Từ đồng nghĩa của ornery

Tính từ

Of, relating to, or having dyspepsia or indigestion
irritable cantankerous testy grouchy grumpy surly crabby disagreeable splenetic cranky dyspeptic bilious mean crusty quarrelsome bearish acid vicious nasty unfriendly sour obstinate difficult uncooperative awkward contemptible ignoble rotten ill-tempered bad-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured ill-humored bloody-minded hard-nosed irascible cross fractious tetchy peevish crotchety touchy crabbed petulant prickly chippy waspish ratty short-tempered pettish choleric snappish snappy perverse quick-tempered peppery curmudgeonly liverish narky spiteful hot-tempered shrewish querulous stroppy soreheaded huffy shirty eggy peckish miffy snaky fiery on a short fuse angry sullen like a bear with a sore head sulky snippy bitter waxy cross-grained captious scratchy moody malicious out of sorts malignant malevolent impatient short-fused unpleasant stuffy snippety fretful churlish snarky edgy thin-skinned rancorous venomous raspy vindictive hostile temperamental uptight catty contrary cussed in a bad mood volatile as cross as two sticks argumentative hateful malign gruff in a mood unkind morose virulent antagonistic dour cruel brusque curt resentful truculent poisonous acrimonious vitriolic sensitive out of humor malefic maleficent rude tense baleful complaining critical oversensitive passionate grumbling bad evil sharp unsociable annoyed mardy hurtful refractory vinegary ugly viperous wrathful bellicose snarling inimical exasperated short wounding hotheaded ungracious waspy despiteful fussy froward scrappy ticklish dirty having got out of bed the wrong side evil-minded out of temper unsympathetic glum miserable disgruntled aggressive inhospitable pugnacious pouty combative pouting confrontational militant whining pernicious restless feisty vengeful belligerent hypersensitive disobliging uncongenial defamatory restive impolite iracund iracundulous pertinacious evil-intentioned caviling carping saturnine headstrong wicked cavilling on edge recalcitrant mean-spirited out of humour dissatisfied biting disputatious obstreperous tough negative hot-blooded having got out of bed on the wrong side easily upset hot-headed highly strung uneasy emotional scowling mopey bristly fidgety overemotional contrarious whingy anxious discourteous ireful agitated abrupt inconsiderate barbed cutting snide uncharitable moping abusive nervous boorish foul unwelcoming atrabilious tooshie explosive melodramatic unquiet gloomy unruly unhelpful menacing hate-filled mumpish worked up contentious harsh blunt caustic twitchy brooding ill at ease hasty whiny warlike disapproving adverse alien adversary adversarial tart grousing growling sorehead griping fretting whingeing childish ill-disposed willful neurotic wilful filthy discontented vexed hypercritical jumpy horrid bad-natured unpropitious intimidating antipathetic jaundiced unreceptive low indomitable high-strung trying destructive easily offended sarcastic foul-tempered unpredictable hot under the collar prima donna-ish fault-finding cold accidentally on purpose out-of-sorts in bad mood stubborn unyielding owllike strigine owlish backbiting vinegarish arsey envenomed impulsive tempersome slanderous bad-humored snarly zowerswopped excitable inflammable unlikable uncivil brief scornful perversely irritable eristic humourless humorless disrespectful got up on wrong side of bed like a bear uncompliant indocile wild unsmiling overwrought distraught worried uncomfortable furious contradictory inimitable wayward impossible piqued rough scathy lousy jealous stressed injurious toey joyless mischievous grudging green-eyed ill-mannered put out glowering mopish dicey hazardous unsafe wired up wound up bundle of nerves perturbable unhappy harmful noxious acerbic huffish peeved fed up dark aloof vile awful deleterious detrimental beastly gross misanthropic cynical savage razor-edged astringent upset wrought up distressed unsettled obnoxious despicable displeased crybaby uncool envious petty frowning withdrawn sourpussed sulking dismal depressed cheerless execrable wretched annoying ignominious sordid currish offensive dishonorable base detestable paltry owly jittery wreck rattled faultfinding overstrung acrid sore chuffy dripping venom full of spleen vituperative full of gall viperish toxicant ruthless dishonourable low-minded low-down nervy het up in a huff down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop nasty-tempered unrestful apprehensive spleenful squint-eyed stressy wired antsy like a cat on a hot tin roof keyed up like a cat on hot bricks champing at the bit on tenterhooks over-emotional grumbly hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways intractable unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical obdurate tiresome pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising hard to please uppity troublesome unreasonable unamenable resolute immovable disputative oafish demanding tyrannical unaccommodating picky thrawn stiff opinionated stiff-necked delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive hard to satisfy irritating unflinching overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist balky particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial bolshie

Tính từ

Full of aggression or hostility
feisty combative argumentative aggressive belligerent quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious contentious confrontational truculent militant disputatious warlike scrappy agonistic chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive brawly fiery touchy tough difficult sensitive active courageous spirited spunky excitable enthusiastic gutsy alive bubbly energetic frisky game gritty gutty hearty lively mettlesome peppy zestful thin-skinned hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung on the warpath full of pep hostile antagonistic cantankerous threatening stroppy fierce mean bad-tempered ill-tempered hot-tempered defiant violent irascible cross fractious arsey quick-tempered aggers spoiling for a fight sullen irritable petulant destructive surly have chip on shoulder loudmouthed unfriendly grouchy pettish choleric snappy nasty crabby huffy litigious captious fighting battling bolshie cussed oppugnant ardent hot flip ready for a fight at loggerheads have it in for on the outs have a bone to pick determined plucky biffo looking for trouble disputative obstreperous warring cavilling factious rude uncooperative dissentious controversial querulous peevish polemical polemic hotheaded ill-natured unpleasant discourteous tempestuous arguesome ructious wrangling bickering itching impassioned turbulent brawling caviling unruly passionate churlish war terrifying insolent intimidating cowing scathing harsh terrorising frightening trenchant sharp deadly vituperous browbeating caustic hateful bullying ferocious terrorizing mordacious mordant angry adversarial inhospitable inimical malevolent splenetic miffy exasperated testy abusive narky snarly grumpy offensive rancorous snappish prickly cranky fretful soreheaded mighty unkind antipathetic contrary peppery short-tempered rebellious provocative warmongering hawkish challenging militaristic disobedient pushy recalcitrant insubordinate contumacious forceful bold martial wayward sabre-rattling perverse willful disruptive salty rough uncontrollable up in arms ready to fight having a chip on one's shoulder adverse jingoistic battleful pro-war awkward troublesome wrestling bloodthirsty tilting skirmishing naysaying disagreeable dissentient spiky opinionated self-assertive itching to fight under arms raspy assertive vigorous snippety snippy snarky ratty crotchety waspish furious stuffy spiteful radical ultra-active extremist two-fisted extreme contending combating impetuous fanatical embattled zealous military warrish revolutionary assertory obstinate non-compliant daring resistant resisting audacious refractory mutinous hot-headed intransigent in arms dissenting subversive intractable untoward ungovernable wilful froward rebel recusant incompliant balky restive dysfunctional delinquent disregardful cheeky insubmissive sassy reckless resistive dareful naughty badly behaved undisciplined ill-disciplined mischievous bad impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic socially impaired troublous incorrigible maladjusted trying self-willed tiresome erratic errant exasperating unmanageable disturbed malicious unrestrainable stubborn irksome uncompliant pesky rascally uncontainable roguish rowdy undisciplinable devilish ill-behaved wearisome demanding indocile disorderly

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Plain or lacking in interesting features or characteristics
undistinguished mundane humdrum ordinary characterless dull commonplace prosaic boring everyday vanilla routine uninspired unmemorable plain nondescript quotidian workaday normal hackneyed common trite simple uneventful usual jejune suburban typical unnoteworthy generic inconsequential inconspicuous unnoticeable okay run-of-the-mill garden-variety plain vanilla common or garden nothing special a dime a dozen bog standard no big deal average unremarkable unexceptional uninteresting middle-of-the-road bog-standard pedestrian bland nothing to write home about colourless mainstream colorless no great shakes mediocre uninspiring not up to much so-so standard lacklustre lackluster banal conventional stale indifferent unexciting standard-issue middling unoriginal tired OK cut-and-dry cut-and-dried half-pie derivative dreary homespun monotonous forgettable predictable corny unpretentious passable medium fair lacking variation lacking variety tedious customary not so hot regular garden insipid homely drab flat tiresome wearisome garden variety tame unimaginative nothing to get excited about dry unstimulating arid tiring mind-numbing old ho-hum samey deadly dullsville overworked overused overdone dry as dust time-worn modest bush-league worn out dime-store cornball tolerable hacky run-of-the-mine run-of-mine second-class second-rate stereotyped played out old hat dime-a-dozen clichéd not much cop familiar stereotypical lifeless vapid stodgy slow worn-out unrelieved numbing ponderous empty dull as ditchwater wearying jading drudging monochromatic dusty stuffy irksome dreich humble not bad unimpressive plastic inferior white-bread mean unspectacular intermediate no-frills basic nitty-gritty day-to-day terrestrial practical casual informal household ubiquitous frequent well-worn unvaried habitual moderate adequate representative trivial trying frustrating soul-destroying fair to middling characteristic archetypal archetypical middle of the road two a penny fair-to-middling as dry as dust spiritless true featureless stiff unenjoyable passionless soulless unentertaining lame nothing out of the ordinary unspirited yawnsome bromidic fatiguing ho hum plodding anaemic soporific draggy deadening big yawn dull as dishwater prolix lacking excitement lacking interest blah gray grey anemic blending into the background widespread obvious matter-of-course starch natural plebeian prevalent lowly ten a penny familiar tune boiler plate sterile monochrome stupid weary leaden heavy simplistic crude meager innocuous inane barren meagre stock platitudinous threadbare set accustomed timeworn general hack shopworn traditional musty moth-eaten wonted decent popular established fairish prevailing hokey cliché repetitious warmed-over ready-made worn nothing bathetic amateur amateurish repetitive unvarying insignificant cliched truistic drained used-up chain exhausted mildewed all right orthodox acceptable accepted satisfactory unexceptionable respectable obligatory hackney cliche formulaic wishy-washy stereotypic platitudinal run of the mill vacuous inoffensive hoary cobwebby serviceable limp good unobjectionable sufficient feeble bloodless torpid fixed antiquated banausic nowhere obsolete pabulum dead expected recognized classic good enough weak universal staple unchanging par for the course recognised lustreless matter-of-fact presentable uncreative not very good public daily unanimated zestless settled well worn fairly good antiseptic neutral prosy reasonable cliché-ridden dim zero current fine unadventurous goodish going anodyne classical regulation weariful typic pretty good standardized standardised proverbial domestic outdated outmoded poor majority O.K. overall sufficiently good moderately good defunct out of date monotone square milk-and-water derived watery mechanical pervasive time-honoured acknowledged chronic out of the ark allowable admissible pallid mild harmless meh out-of-date family anonymous old-hat tripe non-stimulating not too bad warmed-up yawn imitative archaic boilerplate tidy uninventive unimportant ruling indistinctive listless muted pointless immaterial jake passé received comfortable desolate treadmill unromantic namby-pamby paltry apathetic competent rife of no consequence rampant endemic shared prescriptive commensurate proper midway dragging up to standard midsized native median up to scratch sufficing time-honored midsize middle off-the-shelf past their sell-by date inconsiderable prescribed menial discreet straightforward diurnal usual thing long-winded enough businesslike in-between unartistic workday old-fashioned quiet constant of poor quality unaspiring unambitious toneless uniform ineffective silly extinct extensive fair enough peaceful gentle unoffending indecisive unfateful noneventful inconclusive lusterless actual practicable clean diddly prose antediluvian dumb cornfed facile noplace superannuated mindless unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed wooden vieux jeu whitebread bleak dowdy periodic formalistic minimal annoying irritating unlively unpassioned canonical laborious formal readily available widely available half-hearted inadequate plain-Jane unextraordinary scheduled vexatious boresome phoned in antwacky superabundant boiled down without punch diluted halfhearted safe familial without variety cut and dried fuddy-duddy one-size-fits-all overlong mimetic plenty nothing to shout about able cromulent raw dispiriting wintry wintery oppressive downcast sorrowful damp windy seasonal methodical matter-of- fact numerous in use ongoing cheap and commonplace collective sombre somber monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song reiterated samely unchanged expressionless deadpan blank considerable repeated known grind limited driveling beige fatuous tenuous soft drivelling nebbish slight subdued mimic admitted domiciliary pervading predominant enervating interminable deadly dull depressing endless long-drawn-out dismal mortal exhausting poky snooze generous abundant significant appreciable marked noticeable goodly sizable worthwhile substantial sizeable biggish useless inert static faceless noncommittal sluggish prototypical well established vulgar acquired honoured widely held honored livable unimpeachable of little importance irrelevant of no importance whatever of little consequence meaningless not worth mentioning piddling of no great concern of no account worthless well-known acquainted flat as pancake puts one to sleep apish prototypal model ideal presentational quintessential signature broad effete mawkish fetid past bent foetid yesterday's out unsophisticated homey home confirmed common variety well known recognisable recurring recognizable slavish random neither one thing nor the other non-specific across the board par halfway medial central midmost intermediary medium-sized mediate mid middle-sized undistinctive gone off played-out old-chestnut old-saw epigonous epigonic ample better than nothing like a dinosaur waterish flavorless wimpy unappealing sapless flavourless nerdy favourite favorite canned outclassed déclassé to be expected only to be expected foreseeable in character indicative inherent steady symptomatic emblematic consistent distinguishing … all over true to type true to form in keeping distinctive anticipated likely individualistic unsurprising idiosyncratic foreseen on the cards reliable automatic methodic rigid emulative systematic turgid imperfect sorry poorer low-grade low-quality shabby worse lousy sad bad substandard junk wretched lemon tawdry low-rent good-for-nothing base two-bit traditionary off-the-rack bought mass-produced store-bought store off-the-peg ritual proven suitable staid appropriate agreeable ceremonial ritualistic solid alright fit palatable sound tried and true doctrinal taken for granted conformist sanctioned widely used rooted tried and tested immemorial valid fitting convenient correct up to the mark assuaging swell up to snuff kosher snug quite good in order up to par assuasive appeasing pleasant completely understandable A-OK totally fine most common

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Refusing to change one's position, attitude or opinion
stubborn obstinate headstrong obdurate wilful adamant uncompromising unyielding dogged indurate resolute bolshie firm inexorable perverse relentless unmalleable pigheaded recalcitrant refractory stalwart steadfast unadaptable hardheaded immovable mulish restive willful contrary fixed opinionated persevering rigid awkward indomitable intransigent ossified pertinacious steely adamantine cantankerous determined implacable unbending unpersuadable balky cussed persistent tenacious unflinching unshakable contumacious hardened inconvincible intractable tough unshakeable bullheaded froward hard inflexible uncooperative unrelenting bloody-minded bull-headed cross-grained hard-nosed iron-willed rock-ribbed self-opinionated self-willed single-minded stiff-necked strong-minded strong-willed set in one's ways stubborn as a mule pig-headed rebellious insubordinate incompliant untoward unmanageable disobedient wayward defiant unruly ungovernable obstreperous rebel recusant unreasonable uncompliant negative remorseless iron unbendable brassbound grim mule die-hard unpredictable hesitant loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed difficult disobliging unaccommodating obstructive unhelpful annoying troublesome stroppy vexatious tiresome capricious thrawn renitent noncompliant arsey nonconformist disagreeing contrariant pervicacious contrarious antagonistic paradoxical nonconforming adverse hostile dissident discordant wrongheaded dissentient antipathetic converse inimical non-compliant unwavering pat unswerving purposeful stiff resolved set intent unfaltering insistent staunch unhesitating decided earnest hard-line indefatigable hardline dead set purposive committed diehard dedicated unshaken constant deliberate dead set on strong forceful strict solid steady gutsy perseverant spunky decisive undaunted set in stone locked in harsh manful spirited bulldog hard and fast brave bold plucky courageous rigorous mettlesome stringent stout unsparing gritty vigorous strenuous exacting hard-core undeviating stout-hearted unmovable four-square serious not giving an inch unswervable bound severe full of determination stern unswayable emphatic draconian unappeasable sure stiffened hanging tough stony unalterable merciless valiant immalleable true immutable unflagging ruthless unchanging cast-iron unchangeable bent meaning business out ungiving stand pat do-or-die hell-bent on hell-bent upon bent on bent upon hell bent on driven assiduous tireless inveterate unbudgeable importunate narrow-minded self-disciplined haughty resistant boneheaded unreceptive firmly-based proud aloof unflappable pushy mullish domineering standing pat untiring unfailing wholehearted durable compulsive impassive unimpressible independent assertive as stubborn as a mule unrepentant hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional impertinent mean stony-hearted unimpressionable quiescent permanent unmodifiable cold fish proof against persuasion rugged categorical cocksure tough nut to crack dug in tough nut unmoved unbreakable dogmatic heady opinionative positive convinced iron-jawed set in concrete stick to guns brick-wall cruel immoderate extreme assured dour oppressive hard-boiled militant pitiless authoritarian focussed focused unmollifiable unplacatable inescapable unforgiving iron-handed unpacifiable wrong-headed forbidding disciplinary illiberal flat-out clear-sighted all out straight out picky uptight with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in deaf to reason ineluctable puritanical invariable bound and determined necessary ironclad mean business no going back like death and taxes immobile compulsory unpermissive stuffy impliable tense no-nonsense heavy-handed iron-fisted inelastic solidified unsupple compact brittle unflexible annealed frozen stiff as a board numbed jelled non-flexible faithful intrepid loyal definite persisting settled intent on on one's mettle insistent on set on determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle intent upon

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Contemptuously ridiculing or mocking someone or something
scoffing mocking sardonic scornful cynical sneering satirical derisive caustic contemptuous jeering disparaging taunting sharp ironical biting cutting mordant acerbic satiric disrespectful trenchant offensive mean contumelious scorching corrosive arrogant bitter salty carping acid acerb irascible backhanded acrimonious brusque needling saucy scurrilous chaffing twitting austere captious disillusioned cussed evil severe weisenheiming hostile snarling smart-alecky sarcastic snarky scathing barbed scalding acidulous acrid tart smart-mouthed pungent acidic smart-aleck stinging vitriolic ironic sarky snide ridiculing mordacious nasty disdainful derisory wry insulting dry slighting denigratory sceptical dismissive doubtful skeptical unbelieving suspicious mistrustful derogatory deprecatory uncomplimentary quizzical jibing malicious doubting disbelieving teasing detracting pessimistic distrustful unconvinced incredulous dubious withering demeaning belittling degrading derogative decrying pejorative depreciative depreciatory detractive denigrative sniffy pillorying full of contempt questioning critical condescending lampooning tongue-in-cheek double-edged snidey unsure misanthropic irreverent ridiculous hesitant twisted misanthropical defiant supercilious droll uncertain rude witty unkind deprecating wise insolent hard disapproving undecided cheeky haughty abhorrent hesitating snotty keen snooty opprobrious harsh agnostic contemptible cynic hurtful spiteful uncivil shrewish vituperative insinuating ill-natured hinky trustless unsettled unpleasant hateful cavalier non-believing contorted vain imperious proud nullifidian faithless rationalist irreligious distorted crooked uneven deformed warped pathetic silly cockamamy absurd ludicrous laughable risible cockamamie comical farcical preposterous snippy hard-nosed bold audacious temperamental snobbish uppity cool upstage cold-shoulder sly subtle deadpan humorous pawky awry aslant askew skewwhiff gally out-of-line flip cocky fresh smart sassy nervy crusty high hat dog it high and mighty laconic on your high horse on high horse dissenting leery freethinking aporetic defeatist iffy misbelieving waggish apathetic sour having reservations Pyrrhonist minimifidian sharp-tongued matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous poker-faced for the birds negative disenchanted hardened jaundiced world-weary hard-bitten clever implausible contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert poignant burlesque atypical incisive curious spicy quick-witted black hard-boiled bleak taking something with a pinch of salt nonbelieving superior hypercritical overbearing egotistic despicable abusive

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Resembling a lout
loutish boorish oafish rough uncouth churlish coarse ill-bred bungling gross ill-mannered unmannerly clodhopping gawky stolid swinish thuggish bullying classless cloddish clownish common doltish impolite lumpen lumpish philistine rowdy rude uncivilised uncivilized vulgar wild yobbish bad-mannered barbaric bearish cantankerous clumsy crass dense gruff hoonish loud lubberly rustic slobbish uncultured uneducated unpolished unrefined discourteous ungracious ungentlemanly ignorant crude lowbred base harsh uncivil crabbed ill-tempered bad-tempered brusque morose surly sullen ungallant hick unladylike uncultivated unsophisticated unsavoury uncharitable inconsiderate unkind unchivalrous mean-spirited brutish barbarous countrified ocker awkward tasteless inurbane unpoised plebby ill-humoured unsavory Neanderthal provincial curt ill-natured irritable snippy ill-humored cross-grained polite unpleasant dour unneighborly grumpy touchy miserly unsociable grouchy ugly blunt cussed mean truculent crusty out-of-line inelegant unmannered graceless lowbrow barbarian roughneck incult rough-hewn indecorous disrespectful raffish indelicate rugged savage low thoughtless insensible impertinent primitive offensive illiberal mannerless raw uncalled-for impudent ungainly ungraceful unhandsome improper insolent stiff Neandertal tactless heathen insensitive abusive insulting raunchy heathenish natural foul-mouthed lumbering cruel audacious cheeky foul bawdy badly behaved unseemly indecent gauche obscene gawkish dirty filthy disgracious unworldly illiterate brash lewd fresh benighted wooden impure loud-mouthed stilted shameless low-bred socially unsure socially awkward ribald vulgarian untutored disagreeable presumptuous plebeian hooligan stupid tacky cheap uncoordinated brutal profane derogatory bumbling blundering inept inhuman klutzy earthy misbehaved uncomfortable uneasy butterfingered hillbilly lippy contumelious underbred malapert backwoods ungenteel off-color immodest smutty nasty rustical maladroit offhand heavy-handed slouching corrupt outlandish short sharp all thumbs flip abrupt lacking in social graces socially inept shambling ill-behaved subhuman blue unfeeling callous undiscriminating imperceptive ordinary low-minded bourgeois lowdown and dirty scatological loudmouthed parochial vernacular low-born nescient troglodytic sketchy untamed vicious merciless unread commercial unenlightened materialist ungentlemanlike baseborn native general tart rough and ready common as muck guileless naive ingenuous Philistine scatologic immature backward off blockish dorky blunderous undexterous stumbling obnoxious obtuse offish dozy anti-intellectual inartistic disparaging unfriendly arrogant foolish dull pert brassy uninformed undiplomatic cocky uncomplimentary uncontrolled outrageous ungodly unholy unconscionable wicked mouthy smart-alecky brazen smart alecky overbearing inaffable insubordinate disdainful ape-like nervous tough yokelish intrusive bounderish peremptory beyond the pale moody severe hard bluff bashful splay shy gangling nervy gangly inappropriate forbidding austere fierce roughcast grim stern in a state of nature unhandy bovine unwieldy inexpert unskilful hulking unco steely stark intimidating louring grievous explicit flinty artless onerous unceremonious bitter hardhanded oppressive ungentle heavy bad risqué tawdry unchaste naughty degrading colloquial vituperative unsettling derisive shocking affronting vile sickening unutterable salacious blasphemous sordid X-rated vilifying suggestive unclean unwholesome ham-fisted like a bull in a china shop ham-handed cack-handed murderous lowering trailer-park

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That is diametrically opposed to something
contradictory antithetical contrary opposite conflicting discrepant incompatible inconsistent irreconcilable opposed paradoxical contrasting antipodal antipodean clashing diametric diametrical different divergent incongruous opposing polar repugnant adverse against agin ambiguous antagonistic anti antithetic at variance con contradictive converse counter counteractive differing in opposition negating nullifying oppugnant reverse self-contradictory at odds no go discordant dissimilar disagreeing disparate inconsonant inharmonious poles apart antipathetic mismatched unalike unlike mutually exclusive distinct diverse contrastive unrelated dissonant nonidentical unequal incongruent distinctive varying separate variant distant contrasted unharmonious antonymous non-identical out of sync unsimilar distinguishable deviating out of keeping at loggerheads unmixable incomparable in conflict inimical quarreling diametrically opposed not in keeping other in disagreement inverse obverse out of line out of step unsuitable disconsonant quarrelling unconnected dissenting heterogeneous independent alternate disproportionate alternative hostile ill-matched irregular offbeat like night and day not the same like chalk and cheese contrarious antonymic on the outs cross varied oppositional manifold unique incoherent unassociated discriminable sundry incompatible with opposed to contrary to conflicting with diverging contrarient uncongenial discrete disharmonious foreign particular inconformable anomalous streets apart jarring at variance with various otherwise warring another incommensurable differentiable differential at odds with distinguishing factious individual not alike complementary in contention arguing unsuited antipathic inappropriate polar opposite exclusive contrariant unfavorable unfavourable respective incommensurate polarized irreconcilable with inconsistent with contradictory to extreme counterbalancing antitypical express especial single altered ill suited uncoordinated frictional acrimonious dichotomous oppositive disjoint directly opposed to polarised divergent from differing from contrasting with different from different to nothing like untypical unnatural off-key atypical factional as like as chalk and cheese unmistakable contradistinctive contradistinct bipolar out of place mutually incompatible wayward perverse impossible refractory difficult inimitable unfriendly irresoluble reluctant hateful on a sour note miscellaneous assorted multifarious not similar inconstant unadapted competing reversed weird myriad divers mismated contrapositive violative not so not as such other than supposed far from far cry out of tune out of harmony at outs flip-side not capable of comparison march to a different drummer omnifarious indiscriminate mixed diversified whale of difference dissentient eclectic motley facing enemy restrictive repelling battling exposing protesting denying confronting controverting defensive disputed crossing allergic objecting combating defending obstructive gainsaying disputing rival alien at cross-purposes up against adverse to unacceptable to antagonistic to unusual for hostile to foreign to in conflict with oppugnant to repugnant to inimical to alien to inverted backward reciprocal uneven unequivalent averse adversarial against the grain prohibitive prohibitory confining remote removed irrelevant to incompatible to incongruent with unequal to incomparable to immaterial to unrelated to piebald patchwork wide-ranging raggle-taggle ragtag kitchen-sink magpie promiscuous variegated composite mongrel multiplex jumbled mosaic mingled odd legion amalgamate conglomerate confused unallied transposed rearward retrogressive retreating retroverted backwards back-to-front bottom-to-top changed turned right-to-left flipped reverted retrograde directed backwards turned over

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Unwilling to be taught or instructed
indocile unmanageable recalcitrant refractory uncontrollable wayward ungovernable headstrong willful intractable wild untoward obstinate obstreperous undisciplined insubordinate fractious perverse unyielding disorderly incorrigible turbulent violent lawless rebellious restive assertive bawdy drunken forward heedless impervious impetuous imprudent impulsive inexorable intemperate mean mutinous opinionated quarrelsome rash reckless riotous rowdy out of control out of line wilful disobedient contrary defiant unruly contumacious froward difficult rebel incontrollable recusant incompliant balky stubborn fickle obdurate erratic unpredictable boisterous anarchic disruptive troublemaking chaotic attention-seeking uncooperative irrepressible unrestrained rumbustious lively rollicking loud romping noisy lawbreaking anarchical unbearable intolerable impossible undependable mulish out of hand immoral cross-grained self-indulgent self-willed uncompliant naughty badly behaved strong-willed aberrant delinquent errant arbitrary rambunctious uncontrolled raucous uproarious roisterous robustious stroppy rough troublesome clamorous tumultuous ill-disciplined rip-roaring knockabout hell-raising bolshie awkward rackety indomitable mischievous rampageous exuberant unrestrainable uninhibited abandoned insurgent tempestuous insurrectionary unbridled noncompliant spirited insuppressible frisky misbehaving bad annoying truculent disturbing unbiddable playful rioting excited loudmouthed clangorous vociferous seditious swashbuckling roistering brawling bloody-minded revolutionary non-compliant rude ungoverned out-of-line unpliable tough undisciplinable evil problematic out-of-order disordered without law and order unsubduable uncontainable orgiastic vigorous untameable robust unsettling upsetting loutish resounding clattering clattery impotent rampant unwilling depraved debauched swaggering cavalier distracting roughhouse brusque gruff ugly obstinately disobedient gleeful divisive untrained wild and woolly rootin'-tootin saturnalian side-splitting renitent pervicacious unsteady capricious unschooled antisocial confused resisting insubmissive radical argumentative resistant opposing withstanding crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk disrupting causing trouble off-base unlawful deranged immoderate disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized inconsistent lacking self-control active animated indisciplined like a loose cannon strong overwhelming beside oneself badly-behaved intense freaked overpowering misbehaved overexcited bouncy rampaging drunk on-a-tear out-of-control termagant exasperating ebullient vibrant high-spirited impish untimely unfortunate adverse roguish wicked rascally impolite tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish sinful inconvenient inopportune unfavorable unfavourable teasing fiendish gallus wanton worthless raising the roof piercing screaming raising Cain booming strepitous blusterous frolicsome joyous jaunty carefree merry hearty unbending full of mischief bad-mannered wrong unanticipated ill-timed unexpected cavorting sprightly jovial in high spirits revolting mutinying terrorist inflexible bull-headed uncompromising incurable devil-may-care sportive unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed effervescent strident energetic vociferant over-the-top cantankerous unaccommodating stiff-necked intransigent unmalleable unadaptable uncivilised tyrannous unorthodox despotic heterodox fierce nonconformist terrorising warlike savage anarchistic barbarous untamed unregulated unpeaceful terrorizing uncivilized nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous rollicksome fun-loving lighthearted thumping ripping joyful cheerful happy full of beans glad rock-ribbed unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt irritating unsuitable inappropriate insoluble hard-line pat pigheaded thorny locked in locked resolute tough nut immovable hang tough tenacious knotty pertinacious inimical vexatious malapropos badly timed unseasonable unpropitious misfortunate unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless

Tính từ

Arousing or meriting strong disgust, aversion, or displeasure
obnoxious offensive nasty disgusting foul loathsome revolting objectionable repellent repulsive unpleasant disagreeable nauseating odious repugnant sickening abhorrent horrid abominable awful distasteful obscene vile dreadful hateful detestable insufferable nauseous dislikeable execrable frightful horrible terrible unpalatable unsavory unsavoury despicable gross hideous intolerable noxious contemptible noisome reprehensible unacceptable base beastly ghastly poisonous scabrous yucky appalling bogging censurable evil exceptionable fulsome gruesome horrendous putrid rancid repellant scandalous shocking disgustful dislikable hateable loathly skanky yucko annoying beyond the pale displeasing heel invidious mean pesky pestiferous pill rotten stinking ugly unbearable off-putting God-awful off-color sick-making heinous deplorable atrocious unspeakable creepy monstrous scurvy grisly hated reviled damnable forbidding resentful confounded accursed blasted infamous uncool cursed undesirable bitter cussed shuddersome bad lousy icky uninviting wretched wicked diabolical grotty unwelcome outrageous dire malodorous fetid dirty horrifying unpleasing upsetting unlovely abysmal foetid filthy mephitic rank vomitous rebarbative yukky unappetizing disgraceful stomach-turning stomach-churning sordid stinky distressing sorry smelly vomit-inducing gut-churning harsh hellacious uncongenial sour alarming sleazy irritating grody miserable niffy olid festy fearful frightening shameful low godawful foul-smelling evil-smelling dishonourable hurtful horrific hellish pongy whiffy on the nose unsatisfactory funky miasmal lamentable woeful paltry grubby low-down rude vulgar dishonorable egregious unattractive from hell poor insupportable black pitiful shabby unfair immoral acrid villainous unappealing cringe-making out of order galling inhuman scabby scummy ignoble pathetic pitiable indescribable cruddy macabre unutterable lame calamitous vicious pestilential spiteful disreputable cruel inexcusable off very unpleasant sinful brackish iniquitous opprobrious squalid sick ignominious unsightly crummy grim inappropriate chronic very bad grimy wrong illegal cheap unwanted regrettable grungy poison sneaking ratty degrading terrifying unholy degenerate dirty rotten sad exasperating reeking coarse emetic unlikable unprincipled unscrupulous dishonest embarrassing dodgy inadequate hopeless discourteous inferior grievous irksome troublesome dark unseemly insulting polluted disquieting shady impertinent insolent pits abject smudged bedraggled befouled smutty sullied bemired dusty unclean uncleanly draggled muddy stained mucky besmirched blackened unsportsmanlike dingy begrimed soiled worthless slimy unpardonable criminal painful rubbish unforgivable uncomfortable vexatious pants harmful malevolent dismal bum ungodly inadmissible injurious lurid nightmarish disturbing snide currish slighting gut-wrenching unfortunate out of line low-minded unkind ill-favored ill-favoured unwholesome malicious seedy rough discouraging unwarranted infuriating disrespectful dubious uncharitable dismaying rascally nefarious abusive detested daunting crooked reeky tasteless depraved execrated musty fusty catty loathed mean-spirited corrupt despised intimidating high biting cutting abominated substandard humiliating derogatory debased fiendish disconcerting blameworthy tremendous unlawful useless revulsive flat diabolic afflictive discreditable stenchy strong laughable duff poxy frowzy frowsy frowsty formidable provocative impudent affronting ripe wounding reprobate dissolute tainted miasmic unworthy culpable hairy hostile provoking unsuitable unhappy deleterious pernicious mischievous bothersome agonizing improper adverse uncivil vexing unmannerly condemnable terrific grewsome nightmare yecchy scurrilous crude unethical unrighteous baneful perturbing severe harrowing unsettling indefensible punk weak impolite godforsaken gnarly difficult uncalled for flagitious agitating depressing disappointing no-good unnerving direful scary indecent overwhelming defective third-rate tenth-rate below the belt unlucky raunchy disastrous agonising maligning vilifying detractive detracting inexpressible a load of pants not cricket not up to snuff inclement unadorable uncaptivating maddening dispiriting disheartening demoralizing shonky offending hatable flavorless insipid flavourless yicky savorless indecorous sickly unhealthy diseased unfit pain drag shameless chunderous fierce ropy inexpedient unlovable deadly insalutary dangerous very disgusting sucky stale seamy repelling intense rocky woozy inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed humming demoralising terribly bad abhorred mighty averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic brutal perverted surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying scuzzy infernal acute trying unfriendly against opposite alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different unfitted foreign pigpen morbid animal beast bestial unpopular crashing destructive notorious suspicious suspect untold undescribable maggot caitiff scungy graveolent pungent gamy turned mouldy putrescent dank moldy feculent serious barbarous murderous felonious illicit lawless in opposition troubling beneath contempt low-life below contempt beyond contempt freaking darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst danged durned dang darn illegitimate churlish boorish uncouth discomforting worrisome undesired eye-watering debauched indictable scoundrelly transgressing unbelievable inconceivable errant devilish stressful traumatic torturous blimming rejected desperate backbiting untrue crying traducing gossiping unimaginable ruffianly blackguardly roguish bent underhand funny iffy sombre discomposing distressful solemn somber humourless humorless sober doleful mortifying personal ghostly faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural sepulchral funereal anaemic uncanny dim deathlike corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish acid sharp bland tart shifty impure highly improper erring ineffable stupefying fearsome thievish malfeasant warped excluded uninvited ill-smelling gloomy tormenting worrying heartbreaking fraught sedate troublous unendurable grave degraded abandoned green-eyed envious jealous red hot disparaging contemptuous remiss dastardly startling staggering stunning astonishing bewildering amazing tragical saddening afflicting tragic affecting awkward unsought not wanted ill-advised too bad unwished for unwished-for strong-smelling reproachable surprising redoubtable indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond words too horrible for words preternatural beyond description undefinable indescribably evil knavish peccant maleficent anguished heartrending excruciating concerning sorrowful glaring unjustifiable delinquent jaundiced covetous hair-raising spine-chilling blamable reprovable blameable nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking amiss guilty demeritorious menacing threatening ominous at fault baleful portentous inauspicious slanderous libellous envying impossible calumnious libelous defamatory detractory tricky homely uncomely minatory subpar dissatisfactory suboptimal deficient unhandsome unbeautiful unpretty grotesque unpropitious eerie wanting impermissible mediocre imperfect amateurish insufficient unimpressive faulty unreasonable questionable meagre shoddy meager evil-looking spooky bodeful malignant doomy malign eldritch ill-omened ill-boding foreboding ill trashy wack cheapo irremediable garbage crumby tatty out rubbishy inacceptable bush reject sinistrous minatorial minacious not much for looks not much to look at short on looks not beautiful plain-featured ordinary hard on the eyes deformed plain doomful perverse sinister lowering unfavorable apocalyptic unfavourable suggestive of evil blackhearted malefic bush-league below average poor quality low-grade under par won't do low-quality below standard poor-quality below par half-baked of low quality not up to par not on second rate of poor quality not up to scratch over the fence less-than-stellar from hunger second-class not quite the done thing second-rate two-bit not up to standard

Tính từ

Having a tendency to inflict suffering and pain on others
wanton cruel vicious malicious wilful arbitrary deliberate evil malevolent needless senseless unjustified spiteful unprovoked wicked gratuitous groundless motiveless bad unjustifiable unmotivated willed aimless atrocious barbaric barbarous brutal brute butcherly fiendish heartless inhuman inhumane sadistic savage truculent contrary double-crossing inconsiderate insolent maleficent mean merciless perverse undisciplined unfair unjust unruly wayward ruthless diabolical monstrous brutish murderous villainous beastly infernal ferocious heinous nefarious bestial nasty vile hellish base pitiless fierce remorseless violent black-hearted horrible bloodthirsty ghastly unspeakable black low dark low-down terrible callous infamous abhorrent cold-blooded odious dreadful flagitious bloody shocking scandalous harsh devilish crude abominable offensive appalling unwarranted coarse horrifying flagrant hideous homicidal vulgar horrid loathsome fell grim awful foul horrendous nauseating sickening intolerable despicable contemptible outrageous demoniac sanguinary corrupt egregious gross ungodly execrable degenerate sinful godawful red in tooth and claw uncouth ravening satanic mindless purposeless crazed ignorant malignant unrelenting destructive unrefined uncultured unlettered demonic wolfish unfeeling implacable accursed Mephistophelian dastardly wretched perverted disgraceful dangerous aggressive gloating iniquitous unreasonable meaningless uncalled-for shameful steep unbearable unendurable immoderate exorbitant insupportable insufferable excessive exasperating impossible OTT extravagant distressing maddening preposterous hellacious O.T.T. extortionate depraved uncivilised depraving debasing extreme uncivilized debauching contumelious notorious scurrilous too great shaming criminal over the top disgracing opprobrious ignoble very bad degraded immoral worthless debased profligate unprincipled licentious lewd miscreant untamed contaminated reprobate putrid impious faulty abandoned insubordinate impure indecent demoralized reprehensible demoralised libidinous wild nightmarish grisly gruesome disgusting hateful harrowing repellent revolting repugnant unforgivable grewsome horrific disgustful lurid macabre sick-making sick loathly terrific scurvy nightmare frightful cacodemonic facinorous grievous desperate hairy grody beyond the pale fearful

Tính từ

Contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice
perverse incorrect wrong inappropriate amiss contradictory graceless illogical improper inapposite inapt incongruous indecorous inept infelicitous irrational malapropos unapt unbecoming unfit unhappy unreasonable unseemly unsuitable untoward wrong-headed irregular unorthodox aberrant delinquent disobedient disobliging erring fractious mean miscreant obstructive rebellious rotten thrawn troublesome uncontrollable unhealthy unhelpful wayward out of place unfitting out of keeping unacceptable unbefitting unsuited ill-advised ill-suited untimely tasteless indelicate tactless inopportune injudicious undesirable ill-timed inapplicable undue awkward misplaced incompatible unwarranted ill-considered ill-judged inadvisable unseasonable discordant inexpedient lacking in propriety out of order indecent unprofessional unladylike ungentlemanly irrelevant erroneous ineligible inconsistent uncalled-for inharmonious in bad taste undignified absurd indiscreet fallacious uncouth misguided unfortunate clumsy regrettable unworthy illegitimate false rough ungodly inaccurate imprudent inadequate gauche stupid discrepant preposterous odd unfitted disproportionate in poor taste uncomely inadmissible ludicrous at odds ill-adapted beyond the pale out of the way bad form faulty invalid impolite coarse unsound rude immoral extraneous immodest meaningless senseless flawed discreditable unreasoning inconsequential malodorous unmannerly impolitic vulgar nonrational weak inconsequent loose irreconcilable clashing dissonant jarring crooked maladroit ridiculous unfair insensitive inapropos unconnected incoherent abnormal silly foolish unreasoned ill-fitted unworthy of mad out-of-place out-of-season off-base not designed not up to scratch ineligible for unequipped for unprepared for not proper unsuited to inadequate for ill-chosen ill-suited to unsuitable for unfitted for off the wall not good enough inappropriate to not designed for ill-adapted to improprietous untactful impertinent immaterial unqualified unconventional offensive out-of-the-way pointless irrelative uncalled for objectionable funny off-balance detrimental unhandsome tacky unlovely salacious not done unmatched disparate dissident disagreeable interfering not up to snuff not qualified not pertinent not germane defective out of character unvirtuous wanton ill-bred shameless awry incautious boorish churlish ill-mannered discourteous inconsonant off mistaken confused uncivil shocking out of line left-field foot-in-mouth way off bad imperfect unsatisfactory astray adrift dishonourable dishonest corrupt unethical unscrupulous dishonorable unlawful haywire sick foul against the rules not cricket inefficient uncool useless ineffective bad-tempered stroppy far-fetched thoughtless erratic reasonless full of hot air capricious quirky ill-tempered vacant arbitrary all wet not suitable glitched up slow incompetent dull not equal to not good enough for no good inexpert inexperienced unhandy unfacile flat jejune inadept unmeet undexterous unproficient insipid banal unrefined disreputable poor crass tawdry ruffian shameful raffish inelegant crude cheap rowdy conflicting contrary disconsonant strange bizarre off-key spurious specious untenable unscientific ironic paradoxical unjustifiable unjustified not in harmony divergent unrelated uncoordinated shifting unbalanced unpredictable distorted lopsided jumbled unavailing uneven rambling in opposition alien foreign incongruitous unintelligible twisted incongruent fitful fantastic inconclusive standing out a mile like a fish out of water sticking out a mile insane impossible sophistical nonsensical implausible casuistic idiotic groundless crazy unfounded imbecilic inane unproved sophistic daft unsubstantial beyond belief fatuous nutty wacky cockeyed hollow screwy barmy self-contradictory off beam way out without basis not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility not following full of holes without foundation unnecessary beside the point neither here nor there unmerited off the subject gratuitous disgraceful undeserved inessential mismatched needless peripheral unjust wide of the mark superfluous ignoble not to the point nonessential unessential unimportant low unassociated immoderate inordinate excessive degrading indefensible inexcusable unneeded off the point base ignominious unprovoked unforgivable wretched infra dig extrinsic tangential a bit much different varying trivial unwise nothing to do with it misconceived forbidden unwelcome contemptible demeaning non-essential debasing cheapening not on ill-matched unwanted unceremonious unconscionable shaming belittling lowering mortifying despicable vile redundant humiliating unwarrantable dispensable scandalous inglorious insignificant outside remote inappurtenant unconcerned avoidable minor ungrounded not required worthless separate trifling bottomless independent over the fence a bit thick futile superficial of no matter off base not pertaining to off the topic of no moment of no consequence not related not connected with of no importance of little account of no account diverse at variance differing unmixable undiplomatic gross unequipped below the belt unfavorable disappointing unfavourable beneath one's dignity out of turn misdirected unprepared outrageous unpardonable deplorable dreadful antipathetic disagreeing repugnant garbage sordid ill suited mutually exclusive optional fortuitous not deserved not merited not earned unrequired not warranted uninvited accidental out of its element causeless not worth worrying about not at issue not the issue nothing to do with the case unsavoury uncharacteristic petty inconsiderable naughty unallowable baseless seamy sleazy louche seedy shoddy fallible confusing sorry abject heterogeneous indiscriminate without reason brutish careless no big deal matter of indifference a matter of indifference makes no difference all the same inconsiderate no never mind debased depraved nasty degenerate low-minded unearned without cause unassimilable beneath you lacking dignity grey abhorrent odious prohibited precluded disallowed impermissible unsupportable assumed supererogatory shady unofficial askew problematic sleazoid disgusting abominable gray de trop not necessary extreme ill-favored not acceptable unadmittable not allowable exceptionable censored unadmissible excluded barred banned not working squalid unsavory beneath your dignity negligible ill-favoured out of commission not right incidental back-door disconnected from distant from intemperate extravagant overmuch ineffectual insufficient deficient inefficacious limited remote from different from detached disconnected deluded misled not appropriate dissociated additional extra fulsome out-of-order contrary to the rules inferior undeserving beneath reprehensible unlike rash supplementary not applicable not connected nothing to do with exorbitant too great overextravagant overdue overweening stiff too much intolerable plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy steep unmerciful devilish flimsy junk unadvantageous hopeless unproductive impotent broken powerless unable lousy adventitious unattached disinformed stray errant deceived bum-steer bearded faked-out stonewalled straying intrusive unfitting to recreant valueless nothing blamable improper to no-good good-for-nothing pitiful no-account exceeding underhanded sinister unmeasurable illegal uncoupled unallied discrete unlinked individual distinct inexact unbecoming to dissimilar variant isolated off course labouring under a delusion led up the garden path not to the purpose untrue out not kin not kindred nongermane wrongly identified off the mark off track off-target labouring under a misapprehension in error in the wrong way off beam wide of mark barking up wrong tree off-beam off target barking up the wrong tree over the top not deserving not worth out of place with out of character with not fit

Tính từ

Exploitative, usually in an unscrupulous manner
sharp dishonest cunning shrewd smart artful crafty guileful unscrupulous wily corrupt deceiving defrauding devious dishonourable dishonorable exploitative fly hoodwinking immoral insincere lying misleading rascally roguish sneaky swindling treacherous unprincipled untrustworthy bent canny clever crooked deceptive double-dealing duplicitous fast fraudulent rogue shady shifty slick sly underhand underhanded deceitful designing dodgy hostile illegal illicit salty slippery snaky two-faced unethical tricky scheming foxy subtle astute slim insidious cheating cagey calculating Machiavellian Janus-faced cute shonky conniving beguiling cagy false disingenuous carny smooth ingenious vulpine criminal sharp-witted intriguing furtive dubious knowing snide dirty unlawful skillful skilful pawky intelligent untruthful stealthy mendacious manipulative dissembling deep streetwise hollow-hearted traitorous perfidious two-timing disreputable unfair adroit imaginative resourceful questionable counterfeit savvy amoral plotting unjust fiendish knavish fishy malfeasant truthless false-hearted double-faced indirect bluffing elusive sneaking delusive arch nefarious dexterous secretive sham hypocritical inventive corruptible venal suspicious dextrous buyable grafting faithless unfaithful villainous untrue spurious disloyal Punic phoney evasive unreliable fake mock phony illusory captious greasy keen astucious snidey oblique street smart street-smart mean iffy double-crossing crazy like a fox fly-by-night deft conspiring brilliant acute rotten bribable experienced alert impish mischievous lawless tricksy masterly adept politic proficient secret bogus contriving covert suspect heedful observant pseudo bamboozling falsified forged against the law imitation slimy crazy like fox sinister recreant backbiting unctuous collusive unhonest unconscionable seedy sketchy undependable nifty iniquitous suborned ruthless evil heads-up wry delusory witted scandalous irregular plausible bum seeming serpentine rascal catchy off imposturous pretended sagacious sly like a fox fickle untrusty murky inglorious trustless irresponsible fink unsafe unsportsmanlike low unsporting not dependable not to be depended on not to be trusted fair-weather potentially illegal of dubious character below the belt dirty-dealing clandestine fallacious base wicked feigned bad foul wrong nasty artificial unsavoury sordid reprobate rapacious low-down contemptible despicable ignoble backhanded unsavory thieving scoundrelly degenerate surreptitious shameless discreditable larcenous sticky-fingered cutthroat light-fingered shameful unpleasant phony-baloney phoney-baloney pilfering vile inconstant conscienceless mealymouthed mealy jive double kleptomaniacal Pecksniffian lip inequitable unprofessional mercenary sleazy improper left-handed depraved specious back-stabbing scurvy predatory pretend vicious dissimulating unsound thievish fabricated dark concocted invalid corrupted perjured sinful spoliative plunderous piratic shabby fibbing invented dastardly ignominious disgraceful malicious unworthy cheap incorrect distorted abject wrongful deluding unfounded not cricket mean-spirited economical with the truth unregenerate stealing mysterious purchasable apocryphal imaginary nimble-fingered funny hollow notorious fictitious unloyal made up doubtful distasteful cooked-up not candid not frank seamy unwarranted vulgar unwholesome cowardly unveracious arrant felonious inaccurate erroneous ambidextrous illegitimate cynical prevaricating equivocating dissolute ill-gotten inexact beggarly detestable wretched licentious reprehensible casuistic canting grubby flawed adulterous cloak-and-dagger worthless dangerous petty deplorable scummy sorry treasonable back-alley affected warped low-minded under the table mistaken out of order simulated unstable changeable renegade treasonous glib apostate contrived faked coloured counterfactual against the rules colored cod on the take trumped up betraying trumped-up snake in the grass contraband shadowy suspected disbelieved equivocal kleptic theftuous furacious uncandid corruptable wrongdoing unfrank unpredictable incorrigible unconscientious Byzantine stinky bootleg sleazoid sleazo queer macabre dicey mercentary praetorian stop-at-nothing abandoned profligate wanton not entirely truthful terminologically inexact tortuous overdone exaggerated indefensible raffish intentionally misleading selfish degrading self-seeking degraded cowboy unjustifiable unsatisfactory unacceptable unjustified unreasonable uncalled for deviant obnoxious offensive devilish under the counter buccaneering put-on lacking sincerity paltering fugitive wayward repellent repulsive objectionable rough disagreeable rudderless self-righteous sanctimonious unnecessary backstabbing left- handed pretentious pseud pixieish scampish pixie leprechaunish waggish puckish pixy prankish elvish opportunist assumed sub-rosa undercover hush-hush concealed untrusted opportunistic pillaging plundering not trustworthy pretending misrepresenting