Từ đồng nghĩa của courtly

Alternative for courtly

courtlier, courtliest

Từ đồng nghĩa: civil, courteous, elegant, gracious, obliging, polite, respectful,

Tính từ

Suitable for a royal court
elegant refined stately aristocratic ceremonious chivalrous civil cultivated decorous dignified formal gallant polite sophisticated stylish urbane debonair suave affable civilised civilized classy courteous cultured fine genteel gentlemanly graceful gracious handsome honorable honourable ladylike majestic obliging polished tasteful adulatory august complimentary conventional couth flattering gentle highbred high-bred imposing lofty preux prim proper studied well bred well mannered mannerly well-bred well-mannered respectable respectful distinguished seemly noble correct considerate charming decent nice grand solemn swanky posh plush thoughtful regal diplomatic exquisite fashionable ceremonial punctilious well-behaved befitting smart starchy attentive tactful cool becoming opulent smooth deferential sumptuous de rigueur proud magnificent discerning chic staid dashing impressive self-possessed snazzy official svelte superior royal pleasant genial distingué well behaved luxurious imperial accomplished beautiful precise fancy lordly traditional poised kingly ritzy reverential fitting fit affected modish attractive glib stilted portly sedate slick stiff sharp aesthetic spiffy cordial restrained composed comely esthetic stiff-necked politic ritual ritualistic princely modest dutiful snobbish orthodox worldly worldly-wise exalted discriminating suitable artistic ornate fastidious sensitive dainty appropriate reserved accommodating grandiose well-born upright imperious snappy lovely expensive venerable reverent rich delicate pompous highbrow developed discreet right smooth-tongued schmick splendiferous swish pleasing moral ostentatious stylized ingratiating unctuous bland select kind complaisant swank silver-tongued oily conforming done just so in good taste media-savvy obeisant uptown soft-spoken impeccable high-class on fleek comme il faut a la mode well brought up protective elaborate lavish educated haughty appealing gentlemanlike flashy smooth-talking reputable finished agreeable quality flash cavalier privileged aloof splendid well-brought-up womanly cosmopolitan soft sociable fulsome showy magnanimous with good taste wellmannered amicable harmonious standard portentous resplendent gorgeous costly superb glorious well brought-up approved accepted public momentous important highborn blue-blooded patrician customary apt usual high fashion upmarket upscale plushy exclusive persuasive liturgical state kosher OK demure pretty balanced metropolitan in tony trendy dicty mod taught trained upper-crust acceptable careful okay smarmy together servile set prescribed eloquent quiet unobtrusive pure chaste unaffected gratifying classical subdued facile collected meet good seasonable pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow prudish snooty priggish straitlaced precious prissy condescending stuffy possessed unruffled silky sacramental celebratory right stuff fit for a king aesthetically pleasing in vogue high-toned regardful equable coolheaded elevated confident self-assured au fait well-spoken serious eminent well spoken mannered self-composed articulate classic sombre magisterial respected highfalutin' great somber grave nifty humble solicitous trim dapper spruce towering subservient fly evolved airy close progressive advanced improved forward high rigorous accurate pinpoint spot-on late higher mathematical regarding respecting standing choice submissive obedient admiring deferent self-respecting trig well groomed well dressed sublime rare ornamented duteous venerating casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly overdone recherche high-flown high-brow high-minded experienced exact appreciative well-designed well-dressed rigid deliberate measured scrupulous self-effacing slow-moving subtle thin ethereal light gossamer diaphanous cute fragile enlightened well-made simple flowing understated decorative neat ornamental moving expressive nuanced creative sheer intricate imaginative bonny fair fetching recherché gossamery insubstantial gauzy enhancing frail lacy transparent knowledgeable filmy erudite good-looking tolerant intelligent comfortable uncluttered handy clever ingenious streamlined well-off divine striking aerodynamic perfected deluxe zooty exotic presentable lush sleek symmetrical humane good mannered arcane far-fetched esoteric luxuriant extravagant balletic lithe austere plain emotional well-proportioned Augustan first-class stylistic stunning knockout taking goodly likely bonnie drop-dead lovesome beauteous ravishing sightly filigree flowy well-chosen musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque beautifying frilly open tenuous slight petite figurative symbolic flowery sartorial slim scholarly intellectual jet-set citified blasé meshy fairy fluffy aerial rarefied dinky mondaine knowing mature intangible impalpable shadowy world-weary well-favored well-informed worldly wise been around perceptive profound deep poetic insightful lacelike net lace-like patterned netlike net-like otherworldly ghostly waiflike vaporous wraithlike eerie unworldly vapory gaseous elite upper-class sweet darling deft tender delightful feeble well-read artistically aware learned understanding liberal up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue well-educated traveled arty well informed well read versed well educated literary informed literate well born titled high-born wellborn travelled full of feeling detailed au courant wispy upper crust Brahmin ennobled aristocratical top-drawer flimsy papery chiffony floaty feathery blue silk-stocking queenly silver-spoon knightly translucent gauzelike threadlike shimmering born with a silver spoon in one's mouth fine-grained fine-spun wafer-thin see-through

Tính từ

Of, or relating to the ancient world or former times
old-world old-fashioned quaint archaic picturesque traditional antique courteous gentlemanly old oldfangled old-school old-time old-timey past retro retrograde vintage bygone ceremonious chivalrous classical craft gallant old-style outdated outmoded ancient out-of-date dated antiquated obsolete outworn former olde worlde superannuated obsolescent prehistoric out of date medieval antediluvian old-fangled anachronistic backward-looking mouldy creaky clunky behind the times mossy out unfashionable old hat out of fashion out of style mediaeval defunct old-fogeyish moldy moth-eaten fusty out of the ark crusted feudal square horse-and-buggy rinky-dink vieux jeu musty square-toed passé not with it frumpish frumpy behindhand conservative historic has-been antiquarian charming dead unhip passe olden demoded ancestral démodé fossilized not current folk heritage out-of-style back-number veteran primitive fossilised historical of the old school corny early time-honoured period nostalgic neolithic Noachian moribund prehistorical rusty kaputt kaput old style anachronous parachronistic tired superseded evocative overfamiliar last year's backwards backward Stone Age remote aged retrogressive of yesteryear back number elderly primeval primordial immemorial antwacky primaeval in period style old world classic enduring age-old ageless timeless past its sell-by date as old as the hills past one's sell-by date horse and buggy gothic colonial Victorian artful cute baroque ingenious Gothic appealing enchanting captivating affected pleasing pretty cunning twee toytown sweet attractive arty-crafty olde pleasantly old-fashioned established button-down from the past traditionalistic buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked familial prior ultraconservative old-line unprogressive family long-established standpat reactionary lineal die-hard oral orthodox of yore brassbound unwritten paleoconservative archconservative handed-down old-hat unstylish neglected odd past it rococo dowdy disapproved extinct of old not modern grown old of olden days out of it hoary drab worn-out venerable disused stale plain timeworn old as the hills hoar dull very old homely decrepit hackneyed fogeyish dateless late erstwhile cobwebby crusty senescent unpopular cheesy expired styleless passé exhausted fogyish discarded discontinued mumsy forgotten previous poky one-time shabby dinosaur long-gone tacky belated lost done past its prime unkempt gone tasteless sometime quondam long-standing vanished stodgy fallen into disuse relic time-worn demode trashy finished inelegant boring on its last legs long in the tooth over the hill ticky-tack ticky-tacky oldie done to death faded anachronistical yesterday well-established overused threadbare abandoned geriatric hacky broken-down inflexible bent unusable out-of-fashion no longer in use dusty obscure deprecated fossil archaistic having seen better days antediluvial old fashioned old as Adam out of commission out of use aboriginal pristine crumbling decayed old as Methuselah unoriginal once onetime original cast-off clapped out had it done for barbaric departed dry as dust unglamorous unsophisticated no longer used stuck in time dead and gone old school no longer fashionable waning declining at an end no longer in fashion not in earlier redundant completed long-ago unattractive dying out not fashionable yesterday's unremembered ex- unrecalled bypast nonextant gone by lasting becoming obsolete ageing disappearing foregone forepassed tried and true long-lived of long ago ritualistic ritual tried and tested earliest first way back when latter-day lost in time consigned to oblivion way back lost and gone on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline senior doddering past recall aging dreary dingy grizzled silver-haired grey-haired white-haired silvery-haired grizzly in oblivion water over the dam sunk in oblivion water under the bridge down memory lane doddery going out of use going out of fashion growing old getting on longevous daggy scruffy blowsy badly-dressed baggy sloppy of an advanced age advanced in years worn older lot of mileage ingrained fixed deep-seated hard-and-fast not long for this world past your prime not as young as one used to be not as young as one was no spring chicken badly dressed poorly dressed ossified

Tính từ

Expressing a compliment
complimentary appreciative approving commendatory admiring congratulatory flattering laudatory panegyrical adulatory honeyed applauding approbatory encomiastic eulogising eulogizing favourable favorable friendly fulsome glowing good positive rave saccharine sugary acclamatory eulogistic laudative approbative celebrating civil encomiastical fair-spoken fawning gracious highly favourable honouring honoring kind plauditory polite praiseful respectful sycophantic unctuous well-wishing highly favorable with highest recommendation with high praise praising sympathetic enthusiastic commending ingratiating supportive rapturous recommendatory celebratory obsequious bootlicking encouraging oily oleaginous understanding smarmy generous full of praise smooth adoring worshipping idolizing worshipful raving servile pleased cajoling honey-tongued accepting worshiping rhapsodic silver-tongued sweet-talking soft-soaping lionizing idolising agreeable welcoming gushing gushy satisfied receptive pleasing panegyric cloying reassuring benign toadyish nauseating well-disposed amicable lionising hagiographical soapy hagiographic affirmative keen extolling becoming suitable deferential glorifying flannelling blarneying condign crawling gratifying creeping commendable appreciating acclaiming esteeming advisory warm reverential blandishing excellent great fine ecstatic supreme slavish predisposed okay inclined well-intentioned benevolent assenting successful high sensitive toadying responsive in favor of highly complimentary conscious aware very happy knowledgeable mindful extravagant regardful perceptive cognizant excessive inordinate overdone cordial cooperative enlightened alive affectionate considerate immoderate lavish profuse extensive liberal ample over-appreciative sickening effusive in the know buttery insincere OTT gross magniloquent hypocritical bombastic slick grandiloquent slimy mealy-mouthed canting glib coarse suave overgenerous wheedling sanctimonious over the top sugarcoated sweet persuasive sweet-sounding exuberant unrestrained bountiful overflowing prodigal unreserved copious galore bounteous plentiful teeming luxuriant abounding superfluous aplenty plenty grovelling sucky smug groveling no end demonstrative abundant expansive ebullient unstinting prolific riotous emotional superabundant greasy opulent lush swarming crawling with alive with thick with creepy plausible subservient saponaceous smooth-talking lyrical mushy sentimental over-effusive plenteous smooth-tongued bumper extreme sumptuous profusive openhanded open-handed over-enthusiastic full rich a dime a dozen hyped up unlimited lank replete a gogo laid on with a trowel surplus in excess overabundant extra sleek supple bland insinuating coaxing compliant exaggerated actorly theatrical dramatic wholehearted free touchy-feely uninhibited munificent maudlin unconstrained outpouring overemotional mawkish nostalgic unsparing ungrudging handsome vociferous overacted bathetic icky corny moonstruck jejune inane languishing overenthusiastic impressionable affected dreamy idealistic insipid loving infinite inexhaustible free-flowing cringing all over someone large substantial considerable humble huge flush complete urbane fertile comfortable cornucopian productive blubbery hammy voluble dewy-eyed numerous many innumerable multifarious multiple manifold multitudinous countless fruitful thick on the ground competent swimming well-provided lousy with rife appreciable sufficient flowing chock-full enough improvident in abundance wordy myriad heavy prolix verbose lovey-dovey slippery phoney creamy pinguid phony brown-nosing self-abasing arse-licking smooth-spoken apple-polishing forelock-tugging a mess of Uriah Heepish ass-kissing coming out of ears

Từ trái nghĩa của courtly

courtly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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