Từ đồng nghĩa của very hungry

Tính từ

Wanting or devouring great quantities of food
voracious gluttonous insatiable greedy prodigious rapacious ravenous unquenchable avid uncontrolled edacious hoggish hungry omnivorous piggish ravening swinish unappeasable compulsive eager enthusiastic esurient keen uncontrollable craving desirous wolfish devouring gannet-like gutsy insatiate covetous dog-hungry empty gorging grasping gross piggy sating starved starving starved to death avaricious predatory acquisitive gormandizing intemperate grabby selfish excessive wolflike gourmandizing gourmand gobbling guzzling close close-fisted grudging carnivorous gulping fierce ferocious savage self-indulgent peckish lupine famished unfed hollow hungering half-starved sharp-set dying of hunger faint from lack of food ready to eat a horse starving to death flying light could eat a horse having the munchies vicious plant ventripotent dirty filthy mean squalid brutish sordid unclean with eyes bigger than one's stomach insatiat never full rude crude undernourished malnourished vulturous exploitative vulturine menacing quenchless boorish underfed deprived of food prehensile pennypinching itchy parsimonious miserly penurious stingy tight tight-fisted unslakable inappeasable inextinguishable mercenary wanting importunate yearning desiring clamorous pressing urgent unsatisfiable insistent unsatisfied exigent crying limitless demanding have eyes bigger than one's stomach never satisfied consuming powerful intense flaming overwhelming lascivious lecherous leering wolfy lustful usurious marauding plundering materialistic moneygrubbing coveting preying extortionate unable to be satisfied money-grubbing annihilatory corrosive passionate murderous furious famishing food-deprived dying from hunger craving food faint from hunger got the munchies in a fasted state able to eat a horse feeling faint from hunger on empty stomach dying from lack of food with one's stomach thinking one's throat's cut

Từ trái nghĩa của very hungry

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