Từ đồng nghĩa của craving

Alternative for craving

craves, craved, craving

Từ đồng nghĩa: covet, desire, envy, lust, want,

Danh từ

A strong desire
desire longing urge appetite hunger lust yearning yen hankering thirst ache itch cacoethes hope hungering pining want wish addiction appetency aspiration burning drive fancy greed jones letch need passion thirstiness aim appetition goal hurting munchies the munchies inclination eagerness liking enthusiasm weakness dream penchant appetence relish love fondness taste propensity avidity ambition impulse keenness greediness zeal avidness covetousness proclivity voracity excitement predilection preference partiality impatience disposition ardor desirousness compulsion ardour objective whim thing stomach intent intention bent purpose soft spot rapaciousness pursuit demand druthers infatuation obsession fire in the belly zest cupidity willingness rapacity leaning tendency predisposition fervour plan target object design sweet tooth endeavor fervor endeavour vision mania fascination craze mission use will resolve affection idea holy grail end avarice pretension bourne bias Holy Grail raison d'être object of desire desired result acquisitiveness gusto instinct motivation graspingness interest favour favor gluttony motive mercenariness requirement hungriness impetus palate daydream avariciousness tooth ravenousness yearn materialism strong interest big eyes attraction requisite necessity mind possessiveness resolution like fire in belly eyes for shine humour determination humor ideal scheme calling vocation push destination bourn expectation mark direction love affair desideratum adoration chocolate addiction sugar craving strong desire coveting thirsting aridity panting faithfulness loyalty strong want prayer nostalgia estimation restlessness prurience aphrodisia indulgence esurience vacancy deprivation void temptation predatoriness money-grubbing selfishness aching food shortage bottomless pit money-grabbing insatiableness Mammonism grabbiness pleonexia ambitiousness a stomach for notion grail essential go-getting turn proneness aptitude gluttonousness voraciousness urgency prejudice velleity devices habitude readiness bone genius affinity gulosity edacity itching dearth lustfulness needfulness scarcity cry out call support occasion absence necessitude drought focus imperative deficit scarceness exigence scantiness market exigency list drift pleasure capability trend type aptness idiosyncrasy capacity temperament movement feeling persuasion susceptibility groove attachment edaciousness piggishness insatiability whimsy fantasy cup of tea turn of mind caprice ideation gourmandism thought vagary illusion envisagement chimera eccentricity delusion phantasy phantasm imagination contrivance kink quirk self-indulgence reverie hallucination fantasm imaginativeness whimsey conceit peculiarity picture figment inventiveness envisioning romancing mirage fabrication chimaera pipe dream fool's paradise castle in the air pie in the sky

Danh từ

Lustful desire or appetite
lustfulness lust passion concupiscence desire eroticism itch horniness salaciousness libidinousness libido hots prurience lechery yearning letch lustihood ardour ardor lasciviousness urge hunger thirst hankering appetite lech salacity amativeness pruriency erotism covetousness fervour fervor love inclination ambition attraction avidity craze cupidity fancy infatuation liking mania rapture ravenousness eros eagerness need rapaciousness aspiration wish will relish greed fascination propensity solicitude predilection devotion voracity motive proclivity fondness frenzy doting longing admiration drive randiness yen pining nympholepsy jones thirstiness appetency weakness licentiousness carnality lewdness compulsion sexuality sensuality lecherousness wantonness sexual desire raunchiness sexual appetite excitement sex drive sexual passion sexual longing biological urge fixation envy sensualism aphrodisia appetence appetition animalism the hots obsession urgency preoccupation want impulse hang-up dream motivation impulsion debauchery depravity immorality profligacy dissipation libertinism rakishness dissoluteness decadence degeneracy corruption libertinage promiscuity vice perversion decadency intemperance impurity sinfulness debasement hedonism turpitude sin pervertedness looseness indecency wickedness excess abandonment corruptness sexiness indulgence degenerateness dissipatedness abjection degeneration dissolution degradation lubricity overindulgence self-indulgence incontinence iniquity unchastity immodesty abandon impropriety sybaritism iniquitousness demoralization gluttony seductiveness sultriness lustiness lack of morals lack of principles fleshliness suggestiveness demoralisation animality bawdiness voluptuousness immoderation evil promiscuousness shamelessness sinning wildness orgy fetish perversity intimacy fornication sensuousness kinkiness kink steaminess seduction fast living sleeping around lack of sexual discrimination sexual deviation pleasures of the flesh loucheness amorousness arousal titillation ungodliness revel drunkenness immoderateness carousal decay prodigality bender binge revelry tear lack of restraint la dolce vita life in fast lane pleasure-seeking stimulation carnal passion decrease decline baseness worsening free-living lavishness self-gratification extravagance high-living life in the fast lane to hell in handbasket deterioration moral decay depravation abasement inferiority meanness poorness physicality deviancy deviance horn wrong venality wrongdoing badness sexual attractiveness hotness forwardness relaxation unruliness presumptuousness boldness effrontery anarchy temerity audacity arrogance complacency refractoriness sauciness disorder irresponsibility unrestraint lawlessness slackness laxity relaxedness evil-doing villainy profanity unholiness unrighteousness godlessness misconduct sordidity transgression trespass offence crime peccancy peccability evildoing act of wickedness maleficence malignance offense evil act immoral act squalor fall from grace ill rot leching womanizing womanising

Danh từ

An obsessional enthusiasm or liking
mania obsession preoccupation fetish fixation passion craze desire enthusiasm thing compulsion rage fad fascination fetich prepossession urge cacoethes idée fixe partiality yen bee bug craziness disorder fancy fashion fever furore furor grabber hang-up infatuation love monomania tiger fixed idea ax to grind bee in bonnet bug in ear tiger by the tail something on the brain vogue trend taste appetite mode chic flavor style weakness ton latest fondness flavour go sensation buzz whim hot ticket conceit in vagary happening caprice freak now dernier cri tonne last word in-thing cry in-spot crotchet hot spot newest wrinkle latest wrinkle latest thing in thing look modishness custom interest popularity hobby fashionableness fashionability favor voguishness practice hotness favour passing fancy the last word pastime approval convention stylishness novelty way wrinkle kick current style general tendency latest taste latest style the thing new look zeal elegance panache classiness mainstream hit impact complex addiction flash wonder penchant the latest fad the latest cry the newest fashion inclination predilection prevalence currency preference hip thing recreation pursuit neurosis genre design form snazziness coolness trendiness impulse talking point affectation usage use the latest hobbyhorse entertainment humor whimsy cult innovation eccentricity kink amusement quirk frivolity sport ritual the rage humour fantasy mania for obsession with preoccupation with practise wont bandwagon trick cultus cultism habitude habit crush case fixedness paranoia faddism latest word leisure pursuit leisure activity fashionable popular hip in fashion prevailing taste fool notion big with it all the rage trendy cool in vogue movement le dernier cri

Danh từ

The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action
will determination drive commitment resolution resolve backbone self-control self-discipline self-restraint self-mastery single-mindedness spine tenacity aim dedication doggedness purpose purposefulness resoluteness willpower continence intention motivation passion restraint self-command self-containment self-government self-possession spirit tenaciousness fixity of purpose perseveration pining power Sitzfleisch stickability stick-to-it-iveness strength of character temperament urge will power ambition appetite attitude character conviction decisiveness design discipline fancy feeling liking longing velleity willfulness yearning guts hankering staying power firmness of purpose heart's desire firmness grit persistence perseverance decidedness fortitude stubbornness obstinacy iron will pluck earnestness purposiveness seriousness volition obstinance strength of will determinedness decision granite stick-to-itiveness steadfastness strength of mind force toughness strong-mindedness inflexibility confidence devotion pertinacity constancy pertinaciousness control staunchness strength sticktoitiveness inner strength surety certitude fixity self-will forcefulness moral fiber moral fibre sense of purpose motive intentness courage boldness manfulness indefatigability obedience orderliness braveness spiritedness bravery objective courageousness undertaking spunk obdurateness pluckiness obduracy intension project conclusion controlled behaviour bulldog spirit stout-heartedness fixed purpose push enthusiasm enterprise mettle thrust initiative good behaviour eagerness gusto fervency fervour ardour zest pertinence avidity incentive fire verve ambitiousness zeal faith keenness animating force animus get-up-and-go fervor ardor

Danh từ

Compelling or being compelled
compulsion constraint force pressure coercion duress obligation arm-twisting demand enforcement intimidation oppression pressurisation pressurization urgency driving duty engrossment exigency hang-up monkey preoccupation prepossession force majeure have on the brain tiger by the tail threats exaction harassment influence violence insistence restraint persuasion threat extortion spur impulsion requirement strong arm strong arm tactics necessity pestering nagging goading provocation entreaty badgering harrying foul play conscience power sway pains conscription imprisonment hardship captivity confinement incarceration discipline detention bondage control goad spring impelling motive blackmail shakedown extraction rapacity squeezing entrapment squeeze browbeating bullying threatening menace strong-arming menacing strong-arm tactics strong-arm tactic demanding money with menaces administration imposition application prosecution implementation execution fulfilment administering discharge carrying out effectuation pursuance reinforcement enforcing putting into practice prescription compulsory law whip necessitation lash martial law fulfilling fulfillment terrorization terrifying scaring domineering subduing tyrannization hounding railroading steamrollering scare tactics warning fulmination ultimatum ambush terrorism commination reign of terror fearmongering thunder scare tactic intimidating remark threatening remark intimidatory remark alarming pressuring pressurizing unnerving cowing tormenting frightening persecution plaguing menaces terrorizing daunting fear bulldozing demoralizing demoralising terrorising pressurising

Động từ

Desiring or being on the lookout for (something)
spoiling for after desiring fancying eager for itching for looking for raring for bent on crying out for desperate for dying for feeling in need of feeling like hankering after hankering for having a fancy for having a need for having an inclination for hoping for hungering for keen to have longing for pining after pining for set on thirsting after thirsting for wishing for yearning for on the lookout for wanting coveting needing liking wishing choosing preferring desiderating lusting after sighing for yenning for requiring aching for setting one's heart on having a yen for aspiring to hungering after lusting for jonesing for pleasing relishing loving seeing fit electing dreaming of panting after salivating for repining for favouring favoring deciding caring for having one's heart set on having need of inclining toward seeking deciding on opting lacking envying hankering demanding panting for feeling disposed to feeling inclined to endorsing wishing to have feeling the need for setting your heart on thinking fit taking to having eyes for standing in need of going for taking a liking to approving of having an urge for opting for selecting burning for disliking begrudging co-opting feeling inclined thinking best inclining having a mind to having hots for having eye on having your eye on having as one's aim having as one's goal praying for asking for looking forward to begging taking a fancy to rathering leaning toward feeling inclined toward taking a shine to welcoming suggesting having a preference for leaning towards feeling a need for feeling up to having the inclination for eating one's heart out over having a passion for wanting for feeling the want of settling upon yearning picking out espousing embracing designating picking naming determining missing enjoying savoring digging savouring adoring standing in need depending upon hurting for finding oneself in need of feeling necessity for asking having need commanding delighting in falling for having a yearning for rejoicing in having a craving for reveling in getting off on sanctioning suspiring eating your heart out over eating one's heart out giving eyeteeth for dreaming jonesing suspiring for desiring intensely feening

Động từ

Present participle for beg
asking begging beseeching demanding entreating imploring necessitating petitioning praying requesting requiring soliciting suing supplicating taking calling for pleading for praying for importuning appealing to pleading conjuring impetrating calling on obsecrating besieging appealing pleading with urging pleading to adjuring pressing praying to exhorting invoking enjoining obtesting applying to calling upon bidding requisitioning seeking asking earnestly putting in for bracing ordering commanding desiring pestering claiming exacting challenging directing lobbying invocating postulating going on bended knee to prigging asking urgently pushing making a plea to coaxing plaguing wheedling blandishing appealing for encouraging crawling crying craving of going on bended knee referencing raising sending for calling forth nagging worrying wooing abjuring canvassing advocating making up for copping a plea squaring things requesting earnestly reciting saying calling to proposing stipulating crying for obliging telling insisting expecting instructing compelling insisting on constraining forcing making bearing filing for counting on looking for charging asserting oneself pushing for obligating causing insisting upon calling questing bespeaking applying questioning querying pressuring bumming cadgin cadging asking for suing for pressing for applying for hitting up begging for petitioning for whistling for drumming up passing the hat speaking for hitting on summoning obtaining inviting inquiring bidding for enquiring attracting getting gathering collecting rounding up sponging beckoning stipulating for clamoring for securing engaging propositioning dictating putting in mandating decreeing wishing warning putting in an application appointing inquiring about buying trying to obtain clamouring for badgering for making a claim pestering for nagging for baying for laying claim to promoting mobilizing inspiring bringing to pass inciting provoking inducing bringing on prearranging suggesting pleasing fundraising mobilising referring persuading extorting extracting imposing filing electing ordering beforehand submitting registering contesting addressing advancing working on aspiring barking spieling canvasing clamouring campaigning requesting urgently coercing arrogating hailing auditioning clamoring baying goading pursuing prompting summonsing putting in a claim for putting dibs on speaking hustling touting making an urgent request resorting making an earnest request making a plea holding out for trying badgering investigating exploring paging placing an order drumming prodding bugging nudging drumming up support making a pitch for going after putting in an order holding out putting in a plea booking acquiring enquiring after making an entreaty making application fetching reserving asking forcefully asking brusquely asking authoritatively egging on campaigning for submitting an application discovering going in commissioning hiring freeloading imploring for lobbying for digging up putting in an order for placing an order for sending away for sending off for writing off for contracting for leeching mooching accepting donations asking people to give panhandling for scabbing ordaining needing prescribing bludging borrowing tasking succeeding in finding subpoenaing authorising authorizing ruling scrounging calling the shots giving orders forcing upon giving the command to giving the order to giving orders to giving directions laying down the law bossing around imposing on putting foot down sorning on someone for touching someone for

Động từ

Present participle for to anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure
looking forward to coveting yearning desiring pining fancying hankering hungering wanting envying thirsting anticipating awaiting expecting hankering after hankering for pining after pining for yearning for hoping for itching for longing for setting one's heart on waiting for wishing for wishing to counting the days until hungering for lusting after really wanting thirsting for yenning for actively awaiting ardently awaiting awaiting with anticipation awaiting with enthusiasm awaiting with gusto awaiting with pleasure breathlessly awaiting eagerly awaiting earnestly awaiting energetically awaiting enthusiastically awaiting expectantly awaiting fervently awaiting hungrily awaiting impatiently awaiting intently awaiting longingly awaiting repining for setting your heart on spiritedly awaiting thirstily awaiting vigorously awaiting zealously awaiting actively anticipating anticipating with enthusiasm anticipating with gusto ardently anticipating breathlessly anticipating eagerly anticipating earnestly anticipating energetically anticipating enthusiastically anticipating expectantly anticipating fervently anticipating having your eye on hungrily anticipating impatiently anticipating intently anticipating longingly anticipating spiritedly anticipating thirstily anticipating vigorously anticipating zealously anticipating anticipating with pleasure having an eye on having a yen for aching for licking your lips over aspiring to burning for salivating for sighing for panting for lusting for licking one's chops anticipating with anticipation counting the hours until

Tính từ

Having an intense or passionate interest
crazy obsessed impatient desirous solicitous anxious enthused hungry antsy athirst hot pumped thirsty geeked greedy hankering raring stoked agog enamored enamoured gung ho juiced longing pining restless voracious appetent hepped up hopped-up very keen psyched psyched up eager avid yearning keen enthusiastic covetous ardent excited desiring wild dying wishful acquisitive grasping ambitious itching willing zealous great intent ravenous nuts aching hoggish esurient rapacious gluttonous fervent hopeful thirsting edacious itchy insatiable ready fervid champing at the bit passionate swinish interested vehement avaricious piggish inclined gagging restive grudging grabby keen as mustard hot to trot devouring earnest burning wholehearted wishing selfish bursting bright-eyed and bushy-tailed amenable disposed aspiring breathless ravening ready and willing rarin' to go dying to insatiate guzzling close close-fisted carnivorous gormandizing gobbling gulping desirous of raring to go motivated dedicated warmblooded assiduous diligent hungering wanting devoted fanatical desperate coveting languishing committed longing for wistful mad keen heated lustful engaged glad gross mean starved happy hung up piggy omnivorous prehensile envious self-starting itching for fain intemperate dying for empty game stingy starving very hungry dog-hungry waiting with bated breath in want of hankering after mercenary moneygrubbing needing edgy aspirant wannabe would-be chafing straining hoping lusting feverish rude crude prepared ripe active habitual warm unreluctant diehard hearty in a hurry straining at the leash hoping for intent on set on bent on on pins and needles on tenterhooks on the edge of one's seat longful daydreaming impassioned bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless up boorish keen on set perfervid industrious lacking anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for consumed with desire possessive ungenerous tightfisted spirited minded self-indulgent parsimonious miserly penurious pennypinching tight tight-fisted ready for willing for avid for urgently requiring driven intense partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust as keen as mustard up for in the mood on for of a mind favourably inclined pysched up conscientious aspiring towards amorous keen for hopeful for stimulated ebullient in urgent need crying out in great need of up for it thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for lively dirty gasping filthy fierce zestful turned on aspiring to resentful jealous prodigious chomping at the bit jaundiced green-eyed squalid brutish sordid unclean unquenchable malicious uncontrolled begrudging spiteful insatiat unappeasable compulsive uncontrollable famished wolfish predatious gutsy gannet-like unsatisfied hungered unfilled invidious bitter green starved to death gorging sating emulous with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of peckish umbrageous watchful distrustful green with envy suspicious unfed faint from lack of food could eat a horse dying from lack of food half-starved dying of hunger hollow ready to eat a horse sharp-set fasting deprived of food joyful delighted thrilled elated buoyant joyous jovial rhapsodic encouraged excitable enlivened euphoric enraptured ecstatic exhilarated overjoyed inspired electrified exuberant jolly roused exultant giddy piqued peppy elevated tickled tickled pink awakened animated sparky on cloud nine intoxicated full of beans blissful jubilant moved tumultuous alive aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop energetic determined pushy vigorous ruthless keyed up go-getting hard-driving aggressive assertive enterprising purposeful militant forceful fired up single-minded goal-oriented self-assertive self-driven vivacious resolute stirred aroused tenacious unwavering dogged steadfast persistent uncompromising indefatigable obstinate untiring striving staunch unflagging progressive pioneering strong-willed worked up self-asserting bent upon self-seeking eager beaver power-loving get up and go high-reaching on fire power-hungry mad sprightly potty bent nutty resolved persevering pleased animate strong stalwart titillated unyielding unbending mettlesome bold steely daft undaunted unshakeable unfaltering plucky obdurate undeviating pertinacious cutthroat unrelenting expectant unflinching stubborn adventurous charged high bloodthirsty competitive dynamic high-spirited feisty gladiatorial insistent scrappy can-do warlike strong-minded gone on dead set like a ball of fire on the make go-ahead hell-bent juiced up cranked up pumped up full of determination having killer instinct geared up desiring success approving touched atingle curious enthralled impetuous restored refreshed revitalized upwardly mobile revitalised rabid gotta have fiery fascinated passional all agog all a-gog full of enthusiasm wacky concerned tantalized afire unqualified frantic frenzied hysterical raving uproarious delirious dotty nutso infatuated with devoted to enamoured of hot for smitten with in suspense tantalised bugged zesty gaga untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained chafing at the bit proactive bullish banzai turnt red-hot consumed compelled in a frenzy in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on unbendable unshaken possessed immovable firm obsessive unshakable fixed take-charge very excited jumping up and down combative extremely enthusiastic galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal impelled indomitable contentious confident relentless tireless unremitting fixated obsessional unhesitating induced rigid decisive sustained rigorous sedulous steady ferocious vying impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided unabated stringent assured driving competing defiant brutal bullheaded pushing warring opposing antagonistic oppositional hang-tough self-willed full-blooded intensely competitive iron-willed high-pressure go for broke in-your-face self-assured fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing self-possessed self-confident cut-throat dog-eat-dog urged on spoiling for a fight two-fisted on the warpath ready for action thrusting

Tính từ

Having or showing strong feelings of lust
lustful lascivious lewd licentious wanton libidinous lecherous salacious passionate randy lubricious impure concupiscent unchaste erotic sensual horny indecent prurient raunchy dissolute sexy amorous hot carnal dirty goatish libertine lubricous satyric immodest ardent naughty amatory hypersexual itchy aphrodisiac lickerish aphrodisiacal ruttish hankering itching hircine hot-blooded debauched depraved degenerate loose immoral steamy dissipated coarse promiscuous sinful wicked corrupt sexual bawdy vulgar profligate ribald crude obscene perverted filthy fast smutty gross rakish decadent pornographic unclean abandoned unwholesome intemperate X-rated profane reprobate blue foul suggestive fleshly shameless impassioned degraded nasty improper voluptuous warped debased loving vile sick desirous torrid unprincipled evil demoralized perverse jackleg unrestrained rakehell rakehelly trashy gutter porny unprintable stag romantic rude aroused demoralised disgusting incontinent sordid locker-room erotogenic sizzling racy spicy sensuous pervy earthy animal uninhibited raw erogenous adult titillating physical indelicate venereal low scatological scatologic hot and heavy porno lusty gamy bad unvirtuous vicious stimulated wild red-hot voluptuary scabrous bodily excited of easy virtue turned on sybaritic base louche erotical saucy off-color scurrilous bestial fruity raffish fast-living intimate self-indulgent offensive lovesick gone bad infatuated enamoured amative dishonourable near the knuckle turned-on kissy corporeal enamored wayward tender wrongful hedonic lovey-dovey swinging unconstrained sleazy defiled indecorous arousing unseemly easy risqué rank barnyard explicit dishonorable miscreant rotten fast and loose wolfish disorderly in the fast lane off colour affectionate gone to the dogs toey in the gutter orgiastic hedonistic luscious lush flirtatious titillated frisky profaned sultry impious coital unscrupulous disreputable unhealthy desecrated squirrelly whorish low-down sentimental corrupted provocative juicy spoony smoochy stimulating iniquitous animalistic hot to trot amoral nefarious sportive heavy unrighteous vitiated riotous loathsome shocking noisome sickening repugnant villainous venereous indulgent kinky tasteless taboo hideous atrocious horrible purple rough sexed up Rabelaisian foul-mouthed salty off sexually explicit violated deteriorated drunken open crass gamey cheap light porn off-colored nudge-nudge pleasure-seeking high living near the bone night owl lacking restraint in bad taste zipless sullied sex-hungry sexually excited uncontrollable freethinking material somatic corporal broad uncontrolled idolatrous uncleanly private uncurbed scungy red-blooded warm-blooded love unblushing genital unruly lax unmoral relaxed degrading unworthy fornicatory epicurean touchy-feely personal irreligious ungodly unholy blasphemous voyeuristic Fescennine uncouth longing not pure ithyphallic Cyprian unethical avid obsessive enthusiastic beyond the pale excessive of the flesh illicit adulterous abased lowbrow lowbred luxurious roughneck rugged dishonoured dishonest warm wistful scorching rousing rough-hewn close to the bone low-minded mushy icky corny colorful colourful lovesome maudlin sloppy hard-core scandalous unconventional questionable appetitive Dionysiac unspiritual monstrous boorish baneful flagitious deleterious infamous dishonored wrong fervent yearning wooing rapturous unconscionable fraudulent unfair underhand morally wrong devious moving stirring exciting tactile sensory delightful physically gratifying sharpened pleasing deviant foxy inflamed vice-ridden fervid desiring crooked shady cutthroat Machiavellian dodgy black unlawful unsavory dark anacreontic flagitous brutal twisted criminal unsavoury saturnalian unjust graceless sexually aroused sexually arousing sexually stimulating sicko unnatural mean not cricket sexually exciting in heat hard up hot and bothered on fire toey as a Roman sandal dirty-minded vehement intense fond doting immoderate in love attached goo-goo hellbent gone to seed boy crazy sweet for lovey dovey sweet on girl crazy have a crush on unbridled unrestricted unrefined fallen unhindered inappropriate extravagant outrageous ignoble ungoverned incorrigible lotus-eating unchecked out of control rampant runaway distasteful unbounded unhampered contaminated despicable shameful reckless contemptible malicious sly brutish slippery harsh free unconfined roundheeled unimpeded tainted overindulgent untrammeled pleasure-loving bacchanalian slack violent evil-minded savage deceitful cruel abusive greedy careless gay irrepressible unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable untrammelled imprudent undisciplined impolite repulsive unbecoming barbarous inhuman rascally self-gratifying odious irresponsible heartless ruthless sadistic merciless inelegant off-colour bad-mannered dubious callous heinous scurvy gruesome bent conscienceless two-faced dastardly cold-blooded reprehensible blunt inhumane bloodthirsty audacious shifty lawless obnoxious heedless embarrassing prodigal indiscreet inconstant untoward lavish sensualist barro impulsive impetuous degenerated decaying moribund lost declining unprofessional untactful callow page-three skin parsimonious effete miserly outlandish sneaking soft-core discourteous fractious rogue devilish uncivil retrogressive demeaned retrograde sinking flatitious failing gluttonous gourmandizing enticing hedonist appealing attractive desirable tarty slaggy tactless undecorous ridiculous malodorous foulmouthed ill-bred uncultured uncultivated riggish no better than one should be discreditable notorious roguish tricky tacky grody ignorant awkward unsophisticated unlimited mucky grubby grimy philandering low-down-and-dirty incult insensible unpolished common illiberal ignominious disgraceful in poor taste binge-eating low-down and dirty out of line dirty-dealing double-dealing mercentary praetorian cheating stop-at-nothing venal double-crossing two-timing brash carefree gourmand connoisseur foodie fast-paced temerarious devil-may-care daredevil gadabout frivolous foolhardy inordinate unshackled unfettered sinister natural unsuppressed boundless malevolent hateful untrustworthy unbound footloose pitiless unfeeling rancorous scoundrelly unkind disparaging delinquent forbidding errant exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited wrathful demonic crafty scrofulous unpleasant black-hearted self-seeking vengeful felonious contemptuous grisly pernicious tyrannical squalid underhanded scornful maleficent objectionable despiteful unconscientious scheming virulent inexorable vindictive disdainful spiteful seedy suspect opprobrious unrepressed of bad reputation suspicious seamy shy unrespectable shoddy spontaneous frank flamboyant candid impertinent indiscriminate out of hand impotent plenary exaggerated bizarre limitless fishy ferocious in low esteem pitiable in the doghouse beggarly sorry abject lowly no good derogatory in bad inglorious dangerous fiendish diabolical barbaric fierce remorseless full-on ungovernable bloody awful murderous terrible butcherly fell brute truculent dreadful homicidal grim worthless unconcealed chaotic turbulent unmanageable crazed crazy noisy hysterical rabid madcap berserk sanguinary abhorrent beastly faulty untamed putrid insubordinate

Tính từ

Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness
enterprising original resourceful bold daring spirited imaginative ingenious adventurous audacious enthusiastic energetic inventive vigorous creative able active alert ambitious bright capable clever eager gifted intrepid keen quick-witted sharp talented venturesome adventuresome courageous dashing dynamic emboldened entrepreneurial free-swinging go-ahead gutsy hardy nerved nervy up-and-coming venturous zealous advancing aspiring busy diligent driving go-go gumptious hardworking hungry hustling industrious innovative itching lively lusting peppy progressive pushing ready self-starting snappy spanking stirring take-over yearning zippy hard ball spark plug coming on strong brave fearless daredevil plucky rash reckless dauntless foolhardy spunky valiant temerarious heroic unafraid valorous undaunted ballsy confident gallant game modern have-a-go unflinching enlightened go-getting positive risky forward-thinking forward-looking brash swashbuckling stalwart determined avant-garde gritty gutty resolute pushy liberal pioneering proactive advanced disruptive devil-may-care doughty rising new madcap overbold mettlesome forward heroical decisive lionhearted assured stout dangerous unshrinking lion-hearted aweless feisty headstrong hazardous aggressive heedless exciting exploratory carefree risk-taking thrill-seeking dareful smart on the go as game as Ned Kelly sturdy death-or-glory wild purposeful overconfident death-defying vital driven ungoverned uncurbed restless presumptuous seeking high-powered inspired practical perceptive forceful reforming nifty deviceful stylish impulsive strong-willed jaunty sporty dazzling debonair action-oriented forehanded visionary foreseeing prescient farseeing progressivist provident foresighted forethoughtful farsighted salty cocky impudent smart-alecky cheeky brassy obtrusive crusty flamboyant exuberant avant modernistic breezy fire eating hot shot open-minded revolutionary radical go for broke attractive romantic raffish animated buoyant out on a limb cutting-edge up-to-date state-of-the-art swish elegant urbane dapper showy exclusive swank gay rousing striking vivacious promising manful stouthearted greathearted undauntable budding coming assuming bantam apt emerging high-reaching striving succeeding soaring climbing go-getter with potential get up and go in the making on the up and up likely to succeed trailblazing leading-edge newfangled innovatory latest contemporary trendsetting new-fashioned brand-new hot ultra-modern futuristic current high-tech red-hot groundbreaking unconventional designer ultramodern up to the minute fashionable space-age neoteric up-to-the-minute modish mod ground-breaking cutting edge present-day trendy new age fresh leading edge front-line in au courant voguish way-out in vogue hip in fashion recent ahead of its time novel a la mode updated modern-day nouvelle hi-tech latter-day highly developed experimental chic newest up to date all the rage vanguard unorthodox unfamiliar now off-centre left-field popular happening with it faddish modernised modernized leading newly discovered recently developed in-thing never-before-seen innovational topical complex sophisticated just out high-end bleeding edge present sexy popularized popularised extant today immediate nontraditional forefront offbeat bohemian eccentric 21st-century landmark breakthrough future ongoing culty far-out twenty-first century du jour ahead of the times underground lead beat head present-time SOTA hot off press à la mode twenty-first-century bang up to date different mistakenly trendy new wave unusual unique singular unprecedented uncommon untested fundamental rare surprising strange untried unknown exotic unhackneyed drastic elaborate out of the ordinary game-changing world-shattering germinal strategic well-thought-out multifaceted formative well-designed involved well-planned intricate well-built originative Promethean in style cool flash swinging snazzy natty kicking kicky tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' contemporaneous plugged-in most recent

Từ trái nghĩa của craving

craving Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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