Từ đồng nghĩa của net

Alternative for net

nets, nett, netts, netted, netting

Từ đồng nghĩa: acquire, earn, gain, get, mesh, obtain, secure, snare, trap, web,

Từ trái nghĩa: gross,

Danh từ

The amount (of money) remaining after expenses or deductions
profit return earnings proceeds payoff gain lucre income revenue yield receipts take takings gate returns incomings gains profits bottom line dividend pay interest winnings reward remuneration gravy salary gross turnover emolument benefit wealth wages split bunce cash flow take-home pay killing stipend harvest receipt compensation percentage pickings acquisition pay dirt surplus riches get accumulation means annuity rewards payment resources produce royalty boot payback net sales commission dividends paycheck honorarium operating profit net profit wage financial gain gross profit pay envelope score goods cleanup capital buck taking spoils finances accruement accrual advantage fee allowance products Mammon packet recompense hire avail results achievement reimbursement comings in revenue stream ill-gotten gains handle result product till accomplishment cut rake-off take home cash avails assets money received benefits drawings livelihood gate receipts gate money box office booty attainment gainings whack divvy award buildup share perks honoraria fees velvet prize slice of the cake balance net pay groceries salt fringe benefits gross pay piece of the pie pay packet take-home excess emoluments bonus inheritance fortune output production turnout outturn gift premium winning redemption grant perquisite fruits credit stock acquirement fund repayment requital consideration remittance reparation bounty meed deserts restitution redress indemnity reprisal indemnification settlement amends haul quittance carrot defrayal bread damages satisfaction plunder recoupment plus loot fringe benefit guerdon atonement swag honour purse reciprocity boodle offset meet reckoning coverage counterclaim remittal shake scale honor rate desert merit garland goodies crown accolade setoff extra stolen goods perk tip feather in cap just deserts due gratuity portion price retaliation reprisals pillage pay-off prey handout payments received defrayment hot goods cue right need prerogative appreciation merits privilege rights grease claim plum entitlement find retribution vengeance revenge prem treasure crop addition reciprocation catch cumshaw throw-in donative lagniappe handouts issue valuables fruit pittance bacon stipendium holding hand-outs taste check dispensation appropriation coupon allotment disbursement trophy spoil moneylending usury added extra gravy train oker financial return procurement alimony advance pension sum down support subsidy refund amortization amortisation outlay expense part acquittal one's share additional benefit poetic justice charge piece of the action add-on perquisites prizes rapine present squeeze graft make decoration incentive inducement sweetener gratification prize money

Danh từ

The central aspect of something an argument or consideration
core essence heart gist crux kernel nub nucleus substance pith root meat basis point base quintessence foundation keynote centrepiece centerpiece marrow significance sum pivot thrust import cornerstone nubbin bedrock fundamentals basics essentials underpinning hub linchpin body mainspring importance ABC nitty-gritty bottom line bull's-eye meat and potatoes nuts and bolts brass tacks heart of the matter sum and substance main idea basic principles main ingredients center centre burden matter soul essential part upshot stuff main point long and short focal point central point keystone meaning sense principle spirit essentiality short theme focus bottom fiber fibre topic quick salient point name of the game drift subject reality tenor fundamental basic backbone most important point idea score infrastructure crucial point lynchpin groundwork crown punch line intrinsic nature fundamental point meat-and-potatoes piece bit morsel atom part purport kingpin decisive point inwardness consequence embodiment zest hinge fundamental principle text question nature target principal element essential point signification proposition heart and soul butt omphalos quintain life circumstance moral case relevance footing standard chief ingredient view statement viewpoint opinion motif kicker locus the long and the short of it highlight ethos being lifeblood axis nexus warp grounding ground climax flagship raison d'être seat belly inside gut vital part centre of attention dead center home run direct hit subject matter polestar bones bosom heartstrings hole in one character direction basic idea defining characteristic essential feature policy line essential element line of reasoning most important fact constitution warp and woof center of attention main theme central idea summary central theme force bearing element grain actuality structure inner space key feature main event main feature high point best part high spot vein quality aspect quiddity form entity important point pride and joy guiding principle first principle jewel in the crown attribute virtuality caliber property timber calibre essentia germ esse ground zero general picture determination income conclusion loss outcome profit fundamental nature basic quality central part fundamental quality basic characteristic coal and ice chief constituent name of game nature of the beast be-all and end-all end result end product key point last word final decision indispensable content main thing whole story sine qua non what it's all about disposition mood temper tone flavour flavor feel psyche complexion material feeling content personality make-up identity thesis guts temperament argument makeup air atmosphere principles stamp self persona ambience issue concern individuality law humor humour premise fabric aura climate life force mind axiom traits cause motive concept animation starting point item theory rule resolution beginning tenet precept staple foundations rudiments attributes source note animus distillation value characteristic subconscious capacity frame of mind truth vibrations vibe cast thread presence rudiment smell consciousness outlook feature mettle mentality theorem texture thought affair proposal inner self business problem message breath determinant rules regulation essential nature qualities composition origin ambiance anima spice seasoning merit philosophy implication features truism principal object code existence matter at hand ethic capability essential beginnings gravamen potential authority distinction pneuma attitude reason tincture condiment sauce relish additive herb formula detail characteristics middle aroma constituents ardor halo epicenter golden rule odor odour ego motivation consideration key fountainhead mold mould karma fact subsistence patina details nimbus morale ABCs discussion will fount eminence particular main ingredient principal constituent vital spark trait style power touch nap animating principle ardour hotbed streak true being vital force navel epicentre strength cynosure energy strand innermost self inner woman field of inquiry intention conscience inner man postulate field of reference area under discussion vivacity extract vigor moment tenets weight creation standards precepts constituent vigour verve truisms dash verity mainstay enthusiasm component maxim vim survival sparkle norms magnitude preliminaries brio liveliness configuration zip élan doctrine dictum tendency oomph fire influence design bounce ingredients genesis psychology worth talent ability rationale seed axioms suggestion laws prominence esprit elan facet making vitality antecedent inner being hard fact living feather start object parts components warmth enterprise aphorism first principles grammar stature excellence anatomy elements manifestation model spunk animating spirit moving force organization prevailing tendency ground rule connotation ingredient capital position seedbed earnestness particularity account make factor motion clay resolve point of departure animateness wellspring dominating characteristic tinge kind intellect thing expertise proficiency competence superiority essential qualities kidney mecca continuance study title individualism motivating force field alphabet information courage dauntlessness jazz willpower grit gameness stoutheartedness potential for spark situation condition gnome vivaciousness marketplace endowment portion faculty qualification area place pertness inner ego chief thing organisation crux of the matter eye turn of mind contents concentration headquarters ka atman wairua matter in hand cluster elan vital fons et origo gifts magnet piece of information ground rules point at issue habilitation breeding ground nerve center worthiness pre-eminence where it's at strengths virtue point in question hand pile cloth cream essentialness quintessential ultimate context whatness support rest true intention real meaning true meaning flavouring flavoring cornerstones color genius colour beliefs lesson effect environment embryo bud boldness nerve chapter class meaningfulness milieu vibes surroundings trend inception ethics morality assumption spotlight birthplace facade impression semblance ropes validity soundness formation build midpoint anchor commencement preliminary surface concreteness clout stress morals inner child ball game spirituality awareness construction weave fountain ilk bull's eye forefront showpiece emphasis attraction guise exterior façade specific adage teaching article blurb state scenario news report story framework arrangement druthers stripe way strain breed sort variety type apothegm contention division mindset attitudes habits values ideology culture finish mise en scene practicalities facts realities breast mass cheer mode purpose prescript sprout sprig maxims criteria description emotions like leitmotif occasion head talking point front affectation set-up representation personification realization realisation symbol incarnation exemplification moralism saying sermon inspiration materials main belief creature organism concepts bases moral code consistency institution roots the facts moot point fine point respect modus operandi truths cold fact essential details chief part important matter architecture stimulus bulk criterion promise intent saw proverb inference apophthegm motto epigram matter in question matter of contention rallying point bone of contention hot spot spring medium vehicle carrier the name of the game ABC's hard facts necessities cast of mind mind-set woof image outline look totality integral integrate dogma technicality nicety info angle datum perspective data constellation brunt generality majority total whole élan vital moving spirit line aphorisms keystones moral belief potentiality sum total timbre principal practicality stipulation assumptions ideas sentience inkling suspicion load innards anecdote subtext specification slant point of view vital fluid dynamic force essential constituent essential component well head state of mind vital spirit mechanisms doctrines apothegms codes principium chapters continued existence personage viability real issue interest urgency aliveness growth through-line conception conceit postulates prescripts formulae corporality continuation corporeality humanity first steps primary element key component important part blood driving force sap animating force subjects dope itemized information gen low-down intermixture roughness stiffness fineness balance coarseness smoothness flexibility raw material the three R's golden rules substructure chief preponderance heft gravity impact seriousness noteworthiness theorems determinants real nature house central home divisions intelligence fervor fervour seasoner beinghood existing personhood main part themes topics center of attraction center of activity centre of activity centre of attraction nerve centre happy hunting ground standing exigency notability graveness momentousness imagination convention dynamic perseverance permanence journey thingness vital signs explanation background major part principal part lion's share spiritual being secret self instrument instrumentality weightiness rank prestige breath of life recesses of heart spark of life better part greater part continued survival means subcomponent superego size shipment volume cargo lading filling stuffing furnishing packing freight space extent status integral part building block contributing factor determining factor part and parcel essential being submerged mind undersense subliminal self underconsciousness subconscious mind id inner thoughts subliminal unconscious mind subconsciousness member basic characteristics bent fingerprint peculiarity hallmark inherent attributes inherent qualities inherent characteristics uniqueness shape essential quality colors properties distinctiveness mystique complex colours frame speciality singularity specialty badge mark appearance estimation inherent features basic attributes essential attributes essential features essential characteristics basic features basic qualities selfhood affection set marked traits crasis self-identity name of tune nature of beast

Danh từ

(fishing) A net dragged across the bottom of a body of water

Danh từ

Net worn on the head

Danh từ

Basketball goal

Danh từ

A barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to prevent or control access or escape
fence barrier wall barricade hedge paling bar defence hedgerow rail railing stockade enclosure guard hurdle palisade rampart groin groyne partition railings shield windbreak circumvallation protection backstop balustrade block boards boundary chains cyclone defense dike pickets posts roadblock screen stakes stop trellis barbed wire obstacle bulwark fortification obstruction parapet fencing blockade embankment impediment bastion breastwork panel barbican earthwork blank wall stronghold fort escarpment bartizan jump banister outwork vallum battlement divider cordon hindrance check guardrail bannister separator support restriction limitation room divider gate security blocking object chainlink fencing mound hill defensive wall vallation ridge elevation stretch precipice handle cliff scarp scar barranca barranco crag bluff division separation border perimeter barbwire spiky wire crenellation slope handrail shaft pale ditch dividing wall rails limit castellation trench moat embattlement tower siding pole post rest ring-fence dam boundary line dyke facade curb bank surface panelling levee side paneling retainer façade deterrent fetter trammel restraint handicap manacle encumbrance hitch inhibition let drag clog crimp cramp holdback interference balk snag blockage shackles chain embarrassment road block baulk stumbling block traverse barrage breakwater jetty causeway weir head mole sea wall curtain encirclement projection fireproofing sluice sea cliff purdah wedge sentry post blind shelter firewall banisters baluster balusters drain channel watercourse conduit gutter redoubt berm buttress stoppage shutter arras bannisters windshield citadel buffet buffer fortress infarct embolus closure infarction beleaguerment grade milldam boom millpond investment besiegement leaguer septum windscreen line of defense defenses verge pier siege defences wharf spur seawall harbor wall offshore barrier

Danh từ

A person or corporation's available money
finances bankroll coffers exchequer affairs assets budget capital cash condition fund funds investments money pocket resources revenue savings shares stock value wealth wherewithal worth balance sheet net worth means reserves moneys capitals riches dosh wonga shekels readies cashes spondulicks dibs ackers deep pockets wherewithals mazuma pelf kitty oof bucks greenbacks ducats doughs fortune property breads wealths simoleons properties shinplasters rocks possessions dough bread lucre loot substance lolly brasses nest egg loots treasure gold ready green worths backings moolahs lollies moolah brass securities scratches gelt income fortunes jacks scratch gravy substances stuff holdings treasury jack estates splosh Oscar revenues finance stocks rhino greens financing stakes rhinos estate tin opulences purse tins boodle gelts golds kales stake treasures stuffs earnings dinero kale financings sploshes interests Oscars effects goods bank pockets principal investment wad fundings belongings fisc gravies backing necessary necessaries hard cash filthy lucre liquid assets currencies pool ready money bankrolls affluences kitties incomes principals materials subsidies chattels valuables opulence nest eggs pocketbook ways and means wads affluence funding business capitalization long green budgets IRA prosperity subsidization coins prosperities chips moola wampum sheqels reserve working capital grubstake needfuls profits proceeds plenties subsidisation richnesses supports specie ready moneys equities stores winnings raw materials folding money grant megabucks quota equity sponsorships nuts big bucks Mammon intangibles planned disbursement spending plan venture capital exchequers changes tenders cabbages CD aids credits vaults abundances financial resources capitalizations richness plenty abundance coffer resource treasuries silvers clovers clover top dollars top whack top dollar collaterals bursary takings gift present luxuries dineros petty cash accounts receivable pork barrels lap of luxury currency bundles aces in the hole money for a rainy day ace in the hole bundle nut purses dollars legal tenders coin prosperousness silver economic capacity amount one can afford mammon luxuriances banknotes supplies change commodities well-being caches big money substantialities hoards multitudes supply collateral stockpile legal tender coinage roll copper notes needful sterling bills paper money credit cabbage the ready tender kembla the wherewithal portions antes lendings bill spends check banknote payment wage greenback dinars pesos material goods natural resources almighty dollar folding stuff ready cash contributions outlays medium of exchange pieces purchases concerns smart money involvements expenses allowance grants underwritings endowments receipts gate deals advances expenditures loans allocation spoils transactions vested interests moneylending bankerages deposit helping slice lot share allotment award ration account take gain payoff return profit budgeting quantum total quantity ill-gotten gains bankings cash flows investment capital financial assets

Động từ

To capture, especially with a trap or a net
catch snare capture trap bag nab grab hook ensnare nail seize get collar entrap land snag snatch cop glom entangle corral enmesh tangle nobble grapple rap ensnarl mesh entoil immesh lasso snap up catch up take captive secure gain acquire win attain obtain take achieve pick up earn procure score receive come by collect apprehend reap lay hold of arrest snarl get hold of bring in pull in wrest clinch detain pinch nick be given grasp carry off take into custody draw appropriate swing garner scoop bust come into have lay hands on take hold of run in pull down be awarded intertwine accept gather abduct realize derive yank prehend glean realise pull lift come away with be presented with grip walk off with grab hold of take in reel in walk away with accomplish have conferred on one take prisoner haul in round up extricate knot twist embroil interweave interlace come to have entwine clutch amass wangle involve take possession of pluck intertwist take receipt of wrench find ravel strike inherit rack up access get hands on be provided with go for seize hold of intertangle take a grip of knock down restrain get fingers on clap hands on take by force arrive at feel your collar feel someone's collar hold clasp clench reach jag swipe snap trammel commandeer ambush adopt assume wire springe consummate decoy walk away annexe annex blag beach enchain pick off tree catch hold of take possession corner accrue clutch at place under arrest be in receipt of be appointed to stretch for go after get one's fingers on pounce on take hostage kidnap get a hold of be paid accept delivery of take into one's possession agree to receive lay one's hands on mix up source cull get possession of locate trace track track down reify do deceive lure entice trick seduce gaol toss in jail throw in jail roust take in for questioning put in jail put the cuffs on jail book incarcerate imprison put the arm on implicate allure beguile inveigle notch up betrap lead on benet prise suck in box in lay for rope in grab away set a trap for mat come into possession of jumble come in for dishevel buy purchase possess oneself of build up get one's mitts on get one's hands on latch onto lock up

Động từ

To earn or gain, especially as an income or profit
earn make pocket clear gain acquire raise yield fetch realise realize reap get obtain procure profit accumulate win achieve bring in pull in take home be paid rake in make a profit of clean up bag secure attain collect draw land receive garner score gather capture pull down gross clinch pick up come by accomplish amass derive snag produce chalk up nab rack up reach wangle cop get hold of knock down clock up hook take glean notch up hit take in haul in have carry get paid bank pull off grab log pull access collar be given bring home ring up arrive at scrape together scoop fulfil swing harvest fulfill annex wrap up consummate annexe grasp effect hustle come to have latch onto come into possession of retrieve inherit receive a salary of take home earnings of recover pot be awarded complete appropriate purchase buy establish get at record fix come away with find effectuate walk off with walk away with manage perform carry off seize compass corral build up conquer bring to fruition scare up bring about get your hands on possess oneself of succeed in get hands on bring off get one's hands on gather in return profit with pierce contract realize a profit of steal captivate solicit rake something in reify cash in on turn in canvass maneuver manoeuvre work knock up polish off glom onto merit justify deserve warrant catch arrange come into draw in take receipt of lock up get one's mitts on come in for take possession of fix up sort out be deserving of turn wrangle sock have a right to knock off bring home the groceries pay one's dues be entitled to be worthy of be gainfully employed make it big bring home the bacon eke out make fast buck be in line for hoard schlenter salvage occupy save blag lay hold of drum up scrape up lay up gobble up make use of beg borrow or steal execute finish conclude perpetrate engineer negotiate commit honour meet strike honor conduct wrest do justice to keep faith with sew up put the tin lid on carry out get done deliver on make good on carry through do discharge prosecute take care of do a bang-up job pull something off get someplace live up to make it nail it fulfill one's potential make hay follow through on perfect put it over do one proud put through be true to do the trick bring to completion satisfy follow through with get there advance enlist ameliorate

Động từ

To yield or produce as a result of an investment of money, time or effort
yield give produce bear return earn generate provide afford supply fetch pay realise realize accrue beget bring contribute create make bestow catalyse catalyze effect engender furnish occasion prompt spawn tender effectuate induce invoke proffer breed cause discharge do work admit beam blossom offer bring in bring on bring about pull in result in draw on haul in translate into gather in pay out rake in bring forth give off turn out sell for gross secure get go for wax turn grow into run into reap develop procure command gain form draw propagate fructify be sold for attract give forth clear pocket score repay market for show profit pay off clean up pay dividend make a killing cash in on give rise to lead to trigger promote precipitate foster initiate provoke inspire bring to pass stir up make for kindle enkindle contribute to set off spark off whip up originate instigate introduce achieve activate elicit set in motion incite put in motion touch off affect advance further attain drive hatch spur deliver establish stimulate play a part in launch spark foment be instrumental in arouse culminate in accomplish play a role in make possible progenerate multiply amount to instil instill kickoff be conducive to trigger off cause to occur evoke actualize sow the seeds of give birth to add up to cause to happen be the cause of conduce to contrive conduce bring off be at the bottom of start expedite actuate mean issue impart grant present render purvey impel have a hand in encourage add to be a factor in call forth cultivate organise engineer open the door for push forward influence organize be responsible for end in carry off carry through have the effect of entail finish in draw out make happen pull off have a part in forward put in place help be partly responsible for oil the wheels of bring out spell make available acquire institute found muster conjure obtain perform inaugurate win bring into being lead get up work up set up bag land garner capture carry cost recoup sell come by pull down knock down take home be worth get paid

Động từ

Deprive of freedom of action
trammel hinder check hamper handicap impede restrict clog curb restrain obstruct confine cramp encumber catch constrain frustrate retard thwart bar block bridle capture enmesh ensnare fetter forestall hamstring hold back interfere with stymie tie embarrass handcuff hobble hog-tie inhibit manacle shackle short-circuit snag straiten entrap disrupt hem in hold up limit slow down tether tie up throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of snare bind entangle trap baulk balk cumber slow foil prevent delay stop hang up cripple hold arrest stall bork baffle control interrupt stifle get in the way put a brake on halt derail regulate curtail repress crimp set back stand in the way of get in the way of interfere cramp one's style govern freeze stonewall deter rein in contain circumscribe shut down stay detain hold down brake constrict oppose prohibit tame chain leash measure entrammel keep rule scupper muzzle withhold choke tie down keep back bottle up close off suppress delimit moderate inconvenience suspend crab burden intermit disadvantage shelve weigh down slow up put off bog down cork pull in hold in give a hard time keep within bounds bring to screeching halt shut off cramp someone's style choke off secure demarcate bound decelerate cap sabotage postpone remit incommode pause still define throttle fasten discommode sandbag gag defeat defer terminate peg smother demark retardate intern discontinue debar faze fence counteract be a hindrance to spoil muffle dam put back reduce girdle put at a disadvantage stave off avert mark off drag one's feet tie one's hands shut in saddle with ward off place at a disadvantage keep a tight rein on back off shut out put an end to take down throw a spanner in the works lock up cut off stem the flow of keep lid on box in keep the lid on cool off tie-up ruin inc tie someone down impair debilitate overload set limits on impose limits on idle charge oppress bother prevent from making progress circumvent put a crimp in sideline protract not allow to go beyond keep within the limits of discomfit rattle counter discourage temper mitigate prorogue immobilize immobilise disconcert slacken prolong make difficult bottleneck cork up calm give disadvantage take out neutralize stultify constipate snooker drag feet hold captive clip someone's wings affect disturb put out of commission evade contravene neutralise resist puzzle foul up screw up modulate ease down hesitate loaf falter mire loiter bog lessen decrease dawdle flag poke bring to a screeching halt tamper influence put straitjacket on nullify circumnavigate damp down confuse hold off on make late hold over stump mystify confound dissuade quash trouble jam conflict stand let up relieve sidestep skirt forbid scotch nonplus incarcerate imprison rein throw monkey wrench in hitch up put a leash on put a lead on bit ward taboo interdict outlaw enjoin defend against steer clear of avoid head off put a stop to draw up flummox keep down tone down wrong throw a spoke in the wheel of louse up bring up silence pull up subdue strangle pigeonhole corner upset dead-end fetch up gaol ban lock in coop up fence in jail close in immure deny concuss deprive shotgun disallow necessitate put on brakes put an stop to keep in nip in the bud discipline keep under control screen obscure surround enclose delineate put paid to censor treat unfairly do a disservice to give a disadvantage to treat harshly be unfair to put in an unfavourable position treat unfavourably tell against inflict a handicap on complicate stand still come to a standstill put half nelson on not move stand off peter out put on hold throw a monkey wrench into put on back burner hang fire give the run around hold off put the kibosh on environ encompass encircle put a limit on keep in check cool down fight back keep a lid on cut back keep tight rein on choke back put the brakes on button up bite back prelimit mark out nail down outline monkey with fix dry up hush quiet dummy up shut up shush tongue-tie clamp down on crack down on ice quieten squelch squash set specify prescribe delimitate place a limit on hold in check keep within limits draw the line on lock bolt barricade blockade latch guard deadlock fortify snib anchor sneck deadbolt padlock close make fast block off wall off wall

Tính từ

(of profit or earnings) Remaining after the deduction of tax or other contributions

Tính từ

Being generally the case after all factors have been taken into account
general overall common effective broad generic widespread public popular extensive universal prevailing wide accepted prevalent rife traditionalist orthodox established mainstream traditional conventional accustomed in force well established in circulation in vogue current usual ubiquitous rampant standard predominant customary recognized ordinary recognised stock pervasive endemic shared normal regular ruling pervading received majority typical dominant epidemic global regnant pandemic inescapable penetrating commonplace sweeping preponderant going comprehensive widely held across the board omnipresent existing main principal central permeating set wide-ranging frequent conformist acknowledged collective fashionable insidious immanent joint mutual permeative permeant suffusive vulgar habitual present everywhere average wonted outright numerous natural familiar total communal complete united all-embracing run-of-the-mill blanket middle-of-the-road in style in fashion lamestream core systemwide chief latest extant modern contemporary present persistent wall-to-wall bodywide vanilla primary major well-known everyday prime supreme dominating foremost spreading infectious contagious catching mass circulating reigning embraced proverbial like number-one focal pre-eminent epizootic national overarching ongoing superior can't get away from all over the place routine systemic preeminent pivotal typic congruous adopted intermutual commutual afoot communicable nationwide societal wholesale about in use bruited about in the air making the rounds doing the rounds talked of in general use going around abundant plentiful everywhere all-round all-around on everyone's lips raging broad-brush broad-spectrum across-the-board profuse many thronged multitudinous commonest composite cumulative predominating influential preponderating operative combined fundamental steady catholic worldwide ecumenical cooperative consolidated socialistic collated assembled unified concentrated social by the numbers compiled aggregate most important most usual most frequent

Tính từ

Remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone
residual remaining unused leftover unconsumed surplus extra residuary excess nett remanent superfluous vestigial balance continuing outstanding vestigal left behind left over spare unwanted left additional excessive lingering surviving redundant unneeded supernumerary supererogatory reserve in excess enduring lasting uneaten left-over unfinished untouched waste discarded dispensable odd disposable in addition useless expendable in reserve superfluent not required uncalled for de trop not needed over too much unnecessary rest of needless exorbitant profuse extravagant inordinate lavish inessential more extraneous unrequired gratuitous added surplus to requirements nonessential fresh supplementary extreme further unessential overmuch optional uncalled-for other supplemental wanton undue too many superabundant prodigal disproportionate abounding increased new another farther immoderate unconscionable unreasonable extrinsic irrelevant intemperate worthless plethoric steep towering dizzying unmeasurable overabundant alternative to spare auxiliary going begging ancillary wasteful undesirable top-up over the top avoidable pleonastic enormous exaggerated futile accidental boundless stiff uncritical profligate limitless super overflowing unasked noncompulsory dissipated indulgent unbounded causeless fortuitous available recrementitious stratospheric overboard supernatural overkill casual haphazard relief sky-high free chance self-indulgent way out random substitute beside the point unproductive backup unwarranted unrestrained fallback second preposterous still available unrestricted alternate extortionate overdue insane overweening intolerable outrageous peripheral unlimited overextravagant devilish uncurbed add-on overindulgent OTT bonus back-up out of all proportion over-and-above a bit much complementary on your hands secondary undrunk unjustifiable unwarrantable incidental in hand unwelcome baroque fancy unmerciful accompanying untempered irrational scrap unusable supporting unimportant trivial unmerited unprofitable not wanted pointless cosmetic purposeless to play with non-essential on the side special collateral contributory one more new-found supererogative over and above emergency unbridled standby replacement substantial vast uncontrolled immense grandiose tremendous gross improvident monstrous infinite prodigious huge monumental immeasurable astronomic imprudent massive stupendous humongous astronomical fantastic unhampered thumping whopping giant mega silly monster extensive ridiculous unchecked mountainous ludicrous epic mighty gargantuan colossal unfettered mammoth overgenerous gigantic uninhibited super-duper O.T.T. over the odds fall-back in store more than enough

Từ trái nghĩa của net

net Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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