Từ đồng nghĩa của empty

Alternative for empty

empties, emptied, emptying, emptier, emptiest

Từ đồng nghĩa: barren, blank, discharge, drain, eliminate, evacuate, hollow, let out, run out, vacant, void,

Từ trái nghĩa: fill, full,

Tính từ

Lacking in meaning
meaningless futile pointless worthless hollow senseless valueless unsatisfactory vain barren insignificant purposeless fruitless inane inconsequential ineffective trivial unavailing useless bootless insubstantial motiveless otiose unproductive unprofitable unreal unsuccessful abortive aimless banal chaffy cheap frivolous idle ineffectual inefficacious trifling vapid dead null profitless unimportant insipid junky nugatory paltry petty unsubstantial no-good of no use of no value in vain to no avail to no effect to no purpose failed unrewarding sterile inutile hopeless unfruitful inadequate impotent non-successful unfructuous slight thwarted inefficient miserable needless footling unnecessary negligible wasted impractical measly piddling purportless lame without success no dice pathetic feckless inferior of no avail without rhyme or reason counterproductive nominal good-for-nothing silly irrelevant superficial vacuous minute foiled unprolific piffling unremunerative inept baulked giddy goofy scatterbrained dizzy no use feeble powerless frustrated insufficient balked poxy unusable nickel-and-dime Sisyphean void nothing unable indecisive of no account on a treadmill unpurposed inoperative not worth the candle light ditsy dry inconsiderable shallow unreasonable minor small picayune misfired piddly mindless niggling nonsensical doomed tiny peanut exhausted delusive thankless pimping chicken vacant minuscule puny wanky impracticable wanton pitiful derisory weak poor trashy gainless bungled mingy wretched exiguous pants bogus mediocre abandoned unessential waste ignoble unavailable forceless withered defeasible neutralised spineless innocuous neutralized limited anticlimactic of no consequence de minimis Mickey Mouse not worth mentioning for nought a dead loss no-account uncalled-for uncalled for not worth bothering about uneconomic failing pyrrhic scant specious perfunctory botched frustaneous unlucrative miscarried bungling absurd minimal forlorn disastrous defeated throwaway unimpressive unsalable unasked emasculate slack-spined insane fatuous time-wasting mild of no earthly use despicable contemptible base abject drossy no-win misleading unnotable shuck delusory for naught unworkable dull rattlebrained kooky dippy eccentric dopey airheaded dipsy daffy airbrained infinitesimal inappreciable imperceptible not effective no go no way redundant nongermane superfluous spinning one's wheels wild goose chase lost save one's breath uncreative slow unyieldly nonproductive lazy blocked wasteful boring Pyrrhic symbolic meagre going nowhere resultless unneeded unsuitable stale uninspiring not pertinent in vicious circle not a prayer unserviceable nonfunctional of no importance uninteresting stillborn nonpractical unfunctional no good to gundy meager token unmeaning unsound dysfunctional expendable broken not useful scrap unuseful inoperable tedious arid flat commonplace hamstrung inexpedient goalless lacklustre dreary monotonous drab unstimulating prosaic lifeless humdrum designless thoughtless witless illogical irrational indiscriminate lightweight incompetent invertebrate unfilled clear desultory brainless random unhelpful lightheaded puerile light-headed harebrained featherbrained birdbrained yeasty light-minded ditzy flighty null and void lackluster undirected ridiculous floundering haphazard drifting frilly lacking substance deficient defective rubbishy lighthearted frothy of no benefit rubbish wishy-washy hit-or-miss two a penny not much cop of no merit a dime a dozen incidental fiddling pettifogging not worth a hill of beans dinky little foolish marginal loitering jejune idling of little consequence of little account small-fry of little importance small-bore no big deal no big thing

Tính từ

Cold and not feeling or showing any emotion
blank deadpan expressionless vacant impassive absent stoic stony vacuous straight-faced undemonstrative unemotional unexpressive unimpassioned catatonic fixed glazed inanimate inexpressive numb stolid wooden emotionless inscrutable lifeless unresponsive dumb flat unintelligent poker-faced dull glassy uninterested stupid cold unreadable dispassionate inane motionless dead nobody home colourless distant faraway vague uncomprehending vapid indifferent dazed absent-minded colorless inert lacklustre lusterless fish-eyed lackluster bland perplexed bemused unfocused reactionless soulless devoid remote characterless insipid unsmiling serious po-faced spiritless withdrawn rigid introspective dreaming dreamy pokerfaced unmoving fishy hollow devoid of emotion thoughtless abstracted idle incurious ditzy unthinking meaningless stiff immobile uncommunicative masklike noncommittal null apathetic foolish silly daydreaming witless phlegmatic matter-of-fact stoical passionless unexcitable lacking in character affectless placid impassible heavy lethargic calm torpid insensitive inactive supine dry passive cold-blooded cool unfeeling detached unconcerned aloof unmoved frigid callous listless reserved restrained unflappable imperturbable blah sober glacial disinterested sluggish unaffected chill self-controlled languid heartless impersonal laid-back reticent unruffled insensible collected controlled untouched uncaring uninvolved lazy self-contained icy draggy wimpy moony lackadaisical unloving taciturn resigned cool, calm and collected formal serene composed philosophic unapproachable frosty chilly lukewarm unenthusiastic hard-hearted tranquil unsentimental sleepy equable uncompassionate slothful rational level-headed businesslike hard-headed impervious enervated toneless indolent thick-skinned unenergetic nowhere nonemotional immovable hard-boiled slumberous languorous along for the ride what the hell could care less couldn't care less don't give a damn stony-eyed sangfroid enduring indomitable uncurious clinical bovine cool-headed non-committal bored half-hearted long-suffering neutral unambitious unmotivated unagitated pococurante Laodicean impartial cold-hearted unaffectionate contained unimpressionable droopy dispirited groggy lymphatic desensitized accepting uncomplaining patient forbearing laid back ardorless impotent inhibited repellent forbidding austere unbending unromantic cold-shoulder loveless objective quiet coldhearted obdurate marble unsympathetic close unforthcoming secretive guarded desensitised fatalistic philosophical unfriendly offish longanimous unimpressed unstirred unfazed insolent annoyed unsociable offended impudent impertinent unwelcoming procacious solitary stand-offish standoffish offhand vigorless sleeping vigourless going with the flow rolling with the punches dry-eyed undismayed unperturbed untroubled loafing unimpressible insusceptible stony-hearted unworried stagnant leaden indurated unrevealing hardened sedate nonchalant inexcitable oblivious slow soporous soporose otiose slack limp drowsy heedless immune lacking energy effete with the patience of Job somnolent unmindful nonplussed resolute debilitated insensate impervious to heedless of stubborn unyielding oblivious to immune to comatose stupefied down-to-earth shiftless unmindful of proof against deaf to weary fatigued quiescent tired practical realistic plain pragmatic nebbish narcotic stretchy exhausted dopey dilatory snoozy laggard sleepyhead dormant mundane sensible prosaic literal straightforward unvarnished unimaginative no-nonsense factual unembellished commonsensical out of it without energy having spring fever hardheaded uncreative earthy pragmatical unadorned humdrum pedestrian accurate with both feet on the ground unembroidered faithful undistorted exact naked prosy feasible straight-thinking unidealistic truthful

Tính từ

Abandoned, or left unused or unoccupied
lorn rejected vacant deserted discarded vacated forgotten forsaken derelict neglected jilted unoccupied godforsaken outcast shunned dropped dumped bereft left relinquished alone dissipated eliminated sidelined eighty-sixed pigeon-holed side-tracked cast aside cast away given up passed up on the rocks left in the cold left in the lurch desolate uninhabited barren lonely bare abandoned solitary waste unpeopled desert unfrequented unpopulated depopulated infertile isolated untenanted dead sterile unproductive arid unused secluded wild uncultivated fallow unfruitful remote evacuated unvisited unfertile disused poor hardscrabble boney stark bony impoverished uncultivatable void bleak virgin forlorn unsettled dormant depleted unmanaged lifeless lonesome inhospitable dreary free dry ruined stagnant destroyed fruitless impotent idle uncultivable unvegetated nonreproductive harsh parched windswept dry as dust effete austere unbearing without life without living things drained untilled exhausted spent unfarmed rugged rough trackless undeveloped unplanted unploughed unplowed weakened companionless untouched uncivilized sapped reduced diminished enervated unseeded unsown resting denuded uncivilised untended unmaintained withdrawn estranged destitute devastated dismal sucked dry worn out played out used up unsocial unbefriended uncherished unattended renounced lone reclusive apart comfortless single troglodytic down homeless disconsolate tenantless unfriended by oneself cast off uncouth left stranded

Tính từ

Lacking sense or meaning
inane purposeless senseless silly stupid daft frivolous mindless fatuous idiotic puerile unintelligent vacuous vapid asinine futile imbecilic trifling worthless cretinous ludicrous moronic pointless risible witless brainless empty-headed goofy nonsensical thoughtless absurd childish damfool dim divvy dumb foolish gormless half-baked infantile laughable meaningless ridiculous crass dof flat glaikit harebrained illogical immature innocuous insipid sappy vacant vain weak wishy-washy devoid of intelligence ditzy giddy scatterbrained ditsy frothy featherbrained dizzy birdbrained flighty childlike yeasty juvenile light-headed lightheaded light-minded doltish dotish dopey dunderheaded thickheaded chowderheaded thick dippy lamebrained half-witted boneheaded dim-witted weak-minded chuckleheaded slow-witted lunkheaded bubbleheaded blockheaded imbecile wooden-headed pinheaded dense simple dozy muttonheaded brain-dead crazy pea-brained dotty slow obtuse dead from the neck up dull crackpot preposterous lunatic soft insane dopy softheaded ignorant airheaded thick-witted scatty halfwitted braindead daffy mad kooky loony cuckoo looney featherheaded nutty simpleminded kookie screwball wacky zany unwise whacky jerky tomfool cockeyed lamebrain knuckleheaded dorky unsmart bonehead oafish opaque inept balmy fool loopy feather-brained fat-headed pig-ignorant imprudent rash irresponsible blockish sluggish simple-minded pie-faced hebete slow on the uptake as thick as two short planks reckless foolhardy irrational erratic screwy careless dappy stolid imperceptive dull-witted nitwitted lumpish uncomprehending negligent unaware green hare-brained inexperienced bovine ill-considered backward not the full shilling wet behind the ears ill-advised thick as two short planks rattlebrained dimwitted cockamamy injudicious unreasonable donkeyish obstinate crackbrained unthinking feebleminded Boeotian anencephalic anencephalous callow out to lunch credulous retarded insensitive lifeless inert thick-skinned feather-headed indiscreet batty feeble-minded phlegmatic torpid wooden placid log-headed somnolent inanimate woodenheaded heavy thick as mince slow on uptake lethargic listless inactive neglectful forgetful slothful chowderhead unresponsive uneducated inattentive unmindful mooning spaced-out out daydreaming moony illiterate unlearned unread untaught untutored unlettered benighted unschooled untrained unknowledgeable out of it naive unenlightened uninformed unsophisticated unscholarly nonliterate wild superficial unworldly innocent unqualified unintellectual impetuous precipitate unconversant shallow analphabetic daredevil hasty a brick short of a load two sandwiches short of a picnic as green as grass uninstructed uninitiated in the dark impulsive devil-may-care precipitous hot-headed madcap hell-for-leather incautious haphazard overhasty kamikaze heedless inconstant temerarious daring harum-scarum carefree romping regardless disorderly unstable cockamamie impractical inconsistent sheepheaded muddle-headed

Tính từ

Deficient in something needed or usual
absent abstracted distracted preoccupied absent-minded blank vague vacant absorbed daydreaming dreamy musing oblivious inattentive unconscious unaware unheeding bemused careless distrait dreaming negligent absentminded faraway heedless inadvertent neglectful thoughtless unthinking vacuous wool-gathering far away unmindful unobservant bare deficient devoid hollow minus omitted somewhere else lost in thought miles away in a brown study not with us in short supply engrossed distant woolgathering forgetful lost scatterbrained pensive removed thoughtful rapt scatty out to lunch ditzy brooding remote mooning airheaded moony insensible detached diverted withdrawn agitated intent distraught immersed spacey inclined to forget disregardful worried inconscient not there wrapped up apt to forget immersed in thought deep in thought unfocused pipe dreaming a million miles away in a world of your own indifferent unseeing insensitive unconcerned frantic frenzied hysteric hysterical delirious out in space beside oneself gone wrapped-up spellbound deep taken up fascinated caught up anxious asleep engaged bugged elsewhere surroundings idle hung up absentee space cadet goofing off unaware of events regardless inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unnoticing apathetic bored listless dozy head in the clouds with a memory like a sieve with a mind like a sieve confused lacking concentration not concentrating off-guard slapdash slipshod lax puzzled bewildered off in a world of one's own perplexed flustered troubled disconcerted ruffled discomposed out of it looking out window amnemonic having a memory like a sieve inattentive to slack remiss in asleep on the job wandering indifferent to negligent about nirvanic not on the job remiss about unwitting oblivious to like an absent-minded professor sloppy remiss lax about pestered mystified nonplussed harassed befuddled tormented fazed confounded hassled speculative sidetracked at sea meditative reflective ruminative intangible unreal misty shadowy fantastic chimerical phantasmagoric dreamlike phantasmagorical not with it beautiful otherworldly excellent astral unsubstantial mythical introspective marvelous superb illusory imaginary whimsical nightmarish wistful immaterial introvertive marvellous in a flap driven to distraction in a reverie with your head in the clouds out of this world dizzy silly in a daze giddy disorganized birdbrained baffled empty-headed erratic in a dream feather-headed feather-brained unreliable muddled disoriented dazed disorganised slaphappy discombobulated muddleheaded unsystematic dippy dappy goofy featherbrained stumped ditsy addled irrational disorientated harebrained flighty woolly-headed pixillated mixed-up pixilated muzzy addlepated shell-shocked punchy zonked-out dopey spaced-out punch-drunk spacy zonked dopy at a loss with one's head in the clouds at sixes and sevens muddle-headed spaced out amnesic amnesiac confusional mixed up undependable frivolous unhinged unbalanced demented unglued frothy lightheaded puerile irresponsible light-headed madcap futile yeasty light-minded all at sea unsound senile stupid illogical bird-brained psychotic deranged unstable crazy unsettled out-of-joint whacko captivated mesmerized consumed addle-brained glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy not knowing if one is coming or going shook up with Alzheimer's disease fouled up unscrewed ignorant entranced involved hooked intrigued riveted not thinking clearly gripped occupied submerged enthralled entranced by in a world of one's own preoccupied by bound-up up to here mesmerised head over heels fascinated by distracted by eat sleep and breathe riveted by taken up by captivated by all wound up enthralled by spellbound by stupefied stunned fuddled thrown dumbfounded clueless shaken flummoxed bushed unnerved discomfited addle astonished bamboozled spaced befogged astounded raddled fogged bedeviled floored beaten shaken up mazed wildered taken aback thrown off balance bedevilled fuzzy

Tính từ

Without any grounds to support it
groundless baseless unfounded unsubstantiated unsupported unwarranted false unjustified unproven unprovoked uncorroborated foundationless ill-founded unauthorised unauthorized uncalled-for unjustifiable unreasonable vain without basis chimerical idle illogical illusory imaginary invalid irrational nonvalid questionable unreliable unsound without foundation bottomless causeless erroneous fallacious flimsy gratuitous misguided not backed up specious spurious uncalled for without cause without justification without reason without explanation unconfirmed unverified conjectural dubious ungrounded speculative unauthenticated inaccurate misinformed trumped-up not backed up by evidence weak untenable flawed implausible indefensible wrong faulty senseless absurd untrue preposterous unreasoning shaky tenuous inexcusable unpardonable reasonless fabricated nonrational unwarrantable unforgivable unconvincing unsustainable unreasoned defective unnecessary nonsensical full of holes incorrect untested unattested ludicrous unscientific illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential sophistic nutty insupportable wacky mad superfluous off beam needless inadequate excessive unacceptable feeble bogus trumped up fishy inconsistent silly foolish injudicious unbelievable crazy incredible idiotic inconceivable unpersuasive contradictory stupid unsubstantial insane ridiculous inane unjust way out off the wall inessential undue suspect nebulous doubtful dispensable misleading poor deceptive redundant assumed nonessential superstitious non-essential unsatisfactory inappropriate immoderate inordinate disproportionate iffy untruthful inexpiable delusory inconclusive avoidable dodgy unessential unfair unsupportable unthinking unwise phoney impossible arbitrary inexact unreal phony frivolous incongruous hollow irreconcilable supererogatory lame pathetic controvertible wild fatuous mindless brainless incoherent laughable off sophistical de trop superficial demented daft barmy self-contradictory kooky loony wishful contemptible assailable weakly off-the-wall not making sense nonsupported outrageous mendacious off-base without substantiation without merit iniquitous insulting vague improbable bad unlikely far-fetched farfetched trivial obscure sketchy puzzling fantastic manufactured ill-conceived expendable pointless useless undesired unwanted ill-thought-out not well thought out airy thin slight reachy unimpressive problematic transparent insufficient trifling out factitious invented faked contrived made-up fake unarguable undefendable refutable off target wrongly inferred won't hold water won't wash shallow paltry ill-advised unbecoming improper unsuitable unseemly non-sequiturial unneeded purposeless inadmissible illegal mistaken falsified delusive inept puerile wide of the mark too much unrequired fictitious meaningless logically fallacious not working flakey raving aberrant unstable freaky cockamamie disconnected distraught delirious disjointed unconscionable undeserved imprecise not genuine flaky mythical distorted to no purpose dicey beguiling deceitful deluding deceiving unprovable made up unestablished casuistic imbecilic unproved unbacked cooked up fraudulent beyond belief perverse cockeyed irrelevant unconnected screwy untrustworthy presumed not validated traditional disputable debatable undependable way off beam way off wanton unmerited not following uncertain suppositive suspicious dubitable indefinite open to question controversial arguable suppositious freety apprehensive fearful beyond the bounds of possibility brutish indiscriminate careless lacking substance hard to believe open to doubt not necessary

Tính từ

Lacking in originality, variation, spirit or energy
flat dull boring monotonous tedious insipid uninteresting dreary droning tiresome dead jejune lifeless toneless unexciting bland colourless prosaic spiritless stale vapid depressing lackluster lacklustre pointless soporific uniform vacant arid banal colorless dim drab drudging dry dulled dusty expressionless featureless heavy ho-hum humdrum jading leaden lusterless mat matte milk-and-water monochromatic numbing pedestrian ponderous slow stodgy stuffy stupid tame tiring unchanging unexcited unexpressive unfeeling watery wearisome weary wearying wishy-washy deadly old samey uninflected unvaried blah blind draggy inane innocuous muted prosy sapless unpalatable unseasoned vanilla weak whitebread mind-numbing ho hum namby-pamby lead balloon uneventful sterile unstimulating run-of-the-mill commonplace mundane uninspiring unimaginative quotidian workaday trite routine dull as ditchwater monochrome unrelieved dreich dry as dust ornery dullsville simplistic lacking variation meagre crude meager lacking variety barren nothing to write home about uninspired tired hackneyed ordinary common bromidic unoriginal characterless platitudinous unremarkable plodding stereotyped corny overworked stock clichéd overused threadbare unvarying timeworn repetitious worn-out old hat set feeble worn shopworn well-worn cliché cornball musty derivative bathetic exhausted drained mildewed hokey chain moth-eaten used-up ready-made cliched warmed-over familiar tune everyday stereotypical vacuous limp repetitive stereotypic platitudinal as dry as dust fatiguing flavourless flavorless conventional hacky nothing banausic laborious anaemic nondescript wooden hack stiff anemic nowhere bloodless dull as dishwater plain mediocre soulless passionless enervating exhausting lame gray grey laboured unappetizing distasteful stilted tasteless turgid mild time-worn soft soul-destroying watered-down zestless unsavory neutral unsavoury day-to-day worn out played out usual drivelling driveling weariful mechanical truistic unentertaining unenjoyable labored monotone yawnsome plain vanilla common or garden lacking excitement lacking interest no great shakes big yawn mindless matter-of-fact spineless effete weak-kneed wet limp-wristed wimpish savorless washy nerveless frail wimpy invertebrate weakened weakling pedantic undistinguished half-hearted pallid forced nitty-gritty terrestrial hoary desolate unexceptional customary normal sluggish white-bread downcast waterish typical regular dragging bog-standard fuddy-duddy dismal prolix treadmill deadly dull unspirited irksome flat tire deadening not up to much formulaic orthodox unlively unpassioned unmemorable undistinctive indistinct annoying irritating predictable overdone weedy clumsy unnatural awkward artificial unanimated uninterested tepid serious stolid solemn boresome vexatious depressed unromantic wussy nerdy cliche obligatory dime-store hackney cobwebby non-stimulating well worn uncreative antiseptic overlong average plebeian silly vieux jeu heavy-going formal workday lowly bleak dowdy without variety quiet slack sleepy half-pie OK so-so staid trivial puerile middle-of-the-road garden-variety garden variety cardboard pabulum interminable mortal poky snooze reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged stagnant least Milquetoast zero verbose inoffensive run of the mill unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic literal unemotional factual clear unadorned unobjectionable endless harmless mainstream a dime a dozen raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy safe unprogressive inactive unproductive puts one to sleep flat as pancake weighty halfhearted diluted not so hot deadpan heavy going one-horse dead-and-alive long-drawn-out boiled down without punch hard to digest lustreless inedible out of date outdated old-fashioned outmoded poor inadequate archaic obsolete unappealing uneatable savourless uninviting defunct extinct antiquated antediluvian superannuated nebbish beige fatuous tenuous slight subdued passé off-putting unpleasant unattractive disagreeable cliché-ridden ineffectual antwacky out of the ark cut and dried regimented indecisive pathetic irresolute governmental utilitarian corporate functional institutional rudimentary ugly standard issue elementary ineffective wavering cowardly vacillating enervated listless languid

Tính từ

Using or expressed in many words that sound impressive but mean little
windy long-winded rambling wordy garrulous prolix verbose diffuse meandering circumlocutory lengthy loquacious long-drawn-out overlong pleonastic pompous prolonged protracted talkative tedious voluble bombastic circuitous logorrheic periphrastic repetitious tautological turgid boastful talky tortuous inflated palaverous redundant discursive ambagious digressive wandering chatty gabby maundering roundabout logorrhoeic long circumlocutionary convoluted gassy indirect repetitive interminable flatulent rhetorical boring wearisome tiresome expansive oblique alliterative sesquipedalian flowery full of verbiage ponderous drawn-out dragged out superfluous gossipy prosy iterative circumlocutional circumlocuitous circumlocutious vague loose waffling waffly laborious unending verbal endless diffusive profuse copious exuberant random lavish dull spun out orotund extended very long prattling blathering jabbering babbling prating gushing king-size elongate oversized elongated king-sized lengthened mouthy yakking multiloquent big-mouthed gobby wittering multiloquous effusive magniloquent fustian grandiloquent tautologous yacking repeating involved pretentious padded longish king size dragging full of air having kissed the Blarney stone with the gift of the gab slow time-consuming sustained lingering marathon monotonous seemingly endless great never-ending evasive spun-out long-lasting boundless limitless enduring without end deviating lasting dragged-out strung out delayed long-lived far long-term disquisitional oratorical gradual reiterating progressive desultory mundane excursive leaping digressionary digressional stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian draggy conservative overextended tardy late dilatory longwinded tiring painful unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum numbing spreading trying wearying mind-numbing free musing erratic broad roaming roving conversational informal for ages forever and a day implied devious grueling gruelling epic long-drawn plodding ambiguous collateral non-linear obliquitous drawn out stretched out taking the long way remote stretching far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged rangy distant lofty faraway stringy continued high running far-reaching everlasting ceaseless spread out unceasing incessant constant perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop unbroken continual immeasurable unbounded unbound interminate looped eternal permanent day-and-night continuous timeless no end to no end of on a treadmill

Tính từ

Exhausted or in need of rest or sleep
tired weary exhausted fatigued spent drained sleepy drowsy knackered wearied bushed done overtired flagging jet-lagged pooped prostrate sapped tired out whacked dead debilitated drooping enervated fagged faint low shattered aweary beat beaten bleary consumed dog-tired wasted worn worn out worn-out zonked asleep burnt-out collapsing done in done up droopy finished flat haggard languid limp narcoleptic overtaxed overused played out prostrated all in low-energy broken-down burned-out burnt out clapped out dead beat dead tired fagged out run-down tapped out tuckered out washed-out wiped out burned out done for petered out ready to drop worn to a frazzle bleary-eyed dead on one's feet asleep on one's feet jaded logy loggy weak careworn frazzled drawn weakened shot rundown effete jiggered knocked out bone-weary had it depleted washed out pinched strained kaput fordone gaunt fried bone-tired shagged out bushwhacked whipped stonkered wabbit hollow-cheeked toilworn rooted out on one's feet listless hollow-eyed zonked out puffing puffed panting breathless gasping sick wan worn-down fit to drop outta gas out of breath puffed out on your last legs unwell puffing and blowing gasping for breath whacked out running on empty on one's last legs languorous creamcrackered far-gone peaky enfeebled pale out of gas bored tuckered crippled overworked raddled languishing stressed used up ashen blanched tense wrinkled weariful taxed fretted peaked fraught pasty-faced groggy lackadaisical dog-weary disabled dragging hacked sluggish spiritless lethargic sick and tired fed up dead-tired dead-beat wiped-out the worse for wear without energy extremely tired out on your feet run down etiolated sallow all-in wiped weather-beaten lined grim bedraggled done-in blown used lacklustre lackluster sleep deprived exasperated dropping lassitudinous blasé somnolent like death warmed up faded done with sickly torpid infirm feeble uptight worn down slumberous dozy dog tired poorly run ragged over-tired tired-out on last leg very tired dead on your feet dull stressed out in poor health adrenalized gone aching sore half-awake lived-in withered taut played-out heavy-lidded unhealthy footsore dilapidated tattered unkempt disheveled dishevelled coarsened debauched below par with sunken cheeks worse for wear under par waning weakening failing declining fading tiring wearying sinking deteriorating wilting ebbing decreasing giving up faltering diminishing slacking dwindling slumping leaden abating palling sagging slowing down

Tính từ

Lacking in enthusiasm
flat depressed dispirited downhearted dejected despondent weary blue desolate discouraged disheartened down drained gloomy glum low unhappy devitalized oppressed low-spirited down in the dumps down in the mouth weighed down sad miserable forlorn moody downcast melancholy dismal crestfallen morose woebegone sorrowful mournful fed up disconsolate melancholic doleful inconsolable woeful saddened joyless enervated bad heartbroken heartsick wretched brokenhearted heartsore sorry droopy heavy-hearted hangdog heavyhearted brassed off cast down cheesed off sapped spiritless singing the blues sick as a parrot down and out in the pits sorry for yourself apathetic down-hearted without energy cheerless despairing disappointed dolorous distressed lugubrious broken-hearted pessimistic tearful sombre grief-stricken somber in low spirits demoralized chap-fallen sullen demoralised in the dumps upset dragged in the doldrums crushed hurting comfortless funereal in pain abject choked bummed out long-faced chapfallen troubled dreary dismayed destroyed saturnine grim hopeless grieving piteous bleak anguished rueful black mirthless solemn depressing wistful afflicted daunted depressive morbid elegiac subdued dull out of sorts teary pitiful cast-down sepulchral pathetic tristful lonesome distressing pitiable elegiacal defeatist sulky bleeding crummy grieved lachrymose dour dysphoric dark heartrending weepy godforsaken hurt emotional lonely drear tragic in a blue funk gray grey poor weeping heartbreaking devastated shaken cowed suffering lamentable grievous ripped shot down deplorable downbeat listless grumpy regretful all torn up torn up let down dire sunk in gloom dreich sunless plutonian tenebrous on a downer Cimmerian taken down sick at heart as sick as a parrot tenebrific in tears pensive in despair worthless low in spirits affecting distraught deflated thrown mopey vile scurvy painful shattered mopish broody plaintive gutted bummed-out ruthful sorrowing broken crabbed chill murky darkening cold cloudy aggrieved bereaved surly low-down dolent with a long face in the toilet in grief in doldrums cut up moping bowed down displeased undermined shamefaced unnerved moving touching pained despicable contemptible base defeated dashed disillusioned discontented abashed compassionate stirring commiserative arousing shabby deterred down-in-the-mouth Eeyorish tormented mourning intimidated sheepish heart-rending brooding adust uncomfortable ticked off teed off browned off peed off unconsolable sour harrowing humourless humorless agonised saddening heavy helpless bereft negative destitute tear-jerking agonized ugly down in dumps calamitous hapless disgraceful triste languid languorous in a funk in sorrow blue funk full of sorrow in mourning sorry for oneself worried unmanned prostrated nostalgic lamenting perturbed bothered disgruntled lowered bowed sunk heart-sick lovesick emo off sluggish cringing browbeaten guilty unsatisfied torn-up discontent atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging disturbed concerned dirgeful desperate taken aback merciful guilty-looking furtive disenchanted angry annoyed cross churlish depressant reflective discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused troubling down in mouth bitter griefstricken damp ill-humoured huffy ashamed embarrassed sneaking bummed powerless downtrodden shot-down unsmiling bad-tempered uncommunicative taciturn grave disturbing prostrate with grief let-down not happy ill-humored down-and-out phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive poignant cowering humiliated conscience-stricken afflicting have the blahs shook up crying languished crabby given to looking on the black side sick unable to be comforted unable to be consoled tortured luckless feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny put off humbled threnodic plangent dirge-like uneasy wounded strained distressful gut-wrenching beside oneself with grief racked ailing beggarly cheap inadequate insignificant paltry mean unenthusiastic unenthused unconfident lost sobbing forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned derisible meagre unfortunate to be pitied meager small whimpering snivelling friendless uncared-for beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat weakened close to tears blubbering maudlin dragging cynical solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart larmoyant sniveling on the verge of tears in blue funk with cold feet gone to pieces lost momentum squalid drab foul sordid uninviting disheartening discouraging unpromising shameful easily moved execrable trashy unpleasant terrible rotten shoddy inferior lousy disagreeable filthy in floods of tears with tears in your eyes indigent scungy impoverished displeasing detestable derisory poverty-stricken at sob story

Tính từ

Not existent
nonexistent absent chimerical fancied fictional hallucinatory hypothetical illusory imaginary imagined insubstantial lacking missing mythical unreal wanting airy baseless blank dead defunct departed dreamlike dreamy ethereal extinct extinguished flimsy gone gossamery groundless immaterial imponderable inexistent legendary lost negative null perished shadowy tenuous ungrounded unsubstantial vacant vague vaporous void passed away passed on without foundation null and void few and far between fanciful fictitious invented mythic fabulous made-up visionary fantastic pretend fantastical chimeric fabricated fantasied imaginal make-believe phantom supposititious ideal phantasmal phantasmic whimsical fantasy notional false mythological fictive storybook untrue pretended traditional fabled fairy-tale created storied folkloric non-existent allegorical dreamed-up theoretical mythologic imaginative concocted delusive figmental trumped up epic virtual quixotic suppositious deceptive illusive apocryphal spectral apparitional fool's paradise all in one's head product of someone's imagination heroic larger-than-life academic all in the mind estimated devised made up symbolic symbolical parabolic mock phantasmagoric intangible fake seeming nebulous artificial sham insincere ostensible impalpable phoney reachy unnatural weird replica aerial faux misleading romantic phony imitation unbelievable incredible out of this world reproduction assumed abstract supposed imagal figment of someone's imagination spurious delusory bogus specious fallacious pseudo simulated counterfeit mistaken deceitful synthetic fraudulent erroneous ersatz factitious substitute feigned apparent unfounded phantasmagorical dummy forged manufactured transcendental speculative imitative man-made spiritual unsound mimic deceiving invalid incorporeal conceptual contrived semblant conjectural trumped-up plastic surreal metaphysical utopian incorrect ghostly blue-sky bodiless wild unearthly absurd faked irrational supernatural illusionary discarnate theoretic deluding beguiling illogical ridiculous hyped up sophistical bizarre fishy wrong otherworldly inaccurate unbodied extravagant inexact untruthful nightmarish psychedelic poetic faulty non-physical suppositional unsubstantiated misguided distorted flawed unreasonable putative nonphysical nonmaterial impractical ideational imprecise affected Kafkaesque conjectured far-fetched unrealistic blue sky fantasized dream transcendent off oneiric idealized ghostlike dim unclear indistinct disembodied capricious unembodied play-play vain untouchable unworkable intellectual idealised impracticable wonderful formless wraithlike philosophical fantasised subconscious mental unfeasible proverbial curious subjective unconscious idle queer pipe dream psychological high-flown counterfactual truthless improper disincarnate thought up crackpot offbeat foundationless unproven casuistic misrepresentative colored abstruse psychosomatic unsupported uncorroborated unconfirmed recondite imperceptible to the touch slender misinformed coloured ill-founded indefinite unlikely floating improbable cooked-up questionable so-called ivory-tower sophistic unpractical numinous mystical nonconcrete without basis indeterminate uncertain cod mad facsimile put-on mechanical strained forced on cloud nine unreasoned adulterine not genuine unworldly reasonless doubtful in the mind falsie way off implausible phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic phantasmagorian inane unread mocking filled with dreams delusional hollow prepared chimeral Barmecidal Barmecide float wistful acted improvised created out of thin air non-material conceived dreamt up trancelike trance-like invisible dream-filled nonnatural suppositive misty hazy off the mark non-natural in your head dicey iffy contrary to fact unattainable stress-related stress-induced uncorporeal dodgy model toy faint dreamish hypnagogic manmade off beam full of holes way off beam preposterous ivory-towered Utopian unachievable famed unauthentic extraterrestrial apish hokey quasi make believe unheard of tall meretricious snide inauthentic ancient famous mercurial elusive outstanding impressive extraordinary remarkable enchanted magic important magical evanescent flakey far out fairy tale kinky flaky framed ungenuine bent bum pirate out-of-reach engineered preternatural other-worldly counterfeited rare evasive imperceptible unobservable insensible slight unquantifiable inappreciable eluding evading unapparent unsure dubious unverifiable related told customary unhistoric unhistorical handed-down pinchbeck cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take non-viable starry-eyed silly impossible in the clouds untested unverified unwarranted unjustified unattested indescribable indefinable nonmaterialistic paranormal celestial extramundane religious foolish senseless idealistic half-baked obscure pie-in-the-sky pie in the sky castles in the air essential deep basic fundamental perfectionist expressive nonvalid unreliable profound universal esoteric creative supersensory daydreaming astral daydreamy crazy potty academical presumed ephemeral gratuitous bottomless mendacious uncalled-for off-base oversubtle not applicable naive nonrealistic not sensible nonsensical fresh exotic original infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night supramundane superhuman jesuitic unfleshly supermundane difficult philosophic unphysical suprahuman ontological superior eternal supranatural inspired artistic inventive eccentric fancy quirky originative flighty perceptual presupposed provisory casual contestable disputable assumptive stochastic debatable postulated problematic contingent equivocal conditional conjecturable refutable guessed presumptive suspect proposed pretending artful brilliant unconventional freaky radical fertile freakish ingenious genius experimental innovative keen not backed up by evidence innovational unorthodox vivid revolutionary astute emotional subliminal too little too late far-out Promethean head in the clouds avant-garde out of touch with reality dishonest

Tính từ

Seemingly well-reasoned, plausible or true, but actually fallacious
specious deceptive fallacious misleading casuistic false sophistic unsound beguiling deceitful deceiving deluding delusive delusory plausible sophistical apparent baseless bogus captious colorable credible erroneous flattering hollow idle illogical inaccurate incorrect insincere likely meretricious nugatory ostensible ostentatious phoney phony presumable presumptive pretentious probable seeming sham sophisticated spurious unfounded untrue vain wrong seemingly correct apparently right plausible but wrong invalid fabricated mistaken flawed fake illusory mock unreal unreliable inexact fraudulent misguided distorted counterfeit faulty unsubstantiated fictitious pseudo untruthful groundless artificial imaginary unsupported imprecise without foundation off flimsy invented defective weak unreasonable manufactured factitious trumped-up ersatz pretend ill-founded faked concocted trumped up iffy shaky imitation simulated questionable in error unproven ungrounded unjustifiable dodgy unjustified chimerical unwarranted counterfactual implausible illusive foundationless uncorroborated synthetic irrational apocryphal untenable wide of the mark forged plastic without basis contrived out made up substitute feigned pretended tenuous off beam full of holes fishy fanciful unnatural falsified dummy way off glib indefensible insupportable unconvincing superficial dubious off target imagined dishonest fallible fictional mythical suspect unconfirmed misrepresentative made-up visionary fantastic misinformed fabulous improper not genuine reasonless put-on nonvalid untrustworthy dicey uncalled-for gratuitous bottomless ambiguous economical with the truth off-target off-base not exact not accurate unsustainable unwarrantable off base way out doubtful disingenuous make-believe illusionary inexcusable unforgivable assumed untested unverified unattested unpardonable chancy rocky disreputable risky strained forced mechanical affected conjectural notional chimeric imperfect mad faux lying undependable unreasoned truthless uncertain speculative ideal discrepant colored absurd unauthentic inexpiable snide queer inauthentic coloured faithless cod imitative man-made unacceptable senseless preposterous cooked-up flakey unstable flaky adulterine reproduction mimic mythological ungenuine without justification abroad replica supposititious open to doubt askew way off beam falsie all wet open to question off-beam not backed up by evidence hyped up wide way off-beam deluded unarguable undefendable refutable inadmissible cooked up hallucinatory chemical cast unprovoked fakey confusing unfitting impostrous evasive unfactual nonfactual unauthorized delusional misconceived without substantiation without merit off the mark contrary to fact amiss manmade tricky nonrational illegitimate unreasoning fancied non-existent insubstantial quixotic copy pirated casuistical not trustworthy so-called nonnatural shallow duplicate quasi unstraightforward unbacked inconsequent inconsequential uncalled for not backed up causeless unfaithful careless wild non-natural facsimile pat awry cunning devious cheating pretending copycat copied unsubstantial incongruous Barmecidal Barmecide whimsical fictive semblant suppositious float adrift mendacious engineered unassured unsure without cause unauthorised without reason counterfeited hypocritical equivocal garbled unoriginal crooked dud pinchbeck erratic cynical without explanation way-out not true way-off doesn't wash not right perplexing bewildering mistakable demagogic catchy distracting confounding puzzling erring wrong number all off devised fantasied phantom mythic phantasmal fantastical imaginal phantasmic arbitrary fluffed blue sky pipe dream dissimulating dissembling not precise out of line astray on the wrong track not working out of commission at fault misfigured goofed misconstrued mishandled miscalculated treacherous insignificant prepared bad double-dealing hollow-hearted devoid of validity two-faced slick framed bum pirate bent laboured labored mannered pseud quasi- stilted put on overdone stiff worthless model studied trick exaggerated actorly toy improvised wooden not kosher hokey self-conscious phony-baloney professed purported overripe fantasy Hollywood plant brummagem crock fantasized dream duplicitous pseudo- knock-off dreamed-up adopted won't fly soft shell avowed alleged theatrical supposed underhand pseudonymous overworked ham hammy crafty guileful shady sharp unspontaneous quack virtual hoax play-play shifty unscrupulous illegal imposturous imitated constrained unprincipled would-be fast underhanded rogue fantasised representative phoney-baloney bootlegged rehearsed legendary unauthenticated unqualified repro surface uncanonical campy miniature derivative overblown elaborate planned debatable wannabe self-styled made makeshift constructed apish not what it is cracked up to be low-grade low-quality poor-quality shoddy inferior ostensive semi- nominal allonymous experimental unsatisfactory substandard adulterated mealymouthed posed near reported not real not legit terminologically inexact voulu manipulated far-fetched fixed recherche staged lookalike gingerbread posey as it were mock-up conceited melodramatic affectated awkward playacting fraud charlatan bluffing shammed masked in name only covered concealed dissimulated not the case knock off to all intents and purposes sly sneaky scheming null stagy overly planned perfidious Machiavellian rigid inflexible bound begrudging coercive grudging binding conscripted slave stringent forcible null and void void nonbinding inoperative subtle slippery foxy wreck uptight taut farfetched wired put unglued tight choked slim not binding uncollectible double-faced Punic false-hearted in a state hard put nervous wreck strung out at end of rope insidious rascal roguish designing serpentine oblique astucious indirect wily acted swindling criminal corrupt illicit dishonourable unlawful Janus-faced defrauding unfair dirty unjust unethical shonky knavish bamboozling dishonorable against the law

Tính từ

Common or lacking interesting features or characteristics
nondescript unremarkable commonplace uninteresting prosaic mundane ordinary common plain average bland characterless boring humdrum dull everyday routine unexceptional normal insipid trite workaday unmemorable colourless undistinguished vanilla usual quotidian typical uninspired uninspiring mediocre simple ornery unnoteworthy hackneyed anemic anaemic colorless generic garden gray grey garden-variety run-of-the-mill bog-standard common or garden plain vanilla bog standard blending into the background nothing to write home about unexciting pedestrian middle-of-the-road stale uneventful flat drab tame monotonous tedious dreary lifeless dry unimaginative lacklustre lackluster standard unpretentious conventional spiritless so-so jejune soulless no great shakes a dime a dozen neutral vapid wishy-washy wearisome sterile banal mainstream modest OK cut-and-dry cut-and-dried standard-issue faceless featureless lame second-rate tired antiseptic nothing special ho-hum indifferent passionless insignificant middling homespun homely vacuous unimpressive fair familiar feeble regular passable limp zestless tiresome customary barren inconspicuous stodgy stuffy forgettable leaden arid weary jading heavy not up to much blah stupid monochromatic ho hum dull as dishwater weak unimportant trivial lustreless unostentatious anonymous pallid suburban torpid unanimated indistinctive noncommittal run-of-the-mine run-of-mine medium second-class humble tolerable bloodless non-stimulating stock inoffensive inconsequential unnoticeable predictable inferior nothing unstimulating dime-a-dozen bromidic stiff wooden yawnsome numbing weariful old slow wearying drudging ponderous tiring garden variety dry as dust mind-numbing lacking excitement lacking interest not much cop impersonal tepid unexceptionable household ubiquitous frequent anodyne habitual acceptable adequate decent unspectacular general nitty-gritty day-to-day terrestrial practical casual informal negligible neglectable platitudinous fair-to-middling clinical stereotyped unchanging bleak dowdy desolate institutional dead threadbare mechanical okay corny hacky not bad deadpan blank expressionless deadening unspirited nowhere irksome as dry as dust plebeian par for the course plastic white-bread mean two a penny useless unrelieved accustomed irrelevant inconsiderable paltry formulaic low-grade worn-out stereotypical no big deal pointless piddling immaterial worthless ignorable meaningless whatever neither one thing nor the other not worth mentioning of little consequence of little importance of no importance of no consequence of no great concern of no account beige unobtrusive half-pie dusty intermediate no-frills basic samey dreich deadly restrained draggy reserved soft nothing to get excited about fair to middling muted folksy inelaborate unornamented austere rustic normophilic uncomplicated uncluttered unelaborate unembellished elementary clean undecorated unadorned understated middle of the road subdued subtle light discreet mild conservative sober undistinctive unappealing pabulum zero waterish milk-and-water flavourless sapless flavorless nerdy wimpy pure and simple your basic quiet unflashy repressed low-keyed low-key toned-down unoriginal derivative overworked overused old hat clichéd set timeworn well-worn worn out hack played out cornball shopworn traditional moderate musty moth-eaten unvaried time-worn wonted not so hot popular established fairish prevailing hokey cliché repetitious familiar tune warmed-over ready-made natural prevalent worn bathetic amateur amateurish overdone repetitive unvarying cliched truistic drained used-up chain exhausted mildewed all right orthodox dime-store accepted satisfactory plodding respectable obligatory hackney cliche stereotypic platitudinal run of the mill characteristic hoary archetypical cobwebby widespread ten a penny serviceable good unobjectionable sufficient fixed antiquated banausic archetypal obsolete representative expected recognized classic good enough lacking variety universal staple recognised lowly matter-of-fact presentable uncreative innocuous not very good public daily settled well worn fairly good inane prosy matter-of-course reasonable cliché-ridden dim current fine unadventurous dullsville goodish going classical regulation bush-league typic pretty good standardized standardised proverbial domestic outdated outmoded poor majority O.K. overall monochrome sufficiently good moderately good defunct out of date monotone square big yawn true derived watery soporific lacking variation pervasive time-honoured acknowledged chronic out of the ark allowable admissible nothing out of the ordinary harmless meh out-of-date family old-hat tripe not too bad warmed-up yawn imitative archaic soul-destroying boilerplate tidy dull as ditchwater uninventive ruling listless jake passé received comfortable treadmill unromantic namby-pamby unentertaining unenjoyable fatiguing apathetic competent rife rampant endemic shared prolix prescriptive commensurate proper midway dragging up to standard midsized native median up to scratch sufficing time-honored midsize middle off-the-shelf past their sell-by date prescribed menial straightforward diurnal usual thing long-winded enough businesslike in-between unartistic workday old-fashioned constant of poor quality unaspiring unambitious toneless uniform ineffective silly extinct extensive fair enough peaceful gentle unoffending indecisive unfateful noneventful inconclusive lusterless actual practicable diddly prose antediluvian dumb cornfed facile noplace superannuated mindless unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed vieux jeu whitebread periodic formalistic minimal annoying irritating unlively unpassioned canonical laborious formal readily available widely available half-hearted inadequate plain-Jane unextraordinary scheduled vexatious boresome phoned in antwacky superabundant boiled down without punch diluted halfhearted safe familial without variety cut and dried fuddy-duddy