Từ đồng nghĩa của dreary

Alternative for dreary

drearier, dreariest

Từ đồng nghĩa: depressing, discouraging, dismal, dull, gloomy, somber,

Tính từ

Depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive
drab dull boring tedious uninteresting humdrum wearisome dry flat lifeless monotonous routine colourless jejune pedestrian tiresome uneventful unexciting banal bland desolate ho-hum insipid sterile bloodless mind-numbing soul-destroying uninspiring unstimulating vapid arid colorless commonplace drudging dusty everyday heavy jading leaden monochromatic numbing old ponderous prosaic quotidian run-of-the-mill slow stale stodgy stuffy stupid tame tiring unexceptional unremarkable weary wearying featureless repetitive unvaried blah damp dispiriting downcast oppressive raw sorrowful windy wintery wintry as dry as dust mundane lacklustre lackluster unimaginative uninspired characterless ordinary trite spiritless repetitious common tired unvarying plodding vanilla ho hum workaday nothing dead deadly plain bromidic hackneyed samey mediocre conventional platitudinous prosy nondescript dim laborious nowhere banausic dry as dust torpid wishy-washy wooden stiff unoriginal draggy fatiguing barren derivative usual anaemic dull as dishwater dullsville vacuous normal lame mechanical unanimated anemic irksome soporific average undistinguished weak zero feeble pabulum limp lacking variety unmemorable turgid soulless laboured day-to-day hacky depressing monochrome stereotyped no great shakes nothing to write home about unchanging unrelieved stock enervating exhausting lusterless middle-of-the-road sluggish interminable dull as ditchwater predictable dreich monotone labored typical gray grey ornery treadmill big yawn threadbare plain vanilla stilted zestless inoffensive fuddy-duddy not up to much antiseptic empty square uniform deadly dull plebeian pointless clichéd apathetic yawnsome listless muted garden-variety standard unentertaining unenjoyable weariful white-bread expressionless regular bog-standard customary lacking variation inane staid lacking excitement lacking interest simple corny serious common or garden lustreless mindless pallid non-stimulating pedantic heavy-going static hack flavorless toneless overused watery overworked forced passionless moth-eaten well-worn sleepy undistinctive unspirited quiet unproductive deadening hollow mainstream milk-and-water innocuous vacant flavourless familiar sapless prolix stagnant dragging neutral dismal hoary so-so garden variety cut-and-dry cut-and-dried standard-issue trivial timeworn time-worn cliché-ridden one-horse worn out a dime a dozen OK truistic old hat generic played out dead-and-alive lowly miserable sedate pompous difficult unlively unpassioned bummer drag cloying drear bomb over-serious menial disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing unfulfilling unromantic indistinct not fun uninterested tepid annoying irritating unspecial clumsy unnatural awkward artificial usual thing long-winded lethargic earthbound stolid solemn trying frustrating overlong worn-out puerile boresome vexatious formal inert uncreative droning bleak dowdy yawn producing sombre somber slack mortal poky snooze matter-of-fact depressed verbose demoralising run of the mill crude meagre simplistic meager endless half-pie without variety cardboard straightforward tasteless backward nitty-gritty terrestrial weighty unexceptionable cold unobjectionable harmless unprogressive inactive reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged anodyne heavy going safe backwoods comatose unfeeling mat unexpressive matte unexcited dulled halfhearted diluted modest inexpressive emotionless lacking vitality passive stereotypical not so hot uninflected workday overdone businesslike homespun indifferent boiled down without punch two-dimensional general unseasoned whitebread unpalatable blind useless hard to digest flat as pancake middling unpretentious long-drawn-out behind the times shopworn cliche obligatory cornball musty hackney cobwebby puts one to sleep futile slothful spent waterish nerdy wimpy unappealing homely fair dime-store namby-pamby vain profitless passable facile noplace dumb hokey cornfed tripe diddly practical actual practicable prose yawn clean lead balloon out of date blank deadpan humble suburban outdated old-fashioned unrewarding outmoded run-of-the-mine medium tolerable run-of-mine second-class second-rate archaic obsolete defunct dime-a-dozen not bad indistinctive faceless noncommittal accustomed extinct fruitless worthless antiquated antediluvian plastic unnoteworthy inferior garden mean superannuated neither one thing nor the other matter-of- fact passé aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless ineffectual otiose unavailing unsuccessful bootless inefficacious ineffective abortive antwacky out of the ark cut and dried unfruitful unfilled unprolific clear unsavory unsavoury unappetizing forgettable mild savorless half-hearted distasteful inedible poor insignificant uneatable pale uninviting inadequate not much cop languid beige nothing to get excited about pathetic etiolated nothing special soft subdued drivelling driveling unobtrusive unimpressive unostentatious unadorned watered-down bush-league savourless intermediate puny disagreeable ten a penny off-putting unpleasant revolting disgusting unattractive nauseating sickening unoffending unimportant frail restrained peaceful yucky gentle institutional unadventurous derived uninventive indecisive sick-making gross discreet enervated washy understated inconspicuous unemotional unnoticeable subtle flat tire low-key elementary unembellished bog standard middle of the road impotent powerless vigourless unflavoured sour bitter spiceless clinical least Milquetoast unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed vague achromatic indeterminate indistinguishable undefined abstract unfateful noneventful inconclusive rancid horrible unartistic nebbish fatuous tenuous slight wan unsentimental unvarnished unpoetic literal factual amateurish amateur neglectable negligible boilerplate phoned in basic no-frills spineless effete plain-Jane unextraordinary off-the-shelf foul-tasting indigestible jake sickly weak-kneed wet limp-wristed irrelevant inconsiderable paltry fair to middling inconsequential piddling immaterial irresolute loathsome repugnant meaningless whatever unenthusiastic not very good wimpish nerveless invertebrate weakened weakling ignorable foul nasty vile widespread stark nameless lukewarm regimented of little consequence of little importance of no consequence not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern of no account noisome wavering cowardly vacillating obvious matter-of-course starch natural prevalent governmental utilitarian corporate functional rudimentary ugly unkind coldhearted anaesthetic insensitive insensible impassive indolent lazy anesthetic innocent folksy inelaborate pure and simple normophilic uncluttered unornamented austere rustic your basic uncomplicated unelaborate undecorated familiar tune boiler plate peaceable reserved retiring invisible unshowy circumspect relaxed standard issue downbeat blending into the background nonprovocative innoxious played down out of sight in the background soft-pedaled tasteful toned down non-aggressive non-violent benign white non-combative hurtless light conservative pleasant calm friendly sober repressed unflashy low-keyed toned-down

Tính từ

Causing, or suggestive of, melancholy or unhappiness
depressing mournful sad dismal doleful drear gloomy glum grave grim heartbreaking heartrending melancholy miserable pathetic saddening somber sombre sorry tearful teary cheerless joyless melancholic wretched bleak dark funereal morose black forlorn sullen desolate comfortless solemn grey gray tenebrous drab depressive unhappy sunless cloudy lugubrious disconsolate tenebrific murky depressed morbid dire woeful dim dingy sepulchral blue disheartening cold saturnine dull dejected elegiacal sorrowful godforsaken lonely despondent dispiriting Cimmerian elegiac lonesome dolorous plutonian dreich dour crestfallen chill darkening uninviting woebegone darkened downcast shadowy austere hopeless dispirited abject down distressing humourless down in the dumps humorless clouded down in the mouth upsetting oppressive rueful overcast piteous bad low mirthless sober uncomfortable unpleasant discouraging pitiful downhearted unwelcoming cast down distressed dusky leaden overclouded dreadful lamentable pitiable dejecting awful tragic severe heartbroken caliginous stern stark unlit darkish obscured lightless inhospitable inconsolable nebulous unilluminated stygian shady saddened heartsick pitchy heartsore in the dumps rayless dusk spiritless clouded over moody low-spirited harrowing unsmiling poignant disagreeable beclouded terrible foggy painful louring lachrymose pitch-black pitch-dark afflicted dimmed misty hangdog sedate hurting poor brokenhearted troubled sour heavyhearted serious droopy darksome darkling unfortunate disappointing forbidding mourning mopey sulky distressful lowering displeasing heart-rending grievous heavy appalling horrific nubilous grief-stricken obscure despairing drearisome down-and-out off-putting surly bare earnest bland weighty clinical macabre poker-faced demoralizing daunting draggy impersonal foul bitter moving foreboding horrid staid rotten wintry jarring wintery institutional anguished crepuscular unfavourable tear-jerking ghastly demoralising horrible inauspicious no-nonsense moping unfavorable troublesome Stygian shocking ominous grumpy chap-fallen repugnant heavy-hearted dragged long-faced in low spirits harsh poorly lit stony squalid hazy sordid traumatic touching gruesome shameful frowning sourpuss muted subdued execrable deplorable inferior lousy glowering repellent uncommunicative disconcerting stony-faced horrendous colorless indigent scurvy scungy impoverished detestable repulsive hazed weepy unpromising offensive sickening unpropitious sorrowing revolting pessimistic gut-wrenching crabbed ugly grieving distasteful unpalatable in the pits rainy frightful taciturn unnerving horrifying regrettable difficult opaque lacklustre deep lackluster chapfallen frightening dismaying pensive colourless boring monotonous lifeless God-awful agonizing agonising loathsome unexciting uninteresting uninspiring humdrum in a blue funk broken-hearted in pain bummed out blah badly lit pained unamused tragical brooding emotional in the doldrums gaunt scowling heartsickening intolerable afflictive disquieting discomforting affecting disenchanting bad-tempered excruciating crushing dolesome grouchy churlish worthless starless moonless phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive oppressed weary mopish broody depressant discomposing vexatious devastated sable disheartened unfriendly sorry for oneself sunk in gloom demoralized ill-lit derisible plangent mortifying heart-wrenching unlighted choked discouraged regretful down-in-the-mouth shot down dolent dirgeful dampening have the blahs heart-breaking gutted downbeat having the blahs having blue devils inky jet black gruff blue funk helpless bummed hapless powerless calamitous downtrodden crushed disappointed singing the blues bedimmed hideous grisly destroyed bleeding undesirable cut up out of sorts down and out fed up let-down not happy sobersided lurid unearthly unclear unappealing unappetizing untempting unattractive repressing dissuading hindering inopportune disadvantageous deterring uncomic bereaved flinty fierce intimidating ungentle steely rough mean-looking rugged aggrieved eerie subfusc strict puritanical douce grotesque ghostly terrifying gory nightmarish disapproving unsympathetic demoralised monstrous fearsome unhumorous disturbing troubling not hopeful not encouraging despicable contemptible pitiless grewsome terrific nightmare blubbering blubbery bawling weeping sobbing sniveling moist whimpering snivelling tear-filled watery wet lamenting nauseating objectionable disgraceful vile po-faced serious-minded mephitical hellish irritable unkind repellant bewildering vexing unlucky testing unwelcome annoying abhorrent worrying galling perturbing perplexing alarming sinister revulsive frustrating unamusing aggravating uncongenial irritating parlous unpleasing irksome hard-faced hard stringent trashy shoddy filthy spookish weird scary atrocious spooky chilling threatening destitute derisory sick unhealthy disgusting nasty unenticing death-obsessed dirty menacing in tears poverty-stricken promising rain not fair not clear plaintive agonized upset agonised suffering wailing bewailing bemoaning aching funeral deploring distraught brassed off tormented cheesed off defeatist sick as a parrot in despair stirring tortured all torn up anxious weighed down desperate wistful angst-ridden dismayed ruthful ripped cast-down ill-fated ill-starred base catastrophic paltry mean to be pitied disastrous as sick as a parrot grieved wounded unconsolable devastating fatal traumatized resigned daunted ruinous crummy sick at heart nostalgic traumatised heavy with grief destructive sunk torn up taken down shamefaced defeated commiserable broken agitated compassionate commiserative arousing shabby cataclysmic abashed overwhelmed beggarly perturbed harrowed sheepish suicidal shaken bothered overcome discombobulated harassed concerned wrecked meagre meager spooked bugged shook racked tender dysphoric adverse uptight sapped overcome with sorrow bummed-out cynical jumpy antsy unglued fateful shattered bereft Eeyorish strung out shook up deadly enervated flat adust negative racked with suffering racked with pain in a stew in a tizzy down-hearted long-suffering on a downer in sorrow in mourning low-down let down full of sorrow in the toilet low in spirits merciful feel-bad very sad cheap inadequate insignificant prostrated luckless lame heart-sick lovesick prostrate with grief undermined melting mortified remorseful cringing browbeaten guilty cowed unable to be comforted unable to be consoled beseeching ruined entreating supplicating imploring dolorific detrimental pining unsatisfied torn-up discontent misfortunate guilty-looking furtive beside oneself with grief worried distracted in distress cataclysmal harmful untoward direful apathetic useless petty puny listless ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking afflicting fraught griefstricken damp lowered bowed grousing cranky bellyaching cantankerous crabby beefing bearish disillusioned taken aback deflated threnodic dirge-like lost jittery shaky miffed off sluggish doomed emo cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned in anguish bowed down unmitigable without energy friendless uncared-for small atrabilious dampened drooping dashed sagging frantic ill-humoured huffy sorry for yourself peeved exercised wired impactful intense impressive hurt ill-humored dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone in a funk vexed unnerved discomposed disconcerted ruffled disquieted with a long face ticked off teed off browned off peed off up the wall bundle of nerves basket case distrait hyper fidgety feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny no-win strabilious up the creek without hope at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end irked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued sentimental passionate agitating expressive haunted can't win not a prayer in the soup persecuted lethal mortal at end of one's rope at the end of your tether deathly tristful cruel feeble dangerous sobering urgent strenuous acute critical far-reaching

Tính từ

Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
bleak dismal depressing gloomy lonely sombre forlorn glum dark funereal lonesome sad wretched cheerless comfortless drear melancholy mournful murky solitary black chill Cimmerian cloudy cold darkening depressive desolate dingy dire disconsolate downcast dreich dull elegiac elegiacal godforsaken gray grey joyless lugubrious miserable morbid morose plutonian saturnine sepulchral solemn somber sorrowful sullen sunless tenebrific tenebrous doleful overcast grim disheartening drab discouraging uninviting hopeless dispiriting stark pessimistic unpromising unhappy unwelcoming dolorous austere oppressive depressed dejected bare woeful melancholic despondent downbeat deserted grave dim blue forbidding inhospitable abandoned foreboding dirgelike down in the dumps unpropitious inauspicious despairing waste woebegone devastated impersonal down downhearted clinical severe spartan hard serious harsh institutional down in the mouth unfavorable unfavourable lamenting dour ruined isolated ominous dirge-like barren defeatist uninhabited derelict forsaken mirthless Eeyorish empty remote broken-hearted grief-stricken distressing grieving inconsolable wild anguished distressed crestfallen long-faced dispirited heavy-hearted low-spirited void acheronian in low spirits desperate unlikely unencouraging uncaring unimpassioned formal adverse disadvantageous unmoved portentous maudlin routine colourless uniform exequial funebrial deathlike regimented off-putting saddening poignant plaintive bad nostalgic monotonous sterile unoptimistic obscure deathly hollow Stygian disappointing threnodic threnodial brooding colorless low sunk in gloom moving touching sorrowing sinister heartbroken bereft mourning horrible crushed lorn upset abject given to looking on the black side in the doldrums acherontic companionless cast down atrocious sequestered hurting tragic looking on the black side cut up in a blue funk disowned destitute cynical negative gloom-ridden uncultivated fatalistic worrying demoralized troubled unproductive bitter horrid infertile distrustful doubting suspicious unfortunate alarmist unenthusiastic chilly demoralised vacant poor dead unfruitful desert unfertile impoverished bony arid hardscrabble boney unoccupied unfrequented vacated unpopulated depopulated fallow forgotten evacuated disused untenanted unpeopled unvisited rejected secluded unused destroyed

Tính từ

Not appealing
unappealing unattractive ugly hideous grotesque unlovely monstrous unsightly unpleasant vile unpleasing unpretty disgusting disagreeable unhandsome homely unbeautiful uninviting unappetizing uncomely plain insipid dull banal subfuscous trite unbeauteous unlikable ill-favoured ill-favored not appealing nasty revolting repulsive unpalatable distasteful repellent horrible unsavoury gross unprepossessing offensive off-putting deformed unsavory sickening objectionable horrid nauseating foul repugnant huckery displeasing yucky inedible fugly plain-featured uneatable short on looks uninteresting sour tasteless undesirable flavourless not much to look at unwelcome loathsome gruesome ghastly terrible detestable awful frightful bitter obnoxious flavorless rotten sick-making ordinary yukky icky grody misshapen bland plain-looking no oil painting grim horrendous grisly not beautiful frightening abominable beastly rancid unwanted bad savorless unalluring dreadful drack difficult abhorrent uncomfortable painful unenviable unwished-for weird unacceptable disfigured unnatural forbidding daunting hard on the eyes terrifying unfortunate distorted repelling malformed shocking abnormal freakish macabre unenticing dismal yucko depressing bad-looking as ugly as sin stinky horrific horrifying distressing ordinary-looking nightmarish irksome agonizing troublesome miserable severe vexatious lousy irritating annoying harsh appalling execrable odious uncongenial galling as plain as a pikestaff agonising not much for looks plain as a pikestaff gut-wrenching unsympathetic scuzzy ugly-looking infelicitous noisome foul-tasting indigestible untempting awful-looking frightful-looking disheartening discouraging dispiriting intimidating dismaying demoralizing inhospitable joyless unwelcoming comfortless cheerless charmless obscene ugly looking lacklustre unshapely lackluster drab animal mousy unaesthetic bleak hellish mutant miscreated fearsome shapeless teratoid formidable rebarbative fiendish not striking not pretty demoralising uncoveted uniform savourless fierce unchanging monotonous unvarying unvaried intense unpopular mighty odd bizarre trying harmful hateful acute troubling disconcerting wishy-washy regimented disquieting worrisome discomforting crashing injurious invidious destructive bothersome fearful fanciful strange outlandish fantastic woeful wretched unsettling traumatic torturous stressful perturbing pesky wicked functional governmental institutional bromidic utilitarian jejune rudimentary corporate prosaic dry elementary humdrum pedestrian whimsical misproportioned twisted humourless poor harrowing sober crummy sombre unnerving doleful disturbing agitating atrocious mortifying humorless unbearable upsetting solemn discomposing distressful somber brackish vapid troublous gloomy unsatisfactory stinking unendurable fraught lurid sedate deplorable abysmal hairy tormenting dire worrying heartbreaking regrettable diabolical grave mutilated gnarled mangled tragical pathetic repellant uncool awkward cruel grotty afflicting hellacious lamentable godawful unhappy tragic saddening afflictive affecting sad nauseous mean flat bestial morbid anguished excruciating hurtful sorrowful heartrending hostile grievous concerning peculiar freaky nerve-racking nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking heart-rending heart-breaking standard issue rum unseemly surrealistic uncanny surreal flamboyant aberrant absurd extreme antic incongruous queer laughable extravagant perverted eerie reptilian hard-featured hard-favoured spooky grewsome gory ghoulish ghostly creepy dark sick unearthly spookish scary terrific nightmare alarming warped shadowy ominous funereal sinister melodramatic sepulchral supernatural chilling black crooked startling contorted direful unhealthy sullen blemished morose wry irregular unwholesome spine-chilling unspeakable sickly eery devilish bent asymmetrical unusual ill-proportioned bandy hunchbacked ill-shaped thrawn savage cold bloody death-obsessed out of shape shady prodigious skewed bloodthirsty demonic brutal recurved deadly infected diseased ailing Gothic foreboding like the back end of a bus scaring shameful discommoding unsound malignant pathological outrageous melancholic glum melancholy dispirited depressive desolate menacing sensational astounding heinous vexing tenebrous perverse brooding maleficent moody baleful irascible graphic exaggerated unpardonable petrifying abject tremendous unforgivable pitiless murky mirthless lugubrious drear gray mournful dingy grey diabolic sadistic threatening bone-chilling egregious onerous explicit mysterious from hell heavy inexcusable bloodcurdling deathly preternatural God-awful evil redoubtable hair-raising trashy sensationalist overdramatized colourful rubbishy unrestrained eldritch ribald kitschy cheap salacious pulp prurient far-out mystifying unreal other-worldly haunting violent suggestive dirty filthy inscrutable shock-horror tacky vivid juicy flakey uncouth mystic occult flaky secret magic oddball whacko numinous magical supernal yellow full-frontal awe-inspiring out of the ordinary fiery raunchy salty deep striking colorful off-color purple sanguine rough racy distinct garish low-down crippled ungainly ill-made awry buckled askew marred bowed curved damaged disjointed disproportionate

Từ trái nghĩa của dreary

dreary Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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