Từ đồng nghĩa của half starved

Tính từ

Thin or haggard, especially from hunger or disease
emaciated skeletal gaunt wasted haggard thin bony cadaverous pinched skinny atrophied attenuated scrawny undernourished lean scraggy angular attenuate raw-boned size-zero stick-like underweight weak anorexic drawn shriveled shrivelled shrunken starved underfed withered wizened consumptive famished lank macilent meagre meager peaked phthisical skeletonlike skin-and-bones skin and bones thin as a rake thin as rail like a bag of bones looking like a bag of bones malnourished anorectic starving rattleboned deprived of food hollow-cheeked gangly fleshless skin-and-bone starveling spindle-shanked hungry lantern-jawed very thin as thin as a rake puny worn to a shadow undersized shadow stringbean skeleton skin and bone spare slim rangy svelte gangling fatless spindly slender lithe gracile rawboned lanky gawky boney slight willowy spindling wiry stringy twiggy reedy sylphlike tall beanpole narrow weedy leggy beanstalk lissom trim long-legged awkward slightly built long-limbed graceful slinky stalky delicate stick rarefied featherweight fragile twiglike as thin as a reed lumbering scraggly wan ethereal rickety small threadlike lightweight snake-hipped all skin and bones clean-limbed thin as a rail ultrathin fine uncoordinated ungainly inelegant frail hollow-eyed lissome extenuated ungraceful graceless elongated light loosely built loosely jointed loose-jointed without an ounce of fat wraithlike feeble sharp over-thin spidery underdeveloped sinewy hairline paper-thin needlelike slim-jim raddled stilted muscular peaky tapered stark tapering no fat pint-sized like a rail looking like death warmed up subtle stilt pole unco lithesome wispy aciculate acicular waifish sticklike ghastly ghostly like a matchstick lymphatic etiolated sallow like a skeleton dead shadowy bare tenuous little broomstick extended slimmed thread-like refined thinned lengthened corpse-like stretched out thinned down bag of bones spun out drawn out

Từ trái nghĩa của half starved

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