodly singular excessive inflated lank unequaled exaggerated kif worthiest exalted high quality spendy ultraexpensive pricy first-line without equal prize-winning beyond compare the best of a high standard big-ticket in a class all by itself above and beyond of highest order top-end high-ticket piked cardinal paramount tough heavy world main chief key refined quick bestselling celebrated polished able agile deft clever unforgettable tophole competent virtuoso masterful unorthodox deep wild hand-picked elect mighty pick fat gnarly handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious spruce idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring courtly foxy juicy rocking creditable really nice favored 10 popular preferred preferential definitive authoritative proper paragon eclectic handpicked plum favorite stately not too shabby noteworthy master favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked ka pai shipshape out-of-this-world high-test elevated august proud sup rior all very well well and good carefully chosen grade-A moving eloquent agitating most best ever like wow cat's meow five star of the highest type highest-quality top grade best-quality modish graceful the very best a standout with it pretty cool ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly 24-karat congenial above average slap-up diverting not bad zero cool snappy handsome up to par up to standard up to snuff cordon bleu up to scratch A-grade high fashion archetypal pure essential traditional venerable palatial ripe mature plushy Lucullan Lucullian luxuriant luxe swank loaded palace silken Babylonian luscious palatian well appointed recherche elaborate intricate decorative decorated embellished ornate ornamental ostentatious ornamented rococo gaudy baroque adorned flamboyant busy fussy spiffy glitzy devilish fanciful jazzy froufrou florid frilly fancible custom beautifying cushy chichi highfalutin OTT over the top

Tính từ

Possessing or acting with the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism and practicality
quixotic idealistic romantic visionary impracticable starry-eyed unrealistic utopian absurd extravagant imaginary unbusinesslike unworldly chimerical chivalrous dreamy fanciful idealist impossible impractical impulsive inoperable non-viable perfectionist quixotical starry unworkable Utopian dreaming foolish impetuous ineffective ineffectual inefficacious unserviceable useless unfeasible improbable wild speculative head-in-the-clouds theoretical otherworldly optimistic ivory-tower idealized unusable idealised illogical abstract unreal out of touch with reality naive fairy-tale unattainable inapplicable infeasible nonviable nonfunctional irrealizable unnegotiable unreasonable no-go won't fly not a prayer out of the question silly far-sighted abstracted radical half-baked daydreaming illusory imaginative airy-fairy nonrealistic prophetic delusory lofty grandiose ambitious pretentious hopeful nonpractical unlikely unwise unpractical not sensible ivory-towered on cloud nine unrealizable unviable castle-building out there unachievable perfect ideal vague fantasizing irrational senseless airy fantasy dream sentimental dreamlike over-optimistic far-fetched crazy potty fantasising exaggerated idyllic high-flown fantastic arcadian model transcendental supreme pie-in-the-sky ultimate best ideological nonsensical reachy gone floating whimsical fabulous fictitious legendary not applicable blue sky made-up Micawberish Panglossian happy hoping creative inventive inspired prescient insightful innovative perceptive discerning penetrating ingenious intuitive enterprising clever shrewd resourceful sharp gifted wise talented hypothetical exalted astral introspective musing noble original in the clouds with your head in the clouds

Từ trái nghĩa của fantastical

fantastical Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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