Từ đồng nghĩa của undernourished

Alternative for undernourished

  • tính từ
    • thiếu ăn, không được ăn đầy đủ (thức ăn cần thiết cho sức khoẻ và sự phát triển bình thường)

Tính từ

Provided with insufficient nourishment to sustain proper health and growth
malnourished underfed famished hungry starved starving skinny thin emaciated scrawny bony gaunt lean underweight skeletal angular scraggy haggard wasted gangly lank lanky cadaverous skin-and-bones spindly raw-boned gangling slim slender anorexic spare size-zero rangy pinched half-starved rawboned attenuated wizened shriveled spindle-shanked shrivelled meager meagre thin as a rake puny anorectic reedy macilent fleshless twiggy rattleboned gawky hollow-cheeked stick-like weak slight attenuate stalky weedy starveling beanstalk beanpole fragile twiglike featherweight skin and bones looking like a bag of bones shrunken skin-and-bone svelte frail stick fatless lithe narrow delicate rickety slinky small rarefied threadlike lightweight wan ethereal deprived of food as thin as a rake all skin and bones thin as a rail undersized atrophied stringy drawn withered boney ultrathin shadow very thin scraggly peaked gracile skin and bone like a bag of bones ill-fed macerated feeble lantern-jawed wraithlike underdeveloped tall hairline fine paper-thin needlelike slim-jim stilt subtle pole slightly built pint-sized consumptive phthisical skeletonlike worn to a shadow like a rail thin as rail stringbean skeleton willowy sylphlike light waifish sticklike like a skeleton like a matchstick as thin as a reed wiry spindling lissom trim leggy long-limbed long-legged graceful hollow-eyed little awkward ungainly snake-hipped spidery tenuous clean-limbed wispy lumbering peaky elongated small-boned limber dainty diminutive tiny lissome pygmy uncoordinated inelegant petite Lilliputian undersize dwarfish bantam not heavy shrimpy ungraceful graceless elfin loosely built loosely jointed without an ounce of fat loose-jointed pint-size fun size flexible long gossamer sapped taut sinewy stilted extenuated shrunk off-color pale sickly slimline sleek over-thin muscular agile stark raddled no fat straggling straggly jerky irregular squiggly diminished tapered sharp lithesome aciculate acicular airy tapering fit loose-limbed not large looking like death warmed up unco bulimic remote faint devastated midget sickly-looking flimsy sickly looking without appetite short ghastly ghostly outside lymphatic etiolated ruined battle-scarred desolate war-torn wrecked sallow meek peewee squat runtish homuncular stunted stubby dwarf shrimp mere a slip of a … dead shadowy improbable unlikely distant corpse-like minute ravaged bag of bones pocket wee dinky smallish toylike subnormal broomstick pocket-size pocket-sized half-pint lightly-built

Tính từ

Small and weak
puny little diminutive undersized feeble frail pint-sized small stunted weak dwarfish pygmy slight underfed weakly fun size sickly underdeveloped tiny bantam delicate dinky fine fragile half-pint Lilliputian pint-size pocket pocket-size pocket-sized shrimpy smallish subnormal toylike undersize undeveloped weedy inferior infirm meagre meager minor niggling nothing peanut peewee picayune runt scrawny shrimp small-fry two-bit unconsequential unsound unsubstantial useless wee worthless zero zilch small time miniature petite mini minute midget teeny minuscule teensy-weensy microscopic teeny-weeny infinitesimal itsy-bitsy bitty teensy dwarf bitsy weeny itty-bitty minuscular minikin pee-wee microscopical atomic microminiature weensy insignificant yea big negligible toy trifling minimum short elfin little bitty baby compact runty little-bitty fun-size nanoscopic titchy vest-pocket small-boned pintsize dainty pintsized tiddly skinny thin slender small-scale stubby light twiggy reedy runtish imperceptible miniaturized micro homuncular slightly built scrubby knee-high to a grasshopper eensy miniaturised slim eensy-weensy bite-sized squat teeny weeny very small spindly pygmyish sprightly atrophied underweight portable tincy teentsy lanky measly low dwarfed microbic handy abridged potted sawn-off reduced molecular bijou concise condensed piddling piffling ickle trim neat cute dear adorable capsule minim exiguous lightweight pygmaean invisible lilliputian button lesser secondary bush-league adorbs minor-league small-time natty meek lank mere a slip of a … knee high to a grasshopper itsy bitsy incy wincy tincy wincy teensy weensy spare insufficient inconsiderable attenuate sparse skimpy inappreciable limited gracile cramped stick skeleton broomstick scant second rate snub embryonic truncated babyish young immature infant fleeting junior hasty shriveled brief wizened shrivelled size-zero short-lived lightly-built not large not big hardly any not heavy nano bitesize flyspeck scaled-down knee-high nickel-and-dime not worth bothering about bite-size marginal faint minimal remote nominal outside unlikely vague improbable distant off dubious doubtful poor paltry modest stocky far-fetched scanty insubstantial squatty mite narrow invisible to the naked eye flimsy poky implausible nanosized unimportant model very little teenty bonsai indiscernible unnoticeable smaller extremely small barely perceptible granular submicroscopic fragmentary runted scrub shot undergrown dumpy fubsy youthful munchkin efficient shallow yea high small fry low-lying not long low-slung boxy with no room to swing a cat not tall sawed-off economic of space knee high to a gnat close to the ground far faraway outlying scarce isolated wispy dicey iffy absurd rare inconceivable fractional questionable diminished subtle gentle

Từ trái nghĩa của undernourished

undernourished Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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