Đồng nghĩa của advantage

Alternative for advantage

advantages, advantaged, advantaging

Đồng nghĩa: benefit, gain, leverage, upper hand,

Trái nghĩa: disadvantage, handicap,

Danh từ

A favourable or desirable feature
benefit asset boon blessing profit aid help plus value convenience merit reward attraction bonus expediency favor favour perk privilege service start virtue advantageousness assistance expedience helpfulness profitability strong point usefulness utility added extra additional benefit avail fringe benefit leeway leg-up leverage perquisite advisability beauty break desirability eminence foredeal good point gratification improvement influence luck pre-eminence preference return support ace in the hole ace up your sleeve gain use good worth effectiveness power godsend efficacy account strength mileage plus point quality gratuity extra upside resource pro appropriateness good thing fitness efficiency practicality gift appanage serviceableness serviceability suitability importance edge productiveness windfall luxury dividend stroke of luck liberty opportunity interest good fortune treasure success authority potency prerogative significance authorization sanction gravy license substance right functionality entitlement authorisation lagniappe effect due birthright claim capability efficaciousness consequence point ability apanage licence tip premium purpose note leave excellence distinction freedom amenity sense weight relevance consideration accommodation permission adequacy bonanza facility benison comfort selling point concession possibility aptness capacity import impact feasibility fruitfulness ease efficacity appropriacy charter franchise performance grant donative cumshaw consent effectualness honour manna successfulness valuation warrant talent compensation magnitude freebie throw-in effectuality potence constructiveness felicity benediction prize honor credit handiness carte blanche largess incentive sweetener moment mark betterment chance goodness redeeming feature perks practicability saving grace gravy train prudence applicability strong suit preferableness choice judiciousness piece of good fortune viability workability satisfaction wisdom timeliness propitiousness title exemption droit immunity appeal independence worthiness concern function validity propriety dispensation bounty present nicety relief forte desirableness advisableness feature jackpot force advancement appealing aspect indemnity meritoriousness weightiness compensating feature competence superiority added attraction behoof percentage solution allowance aim endowment recommendation prominence momentousness capableness sufficiency seriousness gravity refuge caliber benefits niftiness repayment creature comfort effectivity signification calibre stature attractiveness usability vantage estimation mod con call feather in your cap justification thing in its favour good luck golden hello lucky break attractive feature manna from heaven long suit valuableness worthwhileness opportuneness chance of a lifetime favourableness soundness affordance delight joy preferability boot lure draw pull fittingness sensibleness usage bliss rightness achievability neatness excellent inspiration well-being grace attribute attainability operability workableness recommendability seemliness sensibility advantages icing on the cake extenuative palliative attractive aspect business meaning allure golden opportunity excellency significancy kindness pith class greatness meaningfulness prosperity added advantage free will priority most favourable aspect most pleasant aspect best point miracle prequisite perquisites allowances solatium grade excuse grounds pragmatism profitableness versatility welfare pretension pretense pretence dibs reason perfection extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality enjoyment coup triumph good quality standing compensation package employee benefit skill piece of luck logic favorable aspect good feature favourable aspect forcefulness latitude feat masterstroke achievement rank matter ease of use object motive cardinal virtue lucky thing gainfulness benefit in kind succor autonomy flexibility attainment accomplishment sake availment upshot qualification utilitarianism indulgence esteem urgency repute protection weal point of character scope discretion space boom guide validness clout opportunism properness meetness acquisition freelage noteworthiness award system arrangement appliance deal room free rein margin result discovery wealth hand facilitation accessory stopgap expedient venture buy acquirement recompense payment equipment solutions provision furtherance succour ministration ministry addition steal good judgment leisure unrestraint personal best best winnings requital price crutch positive feature bargain purchase discount deduction reduction extravagance enrichment enhancement meed decoration carrot fortuity fluke fortune investment accretion procuration possession holding blank cheque complete discretion complete freedom blank check breathing room wiggle room elbowroom elbow room breathing space rein free hand unrestricted freedom lack of restrictions pennies from heaven pot of gold winning streak treasure trove cash cow crock of gold run of luck gold mine rebate recourse backup pick-me-up resort pointer assist abetment desert purse pay-off guerdon payoff inducement good buy good deal remuneration cut pleasant thing strike run garland goodies crown accolade concurrence granting clearance sufferance decrease encouragement donation benefaction compliment lucky strike foot in the door way in leg up weighting refund prize money feather in cap adjustment tolerance admission adaptation green light toleration implication bearing bang for the buck

Danh từ

The quality of being prosperous
prosperousness fortune riches opulence wealth comfort success welfare benefit plenty interest good abundance luxury ease exorbitance successfulness plenteousness thriving expansion increase growth boom inflation accomplishment arrival clover comfortable do velvet victory well-being good times life of luxury bed of roses the good life easy street gravy train flying colors high on the hog prosperity good fortune affluence happiness richdom security health profit wealthiness richness means good life weal lap of luxury milk and honey safety protection splendour satisfaction progress contentment good health splendor deep pockets luck life of Riley American dream eudaemonia superabundance substantiality plenitude economic growth economic boom easy circumstances grandeur grandness lavishness extravagance sumptuousness wherewithal profitability luxuriousness magnificence costliness hedonism Godspeed voluptuousness wellbeing laurels reward happy days life's work product of working life lifework felicity interests pogey euphoria indulgence life of ease good luck privileged circumstances pile joyfulness property tidy sum mint possessions assets merit paradise joy wad resources gold mine material comfort comfortable circumstances east street gain asset strengthening prize help nutritious benediction nutritional boon favour favor windfall behalf nourishing blessing usefulness avail nugget use plum health-giving godsend treasure service commonwealth convenience sake robustness enjoyment aid contentedness bliss fitness wholeness gratification assistance content wellness soundness healthiness wholesomeness standard of living quality of life betterment greater good fruitfulness bounty fertility feast plentifulness goodness pleasure melioration utility grace delight consolation solace manna anodyne relief mercy copiousness sufficiency

Danh từ

An advantage or a characteristically favorable point

Danh từ

A good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing
strength asset forte metier métier skill aptitude gift speciality talent specialty strong point virtue strong suit ability body burden capability connection core expertise gist in license long suit meat pith purport security sense succour succor tier wire intestinal fortitude upper hand capacity power bent competence faculty facility knack endowment proficiency aptness flair dexterity adroitness competency know-how adeptness caliber prowess calibre genius mastery virtuosity potential qualification skilfulness quality technique potency thing effectiveness artistry cleverness expertness means potentiality fitness savvy excellence deftness nous command what it takes skillfulness accomplishment chops distinction capableness puissance efficiency touch right stuff value finesse head craft wherewithal readiness merit force handiness bag stuff ableness brilliance worth attribute stature intelligence claim to fame propensity skills skillset qualities cup of tea nose form expertism turn art sharpness habilitation might artfulness masterfulness moxie the goods redeeming feature savoir faire medium eminency oyster department character knowledge plus credit savviness superiority eminence ingenuity panache grasp smarts polish inventiveness standard craftsmanship understanding promise makings grace inclination sleight pizzazz instinct leaning masterliness clout good point plus point pzazz essence gifts worthiness strengths constitution versatility savoir-faire the right stuff resourcefulness green thumb pre-eminence line abilities talents mental powers feature intellect quickness characteristic powers distinctive address special talent mind for experience brains class special asset creativity grip adequacy energy resources pièce de résistance preparedness light professionalism workmanship suitability effectualness poise dodge mastership nimbleness mind brain eligibility special subject benefit refinement goods agility style sophistication gracefulness elegance natural ability pistol knowing way around proclivity property peculiarity penchant predilection function personal talent natural gift up to it artistic ability reach imagination usefulness good points likable trait redeeming quality originality superability inspiration excellency advantageousness efficaciousness meritoriousness efficacy creative power great ability cardinal virtue good quality special ability parts attraction attainment acquirement beauty pro recommendation set numen the formula positive feature compensating feature attractive feature selling point ace in the hole ace up your sleeve cunning dexterousness artifice acumen astuteness wizardry wisdom smartness giftedness method sagacity specialization trick slickness handiwork work execution numerical competence comprehension shrewdness canniness specialisation disposition familiarity feel niftiness brightness effortlessness wit awareness acquaintance numeracy mathematical ability perception fluency discernment education ease thoroughness artisanship authority practicality greatness profession credentials precision magic qualifications approach finish coordination guile performance subtlety judgment background ingeniousness intuition judgement acuity way IQ perspicacity neatness feeling acuteness foxiness cageyness caginess intuitiveness secret learning qualifiedness delicacy braininess gumption knowingness sapience learnedness erudition achievement academic skill technical skill game skillage manner éclat delivery civility rectitude respectability flourish elan dash musicianship docility trademark probity steadiness mojo ken knowing inside out tendency advance advancement oil headway progress formula accuracy daintiness proneness faculties facilities hard skill dedication willingness polished skill reliability light-footedness lightsomeness preciseness stylishness swiftness litheness simplicity quick-wittedness smoothness spryness legerdemain insight precociousness precocity competitiveness agency dynamism perspicuity efficacity productiveness edge bookishness suss knowledgeableness facileness handicraft manufacture sleight of hand diplomacy imaginativeness discretion sharp-wittedness cutting it hacking it productivity nippiness record past training grounding keenness penetration design artwork hand-eye coordination straightforwardness competencies making the grade cutting the mustard quick wit calculation esprit quick wits predisposition attributes accomplishments features development vision initiative enterprise hang of something eye-hand coordination temperament hang of it skillsets suitableness powerfulness organisation organization clear-sightedness hardheadedness common sense innate knowledge perceptivity deviousness cognizance control apprehension sixth sense specialized technique specialized skill specialism specialized knowledge stunt exploit feat employability deeds discrimination farsightedness common arguteness sensitivity percipience intimacy enlightenment conversance edification acquaintanceship cognition schooling wiliness craftiness hang number device fields of expertise conception scholarship aplomb cultivation concept horse sense grey matter curriculum vitae no trouble no difficulty no bother deed slyness intricacy clue appreciation powers of reasoning good taste capacities fortes competences subtleness cunningness sneakiness complexity guilefulness tour de force life skills practical knowledge expert knowledge fluency in ability in exquisiteness core competency job role trade field of expertise field niche responsibility post line of work undertaking occupation task position duty business vocation calling area career avocation employment livelihood concern engagement gig assignment

Danh từ

An improvement or advantage
gain inroads strides advance advancement headway improvement progress achievement forward movement step forward growth amelioration furtherance development enhancement betterment progression breakthrough promotion rise elevation boost refinement upgrading enrichment augmentation melioration evolvement upgrade expansion evolution movement buildup increase upswing cultivation preferment procession march change for the better momentum heightening passage rally innovation anabasis civilisation expedition stride civilization embellishment rectification meliorism forwarding leap revolution step up benefit process spread escalation raising flowering emergence going onrush elaboration encroachment regeneration onward movement movement forward coming-of-age maturation boosting augmenting ground gained steps forward edification reform mastery prosperity increment surge metamorphosis blossoming transformation modernization discovery find correction upward mobility continuance continuation amendment course ascent quantum leap finding success invention career rectifying face-lift aggrandizement hike reformation upbeat upturn break flow drift proceeding stream advent nearing transition journey voyage arrival unfolding stepping forward flux motion coming leap forward renovation turnaround enlargement revision aggrandisement forward march giant strides getting ahead going forward a step up the ladder a kick upstairs career development a step up being upgraded a move up moving up extension change kaizen reclamation step in the right direction leap forwards turn of events new idea proliferation intensification scientific advancement moving forward onward motion technological advancement forward motion flourishing buildout blooming advancing burgeoning spreading unraveling upgrowth unravelling step passing education steps inroad stage training developing order move mobilisation mobilization velocity succession sequence perfecting level continuity incubate nurse nourish evolving operation chain maturing growing making progress increasing scheme fruition consecution string addition reinforcement reinforcing elaborating thriving supplementation incubation perfection boom ongoing adding to upping traction

Danh từ

Jumping-off point

Danh từ

The act or process of indemnifying, preserving, or securing against loss, damage, or penalty
setoff compensation allowance amends atonement benefit bonus bread consideration counterclaim coverage damages defrayal deserts earnings fee gain honorarium indemnification indemnity meet offset pay payment payoff premium profit quittance reciprocity reckoning recompense recoupment redress reimbursement remittal remittance remuneration reparation repayment reprisal requital restitution reward salary salt satisfaction scale settlement shake stipend take take-home wage reprisals emolument return meed hire income proceeds paycheck packet retribution wages pay envelope revenue retaliation payback commission solatium dues guerdon fees emoluments returns cut percentage share handout profits portion takings take-home pay piece of the action grant vengeance price charge propitiation redemption subsidy award expiation scholarship gratuity refund reciprocation revenge disbursement rate yield pension tip squaring things interest perquisite quid pro quo gross pay pickings rake-off lucre dividend sum net pay whack defrayment just deserts slice slice of the cake expense penance remitment reinstatement rebate apology endowment donation allocation benefaction fellowship making good retainer net gross accrual benefits gate accruement restoration salvo surplus divvy rewards handouts perk baksheesh commish something to sweeten pot poetic justice expenses extra justice pittance bacon hand-outs stipendium something returned plus remedy rectification taste prize check dispensation appropriation coupon allotment one's share carrot alimony advance pay-off annuity down support cash bounty amortization amortisation outlay part acquittal cure aid help ease relief complimentary fee comeback assistance correction cost amendment renewal reworking remodelling rehabilitation reformation conciliation offsetting reestablishment change remodeling revision repair balancing remission perquisites perks toll figure bill tariff account damage freight ante amount fare piece house bite end handle subscription juice price tag take-in chunk gravy

Danh từ

A result or outcome, especially from work or activity

Danh từ

The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together

Danh từ

A profit from an investment
return profit gain income revenue yield proceeds earnings interest payoff benefit dividend gains returns net accrual accruement lucre percentage takings boot bunce gate incomings take avail results receipts remuneration reward profits pay compensation payment turnover recompense salary wages emolument bottom line stipend winnings pickings reparation repayment requital gravy reimbursement allowance receipt payback indemnity wage restitution gross fee wealth satisfaction cash flow split harvest premium consideration bonus remittance honorarium commission surplus indemnification amends quittance money received killing acquisition annuity emoluments paycheck fees retribution dividends refund reprisal pay dirt pay envelope redress take-home pay hire output cut accumulation share means prize divvy get rake-off outturn turnout rewards riches award product perks disbursement produce whack packet discount reciprocation portion vengeance retaliation perquisite bounty rebate atonement benefits settlement resources meed drawings net profit net sales operating profit spoils net pay gross pay royalty guerdon kickback financial return gross profit financial gain remission slice of the cake cash gate money just deserts score goods cleanup vail remitment achievement taking crop haul accomplishment catch revenge concession buck payment received fruit capital remittal business incoming restoration products financial returns retainer expiation avails assets livelihood booty attainment gainings gross revenue buildup honoraria purse payments received issue holding inheritance fortune velvet reciprocity result till handle rate price finances comings in revenue stream excess groceries salt take-home balance take home apology fringe benefits handout gate receipts winning redemption grant gift production quid pro quo ill-gotten gains Mammon pay packet box office charge partial refund extra entitlement replacement substitution something in return alimony advance pension pay-off sum down defrayment support subsidy amortization amortisation outlay expense defrayal part acquittal plus piece of the pie poetic justice deserts perquisites taste check dispensation appropriation coupon allotment carrot right one's share fruits acquirement fund credit stock piece of the action title damages merits claim due justice rightful treatment fair treatment give-back discharge give-up acquittance consolation remedy rectification cure reprisals recoupment aid help ease relief money back comeback assistance correction amendment renewal reworking remodelling rehabilitation reformation conciliation offsetting reestablishment change remodeling revision repair balancing

Danh từ

The quality of being morally good or virtuous
goodness virtue integrity morality honesty rectitude righteousness uprightness virtuousness probity merit rightness decency good honour dignity ethicalness principle upstandingness worth honourability honourableness incorruptibility propriety truth truthfulness nobility nobleness respectability trustworthiness worthiness blamelessness character equity excellence fairness irreproachableness justice justness meritoriousness pureness purity value equitableness impartiality lawfulness legality quality superiority beneficence benefit ethicality grace honor kindheartedness mercy nobility of soul nobility of spirit obligingness lack of corruption good will principles ethics scrupulousness morals faithfulness right-mindedness innocence high-mindedness fidelity impeccability incorruption sincerity chastity modesty greatness honorableness distinction ideal veracity class correctness candor reputability candour frankness loyalty eminence conscientiousness openness verity graciousness perfection incorruptness reliability respect saintliness right noble-mindedness soundness standard conduct chasteness ethic courage confidence honestness rightfulness evenhandedness dependability decorum sinlessness trustiness straightforwardness faith excellency high principles guiltlessness importance good name superbness magnanimity immaculateness standards significance ethos stature conscience sense reputation practice belief imperative mores nature convention criteria conventionalities arete outspokenness bluntness genuineness high quality virginity straightness good character brilliance responsibility magnificence self-respect moral code immaculacy godliness continence account irreproachability calibre supremacy use usefulness utility charity love natural law caliber sublimity preeminence spotlessness accomplishment regard choiceness primeness service profit assistance substance helpfulness gain consequence help first-rateness transcendence éclat aid mileage prestige fineness piety gallantry sublime accuracy forthrightness majesty grandeur credit repute moral virtue stateliness gentility faultlessness celibacy chivalry devotion talent plainness augustness gentlemanliness authenticity maidenhood grade splendor desirability fair play stainlessness avail wholesomeness moral philosophy fair shake good report effectiveness efficacy power upside relevance strength estimation point peerlessness supereminence splendour pre-eminence serviceableness strong point high standard reverence esteem veneration status plainnes straight prerogative gamesmanship moral correctness righteous dedication dutifulness constancy reason piousness precision perpendicularity erectness verticality good sport exactness emancipation properness enfranchisement kindness fortitude innocency sportsmanship legitimacy reasonableness hope cardinal virtue supernatural virtue exquisiteness flawlessness practicality lack of sin clear conscience what is right inculpability perfectness good behaviour refinement polish achievement artlessness guilelessness gentleness scruples philosophy manners infallibility exemplariness abstinence impact influence effect holiness sanctitude cleanliness singleness magnitude potency good habits self-denial self-restraint credibility moral fibre moral fiber moral strength actuality courtliness credo creed ideals norms loftiness solemnity implication bang for the buck bearing import purpose will power virtues moral principles moral values tikanga regalness impressiveness poise royalness formality respectfulness regality composure beliefs moral stand rules of conduct moral beliefs dictates of conscience standards of behaviour rights and wrongs theological virtue staying power firmness of purpose exaltedness breeding gravitas lordliness ceremoniousness abstemiousness cleanness naivete monogamy demureness restraint unmarried state temperance seemliness renown state standing gravity etiquette strength of mind sedateness reserve sobriety station gentlefolks gentlefolk generosity gentry patriciate aristocracy elite glory applicability vantage fitness significancy improvement perks productiveness functionality edge appropriateness gratification favour justification convenience excuse call grounds boon start betterment serviceability asset favor resplendence hauteur seriousness self-possession cachet culture note splendidness level illustriousness bravery selflessness gloriousness gorgeousness desert sublimeness society upper crust royalty upper class ennoblement elevation exaltation glorification meaning appeal allure grandness splendiferousness deservingness resplendency validity meaningfulness attractiveness stupendousness capability skill ability weight pro aptitude valuation endowment gift moment mark behoof percentage landed gentry ruling class high society plus point redeeming feature moral trueness sense of right and wrong exactitude allegiance commitment values fealty reality fact grit truism backbone pluck verisimilitude steadfastness candidness guts devotedness gospel troth resolution honest-to-god truth straight stuff veridicality real McCoy word like it is determination resolve superego staunchness fastness adhesion attachment behavior good faith earnestness moral value behaviour adherence veraciousness lack of deceit ardor ardour sense of honour sense of duty duty blood birth patricians peerage idea moral belief tenet blue blood code value-system directness proper conduct moral integrity ethical code moral principle ethical values set of values boldness knighthood knightliness credos rudiments elements noblesse acceptability kudos basics maidenhead sense of propriety sense of judgment daring knight errantry heroism valour intrepidity wholeheartedness moral concern maidhood cherry grittiness spunk conviction ideology courtly manners knightly code bona fides golden rules scruple perseverance doggedness tenacity resoluteness steadiness fixedness firmness persuasion goodwill unaffectedness heart ingenuousness naturalness sincereness moral standards straight and narrow ABCs habit moral standard norm moral law code of ethics valor application obstinacy pride rule of living code of behaviour code of honour code of behavior rule of conduct code of ethic principles of behavior standard of behaviour single-mindedness zeal eagerness unfailingness decision abidingness certainty surety gumption kaupapa principle of right and wrong sense of morality true-heartedness mettle morale fiber intestinal fortitude fibre ego self-importance sensibilities obedience lealty deference self-worth self-esteem habits obligation strength of character qualms compunction homage customs policies dogmas inner voice legal obligation pledge liability amenability accountability moral obligation accountableness answerability call of duty amour-propre self-love amour propre self-regard sense of right squeam moral sense small voice shame demur voice within right and wrong censor still small voice personal principles

Danh từ

A large number of people or things
plurality multiplicity profusion diversity mass multitude range galaxy lot wealth abundance heap host load majority most pile plethora quantities quantity score stack bulk large number numerousness preponderance shedload slew swag tonne ton variety wide variety group lead number pluralism overwhelming number greater part nearly all mountain plenitude horde swarm bunch plenty crowd throng drove collection army legion mob sea flock myriad much congregation assembly assemblage push heterogeneity array expanse many conglomeration manifoldness caboodle gathering assortment bundle loads oodles scads store reams gobs spate raft mess chunk volume lashings wad boatload plentitude fistful barrel bushel basketful truckload pot bucket yard potful deal passel shipload carload lashins sight plateful sheaf dozen pack hundred a lot peck shock sum entirety good deal corpus combination totality sum total great deal crush press rout scrum bike herd cram great quantity concourse large quantity jam great number infinity ocean infinitude turnout aggregation large group cluster accumulation agglomeration batch stockpile clump bank stock amassment aggregate lots hoard masses total heaps quite a bit all kinds of lump supply piles amount fund mound reservoir mine tons deposit body pool tonnes stacks reserve cumulation set jumble gob whole cornucopia concentration hill clutch battery constellation suite accretion package million superabundance band cache jillion inventory grouping stash block oceans knot trillion parcel scores crop trove backlog extent hunk copiousness thousand rick millions mountains scad fullness haul congeries pileup large amount quantum buildup measure all opulence bounty ream cargo agglomerate capacity build-up great amount drift clot summation flood budget affluence mixture bountifulness portion muster amplitude proportion feast thousands sufficiency bing fruitfulness bags repository avalanche boodle prosperity huddle billions hundreds increase gazillions consignment harvest plenteousness rickle source repertoire excess nest full riches area treasure a great deal accrual growth logjam nest egg size exuberance selection miscellany quota armful wodge riot lavishness mix luxury ample well composite luxuriance numerous part weight tangle surplus richness bounteousness fount hotchpotch treasury whole lot dose magnitude dosage conglomerate nimiety ampleness overflow mint deluge torrent enough storehouse blob mixed bag hodgepodge unit force zillions gross bazillions full house a large amount fountain lode a good deal garner treasure-trove a pile the works result treasure house whole shooting match grand total a shedload full amount more … than one can shake a stick at degree muddle floods busload truckful share bag box confusion glut jumb crate carton pallet deposition plentifulness superfluity rabble distribution profuseness surfeit several contingent extravagance oversupply ensemble pyramid hummock plentiful a number copious considerable abundant substantial innumerable an amount countless prodigality repertory provision bar vein thicket tuft prosperousness outpouring medley droves a good few a good number considerable amounts series stretch fortune shipment loadsa mat tussock tuffet infinite number unlimited number gang party crew ridge dune hideaway net quite a number shedloads pots miles wads jackpot sweep breadth tract armamentarium expansion escalation enlargement development mishmash potpourri pot-pourri clutter bevy fall-back a considerable number fountainhead wellspring amalgamation integrality denomination alluvion addition product arsenal region combo hodge-podge bevvy the whole kit and caboodle the whole enchilada list output promotion puff plug advertising hype gain publicity a deal treasure trove very great number stream allocation holdings a fair amount a great quantity a wealth a profusion lodgment cumulus lodgement a great many a large number portfolio concretion a mountain a swag an abundance crescendo length amalgam conjunction synthesis blend compound alloy marriage skandha everything but the kitchen sink walking encyclopedia well head appreciable amount generous amount huge amount copious amount substantial amount vast amount sizeable amount ample amount decent amount power whole schmear whole enchilada greatness allotment integral figure compilation works beginning and end lock, stock and barrel whole caboodle worth alpha and omega be-all and end-all whole shebang whole ball of wax number of oeuvre entity staple substance core opera omnia extant works complete works

Danh từ

The taking of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle
opportunism expediency exploitation pragmatism realism convenience Machiavellianism capitalization manipulation maneuvering manoeuvring realpolitik unscrupulousness utilitarianism advantageousness expedience opportunity taking advantage timeliness ad hocery making the best of a bad job making hay while the sun shines striking while the iron is hot machinations machination wheeler-dealing machiavellianism politics power struggle jockeying for position suitability benefit prudence usefulness advisability utility effectiveness profitability fitness desirability appropriateness practicality judiciousness aptness propriety gainfulness gain profit advisableness helpfulness appropriacy wisdom desirableness propitiousness meetness properness expedient efficiency feasibility stopgap value merit asset plus worth virtue good point perk strong point reward help upside bonus privilege favor favour good avail use service worthwhileness boon aid blessing mileage godsend attraction amenity strength fringe benefit perquisite additional benefit added extra plus point preferableness valuableness assistance efficacy gratuity account quality beauty opportuneness soundness sense preferability favourableness sensibleness fittingness recommendability sensibility seemliness pro interest extra rightness dividend treasure advancement premium valuation gift windfall indulgence behoof percentage worthiness cream good thing prize added advantage attractive feature egg in one's beer gravy appeal start recommendation selling point favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature appealing aspect thing in its favour leeway leg-up leverage preference eminence break return luck influence gratification support pre-eminence improvement foredeal serviceableness ace in the hole ace up your sleeve distinction forte grace attribute excellence point power excellency talent credit efficaciousness meritoriousness potency long suit force strong suit cardinal virtue good quality redeeming feature serviceability reason viability practicability workability possibility relevance applicability productiveness functionality niftiness function adequacy handiness note

Danh từ

A rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other

Động từ

To enhance the value of something, or to make more efficient
improve enhance embellish enrich aggrandize amplify boost lift ameliorate better uplift vitalize aid endow favor favour inspirit envigorate invigorate optimise optimize promote stimulate titivate upgrade appreciate augment benefit brighten cultivate meliorate up add value to build up contribute to make better boost up brush up do up drive forward beef up build on add to step up bump up give a boost to spruce up encourage the growth of fine-tune polish up smarten up give a facelift to perk up give a lift to help refine increase advance raise perfect amend heighten sweeten elevate polish correct touch up hone intensify strengthen adjust assist supplement reinforce fortify further develop progress emend revamp reform sharpen dress up rectify support straighten out complement build suit forward revise rise contribute purify edit recuperate update uprate back up add give a boost brace shore burnish set right take off turn the corner make strides pick up make perfect modify shape up turn around add value candy disguise make over sugar-coat facilitate mend mix lace excel fix up work on change for the better improve on transcend harmonize with integrate with go with smarten deepen sugar ease set off parlay exalt spike pad pyramid fix mitigate redress be the perfect addition to be the perfect companion to add minerals to add vitamins to assuage smooth make richer remediate reenforce soup up jazz up run up make easier jack up hike up serve profit hop up flesh out foster succor succour work for relieve be good for befit do good to drive be beneficial to encourage be helpful to gratify bless be to the advantage of please be advantageous to pay off for satisfy be of service to be of assistance to be of use to power be of help to be of advantage to be useful to back nurture champion nourish incubate nurse abet sponsor endorse give backing to advocate expedite espouse accelerate prop up proselytize speed up pave the way for bail out proselytise urge bankroll finance rear spread invest in subsidize hasten breed sanction push cooperate attend uphold sustain patronize backstop plug patronise subsidise give a donation to give money to propagandize wait on further the interests of help along speed open doors lend support to lend a hand be conducive to lend a hand to take care of speak for propagandise oil the wheels of bring up present preach suggest proclaim foment propound peddle feed pay grow fuel tend hurry be of benefit to do someone good hurry along be of value to keep be of advantage propel fast-track give a push to extend ballyhoo broaden generate engender spur on propagate expand protect mother safeguard recommend sit cradle father baby-sit keep alive take charge of care for see to administer to keep an eye on watch over nursemaid minister to watch out for keep tabs on mentor indorse launch give deliver buttress advise push for help in get behind campaign for aid in fund bolster oblige accommodate precipitate work with second give assistance to cooperate with attend to collaborate with stump hype make easy thump puff do someone a favour do someone a service pitch in with bail someone out muck in with open the door for ride shotgun help out clear a path for do for open doors for root for be a factor in smooth the way for run interference for smooth the path of give a leg up get stuck in with assist the progress of lend a helping hand to give a lift get someone out of a tight spot make a pitch for go down the line for stand up for grease the wheels give a leg up to put on the map go to bat for be a tower of strength to give a hand

Trái nghĩa của advantage

advantage Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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