Từ đồng nghĩa của unusual

Alternative for unusual

Từ đồng nghĩa: different, novel, odd, queer, rare, uncommon, unique,

Từ trái nghĩa: usual,

Tính từ

Not habitually or commonly occurring or done
odd strange curious rare surprising uncommon unexpected abnormal different queer weird extraordinary peculiar uncustomary unfamiliar atypical bizarre novel offbeat singular unconventional unorthodox exceptional freakish irregular outlandish quirky unique anomalous deviant oddball unaccustomed unwonted aberrant alien especial freaky infrequent isolated phenomenal scarce sporadic conspicuous funny inconceivable incredible aberrated exceeding freak preternatural seldom left-field occasional off-centre off the wall out of the ordinary out-of-the-way few and far between out of the way something else way out thin on the ground out of the common eccentric remarkable quaint wacky crazy unnatural erratic original rum far-out off-the-wall wild idiosyncratic kinky kooky way-out fantastic bizarro unprecedented untypical screwy kookie uncanny whacky funky weirdo outré cranky queerish mysterious new exotic off-kilter extraordinaire special spaced-out avant-garde mystifying astonishing fresh zany wacko puzzling unheard of amazing baffling outstanding unknown distinctive perplexing whimsical striking uncharacteristic alternative unaccountable divergent innovative noteworthy out there inexplicable preposterous incongruous unheard-of prodigious astounding groundbreaking unthinkable unparalleled absurd nonconformist creative far out ridiculous unbelievable notable eerie inventive revolutionary fanciful radical spooky individual unimaginable miraculous unrepresentative wonderful foreign unco innovatory ingenious innovational pioneering newfangled droll stunning imaginative ludicrous flaky sensational outrageous flakey dubious insane staggering obscure perverse devious aberrational deviate outre surreal unordinary untried grotesque experimental unreal unpredictable nonsensical suspicious modern impressive incomprehensible advanced daggy creepy supernatural out in left field Bohemian fishy fantastical signal marvellous extreme awesome particular ground-breaking questionable capricious shocking trailblazing marvelous perverted unlikely jarring modernistic disruptive startling nutty foolish monstrous heteroclite state-of-the-art irrational extravagant ultra-modern neoteric new-fashioned wondrous nonstandard paranormal arresting nonconforming unearthly mad dramatic heterodox non-typical marked superior bewildering fabulous quizzical few distinct awe-inspiring limited futuristic cockeyed characteristic off-center off-key eye-catching noticeable breathtaking stupendous mystic illogical interesting incomparable originative unexampled avant garde ghostly off the beaten track dotty brilliant contemporary spectacular prominent individualistic unforeseen occult out of this world unanticipated implausible significant scattered unconforming bohemian sparse pronounced warped anomalistic unfathomable deviating twisted exclusive magical random confounding inspired unintelligible madcap refreshing silly laughable memorable comical jaw-dropping tremendous eye-opening loony transcendental scanty fatuous senseless cuckoo cutting-edge leading-edge seldom seen superhuman metaphysical dumbfounding seminal intermittent befuddling hare-brained mind-boggling mind-blowing balmy dumfounding cockamamie momentous lunatic unexplored improbable harebrained bent informal flamboyant jolting distorted out of line eye-popping unfrequent obvious scant catchy supermundane unceremonious breaking new ground kenspeckle emphatic impenetrable in left field stimulating spasmodic numinous secret esoteric dark wayward intriguing inscrutable unknowable visionary distinguished inane superlative magnificent slang seldom found clever semioccasional rogue progressive surprise contrary risible fascinating disparate corrupt asinine doubtful fitful resourceful terrific suspect dilly colourful attractive stupefying arcane chance artistic off-base newsworthy unreasonable considerable flabbergasting stupid crackpot off-color in short supply confusing farcical Promethean altered deficient awful specific substantial unhinged demented imposing showy looney blindsiding dazzling daffy colorful one of a kind dippy overwhelming noisy splashy bold bodacious grabby commanding screwball inconsistent psychic beat out-of-the-box little known cutting edge half-baked unpredicted portentous distinguishing appreciable hidden featherheaded extramundane phantom just out unannounced unhealthy single casual supranatural spectral maverick other-worldly fairy invisible celestial unrevealed mythological from left field mythical legendary forward-looking superordinary uncomprehensible concealed non-standard episodic deviative exciting aperiodic glamorous transcendent atypic specialized mystical supernormal old-fashioned eminent discontinuous episodical periodic goofy hippy signature fluky sick amusing humorous arbitrary otherworldly boho surpassing cool vivid pervy out-there rarefied out of place stellar only romantic stray make-believe awkward discordant malformed inspiring unusually good sicko batty inappropriate pointless unlike meager daft unbalanced engaging recent heretical unmatched unequalled unrivalled inimitable quixotic recherche magic disputable dubitable far-fetched meagre derisory shady fertile untested specialised variant whacko equivocal debatable doubtable digressive latest artful shaky dodgy transgressing witless unrivaled problematic untraditional amazeballs problematical unforgettable brainless matchless unexcelled unequaled deep productive sometime serious diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying diagnostical sudden wandering off the beaten path too good to be true unwise record peerless weird and wonderful manifest characterful remote recondite rummy psycho mental salient visible great one and only uninvestigated muddling heavy beyond your ken deranged simpleminded impossible attention-grabbing maniacal flustering perceptible consequential lunkheaded fundamental bubbleheaded jerky gee-whizz without equal without parallel off the air tomfool electrifying hard to find first-time inept observable strong sappy fool thin half-witted weak-minded short beyond compare in a league of its own too much sui generis without warning extrasensory important out of character out of the question hard to swallow superphysical forceful worthy of attention out of the blue heavenly beyond belief supersensible fringe mould-breaking exquisite offhand depraved welcome alternate ornate dissimilar periodical typical trendsetting spearheading innovating brand-new custom-built modified custom-made special-order custom customized personalized wanting marginal mischievous playful unsavoury sadistic degenerated degenerate masochistic fancy loner egregious nondescript other out of keeping skittish waggish thrilling disconsonant irrelevant inapropos incongruent incoherent immoral licentious pretend imitation concocted labored laboured ersatz made-up staged vagarious changeable teratoid unrecognized anarchistic out of the box rad hippie ultramodern groovy mod gothic baroque Gothic sublime transformational imported ready straying rambling moving touching cherished perfect disquieting fortuitous unforeseeable unexplainable unrecognised crinkly twisty unsavory alone variational defective unnormal heteromorphic eccentrical unworldly touched non-rational hypernormal up to date brand new unharmonious excentrical disorderly deviceful sole solitary shock not prepared differentiating proper lone devastating varying pointed chimerical crotchety like nothing on earth funny peculiar dissident heretic dissenting nonorthodox iconoclastic dissentient disconcerting enterprising discrete diacritic insoluble unsolvable kookish very unconventional customised personalised excessive errant unnerving unsettling glamourous foreign-looking improper unsuitable illegal drastic unhackneyed difficult to believe ghostlike up-to-date this season's new-fangled exorbitant pathetic derisive cockamamy uncertain flighty dicey chancy not typical witty one off-beat not just another beatnik sectarian schismatic anarchic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious desultory off the rails evident not normal unrealistic eldritch impracticable mercurial unacceptable offensive undiscovered huge one-off inexplainable enigmatic abstruse beyond comprehension beyond understanding incidental thick taking the cake external outside enticing extrinsic extraneous alluring peregrine grandiose infantile imbecilic crazy-ass cock-eyed wackadoodle idiotic wackadoo eery spookish haunting insightful unsteady spastic spotty choppy wildering bugged out unmistakable unrelated imprudent dreamlike foolhardy unworkable puerile seldom met with nonplussing shattering discomfiting nonplusing dismaying upsetting unsung disgraceful unremarked unregarded up-and-coming game-changing world-shattering extra special flash gnarly forby ghastly horrific dreadful ominous fearful abrupt not in the cards without notice tidy sizeable reasonable fair blue-sky nuts clear-cut graphic from abroad far cry unrepeated bonkers uncouth supernal not habitual off and on drop-dead clear irresponsible dreamy poetical never to be forgotten measurable detectable nameless little-known undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned loopy barmy clownish comic lively all-time forcible off beaten path subtile flimsy subtle preeminent towering tenuous attenuate light attenuated standout unconvincing incredulous unconceivable uncompelling inspirational fictive pie-in-the-sky high-flown utopian poetic potty telling charming powerful jazzy lofty dynamite compelling cogent arrestive bird-brained out of all reason short-sighted ill-conceived beyond all reason crackers scatty crackbrained fruity haywire cracked gaga meshuga brainsick crazed loco maniac wud unsound bedlam meshugge bughouse psychotic bats moonstruck certifiable highly unlikely not on insupportable incogitable beyond the bounds of possibility beyond possibility rich picturesque full of life gay full of character gonzo unfrequented unvisited breaking ground brain wave goodly loony tunes looney tunes demiurgic never before encountered animated scintillating non compos mentis of consequence of importance acting crazy dishonest untrustworthy gorgeous captivating beautiful detailed evocative phony murky unreliable farfetched shonky criminal cult trendy phoney negligible like gold dust of doubtful honesty open to question rings untrue won't wash open to doubt not kosher not quite right under suspicion once in a blue moon not well-known insufficient as scarce as hens' teeth can't miss it incompatible hellish lacking inconsiderable highly coloured barbarous middling less paltry skimpy exiguous stingy imperceptible minute low in numbers in the minority inconsequential straggling widely spaced hard to come by piddling trifling lean at a premium major big unholy critical sizable much headline preponderant severe cardinal impactful high-priority decisive mighty pivotal capital intense keynote generous burning milestone conclusive glaring fateful high-level pressing glorious crucial principal earthshaking eventful weighty heavy-duty earnest meaningful earth-shattering landmark resonant large-scale historic material large urgent all-important carrying a lot of weight quantum front-page extensive monumental hefty vital ponderable potent climacteric grave far-reaching made in hell

Tính từ

Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
prodigious enormous huge massive vast colossal gigantic immense mammoth tremendous monumental amazing mighty wonderful gargantuan inordinate remarkable striking extraordinary fantastic great impressive large marvelous marvellous phenomenal staggering astounding considerable exceptional fabulous giant miraculous sizeable startling stupendous substantial astonishing humongous mega monstrous stunning terrific breathtaking dramatic flabbergasting incredible sensational spectacular unbelievable abnormal astronomic astronomical Brobdingnagian bumper cosmic cosmical cyclopean elephantine fantabulous galactic gigantesque grand herculean heroic heroical Himalayan humungous jumbo king-size king-sized leviathan mind-blowing mind-boggling monster mountainous oceanic oversized pharaonic planetary super super-duper supersize supersized titanic vasty walloping whacking whopping awesome ginormous immeasurable stellar wondrous big copious gross king size mortal ominous profuse towering abundant healthy bountiful goodly heavy rich good fine superabundant prolific plentiful plenteous bounteous profitable spanking lank extra-large significant excessive exorbitant voluminous ample disproportionate sizable extravagant extreme substantive epic jacked up increased boundless heightened severe immoderate unreasonable intensified high major serious escalated above average handsome limitless intemperate hulking thumping extensive whopping great thumping great whacking great Herculean hefty generous bulky very large lavish very big infinite weighty oversize liberal full outsize overflowing outsized tidy galore teeming expansive almighty princely inexhaustible grandiose abounding aplenty plenty cornucopian broad largish biggish brobdingnagian opulent flush luxuriant comfortable magnificent imposing a gogo wide sufficient behemothic ponderous mondo commodious no end measureless numerous unlimited appreciable blimp cumbersome very great unwieldy Bunyanesque capacious husky spacious large-scale thick on the ground solid majestic productive respectable long comprehensive incalculable exuberant countless replete innumerable behemoth titan rife myriad kingly formidable Homeric overwhelming super-colossal in abundance heavyweight lofty dirty great tall massy mastodonic roomy overgrown a dime a dozen great big whale of a booming global complete flowing deep sweeping splendid fulsome not to be sneezed at marked well-provided fertile prodigal awe-inspiring pythonic lush fruitful ambitious far-reaching larger-than-life eminent exalted endless thundering august eternal munificent unstinting whaling extremely large extremely big jumbo-sized wealthy affluent Cyclopean boxcar illustrious awful interminable Gargantuan crawling with illimitable cumbrous barn door no end of cracking magnific stinking with mahoosive megalithic terrible whopper unbounded full-size giant-sized socking great good-size good-sized super colossal a whale of a pronounced fat no end in sight prosperous much noticeable lucrative worthwhile advantageous adequate outstanding superhuman entire reasonable rewarding whole lumbering lasting classic important well-stocked laborious daunting enduring historic memorable unforgettable paying rank clumsy unfathomable fathomless Moby immortal rip-roaring well-supplied Brobdignagian proliferous in plenty mucho glorious excellent wicked pleasing OS stately sky-high remunerative gainful widespread elephantic resounding deafening roaring ear-splitting thunderous ear-piercing distinguished transcendent epoch-making packed dripping crammed stuffed noble superb appalling dreadful moving notable intense renowned irresistible dynamic statuesque expanded plenitudinous interplanetary catholic cosmopolitan cosmogonic empyrean interstellar cosmogonal space intergalactic ecumenical stink with unrestricted frightful fearful crashing bonny unsparing far-flung spread-out mundo never-ending all-inclusive stretched-out detailed abiding permanent meaty thick measurable hulky man-size swelled of considerable size fair-sized family-sized family-size man-sized fair-size economy-size life-size economy-sized palatial through the ceiling decent protracted strong bull lengthy decided extended cavernous prolonged monolithic regal giant-size very loud enough and to spare resplendent elevated imperial gorgeous lordly superior proud multiple manifold many multifarious riotous multitudinous gushing royal sublime gallant baronial dignified splendiferous haughty desperate loud wordy prolix verbose unreal something else alive with thick with a mess of coming out of ears populous wholesale competent swimming chock-full swarming superfluous enough improvident exhaustive lousy with wide-ranging wide-reaching generously proportioned more than enough

Tính từ

Very severe or serious
extreme radical excessive dire drastic desperate harsh severe stern strict unbending uncompromising far-reaching forceful inordinate momentous serious tough consequential exaggerated exceptional heavy immoderate outrageous remorseless rigid sharp substantial undue unmitigated unreasonable unrelenting unyielding zealous austere draconian egregious exorbitant extravagant fanatical punishing punitive rigorous steep stiff absolute baroque devilish downright ferocious flagrant gross intemperate oppressive overkill preposterous remarkable thorough uncommon unconscionable unconventional unmerciful unseemly fabulous fancy improper imprudent insane intolerable irrational lavish nonsensical overdue overextravagant overmuch overweening plethoric sheer swingeing towering utter out-and-out over the top too much O.T.T. out of proportion disproportionate unwarranted extortionate unrestrained uncalled for needless uncalled-for unmeasurable superfluous OTT stringent a bit much high unnecessary prodigal dizzying profuse sky-high unfair profligate enormous unjustifiable unwarrantable strong unjust wanton cruel surplus great extra superabundant hard overabundant unjustified way out complete inflexible self-indulgent overindulgent uncurbed over-the-top stratospheric firm redundant overboard monstrous uncontrolled abounding unbridled rough too great pricey unrestricted overpriced in excess fulsome violent brutal extraordinary immense whopping unbounded dissipated monumental gratuitous huge tremendous exacting boundless super limitless hard-nosed dear criminal illogical elevated too-too absonant arbitrary over the odds overflowing wild up to here copious sweeping unacceptable too many unneeded costing an arm and a leg diametrical out of all proportion direct ample extensive single-minded unlimited exact vast epic ridiculous massive astronomical riotous indulgent ruthless recrementitious supernatural more wasteful giant major relentless prodigious intractable fantastic pitiless senseless overblown considerable far-out posh unrightful unlawful wrongful peremptory supererogatory iron-fisted savage hard-line out of bounds large diehard hardline imposing reckless de trop significant undeviating intransigent unmerited inexcusable expensive undeserved grandiose dissipative debauched supreme unprovoked excess unbalanced outstanding grim very great unhampered unchecked exceeding big shocking spare prohibitive elaborate abundant rampant gigantic prolific hardhanded authoritarian uninhibited profound magnificent appalling liberal over impressive colossal intense wicked unstinting nasty supernumerary dramatic mountainous cast-iron brassbound ludicrous advanced not required plentiful exuberant generous galore diabolical mammoth remaining gushing horrifying humongous dispensable inhuman teeming luxuriant bountiful expendable out of control useless crawling with no end opulent a dime a dozen sumptuous alive with aplenty thick with profusive plenty tyrannical swarming bounteous openhanded callous stupendous effusive above average hardheaded demanding inexorable uncivilised uncivilized ungodly unwanted overgenerous polar gushy imperious unsympathetic heavy-handed nonessential hard-core steadfast leftover vicious merciless unrequired residuary illegitimate dyed-in-the-wool pleonastic superfluent unasked by the book harmful over the limit overripe marked distinct unreasoned Draconian wildly excessive costly indiscriminate going too far untempered punitory very too passionate uncontrollable absurd theatrical overdone unpardonable indefensible unforgivable raw dissolute unhindered tempestuous abandoned runaway unsuitable inappropriate voluminous ungovernable incontinent open-handed non-essential unreserved definite tall greedy sizable sizeable blown up out of all proportion fancy-pants very high unbecoming very expensive lofty a lot far-fetched onerous grievous wrong despotic summary soaring inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable imbalanced unfeeling abrasive grossly excessive substantive ruinous crippling bitter rugged off complicated unused unproductive disposable inflated excessively high extremely high suppressive repressive without justification unkind heartless insensitive inconsiderate decadent murderous trying excruciating burdensome searing left over waste to spare forcible ostentatious ambitious complex outré heightened escalated handsome increased healthy jacked up entire diametric surplus to requirements extraneous on your hands unessential headstrong a bit thick out of order striking multistorey sky-scraping rowdy curt immodest audacious bold intricate daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off comprehensive thoroughgoing exhaustive hard-hitting truculent virulent robust costing the earth out of sight over one's head paramount titanic Brobdingnagian surpassing superior altitudinous abnormal intensified total unthinkable inconceivable sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible barbarous unholy lordly commanding showy improvident inessential sophisticated very severe staunch adamant hard-boiled unwavering indurate ungiving militant infinite immeasurable astronomic transcendent hulking sublime stellar ginormous tight mega mighty unfettered thumping silly monster gargantuan pervasive difficult involved fierce airy imperial preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping beyond the pale dour grave ultra iconoclastic revolutionary ballsy fanciful grand adventurous heroic super-duper binding stand pat uncharitable solid disciplinarian resolved dogged obdurate hardened hard-hearted unforgiving obstinate no-nonsense resolute ascetical immovable domineering hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified formidable stiff-necked ascetic unsparing determined unflinching pressing astringent autocratic disciplinary bullheaded set compelling poignant valid powerful acrimonious drawing picky unpermissive ironclad convincing brick-wall confining not giving an inch tricky supererogative lush wide-ranging scandalous atrocious root-and-branch top-to-bottom by the numbers hard and fast dead set on terrible horrible disgraceful heinous infamous abominable villainous offensive unspeakable nefarious abhorrent horrendous beastly iniquitous evil odious dreadful horrid hideous loathsome shameful nauseating ghastly foul unbearable vile sickening insupportable unendurable insufferable barbaric infernal fiendish maddening exasperating impossible distressing execrable godawful hellacious depraving flagitious debasing contumelious scurrilous malevolent shaming disgracing ignoble despicable contemptible debauching corrupt notorious degenerate sinful opprobrious very bad

Tính từ

Questioning or suggesting puzzlement
quizzical bantering curious mocking questioning sardonic supercilious teasing amused arch baffled chaffing derisive enquiring fooling funning inquiring jesting joking joshing kidding mystified perplexed puzzled rallying razzing ribbing sceptical amusing aporetic disbelieving eccentric incredulous inquisitive ironic odd probing quaint queer searching show-me skeptical surprised suspicious unbelieving flippant lighthearted humorous playful funny jokey facetious distrustful mistrustful doubting suspecting negativistic interrogative nosy prying inquisitorial jocose light-hearted sportive whimsical waggish frolicsome jocular flip witty frivolous merry tongue-in-cheek comical roguish glib comic mischievous gay in jest blithe in fun jolly droll unserious high-spirited jovial mirthful chucklesome jocund tongue in cheek laughable impish entertaining puckish gleeful sunny ludic cheerful as a joke to tease festive blithesome laughing lively joyous smart clever for a laugh silly pleasant satirical fun wisecracking not serious putting one on pulling one's leg irreverent superficial ill-considered inane shallow thoughtless fatuous senseless non-serious farcical dry daft flirtatious pixieish tricksy sly leprechaunish rascally risible scampish pixy pixie devilish prankish knavish wicked elvish clowning snappy kittenish bubbly gamesome spirited jaunty good-natured sprightly capering wry hilarious diverting cheery happy flakey crazy good-humoured good-humored camp daffy campy wacky flaky boffo joculous ludicrous gagged up for grins

Tính từ

Sophisticated in a way that is intended to impress
fancy elaborate intricate decorative decorated embellished ornamental ornamented ornate ostentatious showy adorned baroque gaudy rococo busy classy deluxe flamboyant fussy sumptuous swish elegant flashy luxurious posh resplendent devilish extreme glitzy quality ritzy select snazzy sophisticated spiffy superior towering fanciful flash jazzy prime rich special beautifying chichi cushy custom fancible florid frilly froufrou highfalutin high-class fancy-pants high-quality over the top OTT extravagant over-elaborate splashy garish conspicuous swanky kitsch loud bling-bling brash pretentious tawdry vulgar obtrusive overdone meretricious tinsel gingerbread overwrought theatrical tasteless affected bold tinselly swank bling overdecorated gingerbreaded bedizened gingerbready overelaborate trashy wedding-cake brilliant flaunting superfly dicty glittery noisy glaring attractive detailed razzle-dazzle embellishing pretty adorning enhancing beautiful cosmetic flowery nonfunctional non-functional superficial garnishing for show patterned grandiose bright expensive specious naff cheap opulent dashing sparkling eye-catching striking pompous nifty flaring pizazzy lurid pizzazzy peacocky tony chintzy Brummagem curlicued plastic plush sham very elaborate arabesque brummagem pinchbeck gimcrack garnished skillful skilful tacky cluttered artistic over-embellished over-ornate overworked laboured crude kenspeckle commanding bodacious prominent noticeable pronounced remarkable dramatic catchy grabby marked arresting emphatic with all the extras with all the options furbishing dressy festooned exquisite accessory delicate heightening decorating decking tessellated mosaic in bad taste with bells and whistles sensational screaming histrionic splendiferous strained overembellished glittering blatant brazen catchpenny trimmed figured watered goffered moiré crimped setting off labored precious in poor taste cheap and nasty colourful strong exciting imaginative lively bright-coloured stimulating effective interesting vibrant brightly coloured graphic vivid smart wild colorful prettifying complex complicated arty-crafty looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory bedecked aureate high-wrought jewelled metaphorical gilded glossy jeweled wordy embroidered lavish variegated luscious magnificent glamorous verbose fine dazzling colored coloured pleasing to the eye fancily decorated highly wrought actorly crass flaunted exhibitionistic splurgy gay spectacular jaunty sporty uptown high-flown arty-farty

Tính từ

Ridiculous, often to the point of being funny
laughable funny humorous hilarious amusing comical droll comic farcical diverting uproarious entertaining killing antic chucklesome comedic humoristic hysteric hysterical jocose jokey ludicrous rib-tickling ridiculous riotous risible screaming sidesplitting side-splitting mirthful priceless bizarre camp campy eccentric embarrassing facetious fantastic gelastic har-har inadequate inane jocular joshing mocking pitiful rich riot scream unimpressive unsatisfactory witty merry sunny jolly gleeful blithesome jocund jovial gay festive blithe nonsensical absurd derisive derisory asinine preposterous laughing wacky light-hearted zany slapstick waggish silly hysterically funny whimsical good-humored good-humoured a scream joking killingly funny a hoot tongue-in-cheek playful sportive rollicking too funny for words goofy very funny screamingly funny pleasant a laugh lighthearted foolish frolicsome odd cheerful crazy ironic happy wry jesting boffo fun slaphappy frivolous flippant for grins smart extremely amusing clever sparkling stupid tongue in cheek outrageous clownish derisible engaging cheery nutty daffy gut-busting beguiling lively teasing light roguish satirical gagged up joyous flakey flaky flip wisecracking mischievous unserious a barrel of laughs putting one on in jest high-spirited pulling one's leg not serious comedical outrageously funny madcap childish grotesque pathetic cockamamy cockamamie custard-pie knee-slapper scintillating ludicrous. laughable convulsive rip-roaring hearty quirky quaint very amusing raucous ribald off-the-wall oddball too much daft fun-loving ludic crack-up quizzical laffer laugh-a-minute off the wall quick-witted delightful enjoyable interesting joyful noisy strange unreasonable for a laugh glib stimulating a laugh a minute highly amusing convivial exhilarating puckish impish arch unlikely incongruous irritating queer joculous exhilarated novel cheering gratifying pleasurable charming gladdening pleasing bantering annoying agreeable enchanting in fun sprightly capering loony jerky fool dippy fool-headed batty gump dizzy screwy goofus a joke a bit much a card a caution irreverent fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse a bit thick over the top cut up OTT dry

Tính từ

Characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease
morbid unhealthy gruesome sick ghastly grisly ghoulish macabre unwholesome ailing deadly diseased dreadful grotesque hideous infected death-obsessed horrible horrid malignant pathological sickly unsound aberrant abnormal baleful bloody brooding disgusting frightful gory grim irascible maleficent monstrous moody nasty ominous perverse sickening sinister twisted unnatural warped horrific shocking lurid horrifying terrifying appalling revolting terrible awful horrendous eerie frightening nightmarish dark atrocious offensive weird spooky loathsome scary unspeakable chilling unearthly dire black grewsome repugnant bleak terrific nightmare spookish cruel perverted fearsome distressing abominable spine-chilling savage shadowy funereal fearful sepulchral ghostly obscene gloomy sombre somber diabolical devilish harrowing morose hellish distasteful odious gross forbidding repulsive prurient abhorrent sullen sadistic wretched cold shady disturbing noxious nauseating noisome foul outrageous evil violent godawful alarming heinous scandalous fiendish creepy hair-raising garish murky direful vile depraved repellent contemptible God-awful egregious beastly bestial terribly bad very bad strange taboo cynical poignant haunting diabolic ironic deathly unthinkable unmentionable brutal bloodthirsty demonic Kafkaesque insalubrious unattractive unhealthful degenerate bilious severe harsh misanthropic pessimistic mordacious unpleasant upsetting nosy grievous unreal unnerving traumatic petrifying disquieting nightmarey phantasmagorical undesirable worrying disagreeable concerning hellacious dread redoubtable formidable intimidating loud disgustful loathly grody execrable rancid repellant fulsome obnoxious ugly nauseous lamentable daunting indescribable detestable gut-churning from hell sick-making spine-tingling disgraceful bad bloodcurdling sublime shuddersome overwhelming abysmal tremendous astounding animal beast hateful sensational infamous graphic exaggerated intolerable vicious explicit melodramatic villainous wicked suffocating overpowering startling inhuman iniquitous nefarious shameful trashy colourful sensationalist extravagant rubbishy overdramatized unrestrained brutish despicable satanic barbaric barbarous voyeuristic flagitious base merciless ruthless pulp tasteless ribald kitschy cheap salacious dirty suggestive filthy menacing desperate immoral shock-horror vivid tacky juicy yellow full-frontal threatening raging foreboding fiery off-color raunchy salty purple extreme sanguine deep rough racy striking colorful distinct low-down angry stormy turbulent tumultuous volatile inauspicious fierce malevolent ferocious miserable glum dreary melancholic melancholy dispirited dismal depressive desolate solemn depressing cheerless disheartening tenebrous sad pitiless gray mournful dingy grey drab mirthless lugubrious drear grave reprehensible rotten sinful mean murderous deplorable infernal heartless corrupt ungodly dastardly low inhumane dishonourable objectionable unsavoury unsavory reprobate criminal dishonorable ignoble remorseless wrong wanton black-hearted insufferable sordid brute truculent callous unprincipled dissolute unrighteous malicious demoniac butcherly stinking scurvy calamitous unforgivable flagrant accursed lousy damnable unholy unlawful ignominious disreputable cold-blooded unfeeling yucky inexcusable unethical cacodemonic dangerous off-putting beyond the pale unscrupulous notorious opprobrious hard-hearted crooked debased unpalatable degraded displeasing unmerciful abandoned Mephistophelian unkind glaring impious tragic discreditable uncaring dishonest demoniacal malfeasant disconcerting bent sanguinary hard shameless dismaying perturbing sorry putrid impure unbearable woeful miscreant unsettling yucko amoral uncharitable vulgar exceptionable profligate unpardonable wrongful coarse unfortunate morally wrong scoundrelly fell unacceptable serious lawless unutterable debauched icky unworthy hairy implacable bogging irreligious profane blasphemous facinorous unsympathetic scaring unsparing underhand knavish roguish troublesome shabby hurtful soulless rascally wild insupportable wolfish underhanded spiteful agitating peccable baneful indecent pernicious dislikeable insensitive rebarbative unclean skanky not cricket lewd hostile sacrilegious non-mortal subhuman non-human blatant troubling godless unrespectable louche shy shoddy treacherous odd bizarre discomforting irksome disastrous degrading Hadean illicit inglorious illegal Stygian crude indefensible illegitimate unrelenting unpitying cold-hearted obvious boorish hard-boiled unforgiving abject loose stony uncompassionate bitter preposterous arrant felonious conspicuous deleterious worthless crying patent distressful poor thick-skinned obdurate compassionless desensitized indurate affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney paltry unwelcome vomitous audacious wrathful stern tainted feral demoralized excessive harmful doleful relentless uninviting sleazy rank regrettable snide currish adverse decadent unfair heartbreaking untamed pronounced tragical immodest serpentine stark pathetic desensitised defiled low-minded galling libertine rancorous demoralised capital homicidal vomit-inducing vindictive cut-throat blameworthy demonian demonical Luciferian terrorizing dreaded unconcerned humiliating abased stone-hearted caitiff erring fallen worrisome indictable unhallowed uncanny dishonored beyond contempt barefaced hard-nosed unkindly inconsiderate agonizing stressful torturous draconian destructive discomposing annoying brazen dissipated sullied terrorising furious flinty unbecoming injurious sober enormous crazed mad undisguised utter questionable uncomfortable difficult outright bold impetuous carnal unendurable naked evident tigerish grotty manifest irritating unconcealed corrupted complete aggressive exorbitant improper eldritch virulent punk tormenting fraught troublous palpable transparent dishonoured inexpressible immoderate poisonous overt frantic pitiful crummy heartrending unconscionable unruly wayward intemperate cursed gruff humourless humorless painful unhappy unpleasing sedate licentious sorrowful blood-curdling gut-wrenching rakish jackleg stomach-churning stomach-turning vitiated uncivilised uncivilized with a heart of stone mortuary heart-rending incorrigible excruciating agonising cringe-making uncontrollable dodgy rakehell hated hateable venomous out and out rakehelly out-and-out brass-necked vengeful causing fear unhuman bone-chilling transgressing sneaky embarrassing unjust ignorant ruffianly blackguardly mercenary critical thievish unrefined uncultured unlettered blood-and-guts blood-and-thunder uncouth eery great good-for-nothing discouraging mephistophelean lou culpable peccant awesome piggish gluttonous swinish ferine irrational frenetic maniacal possessed beneath contempt bothersome demoralizing unbelievable inconceivable senseless dislikable awe-inspiring bad-hearted unimaginable ridiculous foolish unseemly venal unsightly discommoding ill-famed tough ineffable catastrophic heavy unlucky very disgusting pitiable cataclysmic naughty drunken impoverished oppressed inconvenient lustful lascivious lecherous bearish tactless indifferent ruinous brackish catty ill-reputed contaminated faulty insubordinate libidinous imposing mean-looking impressive devastating unlikable vexing backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting frozen gnarly unjustifiable detested execrated beyond words preternatural undefinable festy surfeiting sleazeball unappetizing squicky cloying scuzzy untold undescribable otherworldly unsafe highly improper poverty-stricken undignified blood-stained cruddy despised irreverent ravenous lupine voracious onerous yecchy unreasonable indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil sucky pits tenth-rate pants chronic cowardly inequitable ornery reviled vice-ridden weighty taxing red hot sheer plain guilty abominated loathed abhorred steep like death warmed up intimidatory ill-boding powerful afraid massive rigorous absolute downright inordinate unqualified faint haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic dim deathlike corpselike anemic weak damaging mortifying demoralising mischievous prejudicial nocuous servile inelegant menial maggot detrimental ill apparent unmitigated significant major inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed unwarranted maddening impossible OTT exasperating defective a load of pants confounded too horrible for words illiberal rigid inflexible intolerant minatory viperous rowdy minacious unsatisfactory vexatious averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic O.T.T. extortionate praetorian saddening unappealing afflicting afflictive affecting uncool yukky sour awkward punishing strict unfriendly against opposite alien invidious extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign scurrilous too great shaming disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious anguished unlovely uncongenial bad news self-indulgent deceitful disparaging delinquent errant exploitative slippery evil-minded self-seeking contemptuous conscienceless two-faced despiteful scheming mean-spirited crafty scrofulous sly tyrannical squalid scornful shifty unconscientious devious inexorable disdainful tyrannous punitive unremitting coldhearted constant distorted deviant over the top nerve-racking nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking in opposition rabid steely ungentle cannibalistic malign louring delirious dour convulsive austere forlorn cataclysmal unpropitious blue cutthroat raving lowering enraged incessive rugged undomesticated stupefying infuriated rapacious deviate sicko biffo animalistic primitive aggers staggering stunning astonishing bewildering amazing fatal stony-hearted lethal surprising bloodless underworld nether lower pervy contorted impaired kinky vitiate unemotional terminal inclement killer Plutonian misguided rash pestilent slaughterous roughshod risky foolhardy hazardous hasty open killing daring subterranean Tartarean Plutonic Styxian incurable vital reckless flaunting pestilential ostentatious precipitate incautious madcap mortiferous dead chthonian of hell Acherontic Avernal chthonic helly headstrong determined life-threatening mortal death-dealing headlong anxious no good unashamed flagitous deliberate flaming noticeable worried venturesome careless distracted sulphurous sulfurous bald-faced bare-faced devil-may-care death-defying stick out like sore thumb hanging out

Tính từ

Occurring or done quickly and unexpectedly or without warning
sudden abrupt unexpected unforeseen swift unanticipated quick rapid hasty hurried immediate instant instantaneous sharp impetuous impulsive lightning precipitate precipitous rash accelerated acute expeditious fast fleet headlong impromptu precipitant quickened rushing spasmodic speedy explosive speeded without notice without warning out of the blue unlooked-for without delay not bargained for meteoric surprising prompt breakneck whirlwind snappy startling brisk overnight unpredicted flying alacritous express astonishing rapid-fire unplanned hot dizzy nippy zippy unannounced violent blindsiding blistering rattling galloping breathless splitting rushed fleet-footed dramatic brief fleeting summary on-the-spot rathe shocking short-lived momentary short cursory unpredictable unimagined perfunctory fast-track transitory steep split-second transient extraordinary jerky ephemeral unceremonious direct amazing remarkable astounding surprise evanescent jolting from left field not in the cards sheer urgent punctual unsuspected nimble jarring mercurial passing marked straightaway vertical whistle-stop active unlooked for quickie mushrooming rude unsought brusque vertiginous declivitous on the double ready unpremeditated stunning staggering spontaneous stupefying dumbfounding unenvisaged dumfounding flabbergasting peremptory jaw-dropping high-speed fitful unheralded eye-opening impermanent expeditive unthought of on the spot harefooted temporary flitting fugacious fiery fugitive unhesitating pronto deciduous fading convulsive flash PDQ very fast vanishing volatile in nothing flat agile flash in the pan here today and gone tomorrow fly-by-night short-term shock forthwith extreme distinct alert efficient crash arbitrary diligent timely acclivitous angular hairpin tight intense willing alarming rocketing accelerating escalating snowballing inconceivable effectual effective hurricane cyclonic tumultuous tornado spur-of-the-moment snap accidental without formality without hesitation impatient unsettling disturbing disconcerting disquieting perturbing unhoped for spectacular unplanned for lively nasty hurrying frightening scary upsetting frightful without discussion abnormal uncalculated eager thoughtless chop-chop slapdash slambang unpleasant now or never not to be delayed volant quick-fire uncivil undignified impolite discourteous harsh disagreeable fortuitous chance double time incredible brilliant flashing dazzling light-footed fleet of foot quick as a wink out of character out of the ordinary atypical uncommon crude unhoped-for inadvertent unintended unintentional unwitting striking capricious lurching frenzied brutal dismissive off unmannerly offhand overwhelming coincidental random serendipitous fluky awful unforgiving forceful undreamed of unthought-of undreamed-of uninvited unprompted unsolicited impressive hair-trigger charged crazy jouncing bumpy in a flash shifting interim bold perpendicular bluff winged spanking curtailed rampant dashing electric cracking screaming speedball double-quick barrelling perishable limited jumpy paroxysmal unsteady erratic uncontrollable like mad like crazy shaking a leg sporadic irregular desultory superficial sprightly fast-moving casual sketchy spirited energetic unthinking spry at speed smart vigorous careless token supersonic slight inattentive incidental little flat-out drive-by turbo velocious hypersonic uninterested up-tempo mechanical overhasty gadarene shallow glancing pacey early uncritical depthless helter-skelter half-hearted slipshod light animated half-baked pell-mell haphazard vivacious surface-level temporal short and sweet wee gone in flash ultrarapid ultrafast in wink of an eye determined no-nonsense resolute prevenient anticipatory touch-and-go excessive reckless rush dangerous tantivy succinct infinitesimal bustling severe excruciating dreadful unbearable terrible piercing going nifty hurry-up supple nimble-footed acrobatic deft lissom limber lithe with good acceleration responsive zooming streaming irresponsible quick-moving lissome speeding ultrasonic adroit furious unenduring fast-tracked dreamlike extremely fast dangerously fast fast-paced unfussy purposeless swift-footed unconsidered inadequate nodding trite twinkle-toed lightsome like lightning hit-or-miss at full tilt trifling barreling light of foot imperfect flimsy partial insincere inconsequential feigning paltry hastening indifferent routine automatic like greased lightning sloppy unconcerned lackadaisical losing no time disinterested insensible apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant nonchalant negligent hit or miss incurious slovenly wooden heedless cool phoning it in walking through it laid-back going through the motions

Tính từ

The best of its kind or class
choice prime select prize superior best excellent fine first-class special exclusive first-rate quality elect fantastic hand-picked top bad exquisite grand great high-quality nice premier tip-top crucial dainty elite exceptional fabulous finest high-grade hot phat superb terrific top-notch top-quality wonderful 10 awesome beautiful fab famous fantabulous favoured favored groovy heavenly lovely marvellous marvelous optimal popular preferential preferred sensational splendid stellar sterling swell topflight unsurpassed bang-up banner boffo bonny bumper capital classic cool corking dandy divine dynamite elegant favourite favorite frontline gangbuster gangbusters handpicked high-class immense mean neat nifty noble peachy plum precious prizewinning rad rare righteous schmick slick superlative top-shelf vintage A-OK bonnie boss brag cherry-picked crackerjack cracking def dope keen primo radical supernal uncommon valuable blue-chip blue-ribbon carefully chosen first-line first-string five-star gilt-edge gilt-edged jim-dandy out-of-sight par excellence top-drawer top-of-the-line 24-karat A-1 grade A number one peachy keen top of the line top of the range numero uno solid gold of the first water topping bully wizard four-star down hype brave gone outstanding magnificent supreme super out of this world brilliant chosen premium selected perfect ace wicked champion peerless smashing world-class good admirable sublime brill tremendous pre-eminent very good deluxe matchless glorious incomparable impressive too much supercalifragilisticexpialidocious picked distinguished priceless tiptop unparalleled ideal of choice beaut expensive top-hole unrivaled amazing notable unrivalled preeminent exemplary topnotch leading invaluable accomplished striking worthy luxurious costly mega sik fancy consummate crack remarkable upmarket bosting magic spiffing on fleek flawless bodacious delightful extraordinary greatest unique high exo recherche desirable ripping dear belting rich top-tier noted chillin' estimable dominant foremost sovereign A1 unequalled classy gorgeous refined high-end incredible delicate extravagant highest transcendent pearler chic opulent pricey barrie applaudable choicest plush lavish meritorious eminent unequaled of high quality phenomenal optimum unreal mind-blowing spectacular attractive stunning splendiferous peak of the first order formidable dazzling top drawer bonzer particular model top-class pricy spendy of the highest quality ultraexpensive ritzy quintessential luxury recherché first irreplaceable high-ticket big-ticket high-priced illustrious stupendous second to none class commendable treasured fave enjoyable worth its weight in gold surpassing breathtaking recommended sumptuous of the highest standard amazeballs posh pet skilful preferable beyond price masterly skillful praiseworthy upscale culled laudable lush highest quality prized unmatched fly most-liked winning pleasing dreamy of incalculable worth of incalculable value inestimable awesomesauce unexcelled sound idyllic the dog's bollocks top-level top-grade bosker majestic screened star prodigious unbeatable right swish proper certified stylish distinctive too good to be true swank without equal out of sight best possible beyond compare inimitable of the highest order aristocratic polished memorable charming lofty outrageous chief stately extreme enchanting deft swanky without price cherished unexampled singular of inestimable value weeded fav designated elected noteworthy creditable of inestimable worth of immeasurable value of immeasurable worth delectable best-loved best-liked pleasant solid default excessive spanking top-of-the-range scrumptious tops inflated very precise classical goodly beezer state-of-the-art way-out hunky-dory private singled out palatial requisite of a high standard far out nonpareil worth a king's ransom marked better top-end prize-winning very best the best super-duper superfine best-case privileged graceful snobbish tasteful paramount main plushy exorbitant entrancing sophisticated cultivated fancy-pants virtuoso smart legit fashionable dearest Lucullan unprecedented pleasurable radiant standout handsome mint specially selected adroit captivating dignified certain prestigious luxuriant key nominated cream masterful significant fantastical elaborate deserving palatian lead venerable gratifying major flagship extortionate in prominent inspired renowned overpriced agreeable highly priced ornamented ornate ostentatious well-designed immoderate high-cost central essential overdone faultless far-out awe-inspiring worthwhile approved uppermost marvy untouchable honourable appointed treasurable prizable at a premium unsurpassable effusive fabby exalted well-liked comely named primary valued lank exaggerated worthiest kif head A-grade principal golden honorable meritable high quality top quality august conscripted tabbed complete award-winning virtuous best ever in a class all by itself closest to one's heart world class zero cool industry leading ka pai top-flight first class above and beyond of highest order reliable piked enviable imposing crowning advanced cardinal tough heavy world invited sharp quick resplendent bestselling bewitching celebrated really good unforgettable arresting vetted agile clever thoroughbred satisfying rewarding colossal tophole blue-eyed exotic gnarly blissful glittering mighty unorthodox deep wild plummy cushy handy apt natty convenient ingenious spruce ravishing rapturous alluring instinctive rocking foxy juicy specially chosen esoteric arcane far-fetched not too shabby snobby high-hat toffee-nosed potty snotty grandiose glitzy elitist lavishly appointed persnickety snooty glamorous good quality high-caliber a cut above really nice paragon pick fat only baller crash hot unreasonable pretentious covetable plump profitable sweetheart advantaged lucky blessed irreproachable standard banging exacting shipshape high-test cat's meow like wow moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable bright sup rior all very well well and good good-quality high-calibre pegged called amiable improved enhanced snazzy stuffy five star dream nang No. 1 grade-A elevated splendorous paradisal paradisaic paradisic ambrosial superhuman yummy adorable spiritual saintly respectable better than usual of the best quality better than average proud with it pretty cool of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality desired exciting above average slap-up congenial thrilling diverting not bad delicious magical Lucullian palace silken luxe loaded Babylonian apex number 1 beyond comparison first-choice copacetic with the nod astonishing number-one Grade A undefeated unbeaten a cut above the rest one-in-a-million utopian crown dominating record-breaking big-time sans pareil signal incalculable the very best a standout archetypal pure well-favored tip top very agreeable very pleasant very nice luscious well appointed worthier up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par cordon bleu hunky dory go-to destination traditional collectible out-of-bounds refreshing meritious winner praisable meedful world-beating worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas thankworthy skilled expert fancied nicer advantageous big-budget steep very fine mind-boggling ripe mature adept proficient able first-picked must-see endorsed stiff practised talented gifted artistic predilect professional master discerning highly-priced adopted sanctioned liked pretty experienced cher inordinate executive modish petite trim slight dexterous versed capable urbane courtly competent efficient trained seasoned decided upon settled upon slim over the odds an arm and leg cultured aesthetic dashing decorous suave airy subtle dinky nuanced genteel affected debonair pro practiced professed indispensable exact esthetic stylized deadly veteran educated esteemed appropriate correct suitable fitting opportune well-dressed vital instrumental a dab hand at well versed habile compleat dextrous sweet lacy tender diaphanous light soft darling well-made frail cute thin ethereal fair fragile feeble a la mode well-bred critical limited consequential important integral pivotal helpful just right on the money on the button serviceable set up-market cliquish trendy extremely useful vitally important of great consequence of the utmost importance extremely helpful all-important specialized restricted cliquey giveaway technical exempt delicacy ad hoc distinguishable quaint out-of-the-way original meal loss leader