Đồng nghĩa của killing

Alternative for killing


Đồng nghĩa: cleanup, kill, putting to death, sidesplitting, violent death,

kills, killed, killing

Đồng nghĩa: annihilate, destroy, end, execute, finish, murder, slaughter, slay,

Trái nghĩa: save, spare,

Danh từ

An act of causing death, especially deliberately
manslaughter murder execution homicide massacre slaughter dispatch elimination liquidation assassination bloodshed butchery carnage extermination slaying annihilation eradication martyrdom decimation destruction extinction fatality patricide filicide infanticide matricide parricide taking of life doing to death putting to death wiping out bumping off capital punishment death termination foul play hit shooting rubout blood genocide removal crime fratricide sororicide ruin uxoricide regicide offing obliteration loss wastage mincemeat assassinating taking out bane subjugation unlawful death purge disposal mactation snuffing injury wounding political execution euthanasia silence finish stabbing erase ride bump-off kill death blow big chill second-degree murder first-degree murder ethnic cleansing act of killing mass murder coup de grâce taking of someone's life lynching dying demolition wasting off dispatching knifing butchering massacring slaughtering overwhelming extirpation devastation finishing off rub out killing off ruination contract killing rubbing out snuffing out putting down lethality mortality loss of life humanness deadliness desolation havoc end wreckage demolishment putting to sleep the business the works zapping dissolving downfall extinguishment shattering ravaging sacking disintegrating crashing crushing abolishing rooting out invalidating extinguishing subverting abolition invalidation disrupting undoing wrecking subversion overthrow martyrization persecution crucifixion immolation self-sacrifice self-immolation ritual murder auto-da-fé sacrifice burning at the stake

Danh từ

The state of being vanquished
vanquishment beating rout trouncing drubbing overthrow thrashing massacre annihilation licking conquest whipping shellacking slaughter subjugation triumph trimming waxing trashing loss mastery embarrassment reverse debacle blow destruction downthrow extermination whitewashing collapse failure ambush defeasance lacing paddling rebuff repulse scalping whaling fall ruin discomfiture break breakdown check count insuccess KO nonsuccess setback trap defeat pasting hammering caning clobbering victory hiding demolition grand slam clean sweep vanquishing subduing overpowering conquering domination subjugating crushing dominating coup routing defeating pounding plastering victory over triumph over downfall success win sweep game, set and match lump walloping thumping battering subjection subjecting murder going-over score subdual splash crushing defeat overwhelming defeat mauling big win walkover game decisive victory superiority runaway victory advantage landslide overwhelming majority worsting besting thwarting pulverizing flattening quelling quashing suppression squashing wipeout whitewash takeover elimination overcoming pulverising breaking extinction foil pwnage ownage win over success over glory over supremacy over flogging belting tanning lashing birching flaying fiasco bashing slapping smacking pummelling thwacking punching cuffing buffeting pelting cudgelling lambasting clubbing whacking flagellation biffing bopping slugging duffing-up doing-over beating-up scourging leathering chastisement end pummeled cudgeling cane birch spanking dusting bludgeoning humiliation state of defeat washout kicking working-over disappointment horsewhipping romp bullwhipping strap belt lathering pulverisation pulverization defeatedness switching strapping punishment scourge castigation lash pummeling switch clampdown crackdown repression prevention stopping prohibition termination discontinuation cowing the strap dissolution halting arrest hitting striking knocking boxing stamping out suppressing abolishment dominance obliteration overriding abolition attack assault mate ending checkmate snuffing out corporal punishment

Danh từ

An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury
act of violence atrocity barbarism brutality crime evil massacre murder outrage monstrosity enormity horror cruelty wrong offence abomination obscenity wrongdoing badness injustice vileness act of savagery offense depravity scandal depravedness injury act of wickedness wickedness evilness sinfulness infamy ruthlessness heinousness violation affront hideousness iniquity abuse transgression villainy tort act of brutality diabolicalness barbarity violence atrociousness act of cruelty malfeasance act of barbarity immorality sin turpitude outrageousness vice grossness egregiousness flagrantness flagrance viciousness flagrancy glaringness rankness baseness disgrace monstrousness corruption degeneracy dreadfulness nefariousness brazenness perversion awfulness evildoing bad blatancy obviousness frightfulness ghastliness gruesomeness inhumanity ungodliness horridness grisliness repulsiveness misdeed shamefulness profanity impiety impurity devilishness devilry pervertedness malignity evil-doing grievance disservice ill curse infringement degradation torment boldness noticeableness iniquitousness malevolence shadiness impropriety crookedness indecency freak unjust act savagery bane shame grievousness mutant mercilessness monster abnormality unscrupulousness decadence wantonness miscreation mutation unjustness anomaly inequity abortion unfairness debauchery malformation deformity trespass unholiness godlessness delinquency dissolution dissipation dishonesty error corruptness profligacy degeneration peccability infraction peccancy miscarriage sacrilegiousness misdoing maleficence freak of nature unrighteousness deviltry damage insult diablerie oppression darkness raw deal lusus naturae malefaction foul play lubricity looseness vulgarity seriousness foulness rottenness naughtiness fearfulness sunfulness assault ugliness nastiness blackness cruelness heartlessness savageness pity anathema bestiality brutalism coarseness insolence barbarousness plague bugbear odium irreligiousness irreverence horribleness deviant personality immoral act hell bête noire despicability contemptibility lowness impiousness blasphemy sacrilege mischief oddity shamelessness ostentation profanation desecration indignity eyesore bother nuisance aberration double-dealing roguery criminality knavery rascality evil action curiosity massiveness size bigness greatness enormousness immensity bulk vastness tremendousness hugeness magnitude dissoluteness scurrilousness decay fiendishness scurrility diabolism squalor balefulness lawbreaking misconduct lawlessness venality villainousness ill-treatment public display libertinism libertinage Frankenstein irregularity inhumane act lechery demoralization debasement dissipatedness rakishness lasciviousness degenerateness decadency abjection licentiousness lewdness treachery scoundrelism bad deed peccadillo bastardization unlawful act bad act illegal act bad action demoralisation flagitiousness hurt discourtesy bias misdemeanour harm mistake slight misdemeanor slander prejudice persecution spite imposition libel blunder faux pas improbity ogre abnormity teratism hellishness loathsomeness malpractice shaft breach freakishness grotesqueness maltreatment suppression railroad tyranny repression dirty deal

Danh từ

A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something
profit return gain turnover earnings yield proceeds revenue surplus interest remuneration returns take boot dividend excess gains income incomings lucre net payback payoff percentage bunce emoluments gate gross receipts takings winnings accumulation acquisition gravy harvest output outturn production receipt split turnout bottom line net profit operating profit gross profit financial gain pay dirt goods score benefit cleanup buck profits reward pay pickings salary wages emolument cash flow wealth commission stipend cut spoils money received dividends product bonus compensation payment premium produce royalty advantage prize gate money achievement annuity accomplishment accrual accruement means get drawings share booty rewards bounty divvy rake-off purse crop haul riches allowance whack fruit payments received resources benefits net sales slice of the cake take-home pay ill-gotten gains vail taking results avail capital catch products business incoming issue award finances gross revenue attainment gainings honorarium cash wage avails assets livelihood holding result till handle buildup Mammon velvet comings in revenue stream financial return brokerage consideration fee gate receipts take home portion inheritance fortune rate gratuity indemnity perquisite retribution requital vengeance reprisal retaliation revenge box office fruits acquirement fund credit stock availment winning redemption grant gift perks honoraria fees tip piece extra reimbursement recompense repayment reciprocation settlement reparation net pay groceries salt gross pay paycheck take-home balance plus duty fringe benefits meed taste remittance check dispensation guerdon appropriation coupon allotment disbursement carrot loot plunder sum perk pay envelope pay packet piece of the pie one's share piece of the action swag prey boodle prizes poetic justice just deserts rapine pillage manufacturing labor handiwork thing volume work labour affair manufacture productivity out-turn squeeze hot goods stolen goods graft make oeuvre creation making solutions producing writings works amount amount produced quantity produced gross domestic product gross national product

Danh từ

The act or state of physically fighting
fighting conflict war combat warfare bloodshed hostilities violence affray battle battles butchery carnage hostility rioting scrimmage skirmishing slaughter slaying bloodletting encounter massacre murder scuffle wrangle action bout brawling donnybrook fracas jousting melee roughhousing rumble rumpus scrap strife struggle unrest battle royal free-for-all punch out set-to fight contest skirmish clash engagement confrontation armed conflict dogfight attack fray tussle duel brush collision face-off grapple tug-of-war campaign military action contention rivalry match competition dustup boilover assault crusade conflagration armed struggle onslaught feud hassle rencounter scrum offensive blitzkreig sortie siege blitz brawl passage of arms hot war onset showdown head-to-head meeting broil biffo incident warring sweepstakes sweep-stake dust-up run-in ball game shoot-out strike raid discord aggression military operation invasion armed clash armed confrontation tangle crisis state of war afters shindy shindig feuding friction high noon dispute field flap campaigning intervention altercation bloodbath row battle royale mix-up brush-off occupation gore enmity jihad joust press fisticuffs barrage skirmishes push movement bagarre bombing mayhem pogrom riot antagonism blows arms strategy duke out bust-up military fight significant contact punch-up sparring match exchange of blows blood-letting rift clash of arms passage at arms rupture blood bath embroilment spar vendetta cyberwar cold war drive move effort expedition operation cause bandwagon demonstration juggernaut course of action set of tactics endeavour exchange striving counterinsurgency emulation endeavor march evangelism holy war advance mission thrust operations motion battle plan initiative lobby enterprise act program programme appeal organization mobilization undertaking dedication commitment measure maneuver impetus ambition manoeuvre promotion organisation mobilisation

Tính từ

Causing death
deadly fatal dangerous death-dealing deathly destructive lethal mortal final life-threatening murderous homicidal causing death fell devastating terminal baleful killer pestilent bloodthirsty poisonous noxious baneful bloody cruel vital savage ruinous sanguinary ferocious malignant brutal destroying virulent sanguineous pestilential slaughterous bloody-minded toxic incurable sanguine harmful murdering pernicious mortiferous nocuous venomous criminal mephitic mortuary violent sapping harrowing hellish unpleasant exhausting strenuous cutthroat arduous vicious fierce barbarous barbaric deleterious detrimental grim disastrous injurious hurtful calamitous untreatable ruthless dead malefic cut-throat unhealthy pestiferous internecine poison envenomed maniacal poisoned vindictive pitiless merciless annihilative annihilating necrotic butcherous cannibalistic suicidal slaying carcinogenic withering grave tragic critical death dealing ill-fated ill-starred adverse damaging inhuman bad prejudicious counterproductive inimical prejudicial corrupting cancerous unfavorable unfavourable unwholesome nocent malign maleficent miasmatic insidious offensive miasmic ill nefarious disadvantageous negative spiteful noisome ruining environmentally unfriendly undesirable evil wicked unfortunate mischievous serious grievous monstrous malicious malevolent nasty hostile bitter mean wounding rancorous catty hateful evil-intentioned sinister dire vitriolic menacing unkind crippling catastrophic cataclysmic acrimonious hazardous unfriendly ill-natured antagonistic threatening vengeful corrosive undermining septic subversive caustic perilous viperous infectious infective despiteful unsafe eradicative toxicant splenetic corruptive cutting scathing corrupt corroding parlous distressing acid acerbic barbed sharp untoward extirpative hate-filled acrid incendiary cataclysmal waspish annihilatory devastative damning dirty toxiferous contaminated ominous risky painful insalubrious biting stinging harsh dicey abusive peccant antipathetic unconducive trenchant contagious unpropitious diseased morbid wrackful astringent mordacious tart foul fateful lousy rough woeful afflictive mordant resentful troublesome sarcastic mephitical uncontrollable forbidding lethiferous wreckful sardonic frightening unsympathetic defamatory disturbing minatory counter inexpedient inopportune grudging pointed vituperative ravaging cantankerous communicable searing revengeful bodeful razor-edged unlucky acidulous dreadful minacious bilious irascible crabbed spreading murder catching hard ornery cussed shattering bad-natured evil-minded direful unsound spoiled rotten unnutritious spoilt cankerous tainting contaminating slighting unbeneficial insulting intimidating aching hurting backbiting vile contrary opposed artful slanderous intimidatory bothersome iniquitous reprobate precarious louring invasive mortifying embittered aspersive desolating metastatic irremediable tough scathy horrid harassing sinful viperish offended implacable begruding sore insulted erosive consumptive full of hate jeopardizing epidemic imperilling imperiling unwelcoming ill-disposed snide rude of evil intent terrible crushing dripping venom not conducive oppugnant inimicable inimic disaffected repugnant at odds angry aggressive wrathful ireful pugnacious unnourishing full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose costly snarky acerb smart-mouthed acidic scornful belittling smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric satirical transmittable innutritious insanitary severe thorny troubling jeopardising jeopardous immoderate impoverishing extravagant depleting draining wasteful transmissible cross censorious choleric plague-like piercing taunting junk tainted sickly unhygienic unhealthful awful disease-ridden belligerent cranky testy indignant irate crabby contentious peevish unsalutary disquieting blighting earth-shattering lamentable appalling deplorable heartbreaking frightful regrettable messy repulsive decayed objectionable distasteful disagreeable impure pathological portentous inauspicious highly contagious ill-intentioned highly infective rapidly spreading highly infectious creepy eerie black alarming dark doomy scary evil-looking spooky eldritch ill-omened ill-boding foreboding vitriolous sinistrous minatorial suggestive of evil doomful dishonest perverse obnoxious blackhearted lowering apocalyptic burning slashing rapier-like dripping with malice squint-eyed

Tính từ

Exhausting or unbearable
gruelling taxing arduous demanding exhausting onerous crushing draining fatiguing prostrating punishing sapping tiring wearing burdensome challenging debilitating enervating exacting grueling laborious persnickety relentless rigorous strenuous toilsome tough unsparing back-breaking formidable grinding knackering murderous hard difficult uphill trying heavy severe backbreaking stiff wearying exigent rough Herculean testing rugged herculean moiling effortful wearisome stressful tall sweaty killer hellacious hellish Augean pick-and-shovel crippling harsh operose oppressive stringent tiresome labored laboured troublesome weighty brutal painful tedious grievous vigorous fierce no picnic excruciating shattering depleting harrowing intolerable toilful energy-consuming irksome enervative cruel colossal torturous unremitting painstaking ponderous grim daunting unbearable strict cumbersome galling hairy gargantuan distressing tough going ambitious inconvenient awkward Sisyphean vexatious disturbing monumental impressive pressing tortuous bruising wicked nerve-racking mighty almighty gigantic time-consuming serious merciless agonizing unforgiving staggering worksome forbidding upstream thorny intimidating unpleasant unyielding jarring solemn distressful bothersome agonising backbreaker high-pressure really hard very hard huge punitive inexorable worrisome physical boring overwhelming overburdening unrelaxing withering mammoth steep protracted lengthy hardworking bitter a nuisance hardhanded inhuman searing mean massive an imposition hypercritical thorough precise critical careful nit-picking murder carking superincumbent worrying responsible grave by the book imperious tricky courageous forceful heroic dicey awful hazardous easier said than done high-impact slavish torturesome unendurable hard-won drudgy immense extreme vicious marathon uncomfortable troubling difficile unnerving impossible prohibitive problem ominous insufferable titanic sticky tormenting not easy intense like getting blood out of a stone ferocious savage scabrous problematic uphill battle discomforting austere embittering excessive overtaxing overpowering plodding headache hectic busy aggressive bold daring grandiose industrious grand elaborate extravagant intrepid visionary pretentious lofty energetic large-scale magnificent racking chastening upsetting traumatic knotty prickly concerning vexing nasty unsettling harassing exasperating delicate niggling disquieting annoying alarming dodgy disagreeable ticklish perturbing frustrating problematical irritating aggravating dire dangerous sensitive dismaying fraught scary bleak harrying hostile maddening precarious pressured controversial nagging complicated involved intricate spartan complex touchy pestilent tricksy spiny catchy anxious-making terrible nettlesome tense hefty chancy weary perilous anxious troublous pesky dreadful tight plaguy pestiferous pestilential discouraging agitating perplexing baffling dark vexed lamentable convoluted unfriendly ugly iffy bad infuriating frightening dismal rankling discomposing appalling unkind infernal irking drudging deplorable atrocious abrasive riling puzzling chafing nettling peeving incommodious confounded repressive immoderate disheartening nerve-wracking wretched restless risky shocking domineering unfair rowdy despotic heartbreaking tragic rebarbative cussed pesty plaguey unstable rocky afflicting dispiriting heart-rending dubious suspect questionable unfortunate regrettable major menacing a stinker of a woeful threatening heartrending anxiety-ridden powerful unreasonable stretching searching exorbitant straitened uncharitable apprehensive paradoxical unrelenting dour thoroughgoing strained nail-biting dogged grating provoking objectionable displeasing slow repugnant very difficult echinated briery stimulating pointed enraging unwelcome antagonizing exerting creepy nervous uneasy no piece of cake large order heavy sledding like herding cats disappointing awesome demoralizing terrifying panicky gut-wrenching teasing festering antipathetic ghastly foul horrible rotten horrid vile sad tyrannical disconcerting unsatisfying unattractive antagonising considerable disastrous significant life-threatening acute frightful horrendous abominable dictatorial autocratic consequential enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall hurtful undemocratic unjust draconian treacherous vulnerable sobering big intensive peracute tyrannous grotty off-putting shameful outrageous heinous authoritarian iron-fisted parlous glaring egregious overbearing pitiless ruthless coercive anti-democratic lousy beastly unsafe unsound fearsome mean-looking fazing high-handed overweening peremptory frantic chaotic insecure unpredictable shaky gnarly gloomy sombre ironhanded rough going depressive heavy-handed somber depressing confining from hell monstrous tragical iniquitous nefarious unlucky flagrant gross active eventful frenzied frenetic lively demoralising touch-and-go fraught with danger high-risk flagitious turbulent villainous harmful pathetic offensive pitiful a bummer of a flustering animated madhouse tireless full tumultuous riotous furious bustling wild importunate full on unruly spirited action-packed bumpy raucous intractable undisciplined infestive ungovernable damaging messy disorderly uncertain nice unsteady capricious temperamental mercurial changeable inconstant volatile fickle variable

Tính từ

Extremely funny
hilarious riotous uproarious chucklesome comic comical laughable ludicrous absurd amusing antic comedic droll farcical funny humoristic humorous hysteric hysterical outrageous priceless ridiculous risible screaming sidesplitting side-splitting hysterically funny outrageously funny rib-tickling a hoot a scream killingly funny screamingly funny too funny for words entertaining witty diverting facetious jocular zany slapstick silly wacky jocose light-hearted waggish very funny mirthful gelastic extremely amusing rollicking joshing camp good-humored good-humoured whimsical preposterous jokey joking jolly scream rich a laugh riot campy clownish eccentric stupid merry happy sparkling derisory light foolish sportive wry derisible crazy goofy nutty odd inane tongue-in-cheek a barrel of laughs madcap custard-pie convulsive rip-roaring very amusing very humorous raucous daffy scintillating childish frivolous playful comedical quirky quaint grotesque pathetic cockamamie cockamamy derisive highly amusing clever smart off-the-wall oddball engaging slaphappy joyful noisy joyous gay ribald ludicrous. laughable a laugh a minute daft pleasant convivial exhilarating jovial crack-up quizzical laffer cheery cheerful hearty exhilarated gut-busting frolicsome gleeful mocking har-har unsatisfactory inadequate bizarre unimpressive unusual embarrassing pitiful fantastic tongue in cheek off the wall laugh-a-minute quick-witted gagged up for grins knee-slapper flakey gump dizzy loony jerky screwy ironic fool dippy fool-headed goofus flaky batty boffo a card a caution fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse lighthearted flippant jesting mischievous blithe lively flip jocund teasing high-spirited blithesome glib festive nonsensical roguish sunny wisecracking outlandish insane laughing strange mad dotty fun asinine weird peculiar fanciful impish ludic puckish enjoyable bantering unconventional irreverent queer kooky crackpot cuckoo kinky satirical smart-alecky freaky lunatic kookie screwball looney balmy unserious incongruous smart-aleck vivacious in jest animated hare-brained prankish cheeky original pert curious arch sarcastic saucy offhand sassy impertinent offbeat cocky delightful freakish fun-loving carefree nuts disrespectful cranky pleasurable impudent rude off-centre idiosyncratic cute wacko pleasing fun-filled senseless cracked dismissive beguiling wise simpleminded fatuous sharp-witted irrational smarty-pants wild fantastical brainless witless harebrained cockeyed unwise whacky lippy unreasonable idiotic snappy out there featherheaded lunkheaded bubbleheaded dry flighty spirited in fun sharp quick weak-minded half-witted half-baked barmy way out off the air not serious pulling one's leg putting one on nonserious boisterous rowdy lightweight casual inappropriate fresh sardonic ingenious recreative burlesque precious cutesy interesting piquant epigrammatic too much trivial trifling pixieish tricksy scampish pixie sly leprechaunish knavish wicked pixy rascally devilish elvish brilliant for a laugh stimulating joculous glad breezy mincingly clever recreational novel cheering charming gratifying gladdening singular amused clowning bubbly gamesome kittenish jaunty incredible agreeable enchanting capricious illogical unbelievable chipper ribbing chaffing razzing kidding rallying fooling funning implausible meaningless pointless gladsome crotchety chimerical penetrating piercing intelligent bright keen imbecilic unlikely irritating buoyant laughter-filled euphoric unthinkable unreal cut up dicey imaginative random chancy uncertain old-fashioned creative arbitrary monstrous astonishing shocking inconsistent elated annoying nimble-witted perky in high spirits larking sprightly capering a joke a bit much highbrowed snazzy profound quick on the draw tactful racy cutting quick on the uptake OTT a bit thick over the top avant-garde way-out surreal superficial far-out erratic bonkers shallow irresponsible inept tomfool sappy loopy unpredictable thoughtless overfamiliar insouciant unorthodox Bohemian far out potty dilly insolent brassy brainsick unhinged deranged crackers demented outré crazed loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge mental bughouse crackbrained psychotic slang fruity rum unbalanced remarkable haywire bats funky gaga spaced-out queerish moonstruck off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way whacko psycho meshuga bizarro certifiable dumb gonzo looney tunes loony tunes non compos mentis in left field acting crazy

Tính từ

Having an ache in a part of one's body
aching painful hurting sore achy tender smarting throbbing pounding agonising agonizing hurt stiff stinging suffering troublesome uncomfortable afflictive burning gnawing nasty raw searing tingling tired twingeing excruciating inflamed in pain feeling tender hurtful nagging sensitive feeling uncomfortable giving someone gyp giving someone trouble playing up injured bruised battered irritated black-and-blue wounded damaged sharp discolored severe chafed arthritic red discoloured gammy beaten broken piercing biting reddened afflicted pained incapacitated disabled distressing tingly prickly vexatious caustic delicate grazed scratched harrowing grievous impaired weakened abscessed lacerated mangled gashed marred ulcerated cut harmed agonised ruptured stricken bleeding agonized mutilated mauled disfigured hit scarred scraped nicked struck crushed busted up swollen irritating injurious unpleasant difficult acute hypersensitive oversensitive tortured warped shot keen buffeted exhausted weary bad rheumatic crook game knackered creaky tight rheumaticky taut footsore distressed smartful laborious achy breaky maimed deformed intense shooting stabbing violent fierce crippled debilitated handicapped lame infirm penetrating exquisite gut-wrenching physically challenged angry limping hobbling racking extreme halt insufferable unendurable unbearable torturous fractured ailing smashed shattered defective limp frail spoilt spoiled gimp sidelined gimpy feeble on the sick list weak enfeebled shrewd cutting bitter knifelike drilling paralyzing paralysing

Động từ

Killing or executing
getting assassinating executing taking out bumping off dispatching knocking off murdering putting away whacking doing in icing liquidating neutralising neutralizing offing rubbing out slaying snuffing terminating garrotting destroying slaughtering massacring erasing butchering eradicating decimating annihilating wasting exterminating croaking extirpating eliminating obliterating stiffing claiming blackballing downing felling topping nixing waxing smiting smoking scragging suffocating asphyxiating making away with putting to sleep putting to death polishing off sacrificing cutting down cutting to pieces doing for ending the life of taking someone's life mowing down finishing off wiping from the face of the earth crucifying shooting down doing away with blowing away guillotining disposing of hitting doing to death finishing lynching putting down carrying off wiping out immolating causing the death of strangling taking the life of hanging snuffing out abolishing expunging blotting out cancelling canceling stamping out rooting out removing extinguishing effacing zapping cleaning up sweeping away blacking out getting rid of putting an end to deleting axing razing quashing wiping off the face of the earth demolishing defeating excising totalling totaling shooting squashing ending wiping off the map putting paid to ruining devastating vaporizing smashing purging abating giving someone the works vaporising putting to the sword terminating with extreme prejudice desolating wrecking nuking nullifying trashing annulling crushing undoing overwhelming crosses out blanking out dusting off creaming pulverizing wracking shattering suppressing overturning stopping invalidating abrogating overpowering beating beheading greasing overthrowing chillin decapitating electrocuting chilling scrubbing striking out gutting torpedoing putting a stop to scoring out scratching negating dispensing with killing off pulling down cutting out sending to the gas chambers washing out bringing to an end gunning down pulverising blocking out cooling tearing down weeding out voiding dissolving overcoming shedding dusting subverting quelling obscuring routing levelling leveling discarding conquering upsetting excluding mutilating vitiating concealing silencing bringing down squelching withdrawing discontinuing covering blue-penciling blue-pencilling scratching out disannulling vanquishing trimming disestablishing taking uprooting smothering knocking someone off putting before a firing squad gassing knocking out giving something the chop sinking bluing pencil stringing up sending to the gas chamber deep-sixing sending to the gibbet canceling out KO'ing sending to the electric chair inking out taking away putting out of its misery euthanizing knocking something on the head stoning to death removing all traces of sending to the chair stretching out cutting cancelling out wiping stabbing stunning kayoing disrupting exsecting breaking off frying bowstringing ethnically cleansing sending to kingdom come taking care of depopulating killing in cold blood blasting carrying out a sentence of death on banishing checking putting the lid on putting out of your mind forgetting aborting stoning worsting putting end to covering over rubbing away whiting out wearing away smoothing away eroding editing fading getting shot of dragging driving out dragging down casting out sterilizing clearing away putting out sterilising phasing out taking down besting sending to the gallows driving to the wall taking off moving in for the kill mangling torturing sticking maiming murking garotting doing knifing taking a life ousting toppling marking out destroying root and branch rubbing off blowing to bits taking apart blowing sky-high ravaging wiping off face of earth deposing bowdlerizing wiping off censoring redacting deleing ridding clearing unseating mastering repealing laundering scraping off striking bowdlerising putting a line through blotting blanking stripping emptying licking dethroning rescinding ditching revoking junking supplanting trouncing displacing subduing clearing out scouring cleansing dropping scrapping subjugating defenestrating upending jettisoning cleaning out routing out shaking out unloading lifting throwing out knocking over overrunning bringing to ruin tipping removing from power knocking down tumbling removing from office bringing low bringing about the downfall of countermanding retracting repudiating nulling vacating chopping dumping avoiding deracinating stifling obfuscating battening eclipsing darkening shading calling off prohibiting setting aside putting the kibosh on closing down rolling back inhibiting superseding putting kibosh on striking down passing out holding back covering up making dark keeling over cutting off benothinging

Động từ

Present participle for to pass the time, typically while waiting for a particular event

Động từ

Present participle for to cause pain or anguish to

Động từ

Present participle for to delight, allure or attract in an almost magical manner

Trái nghĩa của killing

killing Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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